HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-25, Page 51311/9111111T. VEIL *k IIAL
4E, Nail , I o• lormoonmoom mosomo
1111 1 11
. ell d I I II *DLit I:
. _
Stop that park
Pen5lar White Pine and
Spruce Balsam
Sold in 25c• 50e and $1.00 bott"
' The Cough Remedy to touch the spot
Build up your system with a good tonic to fora!: yoaracif
lgainst the rigours of winter.
Call* insifietns, $711; 3trathetaa having deckled ea a issateisaisi %vie -
vast for physical cajole.. U.; bastion in 1$01, tee time be lost in
Atkuititost Memorial Trust fand. OS; rettiullt 10rOnnitilekse Vats -
Comity srstata-oorkwit. eeatienie, C-OUrietikke Craigie asked about tho
specials sile. ni otsm. It2, stab°. house Irti St Andrew's Vaned alehlehe.
share of debater*, $1,152.22, total, wag burned last year. Th; house -
$03415.64; chemistry. and typewriter wag
walking awn" *lad tile town
fees, $ea; examination ft,....„4 $aa0; should get possession of it for taxes ~•,
levy on town. el4,.00; total $26-
, bete* it W" " 8°614" In the mean
000 .'
time the relies are ipstructed a! take
This requisition looked like a **Pe to guard thproperty.
pretty big oder to the cauneil. Thl? aorthuenarettuffntrf ctekkeho rtiolln settattiaxexe::
7t.325toserTrtionidOoreormoswrriainttaras generator
Matters in connectfoa with tha fire
tended to next council meetitsg.
this was wanted for. Ale) the $1000 depertment were, under diseuseign.
for typewriters looked like a large It was explained that the fire truck
item all at One. As to the $1000 was not taken out to the are a for:
put down as it reserve againet bor. days previous as it was not consid.
rowing in November and December. ered necessary and with as much
the Mayer said arrangements would snow on tio! reads it knight get atuek.
have to be made to finance without Councillor Turner would take out the
this extra pronision. truck even if it got seuek. The also
The letter -was referred ta the fin- commented on the lack of anyone
, *nee committee who will no doubt sleeping in the fire hall now He
. ' endeavor to have the request mode. thought the residence in conneetion 4
Goderich Will Celebrate 4 - fled tio that the G. Cat. rate uuty not
exceed the vault 'rite. with the game property bought by
. celpt of $1668 delayed
The anima committee reported re- th4 trivfn liliQuIcl• be used taa‘ aolnealle
Paiellellt by 34 of the appointMent of it further
e who would be on hand, The neees.
)11 - • Centemu'al. in' 1927
. auilding pent in Deeember; reeom- sold them from the National Ship -
the A. at. Williams Co. for goods man w
eineine wm mentioned so that sonte.
ho coati run the truck and
a°bleemilt nteanst dweelild 111";305;:k
One 'Thousand Dollars Voted for miripipureg Qui 'Rea Men; that 'the clerk's reply to
... ri______As ,.,c fora half page att In the Charlton
all apparatus fosr °the :ext bi:jnaln.
O mended that the couneil apend. ;125
CoMpany for a li t flit
Band for /926 , , Victoria..Industrial School re Robert 1 of the couneil.
Carrick 'be approved; and regent-
's/ mended thalt the $20,500 a insur-tider wasexpberetstrr
(Ito uths:
thv:t thittlineligngha
• s ee e R.I.,' .anee en the Goderich Art Craft plant
in mid -winter than the truck; the
pehhon Received for Resubmission of Tiro ,fiall "prim .be 'accepted as the •tows seeurity;
truck could be brought"otst in 'ease of
and that each department have its e.
• estimates prepared for presentation - a bad fire when the ergine would be
Town Auditors Mk Vor Increase—Writ Alas' sat
Town to the finance comMittee so that the needed,
Threatened by Mrs. Treasblay-- rates may be struck at as early ti Councillor McLean. who 'zed to be
date as possible; that $33.13 be rm. a member of the are compan, y e • 1
, eau
Estimates are High
cepted as payment in full of arrests the men were not paid .enough. Re
li.-• to of taxes against part Block F, sPoiled more clothing fit going
The regetat meeting of the town to act 'One 'waft 'from 1Vm. 'Jas.', The report was adopted with the fires than the amount of pay he re-
. ,
countil wail 'a Ibrielt Wilding exception el the clause to spend $125 ceived. The Mayor's answer woe
held en Fridee eventing Donaldson, to erect
. • last, With eli the members In atherni- 12a20, on cement 'foundation, iAt the for advertising in the Charlton Road that Goderich was treating its fire'.
once, The clerk, Mr. L. le Knox- corner of ' VIctoeia and Kiegstcin, map. "Mb; was amended to read $75, mon as generoutily as any town of
, ..
ice staa on motion of Councillors Craigie and its size.
otton Specials
Friday and Saturdtq
36 inch Extra heavy unbleached Cotton. .Our price—_,Ausa pop yard
36 inch White Longcloth, splendid value at the price - Taper yard
72 inch and 81 inch Sheeting, tugging in price from 490 to 81.25 per; yd.
We will heat FREE all Sheeting sold on
We have a few pieces of Prints and Gingham to clear.out on Friday and Saturday
42 inch and 44 inch Hemstitched Pillow Cases. Our price-. ..--1315a eakehl
NILE I It is noteworthy that the grooms- Mrs. IL (. Dunlop, Mrs: F.
• . man of half a century ago, Mr. Sam- and Mrs. 7'. IL ielltehell are' eleatirer
ue) McClure, of Vnughnn township, In Toronto.
was preisent for the golden miniver. Mrs. Burch, of Port Huron. is et
8LaervYi' 4AISIleatr'no ni egee andand nheil)r.h °Nag:, turztjc.'tp,!lio•rrt,Tde.Pev a. !um- si*
McClure, both of Toronto. Others, Mrs. Bert Thorne, of Louden, is
from Toronto who werieaweaent wire
, visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C.
mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClure and Mr.' A. Weils.‘ Bayfield Road.
and Mrs, N, E. Worsell. Mani gifts
was absent owing to saline:se, end atreets, to use Reeve Munnings brought up Mies me e ermg,
Aisseeser T Edwards etfichtted in tion, estimated cost $500. The oth. Bailie. the the eek end at her home in
liven pest. 'W Fliek toi The fire committee revolt -intended auggestion to• license bill boards in
samenee. er wits O. *
-the firemen be insured under townewith a fee and the matter , ford.
his notified all ,pensoles in arrears ter devellipg 'on Ilineks eared, estimated`, e ProaisiionsA, of' the Workmen's referred to the s'pecial conneatteel,"8 We congratulate Mr. and Mrs.
taxes and wrote that he expeetea he Joliet The councoil athimen adjourned Samuel tinaargubetlerC,urrie on the birth .A a little
Compensae an et
would have to issue eoine warrente, alreTteaitailtson *alma 'for "the pii.4 "This was aaopted,
Mr. A. Niihau is spending this
for collecting. Herbed collected Ow vilege of installing 'two gasoline 'The pecial cemmittee reconlmend-
Inca ell with reference to letter from lair.
-.The tea collectir reported leaving elven .new eterenileh "to presmit
week at hia son's place oft the sixth
- following taxes from Feb. 4th to lnuntpu (on Ins ;property corner
doderich in the person of Mrs. Rob. Some of the Nile people attended
1924, $804.15; 192,4 ell, egeten; leree,..„0, was referred' to 'the etublie works Whin -*lens at btreet intereectionet
that a meeting of interested parties ert 'Douglas, Maitland road, has pas- the meeting of the different ehurches
$804.15, 1925 oil, $9.26. • committee.
sed away, her death „taking place at of this circuit, which was sold at
This report was referred to the. Letters pie treedivell from Mr. 11: be called as requested, on Wednes.
th and the re uest com.
, q the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sheppardton last Wednesday. At
finance committee. 11R. Lang and Mr. A. M. Reberteon; day, Feb. 26
ti3 with. re Blue Water Highwar
as .naeoriaition of their act 1th .. Wm. Creddar, In Fessertonaon Thurs. this meeting it Was decided that after
Mr G. I., Farrow, =imager a the tasking, $-8 day, Feb. 18th. Mrs. Douglas wild April 1st the Nile circuit shall con-
Godeeech Elevator and Tema (ere,' cepting the work of town auditoes, Association, that the deficit cf A
_or eyenixineeation of g2,20 for. the be paid ey the town in order that taken to Feseerton on Tuesday, the sist ef three appointments, Nile,
eLtd, *rote offering <Mt of tie fram- tr
ed photographs, 24x30 inches= whichl$ear (that is at the rate of .$10 a. tote lbaunte ,,g :4250 guararitecd hY• 16th, on a stretcher MO was in a Port Albertaand Leebuen.
very low state of tealth at the time, -
• have been prepared *am n grasp go, antatb1).. It wins pointed out that the council for the year 1925 ntay be
tiii,ee studies by Mr. 7. ePrittsitarda the woile was Wing increased by the remitted to the secretary et Sarnia; She arrived the following morning at
be. Elliott Drennan. 4 aan. with her daughter, but passed '
depicting the progress of grain Ilan.; wee:nest aole;a Mollthilf audit cf the renuest of W
that the request. gran ed and that away the next morning' at 5 o'clock, The Women's lalisitionery Society
tiling at Goderich from the • first ele.acollecteres rill. Also Objecttort 'Was 11
Mr. Douglas, who is in. very poor of Union church are, having .1 sale o
' veto). built la 1868 137 tile-Buifidol talten to the %guile amount .being lees pool room teens!! be trate.. erre ,
c eras tore to Paraons health, is at present making his home-made baking. in Schaefer's g,ro.
and Lithe alltirea Railway •up is the 'held hack mall -the close of. the yeari from LIK
borne with • his u
store; reethand, that the same citizens da ghter at Fester- eery store on Saturday, March 6th.
• ^ present development. catlike-, el thee:Mr. 261e:teen stiftested a, $40 paye
as Ilast - year 'be appointed a band .. anyone. w ngto con i u e
Will ishi eras t
have been pined in the etnees ef the: ment W the end of June, another $49 • .Ya• •ton. i d i
, trent and Cbicerot and "he (WWII °nee
his home 210 d mb i st t D tl •
il .
DOUGLAS, -An eta. resident of eteeesel°11 of Colborne'
Feb. aetla 1022, $6471 10234 $1.13.13-, terra and Zingston streets, and this G. ''L. IPareons as to placing of dir.
fru t or .-pickles to the Go er ch bee -
ea ember •antl thee•bal committee, viz., P. . Byen, C. X, —
• . Board Trade at Toronto, Men- lITY tine 'end 4- Dec 5 • . nunneIMAN.-Mr Jolla 1311Xter through th Goderieh
(et the•mompletion of the ane Salentlers •Cnas. Black, A. Sturdy • !
• be ,tisked to meet the ettenciteon Fri. • Miss M. E. Saliceld's, Baylield reed.
Township -
en for. many. years, died on Suntley at • -
d .
Robertson and that n '
t e Vleplease it t
.Runehrian resident' of Stratfotd
Exchneges at aitlinielpee, end heew nual report' and Its acceptance by
• York as well as of the larger eix- the c01314C
dayelFeb. •Inith, at 7:,80; re. requesi came suddenly, when he wa or at Mrs. Vkm. V.dwartis , Huron ,theY Went through all Oa eaperien.
a r ree . ea
ern at Montreel ami Nees York, , 'Tke manner egate exellereeit :to tee etricken d h The report of the, year's :work laa
1 Mr. Casey, 'of Toronto, visited lin
fiawere, etc., were received, and
from the family and other relatives daughter, Mr!..10A1.4 J. elacialiess
there woe a "purse oe. gold, During' ir• iusenaY, the I St week' • ' a. . ,
Mise M. • It litaclacar was 1* 'f-:
the evening Mrs. "A. J. Muds -nye
pleased every one . with het • solo,; onto last Week procuring new mediae
"Home, Sweet •Home," and it waist ond, style's in :spring raelineen,
the midnight hour when All joined Miss Margaret Whtte, Of Fleets*, ..
hands hi a circle 'around the,. bride; ton, is spenaing a wool: with her eine
and meet of fifty years ants entiaten. Mrs, R. C, Walker! Newgite ;Se.
sang "Auld Lang Sent." 1 Mete Howord Robertson' and
. It was ,iit "Cherry Grove „,Farm,"; x.en .. Qa Stratford, are visiting *IL
the home of the late Mr. Andrew 1
Mrs. MeMarchie 'were' tem:lied, UK' night ExeCorape 11. C.1- Divilay,
Robertson's parents, Rev. and. As,
late •Rev. Wm Aitken, , father. of , etieeaa F.e, Comp.'
McClure, Elders .Mills, that Mr. and e. IL Ford. ...
Croft mall
• Lord • Beaverbrook,' perfoinnirig the
ceremony.. After spendieg four ;:' Comp. Geo, Meal= are at.
tending the Grand Chapter meets*"
:weeks visiting among 'relatives, 'Mr.
and Mrs. ,Meliturehie came to Ash- 1,11 Toronto this week. ' ,
field township and !settled on a bush • - ' • .
term on the Lake ' Shore Road, Where BRIEF . TOWN • TOP1C$
one on ,the Goderich town entene . ,
la r
•• -a ' '''.4. dee petiticas !egged :ha 2.54 tratepayeas H. srailt.cm i. ey.,_con.fte , we so n
coanamr walls, .Just enoeee county couneit,
scriptive matter is printed in tire ea% _king' --T . 1 ii
OVA COUVOn. to reOUbMit the
rieh AMONG 'THE CHURC part .in township and 'meeting of tbei Cbitilares&sno„
In petitioning tne uovernment ass re- te M • neerian and his brother,
Mr. Robert Wilson Renciman fo m.
: quested; re -Sell Telephone CQ:e that I e ' r Rev. R. C. McDermid will conduct teffairs, being elected by icelainatiore /e -144314Y
er y operated a foundry In Gode
Margin to describe whet the pee:twee name, for* etenv thew* A . , i t
Tea , arc 6th. Etipq toilers ees of pioneer life, with Yoke of- the -Maple Leaf -Chapter, L O.
leen -, at toe be • Miten; re regneSt talent i hi • fith ,rh • ,
itt from ltainaeor genteele abed ane -et Omit 1 es" 1 k S •
•Ift.. Parsons suggested .placing '
• will be eechang 'oxen for work on the farm. I le unaeoldably. held...over till teases&
_Mr. G. L. .arloos preset •
'Ci that • e was n s sixty- year: e
illgs Mr. Menturchie took on, native issue. •
and were widely known in Western Aid , omety next Tuest ay,
,ThilLitts referred to the *oda we enter vigorous protestoga ns a Preparatory services far the Clinten and on one occasion °nd, at 4:16 p ni in the euperinlexan
while attending
represent, • ! raise ;in !rates through the Union of Ontario0 i
. n go ng to Stratfotel Mr. Presbyterians on Friday evening. I the county council a prize •vas effer. ' "
ent s office, •
The offer WaS gladin eweePten- ''"'"anmeaaa. . - • -'-- d Canadian 'Municipalities (accompan- Runieiman entered business as a con- ' ed for the best skater amone the ,
Machinery and tools to the .roliee Deputy Reeve anoser annonnee
ied b cheque for ;10 membership tractor and builder. Surveying. alV • ,_
f. $167 50 have -been so'd
o = - Irene ene tttat a minter 'petition asking that, . le._ . . . ,
rid one son, Arthur, at . '
In Xnox church next Sabbath the a Sentence was deferred in the ease
,for a wow in the union); re eolteitor s letter on services will be conducted by The members of the county .couneil. Mr.
of -Mrs . Littlethild who picandal -
was in eirszalapam• aunt 'be :---- be instructed 1proceed toG
w„,,ted: -the Titre -matter, that the solicitor lila ivsi__Ttev J. A. MacNamara B. n., Pres- •Bleeturchie won the prize -and wore . . . ,
guilty to taking certain artielee fines
National Shipliuilding. plant .to Mr. the rnetter he !deferred
Glace Bay, N. S. During
his widow a
bseetkeererianeddol3ffileist4Lowrote_an,tou. Soleetit. the Overshoes home.
TI t .town lea re hock .- mattes lief-
-Vet. F'orrest, a was reported.
. . the other etitien received laid etveno raven- deuce in str . ri .
atford Mi. ottoman M . d M '
Mr.- an Mrs, attache, were the Steel Store.
Two applications for building vete P • hurt nek the .'d
emits were received and were refer- u •
red to the fire committee with power XT. F. B. Darr,w wrote, ,with, re-
" tto e rieeessary eel ence; wa x • • • el' • I .1 • t men---ibers Li-nhalste-Preehe torten le ° g
femme to. the glalen of Mrs. 'W. N•
' Trembley for elemeges ageing .the
made, writ was to be 'Lomeli &thane:,
111 town, that *alms aettientent 'vase
ing for same by Monday, artin 22nd.,
This Was referred to the tettlici
r „ er.tin
re 4tlitte of teeltbration of Cent*nnial
• inc Rev. Selby .Jeffersone t nem church, of which. he Wag aguru tvven the Matthews -and the Cease
tif the 'Town. of ,Goderich, tnat we c•
• •
dead° 'to 'hold inch a eelebratiati in .DORE,---Mr. Wm. Dore,. tormerly ' church lind =wise. He was oleo favor' of the "'ear- • • •
Club on Menthe., resulted, fj ta .0 am f
.= at the time of: the, Cruilding Of 'the,
operator at the ,G. T. IL atation bere, subject; "The Geed Cheer of God;" is
and since leatang bereaStation agent p.m., Bible School -Mosses ?or ' all 7 • in
trustee of S. S. `No. 3, fantail school.. Goderich Rebekah Losiah, No. ala '
1927, 'details to be arranged lettere rd
comilleint of :loitering op. the Square pm., subject, "The. Trensureesecking .
• , 1,1 during this -time that the.- present .0ddfellowse Hall. on St Petriellexa • . '
sing :along the etreet teat tap vol. previously with pneumonia, and on ,.,amus evil •Iie in Goderich w-eestst of ahoia family
. ....../*•.1.0.• . . -1°14#4$ Olnlilittte' :, • • . IC emen 'be instructed to prosecute •All •T. ae , education. in 1888 they moved to
received their. eurly mond and Cook orchestra,.
' %WEEK OF. MARCH 1 to MARCH 6 et inice . on certain machinery iin the ‘ - ery. Tie suffered a relsinse, however. .....—,......,-.......... .
and pasied aivav .early Thursday ed-churan. ' For the anniversary lane kept • a genet:II store:. and telegraph ; -;•• , '•' -, 't, • ' . - . ,
DOC tor CO tette aged, ince- Init
'The :re - t d t d • '
Der .w.as a op e .
and :• . - vices. Match 7th, Rev. R. -p, Haunts- Melee. Mr. MeMurclue tieing. the•epere out ram !olive, . plettee.
, . . • : " the son of John Dore, ggent for the Conference, will be the peher.
. oess they sold out and moved to irnigli"?' ' ' • •• ' •
4 p4
Lucan, died on Thursdae of last • for a nomber . of years, end • it was . hold n !euchre a ntl leince tem 'at•
on ligunlirtys •ftwfd passing of offeneive
Son 'of Man."
• •
rematks to ladies and children .pne. week. Re, wfts stricken jest a week It is expected that Rey: D. N.. = c• school was built, where the neembeta Day, :March 17th. MeDermid, kval
NV • • A
Tuesday was reported to be I.:airing in the services. of Passion cel. .
tretched Tale
A request from lase T. an. Dote. for dreams, m strength and on the road to recce,. Easter Sunday at North etreet Unit- the village of Kintail and here they An Vre4, ,
*Monday arid Tuesday • ward shiPbtliniong .14;2,1 mere. 'The aidislie -weeks committee re- morning. The for -mer railroader 'ems
fteu5t wears cola:sun
to the ae jet"; commended that the request of 'Mr. on, an ex-preeident of the London siting. After eighteen eears busi. Bettie just stems the tip to bee
110LBBOOK BLINN with powei. to • ' H. E. M. Tielibotane fer permission 'National System at Mitshell for neer North t. -United detach; Rev. C. Gt.-deride
Doctor- -------------- --------
-t right
;.1atost thrilling modern comedy drama Mr. J. It. Hume, ssecretney ef Ito gasoline tanks on Wee'. forty years. William. his son, learn. F. Clarke,. Pastor. 10 e Cluesee Their _heftily coneieted two cwt."'
of life among the Arizona rum run- t ibegranted !subject to the us- •
Collegiate Institute Board., rate etreeeed the rudiments of Morse telegiaphy for Christian Fellow:411p, aten's Chili sone and four. durehtert
"Zawier the mittee of the board, asking, for the *Port 'be "filed,earel thet the letter from ti whom Bettis. I can't; s fa, tested
the direction •of the ammo, own. eanditions, -that the He:don'ts ree. at hes fathees key in macho' „omen.
and Mission Band: 11 a.m. Pablic four are living, A. J., Xtareue, tbi•
. an In le05 entered the cervico tf the Worship --"The Word 'of Partioa," Sask.; Andrew, of St. latue. Mhm.;
tent of $12,061.58 for .general ex- Mesera. Naenean ,on Ns a '
ays, .e comp aint
pponeuient eeeezeist.• second in the series 'one:Seven Worda Mrs. •.11arry Wersell, of 'Deane). Certainly Not !
Pend' and 42,888.d P.s Code- of Me. Coo, iStewartebe leftever for
he 'WAS 'promoted orerator, end in School ; 7 p.m.,' Evening, Service, Francisco Cal,. and there are nee. out .and tbie leiter?" •
'int clerk at Goderich. While there .from the Crosst .3 .0.in., SundaY 31rs. G. .1.. Stannard. ot: San Little Ada--":11other, Shall
"SrIPPear rich's share of the Collegiate dentele. 'tangle' confederation.
• •
ture, ranking a total • of $14,900.014. The TePort woao Adopted:
He a/so looted for the num of $2,000 The meinetery and •parks coinmittee agent 'NV
was. transferred to Luean att Jeremiah 2:13, The publie cordially grand -children. - etother,-"No. child, eertainle sat
'Wednesday and Thursday
R • reeoironended that tile :natter of qui'. ' -
1,he time cof this s death le ' "•
e. post lie was lueetne at, invitc,d to these eservi •e-;
' ' " tO be •rov'd pe ' • young. • • , The Star joins in congratulations-. it's P(.uring 1:ot lit la
1110AYMOND, GRIFFITH and e ed o ex nditeres. aue
' MAItION MON • March. Ist. anho estimates of ree vey of north section in the ,cettietery . - man• •• The pleasing' intiihation is elven to Mr. end :Sirs. eteelurente • ene 'turn a. di -0g ott of define Let
nts earl forties,
y the forme • t. t
in wasectill'known in the Stratford Rail- .
father go.'
• te ;mid, menditterce, , on -whi,A be. 1:ftthosser. unfit tthe cominitter can i g,ent trs he announcement; in the weehly ' presses the hope they may b CI! • '
e 2., tii1
thiS AMOUnt : Wee figured, • encluded vim e• cemetery; ie . the meantime ,w.liaa rahre„ e„ . , . calendar • of ' North street talite•eaihe enjoymere e „ b. . Lee, z.„,,„ , _ •- - — e--e-eaa
' In a Alp roaring comedy-westeni of cell;
, .,, ebion., eur. more batemeedlo church that the congregation in etga, alth they nowe enjoy, for tire • e
kflivil Sar times. The silk ,hatted
. the, •rollowieg" expendituress e aster. the sexton hes been notified to sell
u faitiny, 'Whose reeresentatives have mg its objeetilie ,.1 We , . ..
CN..ift. A loather is agent at Exte for the etaintenancta mond jubilee' . ' $3 501)
teomedian at hie best -•
les of -- regular, $15,100,`iw tote in this area; 'that the request
of the road is fillet the a ent's s re • r
that the full amount allocated to thie" pr ' ,
-Hands ve stitute. $200; caretaker, $1000; seere- a Mr. Amos Stewart for the cuttieg for ; •
one; been associated sith the end Extension Freda It weuld vete - - / •
te •
OCR GANG COMEId' tary bnd treasurer, $175; repairs to down of a tree be left over:until next
r, and .at :wag. also in the emploe congregation veil be, reached, nernely .1.1 lek in 1925
41$12adown Ur school accommodation, $200; iserman.
• ant improvements, #00; library,
reitlay and Saturday :science equipment, etc. -books, $50,
A 141E9 Ktaicwoon, mliktioz tchernicsis and science eqripment,
$125, typewriters, $1,000, motor gen-
,crator, $225; stationery, prizes, 1uel,
irk an action drama of sasilotnaq. etc. -stationery, prizes and minting,
myetery and thrilts. Et- sure -18W um,' suppling, $200: light, water eit
Otte - Imes, $240, exazninationes ;490, mis-
alitgaete ,of the Night" (eettsisebus, $250; fuel, $1,500; main-
' tenance evening•vocational P.,eh001,
$500; req1ired as reserve against
.4 $500,
on Mrs ittorroiree in November °and Deeem-
"PATHS REVIEW" Awe, $1,000. Among the receipts
eseakh for velta ?Itightss Seto were put down Provincial grew', ele
nouneement in next program! !! ! J150; indite grant, maintenance of
'UPI 1, ‘1)W •
1*- kite Pure Bred Live Stock Sale
THURSDAt FEB 25th, 1926
The annual Consignment Sale will be held on the
above date. The offering consists of Shorthorn Cows,
Heifers and Bulls and one Angus Bull. There are 9011.10
real quality Cattle in this lot.
THOS. XtRR, Henfryn, S. R, STOTHERS, Clinton,
Fresideet. Setteittlle
• 7.- • 4.. "TOWNiaese
The report Wee adoeted. t I ti
g r. oe, $4,450. The congregatinkr ..kivt. • • - • • '" vn• Selhag' r'h-th"'S in a roam
Stratiela end Termite, • ;
Of 9,01)0 frootilittiOp. I isad no pare -
}raving coatered with the hand a._ . ..er. end Mrs. George ing the duplex envelope fire' tie -next
steVicar, of town, attended the. hen. church Mrs. 'a. .1. MeNnviit is veetia.". • ' ' •
• e .1 • toue,expere est, and hail soo idea}lifor
committee, the Onanee vOillMitte0 re, •Al year commenciny, April let. . •
commended the Itanment slow to etal at lAltett•
. '. luat,:.• it is t,,°r:fil Furst:tee:3 ore amor . .
the band committee, and the follow. BRAY. --From The Custer. Herald
of Cupar. Sask., of Feb. 4th, we take ° ° -- —
A GOLDEN WEDDING 'Mr. Mind& cooptl• wag home ham . nea pleta
Li troit rear' the week -end. i rii.AK . TE \I Y( la fa
ing resolution was recorded.: Moved
I Aliehees on retraest).. . .
by -Councillors_ /tale_ and__Itel-an-• .the following referencep the deem, Mr. and Mrs, D. MeMarehie Cele- Miss In Saulte ie visiting Mr 1
that the amount at 41,090 he giant- Of-MICYlionies 0:: Dili', * native ea. a -balite e-Goiden Annisersary tint -
ni.d-nro---ThOg; Vov-WinOnn.:----;t: We tVaiif t. ;etre time a fall ainsiiiaa
and se ling- Goderich : .. -
gest to• the committee thc• Cele' of
record the death of Mr. Thomas D. Weck. ManY
Offer Congratulations.
Friends Calling to
Millinery Openings an Toronto last lie pally the keeseledge awl aseittates.
ed for band. purpeses,
It is our sad duty ibis week .to Miss C. A. MeXinnort Wended the precentaiiee in (o4 i' 3%e *ill
$500; for the 'band master for one
let intford end esesfortie
year, $250 to pay the men for ofity. Bray, who passed away on Sunday, A vera happy oaannion Wa'' the: uit'S'eikr's'. Keane has' returned .t -O Torun- tiloju trot t,•,7111,,e44orlidis,ify01:1."13,:eititrrniateallllek.
ing and $250 to apply on the lime Jam 24th, at the age of 60 Years.. celebration df the golden ,veddites to after a visit Edith Mrs. J. NV. 'Van- ogn e:(7. inteeentent maim&
chasse of bend instr tients and for The deceased had been in vers. poor Mr. and Mrs. D. MeMureilio at Unit 'tor
other expenses ,the and to fattish health for some considereble time, home on Picton street on Vleednesday
10 concerts and .one day that Ilse sneering' from heart trot bit'. The of last week, Feb, 17th. Ove; on, -
deceased was well and favorably hondred and twenty-five frietsde sea.
council may , designate, not ,ferret.
each known throughout the entir:;• -district, led during the afternoon and cestlieg
than fifteen players to be at
having lived here for the past fwen- to offer their felicitations to the
concert; that the band committee
draw up a edntrast ;owning the ty years. He was born' in Goderich, bride and groom of fifty year, ago,
sanie, it being understood that all en -10M., and in 1898 • loorrie4 Murtha and many who were unable to call on
gernents and matters pertaining to leawrenee. of Powasson, our. Hi. that day dropped in the aollowing
estme west in 1904 and fifth" doing day. The house was very iffettilv
the band be in the heads of the band
committee who are to bare fril pow. co:Tenter work for a-- yea took up a decorated for the event and the din-
erhomestead • northwest of Cupar Ing rooni Was in white and ?old, with
and control of all tinatieini elate s
ten in connection with its worn and where he resided up to the tine al the -wedding cake in the AMC colors
engagements and over alt the iii-' his death. His father predecea5:ea i °eclipsing a prominent pla,e on the
struments belonging to the tont. I him. piocting awa,v in 1921 at the .aget table,
reeTeltweeddogeemrareceestitofeethdeefeoulleoliinegr dLaeye
an l'44:2'edneeday of last wee!:, tervices - the door for the -r11, tvlio Itere
years. The funeral was held tittle Miss Both W-oz4ell opened
suggested that the holding of smut. being held at the house, attd et the received by Mrs. N. E. Weisel?.
graveside in Cupar cemetery by We. W. T. Muraey introduzed the
#korae races an the Square would htlp
I to bring a crowd to town and would ner. SeeleY, of Markinch, who ' paid guests and Mrs. Beattie eonductf J
be good for trade. He mote& seinin. a fitting tribute to the memory of them to- the dining room. 'Misses
,ded by Counellicr Mclean that if the deceased. The deceased reaves Edith Murney, Lillian Wallve. HO -
„anyone wishee to get up an after- to mourn Min, a devoted Itift, nix en Bell, Mary McLean and Mimic
;noon's speed events in the text fart- daughters and three sons, all of Salkeld and Mrs. Carl Worse!l rem-
' night the council grant the use ea whom are at home with the f'Neept. ed in the dining retort. Mr... J. A,
the agars. for such a prograw. The 'ion of Lillian (Mrs. Harold Dale). of McClure, of Toronto, and Mrs.' M.
roadway could be roped WS'. Los Angeles, also ore brotheil. Ati- Nally, itf town, pourcd tca in zhe
4 The motion carried witlioa opuosi. drew, of Edmonton. Alta. to alt o.f efternocrt, and in the tt,oeiin! Mt -
whom. deepest sympathy is c.$:tean'td Ylwar!,on ie:d Mrs. A. D. Al ,:, d:: .
• tion.
-„,,, Councillor Tatar alivi,:ed that, in their sad btreasema.t. i . thar.;t d this flint titm. •
• Hoc No. 7:i, (it)111.3lIk'll STIJL °
FEB. 19th to MARCH Gth
You are invited to share in this Clearint4. Sale. mar.”
lines are considerably below eobt.
Only a small part of the bargains te• are inicimg can lie
shown in the windows.
Plon.43W. TheSquare
Clk )