HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-25, Page 3THURSDAY, rex AW, MtIR. Dow D aillolndilsonen les Yes Slays Mx &soy VW The sufferer from F or fa - digestion war has to stud acme kis food *the neat miserable of all aasslcitreL rasa the little be dem eat enures such torture, sad is digested ss imperfectly that it doe* kava little Whet tea dyspeptic' nets is net artiitoiat dige+,t&uti but something that will pat the Motneeit right so that tt• will, twaaatfseture ilei' urs digestive farae,saats- Neighborhood News Nuggets Picked From Our Exchanges RefMeri to Speak at Trial Wingham Advance -Times: The ease of the Turnberry farmer who assaulted his wife and later Pro- vincial Officer Phippen, came, up for hearts: at Wingham on Thursday morning, Feb. 11th, As he ab o- lutely refused to speak the judge sent him beck to Goderich jail to ap- pear again at the June assizes. Rives Telephone la Latrgeet Muni- cipal System in Dominion Mr. J. J. Hunter, of Kincardine, was re-elected president of the Bruce Municipal Telephone System. Ltd,. at the 16th annual meeting re- cently. The Bruce is the largest ntunicip I telephone syatem in the Donti.nion, The total revenue last year was $34,282.62,- exp.nee $2O,. 076.61, telephones in +service Dec. 'WISI iho This for Yes„ __, 31st, 1,636. There are five exchan- • MUSIC Underwood Kincardine, Paisley, .Port Elgin, Underwoodand Tiverton. )(MOP. W II. A,CIeSON-Instruction Witighttoi Nurse Ie On Dr. piano .Mitt Organ. It (ittof= GuCulture.ttar, The+ttrl. etc. McCullough's SISIL' Studio and residence, :Barth Street. Nurse Verna MacDonald, daugb- - TT-•ntit `:orUr St.ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MacDon- . •aa• C. 1r,1,11IL'f'ON••{Irgaut'United Church. C3ucert pla3•er• ald, of Wingham! is one of the pro. . and Teacher, =inept members of the Health' Dee Reshtnnce,• at Mrs. Colborne's. St. Pat- partitietlt at Toronto. rick Strut. Relines -Pullen LEVI. CARDS A happy wedding took place on Miss Dorothy Pullen, daughter of Barrister. Solieitor, Notary Public., Inc.. Mrs. Pullen, of Wingham, became Successor to 3. '., Killoran the bride of Levi, Holmes, of Walton. Phone U i Otlleet The S lLUfl t tr ttlee teh. The . ceremony' was ` performed le tli>aitE7i F 110L tEti - Rev. 3. W. Hibbert. ' Barrister. Snlidtpr Notary Former Resident of Lower Wing m t Polo•*, t:onveeancer, Lie. Dies in New York. PHONE`t7 HAMILTON S'1'RE:13 t` Mr. Hiram Smith, a highly eat m- • F. ReatMRROW. • Tuesday morning Feb '16th,when hit ee SPECIALIST • c;d old gentleman- who . resided in Lowe* Wingham until about a year 'Ott 1'.'J: R. Ft)ItSTI'.R ago, passed away at the hone q#,. his FTE, EMI, NOSE, THROAT, daughter, Mrs. Robert ' Groves, in Late House Surgeon New : York Opli- . k'reeville, N.Y.: last week. Utalmie and Aural lio.pital. os:,istant at The Late William Hestia Noorefiel:i's Eye hospital and Gulden One of the,few remaining pioneers Square Throat Hospital, • London. peg. o3 waterloo $t. S : 'Stratford. Teles phone 267. At hotel 'Bedford. tloderich, on the evening of the third Monday oY each'"i Oe:JPl % . C1 IRUPSACTOS. month from 1 °'clad: till the: fillowin;r Tuesday, month, At 1. pan. ' 'CHIROPRACTIC` .OR. A. N. ATKINSON,' Registered Chiropractor. Gotierich Chroate; Organic and Nervous Diseases onsultsition Free - OfAce hours --2 to .5 and 7 to O. tn. awl lar appointment,' excepting Monday and tttsday afternoons and evenings, Once Hours on these days 10 to 12 a:m. only. . Cerner East,and• Victoria St>s. Orr0METRY '- L. COLE, R. 0., Bpr0), I OtYi"ICIAN , • u' rR sT West Street, C,tiderich. honer Geadtutte.-Qf-t#eiCanadiau•00Th thalmac College or Toronto. Eyes examined by the latest methods, and the proper tilling of glosses at mod- - • •erate. prices. °Merge Board of Exain- :ners Certificate No: 8Th • AUCTIONEERING T5105"5 Ot;NDRY,. Lire Stock and General ]tuetioneer, Hamilton Street, Godrrieh Sales inade• everywhere and all efforts made to give _you satisfaetlbn, Farmers' *ale, notes disv0Uttted. ROBERT RO1it:ltTSON. Qnatiticd Auctioneer, Eldon •Street. Dederick, of min conduct am; Noe q. Inn County Huron. • For info. niauon apply, to 1'. J. Ryan, Ilemilton St..: oe elete •:t tett with him will receive prompt attrntl_n. -ii(XTABY- P 1BI,IC,-i rc. _• • .• • Nu fAitY PUBLIC. (,^neral Cont')an)Hnir don' • (;nod (Arnpaules • ih:p,•ege fM.l Phone No. 298.. • t)oderich, tint. GEORGE- E. OSEENSLA5E. • t;,l):i1'EY.tNCIN0 AND NOT.11tY, Bayfield, Ont. • • INSURANCE fel II.L, tl' ell; ftiAL Plate ..%N(;1-: COMPANY. ii[. " FARM AND ISOLATE!) TOWN ?WV. • EISTY DISUSED. U. " Tattle 'of property -insured up to Jan-. nary, 5910. ts7, ' ,o, s, 'It1KIt. Jatnes onnoli}. . karesi- dent, 4iaderg s: Jas. Evans, Vice -Pr. si- dtent, Beechwood; 'T. E. Hays, See: Trees.. -:i,'aforth. I)Iltt(Tlt)11, .1). I'. •McGregor. Sea - forth; J. 0. terieve., Winthrop; Wrn. • \'Vein, Constance; (;codec Me':artney. 'rueker. nith: John Ferries li,trleeek; ;Tulin satertnewise. Broadloigan; ti,.terag• (s1bson, HHrueetteld. AGENTS -S. W. Yeo, (',•oelerbet atuly. Leitch, pinion; Woo • Owen .), eiea. forth; R. lilneliley. Seaforth. • Pollex'.. II.lders . can pay their risew•:;: ingots 41 .11: lir. (:utt's store, 'sode'rich: A, J. \Iorri.5tt's Clothing Store.. Clinton; .or J. IL Rears, Ba,yfletd. EIRE. INSURANCE Have it attended to oy the WOO WARAMMOAN'MUTUAL FINE IN$URAXCE CO Established 1878 Head Office : Dungannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God- rrich, pros.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub• urn, vice pres.; directors—Wm. Me- Quillen, St.11elens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; Ii L. Salkeld, 'phone 600r11, Goderieh; Mex. Nicholson, Lttcknow; Wm. Watson; Jas. Girvin. R. R. No. 6, Goderie ; Win. i. Tltomp- arca, Auburn; Tim Griflln, R. R. No. 7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, lancer. dins, Out. !T11O6. STOTIIE13S, T. G. ALLEN, Trees— • Secretary. Toy MORE Cheese. Cheese . and -breed contain altthr neves- sary .Ingredient. to .nourish this brain, the.. booms and •th..mus- s ' ales of tho body.,,• ' Make it a rule to eat :. delieiosAIY appetiz. ing Kiaft Cheese in some. form EVERY +lay- , of Howiek passed peacefully away on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10th, is the person of Mr. William Raabe, in his 78th year. Mr. Thistle wax the eldest son of the late Capt. HasHeadeawte nd .n a led sf about nine years of age came to Hewiek with his par- ents from Denmark County, who set- tled on lots 1 and 2 on the 9th con. cession. Hl was married in 18'1'8 and his wife predeceased him about seven weeks. Died in Toronto Ur. Robert Earl Jameson, one of Ontario's- well known lumbermen, died at the residence of his daugh- ter, Mrs. W. F. Moser, Toronto, ge- =ntly, after a few hours' illness, in his 86th "year. The late Mr. Jame- son wax a native of.. Linden, Ont., and had during his busy life as a lumber merchant, operated at Tees. water, Blyth, Bannockburn' and oth- er sections, He homesteaded for some time at Biggar, Sask., and had lived retired in Toronto for the past 14 years. Ile is survived by a wid- ' ow and two daughters. Death of Mr. Reginald A. Wilson Mr. Reginald A. Wilson, legislative correspondent and political reporter for The Now lark Herald Tribune,. who died recently, was a eon of Cola Alexander Wilson, of Toronto, one of the earliest and meet prominent business men of Seaforth, where he resided until a few years ago. Mr.. \v ilson's "death, in his 41st year. re- sulted indirectly from an attack of pleurisy several years. ago. • suit Re -Arranging Church Work in South Huron - a . A meeting"' of' the South Huron Boundaries CoTnmissien was held : re- cently in the United chin*, Credi- - ton, and plans for the rearrange- .ments 7,f the work in. Stephen town- - ship were discussed and approved and are now ready for final endorse- - tion of Presbytery. By thi }►ew ar- gament, Atka Craig will l go in'o Middlesex: presbytery; Shipka, for•- merly Methodist, ;will •be associated. with Crediton and Brinsley; Corbett. - formerly :'Presbyterian, wilt close„ and join Greenway. The chufches at Grand Bend will amalgamate to •form a pastoral charge with Greenway. - Blyth anii,Auburn Preabytertans .Be. Come Belt -Sustaining Charge At meetingof then managers; of - the Blyth Pieebyterian church held on -Monday afternoon of last week it was decided, to little up' with Auburn conitregation in thesupport of• a minister. This makes these chur- ches self-sustaining. •For the pre- sent Mr, Gracie will be in charge of these .. congregations. Was First Clerk of Exeter Mr. Michael Eacrett, who passed peacefully away. at abet.'- hone. in" Brantford on Monday, Feb. 10th, while he lived in Exeter was fore- man of the paint department of the Verity Co, .He was' appointed clerk ,,;,e„ • at the incorporation of the village of Exeter, which position he .filled Rheumatic Pains Go .......-+.ww,.......war..+..--...n+--i his two daughters, Ethel and Kate, a brother and three seaters. survive. They ; are: Harry Gooier, Mrs. A. C. Jackson and Mrs. H. Patterson. Auburn, and 24rs. H. McBrien, De.. trait. Another brother, Joseph, died some years ago. Engagement' Annouaeed Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Glidden an. nounce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Fredora, to Mr._ Glen Miller Ile/alight, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. ircKnight, of Tucker - smith, the marriage to teke place early in March. Mr. and Mrs. V. 3. McBrien, of Hullett, announce the engagement of their second daughter. Amy Viola, to Mr. Fletcher B. ttribbings, of Kin. deraley, Sask.,youngest on of Mr. Robt. Gibbinge, formerly of Mullett: the marriage to take place early .in March. -:- a .« Former Clinton Citizen Dies in Watford The death occurred at Watford on Wednesday of last week of Mr. Retry Caritelon, a former Clinton citizen, in his 83rd year; The re- maina were brought to Clinton for. interment, the funeral taking place on Fridey last, • Boys' Own Corner T but owing to lateness of the season it was thsught better to wait till this year. Now that we have just utter- ed the rww year we should Le think- ing about it, and notput put off till the last minute. .We should like to -have a bang up one this summer an show .Ther constituencies jus: what we can do. e a, * • The Dungannon C. S. E. T. groups held their Father and• teon Sunday last week. The evening service was conducted entirely by the boles, the address being siren by the local member. A large number of fath. ere and sons were present. GIGGL*8 Botany teacher "Charlie, where are the largest trees found?" Charlie ( sleepily) ---•"Wheeeteer•-in. the forest.'" * * * * Edward was late for .wheel. Mt- er he did arrive the teacher question- ed him. "What lett you late,. Edward," she asked. "Please, Miss, it was so slippery that every 'time I took a step for. ward I slipped two steps back," "Well, how did you get here at all?" "Oh! I turned around and start- ed to walk home* o Poor Johnny Jones stuttered ter. ribly. One day he met a man who runs a school for atuttorers find stamerers. e ;ot}r stuttering is a great Nandi- cap to you," said the man. "Y -y -yes, 1 -i -it is -s," " replied the , "Did ypu ever go Jet a school for stamerers?" EDITOOIAL 'Father and Son Week Thispast week has been promin- ent, in many communities .in so :far as father -and sons are •_oncerned. Several Cities and towns have cele- brated the annual .Father and Son Week.. Kitchener and Waterloo held .theirs last we* and in our -own Huron County we find that Seaforth, Brueetield and Dungannon haye fit- tingly remembered the eceasion. In an . editorial published in the. London Free Proses we learn that this Father and •Son idea originatedin . the C A: af•Trn+ittlence,' thode'°Ys. land, an '1907. The idea has spread across' thecontinent until today the' movement has actually become world-wide in its influence and ser- vice. The purposes of Father and Son Week have widened yearly and honorably for • twenty -fisc years, are well summed up today as follows: When the Verity Co. went to Brant. Te keep alive the very hest in Can- ford eMr: Eacrett and family moved adieu home life for the growing boy. there also, • with which company- he To get fathers to renew their in - was employed until some twelve terest and reconeecrate themselves, • - -years--ago, wile/rhis sight was so 7rnc to thefrepatern t-obligailons- •' • paired that he was no longer able to : To' lead sons 'to'd l e nts t + . work. N t i appreciation' for . No .bet ove : to rt tole, he for. their homes. and Mrs, Eacrt moved back to Exe= , To lead both fathers and 'sone to 1 ter where theyenjoyed a few •ears :eco nfze the chureh . and . apish of well earned rest. ` leIr. Eacrett g h Sunday "N -to -o, I ju.s.st p-icked iE u up My customersaro al- ways' telling me what wonderful bread, flaky pastry and light, de. lick= cakes they bake with Purity Flour. ,Really, I've kaawlt "41 the uniform excellence eeertef " fC4c7st long tit ie: •that's why I sell 11. ' I could handle any 'brand in Canada but I choose • Purity -:Flour-that's something :. • ' • to think about- isn't it? • r. • Thoupands of •sufferers have freed themselves;, front • the lwndage cf rheumatism; rid themselves of. the torturing nein; reduced the :swollen eeper re•tpeet andRIT - heir father' ped 4. o'u 1 joints;", thrown away canes' and crutches, arid from helpless beings became' • able' to work and be of use to themselves and their families. R The"- took Rheums; the modern` enemy of rheumatism,; lumbago, scia- tica, arthritis, • and chronic neuralgia: Don't be skeptical about ltheuma. You will know in a fewhours after beginning the treatment that •the poisonous waste matter is leaving your system through . the natural channels. You will • feel better in a day, you will know you are, going to be helped in less than a week. There is no guess' Work about Rheums' bringing you back to health. That's why 0. C. Dunlop and drug- gists everywhere sell it with gueran. .tee of money back if it doss not give quick relief. • " Brag Bros. GIODMRiCH °rIs WOG ruairs1 Dir ol's teliaburs Orders se_..fraw *,ttendad 10 ilii w11 ioorar•-•olettb or tlx:. SAY$RED PEPPER IIEATSTOPS PAIN IN OEW MINUTES • Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back- ache, stiff neck,sore mimics, strains, sprains, aching joints. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Iced Pepper Rub. • Nothing has suclt concentrated, pene- trating heat as red peppers, and when • heat penetrates right down into pain and congestion relief conies at once. Jett as soon as you apply Red Pep- per Reb you feel the tingling heat. in three minutes the sore spot is warmed through and through and the tottare is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub. made from reds, "costs little at any.drug •stort t a jar at once. De sore to ,tet the genuine. with the mane Rowles Was a Consistent member of Main school as necessary to the finest de- • street Methodist church,' being sup- vetorment of their .character and to •erintendent of the Sunday school for co-operate -in the work and support a number of years, also a elass.•lend- or the church in extending and. mak- er. Mrs.* W. A. Turnbull and Mrs. ing effective in every day life the,, B W. F. Beavers, of Exeter, are _ will of God., • • 'daughters of Mr. Eacrett's. To emphasize the necessity for the home's beginning early with boys the ._...Death of M ra. L F. Woman.' • training in physical, wentoa, spirit- . rt Clinton -uai, social •and economic activities. Mrs. 3. i . Waxman, Clinton, pee These are only a few ,of . the many sed away on Thursday, Feb. lith, purposes, but any movement which the immediate cause of her death has us its objects such commendable being a weak heart, Mrs. Wanton,. purposes, deserves the generalsup- whose maiden name was Grace Jane port of the public. It is a good THE Pollard, was born near Mitchell -Mar. thing for the sons but a better thing •. call ourbeda ig Writefor then() pate Purity Flak: Cook Nook. aloin s'ompf brings. itpa postpaid to you. Worthtatam mote WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS '' • Co., LtMr DD • - Dere Office: TORONTO nranrbehfrom coast to coact. 15 McEwen's Specials F ti Fresh stock of Sheriti''s Jelly Powders to hand, i Vir 25c A good leupoon, Kidg George design, given away With each ,. ' 35C worth. 24 bars Soap. McEwen's special $ 1.ti0 is cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for .23 3 lbs, loose Cocoa for r .25 G lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .25 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of °a real good Black Tea. .We will give 1 Ib. of this Tea. 1 loaf Bread, ' 11*. lliscuita and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package Tea. Special price on large Flannelette Blankets Special price on Fancy Blankets - We are cutting the price on Men's All Wottl .hiderwear anti • ° Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. tr Good Linen Roller Towelling - L45c per yd. Good large Bath Towels 000(.. r pair Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths a4 right prices, Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 1O'",)off. Fres delivery to any part of the Town. PHONE 46 ■ J. McEwen on th.e-e street," replied Johnny. Radio Fan---"Whatis the charge for this battery?" Dealer --"Four and :t half volts." • Radio Fun--"Row-much is that.. Canadian money?" •• . • • ' The ltttoal Mare. • .The, brood mare that seems to have the, least trouble and peeduee'a bea.Itity sound volts and aka has lit- tle trouble at foaling time, is one. which has been worked moderately, nr has had regularr daily exercl8' qr course, she should have plenty of nourishing feed, at good quality, ea'- p(+01a11y during the tatter part of: the gestation period. It is also Important that she should Il;tve' cleats drineing. water,,,pa Frooneed oncea day. and liave,eher smith.; well supplie l with fretrit•atr. • lijeketsit► ('1►lcke} It • 1s. mI recommended '.e keep tetrds that bad tickets "when young t her breeding purpoees. . home is a place where sotneb,idy calla you "an old dear" and some-' body:,eise calls. you "dad": • ir J013 NKINTING .4%T. TUB STAR he Gad e ric Star's B1NG LIS T South side !Sane re ' That delicious flavor of fresh mint ghee a ncw1 thrill to every bite. Wrigley's is good and good fair you 21st, 1863, being a daughter of the for the fathers. a e 1, eorge Pollard.: She was - married as -married. to Mr: Wasman in 1883. - • .. WE. REAR THAT 'Before corning t6 Clinton 'twenty-one Reports.' • from various centres years ago, Mr. and Mrs. •Wasman ,re- "throughout the province ittdicute sided for some time at .. Bluevale. that the Bond. Selling Campaign is • During' their residence in Clinton receiving a hearty lieppert from the they were conneeted with Ontario st. people of the province. church and Mrs. Waxman hnd taken • •z * * * • • an active interest in all .branches of, . • Under the supervision of Ed. I)ev- the church work. She was a woman. itt; member of the Wye' parliament' of very sleet- and. pleasing person- for Kitchener, the Newa Service Syn- ality and endeared herself to all who dicate has been established, with came in contact with her. about ten members, of a hleh the Death of. Mrs. Colquttoun; ('Tinton "Boys Own Corner" is one. Doings The death .occurred at• the home of boys in .various parts •nf tiie pro- of -her- daughter, - Mra:--E.--{tennedy-, sniec..will:--bo-:.published--inch--week. Clint re•on•'Feb: 10th, of Mrs. 11101.hero are a few Of them, garet 'olquhoun, mother of Jtr:;. 1:. * * * Allan T. Van Every, the premier Kenned . Mrs. M. T. Corless and Mrs. II. .1:''t, of Clinton, -In of the third Ontario 13•iy,' her Seth Seth year. Mrs. t'olyt:houn, I ntent, who is one of the tooling' then whose maiden name was Margaret among the University rr Toronto Moore, was barn in Darlington, (int. Under graduates, was aleen the hon. On January 20th, 1860, she married or of presiding at the Varsity' Ha- Mr..Jatncit •Colquhoun and resided fish isles debate at. Tomato. The former premier fifty-two years •on let 2, oft, 9,Ili"tW filled 'tie meowpos.' bort, experiencing the toils and hard-1ition 111 that pleasing way which leibert, ships of pioneer life, and reared to all his own. maturity and responsibility her faits- ° " * '• ily of six sons and seven daughters. In Sarnia the boys limeirreived splendid support front She was a ,devoted wife and mother the people. and her life was full of !sero}cc. for In the first three days of the cam - ., Interment was made in Mb- pulse they raised theee hundr!d dol- . GODERICH 1'. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, O itario ,111 tutus prompptIs, attended to day or night, 1'1►easa: 8i.re aft; House assw bent. ' tars. Their objective is one thous - Death of Well•li noun Clinton Reyl- I above ttied heiramountsted and w itl be used ired for tient a boy*' camp on Like Hurar!. Mr. Richard. A. Govier, one of Clin- . e ton's well-knmvn residents, passed she Beaver Trail Ranger group of; away at the Clinton Community Knox church of town *wenn to head Hospital on Friday morning. Feb. the' local groups in selling bonds. 12th, • following a critical operation The Mentor reports that +o date the perforated two weeks ago. Mr. Go- boys have raised around twent;'•tIve vier was born in 1860, on the Base dollars. YleittkOt toal(ATi)IC AIRMAIL ITS WONDERFUL Now Y GO'S14 ANY KINDOOF WEATHER USlfTS UST AS 140NDER. U Hovel 60 trwANY-Kft40 TREK Everybody is talk iccabcut 1'Iori,lw But wo have decided that rots hall fincl tit" lots cheaper fit boinee. 13eeides the people in Florida don't haat the utter satisfaction of sitting around a cosy lire, enjoying the storms frons the sltulter of a warn: balite,' line, near Auburn, being the young -,r * e +, set sow of the late Mr. and Mee:. Jno.1 On Tuesday even,nx ,te,ct, the Te -i Clavier. He lived in Mullett until eumsee It Trait Remus. ramp o•' North l *tout thirteen years ago, ;when he St. church wilt hold their aenusi moved into Clinton. In 1888 he mar. Father and :Son • Banquet. .t to,t.nt ried Margaret J. !Sprung, laughtert , of thio wilt be in .hr nee' ►Q: fie. of the late Mr. and Mrs. J:to. Sprung. * * * y who died some eighteen years Pio.' Will Meth tiutc,n have o hoes' i • 'i Fe can't sell you a ticket to Fioride, but we have plenty of Genuine I'oealtontas (sal tet l,eep you wain) here. Let t:'i have .otar order CALL THE For Good (Jean Coal ill B. MUSTARD tOPAIIY Later be was married to Mre. Alice ,ramp ode summa ee Last an Biggins, of Surnmerhill, who c.ith attempt was made- to arrange one, Phone 93 • Ctodnrich The Star and London Free Press.... , , ... .. 66..75 ' The Star and London Advertiser.. ; , , ; . ....61.75 The'Star and The 'Toronto Globe... 6.75 The. Star and The Mail: and Empire 6.75 TIie Star and The Toronto Star... 0.75` The Star and The Farmers' Sun ..... 3.40 1 iii; garand The 1 'til dy,1i raid °,ind Weekly Stu. 4,00 --- Vie Star and Saturday, Night.:.. .:5.50 The Stan and The Catholic Record '3.75 t^'a .. .. The Star anis McLean's Magazine. z"tL .: S The Stair and :Rod : ;led Giui .. 3,no The Star and Montreal Vitlless renewal 3.35 3.30: •Tlle Star and World Wide... renewtil new... 3.83 SP ecial Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals ' - • . - may be had on application • - - 0.11',tt:ihe Stri (.:Aire: or 'Phone 71 for any inlc,riattq(:a. • DOMI11iIOPi STORES LIMITED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS "W ere !)ualit Counts" 2441b. BAG WHIPASTRYTE SATIN ........... MACARONI SPAGHETTI 3` Ibe. 25c 16ws. TOY PAIL PEANUT BUTTER 23° FLOUR 99 DOMINOCROSSED FISH BRAND . SARDINES BAKING TINS 25c POWDER ' CRISCO ;pg.. C Rtic 19' I NC 25 RESULTS 1 PRUNES =rat 2'13s• 25 OXO trtuliGiE FRY'S CUBES QUAKER OATS W COCOA 11Ift i. 25 S iV lakts. 25i • % all. TIN 23c CHICKEN HADDME 25c swan CORN 2 for 25c HEINZ SPAGHEITI Ik & 2k MALT VINEGAR fiti. 13ec Yssr'sLisitoirsCsesk$yrsp 35c BEEC'HAM PILLS 25c *SEXIST f-lla. PAIL 75c, HONEY 14.es. JAR 30c PEA.RL,INE 2 pits. 11Sc CHIPS° 9e is 23c BROOMS MN 41tc SOAP CHIPrS 2111.. 21Se >*ICHMELLa arc l ►. BUTTER TEA $ELECT 69c111. !MAAESIDE OAND 49c I . D.S.L. 89c11. MATPIELD BRAND 43c 1k Timm Prices is .fact tar *stet week freer dat. o f lis fug.! 111C 4 a •