HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-25, Page 1�'- _,_", __"�`" - — -_ - - -
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� I—— ___ Frihy Night A"g for R * "' Hd Bykw ' t I
Pefition with 254 -Sipatao Was Preseuted to Towu Cmsc# ....- of Town Ak � A i
' W..- %- - __ . I � I
� � . I 1.11, -11-1 I—— _-M -4 1% A val i MARN11110 V ) -
L ' . - . I - � L.11 - - I i �_ . 11. — I P111111111111w- vow! - pwaiat fw the event and ifter a Mr. %W "pW tlie, ck&U ar - � :
.% __ __ - - I** cireloo. At 1i I .
= 9.pmmpmm . 0 TOWN TOPICS 0 WnuWma 0 " t%roWIj gn- vory glilaspitissias repost listened to a W so Rev. F. C MHott to explain (wj: Jtql,.�-�Tkljj. tift Thur.d,X, rob. .
I" u � I i vilillo variw prWam of toasts, In"Ital the purpose of the gat1wing. In &
U " . I ' forood "4*CMK ! IM'0'iI-!1'*'*'0'.- ,W,'i !MWht"-,!r"'I`vfV
I ,w '
I OR We ANUMM Got d Gauk 'Got Tolor T4b i**'At ' ' Akk wwwan an bill" - ausaliors avA w1drolsiles. The affair tow words Mr. ZUI*U spoke of ti *lilt lidrit. Chrio, itokooton. w im to I
I I Tbo Not own AIU*" so was Irl"n by tile Canadian Glrl.i In Intorfamwe tUt radio tam are both. ilke.tv of Mr. and .Me* ,,%,A,. t**, . . 4,
. I , , � I I it is mAw" tb" goo"im Tmining. Miss; Ctsr^ prosklent of trod with said vrikick lately has boon 44W.- le I wwailhip. � i., ."M I , I !,I
) I I I The Oodorich Star Is" a larxii � ,I , "t i i
.1 row con7, jqr,o Im"aw"o I � '* tb* a000"fZ)'—COI- tkA 9 *fti4iad arA welcomed worse, than lka*totoro. He also . . IN unpon"M 6 , , . � I'
. * tity of (01wed cards of a slalt- " *4 the =., Toast ,to "Our klair," point0iii out tUt bt viww of the fut 11 I � �
You ca?ry fire InsuirapCe, Of course, but not Life Insurance, 5 = $I" lot toy cw*, which w0I*vU`s4wQ" _"L , t I . 1*5 WALRYU.- AII l(lVIIW lu'"�Wv ot , . I I . I
I ill" P"p*sad %OY Miss ri*rothyL_ O*t those are &PPMIM* wir de;jr *)I). lj,orp� A�trij�ijj %%*Ikfr. I I ,
nly I ehance in 1,200 Of your PAW ot am *dIe sotil Ilk to*tt, tkwo =4 be N1.110 41fttk1rVA in,to rv.lit ull February
-1 Westbrook* oild we* resp000led to -bj j
p ,A.- tjow, jus'tthink off Ws� there Is o Bible OW very rewrAbly. Theolt are ' I
� __ jr*trance �Pallcy is bo"d �. for publis eveitts . A I I
._ hoin� belax buined, Wle t�veryLffd 1 441114144ft sultaw Week 1111000k i olairing God Be" the King. A toast some, per"* appointed lotally tu is, V41. 111100. 's � , III. I . 11 .
.L ouse cati quickdY be duPlicatcd, can your I w1wro, a large number of cards are *si0qA^--Tv -* , 48* 'alect to "Our Motikors." was pro,poged by nut Ueon#os. The rovocillmont has TtIF, raurj;Bt.,* ril, IN Avrx I
to Mature. YojIr h .�. 1� / fl000law hmk�e= she be %*ad equally jWwO, 18; thick $0. XcQ%W Miss L Johaiston and reopontled to, a raAo trouble car which :s v**4 for "And Iiii; X114'ets 44 the i�i§V,41&11 b* L L , . �
I - life N r�.Stoled- to your family? va for print* Parties. 11 fullet �
. . till hogs. 1 9049t bAcOn, 26; by Mrs. How#14 and to "Our ,Iiund*y locating interf"neo, "and," tif &
- lix 441ki ifirlt pliolim �d, the
.. 11.11 I '. - -Ttqnk-this�,-over,Apd-�4ftme-.to-carfy---2444"tr"-Ltfe,�'Illsur. . ?*4YAW*'*kFjK " $olWli-_. _To mt1n 14tre .14 tt'l- 6,01. 8,:71. . . I . I ;
Owe AV* I el; arA f4odord- aebooa,ll proposed by Miss" - D� Me. ued _Mr� Elllo,t,.." 0 v4rt-unIY_'1h0uId 4.Ijbi ,j%�fttL_._doN ttfink It"
. . I .
, I W � �"Ajt � Tqf(ft " ' --' -r -_ --- I
... I C*Irity � hog,i, 1458; Clure arW J. Winter Apd rompOrIded get this or to God*k*h and f Aty ?11
... . I aw. I . I I I I . I . I Proak Owen 800M colfts the W .�6 HIM 1.11 ft". AhL.Ir ..'t—f W out . --4.- -,,-
;� I 1. .1 . . I forr . �_ __ - _h, 807; W Mrs.* 1histow, and to "Our Cater. what *&uses ,poor rocoption., Sev. ildrell upill lloaveil ,
"O", Itt ''. 11 )L 4. L0404 aw" iiation that tht *A40wool In ths, "ek—� .1 � 'Ill, 1-�, kl�ll : I I I ..M
, . . n Is" tViifi-two - Incliox-nearly %"Visa. on; 'duo 1; shop on," proposed by Kim F,. Homy oral othors promrst *16ovok4d their -T dear il Ill, boy ifinx howlet - ---.I,,-- 11.
. � . .. today. I ... �� , �
* L'. - - , . I -_ I-. - -_ -the zero mark- or Uliliits. ill *A%$ Won In ropra to pow receiving, IteN WOOA ready to Ity :i%-aN - �'- �
- POWWOW IN W. l'i , - three feet -below � rst, V� . itad rospandoil. by. Mrs. Gray, a toast 001 . ;.
0. 1. T., proposed by Mis3 and it was 4&64W to form a club to h'�',,,_'" ltvo ift I I � I
' - 'I -4 "' k, ,;, . 1.
,., " _� ,_�Ar . I . I � rplak- 1"' '� �.4�11 � ell li� pftri.
� F, _X_ - I I r, — normal IAVOI. Whether the Chicago 1111"ORK. . Nitu to tim C. ' '
i L , I A Tj 0 . ot �lird . , I
, 4 ji
,�& %) 1, 0#* . ()
. I , 01'1�6 I , 11steld" or XOTAothlor also is resw I .A istant . Xwoneer ]?*r-,PWUI# and rospoutled by Mimi Mary In called The Ooderich R"o At#^- ll"N"L jIUW I 1.
� . �7`40V X11 sible I* tile question Intor"ting War-!, " at Ij -rarrow, Among the, musival num- ,cjAtjoi4 wMA will also include, radio ,
M r J_ NW.'It lie I . . f
- '
B L11__ I —W 140V C,valmis. I " n " "I N,_ '10 f I': "!
. I 'SKS1,1R. 4varlo-4 'i'llU. I . wm the ritry. T. ' r Ull
. � = tip' bt,!A! ". - !,
Qjmer ot North and ,ts 'I '10�4 : OU ,
, .
I Rbj,i4vi )� 'ITIME and FV11NIsill I - a vie,lin solo by Miss J. owriers living In %he c : ., . � -:11tv.11,
,7 1 *" bw bars won .till till '11�'Illrerk tip L
f_ f %
r' . 1,113IN in Ili
L ' ,".�"'A _ A - _ WANTIM pf rW401tt, Winter, a pisino, doet by Misses Alma following oftert we � auteAt 14m here mhon� Ili i little � ,.,
.Neboa.,. . . , slim was Is town re elected ,. , I
Appiz to W. 11, J.N(,KSQN. � ' , .kt tile resifl#noe of . � I I I I , *Ikt *#01AW a . 4iod w, .
� - 1� .. � ....... . .. _ � . WU x. xW.8FV*.LT) WAN TF0--00WbrtW.vi I 'url" to Pres -0 Rev. F. C, Elliott; *114`0 111`04.1 - . . . t.
. L I new 111'e -toe n -l -IIA . , AM I . i ,H)IO'd od the Huron road In SaItford 174 Nowell aullalady's Bvownlee, plar ilties weet.11 ...
I FM "i"'ne iNla"tIld R6j�j. bo(tericib. room mith breakfaqt, and Wier refemilas ta,'tho over <.f tbe volo, by Miss Orace Blake And.& 0. A. Reid; mealy.trsa*., C, I" ,Arter. Aild tilt, thildrea up tit lli,aveil: ..
I 0.4 &JM DUO '%Just bQ (IrSt cIftsS * 1h, shall ,I)lay with, us In Ilk,, g4km I 1,
� 4XIfURDAY. FIF,B. -nth meals, if plaisible. � I
. oMI;r'."Dry . batNrlev: w-L.A. bat- At I'M Lq ' rural lines i2% townmhlp and PIADO duet by Miss Evelyn Fowler The above ofters will conatituto the slrt,44. 01 . I
, t"Y serial. , '14 'It lt'.\� � coNrliene'l, , hart) ; in, livery %Yhr dress reptivs to 6.1% gad Floreuce Robineori_ nq test. oxteutivot committee. The matter of I,,, 11,nk grown too fair, hi, ha,j ura%% a I V
milly-at 11111. IS Sadtforlii hir tho Ion. . I
. . .
. . Living Room, Wluiog 500", UNPOOM ID, slml . . r . e the evening was the addresa 'Issuing licenses by someone In town too Iivveet t . �
. L
- (NWNV�' HOTEL. , , , . . still Kitcholn. Furniture, G-Artletli, Linol, . . . . - .1 . 1 17%a OW Xp"ak Oft4wator tre i , ." 0 : I 4 - '
4 , Mr,, 1. Above RUM, llug.;. Dish Cutlery, 0"rilen WANTE-Ii.-Young man or vivinalk., �� yoMiss M. Aol*rtaon, whose, was discussed and loft In the hands V-,%I1,,,,,,,,,i,r,11,1, �.��,,-i.til,.,,.-,.,,,.�"),�lii,,�N Ar , . ,, L
Oil, New Cilm,porlv v:n, Ab'A . I
: —��-.'%,Nm oultry short I y it, e , .0 4W,
,& P A -it TO h?.N course preferred, Ta** 09* lw -
L O'Brien% 'Meat, Market. ,.*,pPly *Nois. Phon,ogmMl. 311d 1111111crOus InspimtIonal words Nvere of the eiecutive committee In VIOW L bov, � I I I I
. . other drVeles. . I 11, . ding'of The Illarm Can4* and Vapor. appreciated by all present. of the fact that Magistrate Reid has That glids this still,. (if tilt% g",rfi ot ?
I U.Nbpla$� , . ,4)qs�j st a�,jilt,.libatiou rind bwo . 1,
_ #t" A L R-.%. $A I I evormblag =,A be, LS014 .11; the� ks; onli. jilit urmid of A%Wk. IAILM- ittlike Co., ad., i*'Ue name under - Art." 4) , � � I
- .1. . � . A h6kAlieLlill rented. . . I . 0,11i"T F. written to tho Radio Branch at Ot , ' .
. taw., -vftNt, it. H. No. 2. 004"Pich. ,* Q111MV01% tip Ilk 1PAV0, '
rN IxT.-Ijou,Qn, Ain Nelson Streitt. . I 1. � wbkh %, cb*rtot bow -been issued to -I Volistatift to Torowq Ili Paving - sai'l trill", I
� I - � -1 ... , . t4wa.Lln regard to this mwttot. Ag. I I 0,.�
T9h-MS---CAFjl. .. . I .
A;i�, *,owly decliratoti., X* fitma-tc. , . T. bUNDRY, 'AILIctioll"Pr-' ,WOMEN's FXCIl.'kX0E-- ' L . fierapany f*rW'*d UftPlity With capital of 11'Arelik Riiisd the goiernment, rs4lo-eor AvIII tot "-411 till' 'King call#,�il doNvil,ii,rat Ill(,, ' L I . .
I I . !,,
Rvelry ,evirverAlpiwe, -)i. J. ACIlEhU.N. -_ I � � . "Ingells, 11(illit. . . � i ,
I . CfT:UPjON - SAb r.-C)—Fj Ill' LF-DIAF11) few m fr�w'tlke I*Mers V the vicinity. At. A meeting of the tOwn cOunell be available for'some little time It -, , .
_ _� _ 'I.. F Ult-.4 ay .,at, the 0111dreft All): Ilk 111"tilk-a " I
for � .� - . I
" " "' .
ril Cottage, Ott "Womenisa; Nxchangth . I� arling arlse twa oolliv . "I -
"N'T'7110 Bedto 2 $110it'lliKiRN RVIA".4i 3 : PURg. opportAin 0"t'al"(Pllit') 'Ibo 014 Hainlink ev*iorator hat been In coromittee on Weduesd night it was docidtd that each radio owilor I 't Ilittliv 4 .�
To RF . Ig- bers In *
' . t, ..
tbe earlier of, We4leole".%, 'and -.-BRED 1,%NIALES FAKM STOCK9 . L purchased. "d fur*#r announcement was decided10 call a public meeting W asked to lit, plitee ,prepired ill 111.6 J�jkthQeAL . . .
� Dollat 1,4111104 vou W tontributf. pral"- I 'be vory.careful In the . .
. 'ITUBII rt, for rt M-110111 of the cotApany. wit be made text, for, Friday, Xa h. 12th, to organize .
L - V16EN NW.;knd WHN #. . . tjeally,� AnV 'j�,)rk. ,of a , hilillo, . ..
Lighthonse Arepts. .All, ijitiftru, 'eon , JE, ' . � I re operation of his set totirw-rent tau%- 1,111' houto the children Im, in. . . . V11 4
.. "tric-t. . week. , I I . tonary celebration of the joir trouble to others. Mr. PA. Net. Ljq�$ gj.) anti w4fell jkt thtt jj�tjt% 0 1 .
walences. AP y MAYS d� 11XV9. 841-1 - ,%M. ,W. L1JO.TTZR - ... year. S'Pnil for upplimft n' forni" at' ,
. risters, etc., =11WA ot vvliii�plch- � ,011c,t. ll()-- _,w tj Infan. .t .. . . for the Con _ r
. I �"011 -spil'by P01,10 4110VOR "d I , . : ., j . yL ,- mewv avehaIage - _ I . . I town to be ho)4 Messrs., son still Mr. ff. Barker were appoint. pl-Irl, . . . . . I . . .."', . I , ,,
I L L�E_41j.jt, . 1AM, . next Year. . I .
,�4f,4L ,t* ,�;L,� . . . I . I . 'rebbutt ed to act as "trouble men!"'and any Iteatly If) *�'ItNfflle th` 116w Ilitil: boy"', . . . . . .
'41) It),, I
.. _.\ , (;on. �
q. W.,� . C
" 44borll,, Oil
. 4 1) c Y,troons, whit"Idas, Reid, I I
; F0AA)nP�-%.iWjj a, If NYHONRA)AY MAII(Ill I(Plij Illt W,-.N'TED--DI14ri0t It.,preaentative, is* S. No.We samouncot in her and Dr, Gallow addressell'tha court, fAine having anVAnterferorke ' I . . L ...
�_� ., All StOrV *43%Ylk-rowo. ,, - 1 41*4 Inel" ,sba�p and vvi � for. t1oderich And vicinity to re- 04 ertiol-ne, ,(In; iiego's"jet X'his issue I 0 of any .%kAl(l ill" elltift"It up In llpav-m, I I � I �
w od fr=c'ihouse, wIt4h'fdiA jAk,olwint, , ""It" tit 'a is ronV'd. I ... . I preseut,.the, ,smurlty Life Insurance, I . ell On the au4joct of signs showing itor.t sh9uI4 "F41, XNAN-A '411 AW! vArWi,-4*-1Wfn"*4r. . �� .
� I . ,
�,ea bQ31jeld.. road, ,NNith n jowit, Ifinils. rc,�Orvp. as AIN t formation, of ' joh WOW. noto Other of theso them Nv" " .11
. ire ajail�#�,t
� , I X.Q(kjL frainji "4 .stue,� IMP uu-n4sx-0 r Go. of 'Canada. A oo , co Ink 11 motorists the romils, leading In and Mon. It w I . .# .
, i4taliIj! and Pureb C I *r iculars of .
- lien, houssi on tho properq.),. ,.%pply to -,b,ult, nnov, ddlek 2ad, (161283) vitiV d be made to the all. t, arty. X . on hcharigej its also dect4od that tin .Qald� the, thikNG -tip In fflmvt-n . . .. ��
. XG _ . La loft bred by 110t) t , ISS Itiftl r:- Av , h can be out. of,town. A rosolutioll'of thanUs arrival fee 40 cents. be charged "FOr th" dc -le littlit 1�" Ila'* r-,wne to . : , . I . .
JAMES R. YOLM . fl.'�A. No. i. 111N` Februa". 01h. .. joace preferred h t , , - P ' lr6w 'lk"' ivas, passed t'o the speakers and an . 141flep. . .1 I . .. � . . . I I .. ��,
I � . ,; I � 1, , I .
,., . . . ileld." L . I . .L . jolea.'' Godprl0l out Twa. % p1ly giving ftill v rs 0 U. , � Thl. Is skri oppartu L I to* -,)ke Godo, � . . each - raeml:ier .of the Association. Tile Shallows Pill and 9144 IlIfflit el*ws . - . I
- Illy go . _ I I L ted In tile. . � - ,.. 11
st-half or I'. ,anit. in � Rood C( I . . It .1roronto _�Get, Oro - � . , " I I � ." .�
.. . . I ' ' 'option' )I1dIt:*"'.'�\Tr; Ta Ife P4 It assurance wall givork th It . a ,oil in (hpr lUdyArtir we used to liv,, 1 . -
, . . &I ,bull In OV0 - ',& i AdENCIES ftUrl .. sllr1l"cP - rl,- .1adt" who arls.1 -!q the 4tter A11'radio, owners. are. askQd to joijk� ANeep oo . .
. . WATOLA&C'S SALL_I�a . I .. � . .. . m Ing of f**Y, ,and such like would be taken up., It was panotd, and 'give their best co-oper ti . L I 11
I N. Vilf bf N" holm vill ,so I - I �. W& n.,LU that the Mlayor, the Reeve and the freeing the air for better r c the i;.117�4 � L 11
halt OLt Lot* and .11 2,yourig bulls. R e N ^ 1111t, wl ,,
*TED._, - to _jL j ,00d a"Outit. ption
. NVO Want �a fjjIj 10 r " ; A '0 il 011 1, gu and upen. d .
n I -1.1i to rk�.tbelr as vis should -go -to Toronto : .ml
I WtOr l4t.6j,pou. 2,Ashfiel(I.,at public. 4)r Gloster, cajve4 Pebrila y. JW " time re t,
. on At L4$ilp Nfahtq Bealotv, Mre ItidgFb nU . sentative to handle the blf- , W als exe " are It%-, operation Deputy 'Ree The next ritecting lot set for Pridoy, . L I
jM L tit, 2.3#..,o Clock P.M.' For - ' , I (ill, NAiq do thm wA�p for thoir *av�_ , � L
� . - *oil; Ott Vviday4 Veb_ 04111 '. . - bull, is from t a lim .W**0_5 41"a...., n J_ - ventres -A il% the moroing to attend the (kood X;;Ch 6th, - . . 1. �, � .., I !
. INRWoR see exteaded,advertise-,ti, 4i h'p 1 a4p 1, � with pod ta. . kIttili, bov" . I
. I W Count, This Al 19ter. ,It gest id - line of 6P r ';O� - oids. convention, withL the purpose - .-I : � . 1W I llie.A 11drewup I'a ltoavoo. . . �
. , t , L tink as Auby. iwhe,s� Of L ,1( ; a now V , oll , jhQuI4.7b . - . . A i �
Or coilsed soolk keen bidaingat .\Ir: OIE4,;�� 0 �,'$Ucf�p
' and oake bdll# . odeed 'quick selling Vlc0t,rW'%XA9h0 . , - � . �;gui in R Ing the Min- Try Wilson'4 I I - .. . .L � � ,4
. )1, L, ' '6 ' L . . . , forile-made Catldy� .4-PIV Wthr 11 ,I� n0li dlv,k"* . I I" 11
%, atou, lit., , . - ' ' .
, . . i -igic, la.,.l. Ge . Ben Dulle, '100* I Ilia - Airfoil.. ,. More especially of is"I . tin quIcl,y, o'a
. ay A -tobet of ( Territory, Goderioll And district .0 � � . - L .1 6 -avosk . - , . . I
Er. "di .. I
U , . .. 1. V, later of Highways as tor the paving , . . xiiii theviiijilech, up'la Ilt . ,�
Iii.. 0001 U0 . � . , let,, 'r-Alved Nay 0001 ,lK own %--stiv t man� can L make $3,00 to ri, - pit4l's. plr4 orthlitay'!b4irty . "o, , collIVI. Look thera: 1.0ok ,
� . , 'Jc,stelv, F" mit not, necessarv. . ,nW, lie 14 . .
'L - dol,'� Solteltor. of fi re ,R I' . of .the Goderich endi of' the ffuron Please reserve the iiveiklnAi of I 1,
. I . - 11 ' , . jebauk Coupt. porlenfle desirable' " '' L ,e' I Frld a llwr0 LIA) 1herel I I . . .1
v - �" ,. I _Ivl��_ , � rP4 Nelfer, White IllooKe" Statogefore-nons'.'and v4st. ,experience. "As . oy the saftbotia of the road. This was 406dell on UY tile .March 17th (St. P tilck*a Dsyl for kt, tllp .j,jspj,p 110t -lilt his sunav, "r , ,..
, ,
L il" , , . . . I
. FDA SALF.'OR TO R&Iff.-Hod brick (2wm) born st, . 0, , o. 15, STAR �OFVIIO% � Women's - liaspitsil Avidliory held a -department - and teltit.lors talled for the.- Ho 141 Cord, -Party. and Ilialive.' ^\Vhi;ro-the, villing oulk 1 �
� . *' , BOX Akp I .
. ,pu&brt,dL W,Aj'.4je, " b�"'
, 'i"
. I— IM hir"fi, rl . .Allp ri�on.
. � � =00" two-aliArtment boiige tin' Nir, t%lorj . Clinton - ont —_ - , . - . , - � .. . I
L [rec� bf8t I 1 V5 104a: Wmt,v , .. 4jjjjthd$j reception plifty, akt tbe boo. but the' county council, at 444 last . � . � . 1. I I All ! hilsh, '11nish" 1juNtil �Uj. itln VNvift � .� . . L I
ha lot a I"
. ,Nt%�aeit $1 baddift iA. I _g� . I . ' Alexandra Mar- session, passed, a rosolution aski-,v . .1 L ,� - -willgil furl I, - . .. I . ,.4 .
. rooldfattal - locality ,, W Fanev Bell
iiii, CM'bV�L' Paid Mon , . n Igase� restrve., thq� 'evening of , - . . .
. ill 004f*R . . vjiod- as poe re,sl- tatered *,helfer-, Pertilta ` I who wI4 quRliff-for p6sIt,.'pitAI I" hOm* of *4 ljlrjl�elf.. at :Ijj,L.gUlf,4
. Pill- th'i KIUK , I . Of I I
- P, '111,10-11. _ Electri, ,Ifie lind, QonerAl ltosp*Al, w%tch was for the do4rift of, W work. :dodli;; 'March 11th (St., TlatrlWx Day) $or A , I I
,doomwIth twoWthroomN4 lArge par- Rohn. born June; "Uh. I 'v, tons -Afs Autotno Mfthanlew � �:_:.'p
.. 19.. , t� Vve 'Welding I 'a 4. .
� : . ter, #.W.AVA'o,4,%,er"d4h. $teaso .%jr Ohl�.P, CAInton; ,has. V,�Wutll ir)mtl�a , C4 Agoition, Hatt,�ry service, , 040 oar .Old *it , tllot date., The -,rich naturally is Interested In seeing the Hospita I �
Alkf�!e L ' - A 1% takfi�lhls halift, 41ear vfodjittfq� tioy.
. . 14.10or irellable tonaut, 4 ' - -ftoklaving - Barber ovenj I Card Party and Datce. , . .
. �~r 404*11j� O�CY U4410 '211d - - -, , Mustering; tilso Was . . . ,
4e . - - ..y4arS old. tl..Ik*L trf4c �4(s .,%te.rh4nj0jj Dontiatty., short -A Sreikt so0evs. A large the work Con on;&* it ralght bo Jj6rlie' .L . . - I I - Anti ,:,-, ,ioading I . . 11
_ ..
. mtiy. .�� at, .*6; st (�sjtjf"_�l to'll joWL 1 04 tiniol.%sken 10 leaft.4 ell atilbitiolis . on up Burek� Bible Class will- hol * , Min [tilt) Ileawni., . � . L , t
� .#r .014 , aumber of vilitOrilt *Ore, received time blafo" it. *oWA be -,ak' There ,kas,an`Awf,I Hajul in flo,'ilmia. - I
.. .1) 11. X. jl&�lkgg, bajr�sj-: Aprit 8th, 4 110iRtkill -cow-M Vears I t Afttrao"L anti eVening, Spin if It Was, d" _don ;. �
I W,_ 40 "O A �_4 Whliii-,%vaq, not 4111W %.k)Iljpl#WI*,: , . �
1, . P1Y t I � . I. R441 oftw ',. 4�,, --� old Act� jfo�vl Enqt&* about4. our ftr' . led to ilba;, '011 #Q)b,jj *OkIrA4, RK 01 "4,-- I - '�' , - .. . -
, I . - .1. � due ,)lav '711h, �; a -0firic the 9aj_ , i 'I
, � e odeilch. � : va,%-, , jith - vears ' sali of Romo-Wilde Boiling Lola. � 1.4-ty'k, ( .
I . I ,, 1 �__.�,4__.� _��. . 410 . - whtk� lea plan.; 11PAXPIXILL TRAIN.- *110 generously b, t� Ulrthd N ,* I 1. 11� ,�� �11, I I I � il : I I
� fl ,I WIT0, - Vint .lkt 0 .��; r . . . . .
, ,, t roaW �oow so , 103 .. - I . the work now. The.committ � which ., 11W - , ;
, FOR ,A. 3K, loilklat " 3 , rArling 'Str'�tq; 7 4; Y V-0 I T reet West . urday, $16 i � k I- - � $'It - .
111i f .ALV,,-.% 416511%hu''o � I a . PkIal . � . �
, ,
111"', .X O., *OrAl?r_ Adult , L aj%�k,o �.. 14" : *4ft �horg�, 10 Veai.K oIdL4 . I ' A� t. Of., I I A _41,_ I_`4 1 . .. I k I I
"TWIP I . 1 4 J � - I L I . . I
I . 4. ( V 4, i� . �.�, , - , .. � � . . I '. - . . . I I . . . , . ': L � I I a . .
. 11 "O., _ - . , �- � " , , : I 11"Ill- I . I . �
. I k-,j,:ftQq I I I ff � 'I . ��.� - _ !� '--' _.`!�, � . — �. . ted ' ". � I . .. . '. I I ,
. are $ 4 W 5 .. . ';"t '
, , W, ;1� , 3L AND A101,101
� ., . ,Vorouto, �� , � ;�. -,,�, *0`1 , I �, I 414 , 116, Y!��, I . . " I '�`-S,Wiv u'l;sod'bv' -
- , gifts 'with thoin�: ii� 'A "" - 0 A" .1,
. _,;,,,r, XIMPYTOP-114 Ontlek"
. I _. / *�;,_ I FATIU,
I * , I 40.% . - I * 4 __ . I - -attl the . I
�V MV il.kd -co 4 . I W44 ?: tbo, town. repot it .... ..... .1 ........... 0- . 1 4
s ., tdllft�". . � . -_ : - V �- - and bro!ct�rwvi b0l% Coming, I ' - . - I I I . . . ride, - In the. lueanA . "Larola - c. i L
j'4 �arp *'��3� Fiie` -4a�'04, I A To�,min 410110 I ' . �
1%t!,ft7- . , MIA , , I I . I
k. .WIA, ,�� �w 44. WWI 4 . a fascluititig -"Illy (I 1. i
. 'L WP , 11i"r-61i""'CAlt. , was lift in Its hik The regul thki GfIde- 11 - �
I , ; 11 � I ,r. ,�pjkr so" ' i ". 'ntlerll'b astrebt. Unitpll el . at Ilsoetinit of . I
00. Vr pictilig life among the:.High Cast or .
Ill . __ iir� c , � �. � Vil
1� * .vidob. I decon I I e and 04lott.d.4."lleral -, irpp,so' -Pereborr 01t "4 OfItlireg a ".6rosentative for G N a rth , , ;...h, time. the threatened writ Axis': ittit be . I
, full 11 ih ef af �lllicli ".Nfjj4t 1116, live Vvite lury be ' elL � . - .. . India; JR two iketap C.46V'ne vight rich, WorneriPs Institute ,�wlll hold . . 4 1 " ,
outsfd� lost Mtiy, .Nt W. b, "riths, Z; A .0 iiak.- it,ie,�, It rearg - *1 - distri .. . .... -1 WL V Tuesday, Varch 9th, Mro� ir," . H,- - Oil Issu I . I .
.. "Vire olli ' , , L ' f � . .. . , L'L. � I ho .01 follow U onq riteAcregardim. ed, - . . , aracters, - also -oi on .Thdr.-Alik, M .,h 4th, at 31 p.m. in . I . �
almd vikr&n. th , I'll -il". .. f 9' Xing, Soprano soloist, Windsor: ,Miss . � . I I ch $004 PrOgrAnt arc �
lot, good gardpa - I . 1111�11 �.O"� ` flue tit .; pri.l. . . ,.0-ty,firnawnt' ithil' 1111110iPtIl D01145'anct . vocal and -instrumentil"music and the home 'of Mrs. MePhAll, There . - � �
A" j4tt ., L,%vri*. � , R , tid inu,pet-C " ft4'&-,4K -' " ' ' ' '4' ,:, , - Ilptrod Cantata at St. Georec's ., . I .. L I
'Pejjr(,Ljt,je#.' �'Y
I . -Trerm"U . I 01vne.-* on 11"F4lietito, "rge.-.4%,il quitnt4v of ,fl,ji,isted , 'VerY fOrl" ")t Josh Walker, r4der, London; it. CharCh, L . . . .... . res.dinis, A full oveniag'i entortain. will bean. old -f 8 n d 1 rejtf. par*& . .1 � .
, � . 11. I - . f L I "..'Y-ilarrho 40port NNIII bre glveh� 1116ludil _ . Mr..' - . .a hio e 'I . ", i
� 4C and tsosnu , av , I I Mail., I . I L ,
limatiffoq � A I 11 I ., ., I ats, � 4 39 11P "" 0. Hainitton...organist, Nort4 street.' Q and the,roll'cill wiIt'6tl. �kri � -
. I . . - .1 hj�, jilinjite (Itiot.,tviall'i on .every cKsa At the Vocial Evenisong on :Ash merit At Victoria stre t jjIlited iwered by , , , ,
"PAA i 00H I hinder, I toot tut, noatlY lit kV I I Peer, . , V The (Voil- When -Mrs. Mug was a resident of Wednesday, Feb. 17th, the choir of ,church' two nights, M and'TriAlt quotations.i, . 1 . � I I
.. N SALX-�-.Tq ,row,u�,hjp Ing inoN-mr, 6.1oot cut, t,13 -tooth Frost Write Box I arch :1rd . .
- ' . .
of Godemell ,6*4 Pro 4 Wood tulfivator:' I 10-tolpt Peering - .. . , , , I __ . .1 i 1. . �
"ce" "
.11 ____.--1_--- "r _ ent . . .
� "" * , .� '. - . . � � I " : L � .
oi I fit h j I . L . Goilorith .her singing wis Always s' St. Qeorge's. church under. ,
- - . �_.rjl -Star". L � _. - . ,took.' very 4tho, at 8 P.M.- Admission 26 e a -
, 114;e j�k�*. A 8 -foot steel- rallin,, I iq V t delight and the congrogatiou.jAnd,ithe, I 1. .3 f. � .
. liANIT 5 TAile* frora Goderl � a 0 MIA. . tl.� -and 1$ cents., 08 PRINTING. AT 1`1119 STAR I .
' �s ; 2 No.24 plailiry ' L � � I Pokiplo of .9oderich generally will . . L " I. . I .. - j
� . 0. Ascent to,4%ureh a school of j ect,lon harrows, .. AUCTION.SAIJIS . creditably. the readerifig of Malin I . 1. �
bOtIlle. FOXM COifolift Of. 30 Acres, of , plows, I nearb, '0-12 Fl('111'V � _. '411AX. . I I 11 L I
i': ne%V". JL N� .: red cantata, "Penitence, Par- _ I , L . ,. .
- sm,v cl� nnm , trill sac . -
. few htlonaj,tv�qti: plowl 2 Xuvrf(IN� , surely want to hear her- ikgain -on the - I .
Arolo-014 N. I .�. don and I ,. ---J.L . t I _ .. � � I
. Us lend well tile -ilraliked. A Plow: 1 N j,Njj)Y,p,NWNT.', and HIX�40340bl) Peace." The. cantata"Was so=*l 1 110$0141� - -. ,,*=G- .. .. "'6=6 . .
. . * ks'e. bank waggons:l mliber-tiro bugL, , o of r coming visit. misil . I . . 1. MWZ ( - L � . �
9 Omebt block 7-booni il4i buigay; I It-hom, 06,%ver �ia N " , ; , 1 6pe pi,rt*11111VIIE. : - I � . ecasion he the following 1. . . '! ' '' L'.. �. I
50� driving,bou4p sad',gatu e. . . - W41ker a u reader of,,�oqd * repeated UY request - . .. . . , - -_ . L- . ,� L'W. ,� .
9 prigino L. . . P ' ' -, L . I I .. . "L,:_.:. I 11 ,I �
. � X, wit i . ability lm�ro*einont , ;
4ft -Inch 014 'L _ . 11 -the- .1 . A : I
. Orchard of 55: g I 13 on 'cuttill'o bo . 'dM H it Sunday night and I - . ... I -
ood winter apple . wxt. j. ANDIOAV , 0 - . alulton's abilities are�wcll . . L
.1 , ly. ploos'and diotillbutOt", 1, q-11101 li,esso . . auction 4 lot V. k .r I � � . L I - I throughout was noticliable. The tell. . . USLIC NOTICE .,. , .1
. . -- Never faillug . water " sapp 101t)(k1r, A buzz Paw outt1t; I k4et O will iselt b-,- pulikle novm# , � -_ ; . - . . . . , . 11. - I .
. pa . a 'i , fb � - . I , . � I
1 F*11 filrther � mouris Y , e-onevssion tl, Nvest wawktamd �4. riffles � L I or - solos. were sling bi Air. Cam. , . I .. I L . I
... D 'N epi %afrevv iwales. I �,nttpr* � 11 L _. I . . . I I ,1 I
iW Ilia. R, � . 0 . L . �
. . I I GIN.'. 4, 11.1io. f,,:Ubdcrj0h. h.1y r.jok; -I set, of sloop slt�lfijj4, 011, Class ill First Aiq- and . ,,* " Tweedle ,and tho baritone by Mr I , , I
I . I , ., I flat nortlA 'of Auhipm), - "ril - , .� ich I . !
I'll FOR' &ALN .01t TO',R9N r Poll 'hay raek. log. rAVAII41, I root pioiler; I NNT6NESD L'" k� ily night th; 1. A public meeting of the citizens of the Tow 'of Godeirl , . 11 .
7PAP V , - � , AV, MARCH ,1,,,rp . I .. . nL . r 1 41 '4',X
I lencing-M..1 (Y,cllwl� , .. . St. Johrels. AaAbUjjACe. Wor F6rbex Miller. On Sund . . IL I .1 . .
. I .1 .
A; ATURE.-E-got halt of lot 8. 3ra 1-401"'t' *coffler: I NJAP4ey-Mirris olao. - eo'Iln ' The, C.,G. 1. T. - North 8t. United soloists particularly seerned,to, have � � � I .. . will be 10d,in 40A�': '� . .
- I'M rlorf[L ea�*' 1� , , '. ljort - - L Of . .. . . . I I . I I
eon; AS) fleld, fluron (.,. . _,et of � ae and the whole was . . I . I I I
'County, 100 ser s ute, spreader: A �.WS and ("U(tie -
No wut;lo Land, bas 'a: hoavy team iharot-As: I ,,4 or, plow , I aro 10. vrars old, I Mack church hkvie arrarged.,*Ith Dr. Gal. gained tonfidow. I I . . . � ., � L . I
L - . ' '
. all been worke� . lxw ni, . 1, Marked by",.,& L ' ' .
, � I sing .jq .1 L " . � L
, . fenceil. . IctrmK 111"', I Dur-, to "tine "'�"".Lnot - , ALL . . - 11
, Well - well waVred: ponninjit hamesst I act -of vinalo I-irvia,-4, 47 , , '14 �-Liar .4ol(1,4. I mari r 40: low' for w oriwi of Ifttures -on l? irist dellea _ . I . . . . ,�
water IT) ;Iabl- all Nv:ntor, Bank barh pullets 'and 1 r00%Vrs; ?Iotill ;0'�#�'.t 4"Itre. 'rl'sillg 1*1 �'O'lr`i*' Aid ant:113L John!s Ambulance Work. #0 apparent on the first night. The , TOWN *1 i ,
I ., " . f*#,k%_.V$&* 'L, , e - 4 , , -_ , _ . � . L . . � � . . -_ - . . . . . ... -
A _ __ - _V_ , . I � ,
. wPt,* I I n!�JXW,gf� . " 11 V"I' .var) , oil!., -.111CI )ltl V '2(A h I I- 4! .. . �., 0
it VIIICLkell BOUSP liff 0 , � ____ if 1, - , �-" ,l)", � .4 . - . . __ I t__ and Lpossibly ; somiy home-. --under the Ahree - - - :7, . . I., I I I
a 164 14 IP � halli- I iluraijlo� cantata was divided
16011. , tft'" , _4c' 1 71)e '041 �crewfv 40PAM Ill,: nhlp4it-1 j),gillalt eo..v I yosts old, pose( 0 �
. W,4:1,41,jrs, W, FAIDAY,'MARCH 19th'10d_:. I .. . �
4 �.� .. sualm stcel range, and. all other liot�sphola 1�ar ettures Will. �e,gLjjeik fift North headings by suitable hymns in whieh -! - . 1. 11 ..
brick ,wnppred hou.4e,giiod 0,01 , . . bq invalf, (lilt In.-october: 11,11stOn These I , . 0 �� . . " I 11
met MIMen, large IvJstern. amilard fur"Itlift,, 04%. eow A vears-oltl, flue Mxy K le IL .1 ", .
. 11 , illi, I ]lilt- street 'United Sunday, School roofi;'on th c oined. The Illus' . �, . . L .. I I . I .
-mring�,,&�plj. P.Junis. pears� $ t4_ 't - 't was most approp . riate - - for tile PU, , . 1� I I
�jlj 0,0* 8 V
, Cars ,Old,L jjI,_ ,
. Just Jilt,) b - % TEXUA.L.-All snails bf $10 alit) "I'dat' � . freshoned Monda�t evenings beginning with for each pal . rpoSeLof organizing for tile Town of .
. . . A . L I - I GOdCrich Con. �
. �,hprrlrq, vropelt. 3-4 ril o froin 401001. Oasllt over -that amounk A InI11101,41- 41L nudiam'cow 8 '.veArS 0141, .10st I": I- to the subject. Cload harmlih.v 'Was - I .1 .. .. . . t
I mili,s Odin .DarwaWiqii#j1tc1Tj!r Muld eroflit will be, g1ven -on furoisliing ap- rtl Cow 8 VNIPS lild'Allst March .lot, I At.& ,9'0ock, Any girls . 60 I . .. I . . : � . . I . 11 I
ened, I 1111reto . . maintained for the moAt.part; tho I tennW C*6bft'b to be held in 1927� I
1. road 1 1-2 n.11PA from Proldrk%lal 11101- Iltoved joint ilotm A discoolit tit rato fresllpljcq:4 I liel-prorli c(Av i ve,ars (lilt - or young women of the town who, . . I � . . ; I .
. way. *t'% " . 41' . Unijoll $jngjnj bf, "I'ook Unto Him L . . . . �. L. .. .... , 7 . � - I
I �111.sell - �Oasoikpblp� final) eaih mf 4 ,PPr It"Ot. Per 9"I'luill 0110NI'll I`M" ji,mt ft-f-.4hened; I Duriialn Nn -A 81', '.4 . ., .
.. ,jrposif,. low Intet#st.. t\,t,;v twrm;�, -it ca,.4 ,on credit amounts. I acli. Jersp�, -wish. to -take up this work are invit All citizens are respectfully requested,b) attend. . . 1. .. � I
. I , ed," was admirabl! and . - . I . p I . � . L .
. _j)lgj, dt,(! in October: I tit, ed to attend these lectures. There and Be �$sv . . ... .. '.. .,
playment. For further varticulam ad- %i% L. M)TTKII, T. (10UNID11Y jgo(j. (full octobor � lt*)tl.:, I D1411. I ued and' revere* I .. I . . . �
, I
I - 'STUN, 11. IT. NO, Proprietor, 'I"IllhIr 110,11, I . oars *Ill, due WIA'sljer 27, th, - will be a small fee of 00 cents to the Subd ntial Aatmo- . .,� H. J. A; . .. . I I .
dress DXVID I.M. .1t)IIN . .XIIR haill row 6 ,.%*, . _M4 'lie I I
I, ,%eppordtoa. ontp . ��_ I . : 0olik,rich, R. B.� NO, 6 I . I ,I)AIrilaill ,�qvv- it years old, INS' f"t-t-h- cover expenses (bandages, etc.). phere,was well preserved through- - nwAx I . . . 4 L .
. . _. -1 L L I . L . I � . ..:!". , . " . (qjv4l;,j mirilain ro-0V $ 'reali, vid, Juf-t'.Dr. Gallow has had.,considorable ex. Out the first two parts, .The solb . I . 1. . I � , . .., .. I I .. . ... . -or , I .. . I I - I
. I I . . i . .NiaN L �
I ;1q,wiW . � ''. - ��;4'1,;lll�11..% L, I I f I freslielled; . I— Bell _ L Ste'er, emlling 2 - I � , . . . I . : _ . .L . � L I .. . . .. ". . . I .
� 10 . - -_ -_ 'a t I N,ta orience In teaching this work and sung by the boys rikiig out delight a. .. . �. . I . I
I . , - " " I ') ' A its 9 Pilv% '- V P be fully clear and the triuvitphal ellIT10%, - .0=04
" 4,;`li 7 - ., ]DOG10,1- , - _-, L I '01 is' ' I ill gu, !Iolff,r4, f . . I . �
I told, 0 llollie!lle .� I a
. Af in yoar;, 12 those attending the elaasas� r
vay. anso. .9=0 0=0
. I - -' �"' a , ushered. in. by joyful lielulas. , I- - - __ " _ ,. - . - .
L li� 1.,pono ri
. . I " eer c, awsitired of a helpful ud1lintereating All 0, I . I
"Ivt._ , a
4 "T . NOTICE - - . -�: " 0 it , . �3
. te el �a " 4
L . _ . I
.. I � : - . .1 . .11 -1 eal,i.es. � '' .. I course 'of lectures. -Any f urthor in... The oboirmastef's untiring -vigilance " -1 , I � . .
. L I
, .
. .
#1 . 1. . . . , . - . . . . . . . .. Poultry � I I .., '16rniation desired may be obtained was evident and It is to. be hoped - . . . . , .
. . . I TheL Town UYlaws feclittire that the ownets or � ley NN,jiite. J,wgliorn pillvjs: 21) Allel, - material - . . I . I- . .. . . . I .
ntr h�y�!-�. . ___ . ___ . . - -._-, :.. . I . . 1.
.. .
� � Outlets, . .'- from Miss M. Bailie, L -ad . cr of the that with 'such excellent . NOTICE .
dog, lu i I � . . . . � I C. G. L T.' ,. . . . . I . . I.. . . ,� . . . I V , . .
,- �'.* �. ' , ha,r�orors' of Iny - till �jj " btain a' ljeense,. and stli6h - 50 Ao'ek hellst; ' ".11. ,' I . available on both,sides, this will be � ' . L I I I � . I I I
I . I . � I . - Imilleakents., Ete, . . -quq , 1. - . L .
. ' I . . . �. � , , I I L . bAit thelireluder to a stries of t , Ily .. ! .
. dog WtAr a lifttlite tag.' . . . . I I lIpliring,11tinder, q), ft, i,uti� 1, tworina Mother, iind Dtugfkt*,r nalaq,got . I 11 W 04,
t1ji yea I)Y. ' jjAjj%'er. ('§Lft. cill*, I NleCorillint, elilt!- '' , I .. I aspirational. undertaking. 1. E. the undersigned Dry Go' s MitWi Tailoringi 'Clothing ; ,
. . All'aogs triust b.- "Wearing a tag S r A vety' interesting oce"Isioll %,as � 0
. . . . I., . . 1-011. 13 bat., .., . I lshi�js and Bootand Shoe Stores4of the Town of God- � 11
,, . . vator. I 'MeCormlek Feed ( -Th !nat is On vp; and Furns' . " .
I . .1 � I I , j IP-411init hayrau"t I t%%.vturrow.. that of the Mother attif Daughter is Is a Joke . 'L , . .
I . L . April Ist- I -- nich agree to close' our stores 46ach *evening not lato�r than so,ven .
. . I 4 " ow at -tive. TOwn -PlOw', i Oliver Plov�, I J6c yj;lrl'()%v; I �Banquet held last Monday dvoniog Ili Sometimes the �Iinake.up" man on V I . . .
. Dog TajVMaY be PlitcbAst n , . . � turisip'. sf�#141-4011"'l At' -111111"' i "Ittt'r North St. United church, About, -a paper plays an unintentional jake . _ L(7) WCI,b , exceoting Saturdaya and nights before holidskyst and I . �%
. . I . I .1 . I 11 Irprow I rolot pulper: I fail. I ,ck k
I � . .. � , I -whoOlK : s were by the .Juxtaposition of .1te s th t I � . I ,. ..
Hallo frotu-, I I .: � . . II'llig ,nill: I. stool lana rmt-r: I set eighty mothers and daughter, in a also excepti-rig the month of December, We mutually agree 10 �'.
, I - X C0111!1ato #t(j,jl,L , 'j414%jgll.� . . _ ,. . Isually' whe� "I I .
. � `11. T., UOWARDS, Ts I r .b0s" - I �ot 1)106i have no connection. V ..
�. k. L I I I .1 . 11 I �, . I � . . 1414411s; I ,%%.a,"llIl (11141 jK'j, I -jwa'.A- RHAL ES'iATE AND INSURANCE thl;'hAPPells the lack'OfLe.0nilectioa .do so for the period of one year-beginnink Monday, March Ist, I . . . L
I I . - , , �, 1, I "O wagolt Lri'llp. I appip mittv?. lit Me ;illd' , IS Silfrjejently Obvious# j)Ilt L fl(Ime. 1926. The sama exemptions . to 1 apply as und;r an "Early 003. � ... � I
. I i . � r: t la*W Mallit. s%1,1111 Into: I LIRIUS11.1A 1.110USFS I . I �
. �. �, I
I j . 1, . I I ll.svl'%� — . .. .1 times an Item fits in. or -an. "ride . I . ,1
e � � � 41t= ., *,,, �,,Ilx; mapb, -tyrillp Pall . . . Ing BY-IAW." � . I I . 11
. ,.-a Flillo.4 an(I blit-kt-1-4: I vinery All kintig for sale. . to fit in, so well that it looks na if it - .
. I ,, , . L . I . '.1
L I . .
0 . `*1nk "` - If ) I.. I . .� .
L stimis: i laro, reml- rtil-the" %%ill' I " 'ot, gntend buYing 't linflif, lilt Inc' were placed where it was by desigm, i
�!�tfj, t;,j%L_)flojjeY. 'A ___ .r,.._. . . --- ing 710thing ---- � - - - . - - -
� �_' '. � . ited I INVOrk,truel,ir... I i-1:4 Alm 'You- vdiere %,-Oil � I I.. . � . I . � Tailor
0.1. -CAREYA SON. Lim" J- Is.4;0orgP- WIIHAUAIL tik!%* occuired "in , . L , Men's C
I .- . - : � R-4 or kerosvill". t 3-ft'I'MAN' t"at-14'r Newr wastbi, opportunity hiltel'. flet pl�Fuiar case of 1 I ..
. ploliall. .1. corn ciliter box till] I lo-; I nrleeii on what it will oy-ii � list 11) build our issue of Feb, 11th, where a . . Dry Goods and Furnishings Boots and Shoes I . I
I INVESTMENTS and INSURANCE js mountp(jr ti -ant I irni-i . 11-V I ItIrn come ill and see w*rji I haw Ili three -line item which wis intmided I . . . I
. . . set bra! li .. Ila 16's;l : I o 1, . - ^., T!I.N I will A. CORNFIELD , M, ROMNS W. REG. S14ARMAN W .1 i
"_ , . , to till up & SON ' . I
I � I nic reMP16 Building efillam, I ,wt ,411, . it la ,.ou atid Ilave fllqnei . to be us�.a - a,4 a ,,finee 3 W. AC14ESON ..L (11AS. BLACK CEO. MocIVICAR , � I I I I
IWAA . """ " 41 11 'I -r: I I'rov�, liol�lf. 11YAN., sot -do plqc,- hi the paper whielt would . .
� larne's:"i -iN. t.,111 qlai'll" , to
11 to H ongine. 2'U', horm, it, ,
"; �1, - V,I li,ng"�' I 4 BEH't P. ff. MARTIN W. I W RN
!."11W 111.01111., %%-lilt hi'll"ll W Real Estate an -I In',lIl�lnVP:, not be I�rge enough for -in -trdinary K r. 1,118 .
I, N�NL t'llilp.l. .,).L : . . I
1. — ONTARIO -" ""z"'�l . , I C. 6. NEWTON - � 11 �,,: I . . I I 1 -
CODE H -- ' I I. Pli%% ". I , ,
I RIC and Avrio.-er; I I _1_.1__.____)hn"" -'10,- item,�%Ljjq placed it tile ljottow of an The S. A. GRAY Co. I .
, ,PHONE 230 - . circular sav, and 1114](11-1; -1 ,till"' j-",At� I'V1111* ARN11,1111ONG REAL FSTV11; anti article acknowledging gifilq to thr.' ' W. C. .15NAZE1, - I
, I . . .. , . L ROYAL L. R. W. Co. ' P�
I huggy �Vlolv: 1 11111g. ladfloll: I shfirl JL �. INSURANCE A41ENCY. I .. . . I '.
. . . I . I , . .Y1_ A . L I �,�d . 3 ,oal . I Children's Aid Society and Chiltfren't� I . . McIXAN BROS, � . i�
I— latillm V'i 40LI. I fill drilln: I 1%l, - L ,(.- . W. C. PRIWIAM & SON .
� :*&/,�., "....'a ... I .......... � ��:;;::::;::;:::Z:3� - __r_f_A.*_ _1_1-r --- ain rollel'. I R0If1'0N'-* (I"'4111 Lif., !s,,in Life-, Aceldon-t' vil. . . I
'L I I . I I . I � I I I rack:1 ar. I ,, %ut,,. fShelter. This item read as follow I i "
� I ,�j - . ,� llso�varitlo� Ili iri)od ,Al.1t;),1: t -NIN:,10110': millille lAsuratlee. � "About 07 per cent. of Chri.Anim, I " I . I
. . nkilklrw in0hine: I MI'll 4"'ItIA-ItOr. VOU". and Lolq in "Noder"ell and toys havil now been stepped on�and , . .1 I __ - 1-1 ,or . .
I I . . I I - I I
I .lit bpau thame4ter -itt-1011not-1: I Alcinity anti Fartus, for Ril.-. � . . . ?
. vrapep* I vorn rafk: alifint, :_XA hilsh"N perhaps it is just as well," As it' &L.V__L___ I -W I I I .1 � "-*--6.W..*# W
� . , .1 Same very lilt#, to%" prow-ptips' general item it 1i sibiply u humor- '. � I - _ . � . I . I A !f ;
-A �t ont-4., .-4 bushel I'llekwIleat. 'Ki bu-ill, rafillt-on Pillillippal. w0l llu.�'ttvll, nj,w: . . . ..
� 4M%%' Invae I peas: .11 bushels alfalta s ' 2 )"I"Iii'lP 'fit' 'it J)jjK haritaill jlrj'-C.�-;, .
. havion' i atments I timothy q I'Af'(l - ftjr 'q, OUS COMWtnt On the Shot. life Of I
� I I . ,j?0jI; ICA) J)ag-4 .it IfolAtios-4. a �% A piriped hsitl�.v, an't many M-istmas toys, but appoarin �, I
I , I I'lluisp.l. Ile-iloll
. I . ollailtity (Of ocill hay. It" 1 If ewd*r- Ir ', . I ,�
�- , , . ..; �: .., . I - _1 I I � 4; f. , 1, .� L I . :L I 1;9,� - - � "ll -V pawlil., kll� .. .1 wh,1l1*,.It.'0jA- 100oke'Llike-11 ,�Cflou - � ,� it,
. . &Id,Nk . ",'' . - *,letyu. ww.rW wo,%,., lzr1wating,.14 j ove 1. L � j i ,
I rilltell-. I 4,11"04. I Po�rlil-t,4 I'm4litular , . i Y to thQ fatC of de I I'll -
� �r,,,� feW L . IF, "
1. i, A nim"lifor ^f fann* ligod tri ,�40%11 "l.t StAterlient of fact as 11 Huron: Inves4hents tim* d ;
S" "e'n''An, , dirs - ranite %%Itlj reliterv,411r. %ith N%%�koil allil rvillartaNn tow pricAlt. oxr(41ent *fill. toys presented to the Sheltor, F'o- . L I . . I i �
., � ,. 'rjf%VII Huron raimf ��' I%hlp L . L. I I I.
. , I I I . , � . I i`oal grat4'4: IL (, t - will, gro-#od buildins-1. woft, W VAINT art. moth sot.wo heir. that AOWL 6 I I . 1;
. - 11 re#f6rvfjir: I barrA ot vInpir.w. 21 811"ll t IV, ill r, !�,',� don L sted toys to the Shelter lame . . I I
� r*rlor 131411a; i 1.1%vit alifut-P: I '41"'I" W1,11, waterm. Ktay -i to ,. .
, . . * * 1 .%Ilk ,ibnnt Ihmr � *ew York Ev i -
, 4 ,(,,;,. oil, wout'ItAlooltir Ve arc, mat-. We offler murold balance of N 14 e,glug
DirwA privatewire, connwU4 with Torointog pepior; I sot platform . . . 4rll,r,t�, tor Informatloh. called up to 'enquire. C This ii stu � '. . . . i
"lot%: I 611carla 14a.,4 lavits., I 1"(11111 QN1 45r WMIP low this ixplanation (40 that our I t
I I - fiqj�,jiflv. wljllVf.h4 journal 6 T496 Bonds, due Dt . tst, ig;-.
� Montreal, New -York, Chjeag& " WinniM �-ear. im moilei: fork,,,. 3. W. ARVAr"4140's. i Ij .
,readers Way appreciate till 41111 bf I �
C. - ,ilcri.,h. 11 . 4
. imimetrivfe ana f"I I r ,it lielf'i 1"W'. sbitw, Nril"ol! Fair, I' %larlo, the jol e (on us) and may aba le as- 8.1; CO. Issue
,., 11 Skock and train Exchat*oo --. num,rntis to mo,ftlloa. 1). 0. no% ft. . k S.W. STRAU, .
1, . . I%e Forall 14 641411 '4 .1 I 1. - I- sured that this has no rofererel, t9 I . - 1 .
.. , I . L. Tra.W. --Ntafoom. lj,,%%,, amin. 4,0�-,,l " - - ` toys'donsted t($ the ShelteP. I 11
\ _'"'� A . � We have also opened a depattweat to 1140le In- - . I h
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L � I . �
. Ite plvm on furnl4tinic alstornt-o(I - 3 $111 reparedto wr e 'ire,
Our Board Room it open to the public from over that amount oi,slit. ntavilh%, r.,,Alt I - . it e.1 litles of I- i..
. 41, I W, C"IE T1*17&W1*Rrsd0'%* 1FYA*ff"0(r)erXxC`e%lAt ratice, and we are p' . , . � I
- L)OW rotpx N dist'itunt at flip raV, lilt A lArat and erithuiia4ie fileotit.!' � I
I I 0:00, a. rn. to 3:30 p. m. daily. 0; r teat, 'wr anatiM A119%U-41 f0t . V.j r-L-k-Whorm of owrers of v%diti, P;etq of 'he tovol AUtomobile -and 1,ife luxurAuce. ,
I 11 I 0ax an orrAlt emolinfe. . - I 1100 5� and 'vkinitY was held In kmlktralw I -.1 -.1. . I I 1 4
1 i I fT. WV.1ility. 1011.1it, J. A�ORFIW. i .%� L \ I � . I 11 l____ - - I All
L L - -----. - -1 I __ -- q i1ofter. 11MV104091. Jim W "...'. I , . ., . ... ., " � -M .1 W 1. P xeld",3 VoLe tin .Friday lc% cla: �', la.t. , 41 . .
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