HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-18, Page 7VOIMMIDAY, Imp IMb, i ms i�tel luller DETROIT 81 Rooms -- 800 Sitio $2.50 per Day aid op Arabian Restaurant Gothic Grill Cafeteria Teat Rqo l t Gamed MelieRs : .01 You Caw cells Stele from Coastilpetion rs, wing ILBU*T$ TIP 444411- ••••66446410•••••=1/4111•66601444.6.6 mumetertairseeleemermiermstiegierimmeemitmeeesernitronistatemi 1 Shrines of b 's � mase feesidt desats rest ua the ui.i tvered easwway, which Wren tiiscorered *limns feet below the preernt. Sunday Atternoonit R I S BEL HAMILTON, Ce �erltfi Qat V . ' R , Ont. Cher dthuwig in 014 aw,wv , tees NYwc. lid► It L. .*;mow etsin se eseiai, ht dither lsesic to *ale ;';axon in the Lot entirely days, when the street was the grin &tit story of Dirk Whittington. street ler Anyone born within the 24•--CszApsai sound of Tillie la veld to be a t Chearside, ogee of the melt fatnutua#eoekney►. that is -e. true•born Lon- * ._,_� s.•... iDK ` awwalsas�+�ussawasattt!eiswswitmtrsiswegttwa►elsRssratNaAtnswr+tls►� y �' +idits popular, To Thee our God we Ay were seemingly willing to .Cofer it to civet teseeetrplaee of the citisens and iTile story tells Cls that in earls - For or mercy Lad for grace ; ('trIet, u a prover judge to decide was lumen as the West Cisme, chepe life, when a poor apprentice lad, Diel. O hear our lovely cry, the quarrel. They catty with Plum- being the °-Saxon word for iwas ao badly treated by the master And Wde not Thou Thyiface. ible weeds moon their lips but with market or bargain. i to whom he was bound that he run I 0 Lord, stretch forth Thy deceit in their hearts. They called The numerous street' leading into' away, and had gone as. far ag high mighty hand, him "Mester," pretending teepees for Cheapside still beer the names of gats HW. abet five miles distant,; And guard and Nese our Father- him while intending miatchief against the emneedities formerly sold in tete when he laid down to sleep by the land: him. Bet Christ could net be int- yancl sarong then* we find-- roadside. He was awakened by the uponbyflatteries and fair re- vtciaity' The powers ordained by Thee posed P Wood. Milk and breed streets. Iron- pealing of Bow Bells, which scented' With heavenly wisdom bless, • tenses. He perceived their wkked- mer Lane, Poultry and Cornhill, to say, "Return again, 1Yhittiugton, nts May they Thy servabe, i Hess and aid* to them, Why tempt au ot will& slue adf expianatary, 'three Lord Mayor of London." and And ru in rit:hteousa►es. W. Ye Ye hypocritaw7-" He forced Hair, fore tlusy were aware, to ac - !PRAYER, a Caesar's atiee:•ity, over Our new, 1O bId t)fat we iahr+UW them. It: would hthat he had not one penny of hisis o awn, ao he 'tisk- ever betray our Master or itis work. edl them fora coin. They presently days and other fast days. and Canon that there is no foundation for the would hobey our Shepherd, And es w would `brought hint a Roman penny Ramps street, formerly bloom se Candle- 'kn ht, and. woe started ,it in his qd with the eaaPeror'a • Waage and wick street, was the headquartetn of 'career as a mercer by his father, so i tallow whitlietensyser he t .oda 'U surersoription. Some think that the the candle trade, .which was a mo=t :,story. Another version of the . *alai I. mcu'_,__kecort rof 43+ristletn �i'or#:, - superscription upon this hoin was * import ant and flourishing hoe in the i records that his fame and fortune _44.44_... s mem,vrandt,tr► of Cha.. canqucst_..ttf . ys_whenecandl o _were ..prect tally wee .founded by the wonderful cat 8. $''L,E$SON FOR FEB. 28th, 1926 Judea by the Roraima -the Year only illuminant. which he o4. . yT`o�aeaeed, and thla` was Lemke �a Teaches Re. after that event. Christ* taking. the 1 At the time of the :Norman Con- robebl derived from the fact that while Old Jewry steads cit, the site caused hint to retrace his steps, with of the market reserved for the Jews, the result that he became famous Old Change was the resort of the and wealthy aad three times Lord money -changers, Friday street marks Mayor. As a matter of fact Whit. the spot where fish tyres aold on. Fri- tingten was the son of a wealthy • amt for taw. coin in his hand, asked them, "whose guest the street was the fittest int much of Whittington's greet wealth Leeson Psseage--Matt. ,2115.22. is this image and superscription ? the city andbeingthe only wide rime from trading in coal, which in They Admitted it was Caesars and thoroughfare was used se a play- i his day was• brought into• the port of Doetoas recom- mend it became co its bilk per- centage of narrat�Urei c _4444 ofts dating steal eat in food! Ora% It is delicious is tmvor sad is so wed. We the chit- dren ars much ate they dwelt. 1'1)WAR MIR 1RC! CROWN BRAND CERN SYRuP� Crddetl "k'exw-iia!tt. 3 et7. by that admission convicted those off screws, •.• s, e . ••"-. t u Tt 'o►aas ext the least grievous of 4444 ground by the citizens.' During the in small ships known as torte out a! screws, and in the Pout- e •R e - 11 falsehood who said W were • meter f /1 „ rt' wa a home o y, , o - maw t tournaments and bell- Cheapside And its adjacent streets ,. / • A s�e :arsinliant pageants, atxl the monarch and l are crowaea with reminiscencev a! of Johnson." It was In Ailly'h house ��Q1t�l�S g hi uld f tl tt d to• th 1 d f • ill t' tthe sufferings of +Christ, that' he me in bondage to any. " Upon this Jesus Meddle Ages it etas the scene o cats t h th f I)111 the b� k tuck �; for dared the caatxai]+ttitin of sinners told them to "Render to the eta P seller, who published Roswell's "Life' •against bitasislf, and Itad nares laid things which are Caesar' for him. le today's lesson we'find practically it is too late now to ala- . e caret rya requen y attend t e early aye o many ua nous that the worthy doctor mot John :him attache& ltty thtc IP;nthiees Atodpupeytribute toe • for witness the festivit1ee. While lad- . men. Among those who were born Wilkes, the notorious demagogue. 4.446.-6,. Herodis: s, with a question about Caesar; ward III was watching a pageant in' and spent their childhood days in the Shakespeare was a' # ' you are bosoms a province of -the em- Pe frequent vle � � essn Ming tribute ti 'Caesar'• ' • pire,mud, .when once a relation is ad- .honor of the birth of the Black vicinity are: Sir Thomas More, at the home of Richard Quinney in Up to this time Ids encounterk hard. tainted, the duty of it trust I be per- Prince the grand stand, on which he; Thomas. A. Becket,il the marty red Rueklersbury,��and the Mermaid Tay- I Metres -M-'.. •» end the 'Mere men sit Authority *rho• God the things that aro God's," an a king ordered the car pee man un ,theartist, many convivial 'meetings of the great w estand i om Iiood the and humorist: Ilrcen asestly. *tit the �citief pra!ests o farmed. Ta this he added, and un and hes courtiers were sitting col- archbishop. Jon I ton. Lis 1 n I ern in Chea;; ilde wasthe scene of lapsed, d th k' d d -! t Hol H t and ,examined Sum conoerntng his rem•. He hath said, "My son, give fine thy Porters ho had erected. the,T poetpoet, Beaumont, Fletcher and Sir re. mission •($y what �y.,+docat-y1eart. th isaidntust have the , inner- to instant death, efrom which fate; A C%heaapeide linendrapex:. named Walter Raleigh. Dean Donne and ,twl ttettdab. • •tltau theiet'thialts7 And'a!rlto.',"tivo poet end 'R st place thele; we they. were saved b ' the pleading of John Ryer wars the original of the Izaak Walton became members of a 4 *It tt, rl �ita ' cause' f the° thio' ' aut�,tority ? els. 21:23). trust render to that which is his Queen Phillipas who seems to have John Gilpin whose excitingaide is club which was founded at the etc • e ssay*+oVour tia#esals;'f or if the bowels Now be is set upon from :another due. and if Caesar's commands inshad a ,busy time restraining her pep- described in Cowper's well-known nisi.( by Hen' Johnson. mem otic` frit to pert reithearUnctions propel quarter; the Pharisees will try terrier° with God's,we must obey Pert' husband. from acts of violence poem, and it is the solitary plane wrote of the Cheapside . hostelries -Y• s11 the otlasr se et the heal' will ,whether they can deed with him by as witness the historic o�ecasion when tree at the corner of Wood street "The Mitre. in Cheapside, end then Meease ag Doti rather than men. His inter- her intercession saved the lives cif which is immortalized 3n ' Words.- itlteir learning to the law "they vie user 1 d b h' "the Roar's head, so" e • - i •� „ And many like planes that make The moat famous af- Cheeps de's of tenants occupy mg prem- " we e comp uhse y as an Keep Yom towels •neck estar:41y took counsel how they neght• en- • ewer. They marvelled at his sagas-, the burgesses of Calais worth's Poor Susan In the leases e Clad geutty hY the tine of litiltxuts a tangle 'i.im in - his talk." They saw ' it 1 d' d d' i thethenosesred. n ascovering an ova tug Laza-Liver -Pills, and thus ao away that he was tree and bold in speak- snare which they thouht ft'la buildings is the Church of. St. Bary- iso• around the tree is a clause which with tete constipation and all the other '. leg his mind and hoped by that rf la g so era r y le -B (Copyrighted) ow, commonly known as. Bow forbids them to increase the height yrightedi troubles caused by it. , ' id.. The stratagem being .defeated. •, � they'• could bring him '.o dome nice they quitted the field. One would chrrch and took its name' from 14-.1 or their buildings or, to damage the CODERICH MARKETS Your nearest duseiat or dealers : and. tender point, to get an advent.. think t , Peat bangles tl►etms • Put t' ll7 'I T• I age against him. Their design was. and .followed him; .instead they ewer- The present church was uu.r.. uy Joseph •• Chamberlain, the.. t t cn�t Buckwheat, per bush. eG to . C to bring him into such a dilemma yelled, :and left hint, and. ti'�ant,the1 •• Wren on the site of a church dating statesman, worked in his fathers hogs 12,7' to .1:0.00 that' he must make hirhself liable to tray, back to Norman times, which was de- boot warehouse in Milk street before. Oats, per bush to 40 the displeasure either of the Jewish • WORLD stroyed in the fire of 1866; and its . going to Birmingham to make a' for- Peas per bush '1 •1G to 1.50 hey 'di have tnatw•died arches beneath which the court sat. tree in any way. 'Nheat, per bush •..•..$ 1.36to:$ 140 Toronto. wait Wilbur* Cloy Luteitet� a . lass Wnara'aa=-the ewer..reit, . able remedy. It draws out the e*" idtaatdtttrtlon '-'i{ ft's h•, ' klaxo speedy recovery: ie' O i,D i1LISSIONS Barley, per bush.... • BOG to. X70 multitude, or .of the Roman, *nag- � • Q...-. i'strtstea.. Havingdevised this A Hindu Judge's Confession of Faith ewe, teems tattle, ordinary. per scheme they set about to practice it. . The Monthly Reporter of the -Pun- - . ii_' • . ` cwt. ...' 6.25 to dee, They did not go themselves but' sent jab Bible and Religious Book Society Vs/1614 ` BRIDGE their disciples wwho woutd anpear like records the interesting ;aseaof a Rin- ' " * ,x. Cattle, export-- cwt.) , 7.50 to 7.50 (Pct cwt.) learners. With them they sent icer- du judge, who, in ordering some a Cattle, choice per cut • 7.50 to 7.50 °diens, whose business it was to see Bible text cards, wrote .tile follow- atm t' 1 " ter r Lambs, per en•t.: , , .. SAM to 11.00 that people . paid their ti ibute to the • ing , ♦ +t 4 it Dairy Butter. .. 40 to 45 Roman Emperor. Herewere two I am . one of the huniblo admirers. j • , Eggs, per dor.., 44..44... 30 to ' 35 classes represented • The Iierodians of ;,,the teachingii of the: Lord Jesus demanded the tax and the Pharisees Christ. My attitude J. Him is one • Honied the payment of it, but they of profound respect, and I frequent. New- Series � FERGUSON V • �7 �N l Bran,ruer ton ,32.00 to TRAIN BERM Family flour, per cwt 3.90..' to 4.00 Patent flour, per cwt'. 4 i 5 to • 5.00 1111. if you stiffer from torturing. rheumatic pains, ;swollen, twisted aints, and suffer intensely be- ause youur system is full of that dangerous poison that .makes nousands helpless :old kills thous- nils years_ h flirty their time, then gt►, need Itha.'trllW, .:ttid nt ed it ow.. Start. taking it today Rheuma cts at once on kidneys, liver,. toimtch and Monti, and - you can incerely exclaim: -OK'd ;id - Vallee ht-. 't1:like to: bad rul�t,;:•:;:• Many people,, Vie mud ;kepi- sic.tl of skeptics right in this town :;end the country hereabouts, bless he -lay when Fl. (h Dunlop and X her tirugggists .citfi,'c.r-'ci; ` Rheuma tt the;ltllit;ted at a small price and uaranteed name; -refunded if not atislied. If you have rheunt;t- rant get a bottle or itheunla'today CANADIAN NA!IONAL-RY. • i'. SWARTS' . . . oto. adios ors Iver ick Stahres ,Eijo. Montreail $ lust off the Situ SEVERAL FIRST•cLASS AUTOSREADY FOR SERVICE -.GET YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GEr THERE 'Busses Meet all Traces and Passenger Boats Passengers called for In any .part of the town for . alt Mina at U.T. R. or C., P. R. ' Depots. Prompt Service and Carel tit Attendance, • - a►•s�r Ossr Livery and Hack Service •111l be. found up -to -data In every respect.*• - �r Visor Patronage Solicited T. SW ARTS Phone #07 Montreal Street WANTED. ';lie Water aid Ligdt Com- mission wish to purchase some good, -straight, sound CEDAR POLES thirty (3o) feet longe with • at least seven (7) inch top.. Poles to be deliver- ed in yards at Goderich Quotations received on any quantity . from five to fifty. Eor any furthers palrtien. fats apply to 3. I, KAY, Sgt., Weil or �rrt �• ly refer to the Bible -for elevation of �j� Al ild mind: I have therefore called' for Weej a u - by /hanging , them : up 'in my study- - Eat in rthing A dt these.precepts in order that I might, uthor of drerguron on'•C�Iuctionand f To 'I wee . aid .ter eat because . asking 'the definition None of the hands contain a .iustifi • • • d o e of n the room receive g The waiter n �• �* of life that •such at:blinda passages the other da to •txgt ter,. ilhe• sa cv iv •rr t Y e+ti•-7 h Ards: lm g 3 to Sermon on lid a correspondent Ser tf the vi or and hes • • ARTICLE • • l3O. 10 Shorts, per toe... , .:;3.00 to 85.OQ mimeo. Hay, per ton......... 10.00 td. 12.00 Hides 08 to - '08 E to TORONTO 0- atlyr Incept Sunday potatoes 'per Ii:iT it.ea to sr- e0 Lvo: (loclorieh 6.00 A in, -1,20 p.m, C,1 2 o F3 ss much surprised Diamonds --10,3,2. •.' ' iotori ti fi nein. 2/ i .: pad. Cuts ai• ) Isla es r. 1 is a an uea u Iii � d p p o .4.1 1 drr 1.. . � too tI c �:9 .iii. nP t't'1� receive :i.•lotter from Spades -1{4,7,4,3. When suffering from cuts, scratches, Illiteholl 7.01 teem 3.42 >? omrnandbruises sprains sore throat' or chest qt tI d 7 '30 �# 10 'the stomach. Stopsthat full bloated do really elo e° mind wherever re: bid of the hand, e r y d an pf, the community. A bottle of R T t' 1r It I inehery . medicine chest ready. for .05 p.m. uCi 05 Dab sect- • Since taking Adlerikta i can, cart and , ., a ,r - Menta especially the twos rest Cont- of an "original bid." Perhaps their. able priginal bid: Note, however, I and any similar ailment, :us'r Dr. ` t;t•. ' ta of ..> t1'.1.:1)... tet'• feel fine,. (signed) Mea: A. `}Iowitrd. g . mandmeets, passages relating to• love are others who. are in diaubL An that In each case: the hand' contains i fihomns' T:rleetrie :Q3I. Its healing „ liitebongr 3,,.0 a:itti. u, �0 p.tn. ONE spoonful Adler** removes GAS with mankind 3neludin tee enemies s "origfnai bid" is the fitot or°opening at"least one and one-half quick tracks; Foyer 3s -n-ell-known in. every (sue! h 14.4'3 h al . .5 !iO p tn. and often brings aurpriatng relied to fiethe made b •the and at least one-half trick in the scut xtirattto 10.10 ti,lil. 7 30 .tri. • t soma:. a Membered. -dealer, second, third or fourth hands. bid, Dr. Thomas' "1 electric Oil i/liould be ' 8tuiinng-- xsuta Toronto ► •�a,m., feeling; Removes old waste matter , • --' -Missionary Review It isralso.called the "initialled." It The sande correspondent also ass- 12 15 a G' P from intestines' and makes' .you: feel happy ' and hungry. Excellent for ob atinete constipation. C' A M P - BELL'S D1UUG STORE. ..' - •. --- Carr,it al�e s. With w • Keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen;ind digestion good. �it`mokin > «.user. ee14NW STRATFORD WOMAN Restored toHealth byLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable_ Compound Stratford, Ontario. ---•"After my Hirst baby was born I started to work on the with day and did a big wash- ing on the twelfth day. Being so ys g (I was married at 19) I did! ifot knort what was the matter, so let it go until I was all run-down, Weak end nervous, rad hada bed die lace- meat. For nearly two years 1 could not sleep and I would always complaint of having - `not a head -ache, but a brain -eche.' My mother is taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound during the Change of Life and she recommended it -to me. After taking two bottles I began to get a little Ably and to feel better and I have neves: eft off since then, ear Tor *boat *remember I can safe :aye I have taken thirt bottles since may ascend baby was . I think it makes childbirth der ae 1 had terrible pains with my first three children end very few with my fourth sa I we* sr Clench stronger. I ata new able to do my work *lone. but I tiro slid taking the Vegetable ('ero- wand se I ass anteing baby. ford. P�4$ Cherry Street, Strat• If yen are auffeeing fiassu any weak- ness wikh canoes sleek terms ea pause hi the nide ori and normals give Lydia Pink. kese'■ Vf� CCrsspoMni a trial We. 0 MUNICU AL COUNCILS Goderich Township Council met, en Monday, - Feb. 1st, all present. A Ietter- frons the Coad Roads Association, inviting the coun- cil to send a represertsative to the meeting, was heard. This was filed.. Mr. Oscar Tebbutt's claim for dam- ages to buggy was discussed but no action was taken, There . were five applications for, road superintendent,. the choice being Mr, Sem Emmerson, the former man. Bylaw No. 3 to provide for maintenance' arid cirri •struction on township roads for 1920 was read -a third' time.and'passed, the clerk to send two copies to the Department of Public highways, The auditors presented their Finan- cial report, which was adopted. The - following accounts were ordered paid: R. G. Thompson, • registering births 32. deaths 17, • marriages 2, $12.75; Chas.. Fuller, use of winter road, $1; Austin Sturdy, auditing, $5: Jas;, Johnston, auditing, $5;' postage, 40c. •Coitneillor Middleton, who is - president of the, Goderieli Township. School Trustee •Associatidn, w'nouoe- ed that he would like all the trustees and secretaries of the various schools to attend:the -next meeting •on -March lot. at 3 pan., to `discuss school af- fairs. • Council then 'adjourned to Meet - on -Monday, Ma;en . est, at p.m. R. G. THOMPSON,-C1esk. Potato Harvest. • , Late !light. Late Blight affects the tuber: of the potato ae well as the sine•, and the disease lh)'es over from jeer to scar it the seed. When baivesting the. potato crop cull out all tubers hili, dark sunken areas on the surface and a, brownish discoloration of tete flesh. Black Scurf. b , This fungus de' t1oes entail Week specks on the surface or the tuber. Such should not br_stored for seed. Stent trul Rot. ' This trouble is orldint'e by a de- eased and sunken arca- at the stent end ot the tuber. When a cross hoe. tion is made near the Meant and a brownish ring is usuali: P:afnly tie - Tuber injury. Care should be taken to :told bruising the tubers while harvesting. ;toughly handird potatoes usuany l have a high percentage• of dry rot,-. L. Steenson.'' Dept. of • Esteesion, MAX.. Guelph. The two chief • causes for - dive'ce are matrimony and slimont , =mists seeees. C.ASrTORIA Fir Tafaats and Children in F.rOwer`3O1No s Nlwxyat beats the Signature ot • a • v r • ini octant to understand :this ed whether or not original' bids.wee, the.cfssi+rgencies that may eilways b'- Parlor Csfe car, Goderieb. to Tor- onto, .on morning trebl, e and Toronto to Godericle 0.0e p. in. train. Through coach (,'oderieh•te Toronto. ° -- distinction for there is a very great the- only ones that could be doubled. •, ivrl , difference between "orie;ma tads inforntatoriiy, that is, to force and "forced bids," that is, those bids from partner. ' The answer -to this ile madeafter eanother pla,sse_ has a1- ;simple. The question no. to whether ready 'bid, Original bids by dealer or not the .bid doubled ie a r-oriirinal or second hand- must sliceve phew bid 'is immaterial; - If Jeweler dou- two quick tricks, either in' a :pit or bles before you .have bid and at his no-trump bid. Original bids by third 'first opportunity, • his double is' en or fourth hands must show at least infortnntor•3• dpubte and is asking three quick tricks: These require- you to :bid... It is ahtltt:t: wise to be metas are .arbitrary and slimed • be able to distinguish, an infutmntory closely followcwl: 'Original bids oiler double .from a business double. that the best opportunity to give partner .18, erne made to defeat 'ate contract. exact :information arid , xnless these . 'An informatory doubly is .x double regrirements are closely followed, of a. suit bid of one, two or three, oe artncr `is riven inrortrrf~ i forrata. of at no-trutnp bid of one, if made at p i tion, usually ter .his diaadyantai;e. the firstopportunity and bef:,re 1, .After another player hap bird. how- partner has made a bird. ''rbc fere t ever, bids :flay be made freely *het that the doubler has bid is inmate:- -r. . wouldetiot be justifiable oriejn;►1 buds. int: If he doubles -•after he lino..- bid For • example: ' Suppose • the deailer -but at his first npnor•ttini• • , It ' hi lets -hid. ont'•elub, the follnt:ink• Lands still asking, his .eh tact for t l,rci Justify - a bid of eine dia'o ad otie For example. the (Water bid r ssycic -heart and one rnade respc•..tivelt• : • fourth hand bids two hes.•" mat flu I dealer doubler. he is doalil1c't ne 1,0 first opportunity • and therefor,. ask- iig for a bid. .Note. t'to -eh,thnetien very .carefully:. But get this' riarht. ;i hen you have 'made a .bid of one -- vo-trump, i.econd hand bhin twrl he•a rte. aril your partner &niters! ie. a is not asking• you for a bid. iii -1 means: "Pnrtnct'. I las Su%t obt,ut to bid two hearts ii r, ei . he :es.' double of mine stand." Answer to Problem No. 6 Hearts -7, 4, 2 . (;tubs -.Q, 7, 2 ' Diamonds --none - Spades -Q, !i; • a� i ' ko� .1kbo ) a•�sn ioArlu iaiip FnIOu inntrJo VLreTLE Toto. nA ii'AN o TM•W1t'titPi. Edieyou • F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Yantis-l'oeseneer and Tickets -Agents 'Phone 8, -.,.mow • ' ; IN' ,Keep EYES Clear, Bright and Bcautiful W;ere btutane Co.,Chae tato, forErsCsteliook hearts -4, 2• Clubs -10,i. 4 Diamonds --A J,8,7,(l Spades -X,10,2 hearts-Q,J 9,4,2 (Tubs -i,2" - Dinmonds-A.4,2 Spades: °10.9,0 Iiearts-A,2 Clubs -R,4,3 Hearts -X,4.0 - Clubs ---10,d,5 Iiampnds-•••none__ Spades --K,10 Y ,A ' - Ilearts-Q, 10, 6 • Clubs --K Diamonds --•K, 0, 2 Spades --7 There are no trumps ane Z is in the lead. How can Y$ so play the hand that they wilt • win five of the eight tricks against any defense ? Z should play the king of elutes and Y should play the seven. so that he cannot be forced in the lead on the third round of clubs, °Thio play by Y is very important and the key of the problem. Z should now ,play the seven of spades, A can either win -the trick and return snaad.•s or allow Y to win the trick. Ilis better piny as to win thy trick with the king of entitles and lead another spade which Y 1J41s with the queen. V :bade! .now play the queen of ela1p, 1: cats play a low dub or the lack e•r clubs. If he plays a low (lub, 13 will be Need in the lead wit'► the i.ta is of chits on. the next round. 11,5 will then i'v forced to play .liartonda. •Z can teke two Melee do dientonsl•' he .refi'• hee to twin the. fleet t Ylt:• If Il etas? *1" -jail of Oath at teh ds fees. 1 will be forted in the Wei i t. 11:' r:ext . ked II Outs c.ad niu-t k :.d ,, ewe Hearts -snow" Tliamondn--J,1q,., i,3 Shades -none - heart up to Z's hand thus allowing Z. to make both his heart trick and the kind of diamonds. In tither .event, therefore, YZ, must win five of the eight tricks ngain•ot any defense. It is an interesting and inatrustivn_ poo. blew beeauoe it involves many points of play that conte up very freoucnt- ly, particularly forcing on opponent in the lead to his disadvantage. A so note Z's play of the diamond suit in case II won the fourth Wel. and A's lead of the low heart when forc- ed in the lead on the fifth tack. Tad pk'y by either A or Z in these f_3tui- tiott Mould eat- :e the blest of a trifle • Problem No. 7 • Tine re k another 'allele to sou-Jib'r. Supriore A Phr;uld win tie. Ff•ennll tric•1: with • the king :,f and then lead the king of ileaat•::Uel fnl• low a ith the nine of beetle. How case YZ so play against tide d,.fa•t.•+e that they may win five •.f the Nicht tricks'.' Thi' point will ls.• tete !!de- ed le the next article. '1'Oit:i'It1N INO AT THE STAR - Wash with ;Ztitm-Bilk Medicinal Soap. !. 4444 exceyiting Saturdays and nights before holidays, and o excepting the month of December. We mutually agree to sofor the period of one year beginning Monday, March let, q). The same exemptiops•tb apply ads under an "Early Clos. By -Law." Tailoring. Men's Clothing Dry Goods and Furnishings . Boots and Shoes W. REG. SHARMAN GEO. MacVICAR W. IIERN s. CORNFIELD �. ACHESON lie SUN E HIRBER1 ie S. A. (;RAY Co. 'YAt L. R. W. Co, M. ROSJNS CHAS. BLACK F. H. MARTIN C. G. NEWTON-: W. C. SNAZEI, MeLEAN BROS; W. C. PRIDHAM iron Invesiments Limited e We offer untold balance of New York Evegiag lattl 6 r.1 ► Bonds, due Dee. Lst, 1937. 1'liis is era CO.it. STR ALss:'i .. Issue %Ve have also opened a department to handle In. once, and we are preparedttt write all lines of Fare, umobile and Life Insurance. M •