The Goderich Star, 1926-02-18, Page 40.
for the two final days of
id -Winter Stock Redueing
? '1<
s or
or tit
tie wish to thank you for your liberal patronage during' '
our big STOCK-REUUCtNG SALE and wish to announce
that for the two final days of the sale --FRIDAY and SATLR-
DAY-,--we are offering very Special Values in every 'line.
garter oif a Century's
W ark for Goderich
Te hospital Building Me't 193 30 was until the time of her death a
Odcer's Fess.....‘ .. 4 00 very valued teacher in 'he Primary
Pse Capita Tax 100 Department.
Members' Tet....... ' 12 60 The Adult Bible Claes hal a pro -
Jams Siiruits.... , .... 7 25 lftable year of study and dispassion.
Garden Party... ,.. • 1180 Mr. F. G. Weir is the teacher.
November Barnet4 15 The Young Ladies' Bible Clare had
Navy League:..-...... , a5 00 an average attendancefor the tear
School Flag...... 5 00 of 30, with an +n+rollment of 69.
Memorial Flowers9 00 Early in the spring the W. M. S.
Children's Shelter... .
10 00 sent a consignment of nooks suitable
Nurses' Christmas Cheer... 10 00 for use in Sunday wheels to a Nor.
Bello /Secretary.. 2 i;0 thern Ontario station. Later in the
"COaatitutions ... 40 year a miscellaneous bale ( valued at
rs.... 3 00 $88.45) and a money 'entributlea
ry, Post'ge, Cheque, 1 75 were sent to Maple Greek, Rask.
Balance in Bank 24 /If ,The thankolfering meeting in (tete-
' ber was one of the most successful ir.
• $ 468 16. the history of the Society, the at-
tendance being unusually large, and
FOR REGULAR ATTENDANCE the offering amounting to $110.
Mrs. Horne. first vice president of
Diplomas, Bala and Prix* for the W. M. S., was present on that
Reviler /Sabbath ' Scioto' ani occasion.. The sum of $44006 was
Church Atteadaace Presented to 'raised during the yekir. Comment
Children is Wave Church Sunday. was made in this report also of the
Passing of tivo faithful and well -be-
i An interesting feature •of Sunday ,loved members in Mra. Strachan and
morning's services at - Knee church Mrs: Cierle:
was the presentation %►f •diplomas, The Msssionary Association re-
seals and prizes to the members of ported a very" satisfactory contribu•
,the Sabbath school who have earned tion to the budget. No special the -
tient by their regular attendance at peals were made bat the offerings
the school and church during • the for the year amounted to !11•,854.30,
, past year. A scholar who • attends $597.06, as the offerings up to the
Sabbath seliool Tor fdty Sundays or 10th of June, was remitted P the
over receives a diploma. for the first treasurer of the United church, and
year and if he keeps up his regular $1,257.88 receiired since the 10th . of
attendance 'for seven years, he re- June, was remitted to the treasurer
'selves a peal to affix on hie diploma of the Presbyterian chi rch.
for each of the succeeding six years. The Arthur Circle reported a -'to
The following are those who receiv- of $837.46 raised during the year
ed this recognition on Sunday last: Flowers were supplied for the pulpit
'Seventh -year seal -Helen Stratton, every Sunday during the year.
Sixth -year seal•-eEvelyn Blacks • The MacGillivray Mission Band
Fifth -Year. acs's --Joe Taylor, reported receipts of $185.25. The
• Stanley Taylor. . Band "meets every 'Wednesday ex-
p'ourth-year seals Victor Elliott, cept during vacation.. -
Aileen Stowe: - The St, Andrew's Club closed . the
Third -year seals -Elvin McLeod, year with twenty-one • members and
Nona McLeod, Robert Muir, Winifred . $40.47 in the treasury. The Club -
Murray, Jim Redditt. Ida Elliott, has,. been under 'the tuition of Mr.
Billie Thomson. *Dermal for the last, few Months.'
Second -year: seals --•Robert Stod- The Ladies' Aid reported a very
dart, Alex. McVicar, Donald. Wiggins, seccesaful year. Receipts of $92a
• Grace *may. - were reported, and' $183, . the pro -
These seals were presented by Mr. seeds of the serving of meals tp the.
practically their whole , energies C, K. Saunders, superintendent of Black Knights on Derry • Day, was
would be devoted' to the raising of the•school, donated to the managers to assist in
more funds, in order that a still bet- Those worthy of mention; paying for the repainting' of the
ter hospital would be provided for!. Forty-nine Sal;baths-- can 'Bad- church. The high' tea, he salad tea
e the people of this district. ley, Graham McDonald, Henrietta and the bazaar were outstanding
Hos pital Shortly a ter this rpurchase the Gurwen,; Evelyn Drennan, Jessie events and in December the ladies
wa came d h project t fo the M thi t eta d th ri tp teach
TIlCRSBAY, FEB. ;lith, 1$60
CoughFoC that or Cold
Ricker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver.
Extract, 50c.
Dominion Bromide Quin'ane ,Tablets; 25c
All other well-known Rem tidies always 41(4
in 'stock. •
The Rexall Drug. Store
Bedford Block - �, . ; _- Goderich.
OBITUARY . brattier. P. M. Echlin, • of Torwito,
• I3, Y A N.—Mr. James S. Ryan, a! and two sisters, Mrs. Well. Graham,
native of Nile, Ont., passed away et: of Goderich, and Mrs:.Charlotte Me -
Loomis, Cale, on Jan.- 22nd, at the- Nichol; of Woodstock. Funeral tier -
r Am n the r0' e r a eson. •w..,,en a ine e'Sunday '-c' ool .nc -
building of new hospital had, to 1 Forty-eight Sabbaths --Tonna Bete, ere and .members of the choir to a
The Credit for Establishment ofFirst Hospital in Goderich
Undoubtedly Belongs to Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E.'
Thin Annual Report. Gives hiteresting Summar • of a Quer.
ter of a Century's Work by this the Pioneer
Chapter in Western Ontario
dive way to the greater one of win - e ne to , e P •
Hing . the war and of raising funds Prizes di books were given for The Westminster Guild held, re gu-
for patriotic purposes. After . the church attendanceehy-thesession •and lar meetings each Tuesday evemr g;
armistice was signed, : this Chanter the _presentations were made by Dr, .
with •an avernge eetendanc, of 2e
again went 'ahead • with hospital 'Field. The winners were as follows: In November a play was put on and '
Board and The Women's Auxi1- baths or over;' Girlseatieien, Bissett,:. each were given to the budget. the -
Wry and the. splendid new hospital Mary Bissett, °l;pth' Caldwell; Hen- -Piano fund and the Mission Band.
rk in co-operation with the Hespi., .A—Those wh'o attended 49 Sah-
with the proceeds donations of •$25,
50 is to be
as a crowning achievement largely Helen. Drennan, Id* F:lhatt, Gr t►. e: fund, and $25: was set• aside for the
to your unselfish labors eetending Murray, • Winifred Murray. Boys'- - Christmas fund.
The work for the year' .1026 has .Victor Elliott; Elvin McLeod;Robert.the roll 'and. $46.68 spent, on. new
with every • modern equipment stands rietta Curwen, • Evelyn Drennan,_ $ reser i` ne I
or the .Fiuild'
over a period of 26 .years • Keith .Cutt, Kenneth Cutt, Jack Cutt, • The choir reported 25 members on
been.egarried on Most, successfully Muir. Billy -Saunders, . Joe Taylor, music.
'doggedly on and . rAgsed toiv Segs the• under oar new regent, Mts. Macklin, Stanley Taylo
r; The piano committee reported
following in the footstens of Itirs B' Giaes-•TF4o4e"attQndinf from $100' yet to 'be paid on the new piano,
`he annual faceting of •the Ah- f;tx y P - t
k Chapter, 1;, 0. D, h,,e Was •held mark until the goat" of their hopes 48 - a s 'Inclusive;
46 _which ens 'purchased /or e650 less
taMonda of last *ea In The rub- and ambitions was attained, with. _ Janes -Bateman, our capable past re to $ bbailt , Girls r , e
R y1 d 2 Vera Clark, Marjory - .' i with agood' attendanec; .out doubt your Chapter deserves -Seat. During the past ' 1�• mantis j ry Daer; Mina. Mee, 1100 allowed for' the' old plana. Can-
: 13C 'heavy a a p y P e we ,;have held 12 regular Meetings Leod, Bessie: Mathieson, I n Steele- . tributzons'ta the•.fund`to the end'Of
• iiia chapMr hits the.distttlt„Lion of- the reedit !or the 8ttiatl-estublfshment last
iand our Regent has managed in such on. Boy s -•=-Fred Bisset,: ' Robert J'ear were $155 •from. the choir;
being the first' chapter 'to be Organ?, of •a hospital in Goderich. Satin-.
$120 ' front the Arthur.' Circe, $50
report ship
nappy manner that our .member- Georges Erne: . Mcl.ead, eitii
shF. •deed..
is cgnsider bl ' 'n
titer last year.. Our . methods for
y Pthe raid of money have' KROK CH>�` NCflf'. The 'Presbyterian church Assaciii-
f - . ,, been much,•
apse', in Western Ontario and a very `. As pointed • out in our last re Pa increased very y
;interesting .review of its quarter of the Ahmeek' Chapter is the- pioneer
►sc;,:ecntur iof history was elven in clip ter' to be established in \i'estern
+' the anent report, which was p. Ontario. .in the early yours it,Spa- -the same as in previous years. - ANNUAL. CONGREGA .tulle in their report,expressed grafi-
Fel f the • Cl gree-
ters i R e held a number of very sac- TI0 AL. MEETIN •fade to Rev. Dr, Perris, of Wing-
from the Ladies' Aid and $25 from
• the Westminster Guild.
rbnted as`' follows •
- in presenting the 25th annum re
. port of the Ahmeek. Chapter, L 0.
D.' E., it will' not be out• of place to
review very briefly its history for
thh past smatter or 'n ?'entury,
:;Organised en `:March '1, 1001, with
ad enrollment of thirteen-- ineinbess,
it•had es its avowed object the estab
lishment .of a hospital, ;n the .Town
of Goderich, and in: the perusing of
the minutia: of the °t'hepte? .together
with those of the hospital Board, it
speaks volumes for the tenaeity 'of
ptirrose of those Early nernhera vrho.'
,amid every -kind . of diffieulties and
dizeoura stent and in the face of
the greatest apathy et tune's on the.
'pert of the people of the town, kept
Es, barns, ewes**,
sere feet aad sQ
lura of t �+iM.
ere 2`i,t+ieell
to frown tharj ,s Atria.
nor a melba o other sap rs n
this town and their united efforts cessful 500 parties at the homer; of ham; Rev. F. W. Gilmore, ` then of
Reeve devoted . to . the raising of a number of our members, We Various. Reports Show Healthy Con -'Atwood, now of London; tea. Ii R.
i 'various i i tai s
money, n ou a n n
n d n ar s
.. A 1 g o
H rn
Rev; n
have ,had the usual Bridge d 500 '. ditto With Good . S 1 't d . � r James 1'Vilson .hen
parties in theMasonic Temple. �ti'e ' Fee'in� of Optimism -4 N"de o now ofBrampton; Rev
and propaganda work in the educat-
•ducat r ge an n, p rt
N"de Toronto, '
ingot the people to the greats hetes- had our '1 " n •� OP Dr. Dickie, of Montreal, and others,
sits • fora hospital tai, this part of plea r R: "mile of coppers over Alain Riders District, with \1x. ,:1- Hor- for their services. The Association
this County of Huron.: a cry splendid garden party, ton to Rep)tk'nt Leburn. • sent _
sales: The annual:. eon�re utional meet- ct-assistin meeting
sue as out customary home made __ _ _. „4.,,-a..aaenv4'u,-
. Iu,l thainf over. tit mi.tuti '^of the bakeg . g . o tion in Toronto to-
years :that are -paast it is most path•. With our ' moue wee ba'. .i ingof Knox c reh was h the heavy expellee 01 carrying on
otic as will as mspiriii and thrilling( y e . e made x hu R r, 0 ,•oti, the work of the Association.
g ` n f donations ' to the Navy League of Wednesday .' everting of ' last :, **kJ ,. ,: .
to contemplate elate the many t:chentt; Canada, to a school in Northern On- with a good attendance and zlic ear- - 'e Board of Managers reported
that were evolved from time- to tune::tario for a flag, to the Children's iotts reports of lilfferett departments the• paintiitet and repairing- of the ex-
in the raising alk funds toh-ou" , this Shelter, and to the • hospital nurses of the ehprrh's work showed iilueh terror of the • church completed , and
one end only object.., Th:oueb five for Christmas cheer. - We have g t limpet -ter kept ih eneral-'ie
en . ;a f"iv- eai:se for con ratuIation'--and jiisti-: g pair..
long years the struggle went on un- $500 to the Special Building Fad. tied the .spirit of .optimism which•
til finally the hospital: was opened III of rico Hospital, which Makes ',,� • • treaded the meeting. The congregational treasurer's
age of 72, years and 11 months. It
is about half a century since he left
hie home in this county for Califor-
nia, and be had resided in that State
ever since...' He marrieds and lived a
very prosperous life, loved and re-
spected by an who knew him. The
funeral took places from the 'Cagle.
gation church, Loomis, Cal: He is
survived by his wife,. two daughters
and a son, Mrs. Charles Woodworth
and Miss Florence; and Thomas, all
of California; also by one -later and
three brothers, Mrs. Jackson, of
Portland, Oregon; Thomas,`- of Alas-
ka; and RichardandIsaac, of Gode-
rich. '
COOPER.—Comber News: There
passed away in Comber" on Sunday,
Feb, 7th, a respected resident in the
person of Mr. James Cooper, at the`
age of 70. year and 11'montes. Mr.
Cooper had been in ill health for
about two weeks but his' demise was
totally - unexpected. The • .subject , of
this sketch` was. born in St. Marys
and lived practically all his life in
Seaforth. ' He carie to. Comber on
Nov, lath, 1924,'wh'ere he had resid-
edwith his. son, John. His wife pre-
deceased him thirteen years ago:
2ifa death has brought a bitter cup
of arrow to the lips of friends and
relatives. He had. a heart of pure
gold and was one of •. nature's noble -
niers in its truest 'sense, and in tem-
pek'kament be was mild,' :onciliatory
and' candid. Mr. Cooper leaves to
mourn his loss, seven children, John
and' William, of Comber: •Mrs. Lock -
ridge. af Treetop; Mrs. T, G. Sturdy,
pf` Got7erich; Mrs: Ellison, of Wind-
sor, and Mrs. Thos,',. Dutat:•: and Mrs.
W: -P. • .Dutat, of Comber,' also ere
brothers and one` sister, John•, James,
of: Chicago; Roberti and Airs, J: G
Bradley, of Toronto: 'fhe . i'uiierol
took. place, on 'Wednesday meriting
from his late. residence, where same
vies were coridtieted by rest-, T. Dolt-
sor., thence via C. N-. R. to Scafot•th,
with interment in Brussels.ceutetcry.
The pallbearers were Mr. Dick Parks,
Mr. Bill -Bullard:.Mr.- Jas. Dome-.
Mr- J. Hudson, Mr. D.• kholmes, t.l
the. Seafort
h Y enip,oyees
where: Mr. Cooper worked' for years;
and his. brother-in-law, :filbert Stev-
enson,' of Goderich. To the sorrow-
ing children c •i ,ren and relatives is•extencl-
ed the: deepest. -sympathy.
HATHAWAY. Frons a: recent -is-
sue of a Chatham paper'we copy the
following '
"Mrs. - Hessle Echhe ,Hathawa
+ Y,
wife of rank Hathaway, a promin-
ent- citizen -of,•tlke-•.city,..iiussed• away
this morning in. her 19th year, at the
family residence;• 76 Grand avenue
west. Mrs. Hathaway was born in
Beverley township, Wentworth coun-
ty,' and
oupty,'and eanie to Chatham about 20
yeara ago. In religion she was - a
devout member of .the Methodist and
later -of the United -church, and as a
member of the Victoriti 'avenue
church she played.a very active part
in the work of the Women's Mission.
pry . Society, tile. Ladies' Aid and the
W. C. T. U. She had been in failing
health for .the : past - five weeks?, but
despite . thin, fact her death eame as
a very severe and sudden blots* to her
many friends in the city and district.
Besides her sorrowing husband, who
conducted the Hathaway machine
shop here' for a number of,years, .she
leaves to mourn their: foss, one ton,
Rev; George F. Hathaway, of Sag-
inaw, Mich., and three- daughters,
Mrs. P. C. Colburn, of Fort mellinin;
Mrs. G. A. Hadden, of Alvinston, and
:Hes. H. Harkness, 61 •Detroit, one
u k in the P e ng. f
December, 1906, in the Sheppard neighborhood of $2000 in .;ani in the The report of the
session• cum- statement showed total receipts of
Tisane on South street, and from' the past the t1 d h 1. f 0,204.69 for the year d
very beginning it proved. to be a
boon. and a blessing +o tee whole
Community. Roe -ever' its ' finances:
were weak and your Chapter r dote
bled its' efforts to' furnish the inti -1
trtion with supplies of all kinds. At i
this time thee Hospital ,Beard ap-'
peered to be continually looking to
your Chapter for help in the supple- I
mating of their funds for carrying!
'on the hospital work 'and in securing,
land Maintaining the° necessary].
, equipment.
Wes find that for years efter the
hospital wits established flus ('haps i
pr'evided a fuel fund which kept the
hospital supplied with coal. As time
went on the hospital eat taxed to'
- capacity and facilities were found to t
.,.be quite inadequate; it was again the'
Ahmeeks who came to the • eseue and
provided. the greater punt of theI
money for the building of the adds«
tion. to the hospital with up-to-date I
operating room and- vthe -mush
needed regrirenents.
Later when it was relt that even
these improvements were gems: to -
be only .temporary end that a nein
building would have to be prodded,
it was again your Chapter 'he ,put
up $500 towards the ;iurehase of
"The Maples," with the promise that t
r -,
Pure Bred Live Stock Sale
THURSDAY, FEB. 25th, 1926
The annual Consignment Sale will be held on the
above date. The offering consists of Shorthorn Cows,
Heifers and Bulls and one Anus Buil, There are some
real quality Caul* its this lot.
TH6S.. KERR. Hetaf yen, S. •B.; S'ilTHERa. Ciistell,
nusiieat. fees a tr.
♦ M.
three years,. as Rve es furnish- mento on t e awe -ening interest o an ax 3022.87
Ings for the Ahmeek Whrd and en the people, manifested in a growing; °f $6,592.07 .which inti+tided
addition to.. the bonds handed over spirit of unity and cordiality ntid the , for
repairs to church and „manse). •
when the contract for 'hospital was increasing response on the part of leaving a surplus for 'tit' year of
let: the men of the .congregation •to the $61262 Balances carried forward '
The Ahmeeks have every reason challenge • of: helpful_ service, !rhe to 1926 are mortgage reduction fund,
to be ud of .their gloriuu3 past attendtuice at public wors'iip. it was $300; and torrent expense account.
airith every confidence' look reported, has been growing I-itge ;604.74; relief account, .412,43,
forward to a still snore splendid fat- and hearty and the attendant,: at Liabilities ..are- mortgage cin the
ere. 1 ch•irch $15006 and oa th
F.diILY Afac` Zt A�, year was unusually satis,feetore,. the . The following were, elected els the
Secretary, attendance in March JultT rind
Dee -
The election of officers for the. en- ember being, 482, 476 , and" •:l a5 re board of managers: ; 11fedsty; 11 F: `
suing year resulted . as follows spectively, the latter two the largest Black, Andrew Porter, .'snits Bisset
Fre;:ideiit,••• Mrs. Macklin; firstan eke in the recorded history of the con . Schaefer, 'Vilson (for three yearn);
president, Mrs W.Vi Walker; second ' gregation• The menibersbip . is nowG J. W. Cr-ugie. W. F.
viee president. Mrs. W.T. Miurnry; • reported as '725, in,; 380 households. Saunders and W. G. Mace wan (for'
sri,"reta ry, Mrs. -11:- J. .1; ;tfaexl steel " Dieing the year 136 AUDIOS were ad-" two years) ; Thos. Gundry and T. Mitchell (far one year); and.. theIL
se se
treasurer, Mrs,. Douglas i)rewn; as_ ded to the membership roll (70 on
with Messrs. A.
sistant sberetery, :Hiss Wiens; profession of faith And 60' by ce.ti- D: McLean find Wit -
councillors, Mrs. IVobh', Mrs. Phalen, ficate) and 107 names etre emoted 'rant Wallace, constitute. the board
Mfrs. Connote bfrs. Gallaw, firs. Iced (12 by death, 25 by ,:ertilieate and for the yeas:
dict and Mrs. Naftel. 70 otherwise). The congregation is
The following is the treasurer's thus numerically stronger than Er- ScHOOL REPORTS
ospitat Ac.,ount - of ten families from -the Thelma dist- - Mfid-winter... -repaint of_ Perm -tiller .
iltatenieitt •
. fore union occurred,, the acquisition $enmiller
RECEIPTS triet. together with oth'r Presbyter- public school—Honors 75!';, Pass
Tranaf. from general ac.'t...V 193 ;10 ian families that have tome to re- 60%, Below 50% omitted: Jr. V.. -
'fay ewe, • • • 56 60 side in Goderieh making possible the George Pouter. 02: Willie Hoe, 59 -
Mile of Pennies
October "500"....
Bank Interest
Box ;honey.:.. .
228 09 substantial gains. There were 22 Sr rv.—Evelyn Long, 69; llinriie •
s4,.... h0 8i baptisms and 14 marriages durh;g. Good. 67; Shirley Vanstone, 61; Odin
• •..-.. •t 541- the yeare and 20 deaths in the eon- Couch absent. Jr. IV.• -•-Gertrude -
btegation. Boughton. 70; Russel Pfrimnier, 62;
,....—let Owing to the additiet ei the L;•C. Isobel McWhinney, 62. Sr. tn.—
ND/TintsS Jg4 loo make arn n alies dditioneaession of otto vide decided
to the Charlieettiloughtan,My001n J4`oo r. Ill. -
1 Hew. ; . :, ; 'f Ir, members of that body, making a six- Frank 'Walters, 73; Ben'Straughan,
April Monte Baking • 320 teenth elder's district (the Leeburn 72; Myrtle Pfrimner, ea; Helen
October "500"..... , .. 34 20 district). The election tea:; merle at Straughan, 62; Marie Maedel, 62;
Respite! Building Fund...., ileo 00 the annual meeting on Wednesday Edna McCool, 56; Leslie Hoy, 51;
Balance in Bankie. last, with the choice iallirll on Mr. Grace couch absent. Sr. 41•—Eves
Ordinary Aeeottet
Satinet. -from 1024
lies. Naftelas Bridge'
Mrs. Murney's 500
Marek Rome Raking... ,
April Borne - Baking.... , .
June Bridge...... • .
Judy -Garden Party
November Bridge., ......
16 Fees ..
Echo Seel tiny...... ....
Calendars ... .. . ••
Bank Interest,
Constitution and Pan... ...
Arch. /Torten. lyn hill, 'M; -Albert 'ironstone, 03;
$ 561~f5 The report of the Sableith school Bert McCabe, 58; Emmerson Ed.;
showed a good attendance for the wards, 57; Carson Hoy, 56: 'Thelma
year, though not quite up to the pre- Allin absent. Jr. IL. -Gordon La r
39 p;; vious year's mark, the average nt. Bocque. 77; Edythe McCabe, Ol-
en 50 tendance being 187 et „.compared • Adelaide Houghton, 64; Gorge Me.
40 50 with 191 the - vlireviotta • ;pear. The (?ool', 64; Ethel Hill, 61; Melvon
05 00 eradk roil department has a mein -100d. 51; Marie ti Roeque, 50;
43 e0 bership of 51. The were of the' Carlin Fisher, Gordon Fisher. L --
el; 4;, _ school, one of the matt important Rarrey Petttaan. 73: Beeson. Walt -
1:+7 is parts of the church's activities, ewes or 67; Annie Edwards, 61; Elwyn
a•; ea its sweetie to the efficient and fait`! -1 i°`iriMmwr, 58; Roselli ITay, S0;
18 g0 ful band of teachers find other Rork- •:Ethel Iriaher, Lerma Kerr ebbent.
;r 50 ere. t'oniment was made rw the loss +Sr. Pr. ---Grant higher, nes. McCsal,
ct 70 sut'tained in the death of Mrs'. Wm. ftueenl het Romeo. Jr. Pr.• -•'Gras'
4 41 Straehan aixl Mrs. R F: Clark, tea Pfrim,ner. Xenneth Fishc-, fichatd
50 verse Prow/aunt tisciisrs in the McWhinney.
school. IST : trachaa was the I F. G. F DOLAN. Pti•ivipat.
8 .tie ,ht; former teacher of the Youiiit t,aiirs"y E. T,. CAMPIIALL. Assistant.
F: X P I +31►1T t' it i K Rihk (lass ,bat retired a year *iv
Furnishing Ahnteek Ward- i 141 012 en aremnt K Ill health. Mrs. Clack 300 PRINTING AT TIlE STIR , + ...■.,r..s.■+,,..� ..
vices will be held at her late reei-
dence at 3.80 o'clock,.Friday, and
the remains will -be .taken on the
C. i'. R. • train to Alvinston , to her
daughter's, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Had-
den. Interment will take place in
Alvinston on ;Saturday .in the family
plot. Rev. A. Spraekla;:d »•ill offii- •
crate at the •services.
,The A:11 Stars. defeated the Rink_
by a 6 to.1 score on holiday in the
hewn league.
Iit'the chv;-'•h Ieaatie junior bocke3''
Knox church team had it over St.
Peter's on Saturday morning last 9
Goderich Rebekah ' Ledge No. 89
Rvill hold a euchre.and dere:i in Odd -
fellows': HallonSt.. Patrick's Date
March 17th. •-
"Sight and Sound"' is the - title of
a story by Victor Lauriston which
aprears in. the February. 15th 'issue
of the Mystery - Magaiine;; •
What Causes the
-Sin to Ch. ?
hr yep
Chapping of the 'skin on the -
'hands and face in the;Winter trite
. is :dui':. to evaporatloa. of the '
natuiiil• moisture, ••caused by ale
tifcial dty .heat indoors and high?
winds' out-of-doors. Chnipana}'s
Italian Balm restores the natural
moisture of the .akar •and pree ..
Po $ s .
gists - and de art
r e'.ls
P .ln
tt storeh
sell it: A special sample bottle -------
'mailed on receipt of 5r▪ •
vents eve ration. 11 dru -
;W.iAMPA• �A
1 t
a a
E.'(. 'fest & Co., SO Georgc et:,
- 'rotate „
past a
,Sri ht Ou'
but.,• the forerunner "of
';Bronchitis, Pn6umplia
orFlu. Takenochances..
Buck'ey'e Mixture
brings prompt and last
• ing relief Wards ori'
'•dangerous diseases..
Two kinds—" Strong '
and "Moclifedh.' Either
kind acts -like a - flask
on coughs and bronchi- -
s I valuable ail' a pre-
ventive in cold.. strip ,
weather. Stops nightt
coughs and sleep . re
"Strong" or "Modi6.d" '.
75c--40 doses
w: x. It .Jthy. LM„itsd.
142 MniuM) at..T.,rwt.2
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Britannia Road Telephone 174-W
for Heat Light and Power
See Us First for Fixes -Class Work
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