HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-18, Page 2• . 1 1 4 ac rr n e e opus seagrtWag a, delicious goodness. Sli7 Salads*. United States avid E r eland as late as This email encouraging, because* the Psrl#ii< TWO Quality y ways 11" 41116 rH l GOD STAR r.1 ft !il'!lt_. -.4_11114111T _ sari!! 1`MJ 0 BINiT r INTERESTING TO MORE win siting AND THf$IIK 1%110 EAT. %Vey Meat Is Tota — Soirees of Alma— Nutritive tilos--•.11r'pete tiara,. -Tate plight of Pato*. (roatrlbuted by Oetarto Ian rtweet ot Agriculture. Tomato.) The annual per capita. cousumptlon ''ration?" Snaith asked when we met f oh x t iCopyright 1925 by Tit Lemma reams mortice) No. 1i: iteeebing Regenersba% "What's .all this talk 400ut gegen. 1r71$ of meat has Almost doubled during for ear next session on redioioagY o The radia 'world ateeaaaa>a to be down the *et fifty years, Refrigeration. on maestri ash Haat empleY thio The choice teas used exclusive. < canning and increased teeiUttat for itriaeipie but I that there's al- b in Salads 'Ield richly of their ' etraaapartation have been itnp�rtaa,at ways, aom�etiting to lee learned freer factors l thed v 1 ant Iz the that i n% weeded." ti.,....,... ,- .-. 1.1,.....4,1;1:7' L. _..-R._.-- - ----. 17$5 the slaughter at cattle tor.t11 ! 'deo of regeneration dates beck tc En land; called Chi pewit Credo on supply of the publics Maarkets was me- "1.14 Edwin H, Armstrong war 1 0 !plan of district of Nassau, 1730.91. known: heat eerie used of causer, a t4: tdecte•ictal ld w lh . , . lc l TFR CQTT S I liUxliFl! but only to a lia>aaiteal eztent sat tea `1fe ` flee "feed itisar �•�iliL,-.Y�I,_._•.. ,.. ,. ..,�,.,. eayaration is rowed in a variety o! 11 CANAD1 11 r es Re. Q. ---Which brother of Sir Walter animal- industry wiiseleeiiiii€•tatieye eats, if net an para teem then t:em- 1)Scott lived .in Canada'? 1 Wky Ie )Waist Toagk:' mined with other aircuite. It is. the ', L A, There is a grave in a Quebec The toughness of meat to due to basis of the* third type of basic re* cemetery of Thomas S.ott. the fay. the ' thickness et tke walla of the ceivang set, and one cannot get very orite brother of Sir Walter Scott, aaaartcle tubes and execs* of contuse- far in radio without knowing some. CANADIAN „OIL SHALES who came to Canada in 131.1. es pay- five tissue, `rrltielt binds theta to- thing about it. Q.—Whst is the extent of oil mistier of the 70th Regiment► which "It would neem to mo that .all radio *bales in Canada?' was . eventually transferred . tram wether. The young *timid will, for receiving is reifeneration in a sense." • .Aa. 'he production of oil in Con. Kingston to Quebec. Having for tale reason. wrestle cuspis II meet Smith wen . "Yon eegeneraate • atlte he 1023 was only 1.3 per ;ant. of some time ``been suspended by his that is 'mare tender than Haat frosts° the incoming" frequencies .until they • the total consumption of crude and superior officers, he was confirmed old animals. Connective theme, Easel* are useable.". • ,relined oil for that year. According; in his position i.y Lord Palmerston and 'terms tare tough to thew. and "That's true enough," 1 admitted, It 1tb en anthority Canada possesses ime in 1817. Ile was such a goon writer the thinner the annual, fasctya and "But the term Is somewhat more de- ' Meese potential resources efoil in that he eras supposed by some. to be nerves are tough' to chew', sad the finite when apptted to s circuit: But the tine sands of Alberta and the oil the real author of the naverle nov- tbtaaer the antses1, the larger pro- you'll have to get out pencil and dialer of the MaritimeProvinces: els. Ile died in 1863 and left three sorban of fleece etrect tea there will paper to figure this out in a way that Tbeir''tuse. depends on n satisfactory daughters, Jessie, Ann . and Fliza. be in the roast. Iii vet aetr. Ire- will stick in your memory. aenuaterciel process .of extraction ;or +file oldest married Lieutecol. Hex- pbsttc vessels and ipoee tissue *leo , "Fifst ot• au, lot's,. plan:eft simple tbsse type's of fuel reser e a Problem toy, and the other two waist hack to snake uta .part of the roast, ut o one -tulle race wing set.. atnrt with apse which scientists are now work -tint odd to its toughness. a Scotland with their mother. the aerial., Connect the tepid -in in • ing. hCARGtUIS WRi A'Ctiolurose of series with a variometer and a var- THE WELLA.'D RIVER . Q.•„ -Is Moguls wheat grown out- l In tlntarto the prlaaatpal, sautes at table eonaenser." tt,•,:.W'here is thtr Wellan3 River? • f Caned*? meat is from our farm animals ++s'alt's minute," Smith interrupt- elsed stream that flows Into the 1'?" discovery, is being grown with treat iometer burliness sada o alts cattle, sheep. swine.' rabpita and ed.' "I'm contused about that, ;,vs Welland' Boyar is a good- A.,.. Marquis wheat, a Canadign poultry. tat man}^ places, the , dash „ No need to be" I retorted. "I've .of horsee, dors and cats is used. This .Karst Rivet* near the titans of C'"P- success in the Argentine .Republic., <1* particularly true of Europese and • pews. It is often called f hlpjaawa, Following n serious of tests which Aelatle eouatrtes, where flea *brio *11 tld ho deou tails before , at re; not to try e tto he gene "There is another way to obtain to .j$e down till the faintness Passed, Creek but toss proper name, the Wel bare exceeded the aspiration of. the are' flesh -hungry', and the meats oat the regenerative effect, but welt di- away. I was so short of breath that Tend River, was given by proclama- most .optimistic: advocates of • the cattle sod .sheep are expensive tt► eral picture. Just con�ais r the ver• gest that gator. Just want you• to I' could not walk any cji*mueli or do tiara , of Governor Simroe in . 7792, grain, it looks as if Marquis wheat purchase^ ' iometer and eandenser as the aerie . alter Welland River, 'Lincolnshire, is ihakin a con cost of South Aaaor- Heat, immedfateTs atter slaughter ground circuit tuning nstrumen';z. get the thought. that '.7egeneration anything that required much. ewer- g elegises means heeling, back the output to tion, without feeling completely used ----e-----------ire* as it has done do the -1t es ern k th t f t tho grid eo that the etectang pro up. s THURSDAY, FES. :hth, 192$ a H" P Something to CROW About aciio Not the BLACK CROW But BLACK'S lland-Tailored LOTHING 'r "This ,"" I explained, "is a simple one -tube set. Now let's switch it around so as to introduce the idea of regeneration. Here we have to make a few changes pecauee we're introducing a new •• element. You'll note that in the first drawing I've made the plate circuit extremely simple and without any provision for timing. In new arrangement I'm going to Insert another one of these tuning instruments, a eerie - meter, into the plate circuit "Now you will see that a mean* has been provided for feeding back - to the grid some Qf the output deliv- ered by the tube through the plate. We simply re -improve the output on the grid�•and thus glue the grid more current to impress upon the plate. Instead of merely acting as a detect- or this tube alas becomes an ampli• Ser. - Just by means of this simple stunt -•••.simple. now that we know about it—one tube does the work of a couple:" • "Well. if that's the case, then why all the objection to regenerative seta?" Smith wondered. - Our` "Made -to -Measure" Samples for Spring are here, Our stock' of Men's Furnishings is always up the -minute: 4 t CHAS. BLACK "The Mons and Boys' Store 'Wath While" Phone 21$ North Side !r'° :. "'You would appreciate that if we had one right here to experiment - . . with. We would find that there is HER awRQY Protect the child from the savages I sort of critical point in the adjust- WAS REMARKABLE of worms by :usingg ,fother •+()raves' aunt of a set involving this circuit weak avid Rtan•#lastrn- ..Restored by Worm Exterminator. It is a 'stand- ee that in order to get beat results • 14r. Willia>as' Pink Pi1as 'are remedy, and years of use 'have you have• to keep the set tuned in ++ years ago," eaynf Mrs. L. enhanced its reputation. just under the danger' point. If you Wright, Secaret*n, Sask., "I, wee very exceed this and feed back too much much run-down in health. 1 suffered Even it you did start life t s the set 'breuias antct,palaeillitis+us, $•1,ye-amelia peiigeetiotty +uokap . eseeend. ,baby you should outgrow et. '` phones . nearly' deafen you'and the sleepless nights. Faint epelte would' neighbors call up to beg for relief. ' often come over me end I would have • ' "' haa.an,aikaatine reaction, and has,* Now toe a product o your un- d � A I was cont+tant}v growing• sweetie& unpleasant flavor. Itis also ing and lead at to- the grid ot the cess ti ampliiiea and all in the sero- weaker, I consulted a doctor who told I quite tough. The hardening of mus- tube. En route insert a fixed cone tube. a There li area lot l i variations' me I was anaemic and needed build-. "is Item, Child States WiteNIPEG' FUR SALES 1 i inertia that *Howe d d d leakparallel.u • slaught'er to aecampattted by a sum L' ht t be 'th th `A' baht 'df the prmefple, but the tuning is ing up Thin and Mlea P Q --shat wexe the revuita of the mer of changes that fortunately tee- euurrent Charge the plate of the y n cos or rigor mor a a vi • s enser • an a grid est -zn I' took several bottles of Light your au with c cry ver delicate i each. If the tube tonic he gave' me, but the help I gof f only temporary. At i s fur sales of August, 19249 this prove the matt. The prinetpaY of tube with current front the 'Il' bat- breaks out into oscillations it not en- tom it was o y mp Y Cod Liter Estrace In Sugar Coated A'""The fur sales heli in�11'inni- these changes are as follows: the de• tory And then insert the.: phones ly distorts or destroys the incoming stage ••I decided to try pr. Williams'' Tables rods On rhos& and Bunds peg in August, 19"24, yielded $8011,000 eelaetuent of aarcolactic acid: the bot th jaT t f th ` be d th current but acts as a miniatur^ bink Pills, wMch I had weed in --a girl- record.eoe erieg many thousand entocele of the muscle fibers and broadc ti station " hood with much benefit. It was not ween e a e o a �u an e Them UP " elte.. The supplies came from the:.connective tissue^ as the result of positive terminal of the 'B' hatters;' Sanith^'sattl its ryas ell sia le long after'muck i rastaig. them that I ~="-• far northern fur regions. " '' bacterial and atttotvttc enzymes, char Smith followed theroughly drawn enough to him ndw, .but. I noticed le knew f had at last fogh the right I In just a few days --quicker. than development of more pleasant flavors. diagram and Sot the general : picture. folded n 'the die* ams I . had drawn k medicine. .I I think T tock altogether rig t nett: (ver dreamt of -these wonderful. TiiE, :CANADIAN DiAmTl�ai'„li(1i.lal IL is not advl*§tete to use anent .ito- of •the radio .frequencies teeming in p ' Imaltli buiklink,iieeh creating tablets ' Q. --°n high . mountain Is called the m Ndiate ,. atter slaughter, it tee re. over the aerial, being. tuned .and led and put them in his °. pocket. That some fifteen boxes, : and the improve- e McCoy's Cod Liver Extract "Canadian Matteehorn? Crigeraboa, or other proper storage to the grid where they. controlled .the was a happy sign. ., anent was remarkabll as 1 was fed. Wee* y A.e--•Mount 'Assinibdtesei 'known ie at hand. Two or three weeks in flow of electrons from 'the filament Next: Week, No. 10, .. Inexperience ing se. well as ever I had been, and 7ndeeta will start to Help any thin, Spoils Co cert..' my good health has continued to t}us gerweiitht little one. as fhe Matterhorn of Canada be -rota atoraireatatemparatureof 352$ to the plate. Hoer the �ounci values �' day. I' had:•also: been troubled' at After' :sickness and. where rickets, rause of its striking resemblance • to degrees P arenbeit le well worth while were then.' led • to the. phones,.: of •. (Copyrighit:1026 by The. Ullman fleets with' rheumatism, and this as ` rate. =petted they are especially val*, the great' conical peak . of the Swiss 1n inaproring the, edible. alualltY : of causes, was pow an :old story to ham. Feature Service) well a3 sty other troubles disappear- ' enotmtein of that name, Mt. Assisi.: Meaats. pan c . ^I �w► ..wr w u>alil+t < Meat penins knee' that ` Iron* the line ' is 11,870 feet high . and hna NOteitive Value, • . _ • a eat,' I have since reco'Jrtmet►d Dar. fliers' of the lowly swills& vitaminee ,been climbed by ,a few ;intrepid The nutritive value sot meat de- •. Blatin . esson Engl.'s Mrs.. of the first chess see extracted—eke mountaineers. pends upon thepresence of proteins hind thee bent all ftedale tine weight '. CANADA'S PLOUR MILLS ' and fats. :The has#t bsase3t •nitro: '*sen, women•aand children... Q.TW'hat is the exon... df` . C ;' Thom eetractaheve little food value. hecae :meat bases are the .prieetnlal Try thesewonderfgl, tablets for 30 ada,'a4our Milling' Industrie ` , aubrtancea to beet extracts. Seel ox- .days and if your frail, punyc child! A;-»-Cattada"has about 1260 flour tracts. while of no great entritiro dent greatly benefit—get your money mills in operation with.,an catenated importance, are valued. because their back. capacity to produce 40,000,000 *ear- :ingredienta•are in s. state of solution 4 12' pounds in 7 months. y egg ,cos on t�..e or omestzc run est' na an. • Liver Retract Tablets -was easy to sumption—the rest being expoeted • go long as atrttnale are permitted take** candy. and 00 tablets, 60 cents. to over fifty' countries. • , to be slaughtered in .any barn or "7:4"""""4" - A•, .--°• , , . cellar, it le impossible to c erctse a 7:4" +"""4,.,...;..„.... , •......,, .„r•,,,; CANADs S i RVelE .S> 1;�'YCI�,b groper control over meat as sold by STOP ATARRH! OPEN -Q.—What oar Canada's marine. bdteber shop* in the smaller cities, set vices in 1.24e tatcd towns. In- the large elty' abet- s AND HEAD t A. --The Canadian Government togas in Toronto and Montreal, the — ---- f. Merchant Marina is operating forty Government. inepeetore send to• the Creen4 Aliened in Neetrils e vessels this season of 19::•1, main- tank carcasses that are not tit for v s a autaaaai as . x iiraz nae* el y^ one per eee•••s^r• 00.- '.. ' ....N•.«. . • : r...,..: eluding one between Montreal rind cent. of all -slaughtered. No one, is. If your nostrils* ere slogged and you; Vancouver via the Panama Canal inspecting the cut In the country, or heel iax ntulicvl and our can't breathe and between Vancouver.and the Un small town kill,.. and apparently freely be, Anse of a cold or catarrh, just everythinn; hoes to market. It es un- ” nget y tlr g bstore. ;A ply a Cream ittl of Belot eau C "e'er aexsicen ga tohAustmlin, - e” ' cashed; to tuberrru ar lesion. e one's teeth or on the oragr*ut, antiscptie errata into your nos- Zealand, China and Japan. (Tette Lorna of a time worm, while trik end Id it penetrate through every AIR SERVICE TQ GOLD'FIELDS eating dinner.' But we are doing it, air leareeee of your heady poetizing and : Q.—What air service to gold. fields and in our ignorance do. not scent ihmMig the intianied. swollen mucous is in use . in Caanada? to :mind. et all meats were Govern- swoabrane ;and you t instant relief: A.—An air service to elle new gold. anent hispeetedj the per" caette. con- Ali1 liner>c►d at Yale. You now•. fields of Northern Quebec. in the sumption of .meat Mould increase. trite are open, your head is clear,, no sante hazel tete smelling, blowing; so Rouyn district, will connect the end People must have meat, all. like it. sere heada(a:..ir%ncas or struggling of railway with the camps tin, fafty and all are interested in the rondi- for. breath. 1.1y's 7'ream Balm is just minutes, covering G0. mile . as cam- tions under which it is prepared.-•- vtitat euii"erers from head. colds *red 'pared with two days otherwise. L. Stevenson, Dept. ot Extension, meant need. „lee aa, delight, 0.A.C, Guelph. . A very sickly child, jag4 9, gained rets a .see�ar. The production in 1;123 end therefore easily absorbed by peo- has 20,000,000 barrels, of which 9, -Vie whose digestion is at fault.. Ask andr fat for'►i' C y' Cod 000,000. Iy f d M les Ifelie es Head Cold t Once. f knitting eleven regular service., in 1 t d, p t t. SERVICE ALL . MALL and Moderate sizacd a counts as well as large ones are wrcioomed by the Bank .of ilaaioontrr*t• The service of this Bank is adapted to all*U and the quality of thatsett^ke is the saute wherever land -whenever -it_is rezadered. - Lett Might of Potato. • . . The damage done by this defame- . tire eine diaeaaae to largely dependent upon weather conditions. Bering • cool or wet seasons it spreside.. rapid-. ly. doing great destruction to°the t►a- a tato Collage it not cheekier tierout:h the timely application, of Bordeaux Bordeaux aures. I The first symptoms of. the disease chow up as small, irregular, yellow- ,, lab green spots on the tearer Which euleklyr turn brown, and may cover the leaf In tato days. On the under surface a whits mildew -filet^ growth t appears' 'bearing the spores which *Dread the disease to other plants. With climatic conditions. lust right a error tttatar b* etedreeed-in-three er.. four days. One infeteed plant will infect a nerd. If the weather is wet and coot watch for symptoms and. it t noted, spray with Bordeaux at ten day intervals.—Dept. et • Extet:rion, O.A,C , Guelph. • )Basial Additleme to /Wen otereogs. I hearse valuable 1ntorsmtion relative. to the 1toPortstate of addiarg mineral matter to VW usual grain ratios of t hogs 'lana been secured et the Agasel* W 1liatms' 'Pink Pilin to neighbors �• wito'a .heave, used • ,therm it•tt$ eyuRlts- �r nipiliele;._ oaf good results.'" Weekly n '.All.• weak,' anaetiii�>=•�rotit4ti and fair e. trial New health •era' w strength is sure tofollow.:. - a` Fiti Yon -00 �n&t7t •gets Hie 'palls from your drugglttr,,; or $y W. L. Gordon by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. 'William! '`Medicine Co., Brock.. vale, Ont. Words Often Misused' .. ' Don't say' "she is a new beginner in the work." "New"is auperfluous. Don't say "it'. is nothing else but absurd." Spy -"than absurd:"-• Don't say "littler?' or "littlest." Use less, smaller, least,+mintiest . Don't say "Ioam,going' to lay down foran houri" $ay "lie down." ..,I Don't say "can I have per'mis- sion?" Say' "may L" ,r ' • ' • Don't. say, . "he poured some water in the bucket." "Say "into" to de- note direction. Words Often Mispronounced. Pro rata:.Pronounce the first a as in "ray," last a es in "arm," ac- cent an first a. CV a dens. .Pronounce : ' kre-dens, - first e as In "he," "`not as in "bed." Allopathy: Pronounce the '.first a as in "at," the o as in "of," and ac -:.1,• cent the p, not the first syllable: Amicable. Pronounce first a as in :'ani, " and accent the in. . Candelabrum. Pronounce kon-de- 1aehewn. the fir*t 0 as in "ran." e en in "he," second a as in "lay," and accent second a, Villain. Pronounce vii -in, and not vie-yan. Words Often Misspelled Occurred (two es, two r's). Potnta (singular): potatoes plural. Al- ready (only one I). -Receive: el, not ie. Umbrella. Alt right (two words); and nevek alright., ' • Synonyms Attack, assault, assrlil, .combat, en. counter. . Facility, ease, readiness, knack, capability, smoothness. ' Fret, exempt,' unrestrained, at lib. erty, released, unbound, unencumb- eyed:. Inilierative, obligatory, binding. peremptory, commanding, authorita- tive. ' Atheist, sceptic,, infidel, unbeliever. agnostic, heathen, materialist. Speed, eelerity, swiftness. rapidity velocity, haste, acceleration, expedi- tion. dishonor. "His ' atteinet to speak meet with the ignominy :-of hisses." AGGRESSIVE; disposed to attack. "He ie*; an. aggressive personality. ENVIRONMENT; that which sure rounds. "His spirit <of geniality was rewarded byan environment of Mut- ual kindliness." „°+ OBLIVION-,' the state' of being ut- ` Word Steil, " i,`sc a word three times and it i* yours." Let las inereaat` eV vorabee 1'tw*tutott Farm during the last lacy by mastering one word each a elaapaM at ground bone weal g II4PE1tTINENT; ampaadent; irre 'ells nattertl mixture used was day. Words for this ksson . ;�_ peturi-. grouted chaired, g patsds: levant; "What's the Matter?" in. Sentlitd reek Ilettieelette, C potashes gained Hasa ].arts, impertinently." solid telt, $ *calms. ata east at !.t IGtNQUINYI dior.- slice ar 'rata per 51** . It ware fed at the 1 re t et rodsto eack tell w*Is. were a, i' Driers Asthma tike Magic, -•-The immediate help from Dr. J. 15. Kell lent'* Asthma Remedy everts like mnsgk. Nerertbekes It is o'aly a roamed mitt* weed in a natural r way. The smoke or • va,wr, trashing the meat remote maw of the at' - : t -i torted' tubes. braabes seine the trawl ' bit and open* a nay for ffre'h air to enter. It is sold by *alert threuRh - i 9°!n► CAiTORfA terly forgotten, "He hell lived his brief hour of debauchery and sunk intoob1ivion," . INTERCEPT; ' to prevent: , from •reaching a destination. "l'ho letter. was intercepted." ' Jog PAINTING ATerliE STAR 3 -SP for This Week —AT--- M ROBINS 5 .Dox. Men's thtara ra!it f . Flannelette Work Shirts, sizes 14. to .YT ter 79c 3 Doz. Men's Figsarirk Lined Work :Cleves : 79c aF e t►I'0 • � Sada' . while they lass 3• airs for . • .1 . for' THIS WEEK ONLY ROBINS ON 4doot Sadao, d eellader motor, fotcs4.sd iabriaados w all a asiaabaariess, connate** rodbea and crasaltaft bees p. 7 era�abat"t, 6.bcadag o aft. air velour upleasi• m.rv�brakss, fall betroth; tires, Sidiec wiaeels, new Mal- 11'146=464h. ai• lard 4aish. cowlve+atilrax,cowi rcesyitionatadtrOrg dikes* „ , . \ . lock, autoaaadcwindsbiaid wiper. I .I i. , iii 4M I I Never -has there been . a car that demonstrates its own superiority 84 quicid. y and conclusively as this new Nasho .ult success—the Ajax Six. BARKER BROS♦ a a�ASH DEALERS GOierich ,... .,._. Ontario - • r:+e sir ta.. -4.74T • v