HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-11, Page 744.
111111111MIDAT. PEL 114. MIL
. -1•U
Hotel Taller
eoa Was - eoo Baths
12.50 Per o+r ad 4
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic Grill
Tea R,oulin
G.aeria Maaap.r.
The $ad Cord of TOiduy
The eo4$ maitithr a slits. ria-
sang of As rotor the head bemuse
ed ups, but little attention is paid
to it, thinking perhaps it will pus
away in a day or' two.. You neglect it,
and the it gets down into the throat
tad from there to the longs, tad be -
mimes a cane of eoughiW, morning,
}Hou and night.
However slight a Bold you have yon
should never neglect it, fur if you do
s it is just possible that it will develop
into bronchitis, pneumonia, or some
other serious throat or lung trouble.
or. Wood's
Syrup •
is an universal rtt>ned7 for all those,
who suffer from :co* form of bronepial
trouble, as it stirr:ulates the weakened
organs, soothes ar d heals the irritated
plarte, looses the phlegm and raucous,
Auld aids nature to clear &lelajf the
morbid RCeuatulat'tlu.
. se
um, Minard's-the ever-rell-
abiczemedy.It draws out the
,.;,1rifl> i gnatiba, , canespalit*
br'aaga speedy recovery. as
•--.•-- Moore ... r. .
sawals,tnestst.'e.#ttila0101 k a cane to Clot it.
• td that 'hie M taken
Sunder Alternoon ince body
intetTbe It
• t 'hat th. potty mould trot be It
to )swat oaten. Tilton tkietAleut re•
1 !Satin HAXZLTAN. I oarich, Qat. velvet, d ter of what they had, awls a
shirt that before, been speakieg
gow660mtiww.N11111/11fMfyAtl tAiN.1111rt►M111iM/II114nroWt ilAllM rotate • •«*them e'Saiti i ref- ante
O Love Divine: that sto w1 to thaxe gtetted Jellus with. In thir etre their that if thole wuttldrat believe"
tjrott ahoukl4est sett the glary of (rad.
(kyr sharpest pang, cur bitterest Jesus mask tw reply *titer rear: those The stone being remay('d4 those
tear, most expressive tokens et sympathy standing round 'Mord a. voice raised
On Thee ire east ea?h earth -born •--i igks aid tears. in tkanluririntx teed eonfersion to
When the Jews saw Itniuc weeping God.This prayer ha:•tw been ut-
'n e smile at pain while Thou art n they .said amongst thentsetver, "ile-
A near. i hold how he loved hint," and then fell
tenet for the rake of the people
On Thee we fling our hutdenrng to diieuseing his power. They knewad his votes ttgainR saround as tyirty�a"i.asaruR,
"et a of menterful things he had .lone' and eotsxe ferth." Wherswr in the realm
C) IStre Divine, forever dear ; commented upon the pt►as:bility •of pf .,death the soul of ,,i).! the had
his heists able to prevent dEath, been, it was not beyond the reach of
Content to suffer while we know, They were to be witnesses of a great
Living or dying, Thou art near'. great-
er miracle than beeline or "'revert- the power of atria Dy this corn-
Wendell Holmes.•pping. That which he had trught on a mend to a dead utas to clife
I previous ooeasion et Jerusalem war Jesus peat to tart his clairee tto o b be the
note to be demonstrated. "leerily, resurrection and the life. At once
Our Seviour and our friend, in verify*, I say unto you, :he hour ig Lasarus' bound as +,rat theeatstom-
sorrow we crave thy syln;wthy, incomT g, and now is, when the dead ary pfar burials ram. tut
our doubt we -thy faith, in our shall hear the voice of aha Son of of theeecavcavee aacin d, Jesus work beitig
despair we as for thy coara*e! As God; and• they that hear shall live. done, he directed others to undo
we face the circumstances Sof each For as the Father hath life in ;dth. and ,tet him frons
Dr. Spurgeon wrote asermon on
day, may it be with the arseranee; self; so hath he given to the Son to'e. Spurge
the two texts: "Take ye AWAY'the
that is born of faith end hope: have life in himself. turves not at stone'" and "Loose him and lehim
FSeleeted). 1 All that are in the "'raves shall hear Hy e h d fothers
(Amen. i this' for the hour is eoming In which
heads -What •
d wea n
S. S. LESSON FOR FEB. 31st. 1126 hist .voice" (John 5:25-281, . before they become Christiana and
Leeson Title--Jeapa Raises Lnxar- ! The procession reached the tomb, what we can do for others after they
us from the head.
Lesson Pareage•-..John .11:32-44.
Golden Text -John 11:25.
At the feast of dedication in Jer-
usalem, Jesus came into eontaet with'.
the Jews as he walked in the temple'
in Solomon's porch, and, as be rets- •
owed •'svith them, they became en"rag-
ed and took up stones to east at him.''
He escaped out of their hands and
went into Peraea, the country where
John the Baptist proclaimed Jeans
to be the Lamb of, God which. taketh'
away the: sin of 'the world. While
here many resorted ..unto hilt» attcl l
ttaith, John did no miracle! but all I
things that John snake of this man
were true. And many believed on
him there. It was while. in Peraea L _
that a Message . reached him ' from
Martha and Mary, friends of his in
Bethany. They wanted Jesus to
know that their brother Lazarus
whom Jesus loved,' was • :ick. They,
felt certain that Jesus would hurry
back.. This we 'surmise from the
words used by both when he did 1
come. -No doubt they had encourag
ed their hearts byf this thought and
then after Lazarus died they cam -
forted each the other by saying:
"If he had been here Lazarus would 2
not have died," •
From the .moment: the message
was delivered Jesus. blew what I
would be the outcome to the family
send to himself. He had en -two pre-
vious occasions raised the dead- - I
• .Tairus' daughter and the widow of
IQain's. son -but this was the last
..and the .greatest of his miracles. It I
was the • crowning :Sten that he wee
the 'resurrection and the. Life. It;
was remarkable in that it wars decid=e
ed upon by him' four, days before It
was performed. •
Jesus spoke to his disciples of the _
t Ilii s c`oncernfng L ztirtis that lied r
been brought to; him, saying that this
sickness' "is for the . );sera^' of God." ;;
Two days afterwards he pcoposed to
return to Judaea. His atseiples re -1
minded hilt}, of the attempt of the I
Jews to kill him. Then Jesus sait11
that their friend Lazarus had• fallen'
asleep and he. was. going to waken !
hint, but they misunderstood his is
-meaning, so he told then. Lazarus
was dead. Thomas prepoaed •that •
they gn with him at suffer what-
eveo ' should happen to him --even ; -
deli*ll itself at the .)lands of the Jews.:
When they arrived at Tiotlizny'
Lozano; had been dead and buried
four days. As soon a.- tons reached;
Martha she Married out' to meet Jesus
and expressed ber confidence in . his '
power to help had be been there in I
time, adding a further belief in God's
Willingness to hear and answer i
Jesus. His reply drew front . her a
confession of her belief in the finall
fesurrectiorrof the body and he then ! •
told het• the greatness of his power
and asked ber''•if sheb+lie,•r;,i h
words.. She renlied that elle believed!
him to be the Christ and immediately i
returned to call Mary. •Thetr. batt
• still outside the village nn.1 Mary. ae- 4
eompanied by her svrpnthiar'rs whit!
• thought she isms ,coin-; to the crave
to weep , this*•+'. _ on hearit"r of the :.
ti nearnee'.. of • Jesus. 'hui'ri"d, to meet
him. She fell et hie feet sail/1g the ,'
very same thing that •Martha lead
luta. and Morse Ling
}fack Stables, Eto.
Montreal Street
just off the Square
'WAWA Meet all TratnI'and
Passenger Boats.
Passengers called for litany
part of the town tor all
trains et 0. T. R. or C.P. k
be pots
larornpt Service and
Carefrul.Attendaiice. •
rays re ee.
Our Liveryand Hack Service
wilt be ound up-to-date
In ever' respect.*
V our patronage Solicited
Phone 107 MortrealStreet
The People's Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than coal or wood.
An E1ectrii; Vacttul:tC10,a11er
removes the dust ; .i l r(10111
just moves the* dust.
We ' guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for Si 500.00
Walk ,in and see display at
The Hydro Store
boom* Christians. Thera nt'o stoats
whiten we eat remove from their
pathway and there le help and sym-
pathy we thee* give in their sew life
in atria.
In this lesson we have a glimpse of
the depth of Jerre' human sympathy.
Jesus wept. His tears were wiped
away and hie emotion create. end
we get a tclimpee of hi.; fellowship
with the divine before Tns wonelroua
power came to view, hewing; him to
be the Giver of Lite.
A Native Heroine
At tigogwe (Uganda) :t Chrietien
woman teacher, he=.r::t,;' that the
'leering aiekneas had broken out in
the island. of the lake, offered to go
there. She was told that she woula
gar attherisk of her own Ht.. She
sai4i,„, know it; but they know not
the Lord Jetlue. And I know Ilim ;
I will g* and tell them about him"
She went, and her work was bleared
to many, and then she stat sent back.
to die. "Greater love hath no num,
than thiel" I know Hint -that is '
the inspiration of missions.
-Missionary Review.
The most nbetitlate• corns fail to
+•osis' Holloway's torn Remover.
Try it. -
fit It 1441". 'Er'e('
� 7r o”1"1141 r',' a
Great Rejoicing by woo N MA1!oat IT.
Rheumatic Cripples TIAIN IIED10E to TD ONTS
Dopy leneept itwoeslwk
If Be Crippled Yoe ('alt's Use Arms Ere. ()oderieh fs 00 a m. '2 y(l p.m.
or Legs, Mamma WW Help 1'on , 1'liutolt d 1) a.rna :.33 p re.
.r Nothing to Pay Sottfort 1 1 ' V Il am h I!
' p.ur.
' 1 " Mitchell 7,04 am. 3,43 pin -
Get a bottle of Rheu mt today midi Arr. 8iratfotd 71O a m. 4,10 p•m.
weilf a satisfied smile o'a ; our face p_t
pl " Kikbener 8,20 a in. 6.'14 p ne,
to w
It * a remedy that el astunishing l Ir (Iuelph N; f;� a m. 6 ;(I xs„
the ,whole country, and it's just arotlpntn IQ.10 a.m. 7.30 p.rae
good for out, sciatica and lumbar) &Mut ning-Leave Toroukr 0,45 aur•,
as for rheumatism. k 13,36 p.m. tenet G:ou p,m,
It drives the poisonous waste. from t Parlor Cate oar, Godewkk to Ter -
the joints and muskies --that's the onto, on mornil4g train, tad Tomato
secret of Rheuma's sic«e�
; . to tmoderieh 0.06 p. m. train.
But we don't ark you to take our Tbro h coachf:aderieh to Toronto*
word for it; go to II. t'. Dunlop or F. F. LAW* (IR11114 ,lil.elol'ih3
any druggist and l;et :a 1°,tel. Ott xtgp 1'a.arrttter. a*j't`lclepta Agtapl
}theme today; if it doeve t do .ax we
promier get your money bac:;. It
will be there ,waiting for you.
aZCegps EYES
Clear, Bright asud Beautiful
wnula4wi*oCo..cakip cirscarAmak
For Wants and Crdilt en
in Use For Ova SOYwrs
Always bears
l Signature of
Are you a doer ar a dreamer?._ Do you ,wept metes and happlwess? int rat want a r'esi vacation this Sclacagter--tile *crate*, the teem, the hapl:tem vitwtkln 1*
'all'•your Met the realisation of 'oelr drearne?
Then enter The Mall. and Empire's "13-WesM" Pletare Petlsle Game 00 -day. Others may tater to -morrow or heart week. 'Toler Job la to tenter tad start right now.
rally yn;tltitrd and ready-topin--$3,000 as your Vacation rf'te*taare.
You ave 130 ehnnees at $e.i;}ttil".It1 gash -the greatest st opportunity, tate h i geet prise net 1* hblore. The present Pk t.re :'made let the eaafest to solve or any
' ' illus iif.'tii'rd :b 11,. Mali and Empire. It is simple. interesting, educational -wad worth While.
How Many Objects Beginning With the Letter "B" Can You Find in This Picture
Rhee picture+ bellow contains a number of objects aid alrtltiles beginning with
the letter "13". Yoe will and alt sorts of things that begin with the fette+r,'t111"-«11ke
"f.'.rtny", "Dat", "Dad", "Barrel". etc. See stow Horny you titre ttt+d. Trus is not a
ire..z puzzle; nothing Is bidder and you hon't have to tura the ptrtnre t'esldo down
or tsdeu'ayn. We are diving you this large 3Neture'so that *11 objeent nod astic'k%
starting with the letter "IS" will he rete), tar 100 to tree. entre is nri hlee ditneult l e
lard 14 undrn+taud. You can see -•a "l5 ag".ls there. antl-a "13 -tart► tool a "II-leyelt•"•
are also there. One hundred and 1+ltty ('asb Primes will be given for the 1A4 hest lists
of words submitted In answer to this pta:aa.ie, The *.i;.wer lu.ving the hart;tet and
nearest correct 11*t of visible objects Mild artli$es In the pleture sheat start t.•;th the
letter "B" will be awarded. First Prise; second beset, Second Prise, etc.
The .iM ail ad
Empire Ras Given
kiwi $1386
to 3C4 Prize'
Winners in Re.
cent Contests.
jRw•.. J e
Heart So` Bad
Nerves So Bad
Could Not Steep
Mre.,S. Hearses, 11,It. No. 1., Enter-
prise, Ont., writes: -"I have been so
,greatly benefited by using Miller.'i
• ..M.
e, the.
and Nerve Idle
should write yonto tell you how grate-
ful 1 :am for your splendid remedy.
Hy heart has been bad for the pact
live years, and my nerves in such a
"tete 1 could not sleep at night.
X was tired all the time, my nppetite
ems poor, and I had no_courage to do
anything, and did not raze wil ,her I
died or not, so ace day 1 to111 my hus-
band that 1 was going to stop doctor -
big, as I might as well be dead ::e the
way I was, and that I r.'ould be better
Ohl no one knows What 1 suffered
from my nerves, as 1 nag afta:d of
every noise and my heart world
41jutnp't at ever;' sound;', -
All the rernedi(s, and doctor', I hes.1
tried did ens} nQ good, until rine they
a friend told nit .bout Mill 'CNA
Ikart algid b:rtvr fill!, mal a:ter tek=
ing the fast box I could are a 41.014,'e.
anti aftrr talar.); lis I ata mew torn-
pletely rill of my troablrtr
1 feel that if it haft not been Cr
your Piles 1 would here been dried rm.'.
buried by sow."
111• tad ti. P 1'* are J,ut up or:xy
lithe T. Milburn t'tl:, Litnited,'1'a:l.ttu,
last Wifieert
h Neta;; Paulo Ccitttst$
'The w1nu43. nre1.-4,4::
1, 5i3 .8. London.
5k Wilt!, plan lint 1• a?oafs,.
Itlttj Ole. 14 a ,ad n- w,
Lunn C. 1 tr 1 48, \ 1t.
111.0.41118'11.4.'i•tlr0 tel r,
W8tnut.1$..nrg. . ell tall,;'•..
Nor. Amapa este shell.
Eotr*1,M,.t`i1•.. 51st.
Thom. 4`ntt"narr, Athr*s.
bi..tn. Mrs. ,too 1h3Iv...
ltrriu<trr. at met t- Jane
)llh Ira. 'Envier. WI'; 0.
bin*. 1 4.440: Ol.a 4.q
H. Aatalwry: 1u414.43 1
• Y0:.0: 1. M. Ceriu4c..30,•
tt'rlltn4l. er44o.Mr.: a.nt-.
'•'•' run 311101e.. 1• 4'4 r3:
tti*h; 1:11'n 11', n. 143*,• '
4411 It. 4.111.4. at,na, 31 n•
stir Hrnarat.1II5bi 1,Ibb 8
Brat., *100; :tr. .. l:. •*.
14ura,ltt b",ta ors lt -.
$ISe. Fire ..!.1 11;111. .11'
14111:0.08. Fa.1.: l'Iar4 ltt•O
Mor/a. 4 .,),.1,t n.
CICO: 111w1 a ,arc 34 cater,"
tlaantt.n In e. Pith. tr
H. 0111rtar ler. 11.0m1 sena,
S1'0U • . 14144. ' M.. 4 .41'a• l!
14trpr. tams Allen. pante
.1. 1'. 1luarn1.11ira• It4eir,.
sea, ttr0e:
t.lelnlont4, 1.10404.11 1..
tar,'.43n4's t141' t•L<r,'t•
a 1 prize 14.40001'.
short . w.a,e. 11.:1 1001e
8,18004" 1,:tt1- '' 4,4
' 8
total. 01 304 Inch; to,
melt and el,II(rre.1.
1144t0 alae 1, e e 14
4awar41t51 a 4'.1031 prize
1n ' The *4u.5l and
Empire's w•1•rlt'.4 Of
Picture f'uzshi ((woes.
..'Attu, 11011.'0
You may never 1st your lifettnt<* tie (;lien another opportunity sail* ,as we err offering )eta in our Puzzle Gana+ to "pixy 44,41h learn" while earning n Lit^ 44444 0i1e.
1'011 can't. help enjoying Ih1 hunt for •'13 -turtle" In till; 1'44•ture Puzzle. .11) 1041. 105-01 !i~ ;U► obr4•rtin(; eye, Let.i4 all Jciln 1u anti have a Jolly tats: time. ' N0 knitter Whitt
. y04tr age. if you like to solve paint's, try pour hand m. this one. It really 1, nut 'a ptttzl4 at all. for all the objects In. that Ells; .ldrture aloee hate betian made the'►11y't1,v..
plain, with n0 attempt to tihsgu}se or 'bide therm. Gera penult' and paper and u(•+ lion' nein) "13-‘1, (tribe" ;too can Ytiid.• N'lle13 )08 hate evade jos 'your lint of a'1:,-t3/41.1ta r
.,0+14i4 it Ill aping with one, 18sa. or three )'carr. rtireseriptien. to The Mail a.n44 Empire et 55,00 per ye,ari which will quality. your sine:tier for. the Large Cash Prier lo
Awarded ori March tetrtto those deeding In the •150 best answers. ''1'x'11'1 Y()1'1t L1:+4 ()1•' "11-tiic)ItDs" T() -RAs' -AND WIN A I11\1).4()'.4t1; cA.If 1 4th/1•:P4 14.1'4)1'16
150 --Cash
The $9,000 Prize List
'WW'Inning Ita8, 4 * 1.01 r43r41ve the 0111* )ttttrlrerl
and Asia,• (WI Prlr.e nrew'db*K to the table Ireibw:•
e m
.� I.,f.4:.
158 e.r ltdu" 11 5ar
Prises ::r e ;L•4a ytif.;
net i rare. 1,$110.01 0100..0 $1.000.011 112,4400.112,4400.1112,4400.110ltd )'lire... 28.00 101.00 000.01 4.408.00
3r4 relic . , 20.00 050.00 100.414I
418 next... 10.00 110.00 000.00 000.00
alit Prime . 10,00 101.00 100.00 400.00
011 141t.... 14.00 *0.00 10),01 1100.01
1411 Prize... 12.00 100.00 00.00 1110.00
ells 1'r'te... 10.00 10,00 " 40,00 50.00
VA. r11**.... 543 15.*0 20.00 e0"
10th Prert... 41.08 10,01 20.00 40.N1
11th 10 pie
:else fort. ,3.04 e.00 ]f.00 14.00
vat, to Meth
*tire 'tart. 4.00 1.90 13,10 1040
11,1 to it tie
mixt :net. ;.00 - C.40 11.00 44.00
loins to 1:41t13
frier shin. 2.00 tan 10.09 40.00
In the *tent of a 'no fat any price offered. the
fntt 1,1.04*! of 610, orh0 Kill be said to 418•:3 lard
n:ll 11% 11.14nt.
Subscription Rates
Tl:e Mail and Empire anywhere
in Canada by mil $5.00 per year.
iJel;valved by carrier boy in Ham.
Mon, $8.00 per year.
Prizes -415
The "11 -Word" F'Intt:re 1'urtslr Garvie I. :t for it 4trr1 t4. inrrr,.114 *114'
popularity of The Malt awl Empire. It r. r 111 u4;}}sang IP take Port, 4.1+d
):"udu not hays to rood Its a robot rilrtit.tl to leen o 14'.3:0. It your 1i'•4 "f
-II-W,4c45 In awarded first prize• Ivy the Fudges Sou will win 834'40, but
'1f you ,wn:1t1 1.41< to wits Plot* shun $30410 ter. :ere 441*kl1184 the f'olio8vlttlt
you .8' ..; Ir
t° t, 1 1
Spectral offer whereby a co+i ala -rr-Its • tool• reset .4r t
( t "'din in `}�
1 r.
or TWO or T11/t1,11,,: ye:4rly 44asl ca.ril•tlnnk to The trust and lanl'Ira. • -
Here's How the Big Pries
' Will Be Awarded:
$00.an instead of 530.(h► will, be *warded to the answer winning
v� first prize 1f t)\1" yearly anbscripttur- to The Mall and
Empire at 55.00 per year b3' "'tail. has been sent In. SCeornI Prime, ,$x00.00;
Third Price, 3250.00, etc. ,(4re second column of flgurrs in Prise J45t.)
$1 .0001)1) tomcod of $30.00 will be awarded to the answer winning
t •nett prize it TWO (new or renewrJ) yearly subscriptions
to 'flee Matt and Empire are 430nt,,48: Sex'aml Prize. *000.00, Thiel Prime.
$3110.00, etc. (Sec third column of figures In Prize List.)
yd`) M)(l.an Instead of 530.00 will be awarded t0 the answer winning
443 Rr*t prime. provided TITILEl: (nth or renewal) yearly
subscriptions to The Mati anti )' a►plre are seed in; second Pette, 51,400;
'1'llird Prim, *1.000. (see fourth column of figurer ht Prise LIS.)
And l}4:it°}I not'Sn'. "we 941:I •i:ls* *afro arrf0utlt•"'t.n all pettier* 10 the
*1143ie ntatlnes', 1f yt,ur answer 11' ,Fultlifr4 t,a l ottEe; , refrly 41ubberltst1014
Mut y0t1 Wilt fourth 41447P. l.oll•14'i!4 tllr44e WE, tree. .1...'n the prize tet.
�'n4] 1414 Fat en ;la o411"1r14440144 Its 1,4 rt,e411:14' .11 1.40 141"1zea totalling over
=9,0^.0, slsert' 4ht• 154tt1 4,1334' 88:413 ''i ':i:1 Nuts•rspt 00•: wins ;15.00.
5°t ui town Subst-r(4t1d)rr x111 1'1,1W • 4 4I1i.rt-tit tit., to start. at rottae
tutur4'(la1e. 1110104110 on the 141,431‘ When y 01 *0434 1410 paper started
nntl 14 wit; "tart promptly on that epee.
t • a i.: ua•11.84, or .I1/1d w1.41' It„in ,a t•c,nr.,to
'• .• 1.:. -a •..1114:i oriel "lila.'41 41,8at4)8 14,0
I'' , , C 1' 414. 4,01 t t t' 14. 1848.841. *fl a1,1.Wt
'2 Misr w „ r 1•, fertnrc'i'irtaro' Pestle tamer oars
t of la d '4 r 'Cr a• ts0 11 and r.4np-44 • wlnhlnK •l$0U,0S ur
mora urs 401 rb„•lift In p1rllelpnle. h2 thio movie.
3. Ai' nee*ora aro: be moiled b+ 5443. ':tnrrh
•Ilyd. 1020. •i4nd onarrows! to t'nrflo 411013por. v>awai col.
'rho 44nlf stint Kmp:re, 'rrr418143. • .
4 ,8 . 4, Pte .,f ❑1a,,:!%.. t."4N• *411,4 11 Mil rhe'.
Nal* 1' •1•, 1• µ4t n1;'* ar.1 redly,.q .•,
il•erau'•.r'4`144:'j 1, ".,
*L. 8t 4.31e 4044 ha 1444:1.44814 addn0n. n 11.0 443)1401'
41Kh, 1,11141 , n^uses If *,•u ,beset t., M'41i 1049'2,141: 434,10
110.'8 a,p:,'.,lc s4,ret.
1. /411• noel. wool* thea err *344814. 4/O18l011.'n4 84144•
"l1'• as;appeal 48'!1n1.4{4r 0I4 18 1 r•, at°4 1.c . toIIl.
'111rn. tie matt 1.c 4,4ot u ar ,• 1.4004 f, x4434 an :lac p.e•
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tae 44441111. Nsat leve, style, ue han*wrt3,, 1; ntr48 u0 h14ar •
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UA r48Nityf to thele sewer"' agree 4o erupt Il:r d.tnt1e11
of sae 1ud04mm an Aral allot nessr8111ve.
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of the prem* w1a1t*r5 Wad terr'ort flat of *4844* 84111 Y*
pnOlhl3ed 4. TY* Ya" ass len.5*,. on March '1tHk its:
prism tmrlle3 *ill be tna44041 to (110 wheats pt'. a4et►y.
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