HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-11, Page 6TlI3JLaDAY•.g-. 11th, Ifaa. . 7 "OU will never know how good your reclpcs ares—and haw well you can make pies, a*kelr, puddings and bread, 'until you've used Parity Flour. 'dew dater knave's. Ask itirro. Sttlti.:Mlt ran n J'ta'Rillr 0LOV t COOKsau puRrrjp$014 Acf.ril lY4 H+M?irk; . - FlorC.rtrli.he. Snotp•e►.idr. 43,:prow UR . tA1Cie�MAraAbQ1*x A1/1.04311yTQ Q,Y, itw,ARI i6boot trrApRlue! nom *mot t4lOMt 1'1 • *la e'lt eIi drops. That remark br*d boon ut.. Kr. *irk ruse with *Write. tiered by Aneiisrsoa and Hackett and terly cac*iMd for mod it had betray• "Seel Let's take pry stove over to airtime that IN be dMusted. Mowed ed a wanton audio, a mslevolext des 'your tont gad w'mrar pilar up. I bot by Camerae mad Andsi`wn mad re - sire to toured; weii, here was a you're mild?" solved: That move end treasurer chance to ewes the score. 'Shea "Ni«iia! 1'ex comfortable enough." look attar the b.yiag of bonds with Jerry came dripping to the text ,door, The .speaker`s tooth plsy.d an ae' the interest of *slimes money now in Tom decided he would poke his heard eempenlmeut to this n+emiaciou'p de- the bank: Bylaw No. 1, appointing out into the deluge and thee cry in Wel. "Of course, I'm not sweating .certain •acers and road divisions, astonishment: "Why, Jerry, you're fine, beet ---I a'posa the stove would was duly passed. An .ppeal from been working, haven't you? You're ehoer things up. eh? "Rotten night, the Sick Children's Hospital was ail swesty!" Mr. Linton giggled out" ain't it?" read. Moved by 'Black and Anders , loud. That would be a refinement of "Worst I ever uw. Rotten cowls son and sozzled, no section be taker: sarcasm; that would 1* a Acct«back of try. for tb$t *ratter." • On motion of Anderson and Black, ` the finest. If :Jerre billeted' ` upon "Yoe said soj%ileg," 31r, Latest the following bill* were ordered I coming in out of the west he'd tell chattered. He his head with: paid: Election expenses, including hire gruffly to get out There and try vigor. ballots and all supplies, $108.75; Rials. • the lake for a change. It was wet work moving Jerry's Bloatt, building guard rail and rent Ilut Mr. Qrlrk made no move in the direction of the tent; instead he built a tire in his stove and crouched over it. endeavoring vainly to shelter himself from the driving .lain. ton watched him with mingled im- patience and resentment. Would the t t rarttsfir wasbhtfof bylawpul A ravelf10; the str. wasset an ED ROSE "is good tea" TEA olio want do oput-ette 4Leie 7a :::;; he , srtedThidon,Gee. rep, roadandgraveleneeJ. MAIL Oh Tont brought 'forth a bottle of wide.. B. Webster, dragging .and rep, road. , .I:ZZLR,1 HowIt Aches q up A. Long, rep. culvert, We A. Mc - key. removing earth, $18.76• dna. Jamie- ...••••••1.14•10.0 Announcement ""Here," said .be, "take a _snifter. 'son, supervising, ;10.64; Geo. Field- i►ouncemeMade Star 1 This Issue oft onto the heed owns.to „ha and It'll do you goad," or, craning •ditch. f 6; Jno. Ii. Web• pada you may .vast . armna�ei tot, the old -fort xie�eg-get 'enough?. -Jerreeyed. the bottle-with--frankc g- r. Pxy+inrt men,- rip. ulvrert and Wise men and women and children "i`i'sr' come Ircat.tbe..a +sh, lir4r_ .,..,__. melee* and the ce,,, must be re. - was, the most unreasonable, the most tantalizing person, in the world. After p time Mr. Linton found that hie teeth were chattering and that his frame bid been smitten as by an tome; reluetanctly he crept back into bed. He determined to buy, beg, bor. row or steal some more bedding ea the morrow -early on the morrow, in order to forestall Jerry. Jerry would have to find a tent somewhere, and inasmuch es there' were none to be had here at Linderman, he would probably have to. return to Dvea. That would delay hint eerio s -- nosttifiieehment before he 'exclaimed • •dr*ggengI $8; Henry Gardner, paying am "ny, hy, I didn't knoll you was a drink- men fixing road, $2; W. P. Rte, ex- , were ready to -14Y• mored before permuted relief in' man. You been hidin' a .secret tram, $9,26. - The clerk was instruct- Less wise ones were not. Less, be hade vis" froth me?" wise ones, will wait. 44 Where is no better remedy oa ihe► ""No. And I'm not a man, ed to advertise for tenders a rand And when the greatest nuzzle eons! ne*arkeet today for the relief of heeds I " brought it. slang far drinking I --e. superintendent. IVtove d by Anderson selene of an klads sed: of every doe " and Baskett that the council adjourn test in all the aerhistoryd the Tovinto —that cough of yours insesf to worry until Feb, 16th. The following are of Ontario is over, and The Toronto! c�P r me so 1 Wi the officers appointed in Bylaw No. Mail and Empire has given $0, In I. "Psh,nw" l cough easy. You 1 Clerk, C E McDonajgies-collect Prizes to 160 even. and women' i■C know that" ox; ex, C. eleaven; treiesurer, W. I'. 9 and children --and 2,Qt!4 to one in "Yon take n . i61t and"—Linton Reed; assessor; John. Little; medical the record-breaking vacation tress- i fleshed with oral amassment•--erand "moo ' of health. Dr. A. A. T. Sian- ore division—the Less wise ones wUl I'll have one with you I Wyss Nina th'rd •m bee baar3 of health wish they had started, ' ' w sen' Hawking; auditors, Donald Air p • Turn to The Mail and ,Empire's 12 d 1 h' ' u Iy "'Haney` Jesus." said Quirk, :est ho Lean and Wm,.141•cCaurthv; sheen vol• Puzzle announcement in this paper enon*gh, perhaps, so' that the taws of tipped the bottle. uators, Robt, Drennan, Chas. 's Rit- today. Read it carefully. Begin winter would close down upon hive! "A loner life and n wicket one!„ ehie, Archie tehnston, David Ise work. And your chances. are great. t CBAI"iltlt ; , (Continued) lar tumult, but as yet he could not Through the drone of pAtterinc drops Linton drank . in his turn. a "la -ow eobnston, Thos. Garvey and Richard And your reward may be $3,000-4tt Aft diel h hand rose toles them be could merely Stam- h fit d f then stet out cd those cold cone- J h t • p'tt *tut k finers .Teo Sav time for the happiest summer of It rooms rendre of the beads just now; I'm collier n a free a belle. see 13. fir a utile e fir ,tot a• t voice a theret n sous o a Stet and stroked it softly, then she. mer: • carne e a , cough, phereses. Here's . some dry under - drewherself y from him and with • "Y have never told me your Mr—Linton sat up in bed. "P arse .1 away o ns on;. e age Jahn Green Neil G 'McKenzie, your he. >s sold : rt e: u . �� neo el orches pthRick, too. We'll o ton ipso Frank Sprott, Thos. Irrwin ani sPat C Dgi<t Causes Aathtap. -Even in lit - .a* wan sate ul 1 t , n �� menial he exclaimed. l cell, Jerre th e h n kin blanket's—for , Moran., Fence . vi re. "The wind: has sends o fool of *tie: Ehldn. ,, was getting exactly ',what he deserve —and I'll keen the dire a«,aoane. • I'll c4hinnev. I1nbt, Dfividnctn.. James tea speck too small to see Will load] "Not no!"' he . cried ' forcefully'. "'Almy i a call you that? " , to, ;agonies which no words can de -1 +' ' be we are ed. IIs had called him, Tom, an old cure that 4cough if I wt+n,. ko i us *,ane, ,Thus '• I)►ckaor, Roktt. �>'itiger scribe. The walla of these breathing "You asked me what I, thihl; o£ you-«- She nodded. ccs w n foal," a "dant": old fool, to be pre -1 white ax a washwoman s thumb. ,'Id. Duncan Finlayson, Jaa.. Craw- Well, now you know:' alone. Hilda Bsilberg, ober eros mys Th epithet in itself meant: ''Ycu'11 do nathinx of the sot," ford. T McLeod Jas Keats and tubes contract and it seems as if the o tri head s i sheeto e. a Still 1nam eel St,1 sen ng,.� was in fact rn fatuous and Jerry Ra%of ante • o, thiseo- 0 �t a Froneons e ifs mi, s pass. v p '9 very 1 red,. as hfi removed hi D. A tli li..e hat tt nd ce of D J D Kellogg's Asthupa f shook l• I d " * . zrise. a ep nothing—it itd tl n "Come! R , e , etc .�. pts Ili hll t • ides 1" 'i tt I� P hunk th u slowly, than she told him, e; of Ilildu! 111 Th feeble form of abuse as compared to nddt+ garments and coon P fps , R' h d J h *ton :. a esti'Johnston. . se o. a e a ' . ... - - clition. _ e , s nfir is fir o n r the rats.triedsly tt:and "You'll `own ri ht into bed with. me ,Remedy brings the userto perfect eathe opprobrious titles :which he ng "Bet I want to talk to yeses. I have Countess drew back abruptly with a pp,a T•rest. It, relieves the passages and e tutees" r• then,in Answer. to his golfer dorrY. were in the habit of` exchanges and we'll have a good sleep. Tou'eglC HF normal breathing. is firmly establish- ss�7rilueh # fie concern ,. ing-•-�it was that abominable teljert= near dead," " "What a 'there to `pal nt+out to. eoitcern,'aids' ' e which hurt. Jerry and he had Iiia Linton was. by no ,Inofins retia ibLlRtltiG WINTER ed again. Hundreds of testimonials: establish - night? her ilarkl" Tliey mulct feel, "X Y think I'm co1+t" nre•-•••••— received annually prove its effective - rather than hear, the iirsiersarninc; lie undertook to clasp Iter clone:; called each. other `many Demes at cured: iris tone was airerulaus when t~o , 1n81ienza and Like Troubles downpour, e o baud in a held him off, murmuring t had exchanged nume*nus he, cried; . "Why didn't you come in 1Still, insisting that man is an ani - of the they do p , but oh times: they., , can ore Avoided band the walked up the gravelly "Let it be Hilda Mahn," for to tribes and insults, hut nothing like before you caught (toles Spore your _ mat doesn't scant quite fun to the besy the fringe of the fors 1 e 's not think . of---- Let's that hateful wood "old"had over Danis net siels on. me now? But you won't, animals. est and intoeax plebe . t, "' Have you noticed that some :pro- _ _ f the sed between thorn until this fatalI saint let you. In a Pattie .of ap en' good health through the '•°' est where glowed trio dull illumine- not think at .all. tet bride a J Quirk himself was prehension he duo; out his half of the pie joy g Feat People- make athero hapPv } orae ors mp storm '� i th world, fir contents of the mrd ktt h rain." " thci sound curios front . la lit teem ovaria, There's .-e -tempo sz,` in my morning, erre Quir ims -•most. trying weather, tvhSle ethers R �' t , tern- , icier- ` and'be- Y g the others look at diem and say When. they paused . before .the Cast,- blood, and who can thank with h b � • ' h d exercised an ad- orae to Paw through thorn: , "alba :god; succumb to olds or • in ue t . nld the oldest, mann q o . P ld d t res "at "Thank heaven I'm not _Fat."".- • , t WS' tint. �'iorse once more enfolded pest vont?). .:his artner's Teel: the •caugii syrup. Jerry•,you or me?:' every ,touch of wintry conditions, baits. but seed, e*d wi* tee *sure�n owed. You will set be troubled any mere - rat nap for the Meet 47 yeas by Tho Milberg $s, >G , Toronto, Ont. :om a .• tnhalale regard foo A of her . in his arms and sheltered her She raised her face and kissed iiia d had never a t_it up to prim .The speaker's voice broke'miserably,' are attacked rhetnnnat,sm or. sties ;rigs an a n ve • e s t v' Th ' • to be found it from the boisterous breech of the upon the lips,' then, disengaging her- Thus .had his : conaideratio!t been • 7e- Mr. (ht':rk .laid a trembling hand tics a reason is xi'ight, 13is emotions were in a sinif- •elf once more from his . hungry n fellow's u on Into ex -partner's shoulder, his tete• condition of the bl,od.., If it is . s shelter. staid. gowever. the emit 1', arms, she stopped inside h+?> race was about rust, for'eta could't voice. too, was "'hake when lie said, rioh. and pure the system is able to 1 saw 'of her.was her luta- a wet "You're awful good to ':;e,: Tom:' resist disease: But let th,' Mond 1" The fist bestand. cold or exposure. Why, inose smile 'framed against. the Blasi. him to bed.'. How, then.' The :other shook off the reraspresied come. impoverished and the way is background; then she lot the tent -fly` foot sentmade clear for disease 'to enter the ta1L • :e, could a rickety ruin of his antiquity .undertook'to 'read the labels. dif,the 's s cl withstand:the ravages of"pneumonia bottlee.`but they had become unac- y#. ' • itis turned y big rain= uino is at that? ronntably: blurred and there was a ` T e common sense, way to :avoid " As );"h i p away *-.s.*allopiti8' Pneumonia, r drops began to drum=upon-the•steiirby Linton reflected :that common de. ,painful lump .ie his throat sett seem- colds andinfluenza is to keen a peen• - tent roof,, the iteruce.-elepsr overhead cencywould . demand that be • wait ed to• him that Old Jerry's bare' lege tiful supple of title red,blcod, hi your veins. 'Dr: Williams, Puree: -ells have bent low,limbs threshed tis the gusty„ ower:* day or. two and. !drip bury the looked pitifully thin nen spidery and: > ' ht wind beat upon them But he 1 wcgid expect that that his bony knees hada rheumatic aohieved world-wide Same: for their • • rte s..bo Amos el al res. *et. •i* iik*-rMd two* do hole.'beellOreveteloltorere.ebee yea- w.OZOCs6M, 'Ib. mow I +rife, Co.k ' *s*sb..r. Mtdt.lsr..ss..lktO ' N]Irffttbl.*N 31. Aidelee Strom. Krllsir. � �► � nig - oldman—neople remarkable blood -enriching powers. heard none of it, felt none of it, for much. of him. He'd do 1t:He'ds speak appearance:' itt his earn rang the utu'ite of he kindly of the depnr++ted, heel even I "Belli 1 tr sed you mighty 'The new blood widish comes from the spheres and on his face lingered the ereet a erpss and Write an epitaph moan," : said she.: "But 1. 'most died ' use of Dr. Williams': Pink Pills tones warmth et s woman'a lips, the tir,it span it --a • kindly, lying epitaph•vee iwhen you—began, to ., cough: /uii the whole system and so helps the love kiss: that he had ever known, tolling the dead' man's virtues. and thought "our •" Tom• --•choked anti body tri resistwinter ills, :. Tom Linton roused himself. from a omitting all mention of hie faults, shook his gray head. then with the If the rvatem has 'dreide., been -chilly .daze to find that the rain had Once more that hacking` .cough hecl>. of � •hex harsh. palet he wiped fl weakened. by calls. influenza or other a night; i to f iii inter ailmfint«, 'then Dr. Williams' lee come at last It was a roaring rig i sounded, and the listener stirred un- drop., of moss re rom s cheek. his tent was bellied in by thefotee of easily. 'Jerry bad. some virtues -a' "Lank at mem-eryiri'!"' Be tried to ink. lingills hue the safest medicine for the wind, and the raindrons beat u rebuilding the blood and strengthen« en• it with the fade of buckshoi; few` of the c�ofdmost. elemental sores- i` laugh and failed. he was honest and he was brave, but. t Jerry, likewise,. struggled with his lila •the body. An example of the Through the entrance slit, •through for that matter. so were most people. tears. value of phase pills is Rivet by Mrs. the mien stovepipe hole. the ga a Yeas the old scoundrel had nerve i "You• --You dain' old focal" he sa 0, "1 habetg, Oobait, Ont, : who poured, bringing dampness with ern Linton lied certain tried, affectionately says: "I had a very >evere attack and rendering the interior as dimwit- ens • non reel a, ce _ ri , . ;day. long pant, when be and Quirk( Linton �amlieid with S iiglic. "Give ed me to. my bed fora week. On . of grippe, or influenza, Which eonfin d been neer out to rotted up some, it to me,' he urged, i,am. into me, ed up again I: did not recover ,_ -_. ,„-,,, ,,,,.�: ty as a corn -crib. Rol mg biases ,�s more tightly in his: blankets, Linton. + sttle.rrstlere Being, the • youngest Jerry. 1 deserve It, Gosh: I was ' addresi;ed the darkness through chat- deputies ie the sheriff's ee. t11e lonesome!,, , mmy usual strength. I was very tering teeth; Weak, hada severe Hain'in my head, toughest jobs invariably fat. to them. A halfshout later the two friends "'Darned old tool' This'll teach Those were the good, glad days. Toni �. were lying side by side in their bed' and a constant eek she. I,14d.'to' "Darned reiflected; Jerry lead made *reputes -•rapid the a*totre was giuw:ng, comforts get a woman firto do my, ngth r feces. He strained his eters for'sounds of tion on that trip and he had saved ably. They had ceased shivering. as I had neither the arra ngth nor the Jerry, but could Bear nothing .above his companion's life -Minton flopped Oid.Teiry had. "spooned" up close to enetrB, to do anything. At this the .slatting of :wet eenv ts,, the tattoo nervously the . in fes bed at the memory. old Tom and his bodily. heat was g1 apCc, reniemblJyty� *eat betpe- ` f oho s and the roar of wind in e Whv think of day dead and gone? grateful. fit I had through . Williams Pink. After Every Meal • Jo owl/m 1O taros.. -ares,e..N*.n.N. : %SITI. WOW '.TW.AM* WITS T58* womeartese memo , e r pie' 7116 ARE YOU DISSATISFIED T Do you need nib/It/4, Training to command a Digger Sol/ivy? write to i ebool of Oomeneree for particulars regarding Classes for iito« dents cording dallvtiy t•s.'tu: ; C0Lttflttit Cr,mmcsr•etal,.Stenographie, Special, Civil Service: Secretarlai, and Teacher- Course. Winter Term bogfng Tuesday. January 5th, !tbs. For interuratiou apply' 1VM. A. norm. Il. F. W &11D. Dr A. Cern, Spceiali!lt, �+ ice Thinetpal 1'riaefpal Phone t98. rit COAL -MARES A HOUSE A ABODt"�' BETTEKPHONE US', OAP! tree -!psi. After the first violenco of Jerry was an altogether different than Linton eyed the fire with tender `flits in girlhood, I began taking th s the squall had passed be ;fancied he in those theme He neither criticized_ yearning. ` "That's a good stove you medteine. and soon my strength be - o could hear. iiia . former partner stir- nor rermitted others to criticize his got; * gan to xeturn, i ase now able to re ring, so be arose and peered out into teammate. and. so far as that pars! - "Sho's a corker. ain't she?" • all my own work again, pod take care bob. bit I t fat nothing, but in time he dimly made repaid it with compound interest. If von. a half interest in my tent for a for what•the pills have done for me. it uoe$U, i rt taint much the night At first ne could see ocular obligation went,Linton had "1 been thinking about trading of my v , am very gra c to keep you in trim out .Jerry struggling with bis: tar- .anything, ;the debt now ley -un Jerry's half interest le bee" . and hope my experience will be of Paalin. Evidently the ;ly had blown side. 1 "The trade.'s made." There was a benefitE, t+q some other safferer, Nature O la 'S% 0 ' . down, - or ' up, and Its owner, was re- Tont tried to close the book of moment of silence: "What d you etty If you Dr 1ai'illidants'leine tonic 1'I k ells stretching. it.. Linton grinned. That: memory and to consider nothing we hook;: up . together—sort. of. go beide t tie � would drench the old dodo to the skin' whatever except the rankling Present. pardners for a while? 1 tint * long today. SBld by t�. medicine entns.box by Wrigley's, ate eve and he'd 8008 be around, bogging but. now that his thoughts had.begun outfit and * short boat. I'll put 'em or sent by mail a 50 . - . t backward. h cooled not head i t 1 bet we d get writing The Dr Williams ttiedicien meal) benefits teeter, breath* appetite and digestion. A Flavor for Every Taste shelter. o run. e in against yours.' " Co., Brockville, Ont., „ w "But 1 won't let hila in, not if he them off. Ile wished Jerry wouldn't slong'nil right. I'm Decry. bet I got _ dreams," Tont muttered. hnrrhly. cough; it was a distresaiing sem'. good points." "It's " " When aeauntry isn'i worrying' Ile recalled one of Jerry s gibes' at � niid it. disturbed his rest'. Neterthe- t Mr, Linton smiled dreamily. 'Its about its -soul. you may he sure it is the saw•pit, a partu.ular!y •unfeeling, less: that hollow. hacking complaint}s+go. ' I need a good partner," Winking money., nnY, a downright venbmauc insult continued and I finally the listener' ""P11 'buy a ; new fryin'-Pan but af ,,..,,_m. - rvlstrh had rankled *tearly eared . arose. lit a lantern, art on a slicker mw' money., Mine got split, . some 'Tine •jaw bone of an ass"no larger tsince. his former friend had seen and untied his tent'• tiara. bower smites people; it Just bores phe nt to fit to ridicule honest neranirttfon and Jerry's etove was sizzling in the, Tom chuekled.."•You darned old death, to pretend to mistake it for rain- partial shelter of the canvas sheet; foal!" said he. ' ' " Banking by Mail 'theItte security afforded by the Province of Ontario S„vi.lgs Office, together with the A tacilitit s extended by every Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank. interest is allowed, compounded half yearly°, with full decking* privileges. ' The confidence the rural -communities have shown in this Bank, is indicated by the large increase iii deposits. which are now over S21,C+tl1J,k*tJO. All deposits art guaranteed by the "government of the Province of Lintari°. ketuittan:es should be made by Post °ilike money order, express order or registered letter, and should be addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attenfron. Province of Ontario_Savings Office Hrari Oaks a 1$ Qiwwwwa'a Pak. Tomato Teeeserteseawby�Gem blear. fir dean tis. CMS. Mossmei y Diodes ea. (til Ditat rtk Ammo Other ilrswelws at Iftw lwiw. St. Catherlrees, tit. pierces lti.errlaroke, lrresratord. IreodkLMla peer *owe Oetaws Se letele Wall heir a leowe a dist am. Arbor. over it the owner -crouched in an nt, I Jerry heaved a long sigh sand N tftude ofcheerless dejection. snuggled ..closer; soon he begets to THis moTHER "How you making nut?" Tont in- snore. ,Ile snored in'a low and tons retired gruffly. His voice was roll, •ddential tone at first, but gradually • his 'tanner was both repellent and. the 'sound •increased in volume and'Gum DAuGH ER hostile. !rose in aitch. "Who. me?” Jerry peered up from . Linton listened to it with a thrill. - meter his alisteidng sou'-'wester.'l and he• assrred himself that he bad "Ole, I'm doint fine!" 'never heard music of ;.ueh soul«sat- Linton remained client, ill at ease; isfvine sweetness as issued from the . water drained oft his coati his" Imes nostrils of his new p::r• to'. tern flared smokily in the wind. Af- . - (To ..be continued) , ter a time he cleared his throat send MtVNICIPAL COUNCILS snnuired : "Naw!„ AshtkW There 'aa• a lone pante, then the Council *net Jan. 'lith, as per stn- . visitor inquired: "Are y;oo tole" Lute; old council all present; mi,tutes "tTnh•hunh!" I of December rneetine read and *dopte Amain aleree claimed both men ed, on motion of Parrish and Can - until Tom broke net, irritably ; scram. The matter of the. Henderson "We11, You atm to nit here all night?" drain come ap, and, on motion of "gure! 1 abet. skenv. 1 don't Congram and ?arrish, the elerk was mind a little mint !*nd I'm petentr'titstr.cted what action to • take. warrst. " Thie cheerful taasertion was Moved by Congram and Sullivan, the belied by the miserable quaver in following bills be Mid: F. Me -1 whit% it was voiced. • leveed, broken spring in auto, 82.04; "Why don't ys s- fir--• un ever to Dsto a*non public !IMAM trent. *701.. V tent?" L1nton srasne,i and swat.}Reeeves Deputy Reeve and Clerk, ex.'lnwed hard. '1l* invita►i.,n was "mt, lemma to Listowel, $17.114; John 1the demrste wax done. "Thertei lots Daiten. refund assessment error, 83; of room." . :. 'Phe old eo*neil then adjourned. The Mr. Quirk arered hie failer'es fur. newbeekeeted ixoexbera tsb.rr*bed to • thew hennas by batrsyinnc urs tri• l the darierastiox of aka. The eierk ulnpit w,bstirrer. leather riaixtivetw them read an arlrwxtext xe,gaNiapt eta derlare"I- ""1 plat Moen* etsewath _ #serf it shot exactly rope+ i 'red " e`t tore McIntyre ERtats. i,Iaved ley AeraiAgain be cowbell. - •. COMM* Meek tied torrent. teat lt ecultlned. a, +�.s*axurer* saes 1l4erdJe �ea.d carried, il+at •••Thea Get a ewe. eft +emit, ' '"r's""rwt be scant to get the ti ree- rnde,k." tante* seeernts ftorecarily. torr et the mans. ""The idea of yet• i.ettiest erreed Mr. Thos. Smith and Jan. R. Seek - hatching mat * lwestfwt et pessewx"+nix eft waited en teeatrii ,ekimr fi levant „betel, rift! P11 wee p•rwrr bend, to the agrleiltrrral witted es° rlinrt 11111 11111. 111111111111,* m i 111111 III1 11 IIIIII111UIIlllll ' dews •itour.* noir brill( held in Lerknow. IS WELL Hires. Paris* Talk How Lydia E. Ptla's VegataWe Casapeand Rattarial Hat Wileder's Tomtit*, Ontario.--" daughter is 16 now and has been an valid ever since was six months old and has bean com- pelled to remain out of school the eater_ part of t imel.We hare different 'abut nolo helped bee watch. I bad taken Lydia K Plekhare's Vege- table Compound whim west no -deem, send it bed wd sae ss meek Mutat 1 theogtst it help et tisk the.. bee it. sdewwi b. batiste cad gram s� srei deseetber met - ( �e�e «*if wM. 1 I li�aera ltUki is IiirMr for yam( wows Need* b f desoffros a. Our caai is of. the highest grade --they lin- - est: fuel that natilre =de. Send,. in your '` Order `unafraid. Well - fill it now. You'll find speedy s:ttidf action. here;. The ,Burnint.. Quesfion Nave You Your Winter Supply of Coal? Tice atrii,u in the eithrauite coal Mince" is likely to las . throughout the winter. Our prices up to Noe. 15th ate: - r'Itestnut +�$19per ton AntIirit�R:c' �tdve and Egg . l u.r G l e $14.00 per Ton.. •Pcccirontas 814.00. Coke $14,00 • Domestic Lutnp $12.00 Our Coal is weighed on Your Own Scaleesi,theliarin seams If your plumbing orheating requires eitteniios*phone us at 22 and we will see -:that it is promptly mind properly looked after. If you require a new furnace,see our New Furnace that 'urns *oft coal as well as hard and saves you one ton of coal in three and thud furnace,is guaranteed by the makers for 25 years. • - This Furs * o is something entirely®stew. in :fiai'r„ii a con- struction. CHAS. CIA LEE. The Hrrdwsire et the wharf - *tIIP CHANDLISI'I PL111MaIUING and HEATINft Store 'Phone 22. -' ' House'Phene 112,, Reduction in Prices cIAARTAL. All that rennins of the season's stock of WOMMENS' and MISSES' Coats, Dresses, Skirts. y and Sweaters Clearing the Wardrobes for she New Spring Fashions. All Winter Colts to Clow* at Much Leas than Coat Pelee. Womens' Brushed Wool Chapple Coats Beige with bands of Brown. and Grey with bands of Powder Blue. Very $oecl*1 sift $2.71S Smart Trimmed Hats All brand new, all smart and seasonable, different sbapes' and colors, including Matron's Hats. COOK* ire *ad Icer Convinced of tIms Value* Royai ladies' Ready4oWear East Fide Squaxel1 w .:,•••4 4 •