HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-11, Page 5Tli VUV A Y, 1►SB. 11th, 11M. • Stop twihatthBark Penslar White Pine and Spruce Baisam . . Sold in ZSce 50e and $1.O0 botteas The Cough Re17,1idy to touch the spot. Build up your system with a good tonic to fortify yourself tgainst•tire rigours of winter. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 10 GODERICH THE TOWN COUNCIL Mr. A. M. Robertson is Appointed Auditor in Place of Mr. C. L. Jackson, Resigned No Action, on Mrs. Tremblay's Claim Suggestion for Road Signs In Goderieb —Harbor Committee to Take up Having Goderich a Centre for Distribution of Alberta Coal The regular meeting of the town council was held on Friday evening Ittllt with all the members present. The.. treasurer's statement of re- ceipts . and expenditurea for the month of January was referred to the finance committee wad the cent- eteity sexton's report to the cemetery and parks committee - The' tax collector reported as fol- lows: I beg to.report that" 1 have closed the collector's foil for 1925, • Model Theatre WEEK OF FEB. 15th to FEB, 20th Monday and Tuesday CONWAY. TEARLE, CLAM,( WIND- ' ' SO11 and PERCY MAItMONT :head. a' a'ery. capable cast in a - thril- ling drama of faked dtvo•ee eNidence "Just a Woman" 3MERMAID COMEDY , "Fair' „ -W einesdAv and Tau rsday BETTY-BRONSON. AND TOM 31OOR.E in 4, frames M. Barrie emery depicting charming modern romance with a touch. of fantasy' : • "A Kiss For Cinderella" BEN= TLRPIN, L'4 "A Raspbti y -Romance" Friday and Saturday- . • LOUISE LORR.AINE. LOU TELLEGEN and HEDDA STOPPER and an all star cast in the dramatic masterpiece . of intrigue and counter THE GIODER CR STAR • _ .. PWWAfiwwwwwwww ilMiwwwwimiww Boys Own Corner J7-Day Inveotory Sal .STARTING FEBRUARY 13th nin•onnon.,OWIllna EDITORIAL boys. The regular busiaeas period The editor of the Boys' Own Cor- faIk►wad, which ittcludtld u Hulk on o nee wishes to apologise for the omit• the coming bond selli•f,X ;campaign. sion of the boys' section last week. Tho'Meeting' was eloped with the pl•.y- Due to several things we were un. afoul period, ending with a light able to arrange our corner for last'touch of popcorn * * * as ever. week. However we hope to continue The last mid -week aneetirg of the * * * .a, Maitland Tunis Square was held in This week we aro publiiehing n let- its usual place with an unusually ter from the premier of the fifth On- large number present. We have tune older boys' parliament in con• been wondering if it was the thought neetion with the coming bond selling of the popcorn at the mefeetftijr before i campaign. It reads as follows : stat brought thetti art. As the men - To Our Friends in Ontario : • tar wait confined to his home, the The Older Boys' Parliament accepts physitsal period was held first, which the view that building boys is better waR a broom hockey match e en fi than mending men. In Canadian the Bolts" and file T. ' N. br7': ers. Standard Efficiency Training we have The game was fast (7) and thrilling, a practical, Christian character• ending a score of 16-3 in favor of the building program to give to the boy- Bohunks. We were afraidthe hood pf Ontario a program which can T• N. T.'ers would blow u i with -Such mould our youth into a finer, nobler a name as they have. After the bat - type of trained Christian eiti;;enship, tie the boys paraded to the home of one that will develop- aehoy intellect- the mentor and were admitted on • nally, physically, morally and social- giving their group yell. The prin. ly. cipal feature was distributing the To carry on this program we moat bond booklets and explainingthe oar- - raise $11,000 by the sale of one dol- taus features of them. lar bonds. With this money the On - arrange for . The Bond Selling Campaign also road oil roll and.roll of arrears. I have received the fonowing taxes from March, • 1925, to Feb. 5th, 1926: 1920,"67c.; 1921, 591.68; 1922, 5570.- 72; 1923, $2,475.11; 1924, 55,584.68; 1924. oil, $207.32; dug tags, $190; 1925 taxes, $87,441.49; i92.5 oil, $1,- 108.33; total cash, $97,670. I have collected from Jan. 15th to Feb. 5, ,$709.19.: . This was ' referred- to tine finance committee. ' Under the order of business "com- munications of the mayor;' His Wor- ship read • a letter from Mr. - G. L. Parsons, which enclosed a sketch of a .suggested sign' for the guidanc;' of motorists entering • or leaving the town, to be erected at street intersee ;tions such as Kingston and Victoria I sts• to show the road' to take. accord- ing to the destination one was head - 1 ing for. A number -of street inter- ; sections were named as.proper ,)sages .for such signs, also certain points on :the Square. The matter was re+'er- end to the special committee.- _, Another communication was from the Algonquin -Trail • Association. the Mayor said he had been unable to get down to the annual meeting of this Association. and et letter •was. ,gent- giving assurance of'Gederieh'e 'hearty co-operation' in rte. objects of the Assotia,tion, Itis -Worship be- hieved the Association• was destined to do good` wprk •in•.twinging tour- ists, -In response to •the equest of the letter for the appointment -of et representative from. Goderich eon the Board. the .Mayor was named. - Still another communication was from the Blue Water Highway• As- sociatfon requesting assura4ce front the town of the`contribution of $250 from .Goderich as our 'share of the' in>blicity expense of the Association. -Last year, the Mayor said. $182 had on t ' tio4es-fro the been ra sed' in c n nbu m i • Y i Goderich. leaving 268 cit zeas of Go, er,x r b Still ese be made up. • This etmiltuuni- catioh was refeiveill .to the special committee. Another matter the Mayor brought. up was the fact that Owen Sneed. was agitating to be made a distri- buting point• for Alberta coal.. Godes rich was a year ahead of Owen Sound to taking this matter up and he.not- ' iced that. Owen Sound was- following Goderieh - in more ways then one.: Hes thought Goderich should take up the matter again and get all, the in- formation' possible.. This matter was •referred to' the harbor commit- tee, A .request from Mr, H. B. M. Tich- bourne far permission to install a gasoline pump and tank in front of his store on West street was refer._ red to the public works committee. A request from: Mr: Elliott Dren- nan • to have his billiard and pool room license amended in view of, his intention of m moving to the o f store g which has been occupied by Parsons Fair was referred to the speeiai conh- ntil:tee. • • • . - ' A request from • lSfr: Ainos Stewart for the removal of a tree nr. Warren street was referred • to the public works and parks committees jointly. • The following letter front Messrs. Hays and Hayti was referred to the cemetery and parks committee : Last year the -council took up the matter of Mr. Cook, an employee of the town, importing and selling flow- ers in opposition to ratepayers eYf e`.. taria Boys' Work Board intends to WE E HH THAT Summer for.: in 15 districts, seems to have got off to a geed start, Big Leadership training camp on according to reports sent out in the Georgian Bay. - weekly news syndicate.. Here are a Boys' Conference fm• :1,000 bots, few of then. .. Scores of• Father and Son banquets. '" a v, K • Training Institutes for Mentors. A report from. Oshawa states that The" promotion of world brother- interest is at a finer piteh than ever hood. !before.' Premier Ronald •Fredenburg Assistance to 50 local boys' work addressed a large , gathering there boards. , last week. Imnrov�d• `'e. S. E. T. nrogrant 'for ' 'r * x 14,000 Tunis Boys and Trail hang- An innovation is 'being tried in the ers. - Classic City, Menibers :+f the. Work The money the 0ys' Parlittment.is 4 Board - are selling the bonds rather trying to raise lit not an end in it -1 than the Trail Rantaers and 7`exis self. • It is the kev to open the door Boys• While we don't know 'local to great opportunities for service, If condition there, it seems like a de- we were to fail to receive your cup- parture from our principle' of a pro- port. this year in our einntpaitr>s, our gram run by boys. however we parliament and the whole mer ram await the results with interest. netlined would 'receive deadly blear. • * * 5 •, . For that marten I confidently legend • The twin ritiet;. .Kitchener and to trete in the name of the Older Waterloo, have. set their.nhiectivo not Revs' Partnment and of fin. Taxis at $ 75 as eeauired but at double that amount. That is certainly., a big undertaking; we axe Confident, that they will reaeh their amount. • ct• * ;, a And now comes iL record, - Listen "Borrowed Finery"• -r>• . CHRISTIE CO:vie:Df • "My Swedie" 'TAME REVIEW": Matinee Sat. at 3:00 p.m. norm' MISS AMATEUR ?SIGHTS Amateur. Nrghts Tues. and Wed. - : •The entries to date : BILEIE •AND DOUGLAS (Elocution de Luxe) $URIIE MCCLOVD ' (A lessee' in .niusie) DEMPSEY: ANA) T.AR BABY (Flashy Fisticutrere) - VERD WHITTY. (The forlorn prisoner) LUCY . (With a new song and dance) COHEN'S DIVORCE TangledHebrew) (A LOCATION WANTED (A Movie Romance) TUCK (in :the incubator)' TWO NIGHTS ' Bat make sure of your seat"by com- ing early. • - Doors open at' 7.00 p,m. sharp. W MacDonald Electrician Britannia Road Telephone 174 - W ELECTRIC WIRING for Heat Light and Power See Us First for First. Class Work • Boo.: and. Trail Rangers of Ontnriri. to invest in our bonds. You will not he repaid in dollars and cents, but in better citizenship and in the,.a}tpro.:. dation of tin boys von been OPlned. • RONALD FREDENBURG. to this.., Alex. McGregor reports that Precniei the eaniraip•n . in his constituency is The above latter gig e s a veru 'lucid away. over the trip« The ohi&etiavo of exnlaniitinn of juet how the money 1150 was raarhed in $owinary}11e the raised will be spent. IP !be ho•ia 3 n t 1. have your co nnerattnn there will nit We will offer Exceptional -Values in many lint* of Merchandise Ltir +i ► <lc n • i'k me pit =(side tlteNe Sr‘eeiai 1>°•tine: for this Inventory :sale. A large hand' bill is'bsing prepared arta wy11 be delivered to your home (Read It Carefully) - OUR SPECIAL FEATURE r, Will be the FREE.. H `MAIN of Sheet's • Pillow( Cases Towelling* Areae'- l Rl ; t i •r Exalit) sat Irak for O'1TE D t�' ONLY, n� fo1loms: 1 e Table Linen and Table Napkins. ' an ' { SATURDAY, IrIE SELL 13th WE WILL ON WEDNESDAY, .FEBRI ARY017t1t +g1NLY, WE WIL#» SELL 3() in. Crepe de Chine, in ail shades, in-_ eluding the new, colors for Spring,. Saturday only . $1.49 Supersilk Bose. 3tt shades in stock to : choose from. Reg. S 1.75 per pr. Saturday $1.54 ate. , 3ti in. tie'avy Swtripe 1 Flannelette. - Res*. ''Oc quality. Wednesday yard 24e 32 inch Dark Prints and Ginghams. fid;u- lar 25c and 20c per yard. Wednesday only •... ; .. yard 19e lw 34 ut Unbleached h((piton Ftne even 35 inch .Pongee Silk, Natural Feer. situ weave. Reg. 1 tic per yd. WecTinetlday • • yard 49c 1101 Saturday only,........ ....yet I4c i .:' 11 V i1 i : far Friday and Saturday, February 19th ail 29:'x. 7101 Goods arearrivingdaily. lafs .is �,,, The New Spring- a y lis F. E. HIBBER T ..„, '4: THE CASH STORE • PHONE BG AW$AVVVA4 \OMAMMWWWWWWWWWWW)10iniiiWie ' • a tat son be appointed it! his ' stead. We recommend that . the letter dated •Jan. 8th from W. J. AIeC'oy `Se Co., applying for position of "town nudit- ors, be filed. We recommend that the chairman of this committee look into fire insurance. policies held un- der bonus loan mortgages and ie: port. We recommend that one ne�v minute book and • one new . cheque first da • of the cavi a,.. t book be purchased locally by the ' GIGGLES chairmart and that a 90 ;hent assess - doubt that their' obieetive will be "Why are . you so late"".` inquired merit roll be ordered from It. J. I.ov-. reached. Some one has said that it th teacher. ell & C n. at 'a price of $12:00: Th:tt is better bpildint;'.bovs than to mend "Father wanted Me et borne," Was H. T. rewards has filed 1 i> deCls►ra- men. Let ••us• .do our bit for better the.reply, • .. " •( tion of office: 05 assessor and eollect- eitizenship. - • . `"Wouldn't anyone else hove done O" or of taxes. We have examined the "Na. cause h a gnome me a l' t f arrears of taxes as presented C. a meeting of the congregation. Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Orr entertain- ed' about', thirty-five people of the community to a tobogganing party last.. Thursday evening: A jolly time was had by ail, some taking part• in. the trip to Mars, Oa returning to the' house a lively time, was spent in • Nawerethe paymentbv 1•ngU ar rinenintr pn•'_mem, n'ne Ilwaflt •at • is .t0 per he • 'amusements," abler intrnrlueed by Waiter --"No o cir. - e;-ill:.this way These renor s were ac •ro c•i . on account of i isne A resolution ^'11'(1` the mentor and •discussed. by the se • .06 • Rubber • Owing to the great advance in the pri.e tit r Putter, the Robber :Alanutacturcrs hitvt' ;til ttitkanted the p1't�..e t,t ruhhe. - • f (n)Ovear.: . . V'e are still selling .ruhi�ers at (lilt' Oki `prig'. • This k possible because we put in a- heavy .tetei; at the litter price: Rt.; wall ntlds in Rubber I"otitly ai, n[+:4�j,Ii>li 1': -ure ! e.t 1114 reliable' brand --Miner Pressure C,uredr • 't•ie t- theta at, hERN'S SHOE STORE Phone • 43 W. fol -1925• circumstances your council will not -ds, 4'..n. pop • was referred • countenance. Mr. . Cook, while an request. we, recommend thst the committee.* granted 'there me. wo Collector. nevem: ••I••`(+rfrrl ithp• employee of the town or even obtain - rubber coats on hand and w•! rernm 1025 roll owl ;t away 1Pf". watt 1•in:• carrying on a business in opposition ]roots and two large size hates btu collections. • ing town property opposition free - front rent , mend that three pairs of rrbber 'until the 19th inst. tot n+•:><e fu.thrt tepayer• lVe trust that you • o a ra chased, We recommend that Mr. FL, will favor us with a reply %'cry soon.committee Jane be` engaged to take care of .rind • It Will Relieve a .Cold:—('old•: etre A communication fax; the bandgktep charged the battel:v on' the, fire the eommont•at ailments In tnatultinn Iced that their 'con- uck at a payment of $7 per year, • and if to gMrted ntay teed to miens. d esti had b held .. tr U i , c n • -ane - t g Meeting a ern hE to � The cemetery and pari -'s commit- ('n'tdltlrplR, lir. •Titan+ah= • 1 cdc•et1 i( wind up the business of last year, tat - and a financial statement for f it(' examined ined reported as foler t : R e s have year was examined the cemetery sexton's; 1:e.: presented. Thie was re- port fpr the month of Dec ember and ferred to the special contmitte'• ' recommend that it be • died.. We re - The Charlton Rend. nap Co. wrote commend that $G0 lie at•cenfecl d: Gil will relieve the h:giirhial l'a - ragee of inflammation-nee'dil;; nod thoroughly and will strengthen theettm against' subseneent at at lc. And as. it eases the intiiunnnttion it. will us soliciting a, renewal of the town's payment in the Perperu.:.y I•'unrl forrally stop the cough beeane � It et advertising arrangement of last year uukeet5-elf lots 96, 91, ;l$, 11,1 and 100 lays the irritation at the •hceat. Try and this was referred to the finance of section 3, range is • it and peeve it: committee: ie The riteeinl.conmittee reported as nets. _ __ In connection with ',theaction of follows: We recommend . thatne(•.rt r' Tear( reel"'-t'e••?:TT > the authorities of the • Gravenhui•st action be taken .in the mute.? of sanitarium against the town for the senting delegates to the Good Reads Miss . Annie Davidson a ". ted in 1 keen of Wilfred EtUe, a letter from Convention in Toronto On the 2lth. Goderich last week. i their, solicitors suggested that the 25th -and 26t1t inst. *We reemnleencl Mr. A. Donald, of :.nut: ( :«11r' e, 'taking of Etue's evidence be done'by that 150 dog tags for 1920 be pup will occupy the pulpit elf l don • a commission at the hospital, and chased from T. R. Weir end ('u. at church next' Sunday .tt 11 a.ui. • .the totem solicitor wrote that he saw per sainple .submitted, In the . twat- A short' bu.ine'.s mcetint; of the no other course than to consent to ter of setting the date of the 1OOth ntefnbers . of the (Iodericii hospital this. The matter was laid •bn the anntversiiry of the foundfntr of Gode- auxiliary v:ill be held in hospi'ir table for a time until the' town soli- rich, we are getting' further inform- Bros,' store on the house ort eLe ri ettor should arrive, errangctientc- ation and will report at • an early don, Feb. 13th, at :1.30 p.m. having beets made for biro to attend date. The band organization of Itiver- he called the wap to g. Llie wouldeto in the ported works hnmttwftti!e re- •Ston Lodge No. 1145, will hold 't box 1say ported as follows: In the matter -of prevent on account of w lance tour( the Claim of Mrs, 'Wil. Tremblay for social in the Orange Hall, .4th tun. Goderich, tp.,• on Wedne;day, Feb. case in which he was acting being in damages caused by. falling on the ,. progress, and the matter v:as refer- sidewalk, your contrnittee, after lith. Good program, with halves, red to committee. • making enquiry, recommend t}tat !l0 McGee, of Auburn; ansis ting•. Ad- e A communication from the Ontario action be taken. - mission 25e. Ladies oath boxer, Municipal ' Association solicited the The finance comtnitt241 reported ria free. Lots of good stable room. membership of the town and the nav- follows: We have exiunine.d the to v 1 Mr. Chas. T. Edwards :tna (sold his 'neat of the annual fee of ere This collector's statement of Jan. 15 0. and farm on the 5th eon. to Mr. 1). PG. was filed. reeomrnend that it be ailed. With cock, of the Maitland von. Mr. IA., letter from the City of 1Vfnd:,or reference ,tai letter of Jan, 8t1+ front wards and family are eenueeng to asked the co-operation of the Own:Hays and Hays regarding' mortgage Goderieb, where they have purcl,a<td in memorializing the Legislature on garage property uOjnintttg town a home. He will dispose of iia :stu(k. do sway with the gasoline and hall, we recommend 'that the assign- Prain, hazy and implenuut.a at ata marker tax for municipal ears as i merit of nrcrtgage to zip. melee auction sale Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. they operated solely within the mon. Hartleib be accepted and the fire in -I The regular meeting of the Cuiuta 1. ielpslity and did' not %Ke the gh- i suraneet policy be made payable se- 1 oung People'n Society t, iii bet 1441ways, for which the tax was levied. . eordingly. We , reca ..:wend that a itt the Inion church Friday Ingle. A e'imilar letter was received Etna grant of *15 be made to the hospital The main feature of the eve::nn(e will the City of Flarnilton, which also for Sick Children. We recommend he a mock trial in whieh Mt'. 1:(3. wants to have the amusement taxes thtft no action be taken on request sues Mr. Herb $500 for iamages in divided between the province and the of heck Memorial Fund for it pratit. an automobile accident. All the pm- n.h•ttiiOpal ite. We recommend that the re:ianatiott pie of the conununity invited to at - Theft letters were reree'red to the of :Cir. C. L. Jackson es auditor• he tend. Previoue to three meeting r specie) committee. accepted and that Mr. A.. Robert. there will be' a brief but important • J The Square Poi • •r reit. I i theLife tts�� r " . "Some Music Every Day" That ie the. revile.. f..r 1h.ppint•• . whirl:: • see^ 1 r , ort(- . lilcncit'(l fro 9Larun ur•. }:if -ch aclvar'i^41..•. • - Itt 6.I.ul't'r iC itt th^' expe•.iot,Ce '. 1 tnaitshi :•1 - the }int ledge than- mostly, is - sats: •innew!.. el le +attril nt the world aver--regardit`':• Of; lace n! sin; ,cher div;cion, .'(Where, there I. no hear:,; i.ifc' itt the IYut;.e 1.:11c', you will find nn" aneoe there. Home Life eheu1,1 te, a;•,ncireit' d by ,the :"pipit that Miele pronnpta•-=t►ser fac+th:y Le is •cf 'ynl- pathy. and light•h' urtcdne4s, "butes-awe - turd a igen •If you would pie Life• into your .haul, Life. tnnhe sure that at leant one mintier of. till• °femilb harm- to play. And let the family. enje.r gene inu'ie --the music 'able from from an instrument Of. neve tone. • HENRY HERBERT PIANOS see Mderate•pried initrirnents. bit elan, That trot ilia staeerl sotto- (action. In tonal oerlities they hers at *Isla le their *rice cloth- the Woe, Amino rift and pore. In %%loot .r Mah.tess Ankh, the bene(' ilorbert iii handaoste,,r and Corabll aerie and wen Mt. 1he *oert hoist, NOS Send: -Coupon 1f you are interested In "Baine Muir rleerr Dar" -- we *111 Mair son tni.roetine littratar.. Melodist Moe; tinted folder en err venous WaMI. MASON & RISCH Llrtrilod i'ON (IF 4r' I'tllrt,rNi tt