HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-11, Page 41 MN PIM CORNFIELD'S. Mid -winter Stock Reducin --SALE-- WILL CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER WEEK ' •, : I:, W" der to ami:e room (or Spring Goods soon, to nr- ,u"'' '''. ?4.'. w,, :i•4 snaking specially attract:ye-price redllcrions, in many lines.. Seasonable goods at prices you like to pay. Spe iat •price .that we cannot repeat. ,Coyne in and be con- vinecd Of these values. All our goods are firsts„ no seconds. . '. P}it; MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE' Reter,to last week's issue of this paps:: for the glary 1 e e nes that .ar: iving ,c ffered during this sale. CORNFIELD PHONE 418 LADIES': and MEN'S WEAR "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO, SHOP" WEST SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. Tois t osliar BAR 1 Three Months for 'Perjury Two Young Men Pleaded Guilty of Perjury Committed. in Exeter Trial and Subornation Case was Traversed to General Sessions Hon. Mr. Justice Logie Presided at Supreme Court Car Dauer and Driver Both Hold Liable for Dsatages in 1 Accident •Last Summer an.' lfr. Justice Logic held court at the County Court House on Tues. - day and Wednesday.last week, open- ing on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock ° and elating the following morning •aboub' 11 O'clock.. . On account of 'there being three • caste on the eriminal list a grand I 'jury. had been summtlnod !rhe • y,rane jury consisted of Wm. 3. Sim:;,: • B}yth; Thos.. Trevethick, Seaforthi John ('anieioit; West-- itwancsh;' Robert Sources, Blyth; Alexander! .Brown, Grimy; Jas. McCluskey, Gods - rich; Henry Timins, •nbcrrye. C. J inst., and everything found to be satisfactory. The sanitary and heating. systemsare good and the cells.; axe well aired. The Grand - Jury commends Jailer Reynolds for the state of cleanliness which ea;ists throughout the building. C. F. CHAPI tAN, Ferenraia.. True bills were .returned by the Grand Jury in two perjury indict- ments and one for nobornation of perjury, in, connection with a trial at Exeter en Dec, 3rd, last, before Mag- istrate Reid, upon aninformation and ' claim „vas for physician's, nurse's, dentist's and veterinary • surgeon's services and expenses incidental thereto, lose in valueand services of the ,horse, loss of nee.vices of the` plaintiff, Emily K. •McGiU, and for nervous shock and necessary. future. tion, the sum of $1,150. Mr. Bedford, the owner of the car, had placed his car in the Clinton Garage .Co'a garage, about the 20th of June and 'had instructed the owner to make certain repairs, and had no knowledge of 4.hat occurred with reference to the ear afterwards [ The .defendant. East sayti. that he and anther .man drove the ear, out of the garage with the knowledge and_eoneent of the proprietor to test the car and ascertain what was wrong with it so that it could be're- paired. The plaintiffs claimed that Mr. East was in possession .of. the car with the implied consent of the own- er, F. It, Darrow for nlaintere. D. F. Holmes counsel for defendant Bed- ford. J. M. Best counsel for defend- ant East.. • **Am! Judgment for the male pia litifffor $576.50 and for the female plaintitf for •$500 and costs,' against both de- fendants, fifteen day& stay. • . Durnin vs.' Webster—This was an action by A. E. Durnin, en apple buy- er and shipper living in- Clinton against Robert Webster, a Stanley township farrier, - for eamages through packing of inferior • apples. The damages claimed were $1:654.32 in loss on sale of five carloads of Wks, and $$00_•for damages' to the„ plaintiff's trad and: reputation. 1 The plai 'alined an agreement in 1922 whereby the.- defendant agreed to buy, pack and load douses- tic apples containingquantities of Nos. 1 and 2 grades, the plaintiff to supply the boxes and pay the Glee fendant 15 eents , per box for hie work. ) The defendant says that the agree- ment was that he was to buy a quane tity of apples for the plaintiff. and after the applee were picked and packed in boxesby the farnters front whom they were purehasee the de- fendant evair to put the tons on the boxes and have the boxes brough to . the station by the farmer when directed by the plaintiff and the de- fendant was to load 'the apples. it being expressly understood that thr defendant. was to have nothing to do fvith or assume any responsibil- ity as to trio packing or lir;ipeeting of the apples; that the plaintiff way to take the. apples "orci•ard ruii,",' and the farmers were to be the packers. F. Chapman, NS Ingham; ,rhos f ret prosecution against Thornton Baker lander Mullett; Wm. A, C'athers, 1 on a charge for an offence against Turnbetry: Robert Sillery, t'sborne; the provisions of sec. 40 of the O. T., Herbert K. Felber, Crediton; and A. Andrew Easton and Arte Delve Aaron. leielivr, Colborne,. The fol. were charged with' perjury, and lowing is their presentment : Thornton Baker was charged with The (.rune} Jury respelfeliy etre- subornation of perjury Bents: The jail was inspected by The- young .risen .indicted for per - the Grand Jury on Tuesday, the 2nd • jure pleaded guilty . and were ren- - •------e-iteneed to three months in jail. . Mr. Baker's case ;was traversed to next court of . competent jurisdiction. ire being unwell and unable to be pros- cw ycw' � enTht* following were the eases on' outthe civil libt s One dose of Buckley's 'fixture brings imine- , diate relief and sleep returns. Keep it handy —acts like a daub on coughs, bronchitis'And all throat and chest irri- tations. Stops Coughing spells as soon as taken. Wares off the mace dart - germ' diseases.., pneu. mauls, 'fill, et.e. All druggists sell Burk. ley'slidixture--'Stro:i ' a irikfodified on a money refunded guarantee: 75c- =4a dotes 3U%J ON "maimeste le. Swishy, Lestnee, 11sMrtw/see 'teem.e :es McGill vs., East and Bedford—This i was an action for damages brought by Jas. E. McGill and Emily K: Mc- Gill, a farmer and• hiswife' residing on the Provincial Iiighwayeenst of the Town of.('linton against George East, a mechanic residing in -Clinton, and John 8. Bedford, of Goderich. On the evening of June 20th, 1025, about 7 o'clock the •plaintiffs and their daughter were .proceeding went along the -highway with a noise and buiegy,'and *bout a mile 'past of Clin- ton the car owned by Mr. Bedford and driven by Mr. East, proceeding easterly. collided with the 'horse and buggy, enuring the buggy to be badly damaged, as claimed, and causing the I pleintifi Emily K. McGill, to be thrown out on the rower. remitting, •recording' to the claim, fil her re- ceiving r• i.hock and partieulary 'activations •asing her • to be badly cut in the face and one knee and having four teeth knocked out and all of her other teeth injured rind loosened. The horse's leg was badly bruised and lacerated, it was ielaiined. and had. to have the ser- vices of a veterinary. Mr; East pure ehaeed a stew' buggy and gave it to the nlaintift to replace the one in- jured in the action. The plaintiff's 061 l Prosperity Follows The Dairy Cow AtiRICUI,TURAL surveys prow. that the farmer who banks a month- ' lr milk or cream cheque soon !rcom_3 independent of financial worrir,. " " - The dairy cow—the milk cheque -- a the bank account form an index- FRY tructible chain which defies '•h*r.t times" and business depression; yEiuts Since 1873 the Standard Bank alt Canada has catered to the needs of the dairy farmer. rendering efficient ercice to his husines& STANDARD BANK ta»Ri4'H —N. M. R+rMt. Mow emawi 1. wins M ll iheiseesesri said ianalewastrt 1 -2� This was retrial of a ease= dispos-' ed of by Hon. Mr. Justiee Lennon on April 15th, 1025, dismissing the, action, Action was again diaunissed, with costs, including conte of the former trial. e. M. McEvoy, Ii,('., counsel for: plaintiff. D. E. Iioliriee, - solicitor for plaintiff. J. M.. }lent, coinntil for defendant. The 'Bank of Montreal vs. N. Wil-, Iert and Sons and va. 'Wilke et aid Actions on promissory notes, the defendant, being Hay township parties. Judgment reserved. Jas.! Makins counsel for plaintiff. F. W. Gitelman counitel for defendant. Why :yet Change Chic Holiday to tMeniay Lest yearthere was eon.d•ierable agitation to hare the date of Gode- i Helsel civic holiday' change 1 from the a first ''Wednesday in Amus; to the first Monday and, ao fat as we know, the only ground for opposing the 1 change which was taken was that the proposal was made too late. The rriedont of having the slate changed early in the year if there is to he a change is 'shown by the fart thst al- ready events' are being se', for rivie r Heliduy. For iniltanee the Goderieh !tare Meet has been wet for retie holiday, and in order tr have the; various eirruits arrane;re and an- nouncement made it le important that the dote ef nick holiday eiheluki bf" infinitely set as *teen ae poartbl.. Year,. ago tar Goderirh •cunei! 1 'wars she byta w• leader Minch Civic liability has been held the brat Wed• standar is Aiwa awn sines, bet in the nesa.tt*e file first Monday has bevwsre very generally adopted as hollliay and we beifec it would 1* edeutelilgrous to hat Goelerich fall in line with this wee' general custom. For one thing tlw bolding of Civic holiday on Monday makes it convenient for people uonfible to Goderieh for a visit, or going else- where: to make it a wail( end trip, and where Moat places have the sante day hosts •and hoetesaet are freer to entertain their visitors atm they come. The commercial travel- ler too would End it an advantage, after having to lay oft for Civic hol- iday on Monday not tet run luta civil: holidity a couple of days later when he reaehes a different town. • The council should take up the natter now and settle it one wa,' or the other, and, as we see it, the edvant- age is much in fiver of the Monday holiday. • S 7N LIFE'S GREAT RECORD THURSDAY, FEB. 14th. !Alt. tattle •else et Ceaspany assets to $.763,066,146. The profits *anal by Ow Cons - petty esprit( the year, hosed on tee increase is tilt •e'ietiss of its sector - Wei :ea viols by xevermtunit auth- orities has been #11.666,214. Prom this amount it Pas been thought ad- visable** deduct $3,000.000. Increased profits to policyholders are announced for the sixth con- secutive. time. Profits have been paid or allotted during the year to policyholders of *7,662,784. After deducting thin suns, adding $2.500,000 to Contin- gency Account, Writing $750,000 off of the book value of Head Office, branch buildings, and real estate, setting aside $350,000 to further strengthen the special reserve to, provide for possible greater lone -r vity among annuitants,' end deduct- ing accretions to Shareholders Ac- count. the Company has been able to 'add $6,532,64$ to undivided pro- fits. This brings the total surplus over all liabilities, Contingency ace counts, and Capital up to $28,040,000. EARLY MORNING New records have been made Ro BROADCASTS' consistently of tate years by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, that fresh ones •almost cease to create surprise. But the fifty-fifth annual statement, submitted at the meeting of the shareh+olesers on the 9th instant, is especially noteworthy because it shows that new "'level's of business+ have been reached which are epochal in their' nature. Never before ' has s Canadia.a company at- tained the billion dollar mark of as- surance -in force. The only occasion when it bas been approached wee last year, when the success of the Sun Life -Company itself forecasted its possibility.. ` The report, now released, indicates that the year's busines has consider- ably exceeded that amagnt. The actual business .reported by Presi- dent T. B. Macaulay is $1,021,097,101 —a truly colossal amount. The in- crease over 'last year's high figures is almost 5.150,000,000. Nearly 60,- 000 new policies were paid for, and after deducting amounts re -assured the amount of new. poecies paid for was $19$,477,057, The new business for the year was: in excess of the total amount carried by the Com- pany thirteen Years ago. • For 'fifty years the Company has actually doubled its b • five ,years. -This thrifty practice was no mean achievement when the totals ran into very much smaller figures. That .the doubling' process has been continued eu.nguennially when totals have climbed ' to speh large amounts indicates the vigor and enterprise with which the busi- ness of tlie Company es being'carried on. The increase in net income over last year was nearly $7,000,000, the total being $69,147,413. , eficiaries in respeet of death Claims; -Payments to policyholders and ben- matured endowments, profits,, etc., amount to $35,441,582. There ' has been paid' out under this head' Pince the Company was ' organized '$219,- 239,710.. / There has been Corresponding growth in assets. the increase for the year being $28,925,738, 'bringing the; usrness every • —r- _...5'i.....J.:._.-- For that Cough or ;old Ricker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract, 50c. AND Dominion Bromide Quinine Tablets, 25c GUARANTEED RELIEF All other well-known Remedies always in stock. H. C. DUNLOP The Rexall Drug Store • Godericlii. Bedford Block You Have to Ise [1p In Good Time As a rule enemies of a great man to Get Thts Bat It Is Worth are former friends whose backs bear While , the mark of a boot heel. Some weeks ago the Central Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association in Toronto began broad- casting by. radio 'eSetting lip" exer- cises for all who want to start off the day with a few minutes of, regu- lar, snappy : and health -giving physi- cal training. Hundreds of letters have poured in to Mr.'Oscar L. Pear- son, • Physical Director, expressing appreciation of the pleasure and ben- efit of these body movements. So popular has been the program eq pinoe it iia; uor xiooacy oq; •3eq; of service to the public still further by conducting a brief, program of morning devotion, in co-operation with the ministers of Toronto. This too, has met with a very general and widespread response, and from al- most every'community in the Pro- vince communications have been re- ceived asking for particulars as to the exact time and details of the de= votional exercises. People want to be able to tune in at the right mo- ment., Monday, Wed/ser+da' and ' Friday morning from 7.1:5 .a.m• to 8.00 a,rn.. the physical exercises are on. Starting..at 7.30 a.m. for fifteen minutes the devotional 'services are held under the direction oz Mr. A. J. Kneale, Religious Work Secretary of the Brandh. During the latter per- iod a clergyman gives a short read- ing .of Scripture. followed by ,a brief exposition of the passage and a prayer. A musical' program is in- tcrsnersed. The man , who is resting on his laurels seldom lets his tongue rest leathercushionsare better They are easier to get clean after, the gar- age man has. "fixed" your car. . You *are growing if you cnlr look back and be ashamed that you hated such a small man yesterday. • 308 PRINTING ATThE STAR' SUN .+ LIFE ASSURANCE .. .��.t,�.nMi.14•••••••4 la tIss far &at ,Cyr'' 1 Van OA. AR 1\ ee tbs aq{'G,:�tar 4 190140 69 %1lietfll�il a . THE CANADA STARCH CO:, LIMITED MONTREAL F.RWARDSBURGt ROWN RAND coax SYRUP samiliammogr 1 UALITY "SERVICE" Q E C �►ONAL DSON 'In business to do alt kinds of plirnlhing,;heating and tinsmithing to your entire satisfacti,v. Plumber WILFR D DONALD 'phone 43) � . . SC3N MAYFIELD ROAD GODERICH. ONT, COMPANY OF - CANADA BILLION DOLLARS •OF LIFE ASSURANCE IN FORCE 1925 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net) $1,021,0971;000 An Increase of $149,460,000 New Assurances Paid Pon An Increase of $56,011,000 Total income - - - - - 69,147,000 An Increase of $6,901,000 , Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries 35,441,000 ' $193,477,000 Total Payments Since Organization. • • ,219,239,(0( • Reserve for Unforeseen Contingencies 10,0Q0,000 Surplus over all Liabilities and Contingency Reserve - • 28,640,000 An increase of $6,$32,000 , ASSETS at•December : 31, 1925 - 303,056,000 Art titcrense of $23,925,000 Policies in Force, 'excluding Group Policies• ' - - 411,492 Employees of Firms Protected by Group Policies ' 42,755 Dividends to F'o icyholders increased for sixthtsucccssive year liar rdiwt«+friar a t4 filar Mk sine.,l now kr leer Mpm,d 11. toeitmo a •Intoe,., Myr Mr mot, raw4l 4.. *nerM'e, movoewr esomwo'e !wed prewpaele.lot 1M, ver maim M Moth ,n the � kwMrk ofHeupWlw. N MIl e Mea a IMMO 1M BMW [Wire mirk w to7N V~ Wm, the ,.rlw Myr **Ca* tgoor,mten Mom 04.• 4a4M,tWaar f,o-wawMrretlreebee414Yrma roar halm ,i.ekr„a aw11a1C ea: The we Mae. pp* 14 n.rkr.t •.l, for UMW Mirn,':wk7X*Mr aeaieleartilMa. re mond '14,1 e,te aee.arr,,f armee *mak Ik 414.401.0. 44 I1,094em VW' letllNr� Mid* Mena* WE** mom 104 11e oaths 4.:4444.44ww k1,MM'fae„rWeg,w!ed.4le.i. tetF4r +,wr01a ke rrts4 imam ,m man*thetmpnvMt Yen tar 11111 MP* 141 .111110+4 aw Id NAO. memo" .+moral I tW,r.I� rk q e ,w,vd *.rc t4 ma on the 0ee:, ..mtot „Ii,M.'L Plow adl'pw etas 'Seer41 Mary 4M e44.4*4 red le prdwr 44. ,r.dl. ntr tb kr,* EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT w.t,.M*,wt kr* an Na N4 in the &..k** p.+ wthr t'RMIy teNewMwkit* C em,..r, ho,.4.44*W seek )rw414ww . 1 Mm f.raekyfre,11011 It4'.1 +m!4f1.4.10144 kat torn the Menge in the melte , el* of or manor 14r *dry Mae vie ave '.0444ee4 r 4+e t.ttw Mira rl4 *alerted mod u.0.w rer*M M r te411054 ..Mara tem, hse'e re ta44444 4444 -11 4S* 1'4I604' Viet. We re l01w haviot the triad. 1.4 tM p,a.y. 14, Mt4el take M .4.4c 4* eehmarM„td*ler v. 4 .w aNrM M4,wrt to MO *ee feera re fro m1.kDe'4, me 44444 Mit ' .17Mora 41 41 the aws+r in tic via* or MCMkks!.t Ikll ka, 'Thr ,mn1,011.14 I t M rm'1be *rift w,4 valr.. Ihe flY.w4.n re torL.reem Melia at wlltl444 Trow the Marta tae Cute M,eW a.a.r a w, Nr 14,K atrm. evetil►( 4tome(M444441 **OW thee! op Ma 14a1 et MOWN 4Mwwa,t,h, p I*f,.* nl 4.1* .Mre, ye rD ..1004, . 401. V { • fila bat the Wok %Oww *, Weal Mt! wed Waotiftli maaeol.therwae,r4! We hone e.1,m I4 vast meek so 44.l. Mill a' . S. 4W ,we4yr mama lo mrd 41r 4444. 'teen a4 m• pawl rr•r 'WNW 41,anr 4,04, ,,e abler MYIMM ,..1* twit% the x7,10,1104 wl link. M !4.44. C ftp 41 tr.' IV MY t444* 44'44! 44fl 1IYnt4' e,elJleekW, 1,111.1 UN, ow hert Ovid* aka& S: 441 n^pee64,re44w or&swam* *41* 4.*tmv (.0,1*, DMS drMYMkMA 0.61.1,41n• ,nam•rt.rm1 ?4a,w* she 4Meeeet Ivor • ,er$ler 1r4 lyre wt beer NM, to add wrt'a ' M' ::,taw .04441.4 04+44,1 .trite,* :. teal 0 Me wet N; N,",Me-. 111444*l'a V Anes.* amt it *OM Me 41 WO Uma 114 lir the 44, 4 fromiator wet ear ere *4410 M ,w„hw`r ire ..tear the kale et WOO to 4lloint wM ctr Om 1m1.,MW.* (4.4114 ana..w a. serve +o roomer n kw k1,.e n4er+rery 41 wake en ealetr'Mf i t M Al ,MN i*, , ,, **, Mhkl. two too him �wMylaylN wr McKie Me1►dr .rimed eh lk4 .MM. Memel Mona* slat i. wawa A*1444, ce eM d*. e, 4M lwwem let it ,M.MS rollers tart e,. Mw. a kW* Inw.d1 M wrier C.L.W. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA r A:4 d