HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-11, Page 3IlleIr/SDAX. YZ1 1100A, 1111. • •••••••1111/111••••••••.•••••• ••••••••• Women With Weak Kidneys shouhi thw• 1.woman can be Amsted heleither %West her kidneys oie well, and aime tubs* out of tea the killaoye are to Wane for the weak, hu steal ateing back frees width the seers so ranch. Whon fi you nd, your kidney* ont of I ersior,wken your beak aches and plane and gissie you when vaissory, all 7"041 kin" to do is take a few boxes of DoesilesXid.my Pine, and pm wig And that all the Wssei and palmwillt vab, sad usake pas health/ led kW/ awl able to enjoy life to Use utmoot. drogebits •-ei&. dashes handle iii•eta; put up only by The T. Milburis Oo United, Toroato, Oat. The Reverend Horace Snell, of St.! Gresre-PettY • tNe rhood News ills Picked From Our Exchanges Death of Mawr of lAinetease &sundae., January oeth., 192tt. Visissity 001114-Argeott Another of the pioneers of Wthr- At St. Pasant rettory, Stratford, on barn vicinity noosed zo hergeward on Werineedey, Jan. 24th,'Idise Mae' Ns thusday, Jan. alet, its the person of Argent, youngest daughter d Mrs. Sank Ann Parr, widow of the late Merthn Argent, of Clinton,nd efir. Junes Deyell. She was in her 81et Clifford Epps, son of Mr. ito4 Ms& E. year. The funeral WOW leek' to Epps. of Vouroo, were eceseely, mar. Wingham cemetery on WednesdeY ried, ttie Rev. H. W's, Snell officiating. afternoon. Feb. 34 front the real- Mr. and Mre. Epps will be at home to donee a her mat, John. Rev. IL W. their friends at Varna after Feb, soo, of Stratford conducted the lege • aervices. New Rector for Winelmat 44 FlainWilge-Kenneely 1 Rev. ?dr. Sehaeffter. of Waterloo, Philosophy . . 100 I The marriage wad. Solemnized Quebec; has accepted a cell to St. e .... 79 36 Religion . 146 TWE 00DigitiCH •rfitu • *1111•111 - at Aralaerstboarg. Neva &esti., where b. sprat a umber of years. About Mesa years age he was appointtd rawaseser of tbe Toronto *Mee of Gait** McCullough. and *lace then had asmi* his home ix Toronto, hp is arrived loy Ids widow end a fenut. ily of two sons and two daughters. MORE FiCTirN IS READ Litorarlates Renort Shows More Viet - Ion asX1 Pewit Nost-fictiest Books I* ISM Tim in 1921. At the Jainsary meetitv of the public library board, held on Jan. ldth, the librarian **mule the follow- ing report of books isstied 145 : Books Issued Adult Juvenile Getusral. • • 11, IF • • • • 11 1,V0sIneedgy, Feb. s3rd, 1926, in St., Penni church, 'Methane His dates' Phil • ology••111,1*P 'I • Penh; church, litinghent. of Maly commence on Ap.ril llthended!' lose vreek at the. Centre T. M. Nodurat Science.. . . 80 Aileen Rosamond, youngest daughter Rev. W. J, West, M.A.„ of Dunn- C. A., Tr•roneo, Geo, H. Iten4e, a for -1 Useful Arta.. . ... .. 129 107' of Mrs. Kennedy and the late Jamas. villa., an formerlyI° Binevale- and ' mer Brussels OldEtiy, won the Class Fine Arts - ...e. - 1)5- - IV Price Kennedy, M. 1)., to Mr. Harold Eadies, has aceepted a call to Knox "A" Senior Championthip by defeat- Literature.-- - . . 446 85 Miles Hambidge, of Aylmer, Outario. Presbasterian church, Atwood. ing Wms Gibson, ott Hamilton. (1923History...... e .... 310 101 . KUM •• Paul'*dlurck 'Stratterdt (41164ted, On Saturday forerioon, Jan. 30th, ".. r W. u. 1(30eInetruction and the service 'vets fully.ehoraL ; at 11.30, a very interestine event um JA0. . given ein Voice Cultare„ Organ,1 Agar -Brooms 'took place at the rectory, Hensel!, in Piano, Guetar, Theory, etc. 1 . A quiet wedding took place on the marriage of Miss Nellie Winni- •94"ele a'n4 t'esig"nrt** 64'1*(4. Wedneeday, Jan. 24th, at the manse fred Petty, third claughtie of Mr. 11. C. ILAMILTON-ereit7e;erth St, of the Presbyterian church, Seaforth, Oliver L. Petty, of the 2nd eon. of *4-4. United Cetureh. Concert player when Mr. Wealey Agar, on of' Mr. the township of Hay. to Mr. Charles and 'readier.and Mrs. Robert Agar, a McEntee, Green, son of Mr. 3, Green. The Resilience at. Mrs. Colborne's, et. Pat- rice Street. was rnited In marriage to Mee R. ceremony was performed by Rev. H. • Broome, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, rector of St. Paul's church, LEGAL CARDS • 'I'homes Broome, of MeKillop. Poi- Former Seaferth Man Appointed R DkRIZONs. lowing the ceremony. which was per -1 King% PrInter for Alberta M Id f le da id Seaf rth and RECEIPT purpoee vvitie ultimate idea or hay- rega ng tr s eringi c dee* thempion) in the Sagas with a score Travel. ..... . .. 268 117 of 2 to 0,and a draw. 'Mr. Irwin Biography.... . - 290 . 67 was the favorite and ta a very popu- Factiole,..... . . —14303 4190 ' lar eheckerist. He ia Canadian match . champion, which he won in match otal.. .. ... .16170 • 1085e • with Rev. W. S. Edgar. of' Peterboro. Adult.'. 16170 January, 1925. G. A. Andrus, of Juvenile- ... . . „ 7085 Toronto, has just challenged Mr. Irs 1 Magazine.... . ....12307 win for the Canadian match them- Reference.. 14 • • • 296 pion, to be played at the Bloor-Bath- * urst Checker Club: Death of Mr. William McKay , 25858 New Readers, 325. ••••••••• PAdt - McEwen's Specials Fresh sioek of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 forit5C A good teaspoon, King seorg,e design, given away with ack, 25e worth. 24 bars Soap. Meliweit's sp:eial SIIMI 6 cakes Palm 'nee Toilet Soap for 3 lbs. loose Cocoa for ;25 6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .35 Just to hand a few hundred poueds of a real good Black Ilea. We will give 1 lb. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, 1/.y lb. BiscOiU and t bar Soap for the same price 41S a pound of any package Tea. • *Special price on large Flannelette Blankets • Special price on Fancy Blankets We are cutting the price on Meres All Wool Uncierv.•;.•ar an Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. • • Good Liren Roller Towelling , 35e per "4. Good large Bath Towels. , ._, ... - . - . . . .. .90e per pair .SCirrie race Table and Flooi3011eloths, different widths- qt right prices. ' I Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 101* off. Free &limy to any pot of the Town, PHONE 46 4•••••rne J. J. McEwen • - South Side Squee dren's room, and furniehed for that mothers ean r'ut war anxiety F. R. • [formed, hy• Rev. Dr. 'Jerkin, the iiride The daily press of last week. an- vicinity *will. regret to learn of the Yr•W•••• any Inen Rodger, eeolleitor. Notary -Public, Mee - and groom'left nouncod•the appointment of ItheeW. death of a, former well known real- linmediately for a • 8ueceseer to .1. its Enthrall • brief trip .0 realism points, after D. McLean, eldest sons of the late Mr. dent in the person of Mr. Williim Ptiona07 LOMec,,Tne t.,tpisee, tionerteh which they will reside in ItIcEillop. • ! lie. Y. 'McLean. of Seaforth, as Kinsfe. McKay, -which occurred at his home _ ......., riunixx E. ROLMES • "e• . . . rmouncement 1 Printer in Alberta. W. D.'s old see Banister.' Solieltor; Neter% Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert, Webster, or friends. in Huron County at large of- . Conveyanolv. 1'1'14'. ' Seaforth, announce s the marriage of for hearty congratulations upon this PHONE 27 . : • HAMILTON STREET their daughter, Mary' Irene, to Mr. -important appointment. Some. years • in Toronto on Saturday, Jan. 30th, following a year or more of in health. The lath Mr. McKay wee. born in Tutheramith 66 years eigo, and 45 Charlee Leslie Bristow, be the Rev. ago 41r. McLean conducted The Dun- years ago was united in marriage to ' SPECIALIST ' Dr. Rice, in the Metropolitan Metho- das Banner and later moved West, to Mims Elizabeth Irving. For a num- DR. Is. J. R. VOR.STKR. dist- eleerch, Detroit, Michigan, on become editor of The Edmonton -But-. her of years he was millwright in - Elie EMI NOW THROAT: ---' '- ---e- - ' letia, Be later got a Government the Ogilvie Flour Mills at Seaforth, Ltete Rouse Surgeon New Torii ()pie Old Mr. Carter-HP1 „I job and has been an official of the and war well known as an expert in - %alone and Aural tiostinial• aOsit4tant al - * - -es--Peu Municipal Affairs Departntent. his lute. 1p was he who installed the etooreilekes Eye Roopital and Quillen " 1 r" 1 -. . , ey al pie ixture Former Brussels Boy Wins Checker high peed engines -for the first elee- . At. Rotel Bedford, 0derieb, On the better than for years. At my age. DominiotteCheeker Aseeciation which with the Robb 13ros. Engine Werkii„. Imre Threet Hospital, London,- 1. eg. M M Waterloo St. Stratford. Tel,- Championship • • . trie light plant m Seafortle and phone 287, "After taking Acllerika, 100 At the annual tournament of the shortlY after he accented a position evening of the third Monday of cuch Y ( 6 0) it is ideal -so different front Inditen.y.tfuesdarGiny, aQte other ineditines." (signed) W. W. Carter, • Acilerika is a siniple 'LACTIC. mixture of buckthorn bark; grycer- • • . CIIIROPRAMOR. ine, etc., which removes GAS ir ten ininutes and often brilyee DR, A. N. ATKINSON, • Sltrprising relief to the stonv.tet. Registered Chiropraetor, Goderich • Stop that full bloated feeling.- Chrorde, Onside arid Nervous Meese, Brings out old waste -matter you . Consultation Free' ead trY aPoeintmenteePtit'l term Excellent for chronic con- • and Tituretley afiernoons esen nes, . author VPerguson on cluaion2indge omee tours ott these dais IA to 12 ahn. stipation., CAmpBeLL's uto Seger; 001te hours -2 to 5 and 7 to 9 le m. never thotight, WaS in your SVS - 1Nemr. Series by WY1,41NE FERGUSON **•••••••••••••••••,. %AAP asyLessons in -, AUCTION BRIDGE STORE. . • ' . • GQ1e4 ' • - ARTICLE NO,. 9 • Comm East and Victoria SIA. Every club and every private circle, Clubs -none • ' of auction players have one or more! Diamonds -none members who believe in using the! SpadeS4=-Q, .1, 10, 9, 8, 4, 3, 2 preemptive or shut out bid.in practi- l'The„ opponent would probably have t ally every hand. Such tactics are bid 'four or naore spades with this as e rule they are losere. The other. hand up griiclually instead of starting Very. showy when' they succeed but' hand if the college boy had bid }.is night a young player from one of the in. with "two no-trump" and thea Universities was asked to play at one "double." Take your bidding gra. of the well-known• New York card. dually and don't make preemptive clubs. He had a very pleasant. per- bids unless you have some very good sonality but his methods of bidding reason for doing so. The preemptive were a little too rash to lUit his fel- bid, is very useful at times but un• low players. Ile, was one Of those less used with great discretion is apt preemptive bidders, who aeera to to prove a boomerang, as in the cases think that a bid of "one" .1s old-fash- cited. , _Jotted and out. of "date. H2 started „.Several weeks ago. the following - off the first rubber as denier and hand'was submitted to the writer for promptly bid' "two no-trump." win- comment : OPTOMETR Y • *A . L.. COLE. ff. 0.. • OPTOMETRIST, OTrfICIAN. West ,Street, Goderiels• ' HonorGraduate of the Canadiau Opt- - thalmic College of Toronto. • Eyes examined by the latest methods, Ind the proper fitting of glasses at mod- erate prices. Ontario Board of Exafn- leers certificate. No. 815. • AUCTIONEERING— THOMAS GENDRY. , es' ........Live Stork and General Auctioneer, Hamilton Street, Goderich • S:sles made everywhere and all efforts made to give you satisfaetioa. • . Farmers' sale notes tilseouuted. ROBERT ft0hERTSON. • ,, \ OuallOrd Attefflotterr, ,,,,, ,... • • • . . fling the first, game. -On the next ----,-- Hearts -K, q, 6, 3 ' Eldon Street.'Ooderich. ' " - 4arwastise provides ata tie - dZil, the first three players passed : ' 't - Clubs-A,ICA1:2 . • will-,eonductsany 4stif AD UV COlirit ar ready' and reliable .first-ard' for and he bid four spades and won the :A 'lite Diamonds-A,K,9,2 Huron. For informsoon imply to P. .I. , injuriett. It is also -unequalled : game and rubber. This was pretty : Z : Spades -none mg, spedy remedy speedy but when he bid " Ryan, leeminee et, 0. ^Met% left WW1 ft. ft ,.s,,i..1..• ' • Swim will receive terompt attention. "' " """*" trump," on the first game of the next Rubber game. no score.. Z dealt and for obstinate and deep -Seated NOTARY PUBLIC, orc. skirt didease, poisoned wounds, rubber and made three odd, the other bid one .heart, A two Ipades and Y players began to look dazed. Hisidc;ubled What should 13 now do 0, • WM. BAILIE. - ' ulcers, piles, etc. . ' • • 1 k I ue was. too good to lest. however, Should, 13 pass, bid two no-trump or • . . every box etZaiw-Suk are . so when he bid three spade.% on the three clubs? At that timo the writ- NO1 Mil' PUBLIC stored the most valuable healing, following hand : er said: "In the opinion 02 the writ- Getteral Conveyancing done soothing and statieeptie properties stood Oompanios ItepreAsented. known to Science.- Italie** -herbal Hearts -4, 3 er he should pass and trust to .his 'Phone No. 298. tweeted', fete. composition and its *thokite freedont Clubs -A, 7, 2` high cards to enable us patstner to ---------- from anima fats and mineral drugs - Diamonds -A, 6' make, hie bid. A's bid of two spaaes ,GOORtilii E. GREENSLADE. mike z?in.13ote tke safest and best Spades -J, 10, 7.'6, 4, 2 over. one heat t. should indicate that dressing for akin tembtte **f all kindl! he was doubled and lost 518 points. his hand is good at spades and tioth- . CONCEYANCINCeeAND NOT.ellY. Rayileid, Ont. INSURANCE' 11,0 WV.. a. • • 1, Uefill,LOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUlt. 4". ANCII COMPAINX, FARM AND ISOLATED 'TOWN PhOP, . ERTY-' INSURED. . Value of property in•mred up to Jan; nary, 1010, easet8,0151XL • ' • OFFIOtitS-,,Isanes Connolly. Pre,41- dent, ilocleriiih; Jas. Evans, Vice-Presi- • dent, Reechwooi4 T..1.11 Hays, See.- - . ate 0,os ees. of Pee ere," htrbal The other players thought this would ing more. B's hand has no spades nearer Irons /four wortigjetit ,or dewier to.etror. or reek Zone-43We Corr Tar,,,oro, make him less cockly but. on the very but fine side cards. If A 'entree his e, r*trzit POPE TRIAL SAMP1M , next hand. he again bid "two no , hid, he will sore game lied ruble.: truirm," with the followl'res hand : • 1, and he certainly has a good chance Ilearta-A, IC, 8 .. to do so.. The two no-trunip . bid ' Clubs -A, K, gr,*4 ° ' ;seems bad because of .A's. bet of two Diamonds --A. K, 7, 6 .• • spades,. which •if, sietinil;" should indi- . .• 'Spades -A, IC , cate spades and little else. For that The next player. bid three spades. and , reasone how - can 13 play. two ' no - our . college boy thought that he hod trumps if, he ecannot make ue A'a. n eberice to get back his loss. of 500 Hoe& suit end . A's hand cannot beln :eerie' so nromptly doubled. Much 13 in hie three suits. The three dub 'No0404 eve. • • an) • Treas., Seaforth. , * , it • D V eleoregoe eisa- • (oral: J. G. Orieve, Winthront Wm.' ---*-- 1 RED EPPER , mod. He had a ftealr hand' , of preferable thing to d " 'Wein. Conetuniee George mettartrols. to his amazement and chagrin. his bid is sound but doesn't offer a chance , .-. , ormonent made' the three spades dou.' for 'game. ' 'Pass' seem* he. far the o. .. Vuokeessettle; Jr.lin Ferris, liariock:: FoR, . : tourse, but the college boy made his le Since writing that opivien, thE .:101O1 Beneeveiee, Iiroadhagan; elurray - . • task easy for him by reeking the writer .has obtained the virtual hands siihson, Brue4,11,•14. 1 • I 1 Preemptive bid of two to.trump. of all tour players. They 'were as 1 Leitch. Clinton; Wm. Chas!, ,, sa- AGENTS-4. W. Ye0* 01)(1"1011 4111(IY ' . . miEumAlic pA The oPponent'e hand ,vn4 it.1 fellows: follows i - ,S'esafortis.- Polley Holders oast pay tilde nessee• , . • • • • Ilearts-Q, J?, Vet: ft, 7 ,ments at II. Cutte• store, isoderivti; • • A. J. itiorrish's Clothing Store. tee:ten; or J. II. Res, Raytteid. Red :ppet; Hub takes the "ouch" s • front so , stiff, aching jeints., It can - EIRE 114$1,/lIANCL not hurt you, and it certainly stops that Have it attended to oy the. old rheumatism torture at once. *EST wommoso muTuAL tin issuRmic_ When you are suffering so you can • Hearts -5 t reu hardly get around,•just try Red Pepper Clubs -10, 7, 1 Established 1878 Rub and you will have the quicOst re- tg,,,„, „," 2 ..:. Bead Office : Iltingannoti, Ont. lief known. Nothing has such concen- -ip-a.le-eil-A-:4,1'0,9,14,0,4 Harry sti. Salkeld, R. It..No. 2, Gad.. trated. penetratin,g heat AS red peppers. Jest ae soon as you -apply Red Pepper erich, pres.; S. Thompson, Aub. Ruh yoif will feel the tingling heat. In urn, vice pros.; direeters-Wm. Me- three minutes it warms the sore spot Quillen, St.lielens; W. P.eed, fliteroMIrteanond ethrough, k * 'phone - • Pain and sore. tr.”Itts- to, 7,2 (labs -S Diamontle- Q, J, 11) Spades -4.'4.1,7,5,3, 2 Hearts -Kea eel Y • Clubs-Ad/Cie Z "1- Diamonds-. teeettet • Spades -nose Hearts -A03,10,8,4 Clubs-Q.J,0.1 ••Spades-enens Diamonds- 4), 5, 4, 3 Guderieh; .A.lex. Nicholeon, At.'r any good druggist. for. a jar of ---- • „ . • Lueknow;UVVLS.L, nn Wm. Watson; Jas. Girvin. Bowles Bed. PeOPefKub. Be sure to • R. No. Gedeeke; I. Thorne-- get the genuine, with Lae name Rowle* son, Au urn, i . an, "lab 7, Lneknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kinear.,;sAii44-..Aiiiii-ArZoteovkouniW Aim, Ont. THOS. STOTBERS, T. G. ALLEX, I 11 Wheeler Treas. Secretary. lropllouBros,1 OODERIOlii Thie Leadlixt Ponca! Ds and fiebalmots orators cart/Nile attended to eV eV hours -night or day. • •.' fitment' Director and " Embalmer . Ooderich, Ontario All cilia promptly attended to, day or night. Phobos: StoreaSS; Renee 355w Calildren Uri F$R IFLETCNEWS CASTOR1A It. should be, interesting for our readers to analyze the play of thio hand at the three possible bids by 13; Viz., pass, two no-truina, and three, dubs. The writer's opinion that"pess" was the proper thing to do with Vs hand, is more than verified. .• Problem No. 6 Ifeartseet 4, • Clubs -4. 7, 2 Diantande-enoee . Spades -A, 41 Cards.. . .. Fines. . • • Reserves., ••••. 9. ',or* Marasines Total circulation for shows increase of 774 year as bedew r • Juvenile nonfiction...-. 10 Increase, Adutt, Fiction. ..SO4 1171 Juvenile Fiction . • ... .212 Reference . . . ...„ -145 Deeresisee Adult nonfiction 383 Magazines.. . . ' 14 ,,.-,.,$ 57 85. 104 12 Td $11 $1'78 35 1925, 23858, over previous ing ster3r hour. when they eve Mothcr• Gisorelt s Worm Extermin*tor to give teller. One of' the. most effective Vert:rile Xtr effects are sure and lasting: • fuges on the marlot is Miller's 'Worm The • the stomach and bowels of WOrMS ". the °ne "G alas u1) Powders. TheY will not only clear . country a greatest humoriat but will' prove a very serviceabl; °f,...1)°144hir bair' ••••••• COPERICIPIVIARKETS Wheat, per bush ....$ 1.35 to $ 1.40 Suckwhe*t, per bunh Hogs 1:1:15 to 13.00 Oata, per bust ... ' 40 to • 40 ' BarleY. per bush44 to . 70 Cattle, ordinary, gine cwt IU o6.25 Cattle, export...-. 1.50 to 7.50 (per mit.) medicine for children in regulating the infantile system and maintaining it in a healthy condition. There is nothing in their composition that will injure -tlie.most delicate stomach when directions are followed, and they can be given to children in the full assurance that they will utterly destroy all' worms, -- 397 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Net, increase..... ...... 771 .Rdceipts for cards and fines show - del an increase of $10.13. ' Through the kindness of the Maple Leaf Chapter, I. O. D. E., who are financin:g the project, the preemie Beard and reference room of .the Library ts to be changed into a chit - 'KEEP 1 I I 'rug ONES WELL IN WINTER By Regulating the Stomach .and Bowels With Baby's Own Tablets Winter is 'a dangerous tr.'stsoii for the little ones. The days are change- able -one bright, the next sold . and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the • fresh air and exercise they need so mucb. In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, badly 'ventilated rooms and are soon seized with cod or. grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tabletti. They will • regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds. and through their use the baby will be able to get over he winter season in perfect safety. using Baby's Own Tablets the moeher haabeolute guarantee that she is IfiviniTter ,precious little Ones something that is absolutely, safe 'and something that cannot pos. sibly do harm to even the newborn babe as the Tablets contain not one particle of opiates or other danger- ous drug. They are sold by Medic- ine dealers or at 25, rents a hoe, by mail fromThe, Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. 4 „ • ..." Warble -Kett, , Clubs -1001,5 Diamonds., --none Spades-X,I0 • Y A . - • - Hearts -4e, 10, 6 flubs -4C Diamondess-E, Smoke- 7 There are ne trunies end is in the heed that they Will win ...lee of the eight Solution in The next :track raft. liearts-tiona.. Clebs,---4,4,4* • Smote -lone . 5, 2 lead, How can YZ so play tb9 tricks ngainst any de:emu? Nri THE G DER I c &V`Mtikt r TNT BLAME THE Ft.ORNACEif mos s#mpLy A CASRA OF ltsIPIGESTION • r • .• Cattle, desire perant 7.50 to 7,30 ' Lambs per ewt 8.00 t� 11.00 flky aButter. . . . 40 to 45 Eggs, per doz...... 50 to 35 IFamily flour, per-. ewt- 3.90 tei4.00 Patent flour, per ewt. 4.75 to 6.00 Bran, Per ton 22.00 ' Shorts, per ton.- 133.00 to 35.00 May, per ton, 10.00 to 12.00 ,. 08 to Oie Potatoes, per tusg„ 2,50 to 2.50 Laval -Quebec • Mines, Liotiect • • • ,In Strong Hands! ! • ,Lavid owns.strategically Mle24::ptftglie totifllug bc*tt 01. Rouyn, ' '• Laval is spirnaoreti by powerful interests and dir-, ectad by a -Board every. member of which ii*prorn. inent businessor 'reining execitive, Layellie =PI,' financed for extestaive development wait. Serie-tie develoPment is being, contmenced on the "South Group" of claims tdjasent to Noranda and where preliminary work has discovered. ore bodies carrying rich. values over . geed, widths. , •Laval -Quebec is listed both in Toronto and Montreal and is being bought by shrewd investors who -real ize the potential wealth of this. mineral. area. The coupon beta* is for yowl. convenience and it entails -no obligation. Send it in todayt •••••.,•.. ••••••••••••:101.0•1•11 •••• *EP .401. Mowat Ite MacGillivray UNSVA SAt4K BUILD:NO OTTAWA Pletile send Inc the latest ' particulars :of Laval-Que- bee and itis profit possibill- Name. ........... . #4. ; Be mire and get McCoy's, the veld- -Inal and' genuine and don't- forget . IAddress •••••••••••••*** .. • ............... •••• . there is •nothing on earth so good to make backward, listlessuederweight 'ONE THIN WOMAN -- GAINED 10 POUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can • Do . The Same All weak men and *omen, • • All nervous men and woinere All skinny men and women. Can grow stronger, healthier MA more vigorous and take on solid need- ed flesh in 30 days just by taking MC- , Coy'd Cod Liver Extract Tablets four times a day -sugar coated and easy to- take as canly. And what a hit these pooh prochse. ing tablets have made. One druggist tripled his sales in ono week. Everybody knows that from the livers of the humble codfish comes`a. first class vitamine that is a vender- , ful vitelizer, flesh producer and health creator. . • . .of McCoy's Cod levet Ex- tract Tablets are sold eery week and thousands of frail rundown under- weight people are being helped. A box of 60 tablets for 60 rents and if any skinny man or woman detente gain at least 5 pounds le 30 daya money back. 'Ask ney ciruesens.t any- . where in Ameriea. . 11111111111111.11.11111111101011111111111.1111 children grow strong and robust, We expeZted.to haw Anthrt• rite Annie on this Winter's heat. ing program. Bat she. needn't think that b.: walking out 'in tis slw can. 'stop the whole. show! Tne Heat Folks have arranged with Genuine Pocahonthts Coal ,ap,4.1),unestie Egg, who are warm members, to Illep you happy until Anthracite Auto decide& to cow bock. Seriously speaking, pitt 1.01 find our Pocahontas ;nal and i,),•;•• mestic gv perfectly satisfacior; in furnace, range (ir grate. 'Phone us for your load. -CALL THE - 110., • .Fcz Gos ant Coal JMTRCr*t°1 .B.UIAO44, Ptorit 98, Code •ie% lowle.•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• . . • DOMINION • sTortEs LIMITED , -;CANAIDA'S LARGEST' RETAIL GROCERS 'Where Quality Counts" DOMESTIC Crown or Beehive; PERFECTION CERN BREAD SHORTENING SYRUP FLOUR No. 3 PAIL 5 lb. PAIL 24 Bag 43c 33c $4,1?3 BRUNSWICK SARDINES 5 HONEYCAKE BISCUITS 19%. VS: CATSUP 1104 19c Rowntree'* COCOA 23c WHEAT/ITS 4 lbs. 29c BEEKIST s fti. PAIL 75c HONEY 14 .z. is, 30c ITIV TEAS tagUUAitKCKER Richaiesolo (me., With China Pronto* llo 79i1„ OATS D.S.1,iulk 595., 390 These Fri as in effeet 10*' *se week froUn Olat COFFEE 55 THE TASTE WILL TELL BAYSIDE CORN 2 lila 2k Bayside' Tomatoes 14e Shirriff's Extract 10c CANDLES 20c doz. CHO(CE PEAMEAL. COTTAGE ROLLS 29c Ib .1 *hs mr41.