The Goderich Star, 1926-02-04, Page 8sem....„., .
o •
Wednesday menet et Mr. A. Leitch's J. 1±elai. sad *taw members at trrir -
Irene*. The ./less of the eine are fsatfig.
_ ss follows: Prseident, Hammet $ti>t» ott weedaoeday awmtiet ” aced
seas; wee, -tress,, Mrs. W. `I+lnti. i; Mrs. Tum CWabkolat satar:aias! Vele -
manager end caretaker, D. Y senor- femme, and•
, to tee pa
ray; etent ittee—etre. A. Lwitek, bow or lee, to a dlsstdag pasty,
- Mrs. D. T. Murray. Mr. Wm. Orr. Taos not e:arinic to dew. ptosed
The Club held their first dance au otteere. The /arse dining mon end
'wednrsday, Jen, SQth# sand is" * kitchen were made ready for Lice
very eznjoy'Asia evening, there being dancers, and at times twelve sets
i abouthirty-flee neeatbere prwnt. were dander at Iowa. Mr. T lade
Pekoe ,..+,'matt ,and Lumen
}met . !t. el C. ag o n ttr
mem party •t ilei, el.+esn's am ram -
Ws hue mash. .
Mr. iced Mew Alienee UeG.o at -
awed d a dame at T. E'isi,ehtest's en ,
Wu-' -today ta4s"1at-
Beete --To Mr. and Krt. Walker
Murray, en January 30th, n 4*ugh-
ter. Coessrateletioats !
Mr. Sanderson. of Toronto, I:reach-
s hope that all
*me invited to �� ed le met. Aaadrew' church on Sun -
and J. 0, Gain played the viola" ' dey. in. the *Wince of Hr. Whitfield.
the next dente will join eine help rause.. 4t!
Thesa ock. Mert. At 's ""•ATOR envoi" 1st beim fuzniahsrd i•y J'Ames_ .,mfdn#j;i"t titwe 'd�afntxI.lndsaap, James Rouatt and DonaldttadarzenK was s;rein
• The ennui vestry and ceneregga.' 'continused flit -the early hams r,i tt,a 1 C
morning, when *II went lame fullyr =ante served. An wnio/rshk cvenw
tionat meeting of Trinity church was .s$tt*tied with their nfuht'.r ;dtiitea. .owing to 'the atom last to*t Shtrradey
tut is being,acntielpsted, Ya copse and 'there, accts, no loam/ delivery or school.,
We cater to your held . in the church Wedneetday even• tion, votxnr lift. nate Mrs. T. Chi:•, enioy Yourselves.
, it%'January the 20th. The meeting Iselin as st royal boat and hostess. L Det, end Mrs. Jas. Johnston, of
everyt' Zratzonetji wive Aatertetd,titith pMa eer .by the sec: McXt. Perseisy ntg;ht, aa•. T n.rt., a}
___ ... _ thit Ashfield th• erre ylstttne friends pts
ter, Rev. P. ,tai. Paull. 'After which the . Grtkssr+auui-asatfi service will bar held in #hear towrreship. '
reports of time church warden*, the ilLu1gsttnox 'United, , church. It' will fi
Senior and Junior Guildw stud bun• hIr end lire. D. Cantwell. are, the be cond"wcted by the Taxis Square M � 0x a bait returned t
stay ,wheel were geieett; shelving Ali proud perents dee youngr;non.
*oil Troll Reuters, the address, hauate atter *Penning t".•. couple of
department*. to he in wood financial - ,, Mites hazel Toung• bat been visit•; whieh will he tensed. on iwye' work, mock, #n Goderieh with der mother, spa
atendtng;. The election of Alters Ing, in Goderich thte tart week. • oeing given by heir. Benson Pentland, ;m„ ' , anaon,
410,-,11645111111.110 illegaM110110101111
need, whether itt8
tt package of en-
velopes, or new for I020 then took place: at follows: Mn. Lorne Roger* had the mister- and the music furnished lay a man's a MissesBoth, Myrtle and Mary
Lay delegates to Synod, W. 3. Stitt. tune to get sr piece of +heel in his eye, 'choir. The week beginning Feb, 7th, Cantwell, of Colborne tp., aria visit.''
Fountain Pert. ,..i. W. Scotchmer, rector's warden. .arluch is giving him considerable beta; the National Father. and.,Son ing their cle and aunt, Mr. and
Wm; Scotchnier, peaple'e warden. trouble, Week througbout Canada, during; Mrs. heir, ;r.unJghnaitoan,
�.. Mrs. J. II. Mcleod: select vestry:.. -4' this period Father-xnd•Son beneuete Last Sundae the pulpit of Union
" A. Edwa Nee D. II, McNaugItt n, W. and services will he conducted all church was occupied by Mte Sander- °.
3. Stinson, Wm. J, Elliott, tae,, E. over the .Dominion. An this , i* 4 son, of Wroxeter, and Min Graham
• Porter' +i, ILA Ce tZr. Saniuei Currie is upending e.'tationa! and undenomtn*t onal move- and Mrs.Hisrwood sang st, yaleasint;
Greenslade, .Leslie Elliott, Russel few dove st the bole!:.s,w•
Heard, 3. W. Tippett; tedesmen meat * apecia! invitation is. sent to duet. a'a!
Con. The TheSsoore, For Forty Years Leslie Elliott. Wm. J. Elliott, Rue. Wee 'Florence? Segund has newt sit fathers to come and sit in a body lied, on Saturday , Jim. 30th
*ell. ,Heard, \L'm, Heard, if. -if. 'ie" home fora week on scsunt• of ill with their sons. If you are not teem- . phyiias Aileen, the infant • dnuggtte
• " '" "'""eeeee=e Naughton. J, W. Tippett: auditors— health. • • sed In haing * mon,: adapt ane far of Mr. and, Mrs. Wilbert 1'rouse.
�, �+1�y E. 1�f. , J'ehnsa, F. A. F:dauidss. A Xesiers, Frank Mellwain „and, fel- thet�eveyaiisg, A. •little flower
DL'.`#� �/t,e*,t� hearty vote of, thanks was tendered
gnaw Sheyaptrd were ftp to Dungannon United Church nate,: The United Came into our name,
G The memhera,o# they Mena' Club of ine. supplyingthefor
churr faithfulness
doy nightfor en chorstra praictLce toast /tion+ church
usual, hold
Schooly10 services
.me Just for wee it direct days.
/lay dell pestieh nee" their apsetiragf How sweet it did Moon,.
n on Thursclisy, 3*n" g*acti, being enter ere oil throu►fh'the summer Xenon.. We are lad to xepolrt that .airs. Chufch Sexwlecs 1 a.m uni3 "f p°nt:
t; " Until God reached aver
twined *Mite /tattle at mt. Fred. Bele- charge hie church
the Btaopp in Geo,
her g rr tiole nnelast tea. v� e11 one. Mleai n f 'r to o ofe the till* Unite To gather-_ some &iruwera,
41etoet. Alk en jsyed * very, pkcssant. their subscription to the 11Mainten. • e ` church hold' its regular nwatimr ' at ` ntI 3ust before dark, °
. evening. . He g7stheted up euro.
The ladies of the Senior :mutt .grist- *nee ewe . Exteneion Fund. The DUNG NNON the home of Mies Pearl l<innig;an► a .. •, a
Guil f R� be li•
amount a eubtcrtptton now
stands enact/ 'Attendance ' neing pre ent
tee ds a Trinity Ohureh hate tee*'at.$ 1,1 eindtilla.vattit lee inereaaod ! t1>n I'*ctsh net a etlerteinntent in :I`unfear I.e*$ue!' Win * i'et alt 4.ta ntr•
,Cving to
visited her brother, Mr. ,Richard from" hie, residence to Eire*
Cover, of Clinton, the former pert cemetery: , '
of hitt week.• Be is seriously ill;
suffering front cancer of the boweils.
There is no hope entertained for his ,
recovery. ,
Dr. Hector • Maclfienefe from the .r
'Wed, was: visiting his uncle* its tette
tail last week, •1'
the: saevere snow rtortn°
ce`ntiy improved the lighting of the the Sunday sehaol missaionary con• a n Ft° day 2Vening of WodnPredev seZr.no4n. The . �vlora• . Misse4 8611 anti. Eva Ceek spent, and the state o#.the rran° theree'nee
▪ church lay installing Eke Go1entan tributions Teta emaunt assigned d t this weak. • en'ss Mieetonarv, Societe will bold . its over Sunday with fllyth ;frbende.. no service in Aahtleld church last
Thos. Rivett is laving in ins m,.ntiee on, Friday efternnon, Tea We ere glad to report that 112x;: Sabbath.
*$Olitre lana a;nc a Mr.
l?tk the .hutted„ 8ayslleld charge is $4 tr•
The xnnusi meeting of the Rey. The Women's Missionary, Society of sn»nlv o lee for use in the vesture ,vial he a on,
to . ei re.O a°.•, one, Jack Moss is recovering' nicely. from , The Women's" Institute will meet
n t
a jleld Agricuttursl /needy was held the Bayfield. United church hna also mit during the. sunInle.., • yo,.,..., ,Nnnht..>,•_r,,..">3nn "+l .lot b�t4 an attack of ,pneumonia. 'sett 'huradayr afternoon of 'this 'wea
' at the town hall on Wednesday raised thole ;allotment for .the • sn *k '
year ltiiiss Edwards, et -Now l,isk+eard,'is Frtd>!v Went at. S.tirtnric. A,•1 tt3, �rss. tibiae,. Buchanan 'bad the at thy: home of Mrs: Neil G. 11inr••
efternoan, Jan. 20th, : there beteg a and both this society and the Ladies` the guest Of her . ni teats, eMte nod entine .entertainment will. be held in misfortune to fall on s'lippexy walk iCensie on the 't2th don. se •
' good. attendance of members: `The Aid are in a flourislfing condition. Mrs. Jae. Edwards: the • United:. church hmsemane by the and sprain her ankle, •which will"cbn- Mr, Alex. MacDonald, ' `'
4 akin n .',toner.
°: aaudltors •report arras Silted, ahgwing• The parsonage has' iindsergono •coni Savprttl 4440 -loads" nf�ouns; ;leo• F;xcelalor: ettrd Mrs. G, merles Sure ' fine her ta.tlie house .:err some time. Icy, died at hl,shoirtei on Sunday fie '
a surpius. of $520,.57 for the Soe:taty. eiderable xenovation and, is • being. file ente>yed the box social at, Belfast Clay ' shoal' elassea on Feb. 15th. I 'Mrs,, John Redmond rece v a long linger illness. S s t�
w2 into .s comfortable preaeherst._ on,; Tueadsy evening, ?porn win be put ep • around: he ,sod news last week ofe I e t the widow there �eurvtvos • oea his
• Ale OtMfcetw and- directors � fore ih«0 made t ek the death of . him two .rano.
"are sb. followed, i shdeit, John Me- home. The present condition of the m°' valuge. '. her sister, Mrs, Ao e, of I3at1 tlrte t:Jairtess.attd Htateh, once'*wo.da itteru.,
Cleft; tact vice, W. ' J. Stinson; 2nd,-rhurelu.Jis very oncourt<gf3ng end the ltix•s' Campbell is viaitiiry sir,' the The annual mea of ,+ � n � : ,! ur3
Wee, W, 't vicalbot, secretary, A. E. *embers A very a ISI, are vein • b i.- }Lome of her son, /or,. Camiewil, of meeting ifun an an Iklich., aced was inatentiy 141 need ins as ers, `'Gordog. Ilrottnan attd 1lissr. L'1-
1. pubo • sin ii<iandav motor accident. I woos Drenn#n. ,A goad frienel anti'
Lanes, for short time a literary Was. held
• Erwin; tree:auarer, 1e. A. Edwardeteniietie alt to the ftitwe.. Th 6 S,ad ee" a+e iigtslie 4 7lat+ ht' the 11:iln* rat t eiatlilwr, h6 +vas r6 tf
auditors, John Falconer Joint Cale,' Aid met est the Homs " f Mi Rachel
. lir. Rothe' S. Stestriera oat$ ° Dr the 'Jlr, and hire, Chu,. ft►ig;,rtinan s+aid prier ted lid, o
le i% The funeral take.' 45
*rote , as. alt on are am ver
director#. Win" Streivert Taylor o ss 1 iIt pet:ding this.,,Seelc a ltbraartnn; btisat l?reazTy, when f ply+ left last eek ,Cor their new
Win. Y xecently. About twenty-twomit b its
e uns +ess ,into th& Year, 1925 was re- I,o,e at, Whitechurch, Yvhere .;ylr." Placa; an Tuesday at eleven o clock
evweit inti iii• t t .
Sparks, R. Penhele, Di a Motmught..attended and'several new members on t ericc i, lwhero titey ere serving '. y a cera n s ed, rhe
on, R. hie furray, S. Hotetton, J. A. were received, The, greater puree of treasurers report for the .weer stele . Wightntan has bought act the ' gen-1
" Ferguson, E4 R. Wise, T. M. Snow. the efternoan.was spent in. piecing a etre. 'Sellars and son, Kenneth, -of ed the .total be $195:62;. ertrl store from Mr, Radforel. Mr.
` Via, J. ltt"tltwelt: E. roster, T. ctuilt.. A'..",hart bualnetsre mooring Ethel, are guests,with the lady's .which. was much in exdessr.of the tee and i44rt. Wightman will be greatly-:
Woods,'• 3. "tie'. Reid, Thee. Itrownett, was held, the, pastor, Rev. If. F. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sander. reeepta for . several Year, nreviauss. mussed .A the i lurch sand enntmm�ety,
Fred •Middleton. Date ., of fair, Remedy, bavtng read the seripture,.gon, both ot-whole are in peelerialth 'Yids amouet..was made up by ,mem.• but we wlah;there ptaspeeittein their
'Tuesday, and Yi'eednesdsy, September lesson and offered prayer,, the parse_ at. present,•.. . 'sere' : feet*. etteterts,: : provincial, v° borne. g8tls suet S9th, dent. Mrs. W. Wallis presidini. It Mr ,.Isirviee Atidersoit left' n .'1 ed count len ' i '
of R was decided to purehaae n cookie ttesdu fo London; h � 1 1 ' West W �., ' �rtr���,i� " .
+ tt - y!, d man civaai rAs0IGeid ane/ •
• Some of the -young people ay-. g y r w ere to will re. es ,,wane, tpe.j grants. Of .
R field bast arganixed a dancing club, ' range for the parsonage. ` Mrs leen- reive treatment',it Byron sanitinlutn, thio. amou 't $114 was e+tpended in The Rev. Mr. 'Grscey, of the Pres.
Which le known tie "I1a • Uappy"Go- ; nedy reportedthat the work of re- which, we Vt ust,ewill soon cited it 'the prrchase et " neva►' books, the bale '. byterieri church here, 3pent last week
tetchy* Qgii' and hold a dance revery upholsteringpthe parlor furniture complete cure. • ones ,going 'leeward th,' .l#brsria7t'e •with, his family in 'i'nxorntt>, j
�,, ,,
had been completed and the account Mr. Sairitme ll.. tie, son of sir:
salary. feet, oil, and: 'entrees, send: • The ice harvest ,hest sri iveii and
for thiss-wosk WaM paid. It was de. 'George Currie, ot Nile tiaa`r rrrltai= esrtaR". The tranrrg;e 4nr jhe :yevera1 are on the raver films weeks
tided to hold a quilting at the next ed the 112tis acre• farm to Mr, x:. t • 'veer 3A2ir w'at dp #nlle ere. a Ieticn�- procuring their summer supplies.
t I4 Ri[fliq
Meeting to be held in she. bnsement' Duff, situated About onernile eo lir t781; euventle--0t4t'-Misee emeneapw-- The auditors of Colborne, i'tr. tree'.
eif the rhureh and a committee An of Dungstnnon. Poosnes:an Ile cue « '�8; ,xntereture ;' ; Reltgih. -.t 1.s:: Glen end' Jobe ' Mein,
b tali n 1 ori, attended to
pointed tit provide a ten.cent lutrttt. tairued about April xsttt. History inmgt#; 1 try •..3S: • the► bal their' duties ass auditors the former
" h., once being mads►"`un of °eerrnpine Iinrtof this week.
raQel. Artie, !este, �It Is txA>rtl:v of ,.,....,.. «, .,.• -,,,
Contently' •ill 141r, I?avld M act tP
e:I,e ho h
I will he p *wired d to' pia
Ousbean Pawing. in T.
Wt*liia' troth, 1: ob 30,
Con, ilr Gioderieli Tp .
n itis t*su*I PIE*, in the
-early e rive' * and • ' t
swivel, Yril
hey freodu. k i3&steet4i
and', Wittman Alth Kai.
} for Si. Vsk.stifa'.s
;your Valentine he ./,mores.
Nathetnt Finer
After the meeting Mita Taylor att., The siannuni meeting of the s•- ,p
ea as. hostess, assisted by mlfs M. rich Rural Telephone tin Garro: s "'""""
ed se+eli. st>nd sieved' a very dainty, note a . the Juvenile 'woke reed,gene
/lane be held st• Mr, T. Stothers hart the oat twoyears in theti. I
h Before. the meetleg ed3eent. .. , tet ares 'double those•"�T#.'that. previous p ..evt, sat•�
ed. a vote of. 'Mania! mei». tendered to iuth, Dungannon,. an Wednesday Fch. -mer; Tho• tohlawln rlflleers we're ,present at the home of htx,parents,;+ `
. T`arte o and all" joined' in erect g Th'' ,rtt 1 l'"rn' on the base line, Mullett. 1 _
-�l>re#ed: frets., • 'tem .];t,; Davidson;Davidson' .
r She's a Jolly Good l+etlotv, - e Sacrament of the -Lord's Sue- ,elce,nres., Arr. G. Atlee; trees., . fors. r residenterien, of f hiteehurlh, , ht ._
will dispariaed in F:rskineaDr. T. E.aee••aree. Jra.'R: A. hl,+» a► fdrtter of .his locality, pas
+ +iY'i i 1 _ eebyterian church oe Sunday, F'ebeI[enxie Romrd•--Mese etre T. Stole. renewing old' "gnaintance* est pre:. u {
Mee. X. 1i. Clutton left lest week7th., The pre•communion service ie -ere and ' e Brown. Measre. y, aeric in the villager
V. .,:"rasa, - . . "
for Taranto to spend a month with beingt held an Thttrasday* sifternbon a*. G, M. enxie, W. Stewed and The auditors of the theirehip of, $tgK�St Ssstsz> nsen�k
her. ..
dsutghter; hers. R. Mason. 3 Parte and will be tendueted by the. Rev. I . >eia, ee;, auditors•-:-�le:ssrs. '1. Feat We" the t real made them official
mitres. ghter, It King and children. oirysastor. .... _G. Allen and F 'ltaas. vleit to treasurer. Mr, 'William J. tG 'G•
Mistime., are vi'altng with herr par. M'r. E. A. Dud', w • ho hes ine, .with . After Sen'' it ase or about tour Thomp*oc ten the village this rvea;c.
ents. lir. and Mae Percy Stewrert. good
d sweets*
eets* m the
e sale trout,, foroMouldy, tion, '' ere timed asvey
The sacrament of the t.ord'a Sup- 'a ttVI y" Unt~, all See
rtaM e: ille Marl McCourt, of Dungan. now been ollaered •the ' poilitlott of hes daughter, Mrs:Thee. Hemet, are. per
,Iiis a nee. , in There Was a
guest at the las wee, Of Mr. -travelling ludeeman far the 'borne ;other of the pIoneer,.in'the .person of large ettendaneei.This le theefirst .....,..:.....,..
,r :•. lira*, John Chisholm. rzt
firm. Ile has not yet decided to ac- Mr. Andrew *Allister. `'rDeceased, time that it has taken Plato .Once the
Mrs. Terrance Hunter. underwent rept this tempting offer, es it would ' vwhto wra* born neer 'Reliaest; C,osnitp two congreg>rtiona united.
an Operation at the anemia, 'haul.• doubtless necessitate his removal /?owns, larelRnd, in the /rear a 42, cunt: 1MXr. I•resnicHibbert, o.t Goderkia, FoRirf
tai en Thaertsday last and is reported from Autrgtartnom Oxo gang. to this country when young mart of~ '��YtTi1RE EXCHANGE
as doming saicely.
The "`Chums" cans �. aettlln '+c?4s in this village last weal`. yiuiting; 1Rit II �AYYMAtt{i
t► of T'reit of 'in Goderich townthi
selling a week, and p .. r a► number of I cent accident as well se could be ex- ee
doral weaeks with their "laughter, Ur, are still continuing the badge waork, veer, hes came with. hie family to ,}, e w
- "' i"" =' ,their meetings *re held o Ween,, West W ,nonoil thirty-three' ycayt .
_ rte. Robert Stalker sand Dixon ,
t meetly*,aero. In his 'first letter from. ;tome' Meas,
•inter. 'after his arrival 1n. Caned t, be learn: Stalker, Of;,,F,asit *Pawsnossh,'Wer�e at.
,in oned, with dee regret. of time death of Woodstock' laid week Visiting their.
all be done p•
Oren cry
C TO t
P.AsT :il. .
The ry
°' utaUta
e nece
of dada •
**+> o•frrirr.t,ztd*
t eh`r ax ; W. yatoo, On.' •
3100NEY, halt
if not see me .befogs you d0*
E pensive Seem for leas
Saatisf*cft to Gare rareteed.;'
ank: Mcffwajn
R. R. No. 6: Dungen:teri
Phone Dun once 7 R 14 :.
• Rangers of Dungannon, etre kasrting e: p• huT mother -In-law, ecov Ing Bili. write
ONO. l�i"i'"'��'14R'�`` Mr. and Mras, Geo. k"utford ,eft an ,After living in Goeierlch .and Cot. `has not been recovering front her re. � the Eltea*dtrs;� of Goerich.
i?Nsuetrpns °t•SS � Sdaturdsy far Detroit tea sewed see. into the Land ,cell the townie fawn°she a for
Send se this .emelt ,net awe will •'_+
mail yea interesting Mambas'
lllestrating the plena' made by► ►
ua, 'Envy home a osld have a ee
piano. It' is the source of .more '
home tendert than any other ,single
*rtitle—end it you get a good piano it
trill least * lifetime. `e.
ego r,s,- arta ehouiders heaved in ward. • •
anent amusement, A 'huller epithet was upon .
'1'0ld' Jerry!" ssnapptel the amid- former partner's tongue. lento a
her men: "Where'd you scot the 'old' was saying to itimstlie ''Old ,Terry's
ate I've whet like a feebieerended *Weeks life now, but wait tilt hue
idiot 11l admit--•lieln' lammed en ,sl lire goes out and it starts to rain."
veralareebut that's over tend Pes 1#e ehuekhd maliciously and then'
keath'nir tree. "Walt till you :ahoy*' rehearsed a speech or curt refusal _ , .. t nc ; t I etepwsrt 1
at ut that front end; it ciin : rrn the for ase WW1 (mirk carne to the tent : M" l ell; t+si
twain and you'll meek. .He'," 1Ie and mileleinar- bred of H'sreaisataat, and' melt it, A special aastsrple brae
.� _. w There
shelter from the writhe Owing turn tit the blisasr 1 n�!tia i pN Y. , lixe. Tieeis. 'Ilenryr, at wlo s home he i , melted on rc efpt epi k.
. ,,. . er. There week 'err Titling doings, veiled on Thursstia not halt week tilos tasefed stymy.. that tion died many ,
Torn made his ramose to that; he, meeting tris the Dungannon branch of yeas *go. A aR miton, Ernest. et g a An
� �t trod several %suits under tee tee Women's beta:Ate, whi.l was tel . Winegar, who. ewirsg to the death'of Cri
Backache ,...„th, theft o r aK+s d rt it vindict, he held at the- home ot` brei Berton his mother, was fslssed in the been* eta,
it,e prayer for rot. hail, elestt, eine Roach, was withdrawn. Some • mat-' of hiss gr"audussreats, was new ewe tIts 1Ga1
Snow. A howling Dat** bliseerd• tete et Wale's which eeneired *t" sent toe the, fasten/. vwoich wee Med E. 6. Hest it ea. lees
he _94464 would tx*etly *tilt, hint.. **Wont were settled by the "ewe- on Friday. Ian. Seal Rev. Pickett- rTermite s , ' '"
Vit' ,•at bit ,}vete ort arcrS. but twit at a tetter elate, and there wilt can, .f %lrihi**. cirrat randt>c en.. "`"""
wb std Ws appeal' ma #wire kick+ hs+` t ieadt t iredidar mete • 71 i+ ae'hrdce. " Tl" ktiiisrs > mere '!n-"
ra hn poltahe It tttadec ftp in esrncsd• Issyr for t>>4 month of Velma A towed its Greeribill eemttery, then r
,stela,. ,mar hewer aid p 41,,rt tarry t• i'aiesttbrz ,.....ttesatr.• s ter. pNubhr .bel taro � +�
*loft sa Mahar weight c+t reinvitvg writ tar re +set In to daaiale the one" t'g 'w►+'*+ Wire. all
then did ids. Friday ewnlner, mart, litth. !n the fa. ; trwb ao twlarw. irie,esra.
Ittserlc hart � Caen Toss" f5risd- Itla iacoet in * aterwp*tn, 1 be.ais oat the Weivenea I'nstite e. ing; sae Irwin ns i to 3teta lmrRA:
bider*eh root ptedirstclewflapsem tikehishoal Laseal vikiiws{tlr swill tee given► sand re eft sad tine tuelydowt. 3e mielsn, Berl.s, esiz t Meswr a ewlef eldest and reedier /cart +was of F r +;' ort lrF t 05 k /t t sell i. loCctl-
ftice alisrkh,t wee to aiwis ply. Ai'1et11 ", ' wr#isn. ei f;#.drrrkl► tcr+rswskt;C,bassi".whit Ire had +i,atte 3tia pi3.t•.ieeed" aft.r.�, #*e* " hee had drarak Isis eap mei i ltter tea
and rrs$ fret twee. ice war yrreeaM.d -
day 'eveningti. At, the 1
3Mlr. Ren*on Pentland gttstfng;talk on eurtist $L, brother, Williem, prho hada pars-
ta l►A;psx who di'tiurb e . ndty select bio ntnther'Itt Ireland, and Some rim,chats."' Much ;irtere. isbeinglater his father also ramie •ta Cam lytic etrolro; To. ell recova;acce he
shown in the work.' *, Ne moat „uarrieM 9n lSb t to soft'Alair vss'ofrecoverywhen
• The e'poputaror criiteat" 'at Alt- ' Miss Maria Robinson 'daugthter of.:t My,left. Item. •on'a' atom fa aft to asooef s#*t flee the± Mate John itebi11son tat the 4rsl Mrs,;isVrn.1?,ster*etn, of lite village,
leading conte*tatee • havieg 25000 'r:Ancea*ion of Goderich taixrutship, �+�•votes st the end Y• year, T7a+a late Ii t'MI AlI' ,� �.'�����
paiaW#ak' ybttrvase for her, e
is sit tipper'
yourself " aur favorite, the Itlgh- '., e e ter.fa►milyrofC'happitt*+.ttheakinanfleee t Socitst Latattdard in ±he �dmmun. Seven ton and s wen ter s tsurvives haneis end (see mss se Winter tibeeIty. , "t be beckward its *skipsy him, alt of xeept Fed preteritforthe "funeral except Fred. of U tri*t• is isot. e*r., c ti se If theeyoue ende to: save their votes far • ,on, 'tee iu also survived by 11 grand- aatseralaseelatutre, caursytbyar-
you, it thea► are not stiready eavingX vhildren and four great grsndchiid. Haemal dry Meat ora, rs ani 'high
themf'orthi*»*elveas.Youwill muss w3f►dae -wet-t rest rs.Caeanat*raeturpriaed how► gslrkly theyenunt up. ren.The iierabsrs of hisferniiyItalie* /idiot restoraes the.rt'Atenest
t1'ateh this rolMhtn nett weehc for ,wwho tare still *n ee *are stns t hotsna a of contestants, with their .`° Cltiragtss, Iters. lltewnittg. ; *taa+e of :% asklti etxt pyre.
gtandletsK in the aerial rr*'.� r s vI ,,,r, uthant ton; Mrs. Mct'readr, Har- nteetsat.ertiaes.Ahl , slots»
ed by votes receivedK t Art: rt. rwtn. p's1ir1A.•;g»as,e ellen;, aterr+sr
t the ,second da • w► a pr deceased him ao,tte► ,even to,islhatter-.can• r+ , c utter„; ;as +Rvote for her. Tlsia the last 'member' of his family, endrIty to est*bliah for abrother of the ]flee± MVm: Mc.421iater.Skin to Chatut . +Gd i l •
1� • L.r_• +....1..1,.41 Lr
Ph* Pita frsrm beak with emailt eef neeeter of old
ova Yes tae *mord Isis yeas a, for lee etisetwsre
eat *red that tire►ewes fleet **-
aid berg the be es egh Idea. Ives tale
eatiatitedea et hisowtag that Jerry
a _ meet tali the w keerdr
- time chid tae f*etMt be .mast bias a+sM-
fieatHr fat ther+aasg% eemfert. Teat
.ra* three n+*elta . to tweaa, bat be
te lease leis twee beta* As
tstream Wm swot
it � M ss a Mime
• Wee! ens user jells q nett It?
It 1t boat fri.te&
cern Mee aeytbiuo
inch eeter gigs them
eso rose tench
No *bee rsuseeabc*ace
will gift wadi hatapi*rsa
Plow tit J. T. $11.4
Jaet.1 M Memo
POPart pe ses*t,
FreiD3e&a.a a* live redeie
Cries mad nestesleeg fere
.i tar + at. arbeee era ase creno
There wta a•
ea sa+s ntet leiw
Osseo 4100114
she ember*
to bring in ' thole pretty *aaietn-
derst to he frainad. You wilt bo
surpnieed what) maty **tune
they make. at the smell omit of
a frautsc tont* is and ass soma
OM are . done, and you will
wraatl yroans dopa Pieta away
8f,leurlid assortment of *Wire
fi SIM 311111 iiiata”' ie Stow
lire swig 41109W a sea.
Oottutg f ,'our. clothes ckma4
:.Pfc..sstd it Vri ' ,yon u ,
They eat s71G kisit tike
Welch Fria Rif
Mime •132 , ' West Streeteer'
.., �.,.»
Ile:W tctn Street
Shoe Store
Complete line of belies'. gentle.
Mena and eblieiren's Shoes, ,
Cote in etid compare our pricers,.
J. A. ° ISROV?,t'
That is the triad which will ,0044,
"you Wh*p you eatt at our stores
ell's. visit of, inspection. Solid. °our-
fort combined 'with up•te.tlate sttyls
,std Cnieh and a durability* beyedd
compare,' There's real value in
ev017 piste. •
t*re si'uaersrt lilirecteer •
Hamilton Street
Everything to keep your kit tenni and dry during the
eeverst winter weather.
complete stock of Thashs,,, ' frh ga,t r� rray
A call solicited.
•.li�,cS` -..r