HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-04, Page 41
In order to make room for Spring Goods soon to arrive we are making specially attractive •
price reductions.in many lines. Seasonable goods at prices you like to pay, special
Collprices that w, -cannot repeat. Goe In and be convinced of these valued
All c ur.gt ods are firsts, no seconds.' ME ERE Y� Y TIE $O IOU SA 1.
4 i
Yard wide, plain white,and stripe, per yard
Factor/ ;Cotton
t'iedwide,"per :yard4N , N_.,... ....,..��., .,...,.1rJC
'aid wide, ,extra heavy agaiality.-----
Unbleached, 2 yds. wide, good tuality, per yd 4$c
Bleached Sheeting, 2 yds, wide, ;good quality...:59C
Twilled Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, per 3rar1::N- -
Prae Bleached Cotton
.. Gingham
Guaranteed washable, 32 inches wide, large.'
variety, thin Spring's patterns...N.�...,_._ ___ 2SC
and color, per ytttd,.N 19c
Ladies' Hose . .
Ladies' striped Silk and Wool He. regular na
$1.49 per pair, for.,,...,.».....•....N,„....,�....... 019 W
Another Ilne. ►f _Ladies' striped Silk and Wool
Hose, reg. $1,f14 per pair c�rt••IrI.1Yhw+.4M1N.. '
Ladieu All Wool Hose, different shades, per pr 69c
Broken sizes in Silk. and Wool Hasse, per Fair.. 79e
Ladies' Coats
Balance of our Winter Coats at less than cost price.
This is hot paper talk, we mean just what we
Some beautiful Dresses tri" Tricotine, Poiret Twill,
Serge, Charrnene, etc., all at Mid -Winter Sale
A few. Canton Crepe Dresses at a rernark-
8tt]l IoW price, for _.--» ...,..,.,..... N-...
$7 SO
At this price they will not hist. long, so come and
get your pick at once:
.A. few•Ladies' Knitted.Dresses, in large sizes, �r
�: N: N ., , .N o.ou
In different patterns� reduced from�,
Chintz Misses' and Juniors' Dresses
For Comforters: of Draperies, large vAr;sty, yd,Flannel Betty Brown Dresses
wide, per►aircl�'i
Plain Sateens
n various shades, 28.inches wide, per and r N ests +
Checked Dimity
In h?+lituva.Peach, Pink and White, yd• -wide,; yd. 28c.
Eiderdown Kimona Cloth •
different shades and patterns, 36 inches wide, no
per yard N4.�.,,.:.». ,,�..N.,.» �.:....�»�.:;...,,,N, `.., .N.0 . OD
Velveteen 9 • ,
or Children's Dresses in Brown, Red, and Blue I��jW
per... ard.m t N..•4,W .N,rN,. W4I.N YW M..•,MUMa,.M..bR..Mw•lwtn..v a C .
`' TableH
Bleached Table Datnask, 2 yds wide, per yard...- 95c
Bleached Table Damask, pure Linen, 60 inches
wide• per yard .w �.� . �..��,. ,N4N,: 79c..
Heavy cotton .n Table Damask, 56 inches wide,
: per yard...,N.. _ UJC
Table Oilcloth
Plain White. 5„, 4, per yard- ,., Y...�.....»4. .
Red check pattern,: 5/' per y�►rd� f:4 ..�N,..-..
Madras Curtaining
:Yard wide, per y�rd...,..N.,....,. ..v :.:N ...r., .N.:..:.., ww. 28c
Soh Fingering .Yarns ".
4 -ply, different shades, reg. $1.50 per lb., fair' $1.19
Variegated Silk and Wool Yarn
let, t,oz. balls. reg., IOC': novo. for 35c
Blinkets >r
Ibex Blankets, 12 '4, White and Grey, Pink andr
Bloc border. per
Extra heavy checked 1 lannelette'Blankets• targe.'
size, per pafir„....w. .N«....w.y.< «N. ,.« ......,......44.0U
Ladies' . Gloves
Ladies' Chantoisette Gloves, 2 done fasteners, all
popular shades, all sizes, per pair....... �4,�..... , 49c
Ladies' Charnaisette Gloves, fancy .turned back .
top. alt different shades, per pair„.... ... 85C
Ladies*, Hats
Ladies' 'Ve,Ivet Hats, latest shapes s to 49
l _h s1 season's models.. _ .r
:w l t 1
Children's velvet Hats
Different Shades-.
Men's: Work ' Skirls
reg 1: 5
Military Flannel 8. li �
Hays' Knee Bloomers, all sizes, ` $1.25
Men's: Nightrobes.
Good-qualityEnglish ~_ Iann�-Iette,,.� N�
Another line: heavier
Men'sto Pyjamas per suit $1.69
Men's Work Sweaters $149
Men's Heavy Work Socks, ` per pair : 45c
Men's Fine Wool -Socks
different colors, per pair 45c
° Men's Underwear
Men's heavy ribbed Alt Wool Underwear,•
Penrrt&n's Shirts and Drawers, per suit. --....443
Penmsrn's Fleece Lined Underwear: Shirts and.
lrawers, per -suit ....,....., ,•....,.,.,.,,.,., 1.75
Men's• All W9o1 Overcoats
Good heavy weight, this season's styles, .......:.. :17.59
Boys' All Wool Stockings •
Sizes 9 to l 1, for
Boys' Overcoats
All this season's goods, sizes 29 to 34, regular.
$12,50, for . ,,.,+.,.. „..
moms II', Hssiss .
ar. Rollo teres.
iK. MellwwraW....
Tt, lnieelrtekaul......
R. Wasoko i 'I)
C.• 'lttrt I..... .
• hte'rI4#isr... • ...
in. iil000rs:--
M. mfr (1) 0522
• ti.i
'*asrrits alt 25* OMNI B+sil.s it
IOssssokadswa ! he. ltla
6 1.Tko
I 1*.
imieribills 0011,11 IOWA' 1 s
smodkor Mon
lhar 1 CAWN. Mk
2. Wawa 1-
.,. it. . • as..
media: --
741 It. Orem (1)
A. illat.e....,.... 41.4 4 _ - --••••,.•...,�
!G. I mrb t i i ea in
AA. Rakera. 1 (1) ) 0011.6
M. lioshoriogioo (1)... ..... 01.3
e ase $.*.W )(1) 61.7
S. Ferguson (2) 50.4 ticker'
59.4G. Brew:sloe G
W. oaten (4)) 4
650. [+
Below 50%, Racked , Dominion
'ill Nil1ifilit e
G. Curren
I W. O'Neill
Foesa"IL•••-Areraite 42%
I. Honors :-
W. R. Webster 77:$
D. A. Alibi. (1) 77.1
IL honors:
THURSDAY, Els. i t•• !S�6r.
For that Cough or :told
D. L. Wenger a . , e ..., ...714
' a . (',. File , .......73 5
C. E. H. Crawford (Li.. 72:1 ;.
B. M. Davidson ° (1) 68.0 The Rexall Drug Store
M. J. Ruston (1) E. Id. Robinson s7,c Bedford Block
- Gc+ ei' Wh•
T. C. Robertson (2) 60.a
CCMader (2).
8)• . 642
__- <---/- .L,,P__SITUATION
assMDobie (I) (60
Lr. I?. ilsli'dy (1).,., R.\Vbe4TIIEFARM J. T, Roes (2) • - .61.1
$. IC Daarson (�r). ........... Wages Were Not Particularly high• Says Agricultural Represue tatiwc.
Credies' But B rieaced Help Ask.d $40
E. E, Cuxtie (2> . , .. , . , ;, �
C 1 . bis►ftel (2Y. .
F« McC�u,s�ket t8)
A. L. c�rt►i,r. O•.. • 56,5.
C, L.. w�rlker (x) 66
M. . Bei (3)R•,.:. esu But Huron Fanners May Eventually Have to -Give Up' Growing Cara far.
A, S. Hili (2)', : :..........-es
.. . 54.4 #dew dears :to Eradicate It.
G: V. Johneton (2) 53.9
. W.' E. Hoe' (4)...., .. ,.,53.4 help with a good deat..of farm e::per
G. 14f, )deEwen (4) ; , 5,3.0 Mr:. S..11. Stothers. District Agri- ilenee at $2 r and 330 per month, and
1i. I., Baeabler (i44))4.....
41 52.7 _ cultural . Representative, gave a that during the eumnter months.
E. 1:', Young M..... , °..., «52.2 lengthy report of the . work of his er- However, eurine the summer plena:::
D.:McKaat (4) •, • • • , tiee to the coLinty council in session most .of the experleneed help, ;was,
B. '1_4'1.... McCabe (5) .. ,. . • ♦f ::f5'.11,04, last week. asking 540 per' month. As %rill' bei
J. A. Linfield .(4), ... ..50 •Twenty-one school fairs weere held noted, we are not always nble to sins-
J. B. Crawford (2) .: • .., 59 • in the county in 1925 and the inter- ply help when required.: The local
x: SalkeId (4) ..: , • • 'eat aeetna to be maintaining itself supply is every' limited and : �atne .of
M. W. Baker (4).:�....+..50.1 rzery well Throe home garde the help imported a
Below 50%, flanked held. However, a e Wee
le C" Evans Two poultry breeding stations during the year placed an incieaa►»t'
M Stirling! h boon conducted in the county fob. number and we believe this cordo:
R. T. 'Pfrimmer'
Syrup of Tar' with Cod Liver
Extract 50c.
Bromide Quin,ne Tablets, 5c
All, other well.known Remedies arrays
in stock. • '
n con- has not been any
tests were a .` .too satisfactory.,
a�re ,. on
some years. .Approximately 500 dfoc will eventually° right 'itse3e.. Peo
en eggs . were . distributed tor' school in the community' do not . care vera•;
F, . F' Sale lair work in 1926. roinngthielterayremars
ntneh for foreign help. A dare men
Dorothy .''Walters, w�j ie..enrglled o s it was found necessto start two of.: Norwegian, Germane and Dutc'it
Jan.' dt`t and was present at 4 exams .near breedi:rg: statibdescent have been placed"int '10Q5 bit
only,, made 53.2 bet is not ranked, of t Tyndall, Clinton; and J. C. being isolated' in the commutate they
• j form I1111,.. -Average .63% t'owney, Bel rave: y • soon tire tied in most cum move inI, Honors •-,- The :three months course .in Agri to some place where they' can meet
85.4 culture held at'Bruasels was .the fifth people who 'are. -,of more 'congenial
� 1I. Ravitz 1'. Shcardown:., «• -,......81.5 •' .. course of the kind held in: the contra , disposition."
It Sandy.. . . . .:....:....., .80,0 and, while not as large as seine, was While ile .the corn borer hat Cottred
IV. Osbaldeston (1).........:..77.0' one of the best courses. There were the entire county' it so far` hes riotbe-
L. Johnston. . 17.0 22 boys and 36 girls, with an average come a particularly bad pest and
attendance of boys And 21 girls, corn is not one of our .main gra'
1I. Honors:=-
M. McKay...... . ;:y: ..... «74.8 • Four Junior Fanners' crops our fanners are.inclined to pay
G. Cernfleld.'.. .. • •:,72,4'' are active in the county, Stephen and ,very little attention to any warnings
J. •Wallaace•.... ...:..:.......69.7 Usborne, Brussels, Wingbutnliedt ,th referenee to:this pest. By far k .
J. Abell.... ... , .69.0 Fordwich. • k the `larger percentage of our farmers
a, E. Porter ` (1) 68,2 Three. Girls' Institutes (Fordwieh, i would not ..consider it any hardship
' L, Sturdy e1), . ,':....: ' ::67.8' Brussels. and Wingham), c..mpanion to have to give io growing ern for
I:•Abeit.........:.. .:'07.3 organizations to the 4uinfer Farmers some years: Thi; may eventeallyr .
7. 'Groves.:.:..: -• -:...... •66.4 Asaeclatione, exist in the' county. ;have to be done in order to deal 'with
O. Jeweell,..... ., . -00.4 The county last, year•- wase reprr- the pest, as it appears. to be meeing
E. Humber. . ..:
• .,6g,x Nent.edat both Guelph and Toronto ' tremendous inroads, particularly in
; :.
III: Honors:-- , Fairs ' by fudging teams, etandint," Southwestern Ontario.
'I,, Ferguson (1) ,`.:[35.4'2651i at Guelph,:and sixth it Toronto., Particularly satisfactory results
J. Andrews,,.... 63,5 It is hoped to enlarge this work .in were obtained in praetieally all cases
G. II',aacke •(2).....: .. .:03:4 1826 by bolding a •counts judging: wherethe spray service: nut on by the
3, Johnston (1) ..'..: .. 52.3 competition. department was tried, In vs:v few
E. Winter (1).„.„., , .::01.3 Requests for farm labor have, d'ur- sections �o£ the province are the or
F, McEwen . (1)..... , .• ....:61.6 ing the' Peat year, been larger ii:en chardsin any worse Shane than they
it Crawford (e),,.. ,- .: , , . , 60,1 ever before. Praetfealiy all applies- ere in Huron County. We hair e° 12,- .
F. Warnock. (2) .. ▪ .. 60.0 tions were handled through the Lon- 000 aures of orchard and 80 per trent.
Credits:-. ' don ,office of .the. Colonization Braneh, of it is not .producing very much good
59.6 some • through ;•'tee Toronto branch. fruit.
E. tong (1),. .«.. ..... ,.57.
E Gardiner , .
.. . • , • 0' Five married men, 35 single men. 8 Details o£ the_work in sxneelmen-
M, .Johnston (l).,:.. 56.s boys and 2 women were applied for tal and demonstration. drainage sur.
-':A-..Study (1),........ „ . „me .and 2 married men,.25„.e ogle men, 4 vers and 'demonstration, Wool park-
a, W oraell (2)..... . . .523 bora and 0 women were placed, r eting, swine' courses t . aisyckung
M. Johnston (2)....: :50.0 Wages, Mr. Stothers wrote, have plants, live stock breeders',clubs, live•
•Belo 50%, Ranked been narticulaely high, running'. stock unproven ent campaign. etc:,'
H« Mcfermid
ilea • from 320 for help of the immigrant were given, also statistics of the of. ,
tyre. ' We have In a few eases in lice work and of tire' meetemi , ad.
G. Goldthorpe this county been able to' place '1oeal dressed, of which there were 23.
A. Bsrechler ~
••••••••••••••,••••••••••..... a .-.. �....
D. Match D. I'lanie, .. , 84'9 IL. Thompson (4) ., , ..53.8
Form IIIA. --Average 61go C. Archer. ,..... , ...., . 53.0 F. liobinson (4) , ;52.$.
I. Honore :--- �.. Croup B.
. Owing to a considerrsble number of
114I.. Reddite, .. • 78.1 I, •Horrors:- etude h es -in -training in Normal
{ E. Bunt,•„ . .....-. :;79:0 11 WCarthe.. , .........87:5 Schools failing to secato their pro
XI. Honors,- ' 1' M. Farrow. , . , : • ........$7.^. fessional training' in one year, the: •
I. Grant, ..:..... , 11,0 E. Dougherty, , , .. Y..... , ... ,81,4 staff has •deenied it %vise to. rehire,
F. McCarthy • 69:6 11 Monro (1) :..,. ,76.2 55% in each subject before a student .
E. Ogram• (1) .......„60.0 ;W. Black...,.:. ,: ,..,..,,;•,...76:2 can be recommended 'to,the Muca=•
M. Hetet... , . , ..... 68.0 1I. honors:..- tion Department as erthy. to bd •
III, Honors:--. . ' r 74 Crowe, . f ......... ....74,0 granted e certificate itt the Lower
. 74 Cutt.:.... ,R,.,...... ..•-65.0 F. Horton (1)... ....... .....11.6 School work. Such students .,'who•
D. Brown.: , .... _ . 64.0 T. Webb . • 713 sire not recommended by the staff are •
B. Wagner (2).... ....... ... .63.3 L. Whieestdes (1) 71,2 Ecco to write the examination set by
A. Johnston (1)..,.... ..... 31.2. B. Tobin (1). 71.2• the Department, for each paper of
X. Bisset (3).. 60.0. V, Gibson . .. ..69.8 which a fee of 51.00 is charged.
Credits:--- E. 'Grindrod; '(1)...;...; 66.5 Parents . of students helow 55%
It. Hoeg (2) ..:.57:6 In. Honors:--- t . mast cooperate with the staff in see- .
A. Fowler (2) ...,57.5 M. Doak (2)..................134.$ fug that school work takes precedm
A. Davidson (2) 56,(1 ' R. Mathieson (3).... 63.8. ence over other activities and that
M. Marney (3) , .. 54.0 E. Ward (2) • , ...63.6 sufficient home study is done to en.,
F!, Ryan (2) 53.0.. F. MeVittie (1) 63,2 sure full mastery of the subf eery. a
R. Zneeshaw (8).., 51.0 . H. McLean (I). 62.71
J, 'l'. I#UM E,
B. McManus (3)......,,.,503 M. Bell (1) . 61:5; 1'riiit text.
Below 50%. RankedE. Fell ` (2) .. • . C0.5
McPhail Credits: - 1 Scientists have proved that It i
Forst IV.-eArerxite 57% E• (3) 59,6 impossible fore the elephant to build
D. Brennen (5).,.. , . , .... , 59,3 its nest for its young in: the tops of
A. Meannnell 1.4) 57.1 trees, even the oak.
J. Sproul (2) C,6,•i ; . .� .»,,,,,�,
T. Honore
H. "V6• .
est. •.,. • • ...:a«i.,S460
3.Wintery............. „ .78 4
W. Johns.. , ........•....•..76.0
IL honors:..:.
D. Clarke... „ . ..., .73.6
7I: Belt..... 11.4
0. Groves .. 70.3
11A, hOram onors: (1) 38:1'
I -
AG. James . MacSe (1)f2)
E. Elliott.... .
L. on (3) 56.4
G, lledmond 55.1
(1. �ir'liitxly (4)(4) 54.7
E. Homey (3)....e•••...,.. -1521
G. Groves ?2) 318
ill. How rn: 737 ' V. Ft:milts*
Sid D. Jeitirosot .... ,D. 7L Isar•., • a • • ••••. o•.,.3s1TIt. Vilrairittserve3ton(4)12
D. McD000ki • ..
• I••2::Bow
E. Cook
l»Yl6s0i#, Rooked
Ar.. Idnwri(1(1)
M.T :Wast7le
G. Marto r,• • ... • ..:I; NY1.446117114.411) Or.iMarid
A raw
it. Ntrwwawstirs ..
• i0.1 W. Rootiarosu _
024 I, _sector C1) ilt: ga.srti A Milk
T. R
....tri *. �I) .$4$ Ono*..'like TaIUerige... OW T. --
..... ,Rill W. l•ba.ssas (1) KS M« 'robin.- . Sias
•Cis �„ ,•fftlialltveruz ireartiVet4114111norali
wtM* lot• Pre:it Poeltr a look, Ani at.
"send 10e for 160 a1i�s ook.Iihretraied
PRATT P000 CO»f CA. itAtlA.tle stsa, "ICMORI*
4.71:2 D.
Geslam el) _Below ............ �r
C. Robbisoo
0 Rs A1C*• 111-•.Avocage 16%
IE. nsrararsi.. (1)
L L• ot( (2) Y.t
O. Tow (2).
-..r4 •••wee.....•.,. .«., .
I. lith
err. s
✓ ERioo,t
J fta�Usrt.
S). .........
Xis business to do all kinds of plumbing, heating and
tinsmitbing to your entire satisfaction.
wlJsth VILF'I 1 DONALDS .PM* al