HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-04, Page 3• 4444.. , . Mli IT. W$4, *Is is all tip only sloe ei! a pal • li Se room wee beseraeiita, bias a amoi! pesemmil!Bl Moen( see bsasllel- *Mgsed easuMeq ysion. So stories "'+R 1$ lkat Mit LJ*URN'S AD•:97 riot, ANtled' 1fiser 7ti! eery tlb,tslte, anal work a west eNeiestly Winsome a -•'se a Peva. ease aye ys«ia i� wee a Jam- ; 14a►i pd"pr as w• ; iii yds as �9414 e 3sodeeimam at i b* -- .A "{, MUSIC • News :44.CtS Picked From Our Exchanges Ko I.kix Klan iM iflogitssa wank: tknnant *+*ms were pit in An organisation weeder of the far !mese YE t.W lot* ared tits Ks JUux Klan of 1Cakaela was held Meting went on record as being ire recently in Wimdstnn. fiver of developing this perk. Ire- _ Cfattea Ras a pees IftleekeY lAtter prwanMnts have bean made is ail et; the A town he key l las n erste made for the ia.taliiAee VAL A�S formed• is Clinton, woh• lour t.sams, ronveniences et Vittoria Park in ter - the Harems, :Ft, rats, Canaddona der to tit it up as * tourist camping and Senators, in the mitedule which ground. The has bean drawn up for the month of parks carmines was February. The idea la to develar also urged to renew its endeavors, to players for future Junior O. H. A. get the co-ope>he gr of the C. N. e- WflI Clintesr More Fall Fair Y its improving the grounds at the de - The. Huron Central AA'ricultural Egmonivii'I tor, and Wife :tociety -(Clinton) is considering the -advisability of holding a fall fair and At the annual Congregational a committee has been appointed to meeting of ,Egiiwndville United look into the matter and mike a re- church on Friday evening, Jan. 22nd, Port to a later meeting of the noeie- presentations to the pestors Rev. Mr. ty. McDonald, and his wife, were made To Start Manufacture of Soya' by the corrgr'egation, a club bag to Clothing at Daily Date is Mr. McDonald, sherbet glasses rRad ,w • •, 4444. ,,,., ,44 44. ° a bouquet of roma to Mrs, McDon porta were receiv- n in Y ogee r*iltnro, Organ, planning to commence the manu.f ed fee �fltOf. W. H. JACKSON -Instruction Messrs. McPwan and Ph.e *n are ald. Entitle re f?iaudlolin. Gutter, Themes. etr. m all the various organizations Studio and residence. North Street. i tura of boys, clothing. bl'oomera, in 'the church. Earlier in the even. • knickers and suits in the'oid Jack- ire a bountiful supper was served, following by a program. The re - 1. C. HAMILTON --Organist `Arils St. son factory at Clinton. Church. Concert Playerg of Board. of Managers ah:aw- npd '1'rTYaciherkd . A Buena Night Concert in Wingham Pert the Residence at Mrs. Colborne's, St: Pet- in Aid of Arens ed offerings of $600 in excess of the A Burns night concert was held in prevloua year, enabling the board to Wingham Opera House an Monday oav 1 current off the $300 of remto pay remaining debt.• night, Jan. 25th, in aid of the Arena, and A proved a 'most successful' event. The stage was artistically ▪ rirL Street. n LEGAL CARDS F R. D ARROW. ilarrister, Solicitor, Notary :Public, Successor to J. 1.. I11Ilorten, • Phone 07 i)filce, The Square t. nierielr DUDLEY E. li wt'. Soltoitor, Not tart Pubih. Conveyancer. 'rte. PHONE 27 )IAMILTOAt sTREET SPECIALIST Dlt F. r.'R. FOItaTt it. L•'YE, EAU, :NOSE, T1IRO;1,T:. tete House Surgeon ;New York tiph- tnaknie and Aural Ilo.pitat, sseistint at. etoorrtield'e Eye hospital and Golden . bait:tee Throat Hospital, 'London, 1'.neet 03 Waterloo :ate,Stratford. Tele phone ?07. `5=T •,..- •,t: A. Hotel Bedford, loderieb, yin the; evening of the third Monde • cid curt Maitland Preabyteriel. draped in tartan and the lady ush- 'The annual meeting of the Exe- ers were real brew lassies in their cutive of the Maitland Presbyterial Highland costumes. pr. R. C. Bede met in Wingham United eb.urclr, on mond acted a; chairman in his usual January 17th, the president', Mrs. able manner. McKenzie, presiding. After devot- Exeter Agricultural Society in Geed tonal exorcises led. by Mrs. Ander- Shiite son, .Mrs. •Lyttle and Mrs. Gowans. At the recent annual meeting of the reports of the diferent secre- the Exeter Agricultural' Society Dir• taxies were given, which were eon - Geo. Penhale was appointed presi- sidered eneour411g-.'a;nd a strong dent, Mr, Jas. Jeckell let vice prote feeling of ` optimism pervaded a11. dent ,and Mr. W. R. Elliott siecond In some places where the two unit - trite president. Mr. R. G. Seddon is nig forces are ' meeting together, , no secretary and Mr. T. S. Woods tree- annual meeting was heist. The en- surer. - The society started the year couraging word, that harmony and with a balance of $64;42, and after " good will existed between the units, haying 11800 on the mortgage. and was sent by nearly alt. Another 167_for--repairs.-to-the- end -stand- encouraging feature was Ehe willing- - .menthefrom= setteloek-tiH-•the rolloitleie---y' clay, eitiesaisy,;at.I pam: *CHIROPRACTIC r C it lklO PRAtCr01i.. . DR. A. N. A'1'KIlNSON, 1ergistered Chiropracter..Uoderich (:hroele, Orpante and Nerrotis. His:eases Con nitatiou Fete • Office hours -2 to•; and 7 to 9 p. m ,-a - b ` apiritritent, excetetln Monday • tend Tingetwy afternoons and evenings; �tlrke flours on these days 10 toll a:ni. oAbIY. ; . Corner Gast and Victoria Ste, 44•-; : 'OPTCIIII?1'ItY . -A. i.. tOLE. 8. 0.. OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN,, Wet;t Street. 4tvderlcli. lionor.fr`rnrper►leof tire Canadian C�te • firaketeic Collette or Toronto. Eyes examined bythe latest rnetleods. end the, proper tittin>l' of'glasses at woe- -orate .price,.. Onire'rio Board of E'Hm-. •leer's (:ertiticate No. 815. AUCT'kONEE$ +YC a rrliOJl:15 GUNARY,. , Lke Stock and General Auctioneer, iaamiiton Street, Goderieh State shade everywhere and a01 Mfort.s de So 'give ton satist.,I ! .,a, F ern:ere' sale notes discount.' 1.0 'ROBERT FUOttElitTSO:V. onefitled Auctioneer. Eiden Street.. Goderkh, wilt' conduct any -4n:O tree County of Burette t+'oe'inforreauon; apply t'r P. Je creed nernlltease to o .er'''rs •,regi tth him will receive prom»t, a,ttentiere '''ARlif PUBLIC;, ETC. l%y d. NOT,11tY PCRL1C General Conveyancing don? C eorl. Corriisenles ltepreientel Phone No, 298. t:odericda, .G+ 'n1tiGE E..t:REENSLA114 C NVEY.eNCt1O AND 'NOTARY.' Bayrkld, one. INSURANCE alifeKILLOP llt.;TIIAI4 FIRE leatJlt• ANCI: `t�OJ1IaA+sY'- . PA.l'lai AND ISOLATED TOWN Pii0l' EE1TY 1'�'S RED, • Value of .property insured up to Jan- uery; 1910, 83,018,975.00, 0Fr'1ogne- James Connolly, Presi- tient, •Coelerrcte: Jas. Evans, (tent, .feerhwriod; T. E. Rays, St es` Treks., aforth. =E:r l t-1). 1'. Mc(iregu", ; ea- forth;; J. G. Grieve, 1,i`ipthrop; mem. Wrin, Constance: C;corgs McCartney, 'Puokei~sanith, Jelin Ferris, 1fa!'isiek; Johp Benny vv see', ltroacihas'an; • M'i ray NOSE CLOGGED FROM Gibson. Brut{ richt. • AGENTS -4. W, 'Yeo, `C,otlerleh; Sandy A' COLO OR CATARRH and grounds. there was a credit bel- nesa of members to co-operate in Th tie 1 'e f t 0 12.20. a to re'W 14.S.,of the United church h an f S eeipts amounted to $2,384,.85, and Preps ring monthly -programa, The the expenditures , totalled $2,324.66; b p of 2.9°,0°1- $86030 of. which having been spent Former McKillop Tp. Roy 3laking in prizes and $397,50 on especial at Money Out of His Inventions. tractions, During the Year the Turf --' Mr. Albert Morrison, of Cleveland, Club handed overto the Society et wlio some time ago invented an elec- gift of $525,11, _ i trie bell and hoist for electric fur. Egeter Horticultural Society � races, and also an invention for the • e:v op ng a s control o The. parka .committee of the Exe- royalty of $6,000 per year on these ter D d i H' rt: f gas, is now reeeivifl a Borti alt 1 S i t RI M i of c granoon ions. r err son is a on oceety at the're- S ,cent annual -meeting reported a very Mrs, Frank Morrison, of McKillop, fictive year in connection with their and a brother of Mr. William Morri- /-re- • e , son of the same township and Airs: I (Wm. Davidson, 'of orth, While t in attendance _at tui aforth Coi- 1 legiate he was one of t' e best known !members of the old Heron " football team. Later'he attended the School ►, of Science, Toronto, going from there to Cleveland to fill a position as draftsman for the Arthur McGee Company, where he has since resid- ed. This Christmas his ffe' pre- sented him with a bonus of 81.800 as . a mark of appreciation :. of his ser- vices. 1 Clinton Collegiate Commencement i miner the bane hot 60:0"—re/builds fired muscies--- arms w the body through and through, and wards off the after -chill of violent exercise. Fempui •athletes,, `airmen, explorers depend on "Oxo" 'Cub a'lot-the' sustaining drink in tures of strain and *rots. . ° , The rich beef nutrir tt in "Oxo" Cubes renews the wasted .tissues and pro- motes endurance'. . Malcom habit of having rn cup of hot `Oxo"airterr being Out lie the cold. Ratio tet d cubes :15c. 10 « ccs ,, CUBES slot tiaeAT IUF Ecoreoarlr The annual commencement exer- eises in connection with the Clinton Collegiate Institute took place on • Monday and Tuesday evenings of. a last' Week in. the town hall, the hall being, filled ; to capacity each night. The program this year consisted of I a .musical comedy, "Springtime, n John • B. Rogers production,. which ' was put on under the personal .dire eotion of Miss Elizabeth Halley. Miss Jean McMurchie acted as ac- companist during the evening. Change in Management of Clinton Branch of Gunn, Langlois Co. .Mr. R. W. Ward has resigned his position of manager of the Clinton branch of the Gunn, Langlois Co,. land Mr. Ford A. Wigginshas been , appointed in ' his place. Mr. Wig- , gins comes from, the Summerside, P. E. 1:., branch and has bad a wide experience • in handling farm pro- ducts. being particularly well quali- fied .in the buying and selling. or eggs and poultry. He is a native of Eastern Canada, but is a graduate of • Guelph Agricultural . College. Wingham Horticultural. Meeting Lcieee, Clinton; 'line. Ciiesn 3, Stet - forth.; .11..alluie.i1.y. eaforth Poley Dowers can pay their tneeata at IL II, Clutt's store, ',ode•rielt; it.. J. Morrieh's Clothing Store, tiiiuton; or J, H. field's, Hayfield. FIRE INSVRA'NCE Have it attended to oy the Wf$T MAWAIN$tl SWUM. IfitE INSURANCE C0 Established 1878 Hemi Office : Dinigamion, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. It. No. 4, God- erich, lyres.; Wre. J. Thompson, Aub- urn, vice pres.; director*--Wn.`lric- rtuillan, St.Helens; W. P. P.eed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; II L. Salkeld. 'phone 40041, Goderich; Atsrt. Nicholson, T,sseknew; Wm. Watson; :las. Girvin. E. It. No. 0, Goderich; Wm. i. Thomp- non, Auburn; TSM Griffin, R. 11. No. 't, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Eimer - dine, Ont. 'T110*.!ii OHHEits, T. G. ALLEN, Tress. • Secretary, BroVhi€vb BrO. GODIERICH me LOOM PuneraI0DInNe cs SISI UNISON'S Orient erireetully intended to se eft hnnra—rigid or day. ............ 1......... Apply Crane • in Nodrils To I Open Up Air Pasl'ags.. w,.p,y.,.ry.ww...--w.-.+ 1 Akt What relief: Your clogged a sic trill' open right up, the air posters of _Derr bead are clear and you eau breathe !ripely, - No iliore hawking, • timelines mucous discharge, headache, dryness. --no struggling fox Urea* at night, your cold or catarrh is crone. Don't star stuffed up! 'Get a smell bottle of Ely's. Cream halm from yronr druggist now. Apply a little of this f airr'atut, satiseptk crease is your nos- trils. let it renetrate through every sir p.sasge of the Lead; soothe and haat Om swollen, infamed anrsous meabrane, giving you Instant relief. Ely's Creast Aibit is just what every cold and aa.• tarrb an crer has lawn seeking. It's root st+ieeat ) .Vilieeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario All calls promptly Attended to day or night. Phones: Fitore 3.4T; Home *T3W -.i.,* R .* • a Oiu (Irian r ro wears CASTOR1A .11 The fourth annual meeting of the Wingham horticultural Society held recently in the council chamber was fairly well attended. :The reports showed that the .society has a mem- bership of 266 and is in a prsoperous condition. An extra effort will be made to create an even greater in- terest in the organisation. The offi- cers were elected for 1926 ns fallow,: Hon. presi, Mr. J. A. Morton;hon. vice presi, Mr. W. A. Galbraith; Mee., Mr. Dudley Holmes; first vice, Mrs. Geo. Spotton; 2nd vice, Mr. N. L. Fry. Death of Mr, Ilolland Little, of Zurich Mr. holland Little, a highly re- spected resident of Hensall and a former resident of Zurieh,passed away at his home in liensail on Tuesday, Jan. 10th. "Holly," as h,: WAS known by his Zurich friends, came to this part over twenty years ago from the State of Pennsylvania, where he still Chas relatives. When he first came to Zurich he practised horse dentistry, after disposing of this business he took up pointing, paper hanging and decorating, which he continued as long- as he could work. He wag a member of the Ilenseli band, and one of the original .members of the Zurich Jubilee bend, was a Presbyterian and in polities a Conatervative. Aged Resident of Hay Tp. Pasats Mr. Barry Mayo, on synod resident of Seaforth, pegged away at the home of Mr. John Jeffrey, 14th con. Hay, on Monday, Jan. 26th. The de- e'eaaed, who was in his Rintk year, was born in Quebec ps'ovinee and was a resident of Stanley tri niehip for many ;rears, having been in they eemployrtsent of the Seawde►t heats , . •. � �� 4444 44,44 " ._ , .,. • .."1..,...... .44.,444.4....—,.tie” for some thirty years., Church Clrcatts °Rearrange — In Stepitelt Towsuehlp A meeting of the South Huron Boundaries Commission was held re. cently in the United church at Cred- iton, and plans for the rearrange- ments of the work in Stephen town- ship were discussed and approved and'arr now ready for final endurse- ation of Presbytery. By this new arrangement, Ailsa .Craig will go irn- to Middlesex t Presbytery; Shipka, formerly Methodist, Will be assoeiat- ea with Crediton and Reinsley; Core bett, formerly Presbyterian, i�nll close and join with Greenway, The two churches it Grand Bend will amalgamate to ° form a pastoral charge with Greenway. Death of Mr. lieaac Townsend, of Egmondvltle T llt: a, the W. C. T W. await the 144- W' AV at her ',mime* nokst enfieee ds airs rweeterd her wort*. Her eases was offeetiewtats and rsatatlaios sh sorrowed greatly because of sever gain seting her old haerae and sid- koaae faces. Bis suffered severely at Intervals during the last two weeks of life. WORLD EVENTS 'Continued from paj* 2) ed States anthracite coal fields are completed live menthe of strike, i In that time have sacrificed Sit! 410.000 in wages. Coal production leas been curtailed by atmos. thirty- two million tons and in addition ter'" the losses suffered by the .operators, the railways have bet *00,000,000 in transportation charges. 1 7 Genera-. Debt Terme Great Britain has made a debt settlement with Italy upon very r•en- erous lines. g. aly vrel' Great BritainRounearlyhlytireIt. billioon dollars, but by the settlement will pay considerably less than half that amount. a total of one billion three hundred and twenty-three millions in ,sixty-two years, at the rate of twen. ty million dollars a'year, Great Bri- tain is livt'nit up to her agreement to ask from her debtors only,enoagh to meet the annual intereat payment to the United States, although in this instance Italy is paying considerably less than the necessary quota, to meet that need. Cheapest of All Oils.—Considir'ing the 'qualities of Dr, Thomas' Eelec- tric Oil it is the cheapest of • all pre- parations offered to the public. It is to be found in every drug otore in Canada from coast to coast and all Mi. Isaac Townsend passed away enuntry merchants keep it for, sidle, at his, home in Egmondvill,r on Sun- - Seo. being easily procurable and ex - day, Jan. 24th, in his 744th year, Mr. - tremely moderate in price, no one Townsend was born in Tuekerrmith_ should be without a bottle of it. towni►hip, and was married to Miss Sweet and palatable, Mother Jane Murray. in 1878. . In le86, Mr. • Graves' toms Exterminator is ac- Toweend, wife and family of hoer ceptable to children, and it does its moved to Tarbatt tonnnship, Algoma. -work surely and promptly.. BABY'S WELFARE • DURING FEBRUARY district. ,While in Aagoma five cli 1. dren were born to there. In 1911 they . moved to Egmondvilie. On Jan. 18th he was taken down with a paralytic stroke from which be did not reco•er.. He had not been feel- ing well for some time. Mr. Town- by All Mothers send• is survived by his widow and a• family of four sons and two Baugh- February is one of tie hardest tern: _ R.W._. Townsend, of Conneaut, - months of the year on little ones, It Ohio; Jos. J. Townsend, of Windsor; ie a•month of cold, blustery dbys that Samuel Townsend, of Egmondville; prevent the mother taking her baby ,Thomas Townsend of Rocky Rapids, - out for the fresh air so necessary,to Alta.; Mra.,, G. A. Haney, of Sault its welfare. lIabyl is consequently Ste. Marie, Ont.; and Mrs. Bernard, confined to the home. More. often Nott, of Hallett township. than not ' the rooms are overheated Death of Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Clinton ' and badly ventilated and the little The -funeral tool; place from St, one catches cold' o grippe. What is Joseph's .Church, Clinton, on Wed. needed' to keep the baby. well 'ii a nesday of last week, after the arriv- gentle laxative that will regulate the al of the eleven .o'clock train, of lodes, stomach and bowels; banish consttzt -Wm. Taylor, a former resideryt of patian and indigestion aril in this Clinton, whose death occurred in Tar -,gray will .Dither prevent or, break -up• onto the previous Monday. Mrs. colds and grippe..•Such a laxative i§ omaiden name Ras. _ found in Baby'% Own Tablets, TheyMarTaylthr,a.+, Mz>C'ttwhoseirgbey, :ogee a boric uu _ = tild but thotrontth° in action are F hullett to ht and hadt absolutely $afe and they are, guaran- wns pspcn. all teed to, contain neither opiates or her life in that vicinity until about ether Harmful' drug". Ttso* ten months ago, when she. went to fail to be of benefit to little nnever es and Toronto to bo with her children, ^ On may be given- to either the newtlorn the death of her' husband fourteen babe be the owl ears ago, she moved into Clintongrowing child. years she remained until her Baby's Own Tablets aro sold' div all' re- moval to Toronto. Just one. week before 'her passing she suffered a stroke of paralysis -from which she did not rally. She is survived ny one son and one daughter, John and Mary Taylor, with -whorls she lived. in their cosy home at 6 Ashdale avenue, Tor- onto. Two brothers also survive, J. .7. McCeugheyy, of. Clinton, and Frank. McCaughey. of London, both of whom were with her when the end came. •• The Late DTrChas. Barber, of Wingham.:: Should be Most Carefully Girarded The death took place on Wednes- day night, Jan. 20th, of Mr. Charles Barber, of Winghani, after a long siege - of illness. Ile was afflicted with paralysis in Septernher, 1922, and had been an invalid ever since.- The day after New Year's he was taken seriously ill. Mr, Barber was born in Haldimand . county in the - year 1853 and came with his parents - to Wawanosh township in 1870.. Mf. Barber was a contractor. In politics ,he was a staunch Conservntive and in religion a•• member of the Metho- dist church. He was on honorary._ member of Wingham L.O.L. No. 794 and funeral services were under their Auspices.; fle.was also a member of Wingham public school board at' the time of his afflietiote Besides his widow he is survived by one son and six daughters, viz: Charles, who is in the publishing business at Chilli- wack, D. C., 'errs. Robt. Mason, 'Wingham; Elizabeth, of Ottawa: Lina, of Kingston; r Annie :gad Mr - mice, of Toronto, and Minnie, at home. mice, G O D ER1cH 1• dealers in medicine or may be had by mail, nost paid. at 25- cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medieitr4 Cb., Brockville, Ont. ME,AL makes your rood do• %owl more good. Note how it relieves that stuffy feeling sifter h anew eating. Sweetens the breath. rr d removes C particles front the -teeth, gives new vigor to tired nerves.' Conies to you fre.h, clean and >ruet6fl�co;a1, . tare THE Death of Mrs. Yellitnd: Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Yelland, relict of Rev..1 G. Yelland, died at 3 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20th, 1926, at her home, corner of Andrew and ° Mary streets,' Exeter. Her death followed slowly after bodily, weakness and disease of about 4 writhe She came from Tubb's i'13ill,, Carlsaye:: Parish, Cornwall, England, in May, 1868, first for a few manths to Belle- ville, Ont., and theft for 10 years to various locations on Pince Edward Island. Rev. Dr. Pascoe, one-time pastor of James 'et, church, wa:s one of her friends among Bible Christian ministers on the island, Mrs. Jas. Howard, of Exeter, • was as a' little girl,another island friend at the par - Winter can't get into your '',,tilt -tient eyed with a Coal str kt to 11t,* Him —iu you let the lit:;it Yolks .guard it. We may not be :table to furnish you just now with the kind of Coal you leave been buvinj;; Butt*t �s'e have at voter service. non ge, as also was her sister, Mrs. plenty' of 6• tttiise•l�eoeallontas Charles Wilson, Again coming to Coal and Coke. which Can be Ontario her homes were in Camp- tlfiel anywhere you have been. heiliord and in Lambeth -previous. to r Anthracite. the "ifethodist ration. For about 30- its in t tl.i.lache. Veers after the union she was. in you can t epond en, us for parsonages from. Huron south and the best tuel that cess be, �C from Llgln .west to borders of the province. Always fee','e,, yet feeling cured. the rraponsibilities oS life, she triedIHE to influence events t•a the best end,her. CAI Her work in life wa.; not Amity and - much was unseen. Only now atnd '.0+4' I1' ,' . ° , again did her . friends glimpse her helnfuln.en to those cro.sing here t C;rasi.l °1`�n Co0nath. Church work dainned most of her interest. Drying middle edge her r•.restrat artiwlty was in the ihbattt school. The 'Epworth I.e,tdtiRr, W. Phone 911 - - Goderich B. MUSTARD cOPANY • McEwen's S Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 35c A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with each 25c worth. 24 bars Soap, McEwenis special i 1.000 6 cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for - .25 i Ihs, loose Codoat for .25 6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes far .25 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a rdatigo1 Stack Tea. We will give t lb. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, lb. Biscuits and l bar Soap for The same price as a pound pf any package Tea. Special price on large Flannelette Blankets Special price on Farcy Blankets We are cutting the prier: on Meo's Alt Wool Ugderwexr and Men's Fleece•lined Underwear. Good Linen Roller Towelling :5c per yd. Good large Bath Towels - otic per pair Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right prices. ▪ Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 10q off. Free delivery to any part of the Town. lir is' J. 1' aEweQ Gn PHONE 46 • Sou* We. 3gaera "Henry',' eeeid Mrs. efilipping. int Only the unintoaarei endure tie tearful tones,, "Well, tiny dear?" re- agony of corns, Tele imewing ones plied Henry;, looking up from the apply Holloway's Corn Remover and paper, "What is it? 0 I were to get relief. dle tonight, would you marry s- gain?"' "Not, tonight." in Switzerland. the rattlers, find it extremely dlflldult to put on theic . shoes without-. stooping: over. Your kaniil'y and Friends want your Photograph Make the appointmentTbdaY R. R. SALLOWS 3011 PRINTING AT THE-S'eAR CASTOR IA For Wants and Children In Use FbrOv'er 3OYsars .Always beams rtes giguatote of lai)tel• climb and X11est taFe :the waif. the shortest4444.. soar Chieago Onyogi wa - PaktWskorial -wiPaffl G. R. ItaYrriNa,Ttarathat ?' �n F. T. Heater. Cameral pat. to rrR.ilviooer /tlTrsaaeartstiliaaXis wh,irt..1Nati. Inman n gar. M1 IN,ION S'X'OUt.ES LIMITED , AIrtA►DXS LAROf~S'i` RETAIL GROCERS Where Qua li•ty`''Otiun tis „ QUALITY counts When you can buy it at a saving. You. are alwayssure of buying the best of quality groceries at the lowest possibleprice when you shop, at your !tweet DOMINION STORE.. VALENCIA RAISIN' 1 0C�b. WITH THP SEEDS REG. 1 Re Ib. . POST'S BRAN 2"23c RICHM ELLO COCOA 'gyne. 15c A Spt.adid Virsakirea Breakfast Ber*,eragce EXCELLEI4CEA�� lag. PICKLES "u4D 40c BAY$IDLYELLOW ° C ss ll ix1leili , $ 50C • PEACHESaultt ONIONS VIRGINIA SQUARE CANDY A Rt. Carne fitl+d with P.asst. RETE. 2301*,. Li*BY'"B 2 ri DOMINION TEAS SAS R tAUi 25cyD.S. ,9C ��a, VICTORY IIRAND CURi$TIE'S ASSORTi SATISFACTION AT Al1SANDWICH ) SELECT T g MOMS lb. TIMES blossom ells 79c ISE 11*! TOILET SOAP MAYF'IELD BDDAND COOD STRONG c BACON CORN BROO 1,11X 10 IX TOILET MI CACI "31211:' lle. ma tits* r tri Goo& for on* w ek stoae ate of eels t1iWi . e� ..- a-. •$. • ...,.. a. JO , i. t