HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-04, Page 2•
Paltig TVS
You Cannot
no losciiros itrosbn•its &rch strength
mak* it ihmApr than low GunPowd•r*
japan or Young Krum. Sold ortrins"
whore. Mit for SALADA to*ds7.
N *mer
...1••••••••••••••• ....•••••••••• •aia,
The County Council
sad Jamas Quits, St. deka, tied Ow
The eeelik`e tetbielliti" a Cart ifteftr tier ett SIG far Roestilding Town End of Bayfiold
*hale sieh a ash A' relief - th
XJad Coancil to Ash Paving of. Huron Road
each report of the leniteriao t of e
air "widow. They reps with yet- Defsrred, and Al! to Bit
isfaction that to date, at the tw, AIM* bt Ons Yiegar -
hundred and fifty thousemi Brnialt
women who are receiving ewer eiti.i
(i'eteri:41d1,61itelentIf tretree, tr. To ilexitrialze Consulted Re Lowering' tf takes
their pens** in that event.
uaosai ' No Action Takon on Forming of Nigh School Districts
Moe. Oswald Mailev. the socialist. -,--CountValaators to Bit Appointed
the daughters a the late Lord Cur-
zon, have been invited to tome to ,
(naiads, as noted* of the tabor Par- The Japery osofort of Out Hormel lila Murailngs asoved, seconded by I Our St * e
ty. Cerwity *tiedfl tomtit:led fie tessiotes Mr. glopp, that a grant of $3,600 toe 4
Dm pearr."--geeeh the pole o I of the haeleese of tea swelon wee re- build portion of the regehthtir nok i , se r ,
ott -Prisity, morning. 'eleo lint part nude to the Town of Cede kis to ret
The North Pole 112% Alva been Pert" In ettr hil'A fee"' Felleiving (nee*IY Aelfiehi "ea*" liritatl`. 1 ••
Ana phew
end his wit,. Lady Cyldhie, arse of Not Later Than Jane.
Now is the Time
To have your Spring Suit made ttp, •
and avoid possible disappointment
when the rush is on. We have a
nice range of fine Spring Suitings.
ock of Men's Funs
dheovered, mays Capt. Bermefe (an tvosittwore end elsewhete in this issue a the town). -Referred to the Gooch _ Aiways Upoto-the-Idinute
we *1321.1141kry of the remaining nia. road to-elte outherly boundary.
side's veteran Arctic explorer, lot" wt --11 be found the reports of Inspect- Roue Commission.
lowine up the 'current direueeion Ars Tem gine Field and Engineer Pate, Moved by Messre. Manson and
around by Copt Herald Amunsdenes tenon and some extracts from Ms. Klapp that this council yery sten.'
intimation that Capt. Cook's claim triet As, rieeltural repreeentative ly protest against the present bill
Y the wet' le one 6
P m* Stothererenot.
I di • w as well found- •
tbe heroism ot the crew of the unite several brothers, who are *ll Web. - *a that of Admiral Peary,. Capt. r, - I now tirefted, tetablielting township
The world was deeply *toyed over leull"rr 14°1 hte,1 6r s 44 r
ea States vow. pi...Adept Rote. eters. and all sculptors, leibmitted the Bernier is rePorted to heve :mkt that r 'Asquith Sent notie* of the OPI Athol 'Wares in place of tile regent _
*ant in the ream, of titit mete. winning design. More than e hunt he Placed no faith whaterer in CaPh t)f° tglin"ti of "16 16116wing tr
teesrminuer a esen tactic° 31VPuinting
Je poi co yillegst of Auburn. viz., their own trustee board and
If. Johnstort Ezekiel Phillips copy of. this motion be' sent to Ott
kni 0 the woo. amp mow. deed nolo orepetee, hut me, Cookie contentions, but that he. also
--h- doubted Adoilral Peery'e clams.
tee • thes wort; stalls in more then wrote tattier particulars of. the ene committee.
most US in his possession a letter from
*sr name is braille: mrahe "rest who • I
be wall to heeP eaPerienced nwitt ine way during constructiom-Carried. ,
twr cent. due from the coun.tY is Altered by Messrs, Hubbard and °See where. Peealhhh .. Moved by Mean. IticEtven and
legislature end to each of the Huron
live *mut to ptin4sea on the Atlantic' March's euggestkets when, by for t e He is alleged to have aid that Iv entl Nehteh aill"
dui ned the Chemplaiti meraoriel penditures on thec Provinciad High' Council Deltatege Peuelleatfon from.
OW& The Americans loetAdmiral Petner which woula dischme •
the North Pale.
**Oa the, *14141* math the helP" welch hes ettreested thousehde of
thh eittetaithittlihs5. nr, anchntltrt Ron bertsaa,tx,ri Irwin stated Shozersed thee this count/ coi»d1
‘nir aippoint a committee to consult Ole •
slept tee President Rooeevelt fought whte sed fettY'five feet hlth" The It ProteProvincial Treasurer tor before e ee.tte net I "Pam .
"1 :ettle" tell&
,1°17hau attAlturt4Nreat,u041144t C"Inon,reroprnfoube; u6gpirlinevehTseit erill6be'lltWaenly-sist fee"; Thin nuolth the Longue of Nations atatAntoent3711s .duct end ,
at Geneve will ttach the pays e portion of the eeunte eoheiter reatding 1001# •
iri His h The Depirtment of )tighweYs memberse-Heferred to the edileatien
"TheM�i's and Boys' Store Waal While"
nem 21, Nate 31410 $41110.
' • 116. ae**."14 Mainitle"t 4t- unatied 104 at 'Gratis, and waya :luring the peat ever: The 20.
beyond doubt tluit he die noe vetich
has his gratitude7diSitork tO :rat Vivo. .arch
teeth. Oil for Trottbled Balkan Waters netruction $9002I• maintenance
co . , • , Johnston that la* ltitt tuna**. 1114PlYieg tO front Mr.
content to make valuation cost of removing snow, where statute it
blem of eetablishing Loceeno Pact g e t.
is to be filled with a bronze
low=letualere, end King George
Moved by Mr, Inglis, aseended . bator has been. abolished, but said a our 14°1°14 sYlltem uluuli*
tha Writhe storm, in hourly darer Stch"Y ' . • • for the Hallam States. The chief 1°
bY • - eittestrophe, refuelne to abandon treeP Cailatftsti " °Inn° of th s Moved bY Mem1113• MeQuell and Mr Roberteon thse the A that h ndi .tree ef eesesements el the
the effect of cherglog througb the enern ese an bites are L Matfett that the witederteind elerit Ito 'committee .of the..106ctireto dige°eu*e; wiehilmteceerteiern unatureta, auebeeett.heeldhzePet municipoditatieeof th ty e -Car
tied. • • a • '• •
e eoun .
aud Taken, and therentY be, be :Authorized to sign and submit to, the matter Of aquelization,e-Carried. exceed 2•Per cent. of the totel coat Of The Weeder% end 'genre. Living; '
1111• DrItith leilere NW. Ile" wits otiening, with artillery in thrt back- RUeale
tlereliehtest hope of eftecting a re- greyed. The Arch will he eurnteunt. very glad indeed to accbpt the •phelt the minister Of Publie Werke Mid •
The council Then .weitt into cont. TOM, work. • - stone, Neel) and Gout* were named •
spec , ter of a- Lomita winelltreak. At a etighttne of the province of Ontario mittee of the *holes with Mr• Erwin Repleing to hre. Geiger, he -said the committee in thie tter
f••••••••••••• generti con rence arc • t e the petition of the corperation of tin the ,chair. Ur. beet favored, thet sine agreement Made -between a Moved by Meters. Mteaoingiveind
t embolic of victory, hearing
leur- Balkan eountries to be represented the County of Huron ehowing that making an equaliZation, as he minor menicipality and the, county Middleton that we memoetalize the
,.. -1 ed by two. heroic figures of women.
t° . Clilett te Chiell , wreaths. . . will be Almeria, Hungary, Greece. during the P24241 Jan. Ist 1726e. to: thought the old one Was out of Alate had to 4* carried out., Townsbip ,
' Goleta Peng Yu-Ireianie I - R021222i2t Jugo-Slmtia, Albania. and. Dec, alst, Me, there nes been ext I Dominion Government* that we, ape
*idea of orte of the great Chinese Beresterg for Cotes" • and that Ilowick Township was as-, councils eletuld have -more agree- p.reelate the
pietist involved in the ereeent. mail good work done stt
Count Bernstorif. the crafty Ger- ,
1 fe • in la b •
strife, is **wit as • the Chrietian melt aristoerit, who was ambassador
Cr"."1° He hoe bestewed a unkiue to the United States during the early
hen" ePee * Cetumiran edeeienerY" part of the war, and who succeeded
Rev. Dr. Jonsithen Goforth, of the in retaking himself hated for les Vote
Preehrrhie (hutch, h)" retremting tiog in *het coentme is likely to ,be
Gist be attached to hie army rie appointed Germany'a arnhareteclor to '
enaplein. Dr. Goforth is. now in Tor- the
but upon receirkt of the cable* the League of Natio*, so a -report
from Europe states. ,,
• . grant made immediate, preparatene , .......„,_,,,
- ..
for departure, end he will helve gen- Vatican Still Aloof
, In spite of the report e predieting
. Proc.; eed thh his dattgonelS sett lete"-aa settlement of the unplessantross
existing 'between the Vatican and
e . instuteees eg,i7r mentoree tunresiouGtenimitries natppoafreIntolo, usointeey41:710ne;
• Canada is to have a reineticable ,
tetionel ever memoria oieeted in Ot., the ' good genes of the pontifical
court.. Men in doe attendance upon
time upon * rite worthy of the 110-"' his holinees do not Attempt to dist .
portent events to be eonttnemorated.
eiee, Oise their semi. at liltuisolinhs re.
. 'Vrrion March, II clever 11,1,10--e forgoes to the new Italian Empire,
GE sicolidirn, and dealt thet there is any than& in ,
pigun. the attitude of the Poles .to the vole
, meted in egeoe, Thera leteeheett rop,/ , ,•. , .. . ..r-- On leedneesisier morning a, eequest lasses:lea e . A hileft. width of :shore line belongs above work and that he shell. devote •
Bul ri vended upon the counter higitWaY Vs- sessied too, high. Mr. Hetirweberg, ments tegerdint snow fences or the ach buttor, thereby allowing easr
guesting the statuforY grants on that of having a' new equalization made.: The tewnehip council could order ugrrgittinngb66thtsemt6to645emonetirite6lirthe7frt '1'
, eardouinat tahse pirmapeitadeidenibeatitthnet Arettatioelvileac.etnhtelybottunendacrhieastgoedf .his village- had i tiretrleiori:terorfubelreeedonwidethlimitsa reraamdov.bedy emnproeve•fimenantseosaif onthewas$1013hee.-idenn
Highways. The expenditure was mr: endereton opposed `the •sage ! emuneneating-the owner t elnanationnt Wei Morning,
made up as foltoWe : I geetion on account of the cot, end of comosation could be fixed by the Mr. Beattie. of 'the Maws •M
On *mute Roads now delete_ .....„, ne also Pointed ont'that the towne. had judge if the parties could not agree. beery Co., asked the privilege of
Road tonStrUetion ...... 4 • •'0141.5"4"ee to a large extent adoptdd the plon-of Township councils could purchare ting on t4otfie slides illustrating
County bridge construction 4,48hoth raisin their assessments in order to gravel pits and en ease': of •disoute no proper use of their -road machinery,
Maintenance and rehair. - • 16•590•e7 lowet their tax rate and t,hie account- to the Price, the Jedge, 'amid settle and, this being granted, lie gave ver
• • I ed for their greater increase in as- the matter., i. lucid explanations as to each sone It
$2.1.880:20 , sersment „over the rural parts. Re I e Farmers are responsible for th.e AP. showed*
On County Roads. ' I also ebowed that the • townships had keel) of the road and for removiag Bylaws Nos. 1, at it and 4, were
. ROW tOnStrU04011,,•••••••..4 n8.06.4, benefits froni the county in the way hedges and replacing, buts m ease of read, in amendment to Bylint„ No..
Bridge constructioh....... 12,100.55; of drainage, which the towns did not refusal, the council. can Tenet* on 4 Mr. Livingston meyed„ eecorecied lee ',,
Maintenance and repair.. 17010.01, enioy. • a payment of eonmeneation, subject to Mr. J. J. Hayes, that the -bylaw fete
Machinery . ta,091.151 Mr. Munnings thought it would be the Judge's fixing of the amount; A hie- the salary of the county angle-
Speeial groats. • • • . • .... • 15,6"14) 58 very expansive to make a thorough farmer hes a claim on ,treet• outside ear be amended to read that he re -
Superintendence ......... 4,564.14; examination of 411 , the properties his fence on the roadside, but these eeive. $00300 for his services on de.
a • lame probably it *would -not anieg sat- I aimed be considered the properte 'of sagnated roads and $200 fot- Iiie sere
• •• .----- --I Mr. Robertson theught the value f rming protection to property would sum of $500 be allowed him to cover
A , . EvERit Du untery imprisonment...Al& woe at, i es, ,te,•e•te o, ie.
ad* about tee middle of Pelsruery to
• .
tem t e sure o • • • on 're" reeve of Veroxeter, also wee In favor removal of 8"9/. •
... '
4145,008.051 isfaetory results. et to nnnileipaiity. Removing. gravel vices cm county roads. and that the •
4170,978.44 of large industries in towns should be give room' fior claims for damaes. his expenses • while .engaged on the
Sum fog Vest fit Dot swot •
ornery which would include eChristian General" of China who et the 31°' and was sen to e eeet the many changes uIn the past twenty
*oilitigaltittgUasion, ot *theme t9 wAN'ors emiADIAN offlutLAiN tier au inereaSe in enterer watt reeette Mr.. Hubbard argued ------vean teeh.eettoess 14 marine right, hiseeheie terra et, theeteteee. ekne...
*. aid* OM 11. styli General peng yte,iteinsete fallout, ed frontMr." ,Albrt Ceetere turnkeY) equelization ste bting overite• 14 A. /Omer shotdd know what hi. steed ed work. 400-
d • t th eal'he fer s • ' let ' HA t
°Ile en Mr. D* representing the Globe uptedate eetialilaticn."41 Districts Livingstone, Neeb-h. ItTaysi--Aree-
n g 00 fo lows: ease-4140nel, Beets,
s asked Hew Itr. I th G
!years ought to. be comedee d NeAstiott es to Fermi g It I 6 v6t6 .61.1.% *inendnien
14101111:44140W-Atikk wal-
" silo* of in the vicinity of he mitive committee. •
ea- the Vateatt, end a rom: aril) of forth, noted Presbyteriert Indemnity Co eddrehsed the anima le Mr. -Geiger expressed approval a At the TharadaY afternoon gegen:It strong Beakr Betettie Corrter024
nollows Cheeke suet Neck Growing land to t•he emist and including g
en Di.' 41°b ChaPWri t° armY'' on insuring atteinst accidents on the an attempt to improve the equalize- the council went into eommittee of iCoultes, Cox, Doddee ErwitheParrish,
Deeper Rtery Week old penal seaport « would en- Da Goforth, who is now in Toronto,. •
. tele the Pope to emit ttaly•wth dig* leaving immediately AS rise
roans, giving instances where the .in but thought the hresent equari-i the whole to discues the motion of ontined oe pa&vE
in - company lutd saved mutticipelitieg zation f '
• eremite Coultes and Shortreed as a,---.
•.• •••••4 ....o.••••••••• -111
as air as w en xt WAS made ‘• •
Tent of thwols thins ruredown nity and leove him free to.vielt other to th'e ieitation.
g • & 'large WAS for damages for aecdens1 eir. Backer opposee any raise in the formation of High %School
men -yes, 2;441 WAASAII t00.•••Are get. iiato ' of -tbe woad. Their emprie. ea____,- ort toatriasts.'•• - the equalizatiori as the Good Roads tateta Stime diecussion took place in •
Roost ,
ting discouraged -.e -gtving up alt clement)! a
et the 'kin, of course, Coming Rome II) 1 Mr. G. M. Elliott was preeent and :had raised the value of.farm proper. 'which CountY Clerk Holman. Mr•
hope of ev:or, being able to taim on taut always been maintained es a addressed the eoutteil with reference ety end,town, property in comparbtot, Connell, Mr. Ithhertsont Ma Hacker ' ----.:
' . flesh and look beelthy end strove. protest setstinst the Italian decree Novt that tieestage storm erring -
ed in the i.rot*ct Stat.' 4 sigeinstealt to %the Children's Aid Society work eluid depreciated. TO raise the towns and several ethers -took part, but no
• Ali Plith people eAll stop worrying ' robbing the Popei. of temporal pow. tested British ininipulatIon of the in the county. }le sakrthere werea would be an injutarce. , acticut . was taken. At present the •
and efor ItteCoyCol Liver Extract a competent observere. a whwould bein the tart to ensile and entoet life right Tr.. . - rubber roaeket has (*Steed • to blind large number of neglected ' eltildren I Mr. Shortreed thought? the old only districts are tbeaowes in whielt
now 's --ha— . tbe eyee ' better
!slithr equalleation had not done justiee t las ohoole ewe iocatech-Theidea le- 1 ' • •-• . .
Taltlete which Any driergest will tell ecenadiatte world pampions genuine little windstorm. is betng then having to endure the hardships Morris, and he favored a fair equate. hied the move to include rural parts ,
Yea *II *lout . are putting flesh on (*endens have -captured all tbe etirred up against the United States they were meeting with end he gae, zation more in accord witIt present along with the towns would be so Ease.your• fight, aching chests Stop
• eets- of shine folks eve* der. worlds likatting titles at the worldht domestic Tule** eredee Repveeent-•insttweis of hardshin tecentle cote 'day conditione. that etudents from these parts going •the • llgeak• Aft. the congestion.
One wonum, tired, weak told die- , chaniltionahiP . meet at St. ;felon ing Lothar M. lilock, .fre of New ing under the care of the antatv 1 Mr Sanders seta that` towns and' to aehoola outside the county would Feet a had celd looter* up in just a
totiraged• *kilted 15 pounds.'In live Twenty thousandtiltatiug fang ,rave yrk, is +intendingan inveatigatiott Mie S. le Stothere. Agricultural not bechariteable to the cmity. If Dort time. • e •
weeks end now feelg lin. the Canadians sweep to victory. ,eilleges had double the Indulegies at
ot ' • Pith are full /of vitaliting dash pro. -Charles Gotalan, St. John: ladies. cent, lower then they are sold in the with referenee to the work eiltlieti 00 !IWes would be an injustice, There &Arlta, the county would be rid of- "Red leeimer Rub" itahe cold rens.
inte the 'feet that Anierlean tires are Representative for the County, was one time that they had now, and in the whole
of Huron county were die- II f It can -
vie os know tbat the Byers. of Cod The neve champion* are: Senior sold in Great Britain twenty-five per, present arid addressed the council I equalization which would mice vil- vided' up into various Righ School ea,' 01 bvtingas 1117lrjl'se-vot to
nn% the iightnenss and drive the con-
ducing yitemines ana these same vt. -Leila Brooks, Toronto; 18 -year-old eenited States. "Our emmittee," he' during the Year. There had be 22 waa no mutticipality sufferieg under bills tomingelh as they do from eta- .geston and soreness right out.
antineetof the Menet rhea ere found -.Thorium Tebo, St. John; 10 -Year- i says, "so far a
hes noint to debauch school bars and three gerden 202testS, the present lasts. • legiatee outside of tills county for Nothing has such rncentrated, petite
in McCoy's Cod Liver retract Tab. old -r, It Smythe, Moucton: 14-1Antericen patriotism for the Bake of during the yeare Mr. Stotnerseanese r etre Livingetone thought tiutt ui. maintenance of Huron County pupils* tutting beat -as red peppers, And when
lets -auger coated and eeseato thlelyeartohl-Chester ' Cole, Saekrille, powrful. rubber Interests. Let us sed the need of spraying of orcheds.ness properties had teinerenred in A petition from reeidente of the elec.. beat Penetratesright dor Into cola,
es randy. NB.; 12esemeolde-John Landry, St. 'know whether chpital in thie country in order to get good result.. us much I value, but objected to an expensive tion iti necessary, however, and other AqrSe.st4ut* aching 4/tiscies 4114 sere'
24S33 41. ahows what faith 'the mk- mint 10-yearold-erald owier* is tio mime Patriotbon es to ----------------.slture in the county ' ' • requirements* and canite: etThr tehtotiteergy.meleamppe8iyetlicenere;
commissiou. • .
poultry pro- i , hit'. Coultes iidvoeatell having" a, Messrs:. Henneterg
ers have in MeCotass for then Safi ii St. eolmr,, Harry Mercer, 4'i international ilieora to mach it- is not of tlut hest. In
rattee dee ram neiv ecualization. The statutes cal- moved that • the aseesseneut of the (31tiigtiaginfpnriti warmed
• self." duets Huron count' !iter:
sigoot, • —‘- cone f.the toted tor the provinee, ld' efor an equalisation and urtder tbe village of Wroxetr• for caunty put - through and through. When You are
LirelongMatepteratie . this department being Iter for present one I* claimed there veer a 1 Poser be revised in compliance with_ suffering teem a cold, rheumatsm,
A queer tete of e lifelorer num- Huron County than the reverent from groat ineertaity in the assesereent of the riling of the Ontario Railway backache, still neck or SOr2 1121SI
ainertelte has .eente to light in the 1 w in 0. Mr. Stothers Advorated land value*. „ . Board made Ise 1924. The motion WAS in/111;0g !zetripigi In%
atath at Mena. Ark, of Dr. M. 4i.r. greater effort to imorove the egg. i Mr. Armstrong thought the county tarried, the adjustment to he Made :drill' stare, You will lave th'e quick -
Moiled, vho has lived for 74 'yees Predueing -quality of our hone, 11S should have a ue* equalieation in or. in june. .. est relief known. .Away* Say "ROWiCe
at • mart and helmet death bas re. this melons much to the industry and der to :settle differences of view point, On motion. of Megsrte Inglec 2121
Veiled as a women. Sheeny before edvocitted culling of the florets ev an so that the , different reuteripalitiee Robertson, the Warden and the chair- ' 1 `""""
the: end Dr. Mayfield wee forced te' eXeirt. In order to improve the %tot*would be etitisfiedthan of the Good Heade Corninismen
were appohtted to atone the Good MEN'S '
N the Province of Chewiest Ote Soak Itt
Manama has a twohicat , e wide
houstiste at Tema% apseadlY liorkarld so
Oat r.areul *maim and preempt seem te lode
rag AsquiternriYa a the people of this Previte*,
"theft we aor bnochti of the Beak of Moored ie tithe
Previnw, the tame keine looted et reel noweettaest coulee
WI obi sod New Omuta
lighted this Prworgisi Ca„ are the rwouteas eif
Offliebekte istr4 a wratiened Copeid asa ite-
goirikateef Eno aboyeteeteo T4011 hos* oocosiiwg
ja Aomets ortemi or 4 roo *two*, o* •
/SIADUAXTUII pc* orammot
.101104g0o* Smoot Sow ilevereas
Audos the meeetteredee sad teed. Mr. Stothero alto enoke of the elfalta i Mr. Nceb thought three valuntorte
rthaarehatast wheerreledrethey,lyin.erantliainlodd. lire!, leasTP0aniganc.t.anThntereat . *1*
ne daryettatiaenetiowf
alvhbo6uldvmheuldepdAnttedhe .work feerlassly
eause she was not a ba. A boy pate *unmet.. end sorb t shortage 1 Old Egaillizatioa Stays for 1925
wait mites*** as en heir to keep cer. tould be refieved by the growing of ) A motion was made by star. O.
tain properties in the familyeon- alfalftte whielt did well even in dry Geiger, seconded by Mr. R, Kenned.
sequently they decided- to bring . her. „weather., that the equalisation for 1920 ne the
us as a boy. She, took tip, the :dud,' Monett People • Want . Retards Put mime as for 1925. This was carried
of medieine and it was may in middle Rack oft Geed Roads Systtent Ion the following division: Per the
life that she settled in Mena, . mrTheArmfolistiritownigngaamdotzetionon, amedov Ats.., meats: inonodde-tits,evssrsiemilettrakrteiralt. Ileoesiit:eive:'
Strike* Coat Millions , !Johnton. was referred to the Good` Lfannstee .„„Keenn4• "„,,vietretrmtia,M,,,e"
The Striklog miners in the Unit- nodule Commission: Thnt the road yonneeec ehentottoehe oteCittaidee .."11(4Urr.
I formerly knwn es Rood No. 15 in ton, Lannon**, bleier mut bangers -
(Continued ma rue ti) 17. A gainstaafessrs. Armstrong,
Coultes, !Plies, Menne-
the township of Mullett. also ride
.iteeede 20 sett 21. lesainie into the vit. hatneroll•
'Quickly DrivesIlage of ittyth from woed No let Der& Hubbell Inglis, Johnstn,
and ai* the tontinuatioh react of filo HloPP, Manson, cEirren, Neeb, _ Hob-
- !boundar line htteseret PAO and W erteolt 11114 81141**41d-44'
Roads Convention.
Council Wants Pavhig of Marron.
Road Deferred
Moved 'by Mr. McQuaid, end
seconded by Mr. Manna, that it is the
opinion of this county council Dna.
eorisidering the extinct condition of
the Provincial Highway from Coder.
felt to Dublin, it having been nom-
pleted to the required width of grade
and culverts end bridge tonstruetion
being -completed and all retsurfaced
with erushed gievel, respectfully
atik the Highways Department to de-
• fer paving sea road for thiew etire.
Moved by Mesrs. Middleton and
Leringetone that t'he
Out All • Wawareash leeding to the et P. R.! A _Joint "teeing het", Huron County
Brute Cotocil memorialize this Provincial
station at Auburn lie reattetated as and nuren Caput,' ounella 18 Pre- Legislatre re pwring the Highway
'I ft tounty rotas. reason of their poised, in the nature. of t get togeth- Isetweeet Clinton and Goaerlele that
euinatic P01$00 being struck cdr, the towraltio of Hut -fen Ponsilliv in Junta and the ‘‘.ardtal• - the work, when tendterteketh be dale
and in one year at *mentor the deteurs
lett hes tern deprived of ite hat end Reeve Robertson of Colborne,
right proportiort wordiest to the. Hamm Erwin of. Harield• 'tweet)). caused and the dosing of the With -
a* firet day you take Rhenx, etteatiatitten, and that the byline be PwrAed a eel/Amato* to Twit whit *
the oo/Nor"e meetly that is 3011er ee erneeekka tn that *t.-Ttehneve IA commitete Sven% Brace Mit)* touncif
rIddlY, emelt realise tem whelthe Good Reside Connttert n the with * view try errariglolg fee math a
I get Hallett in tecppote of Now mtior0 Prov, Vlagl""r Irvili*
it mattres not evhether yoe are 1 'woe Demented sine was referred to i • Caeosil
*mum goes in Itheurnatiem gwelk ---------------rareieere euti071 7/SetlItt•
tattered with pale, ertimlett with the Good Ramie Carmaissisn. At the Theredav morning eesem,
rya*" *nu q eateessed vete wee 11*10gmertkpot with Dr. Iwo lin Irwin* Prcerinefel engineer. wee
etaisasil • twinge*. /Deanna iic gor- • otetrectret as to twwweitip Bent& Af Prettiest end was rhea petreistion
stewed t.,04 yore rherrinatir fro*. 14ttMI, given In Ms renal rib. *dar" hhe henna After te
$o or' itenry hark. 1441•4 errirher* i* this jll... Mr, WW1* the Wardell and C
Igheysio h, Net eaorte-e ferettes *elm of tik* Aresetity of tsi. 00 *Or *heti**. ha weed Dot **eh
moos irt Imairege. *Attir, Craia* tisw ****ting 411 treetweea and rate/ter.. tetweehirc emed It* road setetestotd-
and thronk mandate. • ent to AIrl.'- dew maw. *ITO nr. Mt to the Read feepereatettareste
Rheinnotien* is a damerrisit OM. rsra roosawatest ea km, oNoitto.1 to Confeventen It* *aid that he was
eare. It ate* affseta the beset mei the sool44ng at the Crater* ribrat- ehaleoli tr• bee°, elki be alk' to *Yu -
*avow roiloot ea. It root loot kw& luateresaihro tit gawk. fy that the heal read eopertweeett-
ia the sgelebeet Alp* got * helj Xr. Itiot*tvoo beeeeta lye ay. ow,. rota liter* *OM Need work. Pi* odd
Go et Illovown bow N. C. flttAct*) ip000loot to ho, tbo ollsetil##s*. It woo 8 orotak. So soppoist now so
-0 1111, ilk1111114st today 014 Moo It 1* hall tryotolow.4*. two...A of reoloodonts *irk Poke. **
.11/41.1 row opkool s* awe. • : 'Nub bog wean Irel deelasel ea. , 04il411s4 haehmti sad it wed(
...•••••.• • ••••••••••••••••
ee.) pairs of Mees Pelt
Shoes, made of meiliurii
Pzit, with Leather Soles
and Rubber Heels,.
. sizes 6 to n
, $165
30 Pairs of,
Soule with Leather f tam g
tither* 11 stve Rubber
Solis avid Heels,
sizes 6 to io