HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-28, Page 8•
We cater to your
every §atiOnery
it .
rtee'iwl, whe her its;
a package of 'ren=
velopes or a new
Fountain Peen.
Per's Book Store
On The Square For Poly Years
Arr*ngerente are being made, by ,
the Circuit Club to put on. another
play, entitled, "The Village Lawyer," •
In the near future. •
The "hard tune social," which was Atm.
and Mrs. les. Ritchie,, of Zion,
''leer, .was postponed, and it'Was held lvirs..Sam Sherwood.:- -
on 'Tuesday evening ht Zion church. M. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint Spent
The weather was so etormy on last Wednesday' in hirtnghain: visiting
Sunday last that' very few were in . the former's brother. •
Attendance at the morning service. • Airs. R"m. °Baldwin is trending a
The evening service was withdrawn. tow dale in Wingham with her bro-
The service next Sunday morning •ther, Mr; Robert Vint.
win be the preparatory service; of Miss Tillie Sherts'srood spent last
. cosismunion, which will be, held on week in Lucknow attending the
Febe. 9th ,pt the morning service, school of Instructions.
The theme of the :mime* for next Mrs. Wm. Irwin .. has ' returned^ .ta
Sunday, will be,f"T.he Three Ca'assek ' her home after /biting .,with • her
'The third chapter of the sermon- brother,,Mte George Henry, of Crewe.
..� ` Mr, and Mrs.. Wellington Render.
seep .: lsMt .. ie. !rivet next Iwfay kis > Orli w ave • Man
(latstenW ter lout work,
It Gertrude Cil*dieitd, who was
away rieiwrg. for a week, 1a hewer
Mrs. MINIM $.wish. at Gaderiek.
spot the Wil 4ttd whit Mrs. Ed.
lir. seed Firs. Ricitar9 Islei.paean,
of Gatwick amt the week -aced at
Mr. Chtre.ce W*itrt',e.
Miss Sadie Good, of C hic: go, is
home on an extended visit with her
father, Themes Good, and sister,
Miss Charlotte Good.
bodice Aid, which stet at ,the borne
of Mrs. Pletcher Fisher's last week,
made arrantrerneota to have •s ''hard
time social" in the Zinn church
(North) on Friday evening of this
• A. aniscelleneous shower war tend-
ed Mrs. Hareld Good free Bose•
Gladys Varistoevee by the Girls' Class
•ot the Sunday sdtool at.the'home el
the bride's parents; on I"ridieeyro•
ing, the lfith. Twenty. members of
the class were present.
Itarold Good and Miss Gladys
Vanetone.were. married at the par
nonage on Tuesday evening, the 12th,
at Cieeelock. The young wimple were
attended by Miss Mary Good. sister
of the groom, and :i Yr. Gladstone -
Grigg. After the ceremony, a
sumptuous wedding supper was sere -
ed at the home of the bride's par•
ents. Only the immediative : rrnrat
ives were present, •
file. Daer, of Goderich, has been in
the neighborhood this week butcher-
ing. ' t
The orders rs is tite eiwrclw s were
eery loM'ly. otera ed lure lieedair,
towhee to the serveree ;terve. KI•
Daer Irma tined. $s flte to Wooten
sad Dsutsybreak, and Me. Aho wee
tumble to go to Carlow. grad Mr. Mc -
Devoid versa nimble to ge to Blyth.
The Woewn'a Institute reset et lite
home of Mrs. (Dr.) Weir on nth
inst. ,A splendid paper was given
by Mrs. W. J. Andrew on "Cenadfan
women of Note," with partiesisir re-
ty. The usual social hour followed.
ferenco to women beta HumCoun-
es[ flee asewhsea
whin time Mews
.l, Tlea -..,,
111. Karam. orad sa sow are
rock et Donwgu wee. tie
is likely to be won ataoed
roll, ?lase, G. Abbr.!
Isdveatags of tie ball being'Itotti. t$ pat Pa rix• pAttrtala- i
moot for that *teeing at 2 part., of
which further matin will be given.
G1aireis, treys. Vs*uy hotw,
1'r wwc w+*. a and Lunch
%tete. ls.,�sza`n in ,
Our toucher, Miss .e1nd:•eve, of ,
Lucknow, spent the week -end with'
DUNGANNO • which 10 per cont remains for Better leer family et, home.
Iia:.rhas. f?owsgiate, who arrival ,fir' work, such as boys'tramp. ore. Miss •Charlettte MacKenzie-, teacher _
recently in Canssds tram lvsrrfoik. i wa ry bets! is wows dei ar and for in fort Albert, visited her heart in
y sseliing five bonds a boy receives a Wft tall over the week -read.
Eng" is flow atcaisting Mr. Townstnad bs+atsse• medal In every distrix! a -
.t the bake shop., Owing to pre of whoop:
shield is allotted to the .group rRbieh va�"o
t Winging * g isd for this month.
her sister's, Mesdames Wesley 'died aro- South Humors, Nsrth and South V. Mr.. Brion
Jotiathan Pattison. • Perth and Stratford: Will one of y. of Gtwiph, saccu-
Mr. yi,-., th+s groups in Arangannou be the. pied the 1'resbytarrian pulpit 1neAsb-
ifdbb, of What 'haws- ever ,iblee the community's re• geld church on Sunday at boot morn-
nosh, hoe bad a radio set installed ..ease that --Viiu •put them, there* ing and *pining services. •
tscently and ha. been $uccesxful•.in Lastly' let.ta*consider that "the for--. A number from here attended the; '
picking up sash stations as St. Marysc motion of character now i cheaper
funeral of the late John Stewart, of,
and Stratford. thaw the reformation ten years .lat. Regina, which took place to plait- `
Radio tape who have been linter. er"—and it le t iwards this end that rand cemetery on Thursday. •
ins!r in this .week when tsta European the finances eventually are used. The snngal meeting of the Ashfield Th
itationa are in the air, report geed , "'",r, 0 is '"
St Paul'a church, Uungarleynn, held congregation was held In the base -e tGRAy
Mrs. R. A. Jeialreny'e is ependii t'alseli the mat per enrolled mem-- hi
couch measles .. the vicinity
the week In Wi n!e' a meet with her. Our district consist* of North the V.. O. rmneatln was
Zane!- -
We are � this week
Pullover or Coat Style -
Ree ►lr value .00 to 7.00.
These care Traveller's S. raphe, but petrffect ') 95
ttarling ,a*
Out � rte..,�..�......�...�,....,.......,.,,.. *
Pare linen
rectory Cotton (36
!Maya' Wool Pullovers ....« .,,„ ' ,.,..,- 1.� eakth
Mats for Bedroom or .Living •Roca,
See aur new -stock t;f Inlaid Linoleum at a Reduced
Price during' January.
success in hearing on Monday night, = its annual vestry meting in the par- meet of the church on Thursday last
but were not so successful on Sun- ish hall on Monday 'afternoon, Jan, A good attendance is reported. HOUSE FURNISHINGS
day night. Mr Willie MacDonald and Harold
� 18th. The meeting was well attend -
Remember the St. Valentine social ed. The church wardens' report was (,oliinson. of Eintail, left last week "
to be held in the basement of the the `beat for many years. The for Detroit, where they intend to'M--:-
United church on Monday evening. church's budget was paid in full for spend the cost of the waster, 'thing' may net develop etuser era
Petr 15th, under. au+sptea 0 e rs time in ten yars. de th i f th theAnt ti a and the
,blot' it works wonders with the Simag-
Congretulations to hlr. and Mrs.
- -
Excelsior'i Class.' Poirticulara will second time in its history • The cur. f fDERTCR TOWNSHIP NS haw".
be announced next veers. pe ���
'.Owink to„the stormy weather and
line n a
most c eque t, 1 mpassabie eon.
ditieh of the conn rotas; there
was a sparse attendance at the var-
ious. churches on Sunday-:.iaat The
aetviee lir. Erekine •Preebyteriap
church'tvaa.'t*neelled. • ' •
The runaway. ofs Mr. Ilobt.' Medd's.
horse which was bitched to„, the .cut-
ter, Camped some exeitemeiat on Wed-
nesday afternoon; The' horse -jump-
ed'avyy n, sleigh and freed itself from
the. cutter. making a dash conn street
and 'stopping 4n Mr, • Er~rington'•t .yard. piano: T'heit boolcst .closed with ri
where it wes•.caught. The cotter and balance of $22,39, The Ladies'• Guvea
harnese were. somewhat broken hut
''rnnort was aivpn. by firs. ir, Higgisia.
e guild has'done• excellent -work
T� r :+r rt 'tva� tv It
#lois pea The . re if
rent expenses were met in" full with
a' small balance, which is a ellatinct
triumph over the recoxda .of the last
ten 'years. The parish hall necount
was in a healthy condition. The pore
plc are- beginning to apnrel' ate its
usefulness. «and to'realize that the
burden Wits debt ie not ;nsur mount+.
able. • The 'R. Y. P, A. reported their
earnings to be '*329.+ 4. They hod-
p$,rgi, P anhatenti'nt grant to the bud.
get and one to the chinch wardress.
They' had sent.•two'e4ehrentee to ft -e.
Surmner School at St. Thomas. • Ali
go completed their payments on the
Geo Ginn on the birth of a son.
Mr. D; Carnahan, Acton, bas been
to have been.held on Friday' evening s int a day recently with Mr. and country r s, I visiting hie daughter, Mrs. Fred. Bell.
Clearing Sole of all
Fall • and ,Winter
Your choice, 11 to $3
CMZ# `.Sift .
to 1'
avi a•
h e;tg box • s owl 1<r da . night,
•for rem #1:�,�o,i . tll uutitx''xhr'k Deno a the 29th: in 'thou hall. A. 'good: Pro -
inn) flu aic..Mo. re. Aide .tracheas a gram is being prepared. -Ladles "with.
:14lrctrie'al•.Itttatttofi, Aifttre at. Weldu'z ' boxies free. Admission 2re; '`1•;ver,4
-evert. +il,Ice Harb. r,nir. • Nionhauic;d
body►. Welcome.
DenSetr; ; fith .lay nK,
son and children, of Lucknow, spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Irwin. +
Mr. and 1F#ts'.. Eimer ,Alton .and
children, spent last Thursday with
Mr. and k d 1FIrb. David Little, of .Come-
fey's Corners. • •
Mr. Joseph 'Hackett attended the,
funeral of his brother:indaw, the late
. Charles Barbour, of Wingharn, last.
r Belfast was well repreeae ►ted ' in
e 'Luoknow last'Thurid.y night to. hear
the! play put on by the young •people
of Fordyce, toiler the auspices 'of the
The BelfastL. O: 'l,, 1.1`as..1 $ are
,frena' 4i>ir ileessing.. Pew weeks • :,,- 1 .'rtyIT'r'V
-�qqutasred to learn. lXper•t instruxinre. c
�d'racuee! •1rnfntee, ylhtt et:'man,t. ,kilt - -7.ro person who took the. Red Mote
Maned now l'or . hlw.ner •paiv .rail t tied" Waterman's Fountain. Fen; value
tc p ec i al - [rfft�r� ltl.ttllilll,l, 'r1t1111;, ra' store, has 4 save -case an un-
`Srlioolw, 1x.3 x:in., si..R's�eSt. Tcrunfa. s , a oneweek from date of
this paper to return cape, or pay for,
" • •• it, otherwise he will have to'stand
trial for`atesling. ;.I, fl.•M1i�iRSlrr
SADDLE HORSES Mr. John Stuird, • of (:oderieh via:
!!totems carr be hired at the y' '
ited his sunt Mrs res Lindley', in
brighter Cutw • Write ur eat! for nn se. 50, t t f h , ee
fortunately tie other damuge result-
ed. , lm
The following `announcements from
the United Church . of Dungannon
will be' of interest to its members and.
adherents: Sunday School,;10 a.m.;:
Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.;
Junior League, Wednesday at 4 p.nt.;
Trail Rangers 'Pl'ednesdity, 1 p.m,. in
the bRaetnent;: Timis •Square. Wed-
nesday, 8 pan.; Taupe People's meet-
ins. Friday -At -8 p.rn. This meeting
win be helpful as well as entertain-
ing. ;-All are welcome. ;
Rev. Dr. IL R. c mpbell left: on
•Saturday . for .'Brantford, where he
was to preach in Alexandra Presby-
e u re being Presby-
terian' hu on Sundaa
orlon h Y,
candidsi<te' for 'a tail: The following
4Att *y 30.0. Met, hes.wilt promote i;a
.s< :Presbyterian church in -Windsor..
!fie: tspent the week pleas:n ay renew-
intr acquaintances among former pair-
ishioiiera user .old : friende. After
e;,, ,
n, saaohinsr in- Windsor.he will i to n.
to T'hotnpden ,!nage,N.Y., wh re he
has been pastor of a:church fir the
ppr�t three.jenrs.
• "Popularity" eenteet,--A .unique
contact and' One which.' will doubtless
create' nuch,interest,is being..put on
zrt Alton's store during the month of
February! ,beglnrdng Monday, , Feb.
1st:, and•elosing at.midnight on;,Sat•
urday. ,F'eb,•W7th.' Votes will .bd• giv.
ltl BARN ' on waths'each cash purchase of 25
MOM $lr C001111Ch tliq villisge last Monde f r,•
R cresta o>r?orvtr. the number or toter to
At the 3i7ee xchieee.. !cera . Mr.. and Mrs. Stuart went to Roth.- e' ties tidies the amount of Purchase;
over the average. 'Thep had enlanr•
n,t, tl.^r~ 'vi* l'Tt to n0►4'da--of-the ells- Miss neleie „segues. spent 'a few
Moll 'field. which is the truce sign of. days ire C'oderich 'la`se week..
nroerer•ty, ' ;nth' nburrhsa " . are .- un« i
rear eihr fndebt+4 to.the`•.lavout,end Several front arourid:;here Are busy
wWood At W
drawing . , od from lienr al
loyal labgra of thea ladies. Thex y
Woments u•:iltary was. formed a son's.Tiusli.0 ,f
veer son , nnd, hna proved' itself a We are sorry that Mr� ,:t ah - .Tabb
eery effective missionary.'oraanlza- is not. in the hest 'or health: having
*;nn. They reverted gifts of flints, been troubled.. with a lanae back dur-
hales and. money to tnise<ione. This ing the past 'week.
is n work 'Worthy `af . unreserved sitp Mr. Andrew *Lillian had the mist
Hort d t o '' d r sit .
an_ t of urlde gone a y The fortune to 'WI from a ladder in hue
�nnrb,a crhoM v.'nori w,Is read by Lion's barn .last' Wedne.ulay. Itis left
air. F. Reee.. ' The flnatee were in leg was injured so that he is able:to'
. A
n d condition, min n b a� f
it o a al sr
c n walk. only. ea ' `i?`
nal kwitht difficulty.: alt
Ctl�! " +.
t ' fi 'i
The. rGuild a t. '
Ms L., ('.:Smile-- *04 M' W.'Cn. r h . u is met n the oIlll:
awQ ,.t rtA�t . u heir .T'lrursday and elected ,hilt .olli-
e . rch:.:warden.. fir ' cera• for the naw year.. T`be. follow-'
Feht. Dcrvnin , M. Tna*nfiwnti, " M'. 4nk officers were elected: lion. inns:,'
rrtrd�n te
Stawalrt.,'.M'';-. Rersenn "Mlle.: Aire. L. C. White pros., L.:\Vat-
Mr..t. P. "recess* end: Mr. nee.'FY'9. White; ,
were elected • sideetr me alar. woo, son; vice miss
Rtes. , DIargaerfs.
Brack, stet„ Rips Grace Bogie; tress.,'
rereel'i ewe 'i�tad late eelatr,tte to etre... Pearl Watson;'. organist, Miss
Mary.' Borrie;' ass'st . organist, 1►tiss
Ethel Tabb.
Congratulations to :lir. and...Mrs.
T. .T. Falconer ori .the birth of a
daughter.: • -
Owing to the.storm last Sunday
the congregation at . Union was 7% Apply Box 32. 5,
small. • The service will be held it Clitltou..
11 a.m. next Sunday as. usual. Sun•
dey school, at 10 a.xrl. •
'Collector Howard Sturdy on Sat-
urday informed The Star that all the
1925 taxes were paid and that thls is
row the fourteenth year that the
township' has not lost a :tingle dollar•
or taxes: This is a good record.
i •
$2;000 ediate1y
. RA Noil t+crisis t##+Ri' gage ”-...,:....:.
four f ve �tebiit'8.+. , ,MoneS }
well secured. Will. PO'.
the. tvnnr and Mr. Townsend us sub-
: seetata dalae'nte. •
-After three` days' thorough invert•
- fixation of the records o4, the. West
Wawanoah Mutual ,Fir,! Insurance
Company, the:auditors, Mr, Jobe Wil.
= eon and lit ,Doniild MacLean, have
pronounced them •absolutely in order
and the reposes are now being twill-
ed to . the policy -holders. ane, we are
Wooled to say that these teports
must give 'the'members of the Come
navy very general ssstisfaetion. The
lassies were *sot heavy norsidering
". we wilt try to supply ;your waits to
• all : olssstles. of lio►see, Boggles. and.
Hareem -- .
ester last week. Mrs, Stuart. went 'for example' netturchase of 25 cents
for medical treatment. entitles the customer,. to 250 vetes, a
• Mr. A. E...Johitatoii. of West Wee nurehaste of ape to 1000' votes, •-etc.
wanosh, shipped a carload of. limber The •prise-wln er will be the ene ache
last week to Toronto..- . ° ..• , , rpt iaett: the/ 'greatest number • of
The village Youths 'are- trigdyIng` t'ettil. 'rind to : this lucky coutestant
their evening. skating.• •'They .ieport, velli he,iriven .a, dress length-. of wool
the ice in good condition' at present. crene with border embroidered in
Mr. Andrew' Johnston,' of Carlo'v, contrasting color. Watch this cel -
in the '.guest of lila daughter, bits., . Mon for further notices and progreeee
(Do "Weir, of the outage; at present. of contestants., results of which will
• be ..announced archly.
The talk's: grrresbyterlan On F'rIdav erening, Feba'uary 5th,
ehureh have organized a Woman's there 'will be an edttcatinnail enter-
• Missionary- Society, with .over thirty members.1, taintnent in the pari.hall, the MS.teal park ofi the program beiteg given
Mr. Ephraim 'Ball; a former real- . by local entertainers, vritlr the chief
dent of this part of Mullett and now feature of the forenink a "tele" on,
of Tort oto,' was the gruest:.af huff cis« •tire subject, "Man and his relheldn' .
• ter,. Mrs. George' -Sturdy, the latter the orae `greet bothersome question!
Part of -last week. • since Adam. It will Is interesting'
Congratulations to Mr.. and litre, to hear what the 'everyday eltizen
Wm. Fowler on the, 'arrival of as thinks• on this subject from several
young son at their home on the 30th angles. or viewpoints. What is many
inst. ;What his origin? What • is he here
The Egg pool Rest)* village„is doing .fwo Where ,does he sen fruiu here?
very well at present. Me..f . !Ariel, 1110 - The ;apenker, *he is to, present
the manager, sorts• a • rood meetly., his `
ideas . on 'this important . theme,
for this time of the year.' ' (is , be. oiy "cur local eitisens, s rutin
inc Harmony Class et the tieried,,whohas risen front the ranks, to to
Sunday school hada pleasant social in , ' and who become one of the
evening in the basement of Knox west profound thinkers of out' lay.
church last Wednesday. We• reefer to Mr. T G. Allot. who
Last week Mr. send Mrs. Cordon was torn on the •sixth soneetssion of
litcClinchey found their family duties het earl a iron of the snit; receiving
his tarty' educatien in ' rural school.
incivesing... Tb. Admit of a young and completing his +course at Gode.
son claims their paternal *Sections.. rich Collegiate Institute, after.
The members of th English third% wards bsconting one of the moat e -
had a social evenhsg in *ho Forrstere i,tient Webers of the district. While
Hall last ` Friday evening'. , Grin. a „ serving in the tawny of • teacher,
number were present, and. an, enjoy- which he continued to do for fifteen
able evening was spent. l ;vests., he made a study of the child
The Presbyterian services en Fri-
day evening was very well attended.
Owing to the storm the communion
service on Runde), wa.: not very
largely attended.
Mr. Rice, vet this village, reeerred
a► letter this week from Mr. Rildell,
who along with Mrs. Riddell, hi
pending the winter to Contends.
I-•rw I., i„! bli e. Y. .r`,r,... . r.
Vocal Storage for Ciiiane.y week,
er month. Bete*: day, 50c; week.
111.00, mouth, h, $3.00,
•'',- *4cr .. Sale --One Magnet Cram
Separator, ust'd very little; to
first-class shape, good akinimer,
alt $35.00.
Auto stud Hose, Liv►ery
is gat• wet lkelmage Rana
Cooke hoses, C*r*ations, rte,
'FIowiredsgI Plante and Fero. riot. -
of *net Wedding Wt r e on short
(Phone 10* glesdeekdo
Millinery die
el Sensational Valves
In this Me the otter the
best selections in hats the t -
represent the most exclusive. -
models of the se,isctu, in stir
In materials and . ttinurillgs.
You will s:tret rind just
the hat ,you stain in this 'r
price sale.
Al Winter Iliirmety
matimm t *sot
0 it R heat friends
awn hay anything
you can girt therm
elle' tope Your Photograph
• Iro oilier remsmbr*ase
will Rite such iarppinsas
I Sew lily 1 T. FILL
C.AC:., Y:. r,...1C4 .,,r..t u r r: a° .
mind, later launching out iMs other
walks of life and oecuplgg position
of trust and reeponslbilit; r which
brought him -urea easteetwewtle. alt'
ranks and conditions of men, and
placing l.1* ina position to varier -
stand human nature, as nob throe
may, who have nerved in a pablie
e*paelty. Re has oleo made a study
of bid T'estomenet history. esotrially
the creation of lean. Wowing his
Watery doyen throtok the ales—lslw
Win, 14. rs&151ke. Ms pnrps se M
or. lids slemoid prove a preitt.
able ars well as plesintra lie evea/aM'c
wp head hale for
tardier Oa Jas.. •t:, the heed tatMetr
eaaqielgit helbe. This le the moo,
b which tie Taxis sad Tedi beg-
MNI len
ere nuts* the erneesMwides the* flaomee, w
f.ee l
'n'arkf ` , G. S. IL T. smp-
.. aint air Ss repose
of the • �*s*berta at !tmlhsaeeie The
!elisseMvf et Monk ]ietrw is t104. of
T. Lam& lost a valuable Horse one
day by its being kicked by onetime.
Ries.' Jas.- McBride is not Improv-
mproving-as fast ae her many friends. Wish.
The hard time social., given in ZIon
church, Tuesday by - the Benmiller
I diva' Aid WAS ,a great success.
T. 11. Wilson, Nelson Pearson and
Vetson • eros,, of Blyth, *II shipped
ave You, Bought That
Radio Set?
If not see tike before ycsu'
Expeneive Sete for less:
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Frei ilC•1Mcflwai11
,R. R. No. ft Dungannon
Phos!! Dungant n 7'R• t4
Ma�kee th'
h .i!s rti j r q
HM... tiva Life
.Asqiirance Company
of Cada
� • shoo ht...i* r.
$F..;i► 1ryxQn : 7ii►A4'IGRr.OA ICr.
' a. i+aoiten Sao .
O Dralc t► ...: ;
Biggest'Assortment itt
Don't i't Buy titan ' you site
' $his -
t 4 `
the increased sbusipess and the greats. live stock from Waive last week.,
er hazgrd of farm risks of late years,
Cntitorne Earn, :Cirolreelectedeta
ted ,
a sunt,. slisrhtly under #15,000. peeingofileens for -1922f Tuesday, and. its re . "HAROLD BLACKSi'OM
all the claims for the year. The ;
190.000 of Canada fort showed that at had n very goad
Comnane'has now ,-:
!conch, ithe annual interest thereon fear': FURNITURE:: EXCHANGE.
belnir m.60. and the present rmoh Smith's. Hill church annual° meet•
value around. $30,500: and in . addit-
inn there -is it cash surplus ef,' over
28,000 welith a ' monthly+ income in
Premiums. of about $3,000. The
rates foe 1920.' . must remain at 30e.
1w:it •a that "ts the ethltlium rate
permitted by the Act unless the run • Ayitony the meek who inherit the
nrintenelept cleric eeoeeent to a lower earth there won't be any drivers of
rate. A ye*r ago, :the directors felt five ton tracks
clear in preenlsing ' veariend 1 -at,
this veer, ores in "1925 the , Act was `ro..,. '.`�..
amended, making.it neeeasary to rtes - FOR SALE
ing eveswell attended Monday ;And u "., me Brwesgtway aP Doderici
very favorable report given. Mr. A. *'"'''
W. Young was elected in Mr. Robert .. `"""• • ,"
Gleans place, Mr; Glen leaving remov-
ed to G'ed'erfe?r:
file consent or the Departments, and
although the ,.r-eauest Was.insde anti • • Gales of
'Urged, we understand, the l)'enart-Cottl
tient decided that It not
Wise to .nutka• stay, r►duetiouctton 't'or. at st � °
a Hard'
!fellate another year, The intention . of
the •Art; appears to . he that every at Macaw STATIONMitttsifsi earn my shall maintain sr
minimum cash srrolua of nt least 25 d11141hg week i '•e •`
Witting .your` clothes cleaned and;
::pieclse:I at ` rootiian's.4 soli get
'1aiuuch.' Satisfaction out- of: m.
They :ljust like nee:w.
Gideriel Frock. Dry Oesslie
Proatpt s Itipert Service -,
f"liaMAo 12. 'lit. 11tOOM
ext meet
"liartailton Street
Shoo StOl e :
Complete.lineeofladdies'. gentle.
men"e triad children's Mmes.
Coale in end oomj*to our prices.
rents for each $100 0! Melts nn- the - - fps. wtt.so$
books unless the rates aver 30e 0r Phone D*ngannsn 16 r 7; or
oyer; in other words if a Company is Carlow 1511; or
e,nlleetinat ' nt 'hast 30e carr ;184, the, .
Department does not bother about A,► C. LARK •
the i*urnius being under or °ver the General Stere. Carlow. Phone 'Dane
minimum .Antokant, but if .. Company ,pennon 10 r 2, or Carlow 1501 .
which - is collecting under the mini-
mum 30e,„ gses Its eurptue reduced
below the iregtsired minimum, the 1)e-
uartment would then eten in end 'my '
that the ration ntilelt 1* inersesseel or
tate Charter taken away. TheretrocA
the D*partmeeat thinks it wire• that
t6;- t'eneonany'ahorld liar* mtwe than
*0000.0 over rued above the reinfreum
of alien *160015 before reducing
ulcus. Can lire* thought chic implore
to 1* rather auteeratk. but the Dee
pertinent chirps ter have the inter. ' C•wraats* bll*p+rrsl at 4c a
rote of Fere-ore Mnteal rentionlfa skein or 3 far Ile
at heart, aria that tiler legielatinht is
is lit tate Wide* of Fanners' Met- Alt nnneeere fa )insneecrocket
wide la the ase, las sr•..etyrl. Cotter, lee ann so, peen..
A ltivtsr far �ee.sli eriest. • Foul Coma. Ro. 1 and *. all cels
A11lostler maw .►* cru 1a lee son see ecru.
lowiliwaillsairmatte a MAN ts� trim
.Ansa *Oa. t F:realeoel6ery Milo,
� ie a *Oa.
sainted to beldam ht Good !kitsch a Stamps! Gook
ri! sti aMraar Mr Comes av IN G est Dv* MUM with
hes the tv eve. eeie et yet O w flank a Ott postsM.e et t,+•olm is
risk arrPiw. +nett
tetaeNa eIlk and tawny of 1'eslgdieae acrd all Mole lf's sepAr Mei
thews wow • Men scar asetei.rs
_-O sod welt!, saws Mei. hmr. Ld• a t Qs,....
New Stock el al ai ra hi
fAark's Strad
Embry Threads
must he
at ere lofty
Wet e6e !parse the WM- t�sst lft. •
+r ret OM tuna icier. no stem.[
err, I
That is the .kitul which will greet
you when you oil at our store
ore ae *1115 of inspection, •Soli
d Born
fort cot bbnned with up -to date st' ie.
finenlaceials end :4 durability beybeyondG ampatwa• There's- real value in
Fettessrat Director
• lienelleeeee Street
Everything to keep your feet warm and dry during the
revere winter weather.
bA compkte stock of Theis. Osioloss tt, Sok Cows, sod
A call soti:tted.