The Goderich Star, 1926-01-28, Page 4•' M;$ PO1 tt
THI'. t;01,1Eklill *iTAit •
Clearing Prices
on Ladtes' Coats
We are offering the l.alauce of our stuck of Lathes' Wiuter Coats at greatly
Reduced prices.
Here area few of the values we are offering:
COATS,, ranular *75.00, for $58.00
COATS, regular $69.75, for $43.00
COATS, reg'skr *411.50, for 32.00
COATS,. regular *30.50, f,r $25.00
COATS, regular $32.50, Ice ;24.00
COATS, regular 024.60,. far $15.50
TI ere ;ire ni:ttit' nth•' t;„ else sit different dualities which we are selling at
eosx t*1 cirtIe'r er► j • tlic Ili art
'1.41.1s i% 4'�(s1:t•11 11.4V ir( C.'• } tt 311 41 '441:4 real money.
k\t;rti(( i(t(a %leave e,l•Nt,tare torr Special Announcement.
..1 LADIES' and MEht'S WEAR
s, past favors, Pam.
lk ' Yours, Etc.,
' ABOUT PAVING HUROI. ROAD. I Would like to make this a 'pedal him for their heroic
dead who h
appeal to . my ex -centrales -in -arms with our heroic dead in Islander
. • , . and their families and friends, not But what is the gist of .111 rhis to
The Goderich Star, only in Huron epunty but wherever 1 of war with Turkey? They seem
Dear Sir, --I• see by your advertie- your' journal penetrates, as we ono' think that if Meighen in' elects
ing columns that tenders aro being and all,. instinctively feel that our I Great Britain would he Assured
called for the paving of the Huron future w.elfare and happiness are at Canadian support, Looking at
Road out from Goderich to Taylor'es .stake at this time. Mr. Editor, a from that point of view is would'
Corners. Naturally one dopa not short time ago The Signal. carrled an eligible excuse to prolong the 1i
like to say anything agarose en im« an article taken from The Farmers' of the King Government till thi•
proved condition, whether it be in Sun in which the Hon. A. Meighen Mosul affair is settled and so pr
•evnneetion with the roads or some* was accused of practically sending vent Quebec trouthaving to take an
thing else, and especially when we an emissary to Robt. Forke; asking share of trouble in which the Britis
Empire . should. find. herself involve
And so :.the question arises, Doe
Quebec so bitterly resent being 4sn
eluded in Canada as a part of th
British Empire`? If sp, how can w
expect Liberals sent -from other part
of Canada to Rive, their supporter
British justice, if .they have to ac
with members:who so 'bitterly reser.
mernbership in the Britis't Empire
Out.of, fifty-eight elections since con
federation Quebec has voted a soli
block fifty-five times, Can our Lf
'ere chairman tell, us how many 0
those fifty-five blocks"' have 'she
any marked degree of British Pa
triotism? • There exists an order cal
led the Socletee Francais; trentend
ously strong, who are sworn • neve
to use the English language in a
Way, and yet we are being constants
reminded that 'the French languag
would be good for us, for .they neve:
tire of talking:bi-lingualisni for th
rest :of Canada' outeide • of Quebec.
And where, is• all this leading u
to? . 'Canada is.split clean in two
no;other country, in the world is fee
ed . with such ,a vital problem. 'W
have our settlements of Buropean
who defy our laws and language an
Canada is as surely drifting awa
from British traditions, through thi
tor of The Globe .can` sera at ;least language and political question, a
.having the best roads in the pray -that night follows day, and will soo
tree but, as a 'driver over the main farther than the end-ofhis none, and be a second European continen
rands front North Bay to Toronto• those stones he is accused of throtw Uncle Sant has an open- doer for a
and west. to Windsor anis Sarnia, I ing are not rebounding on his hens i Canada's • native-born sons ar
say that Hurnn roads ar¬ ns bed.and requiring ,a 'prescription to re -
Nay' daughters; Their places are being
>zs Perth roads, but are not up to the gain his balance; taken by 'Europeans, who have be
standard they were ,t few years ago. Mr. Editor, •during isle, cAntrovet'sy raised in an entirely 'different envir
The Blue e't'ater Route, both north eoncerntng the North Ht,ron recount went and who at once begin, t
and south of Goder:eh, , ou)d• he hie the result of Which we accept tvfth- save their money to send back t
moved greatly and should he. • Ohre out comment, this howling exiwnent their own country, t,o bring out thei
town door not make enough'«notice of fair play denounced and bemoaned relations. If we are informed cor
of the feet that it wss a Gaderkh the 842 voters who were being der reetly ten thousand Russians ar
boys who first gave start to this taunt- thrived. of •their franchise, apparent. booked for. Canada. I ask, Do the
let troll that leads away up into that le, 'brcai'se the larger part of there usually make good Canadians? An
great new north land. were King, votes. We have waited I wonder how many of them kno connection with this could 'not for some such denouncement in sym. the junk and pawnbroker: bu'lneae
thrit-hydro pole and online* like it at pa rthy wwhot a 200,000
dap deprivedof and no matter what • their earninsr
the earner of Britannia ind Victoria capadty may be, the proceeds o
street be better removed before there their vote by the ver.e party wito sante, flow through the hands of tbei
is an accident in connection with sabers such a storm . of indignation. own people, as they deal exclusivel
Eamr over 342. How can we be xo foolish With each other fo their own bene
Then there could ba attractiive as to expect main to rule our counttry and our detriment, while Caiu*disn
Ague showing the way`• directly in Wisely and Iioaorably ' if they can -,.the deecet!dants of those .brave ii
and out of town. Then aimila,• stitnx override the wishes of the 'people in - domitable men and women who rant
showing the way for a laky from, such Mussolini style, • from the British Isles 100 years ago
drive and other points of interest Mr. Editor, in n*y last letter t took whose hearts mutt have been as hi
. and the .buildings and grounds of issue with our .liberal leader for his as racehorses. for few of Its wan
intterest• marked. Quebec sympathy and his Proi*res- care to take a wife and :Slimily Int
Sincerely bourn, sive activities. As I Mentioned be. the virgin forest and 'start to hew
' A COMMERCIAr; fare. Mr.. Mei#tten was accused of out n home and live under the rein
TRAVELLER. "having an agreement " with the Proe - eonditions that they hid to. giving t
gressite leader" to vote the Icing as this great and wenderful remote
reritRON Those]Ere'sTGO siverx. tuWood in.' m yste ious , are calmly our
mysterious element steal our birth
_.... • than water and who voted with _right, or. are we selling it far a mews
To the Editor of The Star. ' Meighcn. mast feel Proud indeed -of pottage?'
Dear Sir, In view of the recent after the swathing lndictteente -
poiltiesi etttsuulckment at Ottawf►, brauerht against the Liberals of . Let us consider this mysterious
and the weekly articles 'tppcaritng in bee by one of their own rare. Mr. vemeent from a sense man's point: of
The Goderich Signal in its poor at• Donee. of Rett, N.B. Yost will xe- - view. Look' besets 100 years. Our
tenant to snake the situation accept- atember my claim was that their re--neighbor
the great sons ton since
E that
alit to the voters of Goderielt and of contention wax the '1'urkteh time utxkr Anglo-Sa, oh "' gurdarnce
vicinity, may I prevail upon your Mosul affair. Now it is proven that .and la
s eseroaity for speer in your Canada- they conducted their eampaixnn by Na nation In the
buret journal to retaliate' against this striking fear into the 'Inters of Qcte.:' world has iehown 'such progress,
one-track mind policy of tht editor bee: k' taatatinlr llir, liie►ighen a' ib'elle
Sam demands of his oitn ens
of The Goderich one oauguttate, and one *potent
1. Thane
Signal? blood tbe � who sought vie ;who da not like his ay sten t out,
lli. " s your ixrndsi ioii Ql' blaminit No Mennonite, Doukhobour, or
_ lhench.Canadian communities. Eith-
er be an American or get out. Can.
ads! What has happened to the pon-
ulstion--100 years and still only 8,-
250,000. We may be a little less fay:
Bred geographkally, but nten have
stayed in. places leen favored, where
- they ean mike a good living, No,
_that is not the reaaoss. It is time to
face this problem' un tnehieply. We
are split wide open sued have been
for all Om*. Ono side regard them-
selves seembers of a British colony,
U.. others west their Duerr,
feed there ie as truer statesuent than
thee. "Hatted use stead. divided we
fi*il." AM .the great tragedy of all
this is them e * the eureka of ons eats
Mogi, hones et tit* great Newer*,
wrr ma Aad seen bees, titrwgh their
M+a'taliatie bilimo M* ares sgiihsg their
islwrtt*iw'. for a mem of pottage. b
seeing the eeilessnea of their jaersa1
M wreak wee* asci wawa of our
Melt **Cr is eesd awl of ager wen
mate to kelp psepi► et as entirety
serest , whs are ween*.
Mr eight ass a iw M Metre Al me
idle s M #e�! what we hem. To
them imr. seem ?Who 'harsh
h.A iM UoMt *MO
vast sanene� iti swell
were remedies. When Mr. Dom
headed those Quebec Liberals a dote
of their own atodkiae the way they
wept egt rite Yale of
aeTAagr alfh+s s tlrat thgr
illte whstt tel*egr pcaacrii r fees
The hrt„'rr,a,res. cubo .res out and
stood. in groups talkin'r, i:o
*skin, epee other what the folks
home. would Wilk of them for aural
sweating. with Men with such eat
&itiait views. I would hate to
the Wit of the North Huron me+abe
when he comes beck for reeloetia t
think up an excess for his support
ors and have a eloar conseence. A
so to the Veterans of Huron' Count
1 would say lee's set ourselves th
ebjective that wryer again Will yr
send another Lii9ra1 candidate.
Ottawa until we are assured that w
ran expect him to fulfil our wishe
Yea have a double duty to perform
Not one of us but has Data who lie
Plsnders, who were cut oft in t
prime of Life for their country's ,sake
They left their velvet and families in
our care. Are we going to be trait
ora to these amen, and let this relent -
'He foe drive them from the. country
their husbands and fathers died for?
With all this conscription and war
croaking, which is after all anti-Bri-
tish propaganda, and, as'such, is
anti-ua, if we are to haus another
election, let these Quebec sympath
izers rant for all they are worth; we
can settle their hash • by voting
against :their candidate en .znasse. I
Your pardon, Mr. Editor, I have.
only just got started but realize 1
have r to' quit or exhaust . your pa
MINWItmOmMWMMMOMMIll .. �...... w".......+,
ttpal, who will tern this in to the tiea-
The Hesse sash Scheel Club of Vie -
the toric wheel Mi psersheaed the Et
do volumes of the stook of 1Ctrcwktge
esu. for tsi�o *eel asci the
deaibt shut tY laesrttyliassirs of
at The matter of supplemental reed-
- ung books was referred to the xup.
haul Ply. committee.
e O
" an Ottawa
no will be read
y with regret,
e of the Macs
is • John Mata
netted with
c tory and far
a• died yesterda
• dine Road, T
itt John Mantra
oe on July 20, 1
Macara, Q.C.
the early pa
" and in 1874 part
---The following from
paper of the 21 th' nnat,
with interest, coupled
by the ntany old frfrnds
ra family in Goderich:
Macara, for many year; con -
the Dominion Cbaerva-
mer resident of Ottawa,
y at his home, 286 Spa-
oronto, in his :let year,
was born ht Hamilton
85fi, son of the late John
of Goderich, He lived
1 of his llfa In Goderieh
he entered the Depart-
e tience. Thanking you for this . an
ment of Public Work*. By the year
1876 he had risen to the post of as.
instant engineer on Canadian. Pacific
Railway construction, .end ten .years
later joined the Topographical Sur-
veys Branch of the Department of
the Interior. Hfs experience as aur.
veyor•fn the west laid a iv9ife for his
work in the Dominion Observatory,
to which he was appointed on July
.4, 1905, and became chief computer.
Latterly he was - editor of publics•
Hone far the Dominion Observatory,
- from which. he was auperamzuated
d under the Calder. Act in 1921 He
fe Non -Resident Pupils WW Be Charg
s ed $3 a Month From. Feb. let •
are not directly called upon to pay his assistance in voting the King
the.hill. Purther we have men. that Government out of office, and bear
are giving their time to the road this in mind, that. "about the same
question and making a study of it • time the editor: of The Fanners' Sun
and we 'should be willing to approve camp snider. the fire os his own party
of their judgment. for, I think, inconsistency; he being
Sorsa time ago 1 mentioned to an- unable to prodpce an attractive con -
other user of this piece of road that sistent enough journal to hold enough
it looked to me that there was to be farmer subscribers to keep his paper
• some paving done on the Huron on a sound Rnanciat: basis, showing,
Road, as it was staked oft, He said' we think, that he had better apply
the Goderiek end was only graded his talent to placing his newspaper
:and turnplked last year and it will In a flourishing .position, before he
not be :settled and in shape: for pay- questions the ability of a man of
Ing. If this is the case why should Meighen's calibre. Now in The Sig -
there 'be any risk pin if the laying nal of Jan. 21st there appears an -
over of this work for a year, will other Farmers' Sun artiele offering
make a more lasting jobs' .Last year edvlcc to the . King Government with
a eontparetively goat macadamized •which our Liberal chairman does not
toed was torn up betwoern Mitchell agree,. 11 appears he would like td
and' Stratford, several miles of it. steer the .Farmers' Son beck to 1911
because the'work was not done right and camouflaged abnegation. under
at first. • • the present Government, whom. he is
There is also this side to the pay. Ploaaed. to term "the • political. heirs
ing of this'stretch-what the of `the then Laurier Govermtient"
necessity'? '1'hfs road', properly- ?Of . this more later). We -do not
gravelled, is a better road for the doubt for a moment that these heirs
farmer, as good if not better for the would be very pleased to try it again,
driver of the motor'. ear, and why As to the guarantee of the'resulc we
snend"needless money on. this stretch believe. that history. repeats. Iii this
when we in Huron have miles of game'' issue tJtin._2lst) there nppenre.
road that require money spent on en article attacking The Globe.
• them ? Wonders will ' never eease, but in
Huron County had rx• reputation of Drew of the recent exposure, the edh-:
The inaugural meeting of the pub
h lie school board was held on Wed
d, nesday night of last week, Jan. 20th.
s present .Trustees Thomson, Sallow
Wallace, Cutt,, Carrie, Miller an
o Naftel, Trustee iSaunders being ab
e sent.
a Trustee Carrie was' appointed
s chairman of the board _for the year
t, Dr. Enunerson was reappointed to
rt the G. , C. „I. Board and Principe
Stonehouse.. to. the public library
. board, their' terms having expired
d The regular meeting .night •of the
Lib • board - will be the first Monday of the
f month`as before..
had lived in Ottawa until . last year,,
when he moved to Toronto High
tribute to the memory, of Jghn Ma.
car* was paid by Dr. •3feldrum" Stew.
art,, director of the Dominion Ob-
servatory. "We were all shocked to
beer of his death this morning," Said
` Dr.. Stewart, "Mr. Macara had been
with the Observatory since its start,
and hp was held in - the higher of
regard." In 1882 he Married. Miss;
Emma' Snow, eldest daughter of the
, late A. J. Snow. i1.L.S., of Ottawa,
s. who predeceased . him • in February,
d 11921. Ile is survived by one son, .1.
� L. Macara, of Toronto: ' two daught-
t err, Mrs. G. T. Prinsep, of Ottawa,
I and Miss Gwen Macara, of Toronto;
r. two slaters, Miss Mary Macara, of
! Goderich, and Mrs.' Witham A. Glas
1 goy. in Philadelphia, • and one broth-
er, W. E. Macara, in Winnipeg. The
funeral service .takes place in Tor-
onto tomorrow. Interment will be in
w The following standing committee
for the year were appointed .
Supply --W. Naftel, F. Miller mid
J.'Thonnson. '
✓ Finance-�-W. Wallace, A. Saunders
an • and R. R. Sallows,
School Management -A. Saunders
y R. R. Sallows and J. Cutt. •
✓ . Property -J. Thomson, W. Wallas
e and F. Miller.
The secretary -treasurer's re;or
for the yearshotvs a surplus for th
year of about 11508•, that is $21.50
' was the amount raised for public
o 'school purposes And `e21,000 is, h
e round figures, the total; of a cpendi
d; tures, including debenture, for th
year. *s0there teas a shortage fror
a the previous year of about $600 the
accounts now about balance.
n . A, report on the boiler at Victoria
t. school from tee. holier inspector• was
11 that it was in good condition.
,d . An application Item Miss : Hume
to be placed on the list of supply
en teachers was' granted. A reques
_ from the teachers of both schools
o that, in figuring up the estimates for
o the year, ;allowance be made for in
✓ creases in salaried from Sept. tat
was filed'.
• A special meeting of the board wil
be held• on Monday, Feb. -15th, t
d make up the estimates for the year
ow The . janitor$ sat the . two a.:hoose
were appointed school attendance of -
' firers.
f' The principal of Victoria school re-
f ported 182 begs and 184 girls on the
✓ roll with en average attendance of
t 967 boys and 161 girls. DO per cent.
• Penns' bank deposits 152,60, deposit-
ors 177, A request „for four pencil
e sharpeners was made: The prinei-
nal of •Central school renortest 95.
n boys and• 98 girls ort the roll, with an
Waal • average attendance of 20 boys and
O 84 gine, 90. pen cent. Penny. Hank
deposits, $24.47, depositors 110. 'Mrs.
• Redditt acted as substitute for five
a and a hslf days, The rei�orts were
. filed, the supply teacher• to be paid
t and the request for peneil sharpen-
s ers referred to the supply commit-
A request front Mr. Rrddoek, rare -
take.' at Central . *school, for an in-
crease,: of $100 (from $450 to $550)
was granted, dating from Jan. hat.
Trustees Wallace and Thomson mov.
ed to make the increase $50 and
Trustees &Hews and Miller, in
amendment, to make it the $100.
Trustee Naftel voted with the
amendment and Trustee Cutt with
the motion, sued Cbaiiman Carrie
supported the amendment.
An important question whirl' has
been ronsldered before was brought
to a'decision 1n the fixing of.:t fee of
per month for non-reeident pupils.
Principes /Boathouse reported that
there are new le such pupils attend.
ing Victoria 'school. The set pro -
vein that 'chats] boards :ft such rases
may fix a fee not execed:ng the tee
per pupil and Seeretery Knox re-
ported that the roost ar the town
pnblie schools figured to $36.40 per
Pupll, or VIM per wreath for the ten
months of the *school year. in AGs- -
cwaslae it was poiseited out this the
rural school* receive a much► larger
gran then the tows stelae's. and that
for country pupils is be slowed to -
attend the town acholia free wars un-
fair. is cries .where .he parents
awn arouses? In went the ammer.. tsf
wheel tease tiwy pay set smelt hi de:
dearteslio kse the M dowse will be is -
mired to pay. mai the set previiee
that the torwseblp may remit tlw
iciwol tea paid ie the' lerweei la,
whore a peewit sonde him .110e1 to a
tww*r MOO& Tree* Walker tsaov. -
sd and Tree* Cat tormidod that
the aeerekary get a fiat se ups-rai-
ioa! peiteil* Awe the 'elsrepda and
swift Ile ntrerssta Alt tram rot.
pato" tee et a reset naperile be
Mees e, is M 04 INN to fro malas{. '
The Meneyto's1n gees
The average production of milk
per caw in Canada is aisms 4,000
pounds annually Int tics
are agreed thatthe higher pro.
duction per cow the treater the
profit You can materially increaw
the productiveness of,pair herd
by breeding tetter live stock and _,
tlic local braadi of the Standard
Blank of tunable is at your ser.
%ice in 'upplti'nr loans for the pur
chase of steel. which will Aire a
greater cash reborn for the feed
and fat w ernpen4e4.
tot 111ffwerg
"A' United and Hopeful Congregation
Behind the Pastor
The annual meeting of the Gode-
rich Baptist church, on the evening.
of Jan. 20th was, a very happy time
for the goodly number who. were pre-
A review of the past year showed
that it bad been one ofprogress in
every way and in every department
of the church.
The organizations have
proved, so that they are running,
smoothly and effectively. Several
new departments have Seen added
and are doing good work. A most
earnest staff of workers have been To make absolutely.sure of- having FARM,.
busy and are now entering eagerly g
maker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver
Extract, .50c.
THUISt1AY, JAN. ytith, 1*0 .
M i�
Dominion Bromide Quinine Tablets, 25c
All other. well.known Remedies always
in stock.
The Rexall Drug Store '
Bedford Block - Goderich.
• 1111
outside. Last fan the whole inside
was thoroughly renovated:
I. The mission fund advanced from
-$187 in the year before to $314 this
past year. The total receipts were
32,381.96, making an average of
$55.55 per member.
After the election of Meese
which followed a hearty vote of,
thanks to the leaders who had served!.
during the past year, the ladies serv-
ed a dainty lunch\ and a pleasant
time was spent about be various '
The deacons are . Alexa C• lutton,
Wm. Hill, 'A. Wilkins, A. Osbaldest-
on, Jas. Strachan, Jas. Campbell. W.
W. Donaldson -is clerk. ; •
The church is most united and
hopefful and is praying for a real re-
vival in our hearts that will result' in
the salvation of the unsaved about
us. Cottatle prayer meetings will
start this Tr hay night to_ pray for.
Winter Winds
Will Not Chap
Campena's Italians Beim lire.
vents chapping of the hands and
face in Winter time. The cold
wind •evaporates erre natural.•
moisture of the skirl, leaving it
dry and shrunken; Cantpa i:es
Italian Balm replaces this nat-
ural moisture. A11 Druggists
and departmental stores sell it.
A special sample battle mewed
on receipt of 5c.
Italian Bairn
E. G. West & Co., 80 George St,
In business to do,411 kinds of plumbing, heating and
tinsmithing to your. entire satisfaction.
Plumber WILFRID DONALDSON' Phone 431:.
,Far •
Farmers of Ontario
brder Your�
Farm Help Lp Narv'
upon a new year's work.
Congregations have unproved
greatly and the membership total Send in your'applicationS, at once, to..
has increased by nine. Five were
by baptism,. The membership now
stands at 67 with several more to he ' M�in�ri '1(
HELP FOR 1926.
added • at the next comntuaion.
All current expenses were met by
the receipts and u' balance shown.
Over 3200wag paid en the parsonage
debt beside all carnysng charges.
The church has been oeautifuily de-
eorated and the parsonage painted
Parliagzent Bu*ldlings. -- Toronto, Ontario.
Telephone Rates
at this Exchange
/'1HE following table shows the principal rates now in
1 effect for this exchange, and the new Ves for which
we are asking the approval of the Board of Railway
'Commissioners: -
Business Service
Individual Line
2 -Party
Residence Service
Individual Line
2 -Party "
Present: Proposed Monthly
Monthly hate Monthly Irate Ineretase
$2.57 $2.75 ,1B
$2:05 $2.25 .20
' $1.55
('•ntes arc for vett trierphouesj
MSS McDONALD, itanagtr
The Deis Taispet be Csy