HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-28, Page 1Stet Sithowribers... Farina in Airframes forint Bonin a Bids* Cokes SIXTY UcOND TZAR Reeve McKibbon, of Wi id) GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 YON for Your Daily Papers with THE STAR Our Cloblie Les Sire Yew Lay *111.. x01611 MAI I n» Ilial. I„w. LOOMMO16.101 VANATTEX £ )4Arrsz., Pablisliere is County Warden for 1926 --Equalization of Assessment Stays as. in 1925 for This Year. Sun Life Assurance Ce. of Canada mm Carry figs Insurance • f o sir but tint :lrif insurat1ce.e *IOW, i til this., there, is ho can quicklybe duplkated, cad your, 'intik this over and decide to carry adequate e nsur . • antic, • 1Phimmt • TOWN TOPICS l the third week in Februar:' in the GODERICH INDLI$'R,A,L FAIR' Sect, "Beginning again, maid's over �N CLAMS TOWN !ental citadel, to be ,limon by the t +R Cls ta, will ''' - •,,.,,,.,w•.,,..-,�.,..-.. a broken life. a • �,,�,,, , , „• • ,• A ter rracetutg. young tsetse :tithe Corp. and local Anneal et ting Held bast Thtttradsiy s for a revival in aattderteh be begun follows : G. C. I. Sold 13katinrt Parti amcer. A roc oid crowd is et;pectod. .,•� $lash! Deficit From 19'tifi 5ervisea in North street United M to set Tuesdays Students and teachers of the lanai lldeotit+gf► wflZ take plica as usual Shwa ,church next l3ttrtde►y mitt wr it0 gitWing,Peb. ileal. Collegiate held a jolly ;dotting party this eoming wefk. 1 • Lira., Men's Club, Fellowship Clasa.at w. 1µt- Fricla�r afternoon itnt'rgldietely Mr. G. L. Jacket I a�•int: Gederitekt There was a very good Attendance and Misakan Sand; Public W.rtrhlp on edneadays tit 3 N'01,1 Carry ire Ils#ilrance, to c t1i' , � � pan. beginning Feb- >)t•d. ttili k tit only '1 chance to i 2OEs of y ottr following school. After skating rear We ave sorry to iearp that Mr, C. slit their scouts! nieetlteg of thy. Gale- at 11 L*. and Sunday &'boat at iI •,tr aeenrollaaeertissossdetDomI;reib,ledwsliJla.veru lifeInsufranco.iPoicy is boundseveral hours at the local rink the L.Jsrakson ,ja shortly to leave+ Gode- rich industrial Fair Board heli in p.m. At Trim, atl+t► stiMitket' oaf ser• ed classes in thesa't rpttrtawnta wl*t1,��party proceeided to taela aachoc+l _wham rich, }raving swbepfied a position as the town !tall on Thuradsir afterrtoan ratan will lie, +`The Friendship of >� opened up gra othkr afternoons or to mtltuxe, Youruseklnck ► aerwd. The evening woesuperintendent frith the.(rown Life,last. President Thos, Gtu%dry, Vice flavid alts dpnathsn," ?t[r. F» Steel#, bye s, lifebere:stoedtoyourfaflygiven oval to gam�s Payed in flapwith. headqua ztea at Hamilton. Mr, Presddent Wm. Green and Second Vice of C`•13ttton, trill sing• at both morn•TheclassesinCommercialFab•(Aftassemblyhall.Theaueccds.ftits Jacksonha�abpeatta' very popular ?resident James Connollir wire re• Inst and evenlnlr services.jectaandAutomclbile Mechanicsare event wasdue to theneo -elected elected to those omces, The pld din-"'"`"'"""""""""""'�" slingwell attended. Thera are re..member of the baltking thur li itya' of "'G1R1+ aplf' G> ►#t!D"I.it" executive, Glerierieli and in .many other linea a!soloists wrw.<raappainte with ,the f~ elnirpd eosaset six mare members t Aitl�t Hoipitaal Birthday Reception activity Iproved latmaelf .i good citi- addition of Mr. Ernest Grori' to the OLD COUNTY • theFancy Knittl'ng Class, mi'eting on As*Thuraday, Feb, 18th, will be the l ;ren. He -has artrved -tbrt►fermi ae oat from south of town, Nr. Wm. MERRY TORONTO essays at?'.JO, otherwdde the Clara Young to the list from }ouch of town, w1I1 bediscontinued after next Toe*- atnntversary of the opening . of the manager of lite ,local branch of the "' '"""� and31r.Rackertothe!fart from Pr ra y•'�'A1vT,I�.' ; t �'pIt t3A1<.E V;; 'fit +It�IT � zlew !capital, it has !Ken. decided to SterliattfBank,•latelyatnalgatnakd og toiitwsdet6yG.1�t.. da . There• .has not bran a st,Utiriettt canal the regular ,visiting day,StaSauk, and hada the town;rectorsthusing;ria"ArousesVSid..pr.aadInteresenrollmentinHoNursingand ••�7A"�t'k:�.-•:+�tat�i�r gci»orul flair„^: t�1t d�1.L;»•�aoel Parlor �; an•l`cau: brat Friday of Febrttlary, and ha.+ldg'aod dial to do �th�tlta buildinr up follows: �+rom aaukh of the fawn-•• Sg40 lieallzed i+tr Counq' Iiarapital makingofChildreu'ieC1Qtitea#o make' tivorle ; meati' h fond•nC e u it rt. �tnet. 4'i' f r , wtt:r aril r e4 t t,. Mcsars. Geo. Sturdy, Ino. Sowerb� , Fund. pOiMIbiutheOpeningnE GiaaaeaniA t . #;. t:, JstCitCSO:N, Pitons ;it>s, 'twintaae;rt4tLarca~h.tppt,^ di1 k . C. instead a reception at the haaof lLe tr the hormesis r Ging th and' die -o. �ndrewat, 1T, amphrey, p.F,these important subjects.Pp3, tiVs1p 1.Ft'StarttfUce Februarsr 18th. 11AuxlAra w tine trlot. While nrerstilttg the removalEdwrdsandErnestGrovra;fromFormer residents of Boron ('curate Mora Members can 1* nrallcd, in d9tit3 Isc�t ac)ier. tricot retieater.1,A u,p;' • "It . lark ;j iy easemaa showa'1 Aaxiliar3* will be hi alr. Jaelcaon from tenon, we wishnorth of the town—bicrons. A. r1..rarha areidentifiedwith.the!!Conon Basketry ortMondayaat ...)o.,omag•rhe+st,,�cx►rrsrtia n•��lKuNirieit's Ne:1t Market. .tl,ply pleased to chow anyttrre thraurrh the him all the itiosucn.es he tented far inFisher. John Fowkr, Wm. "'1oUnlr, C, Old,Soya'AtstsociatlansaltTorontotenmaremembersar�>neededforvi,wtholid r . Beats ., evsWats t-Ax.,EX.,SAUNDk711.S. .. building on' that day between the his new• position, His : position will YitrYaholiday.rata•eve«r3tAc:o.. ,wa to itve and seven to nine be Laken titan rani le of February •bRobertson, Peter Bieaet and• holt- have just reason to be,nroud of their Saturday afternoon C'Iaa-t eft Feb. :gammas free. F►: r1. I £l•I•.L VRE +t: Cu.. 1reTfi..R.N TTEDt Ai: 47�-��hcel�nspoore u t� art Cxlen, cram the lawn -Mayor 11. moat recent effort to add to the furans 611, ntherwiae rt tea murlt be diseon- hlatoarsdri&.' aunt...-. +�•.. .Saafch„ lrirzge y", ••���Qrsted.; •,111 P.m;,and' tui rece►i're such birthday Dir: R. S.�•liaiel, o Fnredt.i ,1. �,,: ,MeaY';wan, Reevu ?ltunninlrr�, created' a year situ for the beneilt f tinned: Ali' A . -'F0*iT>s`XDF NT ' S;% V1 k:1t 1 S'ool, :vinety "0e it., 'i 1:uP clrin er- gifts as ills visltoxal may fool inclin-Victoria Howse and School Club I Denuty Reeve Moder, E. 11, i glc, the ed iels:;•bf this county. fibs Iat anstruetion in. Any of flu tabovar ' elee hshfleid, Tenders' w#tl be ed. �amPle•f4_r�lta��ti n iF'Ol>;'1're�edtO bring. T'Ite roittilar monthly.`mee�ing• t�f M:PP.; Ar. Galltlw..11Ieasra. W.T. annttal.at Noma at Qddtellowtt' 'dem- slitsaes is drsixsd, please snroll atrcotdwrd b• tvi undertsi ntax lite partmrnt A. 1 r ^� C„n ibutiotts ta. Special uildi+tgthe Horne ;and School Club o#!rice Murnev„I'I, T. F,dwardd, 1;.. L« Kau ;plc.229Collegestreet,Toronto,on once ••r1r, IOn1 of flood . n 1 iinieladcnt. stat -R liciclr t;oakv're)s,11uqd, Alexalitlra Marine and r •aat,inry. 1tf h�trdarag to 9ya' in tele �t lariat school wars: ltplcl ttri Thursday Ins. ltlurViear; Georrre t,au)d, S, C.!fhuradayeveningof loot wankwas,I.fit.F�,��F„g,'.J. 4�. HI,t;1lb;, .'ry.titin, C.; I:. • ;/.Fcue)?,.lGil. ill otalr Claltege CQtiebeo) ,Ge,ret,tl.$etatpits►it • evening, Jan. alai! at8 .o'clock, with McKay, Taaaac Salkeld, ll. 141. Ube-. voted by the live hundred in sound- r'hairmitn Cant. Principad �Luol►naw,%^,ir•- attain, ufu air• of gild 4,0 It C n ,..� ----•• •C, 17AL$it."t1�H,.bay field. 60D r 31, lin- . Mr,-and.Mrs.«•.E Rally;''a thez A>;, •tiP1�RTcfrilrx. tort: .,s,► ' ; don, Clnt.,. ,, .,....�. ;..S 00 proaidenQ, blra Redditt, in thin lackey« 'SV. H, Rebertbon and Walter a'ncet as "tile beat,yet:' ' ag is title-Rl: 7'0�' c[rair, Since last me►etin the Club h'aftel; }ach directors-�1trs. 'Cann coos due credit must ea to the ener- • , tt.. . itors.uttat,( Estate o �¢ro.4`3. H. Leech,i have bought and '.paid fora cabinet Stewart and dins. Howrh ! hnnorarygene president, lair. B. II. McCreath,1er H'�ron)te> , and a tele run wns Mrt ;To:•onia fiend tat brofter:r�� erleh uItt,?,1'.orntr Hrctfefrrt J.J' yi, an er M. W: Howell anti A.t or he victrola. T'went -five dollars directors--Mossrd..C. A. R Id, 1 W.who was ably supportedby anen-. caved at 1210 a.m. from Mr. and ad dial u tat onenlativa far11,4. I!C} life Gertner ••at l mm.�hli.i rand. P f t Y MrsJ.: Vit: Forney, of C'larlotte, t onto �luHt•ebe 1i'tc.r�lrr,.il.i'Rttthousm itr�rt�, illi, inotlrrat' cont• 'M: Robertsap, Execitwars 100 OO,:ttiorth of atiods hatjs been donated to Saikeid,JohnClark and C. A. Nuirnythugiastic executive representative ,�nal ritsdrtct a rhe Society wlll pay the anntm, North Carollna,U.S A•, saying•, "Pro-vvtta can taxlrnv up cnquini,ea retrardida' Yenfenecs, Anf?ly 1I;1�te 6c I•La1e1F; Has- - Altowance� for: Bank lax- • theChildnna •Siteltex. Theri flu all porta of the castrate, As a fittln[sreovernment, and Municipal bonds. ape sisters; etc., 'Ha'tilton street,: d:'Qderich, changes • oe .Club have•, plac "The.:Btiklka of "'n'nlerehiu fee a£ S2 in thtt Gntario reward for weeks of nlan'in•; they;rratn of Ituran Old Bay; camint; an Unlisteri, "i'ecureliies. Every forma;Ptetiouasl aeknowledgeai,..COSI i e' Fiiir and F.xhibitTona _As�ocln►inn lino, Coniv tneludin ,up 1.1 Tt Ott SALE » luiy,ir323. Ford Coate, y Knarvled>t4 in tine school library.have tle satidtactiatr of .knawin;r that gratulatlana.upport 14' he R •on., al hi� t ears. Three creeps a re vtere gluon by ai in past, years, and Vk. Presddent the Huron county hoapitnl fund will iTheladies oftheyHuronOldBoer'the ecinuto oto ons on e t j el as r[tuaksteli stile, b1e- „i 6 S6 O7 p be increased by abtnit 8«00,witich Assneiation ' suppi)ed a wonderful a e,eouri �,1,rite Box AThe .God Front And mar zlaUbie-?<a r. bumpers,3Gft4?•G2 members of a Club, (1)."Aima.of��rtt.. Green and Secretary-`CreasurerS special steering wheel Klaaxon horn,' the Hnmu.. and Shciaol:Club Dn theDr. W. F: Clark were appaintud dols- sum will repretsant the, berlanee, etaluniseoonon: andthetaskaifoieridt Stnr.. Trico automatic 3vindshield wiper, Dash tt . �_Ii. J.. A .iacF.;LYA:N, :, h et lotto to attend the annual sneetin fivepred guEate was a vi+ry:large �. Parking ltgttts, 11va F`irestane baleen Fiat, by Mra; 'W,•Fzisa; (�) Ai►1ts, g ht►ncl aftur thu expenses of the evr,t- tirhs, water•heater. This Ceiba• coatTtea,urer.at the Home and kchoal Club in thein Toronto Feb. mrd un l 4tlr. The 'infra entertai'ntent aro tract,onno eomttfittee in charge of Et►6il« anion ;about•1000 uncles, enatvttound „ district meeting' will le head in Strat- { ' Chief interest of course! setiiersdthisv: Mitt. H. '1►Iartin, �a[za. 'bI.Preaddent vs, flies Prcasldent :SIatch Present, by 111rtt¢ Vggt'a; (3) o the broadcasts of tits. dance B bediek, Mra. Jna. lhleton, Mrs. �$ap''�in Girderit`h, Heion�s to hard dctlerw• The following ds the .esu1:.of the "Aima of the Club for the Future`,"ford Feb, 2nd and the: delotates wrs ateSA'iil &aertAcet PIIt?YE no doubt attend 'this ryathering on music anti the program of C'FCA, the WmCreath,Mrs. iii. King, Mrs. • president vs. vice president match• at by Mrs. Taylor: laiplct .month beingtheir way to the ono in Rbrunto, Toronto '.Star station. The ' p:vagrant Thoott;,_$lxafe, D, Thoinpaon, Mia: t�>ilX,pj�. OR S:11.>:. 01t'1'l711F.ri'T.--Iced brlekthe curling rink last >•rlday, ran.the yearly election»P atiicerat a 'very E. o3�,.tree t�vst "�tm »L house on ''Messrs, A. Po;ter,nnrl Geors•.r Wil-' i,iwne�i with a speech b thepiet1 lis, H. B„Stowt',2full attendance of” etienrbexs is 're- { oasorison fitrect,brat residot,ttal loratfity: llama were res toted::iuditnrs. rlent, B. 1;I, Mcf"reath,isetting forth rra., orra,gibelliKtIfn C;foderihh. Gain be used os .one rest ,Pres.Vico i'red.. quested. Tho Society vr1T enter the combsn- aims of the Association, ttnd•cts'leath. donee, witiwtwo'bathrooms� a large par-• Roo Patterson:. R. Sperling 1Viit5, C '111, B,QBERCS01\, See. the About' 160. plaai'yed euchre and ly o ds t ed threshed grain arrd field tem cans- , sending .meetings, to Huronites every. tC1 ler, nand latticed verandah. lteaetti0dbl•e:I .Hunter Geo. soman marine Club $ntokeK 'petition, th del ctiein nA the rtl t introduced to thc� bridge, rho arrerngementd belna car» h cellent o rtutr- lty`for bright yon g.1u can sell. , x rie c u . Ssaar ° soon .. an. you eau show results.. [,.Addri ss , applications„ to . ,1600, Stat Goleridi rent for reliable tenant 0ttttter Ieasvin'g `. A. tr•• ••nsan J. Bowman d' cu ar tai being e left to:t committee tie when: He on a frena permanently. Address at the Star or On. Fridays evon'init, Jan. 22nd, the 1 grain g' e _ c n t it Radin ardience nromineat to .m ries out ender Mrs. H. R. Stowe and lice or apply to'1?. F. 1tol.ME S, barrist• W. Wallace skip R. J. McGaw skip Maine Social Cl-b'beld a smoker at consisting of Messrs. George And- of the . Association who Kent 'tee• Mrs.. Annie Young without a hitch,. er, Cinderleh, 15 . 11 their `rooms on Ndrth at., for the rester, Wm. Greed and dna, Sowerby..' QegnM to their old home towns. J. Individual table pin=es %vete given 'tW%IS POR SALE. --i farm eom �is . Sheardown . F b cGae. members and their; friends, and a . The dates of .the fair' were not Rx- �. lkleLarnn enoke to Gader'ic:h; also for bridge and the winners . for . Mg 60 aeries, with brick House and . W.. Symonds C.••A. Reid euchre were, as follows Fleet, Miss baulk bairn tstithtn reds of churn Jw Brophy skip C. IL I,ittmber:skin jolly time was spent 'by all. present'. rd but will he :set by the board. De- J. F. Craig, Mayor of Berrie, spoke Mario Correll; iSecond, tetra. Inc. e , c • 60 It y Card ,playing, checkers and dominoes Pa t;mentart judges will not be used :les Gorierieh. hitt. old home teem; : ,l. tt..�hool.. lasts tit, 8 0Ut r t 2S itJ IinfC; Thir Mrs; T. Vi', sets. REAL . NUTS �1a1Sjt iNlifilH l flCi *tiles from Godereeae, and one oral! rt !tali I were; indulged in.- After several • and there will be no spring stallion Daly to. Sestfolth; Root. Holmes to , tulles from McCaw; and Ors ams Whir ° hours of playing cards the Club's show. There are. tw.enteeseven prize Clinton; .Lack Kennedy tn.Wir,rin�n' exon g. 1•irsrt, W. McFarlane; Second, *USES 1110112VS't ifronie house and new- driving site•,! d0 21 steward'` Mr James Bonny, served venters of last year from wham rat •g Cobbledick to Mescal! and Tom .White; Third, 1;. Scarth...' I '1 1YLth about thirty acres i f working land Plus' for the. President ••1#!, 'membership fees :for 1926 are rata, � t y •t t ^•• �•�s�t�t r tor.sale. I lunch, which.�cor,aiatMd of hot coffee, p . Exetel,. saps -. FiDpdy. a.>jtll h 1 •"+lis O �y 410(.1 aabout 10 ;acres of hardwood 111sh,. i1 i,r W r KNOW xi you Intend buying eI bonne ..let inc Salvation Artny Mote", , sam �pie•.4mitAioye d.•tki l• ped -and addition several otlieeii 111r. J. A. McLaren then challenge • otiose you where u ran sava.tttaney.'land about S acres- with reeler' sit, 7. for :�nti�., - l'nvo.nae+l in their 19 i, anembershia - *Mies .Dfa .Clarke vieited'in Tor- y ereew.••diwe-wei 4 inure Treat `...oftor,ct "'A :crown of approycimattaly, .two ;. lunch was stowed atwva,r, the. funp. ed anyone in the hall too piano,pt y ry n s ,tel y Yen t hu 1'1•er ytarttctrlara.- apply, :.1:i11,1'Wdlc • 11, hundred and fifty attended s "rituals commenced anew and a program was fees of #1; . dint* contest for a friendly bet; the onto last week. • - ttTrdEiB tlrt �A X6 1.COaf i then trains in end see W'7..ii t jive to VAIstelONle, B. 11...e, 1.0(G�z�:e1'e. male” given by Capt. Kingdon, ` as- put on. Mr: J, Macintosh neayed the .The ,prize list of last year,:plriount, loser to Daly $1G. to the Aurora County Mra. Ii:»II. Novell returned en Sat- offer .fou yru. nraney. °'htH.1, �viti A.1151,VOR im.t.t an the 'Tewin hi silted _by Capt. Teolin, .Lieut. flown • violin and Mr, Maitland Martin as. ed' . to $878.7ti and the Roverrtn ant i ospitttls, and tl[en praeltedel) to play urday'frotn si visit .in Tletroit.. prove 1<a you. 3i ,of• Goderieh on Pre inciel 11t6i and Payton, in, the King Edward sister' the. tante. Severai comic gr„tlt for 1926 will be based on this.' a jazii tune on a Hurdv urdy. Art " fe, J. RYA.p'filiss Crosbie: of Galt, lea viditittn at ,, ''Reel •Isatate and inturanee. •iway,.3,miles from Ooderich ,tad G from Hall, Thedford," last . Tuesday, Jan. songs were sung by itIr. Graff • and The financial 14tatemert 'shows a. Forbes of • Seaforth accepted the tits 1asiderre?bi f Mr: J. 1', Bums; Phoge C,th Clinton, adjacent to r,Sturah and sei;oal . 20th.. The Rev: 'L,angfot d, of rtes •!ilii 'Perey�;: Johnston. Dir. • 1Siaitlnnd' a fmttil deflect, het this redurtlan of..challenge: • and the contest' wax; de., , hottsa.; learnt consistr� of :30 acres of the admieeion from -50e to or,C tried: a a.tie'anA' boll clan rd lei; 1 , slew A. T., ole is visiting, her sis- g+AC a't1101vCr HEAL ESTATE and trot -class' land w . 1 tile. ttrailed. A Anglican church, presided, assisted Martin danced. the Highlami fling to alar d t x S ter Mrs. T. G. Gale of Stratford. • g .; . 1NSCUANCta ;Af3SNG't. • Rood: ee'ntent block -roam house, bank by Rev. Williams, of the United the edification of 'ell :present. But .leaf' year was satiai'stctar:' lit its re. 7he.:purlty Flour. Quartette undat' Yt --- barn kO% 0 .drtvinter Novae and garage church.. The Youn Peo lo' Lea ue t of h ev ten .vas tilled off suits on the whole, • ,'A: C: Cha tnan,,fotmer}y o! Wing alias •i14►1ertwC'ogk; of Clirifon, wna. T,tfe {5iatt )C:lfc). Aleetidettt .anti In.svr.•. 30 0, Orefrard at :,?.p;ood winter appleg P s g he lint. t r en g p l . The financial statement is:, as fele n a a fin fay ie and rc onto n visitoree ith efriends in, town for a . ear>eb Attrrrci: • _ • trees, Never failing water supply, _ postponed their regular meeting fol! .by- Dr." Martin,: when he recited the .:lotva: ha t, wa a to r r p few days least week.' . }Eorisen ant! Lots in rxadefi.Clt and For further pact utas apply to the event. Items were rendered ,on neem • of • "The ,Haggis of. Mrs. l►tc-. . .•.. from distant points sutyirlt, that it ttaltiaia for Sate a)SW11D.A .G[:V:�l, ![t« Dt. filo. t, t:odci tch: ten diffe rent, instrumento to the `veil Phee." 'Tle `poem woe "e dei ed in ... RECEIPTS Y.. yetis • greatly.. appreciated have' been. Mrs, Donald Macdonald returned . A tlnl tot.ot S 1.it•s lit God.crich. f t- el . t n' n erne appreciative* ,audience. • • s the broad .Scotch' dialect, and you «Balance from lash, year... 142 fie received. !town total Saturday ' trent o few sale. Almost any rind that a i t .tax FOR SALE Olt TO..IfE,i�,"1 Felt . 2i2 00 Burro; Tiilte brehestt supplied weeks' .visit with friends in London. the buyer would desire. . ' PASTV,111;,--•East halt of lot 4. 3rd, •Arrangements are being made for- Could almost imagine that the Doctor Doverttment grant. , ... , Vasty One terms lislerlafor sole. ick' con. Ali?tfkld,.,Horon- County; 100`anrev, an entertainment `.to take plate; about had his mouth full of tliee nice, rich,. County grant ., 100 00 the music and there was plenty .of. . Miss Gene 'vee : S,�ptarr left hist . about them;. ;Some ataarirng••timber for til, sedate:' Land, ,has *all been, worked.. ..."4-7--- ""' `.' oleo .'!!aegis, so perfect was •the ;From Map/ii Leaf oh+a s.. , 200 et7o Pep 'alts energy in their different c)hurso of trstirl» wood for sale, Well .fenced..*ell .watered: • -tinniing • • .. . .• LOST (S >� wick'to enter. on d - t1a;\a ` water in (.wtable all to tiler, hank barn ,--• -- •••-- -•w- '•-•T••-•••-•. •--M , rendering of the. poem. .Dancing Gate receipts „...,...,.1,160•;90 numbers. The old tilos songs were )ng in Ste Joi eplt's hospital, London. J, ni►s Fitt G : 36x:«i feet: (Woken house, machine •►►°.T, --•.t. Iladto Tube. Finder kiiaalty.. was next on the program, which was Grand Stand receipts__ - 1x10 00 f particularly well rendered,'and.a long t• Miss Reid hes left en ler return to Pi O. ox ll . Petr, G+tticrS;tt, ;a)utnrla. �,# 1< ss P. O. flax eo» shell. Si.c•roomed `story snit a teal( ]have. at tIT:1it °Frick; and re- continued up to 1.00 a.m:, when • a11, Members' tickets 07 00 distance telephone regneat„ from n ,1lttmilton after a visit at the residence brick venee�redhous,e, good Ct+llar: sum- chla c re+Evans., t went home fully satisfied with their' Adv'ts in prize: list,.. ....,,,•, , , , , 37 00 radio tan, for. the Prlsaners Song, s "'e ` rner klt�,hen; targe cistern, t7i'citard „.; .:: - --r.'O ., . i of Mrs. Peter 1VtacFweis;. ` sr., being • "` jest into bearing—apples,�' slums, pears, NOTICE .07i' M e'ET'DNG • night's jollification, Donations rt0 00 was sacs tionnlly..fine, Mr. 'Gainer- accompanied by Miss* ta011.410 ,Mac n l= " cherries, grapes.. 3 •mil.. tram school, . �- .. ^ ...,._ Stalls and pens. • .. ...2•t 7t;, nn. Gedde ,lana soloist, iornterly t,f VRa�l f linea Church hon' ConcertEwan. t'miirs frbett• Dungannxtn; scants goal �:��at,ilE,ir`Ti�Idli I.ueknow sora r ad .i i 2 metes from prorJnciat Well- + Forfeit jeea at grounds.: 16 00, , a. the solo parts for the . • to , W11t esell'readonable,' all (.ash he •Annual t[rt+tin: tlt ilii 1�`c�atI A fills' musical event' was the ten. Por#est fees 4 00 i'Ye Qlde.. Tetras waltzes 'wltiet lucre O1rs. George Ittitledfle of billy"``utl• .Reid , depnelt. law interest, rosy terms or 'WaWanosh ,et[utual `Fire • lnsortinese seri in Knot(. church oa 'Tuesday Wet weather insurance 500 00l thrown on the screen and broadcast,. derwent two serious' operations at .team 1 gtryment. For further •oarhiarlars ml- - Company, will ism -held in Parish !tali, even'rn b the choir et, *ht' church. nlemlcrahip retained. , .:77 90 ,and the eharttaed sung by ills lana- that Goderich Hospital on 1Yetdneaaay. I dress DAVID M. JOHNSTON. 11, ft, No. i!ttrngannotr, on Friday, ,.I-' I,ruary 5tti, g y Rec'd from. Scheel Board: 6 "u0 era. At the conclusion; the audience of this week and is reported as doing 1. Streppardten, Ont. , 1926, at 2`p.m., 10 receive reports,, elect and tin's good musical organization it 71 I sang "Old I rang Syne," en "There iculy. "n, 3 directors, :rippalnf . auditera and trans once more ]troves its title ta, be one ,.Debit Iinlanee ., aft general business. [}!rectors Reed, ...„....;;;,,..1141/10 . Place Like Home," and a )et• r Mr, Chester . Farquhar, of Seekst- 'Blron►psan and Watson retire but are of the best. The program .consisted • $2, 27 28 , ter from London states that the re toon, who was callesl.,home by the ill - .eligible for iirrlrctinn, .4 rordtal, .in- ; of: soled, dosis, quartette;, choruses; . certion of this Was .particularly, now of his mother int'' Clintort..vidit- citation is extends! he ilii members cello solos and organ' and nano num EXPENDITURE SNDITIIitE clear. am r th�rK Subs may it int• re Nfed; ! • I ed' #rd. Earpuhar'a patents, Mr. and II. c ' bers. • In the last mentioned the otg. Priza monety paid ees R09. 75 During the ravening ea retester of Mrd; Sa H. Johnston, ►V itcr1es) ',t.; CALki;t.D, THOS. r,, ALLEN, a Rfoney paid for races.. 640 0Ci srteeial features were run nit, (Inc . Prealdent. Secretery, I. anist, Mr. Macdonald Giblet, was as- -. — 1 iistead 'at the piano by �ltrs. Jesus 'Money paid for 'prititin, .: 2944 fief lest week. ' ,NOTICE TO :CIRBh)ITORS Attractions af.'thesa was ttn auto ruin . covering t iSliss Iriary U. i?l'elvr an 14 ins ., , .•e a Their two riAllgArd *ere The War i $ane 00 OG the different towns in the county and Mists Porter, o£ Godericl Ont., are NtiTIC : To G1ir;D1Toit . t March of the priests, from Athalln, lei Mendelssahit nlle the,tawttnhauseer eate><•, .. y . i r 1V 'I'!Ih �LAT7'k:H UP TIM ESTATE a11` blanch, .and these.Were arming diet (for 1924 and '«S) lucky bolder of this ticket. JOHN JAMES •LUXTr1+i 1.s1"11, OF'Judges. .. O:F 00 1 of Western Reserve . 'University, DireC>r*pt1.`liStl .wire, connecting with Toronto, Tile TOWN OF �GC)rgettirei I?; Tu finest offerings on the program. Postage ' L;+ 00 The balloon donee was alas n�spe• Cievelttnd. The school . only four 1�r� tit �,r Chicago and Winnipeg crx ► Hv Dr FII;ItU:V, 1u1.Lt•.E1, 1rP:• Among vara! aoloidts folia; MacKay posting lilts 0 UO ciao! :feature, Hera being sig tickets years old, has 100 studerata. _..• - 11 Montreal, New l +C7►►r1l, $ P .. . holds a premier place And delighted . for the prizes among; the ballaNne.1 ...........th Work on buildings Ill 71 Mr, Carl ,Campion left ow Monday Stock and Grain Exchanges. spoil �ti the, "r1fI fle�u ;let aand`ramp i "The he audience Is i f ltl n er rsouth'"tt'land Telephone, tclegr'ut; expreee 0 05 gatherinone tof the melees brought t far Toronto, to which point he has • 2'2 6 back recnllections of an old time .Ir. t mentq thereto 'that all rNatitora sand "Little Dlarnoiaelie," and for an en- Cate than ,G 1 g. been transferred, on Promotion in the against thre•,fn estate ther saidohn core• to the first number +ale sang. Night watch 12 0 late • battle. 1 lis service bete i, nkan h •k of C oinfln E'1. James Laxton are r,er aired on or be- Merrily I Roam. Althot:>,Ii give i Another attraction was a :;cries of 5 fore the lStii clay ai t!'c!►ruary, A. t)., a Beatty encore to; her. seeanrl• num- Work in stalig • ural! fins; ... 13 Ill cartoons thrown on the :screen. of .1.lahiff, who cants here £root London, ' i', Wink `�Pbraerr� ,orct� Ci ti, tn,trfj t it bite hire. Miicisay did riot respond. Guards . ,. ; , 1"I t0 .some of the members. 1e'. B. Cob- hut who se homed is in Park. ' ' ;