HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-21, Page 6rest:ere
Doctors Moat.
weed it Wasn't
of its high per.
ventage of
It is delicious in
f'jala for tend is so
Give the ail.
dren se much out
tater want.
C>f 12
If you - blink I weal, try i,me. Go aateed yeas this Isla way Tota I. n• t
*head, tri me:" Kr. UWE under' ten ; is the sawdaat atwwruir enact (Continued from page a)
took to 'say soaeathing more, hot him stood Jerry mak. Mr. Linton 1
. without t:irning bur head the ?moan shewsd his *oink nn an uply wan
told Phillips, "Kneek him downs if be and his yoke was hoarse with fury ; asked to proclaim that their .party,
opens bis mouth:" Mr. Quirk's Kray m'hN l,xinilsd the pvpalazi, repreae:,ta nothing
"Wilt I?" Pierce edged closet to with zags, and anger hard r.tieed bite •whatever,
his man, and in hie face there was a conversietional tone to x high viten.
i --
CRAl"TBR VIII. (Contl,tued)i . nigh -tide. ate if that would get
Little mord' was said during the their money back!"
:elven return to the river. It was stet A suggestion of a smile crept to
aaa pleasant journey, for the trail was the Countess' lips end she
int, "�I
attitierable, the Mud was deep, and knew you'd :/stick when I hiredeyou,
theta woes a steady upward flow of Then she seated„herself upon. a box.
traffic which alt eves neeessary..to ' Danny •Royal did *Acco,upanyhis
anon. There were aceaaionnl inter- packers. Be did so :is a. precaution
rt prions to this strew, ' for :here and against precisely such a coup as he
there horse. were down and a bloke. himself had •engineered, and in ordef•
*do fad smelted. Behind it Inca lay to; be doubly secure he :brought the
propped against loge or twee-trunks„heal? Indian with him. The old
'resting their tired frames, unit IiFten- t ttibeeniwn had rebelled Mildly, but
Mg apathetically to.the.profattity „novel hod been firm, and in. con$e-
<< p y
the }corse-uwner$ • , aroly "diel any i quence they were the ilrit : two to
one 'offer to lend as helping band, for 1 nPAear when theprocession oune
was equal to bits alta of the woods.
tomb the task v eQ a The �hief halted at sight of Phil•
streangth: tit one • place 'n litre of I , . e d
t : - be dee *em he Mire, ! hps, the man who had hired him anti
• $thehe? sly p t ids people, but at a word from Royal
° waitint command to Plow for- f he resumed hie arch. He averted
Broken , carts, abandonesi Vehicles i his vea, howev r, , and he held his
' ,
of various patterns, tined the way; ' mead tow, showing that title encoun”
e p ' for wan Mhis l
Mit at all to. ikin
`JCit:WL're Imtlny`' swollen CatC'atSaea�'liking,
Roy -
Underfoot, and not • infrequently peel al, 9n the,contrary, ^tarried .. off- the
dent ions creased intid-holes by step -i meeting eatily. He • grinned ,at
pang. tram one to another, hooung lL ins whetn the Countess Courtetu y Broad and wan Omit to rose
their a ofh:f and battlinghthrough ito her feet and stepped into the trail.
*wenn* .of tiles. Mush costly. ins "duet a, minute." ;he said. Of
Pediment*, strewed the roadeeepa - Itoyaa's' companion she sternly .. ds-
eamh article a ivailurtit of desWeretr, "andel, "What do you mean by this
• ntoitument to fellers. - Thele were ,e
hunger for combat ;ablch did no'. Both men were perspiring, both were Pskaed News
! look Promising a the object of ?tie shaken to the core. i The British Islet were startled in.
attentions. "Don't shove:'" Mr, Quint , ex !•to alarm last Sunday evening when
1 Lucky Brand likewise tiiscout'sged samosa, in Ara -irritation. air ,"....rasik) listeners -in hear,} the announce -
the exeioekY by i*yLg, "Ii gee 0111 many times d'you want me to tell Meat of au uprising et London's w -
her hand, Danny, I'll bust you where you not to shove t . You pend the amp}dyed which.bac} ac ontplished
you're biggest? interns! thing."' the razing. of part of the parliament
The Countess stillsheld the muzzle se never ghoved' • Linton sate, buildinf a, the sacking of the elation -
of her revolver close to the chief's thickly. "Maybe we'd do better if al Gallery and the burning alive of a..
body. Now she said, peremptorily ; you'd quit hanging your weight on number of people in the puhbe
quick!" you've gat to chin yourself;
'You're .going to end ihfs joke right si hose handles every time I lift. • If squares. Amazement wan succeeded.
now. Order. their packs, offtake by dismay and terror and•it was only
This colloquy had been short, but, climb --or I'll build yen atr�►pezc. When reports of the alarm/ began to
brief ea the delay had been,. it bad You pull down, then Jeanne lift-" teach the Broadcasting Company that
Afforded time for naw -comer.= to or. Mr. Quirk danced with fury. the programs were belted and a Mess.
rive. blazed at the sight of a rag- /,Chin myself? shocker. aneerra sage sent out that the whole affair
stoves, camp furniture, lumber, herd+ triclt'i
wattboa,boa,s, b';Rtthlygs. '1`Ito wreekege. The old redskin shot her n swift
shad reale weaetaege of. The stampede' glance; then hh°face became expree.
were ettormowt, sand every, ounce, a;onleaa: and he gazed stolidly at the
every ' dollar's worth of it, : spoke a. ranee-r*Whado you mewl?" the woman
tbttelo of blasted holies; Now end to aced in a voice uiverw with
then one saw piles of pro idons, ,re q g
noon of Which had been entirety
alistelaned, :The roam` had ruined' ",, Hint people the thief began,
malt of them. e but Royal spoke dor him: Removing
When the Countess came to her Me bat, he modea stiff little bow,
freight•Ithe.paused.. "'Yon ''.aid noye then saiidd; co r holly au aghInw'am
a1 '.lens loading his men When you ,, • r 3 pr ,
_lent" vShe. faced Broad inouiringly a but"-du"•
.mat holding me up. I'm??:cent. ' w bolding you . 'op," the women broke
•: "Then hell"" isoon he alae .:.11re91
wait here:' Of ' Palates she asked, tn. "Whet do you take me~ for, any -
eye you 'terry * stento how, She stared at -tie white Iran
Pleree shook his head, "What aro Mo Baldly, there wee SUCh ,140thoritY
you leoing to dog He could see and ,such' fixity :i;of purpose in
her r
that Ale Isis bol1n Inward?h*lei
een dtona and her axpres eon, that ,hie
*tliosgh les own anger had ireas.
ed ae. every moment ducat* the re+ i ulan on order's,"
sand he. "There's
tern journey. ?ler : question- caused ..no use to arietie. I'd talk plainer to
lent genuine apprehension. tyou if you wag 'a maul'
Avoiding a direet *newer, the /roe But site had tushed her eyes.: to the
Than said: "If ltoyal'is w}tb the In-' eh}ef again, ° "You .ly ng scoundrel!"
dlaana, you keep your '• eye on, him. I she cried', leccudtngly, "I made a
want to, talk to them:" straight deal with you 3nd 'your pea-
"Don't iraurturate any vioient, moue Pie ,and • I•••agreed to your price, I'M
mate," Mn: Broad cautioned, :nerve not Laing to let you throw . rale
seely. "Danny.% a •sudden kart of a d T women -faced olajeGt of, herm rderer.. Of (entree it worse comes .
tio war'sse,' I'll stick, but-- my refine •tette& became inexplicabt,r stupid;
in the community saint. Al. ;Thereto he strove for words.. "Me no speak
a lot of narrow.minded church mem. l good." he muttered: ."lie no• sic+
bare' would like to 'baptise .me at vet-e
"Perhaipe .,•vott'll "Miry this." As.
is -.Coughs;` the Countess spoke she took from her
-- pocket a - short•berrelod revolver;
and Colds . • which- she cocked and presented in a
cepaable and determined trimmer so
Con a Rae By close to the old native's .race that be
steamed bsiek°wward; Fending off" the
Dr,*t101e* attack, The svomaen follotvca him,
ging woman holding an army of red Petered out that's, whet nils you. was a lest a burlesqua of the regular
men :stetlav, severenumucherateeirop You- eeint got -the grit and: :oa've� news review by the - t�v. Father
sed their burdens and mime running `thrawed up sour 'tail. Lift her clean' moa; x ,v01I•known humorist. Moat
forward to learn the meaning of it.. -don't try to naw' gain' up, the teeth of the redia lana apperenrly had mss,
The Countess exolsined rapidlyt a fi't set that way. Lift, take a 'bite, sed the original announcement and
whereupon one excla}tried : then Ie go. Lift, bite, leggo, Lift, only tuned in in time to bear the
"Go to it, sister!"" bite-" startling reports of a London in the
Another agreed heartily, "When Ilon't ,say that again:" shouted throes of Revolution.
you shoot, shoot law. "We'll sec you. Linton "`len a patient ma's - but--" -
through f He swallowed hard, then,withd,ffi
IIiaa- -
�_. JAL'tt. a int. les.
/10•0. ,1...-.,�.,I,\R, ,.�l,,II I I I w ,111, -
�0�1 can trust
settsPu�► Fue�uR
lied lie intake est the erodes gown brands.
He %doo,es Pnarity 7lsur to mist yoer baking
txrerie,ue has taught him thin uniformly ex-
selteaca,aalk-sifted, overs -tested $our cellos the
moot *miasmas and delicious pis, cakes and
.Nt Purity Flour sign Is the window of a shop
is �r assurance of a first class store.
WtartRH CANADA )LOU* MILL$ Co., Laois*:
tt.,d t>�-.xoro.ew nr,rrcass r soot to coast,
1Yrttr far the I80 x a
P*rriiyFI.urCMN' is
3:k i,: srawfkr hind/, hat
*yam, j,►stfai,! •
Mob 1 tr nonan
Cattadiana Coming Home
I dont need any. a r h culty voiced a eoleran vibrant warn• h h ofprosperity beg n
7iAr yoqr 441:41;i4
Ie2ti T'Oillt TO ALASKA "Here lies 'the bad ' ►,
rrs uta for an alI-.ex en�e � F► a> all
+" • n assist rice "' s e " 'With the sun i + A nge,tse p , /, ., �M'•
told anent or they'll 1loKei tlt1. Peir breadtheir s ing` "Don't say it agate, that`s 11l �," zan nato tive over tare rhe eturning n oto personart-lly conducted tour to Alaska 1 a 11 tr sero Ines the epitaph , would be
the word. Chief`." - ' Defiance instantly Hamer in Terry s have now been comer_ted, starting
watery eyes. "I'll say it if I want their homeland after temporary 'ex- from Toronto via the Canadian `
e pastel tioThe old n, but.kin oneof sised i the voices latex- reit" hey �!'I'11 say anything *I Ile.IOrvnl a Ada Windsor nspantor Walker -
of i r- National Railways, early in 1 July, -
feel t Ice whin . Sapte trolks cant visiting en route itnporLan S%extern Quick It elief .for
Games broke in.upon ►him t understand`Nn English; some folks have villa" announces that it is has belief
"`Awe shut up, you robber! ou rG 8 ' that now the tide oi" t'anadian r re. Canadian Cities, Wafnvvrirht Buffalo cs
gestin' what you 'need.„ Rot lit name ty heads and ewe have Perls, Jaasper National Park and Pa
turning permanently to their •homes•#'_
Int going to count three," the to,�tell em " ',,, equals the number that are stili. Geek- of Coact
points. Thi •will be one
You couldn't tell me .�tnytl,inq 9 of the finest trips anyone can pea-
woman Mated, inf e*ibay. Her tate 'tSure... That's just the trouble ing :employment aierosa the border. .'
had grown very orbits, Iter e;tes were ., _ y an During December alone more than , tinily false. from a scenic and caeca- +
shins dangerously, "At four I with r ee• nobody can ,ou eleven hundred Cauadiitns returned thenal point of vi8w. A folder de l 'Dr *3ats SO I#lietinta nils:
" .hint,, . seriptfve, of the tour giviny;'Coptplete 11 aneylt>acic Plan
shoat. One' Two --1" ," through the twoports over which he.
1 ' wh}p-sawed before you was • slinformation is now in hand and will
d i 1 be available shortlyon a ?kation to Ifyou suffer from tort • •n .x
Pp ,... urs g heu�.
Mr: Martin Herr (Principal ot'elary Matic pains, •Rawollen,',twisted ;jobite,
Kitchener School), 4 Beulah avenue,• and suffer ,intensely because ,.yam.
.Hamilton, and Mr: A, E. Bryson, systemis full' of that dangerous par-•
!Principal of Silverthorn School)., 44 son that makes thousands helpless
S i 1 verthorn avenue, Termite. In and kills thousands. years, before their °
'view of the heavy traffic to Alnaka time, then your need Iihouma, acid'
during the short sease n available it' need it now. .
would be (well to make early! reserve...! Start taking it today. ltheueut ; °
tion as denteeids for ecepienodations .acts at once on kidneys, liver, stonm-
are sure . to 1* heavy. • .... ach and blood, and you can sincerely
exclaim: • "Good . riddance to bad
. .
A born leader In these times as a rubbish."
The wrinkled Indian nave a sign ; ?horn„� .. `
be t divot. thein has just jirie ict on. Certainly in
h' tribesmen
is began
o s Astonishment momentarily 'robbed every , Province. there earn:, defiulte
selves of their loath h h broke
signs that indicate the miming of re -
"fila it a11' up beside the trail. Mr. Quirk of .speech,ten, o ro a Hewed larosnerity and indeed in some
Now'get under my *tee and. don't out more indignant) than over.
"Why you `ayln' horse -thief. yam quarters there ane whispers of a
” Turning to Dann Royal,
bought out outer. You was home ty 4j,,,d ° 13 n' -
penny. urn tt y Y i Y g
• "Youcould'haveput Ing. one end to a limb ;and the other
this told. him.bend to a root and then eublere the to Lady BnynS, the .vifue of the C.oy-
this over on a man, but women „ ernor-General, has touc7led'. a veru
haven't tiny sense. I haven't a bit up�and down it, vital point in' land settlennent philo-
ave centown e i, u inthat. I' . fool -
women recent , when she told theism
let's have any more nonsense.
The s bloom;
raise a never heard of a whip -Saw tilt we
old prI'ce goes azid I sweat za a, ,
F ry l i tied p this I never meant t .. was oo -•, soppy in her address to Ottawa
freight and it's going through on ing and you know it, That's just per h
time. I think a lot of it, and if you like you, -to--'" h t th f
- -� t a e entire success A any pori, •
try to delay it again I'mjust foolish "Say, If you'd ever had holt of a .ration scheme depended . eon the
enough to blow e, hole in taus salvage whip-aavr in all your useleea, life, the happiness of,. the . women nvolved.
-and you, too. Yes, and a miners'' •man on the. other end of it • would Last year Lord -and Lady. •Bong cove
Meeting would cheer me -.for doing have belted • you with the handle and • ered ninety thousand miles in their
it, buried you in the sawdust. 1�'dfouehot travels in Western Canada by rail,
There was a Wieners ; then Mr.. to, but I ain't, got the he T hoat and motor. "I# the wives are
Royal inquired i "Are you waiting speaker .spat on his hands and in a hap the husbands will 'stay and
for me to. speak? . 'Well, all I'vae° got, calmer, more business -like tone said: fight y� ante? for their nuc/ ea she.
to- any fa if the Jam •boys had ` a ,"Well,'+ come on. Let's roe Th,s' let said. And y mmig, rints, , she saa;d.
sister •they'd of been :at work' vet* our last ?ward,,' ' must be young. Given y+outh, and
I don't know, how to tackle a Tom Tinton ' *beaked .ail insulting mmbition, and the. ability to work
women." �,� remark that load just occurred to him. she pointed"' out : thew , have every
"Are -you going to keep hands off?" It had nothing wluatevc t to: do with chalice `of success,: ivlaile the rural 0
."Sure! I'm' licked. ir'ou went: the subject under .dispute, but it telephone and the radio aro tt•e bapvv , .
' about It in the right waea You got would. have goaded Jeer,•' to "[;•sanity,• links in nisldng a cominuninelife .re-- .�
me tied." . therefore it clamored for expression Anile in •the ' great new; farming dis
.man who 'can think up a uew source l►3any people,. the most skeptical air •.
of /avenue, • x ''keptics right in tiers- cite ;ar•i in the `
T' `a"- country hereabputs, bless the: dky
ss s hen H. 'C. Dunlp}a and other' drug..
. Q4 n nr1 Rheum.' to the a .
s • dg T'Hty T Mfctg.
■�,�. •+t a sM41l Price and guaranteed.-
�a.�.4TR�Ci money . refunded if not satisfied, If -
i you have rheumatism. get zt bottle of
Q ' L. Rheums today,
►t E .:.,w 1, ear
"I don't know whether ytu're ly-' and the temptation to: hurl it forth tricts.
ing or not, mut just to bake sure was almost irresistible. Linton, how -f.
Res With ' Asti�ma.- hath
I'm going to have Lucky walk baelt ever, prided himself upon hfe. self-. No stn
to town with you to• coed that you restraint:' and' •atceordingly' ha swath,. usually attacks at night. the . one t
don't get turned around." •
e Danny '/emoted his haat and made
at sweeping bow ; then. he departed
in vsotnpany with . his escort. The
Indians took tali those burdens, which
they had originally -shouldered, and
the starch- to the Chilkoot, was re -
mimed; Now, however, the eanintess
Cou� Peau: brought im - thee rear of
the procession and eftemediately in
advance if her walked the head roan
•af the Dyes, tribe.' •
It was a still, clear morning, .but
autumn was Itis the air and a pale
sun lecked the neeeeeaeary heat to
melt a skin of ice which, during the
night. had co' ered stagnant. pools.
The damp, moss which carrots - northe
ern: foreate was hoary with frost and
it cracked underfoot: Winter was
near And its'unmistakable approach
could -be la' l felt.
in 1
A **with had been wigged upon
a sloping hillside --it consisted - o'
four posts , about six feet long upon
which had been laid four stringers,
likes the ei110 sr a. house ; up to this
scaffold Ted at uair of inclined tildes., „„,. thee ha could taste sawdust in diarrhoea and colic and promote]
lowed lila words. ire clicked' his. time prhen rent is needed most.
teeth, he srritted them-•-he:wnuld have Hence thy, loss of strength, the nary
enjoyed singing diem. into his ?hart-
one debility. the los, of flesh.,and
ner's threat, as a matter of fact,- • other evils which mast hi ei;tget"d
then he growled, "Let ber 'Ole!” ,` untese relief .ie secured. Fortunately
In unison the men resumed their relief is erosible. Dr. T, 1). I{ellogg's
inta'rrunted labors; slowly, rhyilimy- Asthma Remedy has proved its mer-,
Nally, their arms moved .up and'dn 'n, itx throus*h -years of service. A trial
monotnnottely these aching becks beitt will surely convince' you.
end straightened,•inch Joy liteh the " IL
�aw blade ate along the' remelted line.:? CHILDHOOD AILMENTS
p was 'i;;lline• work: fr,r.it calte'd into , ,.
nlev' unusual, .under-doveloped fine,. Can be Qgickiy Banished with vIlebr s
cies, yet, muscles wwhirb did mot and Own Tablet*
"ever wtauld or could exist. Each --�- -=
+;and, Vinton lifted the saw it'grew The ailments of cleldhood ere ny
h.i,v,er by the` traction of n pound., but imine -tenths of them are due to �•
Whenever • (mirk looked un to /tape, • •one. eause : and one cause; orally -a dis•..,
irra►xrawis his` eves were tilled with ordered condition of the` stomach and
stinging nartieles a#': sawdust. hits bowel//.' : To quickly banish- any of ,
wp4 u tearful inb: savIllust was in hiss • the r�niinor ailments of babyhood and
bee-, 14 booed. it had t aftaed down :int, childhood the . bowels , must .he made •
vale lee neekemei And it ;toiled his to work regular -and the stomach r
• mu sw tened: ;
M„a�+ Andy; It had worked Into Ms Must be � tt-
,•ndeeetethes and he en,+id not. sheens. No other mnedicia er little ones.
if even at. night in his hid: Ile held has load such success s has Baby's
r+f Tata acquire the habit of Forest -
a . Own Tablets. They banish consti-
rd ane t
tee ever• end. n er, with n i"ertinae .ptien and indigestion;.. break` up
;t�• iM•"rtnpty `rritaat;ne to hex - nava. colds sand simple fevers,. correct
Resting upon the stringers was a .,a„ ` fnnrt rft►ts++irnt man;fyestly healthful *leen by :regulating the,
sizable spruce lots which had been ease amine avell calculated °o offend a functions • of the stomach and bow.
equared• and marked with parallel „unt > cook ale, ennrrrning'-:1tbe,nt Mae. L. M.
chalk -]}mess end into which n` ii•hha- 1 Brown, Wilton, N.S.. /writer: -;-'I.
saw had eaten for several, feet. Bal.' cont}mead? •. cannot sneak trio . highly of •Raby'n
""r-._-.",."""^.-.,:re""^"'`.`..M..""."",."" `"""'•
(To be '`"�.`..^^."." Own . l'ablets as 1 have found. therm -
• ' e ellent for eblldhood ailments,"
Baby's -:Own . Tablets are sold by
medicine- dealers, or by mail At 25 -
cents a box from -The The. Williams
Maedi* ine Co., Brockville, Ort. '
"`"� "�" e I Aa a cloakk charity is very often a
S Ol l . g, iI.4r1Q1iS .. .iniatlt...
{fur Weekiy
", ,,. max•- cs
"Look #fere.aDanny Postal exploit- W .
Nerffially ed. • He made a movement with hie
,•"• right hand, but Pierce Phillips and
i- a►- Lucky Bread 'stepped Onset to hint.•
Syrup The former said, shortly:
Omar the another kaoas how herd it "If you fake a move I'}i brain
la to keep rhos OVUM fr+aaa retching yoti!
By W. L. Cordon
cnida. fury/ will rust out of adore not • "That's me," seconded air. Broad,
properly cease, ter 'lave on too meet "Life a finger, Danny, and we go to
elathit:Sp piny too here and get oven the mat."
beattel and 000l oft too sudhkaly; get Royal regarded the two
-tleirfKt wet; kelt of tans be1 aimtats searchingly. ", "gout th,nt, ;1
at right, and tio a hundred *tinge the , you people stick me up"' he queried
TeirreRlens take "Di. ",;Parris' ouzo stuck or up. the Countess
without say fauw, and its promptness dared. shortly., stake ssre of
tend effectiveness in loosening the this -I'm not "'taunt' 191 * toot,
�pakiitgm and bralisg the luige and Here --you•" she. calied to one of the
broateleal tubes Masa telt the trouble -.packers at the rear of the Line who
Sa /'kerbs.? before aur renews lung had turned and was making off.
skosiio sea potently develop. "Get back where you were end stay
Your ne*xst druggist or dealer there,"' She emphasized this corn.
boodles it; put up. only by The T. mend with * ware of her weapon rend
Xtibuta Co,, Limi;:ri, Toronto, 01%).° the Indian obeyed with alacrity.
:: "Now then, Hr. Ravel, not one pound
_• . _. of Sam Y.irby's freight will these
OPEN 11CSTRIL.SI EIfD 4 pm* mime until tales G over the
A COLD 011 CATARRH est'' 1 don't rereKn reside
you in this
tidal in amp way. I made a bargain
oath the chief and 111 •settle it with
him. You keep mat. If vote don't,
Jur *en wail attend to you."'
It wan surpdshig what a potent
rarest a firearm heed..aeon the awed
sharaere His mask fell sir and Nu
knorwhdgr of the Reg}iah laairesert.
was lialigieallyr remelted. flee Mean
a perfectly tsb.Tligilaie i:retest
against the ptemiss...wee disydaty of
loaded weapons, pe tkslerif in
erarwdee legalities. He vats a >weea-
. fri ascan. the head of a mowed pm-
' ph. and istolo sea of ossa/ meet was eras.
tram to Id, and their .•ode. ""flak
was an way fa which to agttb a alio-
"Tim think net. oh! Writ. it's qtr
war." stormed thr CComae's. -re
drop Ow float mats who tries to panne
a,other rae > nreseat uY , !" - C
To Got tteikf 'halbert Bend
Nose are WOW 1:..
Oesol fifty! ir'ear eels ia Lead or
aalarrit liiserpotri. Vent elegard ens.
#ia 1101 s*.rm the air pampa al +,ro+ar
irri w01 Agar and rot cwt breathe
iib. No more alsaaMaaR, imakow.
aatnaaaarn Aialitarite, drys*, or bredatlac;
oarisasetwqr tar breath at night.
1st a am* bottle of hit's t resat
m year d at and aisply a
Mk ham
of Lida raagraM antiseptic rrMM
souletta. It psst.tr.slra throw",
of lb hard, em«thissa
c iglanwd aau•
larelaat re,
?skit Iik,
mod angry
► • Words Often Mooed Synonyms
Pont nay "these iiguree are elem.' Obstacle, . difficulty, obstruction,
lutely correct." Omit "absolutely " impediment, barrier, hindrance, en -
It would .beaa absurd to say_ "are cumbrance.
correctly correet. t Banquet, feetiral, feast, festivity,.
Don't say "thewlleeettborts of the repast, entertafnnient.
men were unknown." Say "the Aberration, halltacinatkn', mama,
shereabouts sworn." delirium, dementia,lunger, insanity.
Don't say "he came near vinnnig" Good -by, farewell, Adie', valedic-
y "he almost won " tory, le>eve+taking, ,
Out• coal iS pf •the
highest grade --the tn.'
;• est'.: fuel , That ' : nature
.• made. Send in your.
Order unafraatd. 1>iia'll
411_it nou Toti'll:flnd : ;`
S p e C d y sitiafaction
here. y
• •tt .
-The Burn".
t�QA-1.. QUttRTETT
`Have e u Your Winter Supply of Colin?
The Alike in the Anthracite coal mines. is likely to .111S
' throughout the winter. Our prides up to Nov. •15tb4te;: `••
tlietnut Q
Stove and $1* ,' � SK
ePe (. isi $14.00 per Ton:
Pccohontas $14.00. CoJ ;3fai.00
Donsestic Lump ;1'2.00 -
Our Coal is weighed on Your Own Scaies,the>ilsi•1wt'kalis
If your plumbing or heating requires attest phone us
at 22 rut] we w111 see that it is promptly and .pe.
Booked after,
If you require a new fupnace, see *Ur New Furnace *ai
burns soft Coal as well as hard and saves you• one ton of
coal in three,fnd this fanlike" isi guaranteed'by the'tnalters
. for 25 years.
This Fitt /ones, is something entirely new in furnace ;con.
structionl. •
The �Ht»•,tlw#atw at to wharf ...
SHIP. CHANDL1111 -' - PI.MMirINO and HRA'f"1Hfi
Store "Phette °2x. Rome 'Phone 112.
QU t4
Vegebbk Comma
Don't say "the- DIrection, way. course, , aim, ten•
y picture ie very un- nervy. '
ique." Omit "very," a "u'tisiue" Salary, wages, remuneration. pay,
i rneans without another t'f the same comp�snaatlon, allowance, fee, recnm-
kind. Penne. stipend, Payment.
• Don't say "this will 1v equally as 1A�etet Study
well," .Say "equally well' or emit ' "tete a word titres times and it Is
teems Hye and say "•this 'Kill do acs
` well," warns Let us increase our rocaMt-
K�tda >Maaalet1 i lary by mastering one word each t
dor. ' Words for title ;mew :
Hospitable. Accent the. s, and not: POTENTIAL; existing in pose lbil-}
the t, me nitre heard.sty, not in reality. "A potential
Persuasive. isn't pro:Ilenee. last' Barre."--Carjls. - 1
s ate x• a LACONIC; expressing march in a
Metric. Pirenosnce fleet eselahie,few words, "Ills sense was strata
as stet. " i and hist style lacenic."••••'Wil *flweod.
Jocular. Pronounce the a as in a FELICff 'ryr; to emasttratulMM, ,
state Alias. !ri ottotaatee at•1iete, the i}ret 1 ~ was faelkIt'*/4d an tht mitteate
of hit tad'oeis," y
a as as "day." i as la -ft." lout a as PRO C; 1Weelnctivet 'fertile;
in "at," acre* oast acre* first .s.
Cesree. Prssetener koala, the es, liar of erne
as hi "winos * the a as in "MAO
y,' he-, p2: that whirls 1* limited.
coat ea lost *Aside. 1'haliers t>,taIge.•
/Minter caanet asiakratand
'troth Mak 'J iniefled 't 'URRULklaT; temaitenes: seri- r
NIe'eeeerf. 1 • i nowt *att. triton?. "At last we ereesed tike tvw-
1afsitlbis Net taws in App,*taaa. bang*tom•," "Vienna et homeAppetite. *Arty OW nil. a *find bbe tvarbahaat mind." .
!frith/14 "?leek a contrever,yr is pro
St. Charles. Qtaebee, -"I was mar-
.' three rears sled had no children.
Iwaasalwaystrou. •
` ~ bled with penes
iii theiabdounrar
and was not able
to do my house-
work. After try -
kat ail otherted to
ane I hare last
oacad that Lydia
egpound is ttabie tbe but
la tke world for
wort then
mythiraycairn, i overtried. i act well
new- amstea
de /ref III 11 and
emu Ise tris lir a0 I y hsty, am ll
iter setimied.' -Maul, D. Roe ecaaat o,
Norma' atwtd�sllltilt d%vwvw
Nasaamw ,, Ont.- "I war norms*
seed rarr•alsaru. mad Allways Lada tired
hal* lad =fietoteaa4 sod Ina stymy* flojampod w
premiss sii i w_ tlai he4.:
Oxer mallsodi Mimi sod ma vary ytt
Orem tweed SO Mit armod1110/14
s1b'Plike _rleAtMdise r.iwlars a-1NYe
Women's and Misse(�
Sarnple Dresses
In Silk, Canton and Satin Faced, a great variety
of styles from which to make a selection, and all
the newest shades for Sparing. -
Lovely range of Sample Blouses, different styles
and colors. Some very special values at 32.0
All Winter Coats on sale at Greatly Reduced
Riyal Lis' Ry4,.Wear Ce.
Eat Sde 9mae+ Gi+rick