HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-21, Page 5ltl AMIDAT. JAS. Stet, lilt Stop that Bark gra tit Penslar White Pine and Spruce Balsam Sold int 2$c, 50c and $1.00 bottles The Cough Remedy to touch the spot. Build up your system with a good tonic to fortify yetteSe1f 1gainst the rigours of winter. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 90 t ; GODERICH 71HE TOWN COUNCIL Mir. H. T. Edwards and Mr. Wm. Campbell Reappointed on Simi Terms as hist Year—Mir. Jackson Resigns as Auditor THE GODERICH STAR dram it a.edrd sad *tether needs es. Enema sad modem& $1.14; J. Demme etc.. beet ski herr see eu..i Mehl„ mein. One sisal eaaetst head's the see. gierisiger. Mer; tr,4. Weer, emus her the 'Mott' Koller: The trot drums eieisatly for e.+nc:rt piryirw, 14•40. and Gee. ?mettor, ;hie;tdoo• day ort from Foochow was delight- ur at all when ea the u•xreh, and we mud Mary, sward" , pasteVc.au; J. r.. fur. perfectly smooth, but yesterday lime a good snare-drua:mtr available Wfl tett, pilotage% matiosiery end in. atter Waving Amoy we an into a wb• could net have pureed with the tenet on °reverent'. e,:4.0u. t Wen- gale just a bit of a typhoon passing; band last season, it another had tet tet then ert)ottrited us matt on re.u. to the south of we leen generous enough iv, Man hia own est at 1.34) p.m. "We raved about the beauty II the drum for the peepose, which iastrurt- n. tt. '1HOI1P,`IUN. ('hr1:. ,unset at the dinner table, the right ent is in need of repair:; new. Trous- ------ beffreeend the edptain and the ott- ers are needed to complete the uni. Ceiba. to a all hopped on us and said k wee forma. About three times the am. The 1026 towgytup council t -wt in a 'dirty sunset' and xtoant trot:bit aunt of music used last ,:eat will be the township saw at it .ant„ ,lase, ahead, and sura enough at tail they needed, if the bend is to supply inter. 11th, es per statute, sail ante the got a message by wireless; saying eating programs teethe people of Gc•d-' earning or the umearatton of (nice, there was a typhoon to the east of ,rich, to soil nothing of adding Lae business of the year was begun, us but it would pass well helow us. their own efficiency , in preparation for the bend contest el ranee* in September. The member, of the band think that * gaartatteed salary of V. per man, per concert, during the, summer is only fee remrneratfon; for their services, con••ider in;: the enc- rifices they are Gaited upon to make in keeping faith with the town and I am heartily in accord with them. if it is your desire that I handle the band again this year, the minhnum with which 1 eau, give efficient service will be at least sec, monthly, the band to date having been' a tluansial logs to me, and, much xa I am interested in the work, it will be necessary for me to retire' from i':. should that MOOTED amount of support of be forthcom- CENTENARY CELEBRATION FOR GODERICH„ MOO 1 Elf ing. At a rough es mate I would place the above ata et of $1600 to $2000, Should you re -,brag's me as 'the minutes of the mooing session of "Robin and I sit at tables mu, 1025 were read and adopted, on mo- either side of Captain Fenimore. tion of Reeve Robertson Ana t'aue:utl- and what an interest:ng 'Old Salt' for Hill. On motion of Mr. tiU1 and he le, just one sea story after meth. 9ti, bung, Bylaw No. 1 was prepay- er, most of which must be taken with ed and passe fixing the Fauu,r., of grain of salt. At Amoy the British the tinkers fur 1926 as follows: As- Can*ul had lunch on board with the lessor, $85; tolleetot•, See; auditors, captain and told us are -aline tales of Treasurer, $150; clerk X1150; s chcol how the Bolsheviks are daily gaining attendance o ter, $15. 'Moved by ground in Chum. Mr. Goldthorpe, seconded by P. Wil- "We arrived at Hong Kong • on son, that all officers send in a detailed Dee. 18th, expecting o'ir boat to °uccuunt ..of . all extra. _expenses.—Car..,. Bangkok to leave • on tree. 20th, but Tied. Bylaw No. 2 was passed, ap- found that owing to the strike they pointing the following unsalaried o:ti- ran only once a week, which wilt keep xss ic•r 1926: Pence viewers, Ed, us here . until Tuesday afternoon. Shaw, W. Bellows. J. J. Robertson, W. Time, however, does not hang heav- Green, Nelson McLarty. Sanit try in ily as Dr. Arthur Woo is entertain- apectora--W. Straughan, (leo. Fowl- ing us right royally. Ho is a Chin- er, -•- D. Parrish, Melvin Tyndall. eso graduate of Oxfor:i University, Members of Baird of:lleelth, A. Wil- and was a. professor at the Peking. son, On motion of •Coutteillore 11i11 Union Medical College for some band master it will be-my-.intontlon-. sine Young, J. J. Robertson wig alt- years. Friday afternoon he took us ° Meetings of Cood Roads Association; Algonquin., Trail to put all available time • into the Association! and Deep Waterways Harbors A:aocia. bund. in preparation for the contest tion—Mrs, Tremblay Renews Claim for mentioned previously, the benefits, cf which are obvious to all concerned. Damages.It might be interesting' tn pont nut at this time that over $1000 of the tax - to write the association assuring payers' money went into the Goderich them of Goderleh's great interest in band in the past two months. a large any move •to prevent tlie- steal of part of which, aside from the grant water• from the Gre.at Lakes. This from the council, being raised by The .regular meeting of the town. ;seli� • council was held on Friday evening last with all the members present. The tax collector reported the fol- lowing collections from Dec. 15th to "Jim. 15th:. 1924 taxes, $103.92; 1925 taxes, $7,410.73; 1925 oil tax, $299.28, making a total of .$7.904.93. This was referred to the finnnce commit- tee. The cemetery sexton reported three lots selected and six interments made in Maitland cemetery during Dece- ber. Mir. J. - E. Mutch, secretary of the fire department; asked for two fire-' men's coats, three pairs :of boots and two hats. This was referred to the fire committee. Messrs, D, and E. Mcllwain wrote asking rent and terms the town would want for part• of the National Shipbuilding. Plant, preferably the part used by .the town es a store- room the past year. This would be used as a store room ,or their goods . and part of •4 -as a work shop to re. pair, and set^ . up machines. They would be' willing to- rent subject to sale of the plant. This was referred to the special National Ship comniit- tee of the town council.- A request; from the G N. R. foe a map of . the town anil surroundings was referred to the :special cominit- tee. A request from the A. It, Williams Co. 'for sr til►#, aif small tools, etc , at I, this National Ship Went. with prices: the town -wants, was rofeered to the National Ship committee A second letter tarn Mrs. Teem - bray, renewing her claim for. dam- • ages through falling• on the sidewalk, was -'referred to, the public worka • • . cornlnittee. -• . A Letter from the . Great Laken Harbors A%sociatien invited renreseen- tati'on by the town at the meeting in Detroit. .As this was already on it was too late ler the council to send reitesentatives, . bot it was decided c was on the suggestion of the reeve, members of the band ,n persona' c:.n. and Councillor Lee added that the vales,I think you wileagree with me, farm, as the same had become a nuis- ants, then hom , y the harbor to see lowering of the water in the lakes that depending onthe generosity of ance, On motion of Councillors Gold- the lights on the water, was serious in ,other ways than mere- a few individuals to ntakq danatanns thorpe and Young, the.collectors' time "Next afternoon, with Dr. Saun- ly the need it created for expensive for band purposes s an unfair and was oxtended to Feb. let with Instrue- ders, a very pleasant Englishman, .Fort inefficient method of distributing the` tions to clear up the books as far as added to our company, we go again dredging, Tho elevators at William had sunk their foundation load, and an unnecessary handicap to possible before handing to the treas. to the mainland arid 'Motor for sixty piles two feet below wetter. level Igo Place on the hand, :Ovith consequent urer. J. Gallagher's and 11 Maedel's miles thru' what is known as the. New that they would not °rot; but with waste of• effort. • dog tax were refunded, owing to er- Territory, which the British have held the lowering of the bike levels these The finance committee reuorted : Tor of assessor. The clerk was in- for only fifteen years, yet it has were now exposed and int would re In the matter; of letter of Jan. 9th strutted to order 10 copies of Muni- miles and miles of beautiful paved salt and the same dans e' lucre ahead .from W, M. McLean.' requesting that ' cipal World and 7 copies - of . Munici-' motor roads.. Hong Kong is lovely Goderich his letter of Dec. 18th. applying for ,.pal Act -for use of officials. Bylaw beyond words. It .nukes me think pointed school attendance officer. in his' car around the Island, then On motion of Councillors Yourg and back to tea at the Hongkong Hotel. Goldthorpe, Reg. Glen was appointed Saturday we were taken to Kowloon auditor, On motion of M!: Gold- on the mainland and to it little coun- thorpe and Mr. Wilson, .Ino, Wilson try residence he has there, In the was appointed auditor. Mr: A, Fish. evening we went to his home for a er waited on the council for' permis- Chfnese dinner, the meet delicious 1 pion to pipe the road side fol use of have ever eaten—Cantonese . food; spring. His .request was . granted. He has a beautiful a home up on -the Mr. .1. McCann was granted ponies.. Teak'. After dinner we wentto see elan to remove trees in :rant of his some of the famous Chinese resttur- ' bateon taxes be wzthd wn we re N 3 passed n t g; theteas f the Fre rh Riviera and the New Announcement of the annual meet- ! le 1 ing of the Ontario Gond Roads Asso- commend ,that the reaue elation in. 'Toronto Feb. 24th, 25th With reference to'the Idtter of Jan The appointment !of collector was tropical, having�� alms, rubber trees, dollars this• gives a valuation of'51, and 26th, was received and was re- 6th from the Dominion Road Mac left over for a later date until'a'coni- *settle etc. a aro just . back 71(';;000.00. Tho percentage of ' Se- ferred to the special committee, inert' Co., asking the town to take up nzittee 'composed of Messers: Young from our ride thru tho New Terri- leets116,0 might also bperce d. The prem.. A request from the hospital fir 1 their bond and interest due Jan. 1st, •and Robertson enavire for terms tory. It was "glorious, Por a shoe, ' ium bolo paid for Selects at pos- Sick Children for a Want was refer- 1 totalling $3,075.05. and promising to i with banks re handling of taxes 'fox distance WC had the ocean on either si61y angavernge something; better red to the finance committee. also one repay the town later.`we find that the township, on motion of Councillors side of us. It is a rl'onderful piece than two dollars per head. It would from the' Beek Memorial .Fund .en- ( Comnaaty has seat the town a cheque Hill and Goldthorpe.. .On .notion of ' of engineering, much of it being mean that approximately ex - take .fol $775, Which will more thine rover Messrs: Young and i11, Albert.. Good blasted put of the solid rock, hair pin . .pp• y50,000 taken the request.for tris town to , r the interest .summa of . >J.A7 was ren anted road superintend- curves thin almost make your hail !tea was -distributed am Dartetre in the. proposed fund. i PP i farmer' of"Huron County for hogs A 'letter from the Algonquin Trailwhich have already' bocce Paid,' and ent,.and on motion' of Reeve 'Robert- stand on end, as you go over the first ' ,amine; in this_ gtt Coo S'4' for this. o invited representatives i we recommend that the •togm,pav the son and Councillor Hill, the• road sup- range. of mountains. We had our ' f u'i h f can eu it ha A"ssociati n e P e "r7 57. and in1371e. , itradt~ . s p to fig t s y ti to bond amounting •to ,2. , a erfntendent is to . be .paid rents tea on ;the beach' at the foot of Cas- • of- the town at the annual meeting ., 1, i unproved and we hope to see Still pointed out - the importance of auch I company under the mortgage. and A. Goldthorpe, the winter'work er aurtlong ride. 11 „ y SPECIALS --FOR Friday �►Satu�rday woo yards Lice and Insertions, regularly priced from 3c to 1tie per yard, clearing at...- - Scperyard A few pair t f Ladies' ribbed Lisle nose, r;eve'Ydl ti ales, regular liEi4� St.2A per pdir. Friday and :t.►tnr, tray .95c ,.) parr of Latlit s' $ilk atnl , Wool iiu"e, -Sub-Stand. also a few broken Hues of Cashmere' and All . Wool flow,, clearing; •at...:.,.:....,....:, ... A% a pair Miss Hoggarth's Dressmaking rooms above theStore `. E. HJBBERT .. • THE CASH STORE PHONE Se ItE HOG MARKETING further •progress made along this line in 1928. Hog marketing for the last week . • of 1925 was very light. The follow - Ing is a summary of the hog industry of; Heron County• for the year 1925, turd gives the'number of hogs ship- pe`d'nnd the grading of the hogs eon- cerned : Total hogs, 17,904; select bacon, 23463; thick smooth, 46141; heavies, 3,244; extra heavies, 235; shop hops, 3107; light teeders, 10,9. Percentage, select bacon, 30.03; thick 8.55• •henviea 4',111• extra smooth, G , , , heavies, .307; shop hogs, 4.01; light feeders, 1.39. • Total, roughs, 03; sows No. 1, 178; sows No, 2, 1318; stags, 156. Percentage, roughs, .079; sows -No. 1, .23; sows :No. 2, 1,69; stags, 19. With reference tp hogs it will be noted that practically 78,- 000 hogs were marketed from the ra , o. was , a nits r - o n . county in the past year. At •atn ail» st be granted• ogees clerk and assessor as last year. Ham shire Cornish Read. Itis semi-FE(rage market value•, of twenty-two be held in Kitchener .Tan.22nd;and the meantime charge it bac s to t ge an hour.,^ On - motion of P. Wilson tlo Peak and how good t tasted aft associations. when >tintarfo'g rovenue We recommend . thrlt the coupe I on roads must only be done by order Our boat for Bangkok sails to- • , Onmotion � afoot nted to 226,000,000. O a-eVozld Municipal. !n The npaid morrow w at • 12.00 n. e from United `States touristy last year st bsbribe for . �'la P -of of the councillors and. be noon,. so W are for each nteiiiber of the council, the at the rate of 20:cents an:. hour for spending our last hours of Dee. 21st, of Councillors ,Lee and Craigie it was 1 clerk and the assessor: also that each man, and. 40 .gents en,hox;r for team 1925, trying_ to print the lovely pic-. - efurnished ' o ne.' b the c u it,,^n turas of Ho 0 off fI Tii1l d n k n on our lode, member man. motion ofm and m n On g eg some ether that mayor or so, decided hat them r member of the council atteed as a ' with:a copy ..of The Muukip'l Act. F. Wilson: the summer evark will be We went . to . Kowloon with Miss a representative of'the town. . I We recommend•that.tttie 102.i coon.- paid at 25 cents :an hour for man, Mooney this afternpon'and 'had' tea A letter from the Goderich Meter- . ty rate be paid ical Society asked the council to take I The Goderich Organ into consideration the holding of a $17,500 fire insurance centennial celebration, Mr. T. G. • proved compant Cannon, secretary;, Mr. el. W. Black, f ' A number of a oaf.; ivemrecom- president; and Ur. W. H. Robertson, • mended for payment. •- addressed the 'council in • connection The public works committee repp'rt- with'the matter. --Referred to. the ed having received the new snow special committee. • - i nlow from the Dom;nii.n Road Mach - Mirk Conngn said there- was no inery Co. and. that they wen, en. doubt thee was a'settleinent at God- gaging. an extra team. ;so as to have erich in the year 1826.. Guelph,' an, additional buttit *nen renuired. which was founded and named . in These reports. were adopted. oun f ved that the mat- s has filed and 50 cents an hour . for team and at her apartment.. • Thr trip back by man: The clerk .was instructed to ferry was glorious. It was dark . olecies in ap- 'order supplies - for esseeser. The with n new • moon haneine , just over . following accounts were paid: Mon.,. the nosh. and all tan' light•= trvinktinc• Final World, supplies. $12.4' C>nde on the hillside. The harbor' itself riche Iron & Brass Fnugciry, ('.rate. n as lithe Fairyland with' all the it- `--' "-' '- $10i H. under: refund 'ing tax (er- lurch .ttrt junks, sampans. fert•iee , . ror), (error). J. Gallagher, refund dog ` Bangkok liners, Dec.Vre6th rt n tn 27th." D C AND WHITE • CHAIN' TOR ES ' imy r A eve tax (arrnr), e2; Mrs. Trenry Srveete, Ban kok an rc. 20th or ,,.7th:` iJ gravel, $14.40; • Geo. Horne. gravel,• ` 1827, was founded about the same C c Igor Lee mn time as C>oderich, TE was not ,till ter of: the C. N. R. loath on the bretik- MJune 26th, 1830, that (+odezieh town- water be referred ''. �` .ilio, ITnrbnr ,hip was surveyed and turned aver C•ommittec.. and . the feyor ridded. 0 01 �a r was no doubt that there was a :settle-•.lnayo'e s addition wax' :crceptible to to the Canada Company, but. there "to, report." .The motion with the silent' hero in 16E6 or, 1827 It was the. mover and•,,was seconded by WEEK of JAN. 25th to t for the council to fix a year when the M Black u g t d t - r taxes was extended to Vele 5th.` and, AN 3d 'h •: year when Councillor Sure* end retried. - town would celebrate its centennial The time for.the 'coiiection. of ..925 Monday And Tuesday . f ' it E T TY C OMPSO:v, IRIC:ARDO CORTE'Z, ERNEST TORRENCE and WALLACE BEERY' head t brilliant cast in another James Craze titanic spectacle romance of - the frontlet.west. This k one of the beat sial pictures' yet made by. the Aeteeen- wizard. No - advance in - ad - r.. ac s g es a nen ,yea 1927 as the most appropriate, year, on motion of Deputy. Beevfo- Moser, B ,side being the centennial of the ee("'"d"`1 by (`nnnefthw Srrnul. it any town, it would be the sixtieth aunt-` decided to , ask the cone, m to .nrke 4 •n versary of confederation. •a statement of all tries : remaining Mr. Robertson pointed out that I unpaid at that date. Guelph was celebrating in 1927 and 4 motion for the tinnnintment of he was afraid if Goderich celebrated Mr. Edwards -as. aages'ry rind. on?l"n1- the sante year the Guelph celebration - or for 1926 on the saw. to as tech • mission. ' • would overshadow ouri onded by Councillor Tee. and rnri ted. and,one anrointinc; :err. Ceienhell as aih i'sory assessor and collector: on the' none terms as iest rear: woe moved by 'Cniineilln" Sprenl. second- ed by Councillor Bailie. mid carried. Bylaws • canfirnsine th„ye anneint: ?pints were passel, and the couneil• adjourned. MT T1 ICIP A in lr • rrrTlNC[LS in theamount • year was ineved,;by:. the. Reeve. see - • • "The Pony. Express" TUXEDO COMEDY "Cleaning Up" • of publicity it would •get. If Godes rich celebrated in a different ;Min. from Guelph we would.: get the full benefit of the publicity such an event would have... * °Alt Mr. C. L. Jackson emote resigning Wednt*day and Thursday - his position as town auditor anal this RAYMOND. GRIFFITH AND was referred to•the finance commit - BETTY CO*WSON e tee. fat Paramount's latest fun picture A letter from W. Ji McCoy and Co., crammed with hair-trigger. excite. Chartered Accountants, offering. their services for a town audit was also rirent "Paths to Paradise" PATHE' COMEDY "Feet of Mud" Friday and Saturday • BUCK JONES in a thrilling dram.i of the West "Gold and the Girl" "Cupid a 1a Carte" PATHS NEWS litatinee Sat. at 3.03 p.m.: referred to the finance committee. Mr. Jenner, bandmaster, -wrote as to conditions of instruments and re- quirements of the band. He said : "We have threw alto horns that are absolutely useless and another that is ' likely to fail any time, but can, I think, be repaired, the only moa commission. and., we need two more (:alders at least. The two buses ean be re- paired at a pinch if they aro pot turn• ed in on two new ones. One baritone is useless; the other can be repaired. One tenor horn wowed be an acquieit- Goderich Township - Council met Monday, can, 11th. All made the necessary declaration and settled down to Work like old timers.. Bylaw No. 1, setting the salaries the 'Treating Them Gentle She was in Alaska lookinar over a fox farm. After admiring a beauti- ful silver specimen, she asked her guide, "Just how many times can the fax be skinned for his furl” "Three • times, madam," maid the guide gravely. "Any more than that would spoil his tempo"," . tgiQllER!C.II MARKETS Wheat, per beth..:..v .,Zi to 3 140 ifui'kwheat,'per bush05 to 10 Tlogs 1:1.75 to 13,00 Oats, per. bush -.... , 40 to 40 . Pena, per bush• 1.•15 to 1.50 Marley, per bt{alt• 0}5 to 70.. Ceara, ordinary, n.•r - eWt, d. 3 to' e,.25 fir Cattle*, .geporL....... 77,5:,00.to (per ewt,l• t o 1.5y 0 Lambs, per eget : - 4 00 to -11.00 dairy .Butter IQ to .- 45 Eggs, per dos .. ; . :30 Act 35 Family flout., per ew .3.90 to .1,00 , Patent flout, per s•wt, ` 4.75. to • 5.00 Bran, per ton . 82 00 '•i 33.00 Shorts, per ton... 33.00 to 35.00 ' . Hay; per ton 10.00 to - 12,00 tfieles •• •itis to'. OR Potatoes, per t,,t7,.. . :.,Ch1 to 0.50' Cattle; ohuise. pey en t pout 11 •I' 7 i I.i UiATO 4 z. .flakes Ions taY IAli Winter. On..Cwt a Moth is all it test, . tbuh , .a1 Mee PREl1 ! Wri . fa.it PRATT MOD C0.,.4' Canada.Umited.326 CeriswAve.Toronto *40.35:0 Phel {•t Bros,, catch tin sin. 110:, Jos: .eleC,ann, '+1,16.75; Allan (Intnrdnd for bet wee1•1 Watson, '110: Aleck Vit'•+t'.nn. $10• C. Miss Melda. Lane is an the sick Dustowe $10; L. •Christilaw, $10; Wm. list this week. Vrooman,. 310; R. Cousins. 410; L.1. 'Little Alex. Hackett, who has been eohnston. $10: P. Bogie. $10: weld very sick with pneu»ionia, is improv•1 Bogie; $1750• Win . Tinton. P10; ing very nicely. . • Wieters, 520: J. Buchanan, $28.43.. The 'Misses Tillie nee lfiliia•rnt Ifackett started to the school of in - Geo. Baxter, $5: A. (;end. $38' tenet t (gravel and work); D. Cnntweri.,ori.. atruction in T:ucknow. Jewell. *7,50• F;. Tioltzhimeen. S15: Mr. and. Mrs, Adam Y ,.,, g , , n g toe mut R, Atexighe, seem; h., eraekc'l. $7.50; family, spent Sunday even}ne at the . L. Rogers. 120:--J. ,Paton $20; M. . ..o 1 206 STORE, . 206. STORES Buyat the Red and White Store OF..COURSE 0I. , GES—SPECIAL 30 CENTS ZA�'V H, .Jenkins, $11,23, e;, Kerr, ener; home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C':rhe=- ,�'. petm�'++• 012,:;0, r:. tomb, SP,n:.I, on. i Ports Bran Flakes Mi ute Oats, 25c Tenkins, $17,50• A. Kneeslraw, 52.130: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baldwin attend=e J. Alton. f20• W: Feeler 'gravel and' ed the funeral of the tae '1mr;m. Jars. �`3e wnrkl $37.4(1 :T, (;r"iron,. A28;5; ( Elliott, which was held on ,s'Ulday:, -Lifebuoy. Snap Tag, Steele, 18,75: A. Mugford, .$111.- to Dungannon cemetery. t 25; 'tient.. Lone;, .$29; TT. (lend. grafi: • Mr. and 11re • Frank Irn;in tool: in A. Alien. $7: Wm. McWhlnno••, '17t • the fowl supper and dame. held in h J Fisher/ *10: H, gear. $10s T• Al-. .' iii Ami,-- t C rhe + F , Paramount (hetes, factot..iaa- figura- 1en. $05: H. Snyder: $16; Ts. Snyder,' day night,• under the auupieos of they e1(3 M. Young. $16; R. Grier"- $e16: (• 11. I'': 'W. 0.. and report a pleasant j. 11. Pocock. $16: R. -Mike, 616• 0.' time. - - Forester, $30: ('. Younrr. 13; eVinel Monday was • the ,lectins day, end Bolton. $R: W. Allen. 5113.15. Meet - e sbficld haw I. ncM „ice :rb.•+•- i r khr� ' W c Delivor in .'parvo l"rer... . ing adjourned to F.eh. 0th at 2 pan' eouneil for 1920, John Farrieh, of G. J. HFTHEnINGTON1, C'aurcy's Corners, for reeve; John I . .v. Torrmship 'Clerk.• Cameron. near Laurier, for deputy GLIMPSES OF CHINA. rec3ve: Thomas Andersen, . ne' ?1afelc-' fee; Wng, J. Turek: nen' Nile, ,.net Sonic Paragraphs -reran a Letter 11iieT:i'tt, Belfast 'fn: coUgii•;l-j PhGrc 110 ' - From bliss Mabel lone Now on lora ( Large Can Corn on £ob 25c. YM : • Her Way Home • The °'installation cif• the onkre; n of Belfast L. 0. L. was !wheat their an- - --- The following are u few •l::na peal meeting- on Dee. 29th. The fol. graphs from a letter %leech Innpa'etor lowing see the officers ereeted fie' the same as last year, was,. passed, also and hire. J. E. Tom received, en the ensuing, year: W.:11., 7'h•n.ia's For. Bylaw No: 2, appointing the stone i ` 16th inst. from their daughter, Miss guson;': D.M., Roe Alton; R: S., 1Vil- °facials, with the excepSio:t of. ,Mr, Mabel •E. Tom,, who, with Miss. 7 thel i belt Divehi; F. S„ Geo•;.;,' M'•Rob- ekusten Sturdy for auditor instead •ltobin5on, of St. John, N. 13., wentio erta: 'teen(.,' Charlie I1ur:'r,r: D. or of 1lfr. E. • A. Yeo, ward Ni, I, to he • Prance as nurses with the first Amer- (:, Wm. ("poke; lett., Janne: Durnin; represented by - Councillors Middle.' lean Troops in 1917, and returned 1st come Gilbert Vint; comeTruce ton, No. 2 by Councillor llaacke, No. from France to New 'York in 1919. Shackleton, Jelin Mullin, Elmer Alt - 3 by Reeve Cox, Nos. t and 0 : by In 1920, they sailed foam Vancouver on. - Councillor Churchill, and No. 5 by to accept positions in the Union Med, fon to the band. One cornet is need- ` Councillor Jervis. 'I1te township Year College Hospital at 1'e'riog. POF!T ALBERT ed two others need repairs. A snare ' printing is to be done by the Gude-; Having served five ears lin Peking The ladies of Christ church, Port • '. e lubber Situation rich Star or News I'eenrsl la a o- Hospital they start. nn t herr ye'ir 5 Albert, intend holding a play in the I where. The `salary of road superin- furlough on Nov. 26t:i, 1925. They basement of the church about the . • tendent was set at 30 come per hour ; will returei home" by Siam, India, kite T' of February. , rticulai i,i cations. The appointment of road land, Scotland and Treaty!, lynching ' and the clerk to advertise for apple, Egypt. Italy, Prang c", Belgium, E superintendent was left over until home about the end of May, 1820, AfVERTIele Tei 1'1114 STAN • •y - .ekse••1tle+'• • Tee par• foe.,teeing work,' '"We bate a delightful visit at Foo. • Owing to the great advance.in the price of raw rubber. the Rubber. Manufacturers have all advanced the price of rubber footwear. ' We are Mill selling rubbers at the old price. This is possible because we put in a heavy stock at the lower price. Buy your needs in Rubber Footwear now at:9 be sure to ;set the reliable brand -1 Pressor* Corned. Get them at . II 'RN' O S STORE Moe 43 W. The Square ing -on reeds is to be 50 cents per chow and were eriehantiel 'with' the'i+ C P. hour and 25 rents for men. Mr. country round about. i'ho poins;ettas Ymple Mixture'Makes Martin Lowden interviewed the ,sun- pleased me most of all. To sett them Stomach Feel Fill, til "re trees on the road side. This peering at you over a fifteen foot being in the reeve's ward it wee left well with their huge dark red blur - for him to deal with it. Mr. (bear' soma gives a thrill you never forget. Simple buckthorn bark, elyeerin•. Tebbutt preeehtcd a claim for dam- "We left Foochow On the Ttai-ring .etre as mixed in Adlerike, often helm age to buggy: thih was left over un- of the noughts 11110. which rcas o)i- iatoniach trouble in TEN minutes b, tit next meeting. The tier); was in- ginmlly Helen Gorld Sheppard's pri. removing GAS. Brings out a sur. sti'acted to write Engineer Irwin of vate yacht. When Ameru'ii ueclue-1 prising amount of old a• i„ce matter Highways fepartnient to visit the ed war in 1017 she was given, el' yoe never thought waw in your syp council end give a talk on road con- rather sold. to the American t:ovc•rn- tem. Stops that full, bloated' feeling ata'ucti in. The following aecout,ts mont for $1.00 to be used as a eciepi. and makes you hsppy Ind cheerful. were lifid: News Record, printing, tal !thin. After the Armistice else Excellent for - chronic cnnstipt:tion. 29; Ed. rewartha, gravel, $2.10: 1..etas sold at auction to a Hanish firm, Adlerika works (2T'I('K nail elotfgkht- 'ltyndell,, aver, *2.16: 11. Glidden. Douglas Co., and has h^nn in ('hincee fully Noy. f°A'IPI3I 1T,' DRUG gravel, *J. ; R. G. Thmipeo% eler- t:Stcl's (ter sinee. She i” ;a Ice ely ST()l.t•:, / tion ctroy.q• •t�:9; It. G. fiho.. p -.all, dr'a't, Lent ,:ibis:., le .t.'n 3: V...*r ;', ., • .. ,Ia .. A1. HOEI: Cor. East Street and Square 11,11111 MacDonald Electrician Britannia Road Telephone 174- W ELECTRIC WIRING for Heat Light and Power See Us First for First Class' Work