HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-21, Page 4ae! 4. 4 4. • ••• • Arne •--- 'NM TOM risor—Ard.•04-00—b—gbmipme-00,-00-40-00.1... COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Just how muck money we can save you on your requirements during cur STOCK -TAKING SALE. Stock -Taking is now in Progress, and we are offering very epecial values in lines which we wish to clear -quickly. 6 A. CORNFIELD LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR :_isVE.S; SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. v. THE GODERTCO Mika KENNETH GEORGE PAGE Born on New Year's morning to Mr. • George. He was kicking up his The Regan Drug.Store Redford Block -"er'essret eseree:e THUMILDAY. JAX. 21se. Het eeeeseeeseemeesseseesets....-...seeeit.:4;:‘ For <fit Cough �r Cold Ricker's Syrup of Tar with Cod Liver Extract, 50c. AND Dominion Bromide Quinine Tablets, 25c • GUARANTEED RELIEF All other well.known Remedies always in stock. H. C. DUNLOP arid Mr& E. A. Page of the Border kbek and gurgling bits of youthful Cities, both former Goderich young people, who want their friends in philosophy when the staff photegra- this town to know of their good for. pher of The Border Citiea Star cal - tune. The picture above is taken led arornd to focus a camera on him, . . i from The Border Cities Star, which. andee published the following matter below the :he is, the Border's first 1928 to baby 1 Ire is Kenneth Ceorge Page, event entitles the parents to the and he was brought by Hizzoner the many valuable presents, including aa7edutto besincomaetdfiztitualefuotrhae nrialn.• ent or two, mid that was long enough get this photograph. The happy wasn't so awfully particular po g • Stork to the home .of Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Page, 323 Grove avenue, at furniture, jewelry and eatables of all 4.34 o'clock New Year's .morning ! kbuite,ow.thimehenwtehrreoudgehnatriediebes* 01:4%1 A hate, happy Yolangetser is Kenneth Cities Star. 41)C (003C$) %tars earlY Indien legend& FLOWER SHOW AVG. tirni Happleet Reads „.„--...........---... ' -Subscription Terms -see- 1 ee Drillers a }V a r ifirletle In ed. .Speaking of the Blue Water bigh- Mr. X. T. Edwards Appointed Secre- lame wlech are handed back are son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Nu i subscribers in the Umbel way, the author ;Jays: "One of the Treasurer of - Goderich Ilortkaltworth more than the fee, ao the so- Stewart but spent forte Years of his mato; ietty cents additional to: pus:- happiest roads In Eastern Canada ie ural Soclety—Society to Help in eiety becomes a sort of mutual bene. life in the West About twente sem • the Blue ' Water highway , " 'which Be, autifeeng„ Hospital Grounds— At organization end the wider the years ago he sold his farm and went Sub 'bers who tail to canter reecho The be skirts the shore of Lake Huron and Prendums for Members. ach courses to Georgiene Bay, Motorists . membership the wlder the benefit to live in Regina, where lea passed Star Warty will a tato: ..••=*****0.* the melees:WM ae Sena as los- • The list of; options will he found on his remaining years. Hie only sur obi& in rogue:eine a chum of ad. entering Canada from Detroit strike The annual meeting of the Code- page 8. of this issue of The Star in vi ing brother, ex -Reeve Ohm Stew dices both Ili e old aril nee; addres"es thia road at Windsor, and timidly rich Horticultural Society was held the adyertIsemept of the Sotietyart of Kintail, on learning of his ill - should be elven. Clair and St Clair river to Sarnia Rday eveningJanlathTh Loral Adeolistoir ates I , , . . e presie show was set for 'Wednesday, Aug- weeks ago and was with him...until ......, follow it northward beside Lake St in the council chamber on Wednes- The date for the annual flower nese, left for the western thy two Yearle _eentraet display advelthe eg. Thousands of motorists enter Can dent, Mr. George Laithwaite, acme wit leth. School children are to be the end came quietly and peacefully 18 mate ner Melt eaell insertion, run of ads. at Sarnia, groping from Port pied the chair and About twenty-five given a packarie of annual phlox seed on Saturday last, The brother paper; six inonteue tontreee 'a mite . tolve months, 22 cents; one morale 23 nut"' " members were present The minutes free, andat the o or show mime brought the bogly to Goderiehand rents; one ee.ee, ee ee,de, qua, emetes, "Sarnia claims one of the enest of the last annual meeting were pre- will be awarded -e hest fiowere the fumed takes plitee this (Thurs. Posneons %lei 00 Per eclat. Wei. First' free motor -camps in the world. It aerated and adopted on a motion move raised from this e . day) afternoon tri Maitland -ceme. levee 100 leer Vent extra. hari such conveniences as tent -floors, ed by Mr. IL, T. Edwards and secend- I ' Mr. IL T. Edwards erns aenointed tery, Rev'. R. 0. MeDermid. (diktat .P,atrons of The Star wil. Woe! note semi en seems rep iie, lemma le,"); IlreOlacess a cooking -helm, city wa- ed by Mr. D. E.•Holmes. I secretaryetreaanrer of the society in reg. A service was held also before of The SLr moist be in the hands :if the ter, free fuel, table* and benches, and After the opening -remarks by the succeesion to Mr, Bowden, resigned, the departure frees Regina, Rey, Mr Printer mit ,Lit ..r Lien livisiny non ig even a 'washing machine. The camp president, the order of business was and a vote of thanks was tendered to Feeley officiating. Mr. Stewart's each week. ''' . , ,4s delightfellY located back from the proceeded with- It was moved by the retiring official for. hie efficient wife. who died many yeses Ve:0 and Legal aell other, ethane. tovtise- ' shore in a fine stretch of woods,. and Mr, T, G. Connon that- the members service during the years of .his tenure . whose remains bo in 'Maitland cone _mato 10 eves er tine ter th ineeri. .. . . e ion oild :.;•,,,,,-ntgliv,:•,, lino tor earn „In. motorists stopping overitight often present •forrn the nominating cone.' of the position fere". 11"1/4 Miss Stewart. a sister of eequent IneTtion. Se a.41ired be e nenlinger for sk few days for the excel- mittee for this annual -fleeting.-- Me. William Stewaref town. They . ortrruARY ' had one son. who died about two Wren eeale. teethe 1. le 1 to it Meek ,lent bathing mei fishing . • Carried . • al- OusInese Careof llim s se e. anti en ider.' KPY. ides r, ettle oint '. . The financial ' statement for the YOUNG. --eater e weekee illness, ears agoBesthe brothe 410.tet per year. - Advertisement.; .n. 811,44,10,N Newel,' 1 eFrom Sarnia, the Blue Water Year 1926 was presented and read by Mr George. -Young Dritamila road reader mentioned. thine sistees o dressed the meeting and gave very interesting and instructive addresses along egg and poultry lines and 'co- operative marketing. The following officers were elected for , the year 1026: President, Frank Raithby ; vice pres., Geo. F. Yunghlut; direct. ors—John Houston, Bert Marsh, q. A. Howson, W. W. Straughan and WThm'enoin. annual vestry and congrega- tional meeting of St George's church were held on Monday evening ii the parish hall, with a good attendnca. Mr. O. P. Carey was reappointed by the,rector as his warden and Mr. E. - Douglaa Brown was elected people's * warden, in place of Mr. J. S. Platt, resigned. Messrs. George Williams and C. L. Jackson were reappointed auditors. The fallowing were nam- ed as sidesmen: Messrs. T. Craw- ford, 1. Salkeld, E. Poner, J. Hunt - or, C. C. Lee, Wm. McKee, R. R. Dure nin, W. Cole, J. Carrie, J. S.,Platt, 1. Brophey, G. Wifliau, .1Y Stewart, " B. Felker, N. Sale, H. Leggett, W. King, R. 'Scott, Alfrey Sturdy and Dr. Graham. At the congregation- al meeting Mr. I. Salkeld and Mr. E. Douglass Brown were elected lay re- presentatives to Synod, ulth Mr. O. F. Carey and Mr. J, S. Platt as sub- stitute& The financial statement for the year 1925 allows totals o Goderich. The regular montisly meeting of the Women's .Hoapital Auxiliary will be held in the Board -tat Trade rooms on Monday, January 34th, at 4 pen. A Skating Carnival will be be Friday, January 29th, uncle? auspices of Maple Leaf Chapter, introducing several novelties. What Causes' the Skin to Chap Chapping of the skin on tee . hands and :face in the Winter time is due to evaporation of the - natural moisture, ceased by are Oficial dry heat indoors end high winds outeof-doors. °Catepana's Italian Balm restores the unbind • =Mature of the skin and pre- . vents eivaporatimus--All--dnrge__ eats and departmental stereo 'sell it. A special sample bottle mailed on receipt ef 5c. , CAMPANNS Italian Balm $4,363.07 in the current account, with f Rouses for Sale or ,o, not, Perms foe to the tugged shore of take Huron. total receipt of e360.00, and an ex- isth year. Mr. Young. was Len -in Pim. of Emeeraine; Mrs Murdoch • tettnatione wonted. Artieles heti; highway winds nortliwsred, clinging the secretary -treasurer, showing a passed away on efeeday last in his he deeeased-stu've ive: Mrs. Finlay- . • _Bale or le Bent. Articles) rOP !tat e ewe At Kettle Point, famed for its black penditure of $286.17, leaving a .bal- Goderieh and les life was spent in .*441CP1121°4 of Brandon, Mnn.. and 'ate mew , ng valgtli lines. 35 eents KWh Insert:on ; three insertions for ei, bus, there is a curlew natural phen- anee of $64.89, which amount ,was on the town and eoweseip of Geeeeide Miss. Stewart, of Kintail. Mr. Stew bargee mime:min...tee la proPertion , omenone Hugh kettle shaped rockie deposit in, the Canadian /link of 'Cont. It Is only about two years since e, re- , art wise it member of •the Sees o Scotland and fellowonembere of that Bustneee :solves ,nows type), i'llter embedded in the black shale. are ex- !tierce. The report of the auditors, tired from farthing and came fo Given' insertiole, 10 lellei per eousti4t I se; ,toorder WAre active in pinietering to nierehatna baking cooteae; for tespley es Pored as the wa.ves of the lake wear Messes. esecKey and Stonehouse, his comfort in his time of illness. . , . live II isn i 41 byhi id ow to. earvve 8 W OW adserusino.c. ;, colts. per imaatt.,1 ass: el._,,e, c, the ledges. An Ojibwa legend fermed a part of the statement how- (formerly Miss Christine 13isset). end to eaureees flail theleeseree emu,. chants that when the world was peo- ing that the same had been audited i sister of the late Mr. •Santuel Bis- eeenweele /TIRE rmstror 'if wo totatIOIN 4 0'441 'it. esuuted line. ; pled with giants * great battle took on January 8th, and found correct. I set, and by ri 'family of. eve sons • ' " ` ".." ' "" " - „edvertisements wiliout sfieeitei _lie place between the chief of the giants It was moved by J''. W. SteViear and Bert Richard and James, in Gode-. . _Rev-. J. N ems , mere ee,,,,e,theee. an t o Ojibwa god, Kite. r etrnea. won by r. . Joe ..t at the fin- rich townshipp and peter and Ben; in Ise priest of St Peter's. effleinted at I Cameeane the leen- eel.- etruiefons '''Wlit be Inserted triall enealte d hh' K ded M J. k - h iteeounee Alaimo and mewed These "kettles" are the mitetiler aneitti statement **V auditore! report- toevn. There are also four -brothers the Sunday services, having' .undere entennie. - which the god threvst. white thorn be received and adopted, and for- and three sisters; Soot., of neer eM.. taken his new- duties here, . . . Teanehelt edvertisine „Ina Jill) eerie thrown by the giant were promptly warded to the Department at Tor- waukee Wig • Robert and Thsimas, ;Victoria St. United eh h a t . ., ure , p is or sieve. changed by Kitchi Keetana into the onto in due eciurse.--Carribd. of town,. arid Jelin, of. Loyal; aers. The Rev. •Selby Jefferson. 11 a.m. lovely islands that now doteGeorgiee The Societe 8 meraberthie for 1925 Ferguson, town, Mr. Grahahe of subject, "Our Share in the Greet M. THURSDAY, JAN. 21er, 1920, Bay. was 237. - - near Kincardine; and . Um Hurliea, and E. Undertaking of the United , . ,_ "Gederich, air important lake port All the diretters present nude of Vancouver, E. (1., Mrii. Graham Church," by Principal Hume •of tate. fue IMPPIE,ST WADS • perched upon a die along this <shore some remarks relative to the work and Mrs. Burling .were nothrfor G. C. L; 3 p.m., Bible. Classes for all; lb ULM WATER HIGHWAY highway;s is noted for Rs remarkable of the pint year. together with some the ;funeral, but. the other.; of the 7 p.rn„ subject; "The -Clash of Colorer . ----. view of Lake Huron sunset& There suggestions for the year 1026. Mee- /amity connection were all present. Baptist church, Jan, 24th e The So Says “Ileautgui Carlada,” A New Is a delightful motor -emits) here. In Pre. D. E. Holmes' and Rev.- Canon The funeral -took place . on Thursday pastor at loth services Service, at Peblication—Indian Legends Wove feet all along the Blue Water .high. Hill strongly advocated .the elimina- afternoon. The aerviCee were con- 11 a.m. . Evening subject, "Doing e c ose,o echreediyteaor.c. tbe adeicoocuesnat.n bllued:oerttsevot. omplas $860.74 paid, with a nalance to the. eloo. D 9 • - u o the various church organizations eseean • ta erditr aclici show the following totals. Chancel tocc:irk"'"-eeee... will not vvarkr Guild, $132.30; .St. George's 'Winne ,en" an's Auxiliary, $224.4n; Giles' Guild, $192.11, and. Parish frail account,' $154.64; Women's `Guild Flower ae- collet . $10.96; Juno,' Auxiliary, $216-37; 'Church Women's . Guild, .$886.64; choir fund, e20.50e Sunday, school, $246.43. .. E. 9. west 40. Co., 80 Georoe 'Oriente at Will Miller's Worm Powders will eradi- cote the 'Worm evil that bear* so hea- vily on children and is believed to cause many fatalities. They are an acceptable' medicine to children and• can be fully relied upon to 'clear fhe food channels"thoroughly of these de. 'structive parasites and restore the inflamed and painful .surfaces tol healthfulness. They are . excel- ent remedy for these evils. en Into Chapter on Ontario's Lave. way convenient free camps will be tiori of premiums to the members. ducted by Rev. R. C. McDaniel. the the Unpleasant Task." Are you a I and using the funds of the Society deceased being a member of the square. peg in a round hole? Have for a more general beantificatien of Presbyterian cbu*eh, and. the pall- you missed your real calling? Then the town. Several expreesed. *their- bearers were the four brothers. hear this sermon, Attendance is e Just before Christine*. there tame Many complimentary things have approval of this course but othere NICHOLSON.--Another of the old steadily increasing. Good after t' orrthe press of P. D. Goodchild CUM* been said of Vernon (Omer. newest claim:1 that memberts could not be former resident.% of Goderich has rneetings. 'Come. , • without the giving of prem. been called to 'his rest In the person Services in North St United e Pane a copyrighted work of Feeder- -hook by prominent Canadian& among secured ick A. Stokes Company by Vernon them being the commoutioner of Can- 1•All‘' s of Dr. Makolin Nieholson; for many church for Sunday, • January 24th, Mr. JL Edwards moved rind Mr. -years a practicing dentist in (lode. Will be as follower 10 Mall, Men's IS Quinn and entitled "Beautiful Can- adian National parks, 1, B. Harkin; lifdVitar eeconded, that ais rich, but of late years a resident of Club, subject "What Good Dees A 11(116" This book is of intense local the director - of natural gesourcee in- •1'' W-• tt Lynch large it sem of manes lee possible be Toledo, where his death took piece Cliurch Attendance Do?" taken by interest for two reasons, firstly, the telligence service, set snide for the improvement of the on Thursday, Jan. 14th. Dr. Nichol. Mr.. Walter Bern, elao Classes, for t alluring and accurate warp of Indian the Canadian' National railway dir- hospital grounds during 1026..-eCar- son was a ,member "of the town coun- Christian Fellowilip and Mission h legend woven into the chapter ector of publicity, W. S. Thompson; . eil for aeveral years in the early Band. 11 a.m., Publie Worship. In e ly Lakes. ,„ • • found; and comfortable hotels, for those who prefer to sleep indoors." (Sarnia Canadian Observer Jam 13) ComPlhOetite Buren Road to Be Paved The advertisement calling for ton- ers for cement paving on the Pro - Highway.. from Goderich to ye es interesting as showing the in- stelores Corners appearing in title is -1 entices, of the Department. i rticlee by Mr. IL C. Hamilton Readers of The Star who enjoyed. be article last week on Padereivski Y Mr. H. C. Benetton, will be pleas -1 d to know that he will contribute a Ontario's Lovely Lakes," and„ second- the general publicity * ent of the The follow' fli th 'because of the Liberal recognition Canadian Pacific realms Gay Mur- mg o cers were eu eighties. .and afterwards served for .view of the fact thee the present In.: appointed: Pres., Mr. George Leith- quite a number of m of yeerte on the pub- ternational Lessons are taking etude of the Blue Water BighwaY contain. ray Gibbon; and by Elsa Riepert, waite; vice pref.. Mr. 3, T. Fell; 2nd lic school boardgand for sone years ke •irtithe, GOS.Pek,pf Joh-. tor on "Scenic Road* tor Motorists." n. the min • led on pages 363 and 364 of the then- heed of the Girl Guides, of Tgronto. vice pres' . Mr. George Gould: direct- also WAS on the High Sehool Hoard. ister will make two addresses on In Appreciation of the work of the era or 1 926 and 1927 T. G. e was a life member of Maitland John oral his Gospel! the first on Ian. The author describes the Blue Water ()Moho Motor League. Vernon sloe George Stewa t Ju k eh le weekly article to our columns on 1 ntusical subjects, under the general heading of "The Musk Club." Mr.] Hamilton is organist and choir dire • ectec at North 'street United church.' Wite 45 0114 i't` the happiest roadslguinn states that l`idotoriate whet e avn Lode. No. 33' A.; F. & A. M.. elle 24th on "Tim Disciple Whom Jesus I Use Ontario's roads are familiar with( Mr. 11 E. Holmes • wall appointed He was a theater meeibor of St. "Hie Golipel." 3. pan., Sunday Scheel .. • - in P.astern Canada. • ice . • Addison of Huron Chaptere•No. 30, 11 A. M. Loved." the secofid on Jan. elst me The book, "Beautiful Canada,' is a the menet leackelnad-Yellow Arrow. a director for 192 in place .of MrS. TElmo_ PrecePtorY No. 22, It T, and Bible Classes; 7 pm, Public ° companion ebook to . the volume ef 2 they .. Salt116* but may net know that -Douglas Brown, who did not:wish to Stratford, and of Moore. Sovereign Worship. 'lite Minister will he reie • . . . ..- • . 411eautiful. America" and •"Boautaul that is to the Ontario Motor League .set, and Mr. H. . Edwards was rip- cone -story of Haneittoni also a mem. sietee by. Sites Due of the Provh1011 /Lesko"' by the Man* authorThe that they aro indebted for these help- 9 Pointed 11. director for 1926 to take -her of •Heron Lodge No. 42, 100 F, W. C. T. 11. volume la profinatly illustrated with fol guides and for :mime ether things the place of Mr, George Geoid, who and of the Sone of Scotland. lie The canvass for the Maintenance • photographs supplied by.verletut pub. that make motoring In that Province, was now appointed second vice pre- wig born in Pottle*. Isle of %e,_ and Extension Fund in North street lieity bureaus, individuala and the a real delight." , 1,sident for 1926. Dee, 25th, -1840, and was thus eighty- United church was. made last week, ' Canadian„Notional rakilwrrs. and be- The Nue Waiter higlawaY nssoeitCei It wee moved by Mr. `1`. G. Connell nye years Of age to Christmas Day. the comntittee meeting last Friday to _ sides being a wonderful revelation to tiers its to be congratulated on having and seconded by Mr. D. re Holmes,' Re elm* to Canada when he was she sum up the results. The ammene re. those entiequainted with Canada, it . secured atkh substantial publicity I that a vote of thank!' be tendered the eears old, the faintly settling on the ported • than here, which will Prove of great , Ontario's most rapidly growing rind, Roy Stonehouse, and `hat they' 'be a residence there Of some time he and the Young People's League are 't is * rather *inning sertoPtie of fn. sold so well deservea mention of this, auditors, Mr. A. J. MacKay and Mr. 12111 concession. of Ashfield. After k expected from further 'canvassing wuky not be very familiar with the 'tourist. interest to Canadians wbo themeelves 'atteeetive district for the meter' *anointed 'militant for 10.20.-•-esre came to ;Goderich and clerked in Mr. making plans to raise the $550 they . • ?lett. was $3,620., About $180 more . James. Watson% gore for eome have endertaken. This would, leave .. street 'United church yet to be reised, and 'it Ss confidently exneetede that before the end of' the church year, Marche:31st this amount will be made up; The amount allotted 10 North ' street church is Isrge, quite probably larger than more mature consideen. tion of the Innis of apportionment may. assign to this congregation in succeeding years, but Olepeople • anxious to measure un to the full share of their responsibilities in the work of the ehureli at "large. Corning so soon after st :special op- . peal for the reeent improgemente to the church buikling, the response to the nreitent appeal certainly shows a *tit et generougeglying iii tb ton - re g cration. Tice &Waal meeting of tlio Aulairn Beg Circle was Itekl Or& Thursday. :am 14th, with a good attendance of members and visitcgs. The amiftors' report for the year 1925 elbowed a twoarermin year for the (n Ik. °r*# total number of eggs handled through the” Circle was *1000 Own. Of the United Farmers' eo•Opecative _ For Peel, sad twitted a good return te the farmer whew bit settlement of the rnemWra threggh the prem." Punlon; members of Maltiend Lodge was Mil& on Dec. 1604. The ttitid Ivy's weld, am availed," from year '&33, A. F. & A. M., attendee! in a .07087714 of poultry han‘od wag three ik to yvr and If ;even,. prnperty ...wrier body. carloads, .r 4011 posodo. and the , become a rierneer the ertink town! STEIVARTSeeefohn Stewart. mew gale of this poettry, on (1.. wish., Kg would come in far the !iertrthe bee of a well.kriewn &deltoid Iowa.' moved that trotter retonis Cali 11. And why should. it net ;shin family. 41.4Janson late in the malted by mintier the CO *wrath* be a (VW (if PT OTT property saner tn. /ooinitel et Regina. Sask. after mt way. lir. S. B. Pitathers, Aim, Rep., Wilarti a raembere The mee•lepeehip iffneee of a fess wasice. 11.• derma- of Clinton. and Mr. T. A. 10.41001! fee 1, only taw dollar and the arm- ed was bora in Asidieed, Ole Algid Deo. .Pweitry *op, et Toronto, id- ,. ,• ANY radio. eethiaiesret owk•ortoot is likely tont up attiniscitntay rt rfarl. stxtr•roirtp annoying 40 woo hot essay rims -died 14, one who knows how ni ' ;elti".1,1rattr welyou do-oolleXdumber.ltee otters lasedwate Mika or. lot Ginned* it?' Not if Moan OZARKA which I sat and ruorooteoTlwourklraininf rdCt. OZAllicA factory enginters* now liow to us mad hew to Novice OiARKA.inj atw y that • ammo you of bort possiblo tetualte and templets eatitlactien. all tho time. Lot Ina bring ono to rein' home so you. tett submit it to the seta told-- colnPets it with say other smile, in. struntent using an squill number sod Itt.ef ,:utb's'41:6":, 1.tic** t Want y. fir y tho • you over list! to Inforo you, semi ° it la beyond %Too Shy finest radio think *f buying t* Then renwrober ;-0111 tiewor :suaj!stVicur:litr;1411. Phaulj TX, VOAPhnn. 1. hourly and l'as MVAVOr Yoe to say whoa yolf want • • rfaatonstration. Frank Nabob' It. R. No. 6 Peens Chnuanian r is Deuguainon . - ___ __se._ ,.. ___.• . mr. II. T., Edwards moved mid Mrs. years. He then went to New York ego of the $4,660 allotted to North ...............&11140=gaggroug0- .---A .0=0= P. II. Wood seconded that a vote of City and studied dentistry. •He prise - thanks be tendered to the Star and, Geed there for three years and his. ill You are Invited tn• Join , - • I . . tiety during the past yeare-Carried.' came to Goderich and (Memel an of". Signal far their interest and help in partner of those days is Atilt in net - 0 It was moved by II. T.. ,Edwards , lice and practiced ' here for fifty-five connection with the work of the So., ive practice. Dr, Nicholson then 1 . Codench • Horticultural. Society o g tail:id. zzyedeobnytinTu.elisCionnettnutrtptpt ; years, He . was married to prance* • lvvith the Ontario Horticultural Aso- : the late J. R. Gooding, who was one hi 1 Mary Gooding, youngest daughter of o . 1926 - • r, elation for 1926, and that the recta.' of the first settler* here. His wife i . entry fee, and assessment, if any, be. predereased him July 4th, 1017. It 4 . o 1paid.--Carried. was in October, 1916, that he moved Member* are entitled to any one of the following The matter of appointing delegates to Toledo, end it was there he breath - to the Convention of the Ontario 'id his last early Thursday morning, • - ErouP„VskAtell, at Toronto on February 9th and 10th I Surviving him *re two 'daughters, list of PrentienkS; mark X °hyalite the 1 • rHorticultural Aseociation to be held Jan. 14th, from !ober pnetimonia. . . * was•Itft teeselteeteers whoweretWils , MigetS MayIC... and IC. atbrY,Os 01 're. 1 ling to pee their own expense. The,".ledo. and two sons, MelIenlirl'UOOdirit, i Two Lily Auratum (Golden banded 1.11)', of Japan) e meeting then adjourned. . 4 of Detroit, and Jasper, of Toledo, ,.. 4 ' : The executite of elle Godirielt I Ohio, also one sister. Mre. 'Ann Stew - 2 Three liver Blooming Hardy Phlox - Horticultural Society met on Mondayl art, tlf throttle, Wash. The body *tett* 1 • Six Ctladiolus, choice varieties s. evening and deckled on a list of ilirought to Godench for interment on — president offer* front which membees1 Saturday, areompattied by member* 4 Two Dahlias, choice varieties wilt hare the 'privilege of eelecting, of the family, and the femoral took the one whkh they prefer. In thin plat* on the arrive/ of the te N. R. 5 'three Delphiniums (Hardy Larkspur) way everyone will be Aisle to select train ehortly before noon. Rev. S. vonsethirig to melt Ida (tWa partkular 5. Hardee rector of St Greritee rut this out and mail, or hand in to Secretary with St where& The Society is doing e good rhorch. condoned Use serves and work in helping to beautify the town the pall -bearers were Dy.. Clark, Dr. for membership • « 1 by way of beautifying the premises Mabee. Mr. P. le Walton and LL-Cati. 420. LAMMFAITE, Naito. it T. EDWANS, Sec'y. P. S. --Any member wishing to purchase bowerc. Bulbs or Shrubs ma) do SO advantageousb through the flood). • skiirtosi rev , age tO Olk yew lospilistai /oho withert dosage - - .4