HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-21, Page 3to
• mMikkrilitt.UX. tl'aat, nes —
From comstipaBonIty U
Ceastipatiea le este of Mrs met Pre-
aw"stoat combats the hues ma is sub -
Jere to, aid k tied neatest oasis if
many' of our lilsraata„ fur if the borsht
fail to perform tater retitle** properly
ail the
e owe artaasr sof lbs batty will
biomsed groat ICeepbohetoe of Mliburaer
letas •Lavas Pine,- and thus ilpo 'max.
wits.: tiro cosistipsti n mad ail the ether
troubles rause` by
Tour nosremt daggist see dolor
Undies, them; pet up ettly b7 The T.
$4Ibatr* (hes 1.1a0e. teratto, t±ite.
pi ot.% W. H. JAf: SON lnslruation
Mane. V3 lin G+u tar Theory. Culture, tc rgart,
btettio, asset, resiceenee. North Street.
C. `Fi?L'i11TA'tzN--itrtranist North St.
Milted Church. Concert player
and. 'reacher.
Iteartelence at Mrs, Colborne',$, Cl. Pat-
rtok street
Aatru'k 't
Barrister, Solicitor,. are Paiute.'° Lic.,
Successor to T. T,. Killoran -
Phone PI Office. The Square, tiederleh
DVDi•i��P° E. lloi.ME `};
..Barrister. Sattoitor. :'notary
nubile% C.on's•0yancer. Etc.
PHONE f17 - 11Alsiitero STREW
k. J: n. IVORi+TE11. .
ETF,. E;1R. NObk....'I'i1ROAT.
Lao House Surgeon New Torte C.tl)h-
thalude and Aural Hospital. assistant at
bfooreitele's Eye llospitdt and _uoIden
Square Throat hospital. London, .Eng..
'03 Waterloo St. S. _Stratford. Tele•
phone tte7. -
At Hotel Bedevil, Caodarich, on the
I:ve linin of the third Monday .or ear h
month, from 7 o'ciocic. tall tate foltowi1i
day.' Tuesday, at 1 .p.m.
DIA, 'A: ei, AT1:INSON.
Registered Chiropractor, Goderich
Chronic, Organic and Nervous- Dieeattes
ConsNl1atlon Fres
OMee heals' -2' to a and 7 to 4► 0. tin.
and. b •,appointment. excepting 1[onday
and Thursday afternoon$ an eveninsrs;.
Office flours on tees. days 40 to 12, aide
•oaTr fertter East and Vittoria Sts.
L. COT.I;. 13. Ci,. . -
OP'.rootl:TRIST. oP ci ich.�
Wet Street. God
:Honor Graduate of the Canadian Oph r
thalniiie a oiierre of Tosonta
Eyes ext tsar` ,by the latest jnethods,.
end the pro per titling of glass at mod.
orate priced. Olt taro Board of Exam-
lners [:a�rtineste No. ..
row.* Gm4DRY. •
Lite Stoetc and General Ani=tions r, '
• i ismitton Street, tioderieh -
Sales made everywhere and all efforts
made to give you satisisett+ ,i.
?'armors' - sale notes discounted. -
'Ouiltifed Anel1nurer. -
Eldon Sherr, GealRrlch;
will conduct any este to the°County of
Huron. For inlet -moon apply in 1'. .1.
Ryan. ftamiiton el., 0. "emelt left 't ith
him will receive proms«.atVnti:ta:
N. Iiidwi1ry fir CI*tesa Rabat Hogs. fes . tsarlT hiss 'Asst. eti . was on. terse, as wish es Ina boreneved wad and
i+Nar,r Priam, el . reseir- lug inw iiXssr�•t•1.Zet�iX'lnti►ar elation. Like all his bli►ther,l
Iselbest side 1 net �'se/g/eraative sector his ,r>top iw, des was teNT><.d
A Tga years anti t itte�rltba. if wltai bona In
was Misawatsd ill qtr: eYw .%rr-
vaty stk. wluut ]Barrio imam Jana.. Lucknow and is sxrvired by hie aged
roan eat daamftter of mt.. ad Mrs. mother, three brother•* and two eis-
.e •
?A••.$ i�
ftp tb. epiodMi satb.>, ri'tion listS
Wiz V se Mei was lY subscribed end McEwen's
vinawkinheaded by the preaid+ttt, 'air. Grin Spea
+Iptirt sleet perstty wrsllding tt4 UI was mantis r 7'e+ ( man, beriag
�inton to likely to lava as sew i e, . throe lati +t
dusty in the near future. llieaeue, ell bMir gradaatiott dipistarae at the Leaver, yotseereet soa of Mr. 'xhonms bo was an athlete, *Ind be played la-
GeMo. Phelan stead Murray Me'Etnttt recent (graduation exercises s at Wing- Leaver, of limit Wawanosh. The "14" with the %%Ingham team up
ars to start manufacturing, boys" haat bospitsh, esrsm ony vgts performed by the Rev. gal a: couple of VATS *ti. The oth-
bioowbars, etc„ iii Use old Jackson Glattierel pastes, Mr. McIntosh. er death
eats that of Mr Thomas
Mfg. Celt Week sow owned by AIt, Cassel*. On Saturday morning, Jan,
At 'Ontario street church parsers liireasaer-Hew•itt kith h tot t f bed t fret drink
wardingS. S. Cooper, wardingto report. age. Clinton, err Thursaray, Jan. 'itis, A pretty we searke was solemnized of water and feeling taint he sat for
teams Otto se thirst Settlers irr Clinteat the marriae. took place of Mr. t:'Ii'f- at the home of Arthur IL and ',sire. a few moments on the side of th.-
I no death occurred in Clinton 1 on ford Thomas Glasser, sort of :ilre end i Hewitt, "Mapleton ram," Rod ton- bad. lairs. C`asaels hurried to prepare
, • , ra. .0 a , , , , • *on* trot drink for hint and while site
Trouse, in her 87th :sett. she died and Miss Mary Evelyn Johnston,1lith, 1924, at 18 o'clock noon. when was thus engaged hu passed awry,
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.! daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles their daughter, Venetta :wont:, was He was a bit robust man, but had
Fred Livermore, after an illness of . Johnston, of Londeaboro. They are united in marriage to Andrew T•rv- not just felt his best for some tenet
stat week, having fallen and fractur staking their home in ::suet;; town- ing Bremner. �ouly son - of. William although he was in cis usual health
'lid her hip the Sudsy before. Mrs. IMP. and Mrs, Brenmer, •o'f Grey township. at the time of his sudden death. Ile
{nthTrouse, whose maiden name was Har' Mar Be Orange Celebration in The oete'mony was performed by wsi in his 62nd year and had been an
Lockwood, vele one of the first I Clinton • Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of the esteemed resident of Wingbiun for
settlers in Clinton, having come from T'}te holding of w Twelfth, of July United church, I,iatowel. several years. He is aurvived by his
Sunday Jan 10th of lit I k Mrs. Thomas Meier Huron Road cesaioat of Elm* ea Teesdtn• Jan
Yorkshire i o
seventy-tive years ago, when she was 1 beher discussed sand Murpht, L O. I.,, I New Year's Day •
, Eng.. with her parents celebration in Clinton `his year is Brtussele Man Celebrates 100th' widow and one son,.Matrk.
twelve years old. She had been a : Clinton will endeavor to bring this ` - Dav'ld Roca, Brussels; cele.
ever since and ecus` reran
resident r..
,. Orated his one hundredth New 'leer's
Clman'iten: vents of the early days in Clinton Ladies Lose Mother Day this year.. He liegrandfather of
Cares of Howe and Children Often
Deceased Head of Rochester Print. C Breakdown
, Presented With Geand Lodge
Regina The demands upon :i mother's
health .are many and severe, Her
own health trials and ber children's
welfare exact heavy toils, while hur-
ried meals, broken rest and much in-
door living tend to weaken •her eon-
stitution. It is no wonder that the
woman . at home is often indisposed
through weakness, headaches, back-
aches and nervousness.' Too many
women have grown up ;o accept these
troubles as a part ofthe.iot of moth-
erhood. But many and- varied as
her health troubles are the rause is
simple and relief at hand. It is rich,
red blood that, keeps a woman . well;
when she is ill the blood is thin and
watery, and - she must take a tonic
to enrich it to - renew her health.
The death occurred at her home at Dr. G. R. Ross,' of W ingltteet
sry Wats Related fn Clinton Watford an Sunday night Jan Srd
of Janet Thomson, wife of Mr. Jets.
Robson, of Clinton. have received ' nfr
word ice and Isabel $eattie, who have Mrtsonic Lodge, Seaforih. a very
t n; 'o linery business in Clinton.: A, IitrcI.ennan was presented with a
Rochester. N. Y. Mr. Dutton. whe Grand .Steward's Regalia of Grand
was head of e. printing establish• 1 A Fire in Clinton - Lodge, by the members of Gritia.
meat, the Marshall Duttor. I'rees,' Fire broke out early Wednesday Pox massy yearm Mr. ;,sof Branan bas
had lereu a, resident. of Rochester for morning of last week in the stable been an active. and valued' member
many years and was a member of belonging to .the Worthington :estate, of this Lodge and the members• took.
the Typographical Union, in which in the rear of the heron street, •pro- this way' of showing their r '
fro 19`urse ' G it was soon
Cause a a
Mrs Mae'. Shepherd and Mrs. Alice Beattie and .mother of the ...Misses At a recent meets of Britannia
d of the death of their only bro., for several seasons conducted a mil- pleasant event occurred when Arr. A.
her, liar. Maxshall R Dutton; f
he had"held many offices. Forty. The building,being of ,weed-, n ter app etre.
tion by presenting him with the re
'T s reduate at i�t'in>tliama mass of dames, but galla of the office to which he
Miss Alba Heim, daughter of Mr. theJbe was confined to the Ode build- had the honor to be appointed tiv the
NOTARY PUBLIC. -ETC. • Was Sister. of. Mrs Wor the fraud Master, of Grand
----- ins.
. A. Grigg, of Lodge. `
Clinton IIobson•Pare
Mre. Margaret trying, daughter A. pretty wedding was solemnized
N(ITAst t releLle of the -late Mr. John R. Sniillie, of et -the" :some• ;oft Mr. and Mrs., R. E.
eerier.al (;onvcyanciou• Je,n.• St. Thomas, and sister of Mrs. A, J. Bright' on. Saturday, January 9th, The nursing mother more than any
(tont celnPauie 4 . Beere.l.rtilee Grigg, of Clinton, passed away in when Obb'ee` Atln, eldest daughter of other womat%. in the. world needs rich
l'none \o. 2115 (iuderivie one. Detroit the last week of the old year, Mr. and Mrs. William Par, of Col.: blood and plenty of it. There is one
eeeaRttk. •k, U Ofl NSLAIik:, _,.: • the remains Tieing brought to St. lingwood,:was united in marriage to sure way to get this rich blood so
W11. e311LI1
Thomas for interment. Surviving Mr, George. Parke Dobson. The
• C.ONVM tNCIND AND tior'.0 • are her husband. two sisters, Iifrs, ceremony was performedin the pre-
11a •held, a•nt. Grigg and Mrs; F. R. Dark. London, sence of only a few . iinntediate
and two brothers, Harry Smillie, of friends by Rev'. F. H. Larkin, D. D.
Chicago, and George Smillie, of of
-of"Fir'1t-Piresbvteiiali church.
trait..i A oMrs. Donn Ccath f . `lark,
necessary to.. health, and thtt as
through the use of Dr. Williams' Fink
Pills. Airs. Henry Durkee- Lower
L'Ardoise, N.S„ tells what these pills
did for her. She says;—""I first used
i Pink P'1 five Dr. Williams' Pills .ears
en' theiddies Presentations to Rev. IL W. Snell Ettnrondri11,. ago. After my baby was born'I -did
come n
and Family The death occurred at her home' in not regain my usual health. I felt
• On Sunday night, Jan. 1.Oth, Rev. Egmondville, on Wednesday, January weak, miserable and always hired - so
IL.W. Snell preached . his farewellob
,, of'roar Sherran. -wife of Mr. I started taking Dr. Williams,
old and' hungry 'front sermon as rector of St Paul's John Clark, in her Olid year. For Pills. After taking five eaves I felt
school -that's the tide for lit -
OXO and WA. As quickly
Imide as to 'Oratec :a slice: of -
bread -and there's real heat
and bodybuilding, nourish=
aatetntan QX0.-
church, W.fngham, prior to leaving over two years Mrs. Clare had been trite a .new woman, Ever since 'that
for his new sphere of labor in Strat. an invalid, ,and • her rinsing
as ' ti'me when I feet tired and overwork.'
ford; . On the' following Monday a release from pain and trouble. e d I take this treatment and `always --7evening the congregation of St. The deceased wee borer in Oxford with great benefit; I have proved
be a splendid ' medicine for. mulling mothers, and I alwaye -re-
$P n ' . program o ,total h "
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 5r"
A good teaspoon, King George design, given. away with each
23c worth.
V t bars Soap, McEwen's special $1.00
O takes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for .23
3 lits. loose Cocoa for .M
t► lbs. of Sulpher or Salts wuitallie for st€i k purposes for ..23
dust to hand a few hundred pounds of a real ,good Black Tea,
We will give 1 U. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, r;; Ib. Biscuits
and t bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any paekag.
Special price on lark: Flannelette litattkets
Special price On RAW' Blankets -
, We ' are cutting the price" oft Metes All Wool,
Men's Fleece.tineas Underwear.
Good Linen Roller Toweilitt 3St p. r r tl
Good 1•ar,�c Bath Towels rile its*r pail'
Soih nicer Table and Floor (Sloths, different widths at rrightprices.
Now is the time to butt a set of dishes tor, off.
Underwear a
:Fres delivery to any pert of they Town.
1.Mc ween
i ~
The Bonn in the Meat
"Please, my mother acne me back.
to let you see what a big bone there
was in the -pound of beef she bought
last night and she wanes another
pound without bones," said a small
"\`ell,,' replied the . butcher, "tell
your mother. the next time I kill a
cow without bones. I'll send her d
leg for nothipg," ,
Complete in Itself. Mother G
Worm Exterminator does not
the assistance of any other
to stake it effective. It does tt fa
-to do its work.
'Paul's were the guests of the A. lecounty, where she resided until her them to
Pa A. A ie did r f marriage to Mr. Clerk 35 years ago commed them to of ere
and • instrumental music, readin¢4, hn�lna d at Cranbrook.e went to ide Z with
YOU ..e2111 get Dr. Wtlfamee Pini:
f . •' as given an Ten
T. J. ma Pills, thrangh any [sealer: iii medicine
Lean. one; of the wades;, ion behalf. res>id`d in &gorge andenitirille. or bymail at 50 cents a Tfo" frets.
a . the conrrrett'#tlon; 'presented Rev. Harr stop, from wblett town they re- The Dr, Williams . Medicine Co.,
and Mrs. Snell with a nurse of, gold turned.'to Bgmorid:'ille two years Brockville, Ont;
" In anptecit►tion of their services, ago. n
Mr. C..R, Wilkinson, on behalf of the Two Sudden Death. in IVingltam
choir, presented Miss Margaret Snell • On Feida . mornin
g Y r„ Jan. 8th, Mr.
with $ 'very pretty /elver mesh bag, Wm." McCoy, Wingham, . died very .�
lig _ ai, Slreht .tokenpp ton f oe l3 • He roves cork in the
of a reera t' au'ti
d n .
her f'ithfil services as n member of 'GamaSonola shop in the morning and
' the rhowr. At the reexular meeting about 9 o'clock complained .Poi feel. Fr n i he
Friday nicht nrevinnes Rev. Mr. Snell was sent home.. At about '11 o'clock
y� . n7y = was - made- the 'recipient .of a solid he passed away. He was 'popular
From iDg JOIn 4S :, - , �.Y.,r.:..::.�,
�p WIft h• ni Ora ire Lod
on the ng sick: A doctor was calleii and
-Rheumatic :Pam
and Hs- -
a 10
$200.0011) Cash
Given Away
SECOND PRIZE «--„. ire ae
THIRD' T11tzE _«_: trees
1vimTIf PRIZE tress
1`EWPRIZE3 OF • 81.11 eadr
Cac • you And 1•..F noire :41rd. i• dr.
Mack*. leeMw that ..+•acnes with the tetter
'li” ? • 11 'do. writ. • NM .t t4.m se rl•.e.a4
lt t. us ;at ..o.. INN way rl. • smh
N =
wr41.i. EDS ..gals with •
1011•0011slim' outs NOr` INVOLVE . THE
Rub. Pain right out tattle entail
• trial bottle of df3: .
• +sit. Jacobs til' t
apa.ND1No of ANY MONEY. -
t •
Stop "dosing" .Rheumatism,
It's pain only; not one ease -in &ty -
requires internal treatment. Rub -
soothing, penertating "St.,Jacobs
(Copyrisht 1925 by +
The Ulises: Feature Service)
right on the "tender spot,' and by -thee No. 12: Finding -Battery Trouble, troubles' with any of the units ean.he
time you say jack Robinson --out
INSURANCE comes he rhematic pain °an`satsIt was
c i. L Cts' Nit,x'L L • PItIK INSr,'ll-
while getting $.little prar-'recognized by the fact that they
" t' i tth t make thet ti "
tnattsm liniment which never `asap- tions that was to broadcast an ex -"Well; we're in no such predict -
St, Jacobs Onis a harmless then- ice n umng 1n on os
- value of property ineured uy h, Jan -
.nary. into. A3.O1S.:7M0. .
apt:lotu --James Connolly, -Serest,
, . dent, teoderitda: Jas F'vans, Vire-reed-
dent, eleeehweee t' T. X. }lays, See. -
Trees, , Seaforth. -
s7Iti1 l:Y'UH,-U. i Nlei,re a^, ' f•a,l-
forth; J. 't;. Grieve, Winthrop; Wm.,
Wren (lonetaneee t.rorar,+ McCartney,
T3el er litho:: John leer's.. +lau•te'tli
.lnhn Banne-oi se. Breathattan Murrey .
(1.bson e Brucfield. -
A(4tr, NTS -,--J W. Tejo, feelerirlh Sand); -
tt.e:itch, Clinton: Wm. Chesney,
See -
f' piIne., ••p
meets at It. 41.• Cutt's store, 1o,i•rich
Poltry1lelera call pay their astiY>a•
s - ne o_ e ase nopera ye. ,
points and doesn't burn the skin. It ceptionally. fire ' program a few ment as that. Let's :hse:k over the
takes pain, gorenese and stiffness frotn nights later that Smith ran into a lottery connectiehrs. They 'cleaned
aching joints, muscles. and bones' few difficulties. It was one of those the living room today. Maybe some -
stops sciatica, lumbago,. backache and = nights when radio ;waves were not body;. disturbed the'. -wires. "
upp.l Get a small trial bottle '' spanning the ether upato the usual "There's ,an easier way to look for
of n1 -tine,honest "�. Jacobss C! standard,but when hesuggested the trouble bl
e than
from any drug store,and in a mo. that I come over and help him locate him. ,The fact that
your eet is act
• rout, you'll be free from pains,aches the trouble I made no mention of wally working tonight,, but does not ..
IndiottkfTness. Dent sililec'tet Rube this.,. , get the stations with the usual vol-
rheutatatism away. His trouble appeared to be difli- ume suggests three things: Radio
A. J. Mr,rrish's 'O1othIx1 Store, Clinton;
or x 11. Nestle, Hayfield.., , ...
Have it attended: to oy the -
Established 1878
Head Office : Duagannost, Ont.
Harry L.. Salkeld, R. It. No, 2, God
erich; pres.; Wm. 3, Thompson, Aube:
urn, vice pies.; directors—Wm. Me
tluillan, St.Hetlens; W. P. Peed, XII -
No. 2; Lucknow; It L. Salkeld, 'phone.;
600r11, Goderich; .Alex. Nicholson,
Lucknow; Win.- Watson; ,las. Girvin.
11. It. No. 6, Goderich; .Wtq. le Thomp-
son, Auburn; Tim Griffin, R. It. No.
Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Einem.
dine, Ont.
Treas. Secretary.
0. J. t AVANAiGH
Ciertfulleratisso LlfetAssel+alsitken
At* Nokias” ileaideet, Aseidoot, Aehsseles, to
Fha Itieweess
OFFICE, M Me, ihistales se tie tktsas.
1roteu Bros.
reiral D rectors
awl S
Oldies .lentils' .::ended SO
f11 tiff ►rhes--.sla or day.
benefit as welt
'.L'an pleasure.
Iitaitli fnt sxeercisa for dui teeth
and a speer to digestion. A Woos•
bating rei'res1meat, soothing' to
storm wad stomach.
The World ransom
bandse full
catty in obtaining sufficient volurne,,.energy reaching the set 1,3 weak; the .
, but on watching him I found he was batteries . are weak, or the tubes ere
riot- trying for anything Moro than getting old." °
two hundred miles away. ` . P Smith - knew how to decide about
the tubes. Het w
"Whydon't youtryfor some eta Ie list to
I m the: aitelf
tion at seven hundred miles or a where - be carries -ii few spare parts
• thousand•"' I suggested.. "Th '• are se as mit to be caught during; a worth
1 a few more distant stations that are while cancort - program and returned
j so much more ;towerful - than the wl'th two new tubes. These. he in.
nearby ones you're trying to get that served first as audio umplitier tubes,
they should come through.very well then as radio amplifiers. He even -
Don't condemn your set jUSt because changed the detector tube. But the
A few stations are not up to par. to.s . revealed no apparent - ineffi- 1
Tune in on as many as imesible and cieo(cy,
iudee conditions from the averat'e. Now how are we going to meas.
Not only mt"st von figure, nn eerie- ure the strength of the incoming sig -
+ions in the efficiency of the stations nils."" he asked.
but also on variations in the atmo- "We'll decide that point : with .our
sphere, the earth and manyother heads," I explained.
thin„s that are still a ewutery. I. ' "Our heads?». South puzzled.
"Even your serial makes• a differ-' Simple enough. Disconnect the
' once. Brown down the :trent tried aerial connection: PIug in the loud
swintring his aerial in a different speaker and slowlyt turn up the fila -
devotion end dracovercd that some ment control rheostat until we get
et' tits vtntinns he used to "n,,t very the customary sound of rushintt air, ; d'r'ily- should ;; on a': urre.° allots
rtistinetty heranne falrit. ire thoturbt or frying. Note the reading ore the tlfe coal strike
Write dee .l .1)ch..i4ty I th.—.3Y, * rat -(ad . -
w...�.l wrkbui is lei. aea.rine wwrreel ont actor.. -
Swat yam swarm ai er.ce tai we will re. . •
lily by return mead r.yleg whether you .ati
11$ *..c«var.b Avows - : Tamar
DERICH __..�,�'
Wottlit,h0e... 161704 ist�
"This," Mr. Pickwick would
have exclaimed co the faithful
Sam Nitches, "this is comfort!"
In this feverish age, a mains,
fireproof, perfectly equipped
hotel- that still' retains some.
thing .of.the pleasant, cosy at-
rnosphere of the old coaching
inns is a "tind" for the travel -
weary visitor in a bigcity.
The Westminster has achieved
this miracle!' Loge enough to
tic convenient, small enough
to be snug,, -perfect appoint-
mems, unobtrusive service,
temptingCuisine •• it soothes, •
rests ansatisfies.
On a beautiful treee•sliaded sacci,
yet 'emcee downtown. attractions.
Single rosin with beta 4150. 111400 yor arrive in T,,5ark;,ra
1)i t,axs C;wi aurdso; •' Ysa aitrsl,r"
'nifl?.&LL se A HOT TIMe
114 THe OLD HOU5E40.1.008 *
he was .hnvin,Y rndin tr'tnhin. 1,ut rheostat dial for the point tvhere you '1•tvby should you dread Dotal
++'Lost Iia tr-ic't tonins in for velem,. first begin to hear it." - ,
:liar stat?,.ns he found, lin could lick Smith tried this and found he bad weather?
+urs 'n fumhnt of nroxrsimq he, never to turn the rheostat dial to eighty The Neat IFolks. are ready t., -_
had been abte to hong bee.„aa '"rant, before the set was ready for work. Ike aril :'aur fir tering prutdarlIls rats
of snarls, wn,c rine to the direetion in Ordinarily the usual attesting paint your hatitis.
',-.,..:-:..;._" .- wlie+ the aeri=al ran." owes, around :sixty.
"That's nil yew ihterest;mi" ' "Whitt does that prove" he asked. • W4 may nut have in snick ex*"
Smith admitt,'A. "hot it Lantra giro's I "It proves that your 'A.' battery... actly the kind of Coal yciu ustlaib
11* R. INIteler
,rot rnal t+'nnht,„ tnnl+rltt. y hn,,,a,,►t It needs recharging." Ilut the have plenty Of �+Ftitit�e:'•'
touched the aerial anti I neithee ager `"Bat why* was tho se,..
ecworking teas, T)oittcsttc
Coal ...-i the l,.,r�f.
,.nttl 'way nr * Hine!' inn that I've the storage bettery�-.-is way dawit, buy, .
Funeral Director and
, r�
GOderii<'dt thstioip
An arils
poly attended to
or night,
e 531, Nouse 3.1Aw
rtes cz'p
?Mt HEIr t
iso PO -A
the old «ta+frn«; ',featly nor arty new fairly welt last night"." grades of Coke, which tvi1' poet; o
ones. gnmethirees e-rnnee vow.1 "That was because the tithe rata vera Satbfa antsy" slitstitutt;,,.
wh,+r„ do w,o, stn«,t lnrrkin. tee pow) more favorable to radio transnris-
k "Ws +.tart wits ow sense ee fere. s sion. Ale* beraus' a battery ghe 1 Send in your outer.
aerate out fester liras."" T sn!trrered, s"lin emu, aerate as it h tines diecharreeel.
ienre with tenina von must have lis, Yoa've both tend:sons to mote„`
enverp,t Bite a'lege5t4' swathe, sour with tonight."
ee .teeter a «et i• 4'nr ties al;p'ht,aet Smith made a note of thie feet that t 'i.1" Penes:
"rawer. M , nn aI #1r„ dill- rtes. aele.,a the head 1$ an indii p et.abiti put r,i
oriel ten►,rear'+ allose. st 'ds+i,.ar .a,sr1 mnv :coed rereiving station. Poi Good ('sealer Clef]
i to«in!' i#. 'yarn resets+ thf►i!°' ;an =�8 " t yi'N!Tt, iii,, le'l: t�fla it 34. ;'.a C? r 1
#e nN . ,� riling
t ,r+ht,r-..:#i, +t,n :. ra '1'1„a#►a "A"' Battery.
:Milli AN i
' e'• esi—rtie +}einY4 r.., lea teespyrliht 1925 by Ilia Mitten: s f 4
basis of meet radio t. axils. Major,: leatttre Service) Ph -n RS - - Goderieb
-242 Jit
" Where Quality Counts"
Y" Whore Quality Count*" -
tild7i r sic .'WorrelslrfuI.
D.S.L. Bulk it 559‘. SPECIAL
*.Bi1:ENb a* C Ib .
SELECT Q1ee. 65Co. stEC'T
R1CHMELLO tit BLEND 59c I '•
e AM4.11b.11N iPURE
1CtA$Pll3E1ltRY 68c
3 lea., 19c
48c Ib.
46c lb.
28c 1b.
e1OTTLL ' 1
tCiiiw $A*
IIOWNTRE&'S 1 iii. 22.!AMCT tlsA&1TT
Breakfast C.c 1V MA
CHICKEN **lb. +C
CHOWS ltI INA 43c b.
Thaw Priem Cood 1d1P1 1leaturday, Js.. MMed, 1110** C