HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-21, Page 2• ,. 111111111110 The Delicious Flavor IP drowns from the leaves of 111 GREEN TEA 11e50 has' won it millions of users. 'Finer than any Japan Gunpowder or Young Dyson. Ash for 5A1LADA. RU) nr-RmaEW sugcsowectiain Waienderfel Itallrosenag beard ;the new Parihiment greatiy eel AA I PO 1 • • popular society leaders fifty or sixty years ago, died se the Moore. Hews for Old People at the age of 85 and :• had to be buried by charity. Her sister, Adele, *till survives at. the age of 95. The two sisters were daught- ers of John Clarke, one time chief factor of the Hudson's, Boy ('ompan;,• and a partner of• John Jacob Astor. 'New Chapter In Scott Murder ('assn Robert B. Scott, whose brother, Russell Scott, was saved from the 6 gallows almost at the. last moment. a few months ago And sent to on in- sane asylum, has been located in prison at San Quentin, California, and will be taken to Chi. ago to stand for murder, It will he remembered that Russel Scott claimed during his trial that it was his brntbee Robert who fired the shot that killed Joseph Maurer, a drug store employee. As recently as three years ago Russell Scott was a prosperous stock pro - meter in Canada; in feet waseste as ti minionake. Sister Charged With Brother's Death Margaret McPhail is. under arrest reduced at Calgary charged with the murder Only one passenger was killed in nuttier/eine-0 and 4oubtlesee renliue of her brother, Alexander McPbafl, t*'*ht accidents In Great Britain facet year according to a report just is. toed, and this in spite of the fact that the average speed of British trains is the highest in the world. . " Velcana Is Active Mount Vesuvius is in a state of violent eruption following severe earthquakes in Italy. Progressives Re.wiltid **d Elect s Whip The two f* tions comprising thin Pi ogressive party in the House of Commons have re-unittil and selected Henry E. Spencer. of Battle River, _ Alberta, a member of the "Ginger" group last isessi'on,. as Whip of the that only by union can they .have who was shot and killed on his home. strength. This probably was taken stead on the night of December 17. intofullconsideration in the confer. The brother and sister lived in sew- ' leading tip to the re -union. ate houses on the homestead and Miss The affairs of the resunited party . McPhail elaims „ to heave heard no will be in' charge of a committee of 1 shots fired. The cane was first re - which Mr. Forks is the bead, He Ported es one of suicide.. Also continues is Rouse leader. Otb•i, , . er members of the committee are ti .Instead of clarifying 'the poeittom R. W. Gardiner, member for Aeadis, for the government- at Ottawa, the representing Alberta;, John Event,' passing days seem to make things member for Rosetown, representing more and more involved, and the Satkatelewan, and 3. L. Brown,' solution of the difficulties of ruling member for Liegar, representing more hopelessly distant than ever. 21I*nitoba.. The bargaining and ' berteriing which Mr. -Spencer, the new- Whip of the as ,went on during the past week h party, is one of the younger mem.' called down upon all parties the berg et the House, cls cam to Can. strongest censure of representative oda from England. in 1008 Ad got a papers throughout the Dominion, no job on a farm near Edmonton, matter what their political faith. combined party. For tbe first time Eighteen months later he had acquit- There . has been a sickening display in About three years the Western ed a sluarter section. 146 miles south- of the worst kind of politica instead agouti will now be able to present a east of Edmonton, and now with his of statesmanship: By a division of united front in the House, and that brother, owns 2,000 acres, •the Progressive party, the anal vote this is their intention can hardly be doubted from the atatement of Mr.' Robert Forks that the "Progressives .^... .-.w upon the Cebservativo amendment were Adjustments Twice a Year on the throne speech . resulted in a • do not intend to Dill into the lap of The Royal Commission which in- 'lorlty of three for the Llbera ., vestigated the Nova Scotia coal in- government' but that feet gives no either of the other 'llsrtles, and that c assurance ,that at subsequent .ballot. he and his f`elloir•Progrees ea3 watald duasten under the hairmanship of ing the Progressives will retain their hAW theiiteelijee free to judge. of the Sir Andrew Rath Duncan, has brought original alignment. They have,, in - es Liberal Praire* on. its merits' and to in , a report: stating. that the British. deed,they • accept or rejeet it se they saw lit. . ' Empire Steel Corporation was ram. made it very plain that ply justified"..in demanding a wage will not pledge 'their. support: In The +>fi�ortsaarives° ltaVo come to the meantime the whole country.;re- cut of 1s?. per cent. in 1924; that the mains in a .state of unrest and tur- corporation, was not •justified in de- moil with the feeling that anything mending a cut in 1922; and that a may happen at any time.uAnother taystem. of •open accountln, as h- election is repugnant to all threw tween representatives of the operas. ors and: menhe instituted, and she parties, and yet every voter knows. necessary . machinery, provided to that it is inevitable, But no one can ,perniit,,revision of the .vsge reale at confidently look forward' to another .fix -month periods, basad on the .cos! election giving the country any more cottipar►y's ability to lOay. satisfying . results Than alio October In' a separate •"report, Mr. Hunme Ufctlojt did. C.ronyn, of London,. Ont., ane of the In the meantime alien the debate - commissioners, appeals to the people on nnlly tams ss, from o the he one act. of the of Ontario and Quebec to buy Nova Scotia coal for the "wellbeing of the Opposition bialy move a straight Dominion se a whole Such pur-1 want -of -confidence motion.. In addi- SSelected for quality. Wended for flavour, pastearu:ed for put..• ,y.yapped for cle• t..• s ., 1+ e e `t ids#,, assume a rood rt. *Possibility for every ounce of it That gee* on per tab::: Al. wsss look far the Kraft label, Faree . . Recipe Book Write Kieft Mast area Cheese Oa Ltd Moored.. chases by the two central •pr'ovinccie;;_ Met ropy uisbow',�. ,Xvoui.d provide "'regular .einployne' ti for the Nova' • Scotia shiners. In order to enable the ('ape Breton -field to aonneete,with • 'United States mines.,: Mr, Cronyn ` 3utinistratlan. 'suggests federal aeaiatanee tovial`ds „ • c ' the estisblishment of coke ovene and 1 esee,,a,- a subst*ntiel: Jeetease in. stile iriport duty on all: bituminous, teal; also, as an alternative a federal bounty on all Nova Scotia eoal shipped to Montreal or beyond. -and on western coal. ship pea'to Winnipeg or further east, - tion to the ,five Progressives ate have *lkadyleast theta votes' with the Conservative party,• there are four ° others who: have :Teetered that on a 'straight want-of-a:onfidenee vote they would 8ppo'se the present ad - Md for Wlalows and Orphans During the first' week of the new year the first paynfents were made in Great Britain under the • new .law ex tending the old-atepensions to in.' elude widows ' end ' orphans. It is estinsated that these pension laws af. feet 10 per rents of the entire popule• - tion of the "United Kingdom. ..-.......w..,w.1 Former Society Belk Buried By -Charity Miss Lour Clarke, who isremem- bered by old residents of. Montreal as one of the city's meet 'beautiful., wed,.,..., , w... • MRS. ANNIE )3XSANT Who heads° the Society of the Star of the East, a branch of :the Theo- soph cal- rocitty, and who ai tiouiircd d'se- rr the comingof the nein "messiah;' doubled live give hearts. Under these Krishnamurti in Indus conditions Z should have opened his Hearts••• -K, c #l, es 4 aaaaMaw, WO , I 1 • by asteuaaRIg enema. wilile1 lee r highly educated and t isiSered rouag preserved. His brave voirit Beide. Some theosophists believe wait too grass ier the blase that that Christ, the divine spirit, tomes held it. Always cheerful, always to earth at intervals cif time es a kindly, I�ir. Brown was disposed to loader of the people in times of look with a bcnerokat 'v.. .lost tbe stress, and that the spirt chooses as affairs of today, and contrary to most a vehicle the body of some perfect old folks, he was ready to ::droit that man, who by meane of a pure and the world was advancing, and that spiritual life has: made himself the life today was better than it was in at habitation for the divine rpirit. the days of. his y ort:t. Ile came to Such a man is Krish:tamurti, accord - Canada four years berme the rebel. ing to Hrs. Besant, but the western lion of 1837, and in hes prime of life . Theosophists oppose her elaim and as became one of the chest public a result whole lodges of the society speakers in, the country. He retain. have left the main body of the So - ed his gift in sons measure until the ciety in protest. The trouble has. last, for last autumn he made an ted• been occasioned, it is said, by the at - dress at the Canadian National Ex- tempt of a religious b:dy known as hibition on Young Caraee Day. the Liberal Catholic church to graft itself upon the Theosophical Society. Huge Order for B.C. Tiaaber Breaking a buying tradition that Mussolini hiinast smile to himself if has held for more than a century, one of the British railway groups . he cares to interest himself in tbe has placed an order in British Col-` struggles of the constitutional Can- umbla for 28000,000 Vet of Douglas adian: parliament • to work out its fur railway ties, Hitherto these ties destiny upon the old established prin !t have been made from Baltic pine,: ciples of government. Mussolini has This one order, it is pointed -out, is a way of bis own. He long ago ban - greater than British C,ilumbia's total laked his opposition. and although export to Great Britain las 1923. I. the members were allowed back into .._._ ..., the Italian chamber for -a memorial Bright Prospects in. Sall utchewan service for the late Queen Dowager, Declaring that general conditions they were expelled as soon np the ser - in Saskatchewan were better now vice was over. Now tbey have been than at any time since the war, the submitted terms on which they will budget speech in the :14egielatuue said be allowed to nature. Some 'o# the the government did not propose any terms are: to admit that Mussolini is nesv°texation or any. increase In ex^ the unanimose:i choice of the Italian !sting taxation, peopl'et that• no moraLrluestion Iver existed against ,the kareisti regime. •Vnresf` ltt Itoasnnnit and they are also asked to aiianit that their ex -leader is "ths biggest (rim - Roumania has not yet heard the fuel in the tvnrld: ` Finally they urn last of Prince Carols r=nunciation 'continued on ,sah� et of his claim upon the throne, and _ _ . _ .. In*, . there is apparently* more than meets �_- _ ` the eye in the situation. Already Mussolini's Way 'il�LTs 7�C, iliK k Now is the Time several Roumanian 'province's are un- p 1 der military rule became there has sm 1r, � 1-v been a' demand from the people. of.' - them *'for the reinstatement • of the Prince in hie old position. There hasIIIRTHERPEPPER been a curious air of mystery over the entire episode. • ' Deny -New "Messiah"• When you are suffering with: rhea• 'which seems matisin so• you can hardly get mimed Strife and dissensionvh to be creeping into every • detail of lust try Red Pepper •Rub and you wilt have the quickest relic£. known. public life has now Theosophical ed to the w;otitrig hus succi canccntrated, pone• International Society,,n ;-;:ting (teat as red peppers. Instant body which in itself does not consti relief.: Tust as se'Th as you apply Red tute'.a religion but which WAS :organ- Pepper Ruh you feel the tingling heat. !'zed forethe study of comparative re- In three minutes itvwarms the sore spot ligion. and to promote the brother- through and through. Frees the blood hood of man. The •,Societ � income's. circulation, breaks up the congestioin-- ates men and women cf almost every and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Reales Red Pepper rub, made from known religion, and Mrs, Annie Be-ased peppers, costs little et any drug ant has for a century been `one of. its •store. Get a pier at once. Use it for leading figurev... She rakes her lui::ba•;o, neuritis. backache, stiff neck, home in India and has recently an sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost nounced the arrival: of a new "nice• instant relief awaits you. Be sure to slab," in the` person. of h',riishnaniurti, get the genuine, n skit v th *calorie Rowles on a pa. S7CTION RIDGE � FERGUSON' byWYNNE FEi�C New S��rx�s Y . . rcuthor.er,�uson eucttonainddeer' a iraagaaarrreeamm • - .- ARTICLE NO. 7 . In the preceding a article,, the writer sort of hand did Z have to justify u referred to several hands that were four heart bid? If he had wanted a misplayed and asked for criticism. heart lead, he probably; ttou11 have The first hand was.as foilows•; - ',doubled. Ilis four heart bid prob- , ably consists of'at�least eight hearts Y -: ( with four honors and very little side A B . strength: He also' probably has • a Z singleton spade and bed four hearts in the hope of shutting out a spade: ' Hearts -6 . bid, Therefore, my best play is to Clubs -K, Q, p, 'g. lead the :ace 04 spades and. hope that. - Diamonds:. -7 :`; - Z can trump the third round of Spades -A, Q, 3e 0, 7, ,'i, 2 . amides: ? •..$ , �i ' NO, :followed this: No score, rubber game. Z dealt aid line of reasoning, he would have set bid four spades .Ia tine pt eemptive 1 the contract one trick.. Ile -failed to bid, by the _way).- A doubled, Y;(10 so, however, and • led a heart at Painted and B bid five hearts.. Z and trick -two, which A trumped. A then A now passed 'end Y' doubled,• When 1 led trumps and. scored 'game and • rub. all passed, what should Z'have open- I ber, losing only two ' spade - tricks. ed? Tins hand offers an excellent This is .pother hand that should be example of - the .peoper opening - lead •• carefully noted. after a doeble..If a player doubles l The play.in the following hand after his partner bas made a bid, he J should be easy but sometimes' the expects his partner to teed' the fruit it easy ones.are the ones that go he has bid. If at- player bas made a wrpng : - "bid' of.his own and later doubles,' he • ' expects hes partner to lend that suit. In this example :hand, Z has bid four spades 'and his partner, Y,' hats t x : •.A.7i )1. L:0 the Bank ef'Montreal haste tahriat pt�>ia lathe Province of l� ready to farmers, tents, ntatufecturers and husiases gMeerallr tapes terms cenMisetnt with mini iepeneoWilkietiaid the peva of its Sinus tate first e n won esfddieltsd its esti at Taunts+, the Snack lits treed three be et the Province t�ntii today it has so same in Clrrii b wide k at Thane, may se Siva prwespc sal Akin* orrice to people of this Precinct. SasaM ao+wwta setwekywwt.sad are accorded the same Neva* OS dose Micas se levee accent s& • ' Chissemeseof the 1i Isms" baseeave ns'Ses sonic' freer. a l sialarki oaSetwierf�isn. aasredtiaml with the ,seam and faecal* of a rashes wide Y a hlag Ianeisatisee bevies weild- of MOffl1EAL '#seal lkss�ebs is sur see aC al'IMM .e e.oso tir,ihi lltrialt POlt af�els'1'alJtifos 4 -_ Soma list. Tmartaae ' ace of spades. Thi; opening would Clubs -'.A, 4 Pressler Seeks Seat . have' set the contract one trick; ' Y Diantond a -J, 7, 0, 2 . . As * result of the firat' division of hada singleton spade and doubled - Spades ---9, b the fifteenth Canadian parliament with the expectation of a spade epee- No score, first game.Z dealt and bid which sustained the T.iberal govern- reg 2, however, thought of none of one heart.. A and Y passed and 13 -bid d one spade Z and A passed and Y 'M thl►t h would contest *bye, open -ng. a opened -h log of b"d two hearts .'Phe fma l bid was - and gaiety. Beethoven was the first 4• To have your Spring Suit made up, and avoid possible disappointment when the rush is 'on, We have a nice 'range of fine Spring Sui-tings. Oiir Stock of lien's Furnis-bings is always. Up4omMIijUte CHAS. BLACK "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth Whisk*'� �' Phone 219 North 54dti $glare i The 1V�usic By 1. C. HAMILTON Organist North Street United Church MUSICAL TERMS in expression. These terms, Largo, • Andante, Allegro, Presto,, etc., along.; The terms. frequently met with. on with different-,degtrees of power as programmes are to mashy simply expressed by f f (very loud) to pp meaninglesa words, and a little' en- (very soft) are• termed "marks of lightenment might prove • interesting expression" --but real "easpreesion" and helpfyl to. the listener. �� must be . in the. performer. himself. We often see the.word movement Handel s Largo is too often played -such as, "movement in 0 major'!-- as an Andante (too fast) and An. ' ' - or "movement in A minor." • Now, dente movements. are often played we all know what movement. is-- in as Allegrose $oo fast. Then, on ,the the ordinary ordinary sense, When we crawl, other hand;. Allegros. are often play. or walk, or run -we move. There ed as Andantes -too slow; -ft is doe are different degrees of .speed, of to these° misplaced rates. of speed course, but every successful attempt that so much music . does rat ."sound at Locomotioni is a movement. lit well," The inner' feeling of the play,-- i the same wall', the term has come to er must sense the most suitable speed have a large' meaning in sflusical or tempo of the pieces as well as composition. An entire piece, or observe the printed signs. I once an t- f piece that •is _ complete 'was told of an orgy '•t, wh , herr ►,tent."� - too frivolous foe. the church, pronsis-. We aro $11 familiar With a ,well- ed - something.. more . in keeping for • classic, er the- name e of the follows' Sunda ,known c ass c, and lie r m »,g y. And he •play- y par .o ,a in itself, may be termed a "stove expostulated with Tors playing music "Largo.'-• "2landel's •;Largo" is what might be 'well called a popular clas- sic. • :XVe alt know:that it is a •slow moving piece, of mush", The were' "largo" its used as a term indicating • to go slowly—very slowly --and therefore the piece in question is a musical': eornamtition.. of ea, slow, ;oat-, urs. As "largo" indicantea , the rata of:. speed, it'has becoina .customary to refer to the'. piece as a „"'largo nsovernent"-or simply - a "largo." Then, with the composer's name, lf'andel, being- prefixed therto, .. we have the familial. . title, "Handel'as Largo," Other terms which . indicate a • slow motion 'or movement are Adagio, and.Grave-pronounced with the, broad "ale" - ed-,' A Hot Time in the. Old Town". -but so sedately, and with such .a slow, laberiou s. movement, . that the music committed congratulated him an the improvement •eiti'ced •now in his choice -of suitable church" music.' So, if even. "A Hot 'lime" • can. be Made to sound like. possible • on •'Ari. • dante Religioso," the matter of tempo or speed, cannot be dismissed -. as one of:little importance. Useful in Caatp.- Explor0K, ilplw veyors.: prospectors and hunters *411' And Dr. Thomas' ficlectric , iii very useful in camp.. When 'the. Feet and legs are wet lend cold. it is -yell to. rub them freely with' the 011'and the. result will be the preventiorn of pans A tenni sassy to indicate a moiler in the museles, and'shrsald a eut. or -. oto Tato of speed is •Aittlante, We contusion, or spreirt be sustained, ' often see the Term. "Andante Boater• nothing could be better .as a dressing., or lotion, uto"-•-tallish ' iueazis a moderato a• ,,,,�,,, speed.., and in a sustained manner. Still, if.” -.1t oy takes lee"'' a.l'� -0.4. ,n Or Andante. Religioso, . which nat- lie may never ansount to any more unity calls up a devotional state of than his dad. mind In the same way, whole ,...., movements from sonatas or symph- '......, ones may appear under'Ehe •none of "Andante.° The Andante is usual - if the moderately ahoy- movement of any one of there . larger works -a symphony consisting of four entire- ly separate parts -each :part'.a cam", plete piece ins itself, and yet bearing a relationship, . each one with the ; other. The terns Schots° pronounced "Skirt+ao,"--is'a light playful move -I. Ment, •.usually a little , faster and brighter 'than an Andante. movement would be. The - Scherzo in B flat, from one of Beethoven's Zymphonies, heard last Sunday in North • street ^hunch, is a' good 'example of tbla kind' of movement. The short sate- -. sato chords,'and the blithesome trip meat, Premier lilaclrnxie Xing tan. these very good reasons ter a toile ping tune, portray light-heartedness H • e m i nouns a was re' a dubs and Alit just made their bid and four spades due to the .act that Y to introduce the Scherzo, so-called, secure aiseati cethelbhauee which in to h thus kored game and rubber. This raised the heart bid twice more. He into his works, though ninny of'Iiap=. 1111 �latLif: OC ;sir -o n has .lacked now for nearly three hand is a fine example so study it also doubled four - spades. Whet dens movements, though not so de- s am posed election, however, for rumor pl months. It may not be an rump• 'fhe following is another flee ex- lar to the that one in that Z has bid scherzo, or playful spirit. Haydn's e : a suit and his partner.X has doubled. musk nearly always bubbliea ---it • • Men's Flt' -iia amp Made from Heavy • All Wool Coatings clearing out at • 9icaiil$L25 Men's • Solid &gaiter Work Shoes sizes ,6 to 11, clearing at $295 Men's Won Tweed ovin. carefully, should Z open? Th' t nand is simi- signated, certainly . possess the has it that Hon. Robert Rogers anti Hearts. -6 tinder the rule set down in the ana- is genuinely, happy -sounding musk. Hon. R. , B. Bennett, 'both Conserv*- Clubs. 9, 8 6, 3 lysis of that hand, Y certainly ex- The terns "Allegro" is a fast moves tire men of might, are needing to - ?enter, Albert to conduct a campaign S .des --A If $ fl 'ye f th t f t, however, Z should may be designated a "Allege 'n A Diamonds --T. 6.2 pected a heart lead by Z. Irrespeet• n -tent. A whole movement, here too, p , , ,7, a• o a ac a of against the prime minist: r. 'Hearts ---1►. 6, 2 have led a heart in the "Jnite svor to major" or "Allegro in '5," or what - Y : •eauhe -X,, Q. J, 4 set up a trick in that suit before be ever the key of the music is. When Canadian Patriot I'a8taetr ; A B ; Diamonds -X. 8 ' ' lent his reentry in 'clubs. Instead of we come to "Presto" and "Prestis- Canada mourns the passing of a ; Z : Spades -Q. 10, 4, 2 doing so, however, Z opened the tee aimo" we have the most rapid trove - fine old citizen in the seath of Adam ,, _ Presto. of clubs and then led the four, hoping vents iit music. is usually Brown of Hamilton, a pietaresque i No senors, dl rubber gains, Z. dealt and as he Judd, for a ruff. This lead eonsldered "very fast" and Preatls- figure who bas lent - romans" and bid four hearts, A bid fiveamee& gave AB a game that they couldn't dune "sal fast as possible." Of this' ehars to taw like into which hie and an pesetd:- Y' opined the' kink have scored if Z had ouened the king latter, • of course. the performance meat age brought nim, for Mr. of -simian and B's hand, the dummy's or 'hearts. Nate all three of these will var% aa all players' rates of Brown was within a few months of cut this instance. was placed on the hands .vert carefully for they are !WWI differ. What would be "aa being a hundred Ye.,. as old. How.1 table Z played' the three of smelts typical hands and involve points that fast as passible" to one would only!, ever, the interest in him wag not' and A the flare Y should have rasa- (some up in every session of play. be respeetable allegro to another. taokl • treated by his sae. but more 'roma 'somewhat as follows.. "What _ All have not the same degree of skill, Heat tw Q. ,8 7, e Mao. -X • Diamende--nnne • lipadee--10, it, 1, 4,3 ?NW,* `eve s and all have not the same conception Hearts -2 - Clubs -A, 6, b. 4 Iiiamonds-Q. 10 Spadess.R-0. 7, 2 Y• ;A Pi: t x . Hearts ---none ('lab -14, s, 5, 2 Diamenda-3. 5, a, 7 :spatia --I(, 7 Heesrte--ir. 3. S. b r'hilse-,•t,), 3. '7, ik 8pades-•11, Q 1 There *re no tramp* anal Z le ie the lead. Hew sen YZ win aims at Ow ten tricks agasinmt soy drrroor! nag la a tricky little orables. that hag Net arrived trent Fatttnd. cut bet ifs ytt nut a tilde. Pants irk Brown and Grey . stripes, clearing out at $1.85 M. ROBINS 'QoALITY".DONALDSON ammo In business to do all kinds of plumbing, heating and titurnitbing to your entire satisfaction. nembirWILFRID DONALDSON 'MN 481 311/4311iLLD ittdlhAD • gyp. ONT.