HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-21, Page 1Star Subsertiers.
Nies ist Arimose
lawhe a lbaisime Calmar
IP 0 • 01 OM .M M.
for Year Drafty Papers with
Oer Chi* IM.. Sot Yo Loy
mab•••••••••••m• 4M1 ••••• Mm• 4••••••••••••••••• am.
County Council Meets Next Tuesday.—Local Hockey Season Opened Last Night--oeurling Tournament Starts Tomorrow
, Mal
8un Life Assurance Co. of Canada
TOWN TOPICS Ertml_firkg."-"Es'
Private %ire Ceanecting With
These Clamped are now rtrgsnizing Leatliag Exchanges
Report of Hew Seimermiet fee' as follow*: Attention is direeteJ to the an
Week Ulnae Jae. 14. HIM Basketry, Mundey 7.30 p.m.; Sat- rieuncement of Huron Inveativents
Hume Inveatametieledeeliew Have D.I. thea i; seine tie literals luws him down th I her
. delta are visiting with their duet* and he simile the musie for his neigh.
, ter, Mrs, Geo. IlacVkar.
, Dakota, returned to her home after a
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sberman left to- using a little tau ;turret in the dee
spend the next three month*. • 'disappear, and the AMMIC Will tift meth
vIsfting her ,dsuirhter, airs. Del. not to lilted/re with your neighbor*
laenanglettyarsedisiftriteondhLer caster, Mrs. G. Town League and Church Liege.
father, Mr, George Rutledge, and 11% the town' hockey longue was held•on
is in towneft a short visit to his those interested in the formation of
Strang left last week for Tweet°, 24th.
wheys they will spend the remainder
Mrs. C. Lloyd, of Groten, South
Mrs, Wm. McLeod, of Ripley, la deem Ss everybodY. Ploue, try
also visiting with his sister•in•lewi Thursday, Jan. 14th, jt Mr. Darrow's
Mrs. Freadtheullirrusne,tb.‘L.reGn.
`for a Imason.
of the winter.
Worthy, in the east end of the Went. especially between the hours of 11
day. for California, where they will teeter tub., when the whistle will
Mr. W. Jeltutledgeeete Trail, B. C., A. very enthuidaatle meeting of
Mrs. Strang and Miss Mabel and 12 pan. during the week of Jae..
Mr. tend Nine N. Dietriele of Nora- thet hit own signet t are "mushy,"
iolet, of Wilkie. Sask.,. were
,StrwwiZdEirtitini.d. ;MI:tette'. wronrdon"ItIreD"otnia°1dn #.1.141-aills ecleetntl:
turns the dial. The consequence is
ed president and P. Itarrow sure.
bore as well. Thit ran be stopped by
Formed anti Gems 'Scheduled
_re RADIO FAtie
e see e when
guests of their cousins, Mr. :old Mrs. etarstY
East at., twit week. gniteet Nettie, Ye. altezel, D. Nairn
Mrs. Win. Maeda, of Detroit, and Geo. Matheson; met three Mikis!
Mich., is sPendiref the winter with referees were named, Peter Turner1
her brother. Mr. C. B. Cousins alid II. Fox and Roy' Lloyd. ebur teams
s°11, Herb. E. Msedel,'of Los Angeles.. have entered, the All eters, the Rink,
tChailsitanMerxst.enMdaeedilettrrintenats for make. athaed• etc:cube:zeds
ualendoftheth. er4r1rst Cfloilub;
the East sometime in the early Partal games was drawn up, ea follows :.
• of the fall Wednesday, Jan. 20th, AU Stara ve
Misses Edna MacEwan, Belle Mac., the Rink; Friday, Jan. 22, Matthews
Ewoor Adelulde Nilrit and Jenne vo • reeve Club; tifonday, Jan. 25th.
Manson and Mrs. R. • C. MeDertilld All Stara- vs Matthews; W'ednesday,
and 'Mts. Murdoch McDonald nttend- Jan. 27th, Canoe Club vs. Rink.
•ed the meeting . of the continuing' The, result of the opening game
Presbyterian 'Presbyterial held l° ,list night was 3 to 1 In favor of the
Clinton on Tuesday of last. week es All Stars, . • : •
delegates fiom Knox church.
1 'The gime WAS a - fest exhibition.
Mr. and Mes. H. Buck left yeater• In the first period no gortle was seers
day for their home in Swift Current, ed.. About, midway et the second par -
via C. P. R. lira. Buck came here kid the All . Stars tallied their first
help her :ester
over a year. ago to
. and the Rink. cre4 right back, in
`teke care of AA invalided slater, .wino about a minute, with a goal. In the.
ter's, Mrs. Frank Bishop's. Mr.
died about a month ago at her
theAll St • ,
8 44* third period about half wise, through
Buck came about a month ago. Mrs, er in a Serillitnge ht. front of gold,
Bach: will. be missed here. but °It. after the gest tender had cleaved,
wish her -a pleasant. trip back. agitic the
to her home in Swift Current. puck came into the net agsin.
melting te total of 0 to 1 in favor of
Capt. Alex, - Crikee, of • Taber. the All Stars, and this WA4 the final
moray, and his .thillghtere elteir Pearl, score. . . ., . .
visit ,at the residenes of !fir. Wm, U d th I f •
measter-Tetail hogs, 43; seket urday 2 paw Ltd., elsewhere AA the: gam of the
Have r ou Resolved?
*eon, 19; thick smooth, 24; Hunan '
i Fancy /Cult:tint% TiturlIattY1.30 Pan. laatallatios of n d.rect wire connect -
a tty-Totel hogs, .1012; select , Autonatthile binekenies, TtestlaY ion With all the leading mock and
, eel; thick smooth, 546t hes- 7.30 pate 0 grain exthangas, wheel was opened
RAVI yo*Ssaved at the limitemdng of this new year to provide vies. 43; extra Welles, 5; short hoge,1 Commercial subjects Mun. and Wed. felt service resteirdity. This is the
adequate proteetket for yourself and fanny e If note.% is not too 1 44; lights and feeders, 5, 7.30 p.m. first *trek* of the kind to be instals
late to de so by carrying one et aur many plans of policies..
, Diluter and Animal Meeting Owing to spate enquIries about in- led in Ontario in a tow,* the size of
Information zegardIng same will be cheerfully furnished. ef Maitlarel Golf Club structlon in Home 24ureing and malt- Goderkh and. is en evidence of the
A venison dinner le being given by Mg of Childread Weerr the Ihe. enterprlart of the Arm und of the bus-
, • the Maitland Golf Club, Limited. this destrlal CoMmittee iii prepared to• Ines; whet)* they ars doing and ex.
H. R. LONG, District Agent (Thuredey) evening at 7 o'clock at organise dimes In theme or InlY peet to do. The board ratite le , it
'nom 115
the Bedford Hotel. The promonta. other der.artment, If sufficient, nune 'very Treat and comfortable room
NO.PICE TO CREDTOES WANTED tion of trophies will be made at this' hers will join.
social function. and after dinner, the Mr. Hunts will be pleased to take , vided for the comfort of patrons or
; brightly l*hted and chairs are pro -
annual meeting of the eitsreheeeers your TraM4141 by Idiot.. by phone be- the general public toewhim it is open
ISTOTICS TO cnEuiTORS; Wa:sTrak.----alaid for senrrat troupe,- of the club will be held, followed by tween eild 7 Pah,
" any everting. or lawns the hours announced. Th.,
IN 114 lutist, 10 f#401st VItillie?Il. by personal call on him in the Pubile wire is leaved and equipped by the
3Troca.tinetang oc; Apoy2itts. _CL...:LSIIKst) Phu" It). -Ga.n1C".1T: Hockey Tema library' Easement on Mod., Tues. Bali Telephone Co. and the services
Townattip ot Motilllop. la the evANTEle-Uterk and liteisograrther. and Thurs. evelkingi at 7.30 to 8.30.1 of Mr. blurdoelt have heer. seemed te
County at AttrOn. 004** with florae experience preferred, This year the Greleelen Colleginte You will be eatkeett personaily wheat operate the ',vire. air. Murdock's
has entered a team in the WOBAA
persons taming c atrni or demands -- with Seafpeth end • Stratford. On
usrainet -the -satiate or Stseennalt Maria itruction of Dr. Gailow ane Mrs.. stant information is available as to
IciTANTED..-.1. woman for latealry Saturday Seaforth plays here and on CAM Stelrillit• CX- the movements of all steam reciter.
the classes will home is in Woodatoce and he is late
• Nome; Id mud:jay :.,,,tv.EN that au for uptown Apply, stating qua- 126 and win be leagued
lineation.% to Ilux.20, Out/ERR:II STAR. Hockey air Thee. classes rifIllibe entire. the in., of the C P Rereleerapn service. In•
RAN. late of ttle Towaship yr Newt -
lop ip the comoty. of mean, tte_ superistsi"totrnklenat the, tiosPrr.“.. mod.
-2 the following Monday the local boys pert* in their differ t linea. ed.
• 'esellefi, who died' in the 3th dal of.. plat in Seahrth. It is net Yet Citizens of Goderth do not pro.
April. A.Ds 1925. are required to *end, AGENT WANTED -For. timterilett and known who will compose the team. nerlY anereciete w t splendid crie•
,,,• or deliver -to the undetstIgnen the SI Amateur Nights sit •The !triode,
of their elsvinals ituty verified by deetar- • -
• ses eltor Ter the Executors; full 1#41110111111*S• district. Two fast . selling shoes ts but there is quite a large number of
ti 1 The f; C. I. Clst ' " That Goderieh posseeses a consid-
h Id Specialties. Write tor tun pante nortenities ere hein# given them in •
treble amonnt of talent Is • being
ation.or agOnavit, on or bete prospee Ve p !wore.
day at estuary. A. 1); IP4O. rd the aist"•.1151arl\s(AnliAl"Ill'OS-110til rtin -
V... I A eat t.4 u g will mite the seretees of E. Robinsoy j P eltIME • T shown by the excellent amateur night
st MICK #ho r, < Saes.
vatd 3lat clay or January, i9201 ttel itr; AL smitArrt:Nrry..-
VIM TARE :Nova; that
atter the sHI Ste and D. Nairn, stare Ter the team last principal, °Chairman of Coin.
g • • I, I ,
sedd Executor, preeeed to diFari- .
. yea.
' Moves to St. Marys
ON. eI•
programs which are held once a
month. sponsored by the meal thee
' bete Iittt stesets of- the .sald deceased • IX!: bl., Sister -J. Sniml (reelected);
r • tre, Since the inception of amateur.
tee, slid Exectre will net be rstrrst r eta:Leese/native tor tioderleh , D. M., Sister Heattingt 'Chap., Sister
tobaltting e Portions entitled thereto. and b°114 "'I brak.'0,4".""s" After nearly five years' faithful night several months ago, it ass been
liable for I lie said a. etn anY plite at! le r ot °nee... Attlet Ilsewtte service here as agent f.or the Pruden- Care: Rec. See., Slater M. Sproul; " Y
t • i • and
ncreasing n .popu anty
thereof, to arry pemori of whose elaim vain can follow enquitdes regarding' tial Life Insurance Company, Mr. ----------.Fiier ifeGre T a lately the management of the Medel
they etiaienot have then reeeleed no- tiovernMent anti Idnicipal bonds aim Grenville Clark will move to. St jic Rom re s„ Theatre has been forced to repeat
isaer Palymer; ist t,. Sister
• tee. , unlisted SeCtIrtinieS. Esery rpm, marys. t m a second time, due
h ir rfor ance
DATEo at Ganeriele Ontario, this ith support wilt be given, including up' le where ,he has a nnsish larger s'amee; 2nd let, nelee met:sense; D.
to the large numberis-beine turned
'dee' of •lanuort. 1W26. minute quetaitions on every ,..4,1„ debit to work on, ,having the whole s e
• C., 'Sister janmesiwL G., Si t
F. R. DAIIROW. ee seeeri%. vete nee -As The tied- town to himself. Mr, an rs. cooks. O. G..• Bro. esteem; Corn. t
d r. away the first night. Tills month's
• Ooderleh. Ontario, • • er.itt Star, t was held 'on TUeeda and
Clark and two datightert,t, • 11Leties ehiters Sturdy, Clarks Crane Browne e" " Y
Solicitor tor the Exeettters.
w le ils
*hew you where yott sac wive moues'. Feu eAtese-An relit lAyun.c.ts0 dint , church. of which they war memberte Curling -Club Doings •
Marjorie and Ivy, will be greatlY nianiat,-Sister Orem: audstors,
REM: ESTATE 'AND INSURANCe EN missed in Goderich, where they have Sisters Drennin and a dative large audien es. LitcY
rford; ensrd. .testants performed beforee two verY
Wednesday of this week and the eon-
iproven t
-eiregreee geeeee FOlt•SAILV•elood Paler resoll etio-
ene wi h all mow s; but• what will be our loss will be St.- were buttoned ,1 each
If You intend baring aelorne 'et ine WALKER, sitar Office. gond workers in North street Una- song, which told of the love affairs of
eervid and A ;octal hear spent,
gave a short, ion headed the Vgn:44',7g2;
hemselves worthy citizens) ;ant Bro. Keattirig. A ter the officers if
arrxlson in th
All Silo& for ' win eaerinee foe caeh. Apply to it C. Maryat gain. TheY have all been speeele ellefreshtnents were then
Never was the opportupit better. Get
• hineJ.: and mantel,' They will leave on Mo
next for their new home. followed bv -
o s oo c ren,
ten -come 4d stud tee whit / nave to• Nock, also an oak pedcatal table. Ap- The Goderieh Curling Club beld love was similar to a game of cards
rites en what It oos von to Imild (lesk e°111 • mornin Lawrence proved to the audienes that
• otter eau arm hese money. The; I will Tay tae AIRS, Church
their elettion. of officers on Tuesday These two sisters. Mona end Lacy -----------------
• leave 10 you. I FOR SA1.1.1.-Quebee 'hater,
J. Ra•Ark • • fOr their- future prosper 14
- • - • Phnne
• Real•Fsta-te•end neetranee, Cally newt Apply Sr-kti C11‘sFICI;i' Princess Mary Lodge NO. 14.3.• R J ••
President, Wm. Walla'
• • ' • - • inOtette TO LET. -Th rhesus to let, Goderich •
urer C A,. Iteid; execu
ing result : Harrison, rendered a duet as well as
s. ice tires!. doing very seceptablY. the Highland
retary-treas. Fling. Lucy Harrison and Phyllis
dent, J. egsvr,
'Tug mtemenber, Mil, Er:Ten met near „uare end tsnitainb for At a regular meeting at Princess- - wr ne rs second pose
nmftten INSER.e'eCle AOKeitle laele Aptd?... TAR OFF 'Le. --H. Fisher, 910. *monde aed C, r e speceivelye- Gilt-edgete -Bertie
MaSSYSIod2es NO•448, L. 0. B. A., 0O- Hember:- i•nembershige. -committee- 1Lerilie Evans), a dappee yopth. told
7.--lnrittseeAlgeneal tette In L'oderfrh and .ALEX! MENDERS: . • Ian, installed the ol ow ng officers Hunter and Geo. Symonds.with lea ge an - oo an
/ A floe lot of 111011SPA In flotlerielt for.I.AUTOAkilITTER ' .' ELECTION ' CAIWS • •
Lite tStin elfete-AccItionteetrutelesureeekeP441re?reiX ni,T--rpl..!;.
23rd, Bro. Drennan, Past Guard- Malcolm McKay, Jos. liowman. John., in eonirt of his experience as a :sheiks
f I i 111
d db kb lc d
• PO
es seems tee nate, t • decided ,'-te stert titesslareeident • Iro, gilt-edged smiles while (leen ttly'slery
• le. Almost tiny kind that an Intendi Seoteh Meetings 'Worsted. All
yke•president a match on Friday yelled the preaentationentsaTheelthe---
• •
mur buyer would desire; Wool. NtlieVY Cents nettle' alp dellvete TUE ELECToiet tv? )y.t.,...,•:;t,,,y7ivevantimr, ...2* MOM 4110,crerf teriPaii Xittsigurrev" by J. MeGietwesind
petement Al, °Mlle. 00;0114. • -- it the curling link. at 7•30 p.m. and boiled egg certainly has the spripathy
• , (Many. fine' terms, listed .11
... • ten s n fir' Mtn neilatr timber
• ' wood for sate. •
re, t.
' *MAW& ifiatesseiltessiVe.0444014- best ss elut'Atetente" • nnti""he ma4. Cevent s art F. Tufford. Jess James as a hard -
t , Ladles and tlentlemea.-- wl.st ex- •
far ftea„mits the public are invited.. The club -fins of his audience in the hard life he
Oft Siitel-Rarred Rock Coekrels, 'Isms nee gr./teed..
abate Patinas; lealef'Uoderiehe Ontatto.• Meedonald Oollege (Quebee) euPport which You treee• recent the pmts. °nee° are in good shape 'and tlie leads.' • Concluding the eonteat. Nip
••••••••••••..... ,Z=.... ....,....a............•,..,........**,. 0, CIALIIILej.. li, Bayfield. 609.r 11, ain- trent year It evill he my *lantern enill-av- from $3 to $2 for this.eessons . . perforteed very ereditattly, in an net
P. 0. Bar.
r t Canoe Club Hold • ' of Wriggle° radio reception. The
Istrain. also Tab. of Goatees. aanPlte 11 en Mendes. Jan. 4lh. • During the pro- membership fee has been rendueed and Tuck (B. Snazel and D. Nairn)
= hm• • . or to advanee the inteesst of the town -
t• "°- W •CRAIGIE •
Shoehorn ball aged 10 months.' titn • t e
„ItOjtt DAN'Ip5o,N, Dungannon. phone • • • e • The monthly ttt home o the Alert- y makes a nerfect announcer.
• -Fon SALK-One. „choke • registered shIP*11 every inea:cf,osuii?natitst:
receiver was there all right and.Bob
Hard Times Party
• esetung Canoe Club for January took In order to fill in time while waiting
- - e---- • I _NOTICE 61-17-11EETI_N.O the form of a herd tinies PartY. This for .the judges' decision. George Jen-
Real Estate and Insurance To C"tage' 4313"A.NAT AL MEETINO.
the • corner. at Woliestey and was hold laiit eeening. Cards, danc. ner reminisced and related his tar -
1 •
;ions experienees as a traveller. This
"Yeitiences. AeelY HAYS th HAYS. Bar": Wawanosh Mutual •
The Annum electine of the Wrist d tt d 1,1• , omen was wen played ane caused re-
thereswas a goo a eo ince.. mil-
ing and lunch were the order and
• - • •,-.1.1gethetise -streets. All modern con- ,
twisters; etc., ilamilton street, Goderich. company -he paree, eon, ly every?ne was in eostume and
4 peaked outbursts a laughter on th,ra
V, .1 I prineeALE.--,Tuly, 1923 Ford Coupe, Dungannon. on Friday irebruarY eth. manY original
• a- .get-ups wer, seen. nnrt of the audience. The judge a
Ruekstell axle, special Net gears, 1924, at pan.. to rece4e reports, elect The prizes for costumes were sward. derision 1st Ate adult eontest gaVe
Northern Ontario sneelal steering ssteel, 'Clasen born, aet Stertersi nusiness. Directoes Reed, ell to -
Prone and 'rear. double -bar bunipers, 3 directore,
appoint auditors and trans -
Miss Lena Walton, for the lad. "The Hard toiled Egg," first prize
Tee° automatic windghield wiper, DaSli 'Mammon and Wataort retire 'het are les, and Mr. B. C. Hays. jr., for the and "Nip and 'ruck" second prize.
• --- • -tires...winter -ateetere-This Coupe cost eltetlon Is extended to ail menthers
e'reel„ rad about 1.00Iemiles. onewbound and- others veho may he Interested.
• A: Pa'rkieg lights, live Firestone baloon eligible for • reelection, Aerordral In. gentlemen. In the card gamemiefrs. od c 1 e Sul y
Saults•and Mr. it •Betaet wg Ithe , Holds Annual Meeting . • •
• mines G ere+ Bran h' of B bl et
• • . secret) idea wits corried: out - in the invitat-rrich Branch of the . Ulmer Can-
su--------ones The hard gems The annual meeting of the Gode•
e in onderiele etchings to Ford 'dealer, IL. L. SkLICEIA). . (1, ALLEN% .
„`IA'111 sacrifice. PHONE 438. . Pr!sident. st ; i,,,, •
• •
We have lied a large' number ). ol•
'ef enquiries lately with rtgard
to the mining securities of Nor.
therm ()Mare%
• We do not sell mining stocks,:
but weAre ablesto give prompt
service, information and advice
On such securities ehreggli our
Toronto Correspondent& 'We
can execute your order at three
minutes' notice:
We are also active broker st in
stocks on both Toronto and New
York Stock *changes.
• Orders nuty be telegraphed
or telephoned at our expense..
1 • • --
and of enthusiasm have ,%one into the making it what it is to-
10:1,1 r mime: cot,:s1.1. ions as well as the coatumes, and nada Bible Society was held on
re 11 SALE 0 i TO ItENP.-Fte4 ore, Ai
tootiern two•;opartment .house On ...4"L CoteNCAL. •
9 . when it came to lunch time hot doge,” Thursday evening, Jan. 7th, in coil.
--, --------------- beans, Johnny. Cake end coffee were eection. with the week of prayer ser-
• Marin street, best reeldential localitY r:1 •
in floricrInit. Can he -need its one rest- The Council of Me cti•vr fedind to. be the • menu. After luta a eke, at the Baptist church .An •ad-
denee-ikith two bathrooms. a large. par- the Count!' Of •11"0". Neill meet M he flash light of the assetnblv aims tax- I dress .was given by the president, Ilr.
. relit for relitehle tenant. Owner leaving'
woe:meetly.- Addrees. at 1,1„ etar 0.r. nay of ..Tanuary, MS. All • Recounts Redmond combination. prnvided Militia: the alo.neer translators of the Table
elee er appll,-, to 10. le noestgq earrist. arrainet the -County. nuist he in the
„ for the dancing and a ',elle. time. was into English, 'whose. four hundredth
eis tioderielt. bandi of the Picric •not tater than I • • •
merteee . tir enloyed. e . - 'anniversary is being celebrated thie
Monday preceding Cie.
tICSIS Fon SSI le - -i term sun wee Council • ear. The ill
G.C. TC I Liter Soci t . f th en i t
' Ana lattleed verandah, Iteaeoname Connoil.f thambar Ooderlek at 3 &clock
in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 24th en by Mr. Sallows. The McDermid- A. M. Bobertson on Tyndale, one of.
. ,
Joh ston In town recently. Cant. ,ciee which is donating it. trophy a.
Craigie expects to see eanaiderable church league has been formed, with
development at Tobermorny in the teams from Vietorie street and
er highway
sunnier tourist 'inc. . The Blue Wat. North street United ehurches, Knox,
has -lied to Mahe the St. Petere, and St. Geargear churches.
aknownttaset_fesntl nse:efrrethr.e, Ilrec: eye:inset; *evict u swear the espuan at each
The age limit for playoffs 11,111 beCti
bought' up *ene of the Wan& MT team and- a Member of the Lion
the mainland., ••• Club form a • committer to lime
INTERNATIONAL ' .• • , charge. The- .first game, Vitoria •
RADIO ,vvt.rie street vs. St. Peterseie sctieduled for
L'''''' , Saturday morning, Jan. 23rd. at 10
• ' I a.m. The boys are eellieg eettoon
Editor The Goderich Star. ticlects far the small sent of cents
Sir, -Seeing that International -in order to provide for cepensee of
Radio Week commences on Saurian • the use of the ice and the purchase •
Jan. 24th, hod there will be quite a of season tickets is the way in which
number of radio fans liatening in be- the public can ,gee behind this junior
tween the hours of 11 p.m, and mid- league with their backing so be
II 4/
night, when the • European station s ready with yoursquarier.
will se'.bledvoinethwie iailre,nni-Indonntristn. talicintkmas . motol snx,...4„ 1,4,6 4 ,4,.... ; lin.
. DM . - •
A. stsiiAiosnairl•iwthilel.Cblenatielifaelitint 12.nblietv41140.8n..irToihr. tsdiltetotonou.ary 11.111`. 192.11' .T11%°1-41
- • •
these hours, the only interferenee . . sTrw4ter, A i Posies. Siosi.., ete
v..111 be from the itturals and howls Seturden- Jan. 16111, 1911i, ..lithieSteviarIS
atoltteldvtehd°eSsweitns. o improperlyfWahrteneene tilitlite3: grnseellol ItglErtsee lits;.trti 61: Irl.:::":•:1:.1:::::::1:.k6.21114:,:ilito.:Yincr.4:::r(':etlrh14,1.1:11111.1:\il:Iir,11.:1,1:1:qi;....:i;":11:::?:%::1..:11.1:1;
a concert from his Invorite station, t'..e l'tliii'
gets it tuned. nicely, and then has
completely spoiled by a whistle that gee, real, 'in. eir:8;,°nRri.:INit.s. 11,11/.11 TV..,,N,
goes up and down- the scale. a few as dim:Mier.
times, •he feels like getting up and . IN MEMOARIAM
murdering somebody. Pins whistle wielerANite - In lioli'l: moristry of
jinn causedwitl, tbhye, a rt edrieoot in tryingetomoitiohittiunnte. .Nyl..ra41:24 .1'- g...., W111131114. 1('‘' ""r "111'
%Woof ilt liodcrieh. WIWI ate
which the said peraon is fully aware ‘,21Vi1:41/011/4.4.11e.' 31.
of by hearing a, high nitened• whistle 'i ;-.t io re • the sinal it U.0.110.4 brit
when he tunes in a station, 1,irhich fol. of the eh 'tee. fee all liNe•1141" Him"
e • • • ary e y
.• oldo cers e. een • .
' -ing GO flees*, with meek house and • "II. NY' ITG1•11A., *Th. I ti e of officers for the were all reelected,- viz„ Pres.,. A.
tiann barn, wethin ele et& et eburen• elienIv clerk. e e Cc o,
and stewed. 0109c•ly noomillor .1141
.miles from Meilaw• anti lei ner.% want
spring term of the G. C. I. Literary Robertiamf, M. A.: see., %S. Cann). • "
uroll Investments unite
. .• • .
an es tram (sr/deride and one and a kelt • • took place last week. As. one. 100)0! bell; treasarer,. Walter Naftel; with
over the list of new officers It anpeurs [representatives. front elle various
frame timpie and new erieing shed, The annual ft-14.liter' rf the sta emir that the boya ot the sehool will have ebitrehes' to Coinplete ini executive.
wish about thirty acressitworkin4 lansi Temple Attimeia4mi hell. en
and about 10 ucres of hardwooe ease. siaad: January. tete tele.. at $ (eeinek
min„ • or I trireme me. • IA OnOra I
arid about rt acres With eedar, nt i., f • I; f
poets, equaled i Miles frem intsiness. the eleetion of" effieceg 001
For partieulart4 apply AStittloSIS it. eirgera ter the ou,odwi yor. and any
Huron Investments
Royal Bank Bldg., .°
Goderich, Orit,
VANSToNE, R. n. uodeeel..
el.tor nwett ,CA Pot may ertnieels etinew
Iitwfore the meeting.
AILA1 AIR SALE --.In the Towilssip
' of floderich sitt Provincial their, e 1".rogiliont
way. 5 miles front ooderich enii 6 from Sorretere pro tem
Clinton adiacent to ch r i 1 11 •
thouse. Faint eortsIsts of 30 aCITS Of . 'NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-. •
tIrseehas land Well tile drained. A
good cement blot: 7-roimi /Arose, hank
berm eteee). &Nine: house and prop -
30s30. orchard of 'X, good winter apple
trees. Never. tailing water supply.. •
For further epartieulara . apple to
u e• ani se too
OSWALD OINN. 11. II. No, 1. Godseleh,"
Nt1T14;1'.: T11 CQNTII.M.;'11111:4.
• S e p :Irak seal t•
IT'S YOUR • BUSINESS • "Tendor r'ot' ClortIrfAtt Nfl. 1274." w111 1).•
received by the undel;ignoll 115
ierfeoek notelet) 'Mond:is. peteletrs
.1920. for the Hewing w. yes.
• You alone know how ninch of hard work, of sacrifice.
You alone have the real vision of its future success:
lit, You- alone can realize what it would mean to have to
start all over again.
marazot Ole f, -.i' eletiesst easititta
Fire, Accident, the forces of nature, can wipe out in a few to the- Miniot Po011o Wor1,4 an -I
vineird Iiiebsta).1
Contract No. illIP119P
1278 Gederleh South Easter's to 1.10
Tesler's Corners
Plane, specitIcaliotte. SneartnatIon tit
hitidete. tender turna44 and lighter' testa -
tepee may t-hiallb..1 611 311.1
Monday, Februses tst, the Ate..
or the endive:nit-a of INno tit • II k444
dent tinAintl. 14, Mr. 11. A. Outties, SI.:tt.
minutes the work of years. Insurance is ;,•our one tutfailinh. Ifighwa". ("•°'"°`'. .1 14"•''''""
roust be attro 41 141 le:- ic•••,.. A nitre
tatty COUIP111* *:4 r &Alf' 11.4. :1*
the tight saer rent. el tse ate totat tie, tend r
will hog family -If hi, t ',441-r 1,i
the Department When conttot Am*
eti Maintenenee Mind fee p,v esnl.
,. et the Woe nt The Tasmania shalt h.,
furnished W the Department when Cete
tract :s Menet!.
All bowie must he orete(ent Ile 01s,
nertmentst terms. The Itwest to a•iz,
net neceeeeila• areepiret.
protection. my's- itAnd r.c • •440441.44- an40 ,4*I
Have you enough insurance.? Have you
things . pretty much their °Wit Ansi, I Collections ..so . fer received. in this
for . we find that on the executive season's canvass are ati fellows :
there are. fourteen boys nod only Six FrOill. Part 1, St. .Daehrit- • •
eirle, eThe new officer:: 'are as fol. i .Ward, collected. by mem; , ° '
berg of Victoria at, ehrirch..3 30.12
lows; Pres., Douglas Nairn; est vie'
„res., ma, cutt; end. eke ireee ee..Part. II, 'St. David's ward,
Sturdy; 3rrevice pref.., if. -.Zavitz; see- • collected by members of the
• 0.1. Dentist church . 1155
rotary, Laura .4turdy; treasurer,
Sale; prem. Helen MeDererild and -11. St. Patrick's ward, collected •
Muerte editors. N. leale. Cris. Aecheisi by members of North et. '
P Hetherington. IteeiViirtelet coim- United church .:..„.. ..... 30.35
emerge...perm 1A. .Chae. Robinaon •, Stt• George's ward, collected .. v.75
Przfif.1., 18, Jean McLean; and and 2nd by menthe's of St. Georeese
old McConneli: .. Forte 3B, • church
jack Abell; Form ;IA..Bert Welcome: St. Andrewet ward, collected -
by members of Knox ehurch •.40.00
Porte •IV, Evelyn (*leek. The flied
Saltford Sunday school. 17.70
undertakine the eve eeeeutiye will
ettonsor . will hes a skatine Holly 1.,. Bovfield Road.
morrow nfternoori trete 4.33 th inn . collection at annual meeti.i;.:.1 • 5017...0P/0: •
-.allowed by lunch end a sock! even- Life memberehip
;nit at the (I. C. I. . .........— ....
Rex Clog Is Sftretary.Treaauree j Or thie amount $24.01, was vemit-
of Stratford Board of Education '. ted to the treasurer Dee. 3let •
Mr. Rex Chiffr formerly of Godes. leavin 813.2fSes'reeeissel sieve, Jon,
rich, who is now practising his 'pro. let) in the hands of the treaatner.
fession as a lawyer in Stratford. has . A• balance of theateevioneeseneiiiVir
been appointed' secretarntreamrer of eolleetions, amountine t i •
the Stratford Board of &Weans/sit which was remitted In Marais last.
succeeding Mr. 3. M. Riddell, whh re- ,,hout i beadded t th estereqo tO
84tuslt. Ind luta already started un live the anteUnt Ichleh the Godfalch
. Through qrrangeme.ot with- a well.known New
brokerage house and our:own brokers in Toronto we, are no
dirIctly connected by our own Private Telegraph Wire with .
Tdonto, Montreal, .New York, Chitago and WinnipeA Stock
find Grain, Exchanges.
• W4.' have hy this arrangement, brought iffve,tor.,. in
tioderich and Huron -Count, the most complete SCI'Vit!: 1t 1i •
posibie..tor us tit give in dealing with alt tittenCial :natters. •
We are row prepared to- secure special reports on alt
the fetter class investment stivits in New York, Montreal and
Toronto. ',Ye are also directl:4. citnnected the.Standard
MinhuiNehange Toronto and will -,t,..ctire inflymation v.11
ail -the better 4toek.; that ineliange upon applicatiof
b 'intending purchasers,
‘11e are also fully equipped to make and carry all traps.
acti,,cs in grain :futures on Chicaeo and Winnipeg' iixchang *6-
Our Board Room is open to the public from to a, m.
to 1.30 p. m., daily; and the most active stocks and 4raitl
quotations are shown each day:
his flake. The terms upon which branch will be crediterl with in the
Mr. Cleft takes oier thk position re- "printed rebut of the elor-eate for the
uuire that Ike spend from 10 to 12 veer 1025, welch should tem he
o'clock esteh week day sentreng in Owl ali14.117., Any further folio/44in ese
Board of Education office, located in this eeeertrt will be acknowledged on
the City hall. 'The reeorda of the teodot by the treasurer :11 the Drees_
trecretary-treasurer Will be kept in Sinee the above was written the
the ofike and sill the eeird'a beetrees aum of $14.54) hag been received,
transected there. le- esdate is to theeerai Rer. F. C. Elliott, from "rays
he fixed at a sum - • to esseed 1.- loes corners. .
000. Mr. Chef, who r4 a son of Can.
on W. T. •Cluff and Mrs. ChM is now Trgnpug WI. KNI)w
SQUIRE carryiet on a keel practite in tee „,
eitee ete is a alluiln.„ .0 /04.00de ...IAA. Makin', or-Ntratfcfd. 111141#1 the Huron Investments limited
* •
' Deputy Minieter of Hell and for 1 trme p-r-m-tirve) inefiod- stties4 6f e°1• guld •M''''''. thinieli*
I 4,
. 'PHONE 2211 erich. Mr. fluff is a veteran of the Mts. Three Natoli.. tee Tor/ogre is
Department of teethe Itighwas „
let - !tee- . s. • tteonal. Jen. lees. PS, Greet War, going oversee, awl the the guest of Mrs, WC:It .r Nettle!,
0. F. CAREY & SON, Limited
We have signed special contracts :governing the con.
elect of this mike as A recognized Brokerage (Mice with the
various Exchanges named, andpurchasers are assured undee
these contracts of their orders being, executed at once on tit::
Exdfange desired.
Our Stock Brokerage, Department is installed as an
Iddition to the husiness of this-eoinpanv and does not inter.
fere of lupersede our Bond Departinent, which is carried on
-ts vig.frowly' as heretofore.
IGIst Battalion. I Word tomes from Mr. It T. Om. e
Royal Etas* Dithr. Cseieriok, Omega