HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-14, Page 82t
es *wears bald ay
Mks Clara Wow
or at. Amasser
kWh* their mit
at Woo. Craw!
1fistie13ive TM
Mk to 35i as.
Decorative Score Card;
Fancy Paper Dollies
10c a puke.
,rep: Paper Napkins
$c 10c doz.
1,.r lunchVollis
plain 000 decorated 30c
lilaying Cards
• 3$0, 450, 000,700
Fancy back Playing C,
art ringing,
is bee rented Abner
1 Iku.i. for a tom of yeer4.
I Erwin le b,oew for a Luepke
i of atont from Loamington, Ont.
A of Mr. Mrs. Herod Tiaert tom
lit irl arrived at theCome
_ i day le week..
: )11 May Burrows hild returned
- ho after spending Citristmaa with
ends at Flint. Miele.
Orr teacher, Mks Johnston, found
the wheeling to Goderich somewhat
dfilicult Frigio last.
M. .Wm. Hawkins :Arrived horns
Sunday somewhat Improved after a
period of three "Melte in Goehrieh
hospital. •
$1.00 Fmk •
Mr. AMOri has returned
home sfteij spending the Chrism**
,& ,--1 meson wit friends in New Fork
Attractive prix %- -at ail p ices. and Oho. & •
- Misses Ellen and Ithenue Jones,
- of tioderfels, are spending their holl.
Noes Book &ore tr.a.3 Ifkie.hZthnotre .3114tre Pare"ti'
Di The goo. re. nurty veers Miss Berth* Foster and her friend,
Miss Beckett, of the Ooderich beep!.
tel Melt, spent Sunday hot at John
• • .--- Foster's,
the stonniee months on the Great
Dryden Vropman, who hes spent
Wade, ofWroetro b sPe, Lake, returned home recently, and
ins few doYe visiting hey nnumiteri on Friday kit gave s vat" enjoyable
Mrs. Westlake. party to his :Tony friends. Clothe
Mr. Alfred flub, et" lintrington, and dancingwere enjoyed till the
spent a few days Inst IWO:- OM Mr. early morning hours.
and Mrs. A. C. Clerk.
T. IL Wilson sold One tOIVO One, coLBORNE
da (sit with for .11..ftme3 Ihlore to Milli Vo1a Alien, of Gode?leh,
Mr. Gee, MeNell, Myth. • spent Sunday under the paternal led.
100.3. A. Walter; tam reurnol- Congratulations are also entendtd
11010e from the 'West end her Marty to Ur. and Mrs. iforold Good, the let -
t ore gled to sue het. ter formerly MOO Gladys' Vonetene,
Mr. and lbw. Atiderson, of Vendee- 'who were married At Bentuilkir un
lono, spent a few •ilaye with their Tuesday, Jan! 12tio
daughter. Mrs. Arial Beim. 1 Mr. Carmen Peva and his brlde
•Collsorne .Esz, Code *Pe hating (nee Miss Mildred Fisher) have re.
thek annual .meetitig next. Monday ;turned home atter * pleasant honeY.'
afternoon in he township hall, 1 moon trip visiting friend) at Dan-
'• Mr. and Mrs, A. Jeonoton have dam Coogretulatioes !
goo to Auburn to *peed. a few 1 On Tuesday evceIng, Jen. lith,
Months with their datteeliter, Mt. about forty friend* and noighttes
Mr./ Weir. net at the home of Sir. and Mrs. Will
ALBERT Torten and Preeen)r.1 them with as
"Celenien hirtio.” Ur. and Mile Tuts,
/04) exrae4. eenyratelitietiv to Mr. ton ware isimpletely token by stir.
id Mrs If. Wert on the birth of a mks. The evening was enjoyably.
, spentwith gams, Meek, Polo* reef.
Mrs: 4,ihe Trott is SPendiTtit some tation. and 100001101 until late litter.
lime with het seas Mt, Xfaroid Tigert, The following *Ow* wal rend:
&laut.utry 1.1211.
i. eitereli& of **nick To Mr. and Mut; T-on
_41 We, your !Mod*, have ga .ere4
- here tootle* to epee to yeis our
itest wilato* ter Ater haeoltie'te
enjoyment, your litotes ant etretorth.
• and your MleCent$ sled presperky,
.1.... We *OM* you thst there. is nothing
Ch°11*. 1194"41 ("1.14144.6 in *At bear; ikic the kindliest feel.•
7InwotinKnoltto Ittnittrug "41* kegs foe steer fc..41e. May OM fut.
**4 W11811110 ;wok .tot ahem ` Yore Wag to you botroinum token et
the Divine lover. And alortir *Sot
uatrodelen pet)* that Iles lettere You,
11F11111111PAIIET MY You both 111.4 Abet Ws
Ilmieelalt and ,strouttli Beth I4con Yon, In * **.I
Paleness and ceder all etreattietem.
eels. Aad An an on4,0e*Sleit a our
**. .eitHra *ad tvitzl to pea, mid m
token of our beet vela** tor Mr
um, we sok vele to wept tide gift et
oar handle treating that It ittay weak •
to yos of our sincere prayer for yeiz,
Mims. Oot pro o for you. is than
You both test (Ind tour race, your
tourer et streneflt and power. and
aleol•that yo•te„flete nosy be Itelpfol
in their miel.fry to tech other to
those with Nhnin you mottle, and to
the thatch With *Lich you are iden.
tided. •
trilnierdnsed, on behalf et Yowe nate,
airs. atAr): Thtntig.
Miss 4 Manson sionottnees a ten
tier cent. dikotint sale on all Hof
King Minion Schwa embroldered lin.
ens, tete., till the lath.
„offering at
Oilcloths ane Linoleum*
Draperies mid Comforter Chintz -
at Remnant Prices
Sorne at
Hall' Pric t
' . ••`•,•
. •
• •
In this isle we Offer the
best selections in hats- that
represent the most exclusive
models of the Season, in style
ht materials „apd
'4t4 41 You wit( surely Our itLit
C hat You' want In this
e Wei
• 13
dememeem 1
Matting returned to business after my recent illness, and
wishing to reduce my stock of some lines. I am ()tiering Il.;:
following at greatly reduced prices:
Stoves and floaters (Cost Prke)
thotrie Toasters, Irons aad Heaters
Pyrex Cutlery sad Silverware
Hod* Sticks. (Coat Price)
Head Skeigits
iligdst Priests on all Goods in Store
oder do ainpind
11W1 ‘1,•:0111404 Institute
• le
Thursday, Jan. 21st
olivetiows' Ball
carato$.13 Lesek act Ow*/
Moolesioai -
DINGANNN,, . Rose,_the ladles of elle cometeteetlen the village: attended the entertn In:* buti etunienecueeh440 410143 some short di-.
'served ..a delightful 'Supper 'lend an meat at Westittid. . , • All men Were; likely Created eon**
• Mrs. Hoffman retuned to Dungan- onsoyAbis hour wanspent saterwardii. .
Mr. VVIIIIM ,inndernQit, NM sold VIM -Mk $ ' ' ..
non on Monday, after a, delightful 1ft• the oerlY morning hours of his farm to • Mr. • L. • -Groosle.: He • ..-itas.e ir 1 ' 4vIc p %
fortnight's holiday With relatives at meteloy, January A, the spirit of Mrs, gives uppooMesionin ilfarch.. , .• .. , ,. . • , ' . - .. • .
t. Thorns's and London..
Aliso Iva Cur is teetionit it - Crowe ,reeinto shove, sifter an Innem of kS3 have' and Mrs
returned he e from 'Windsor .,, .
' Jame* Elliott winged, its. flight to Mr . Archie- llobertoon.
for *few weeks in the nOtkOnce of the then two days, of. heart trouble. The where they have, been. spelnun the,.,
teacher, Miss Beim, who ie Con$1110- late MM. Elliott had enjoyed New Christmas helidayi . .• ...,.. •.
cent with an attack. of pneumonia. 'reties . Day (Friday) --with , other , This , s .,,,. ,,,, very
Mrs. Stewart. of Simabrook, ;look., ,friends at the home of her daughter, "- winter . ' v4PB.ge is. . ' • The '''• ''' " •
and Mr. Chas. Such, of Bruseels, Ont., Airs. citrie"ongratn, and on 00 alt. iquumiebet;r re psga*ttemitohotod14113, gl: -notot . , ,..,.: ... • ,' , .' • •
-3. • Bs. Terme, and else their aunt, household tasks, hod gone up to the ,."Ptirohol4 any IV!. ' . • . . - -
ltlotial. Life
were 'guests with their eistet, lifts. .111'404* having performed her 'usual ..:. .
Mrs. DAM S. Erringtor, •over the store. ta make some purchases,. being • -MPAr. Itugh 11-1141 hod the nunfor. b ,Assurance week -end., • on, trine -last' Week hi.,.lutving,, her emit .e•t*Fofnenoino• • 10PanY
.. ,,, . ,- seiparently in the best a? health.
Cardof Thanks -Mr. Jetties Elliott her way. home she wit4 itumenh. . 'broken; She, woo diva cutter soil .the..- .: ....,.".. • of rim,- dit
said totally.' desire to .exprees their stricken with •,)* severe pain in 'the horse ran'arw4r With%tiftitttte relmlit*" '' l..... ' ' ••' ' estoomi-ises' •
oincere gretitude t.o thee
'r friend* and region of. the heart, end it was Stith , Mr. Butledge,' ot..it '61%3,0114. .
.lipiAD.,..orolopt WATItitA00, 'ONT.
neighbors for kindness Shown and...emnut difficulty:that she Wan able to 1$ st. *moat. visiting, In'thel,irillogq.
sYsePathY exProOsed during the 1117 ranch her own house. Medical Ilild nn4thin tnetlitY. He lAtaridn'SfOi,lligns' 4,, '•.' ,..;.111
peso Ana **beecieeett.aeatteee 4 deo- was soon summoned, ',but In epite 44-4. month' before he returns hoteei. '7 :. , : ' -•..1"; u. Jammu,
b, beloved wife and Isstiiir, also for all that could be *mei elle peesed --The /14:questiOn is engroosinglIP: 1.-- . , . ..Pateee
Aural tributes. . peaeefully away about. ll km.. an. ationtiOn of our citizens, the retiblt
being qUite nn ineehtIVO: ' t.&tri;l$i"..1 :4 'ailnglliCIT" °S'rf '
• • • • • ,. •• •
On leridityj eveningoian. inth. the)* MmvinSr" :lb& deceased, wh''eer..h1014- t old '11114.1 '•
will he a progregoilve euelivi in t -
mon nosnords .of .74 •Setiereetifett. itbe son's sum) . .,, . „„........... ,
ritliti.°Iyhettilmeitili's under '17 Aa"Tritce4ug *Ali tie- of lailtiteeliurelt, fa'. the, conoti 'of.. . -peory, etyort .. fe: innin ;...:, devote* . . ,...y...i.' iii;,iiii.,-.;14,4, -...
"tut ut . 8: P.m.., Mt?. Prize` 'will , ItligThb Villkoburtetrebbulliumull"' 'gilt- Ineagite4,, the, musical '. to,. lents .wofeiitohye . tzilnilatitre, .,..... ..' . pc-rilmni Ai, ran.; y- Du. r ..,
he given and.. re -Les utents ererVed: fouryeir*----044-i-.,...,T4-i-----, made. theYir 1 ti -1,40,01711.01., ..gittrtio4ar ev.. enitts, in..uriot . . nuit,ostrophi
,b044"7"dseektiornmee.ls'*. 44••!1*. !!Y!..e.(1*' '''vet417 ! Iii::47,13trret::selitregnien.' -7-. lalt:thlWeeirx4ferin"Ovnnfi i ilachutptIolli et.v.inielinthrii.•77:1.4: elT14114.'. '°1:. Ih'a t Make th4"P114"1- .,..inle41114/43v:.s.,....-
;Dr. IL It; CAmPhills f VO4'Ynik* 'thirty.two ri3O stto•tO•WA4t WIlw,11:*-4 run ,two UniAll 'clute0.14eil' 1144 Illi. t.,.. ,!..' • ., R, Ri sALLOr4
low ,st trimeletet visitor in Metall:. moo, „whetsc,thay, nevi i'l'agati milted snd...hold,,their smirk:es le. Entot - - . , . m .
ram on 'roa*dass. Dr. eatiPben vhd forming entit.,Apell et biat yoke , when. e are it .was It • it, riltivo
lie reutmliered as et former pektor of
Reskine rteloyytarlan. A._i_tettreeh; .iiOnle !t,,,,b•Y. „irrrehuos,„nc.,,. ..*,.?""doth*witortmehen, p",itilcre. lines have .4h:re410.1z.fftvIte; leePettgivernitti
VIAr oars age, going Arum . here to *dive duther_pf farm life. . Mrst. El.,g00..d1;:. heritage.
in ono chose eversince. Ile„.no Dow._ ,ber a tut itethaart church, being. /Olt foRINT1NO, AT *rifIS STAR.: ..„, ...., •, . . , ..•
Ave U. •II. A.. **here ho, hu jetn_olned. Bat wait * me.loner consietent mem. .
*thous of returning to OM*. .... tic'. He 1 while nadir* in West INavelitneric. l',' •
eieehlat * Oil in Canada, no* "..,,,!...essoeledreitl. eetth.:111110 tortgregatioe ...., •, --,........ - ... ... -" r..r.- : ' 4.* ' . : '''• ..'
will *each, vent titninlay• Ill 1:18WAT•01 iin4 with rinotannOTI ("tilted 00,7ell . is. ,. .:, .., AIIE 114 '
• mei inaugural rokiatios art the Dtiti. since :her removal to the village* Of , Good Xtionnin ecu lama...feta*: . 4. ,,.•..,,
salmon public echoed boned was held ;* kindly, affeptionate &lope:lidos) the . 111M, • t4 Biggik. AttSditMeitt 111
at tha ben. of Mr*. R. Dirthlsoo on was beek.vedto all who knew her. but. ' . SIllif-it. . , . . • • .:own. ... .
yiektier. Ur. J. B. %yam, wits elected ,erpecially .eto by the anembete of her, At tlie $nie: it sciitmtle.itittit , , .. y . . .'•• ,., • ....,r,".•;
as cheirmen of the:board. while'Mrs. own family, by whom her loss Will he; ' we wilitty.te allentlY44foor 2vItut4 "4J1'' t ri.......- ,ii: ' • ..: ii
DividtoMt WO SO_ Pot, nt•d 141_,socrettrr. keenly felt,' A rookie wife. a dietlinit--..u...efeniterirOr•tickank'litldieit ; • moms c• Buy1111114... you most, j
tressenur -* for -the .. year Wm' 7 WOO nun/tett and ,entornint neighbor. vim; Marnest - .1,0„..0„; - t 1 .-..; . '' MS - '
*eordract for lighting fires and tare, will. be *merited tot is wide *Ire* of Omit $terage fit„Cers•Dity week; .., ' ' ,. • , • . e;.*-', . . . . . : .. A -..
taking.. 'ffn$ awarded to Mr. M. T. friend& &Wes icer 'beloved • part- or moota. Rotes.: day, etie: week. ,,,,,,„ ,1 , , , , , ,.. •
Rot& whn had nresionslY been mitrae. no in life she is ettrodYed by a fem. . *LW. iiiiiita. 48.00. . . . •
ed to do the scrubbing.. The contract 117 of eight 411cfreo, two others Iwo .....:For Sale .:, -One lgost)et Cream . * moot° BLACK TAM'
for supplying the tielool with SG fog predeeeaked ber„; Medford and ',. Separator,' used. very little). In. '
cords •of wood. was let et the annualKr*. Million!. The surviving .rreeno. ; tirst.eletss .shape, good, skimmer,' .
me•ting to Carr Bros. fililliTORE EXCHANGE
- hers of the feetliy aro:- Mrs. Were. At $S11.00. . .,.
The *novel -ceingregational Meet... son. of California; Mrs. E. Pliinhatt& Auto Out.. Hors. Lieery - Ge she Ihreedw_ey et Golimelek.:'
in" of Erekinet Presbyterian thumb,- of. Eseltetoont Mrs. Came Condram• , pea to st:064 gmth ' 'Sari . 11.000.. 0-- ......." .:-4,.....- .. . :
which was to have' been held ov Mon- of . A.slitietit,ii Jim. Lorne Deers, of T gt wan; -
.‘ . ...
day night, was postponed until Tues. Wert Warraoesehi awl Wolf**, N., . .
. - .
- . (ley evening, owint to the storm and Thomas Ea. Janni$ H., and Jelin, ell
Ceutree, Tram ;Vanity Sete; '
Cakerifirld emesis
800. t in
be en Immo Ws* Mary Ann Mahoe, waz gefte a foie are procuring their mai. ,
' ,
Getting your clotne Cie
pressed at. Vrocortan'r;-...
-Reducing Sale
KW*, am! amo* yowls aail set prises
Preitarre Ire** eilmrai. ors
1 11 Hi 1 1 1 1 ill 1 1 1 11 11 11
• , '
ronsierent unfavorable eoedition of 1 of fieskatcheinui. Among the rannr •
the ;roods. Encouraging reports 1 beautiful dorsi tributes. . was ono •. . .
were received • from the Yorke* or. from Nile ve. At S.. of wbit'h gocietiy -. • „ , . ' •
gauinuoria and officers were, fetatet,e4 the deceased bad been a mendier.1 .
In WAS gratifying to the commotion The Amelia/ 'thigh was held frOrk
to beern that its financial *tending k her bite reeekketee on fettridey,-,tsie.1
in a very satisfeetoty -condition, a Iith. was largedY attended by symPle•1 •
auvphie of *bout we believe] the thking Mends - and neighbors and
treesury. A phasing feature of the vests conducted by her -pistol.. Reie. .1.1 -
meeting was the presentation to lire. F. Peters. B. A. eassieted .liy Revs. '.. . ,
F. Ross, of as to leather .Beston bag, L. C; Whitey ot Nile. Ind E. Mayes, to take charge of the.tiod-
in rite*geltion of her •selerices ite or. of St. P*uro ebilith) Do*Itanno& [ grid* territory for;
gimlet. Ths following- **ass saran 1 The rentelme were interred. ,.. . ..
reed by Mr. Rol*. liCsAllister, choir.' gennoft emetics, •belrit borne br her, manufacture or a, Well aua
ma •et the board of pasmaitors, thelarto 001%s• (1r& .1114"14, .1400$1 , favorably • -known line -of
ereeentation being made by Mr. G. aandsotissielsnin.,4astnefw.Mmr.ICalitherles Csuorvineraviniefe,t . \ ,
14 •Dr;1441: t *out -Up= rge bas „ rmembetc of tint /Molly. ,Were present fleeing
deilog"4"dto you,the colikmbeholfnt 40tatytheiofeonemenves..ifoferittrth: taluvrvisonered,nwisinath Ithelloaemxt.eptiTc, ,. F.,,,,ji,. itacis ...
Lemke, . tuar imprieuttost of ye. I sYnmasthy el is community .1.4i ex. . .. 7
fifthly/now in performing the duties tended to the sorrowing relstivei. 1 __.:
cd' mord* tinting the Pit half" f.normkeit rev,sivNgin; - •/ writ* NU 76
view. Your untiring effort*, in cOn* ' * .! _ ' 11%.* I THE sTmt.oriricE
iimetion With Yort• *Lang Yetilkork• Mks 'Carteret Devidemt, who has -
*Sty, have done tooth toward soelt.i begot -spending several Eke et the Gemierielt, OM. .
ing the service of pvsiee en imagra. i home Of Mr. And Mrs. t
• Oen as well as a pleasure to alt. We Nan. returned to Detroit, Tuesday.tAr..=, -e
log that YOU virgi WO'S till,* Witt mt Mr anti. rs W......,,
for Ito Intrinsic' vane. bet *6 * tam *en, forrnerht of rtuffolit, ttniattillsrVellndli ' " ' . 42' -
- et the good will wit1r11 I'suiXenkkJ1 We smart -Om* et the hotly. of Ur. •
to yen vela the tift."
hall of tho eeetrestation, tame Me.
on qv- mid /tn. John Mate. AGENT
Tilsom-th the :Undoes.% t4 lb, &v.-. ,
I Allister, E. O. Dog. G. M. Maketak A
1 and Hebert S. &others (members 1"bieustbbeesli r:Itt:12,ryZiatvite.,1‘. I • 1 WA Ai TED • of the+ board of metalware). Xr. sex soesite eajoyeel a 440 rklo .1 w 1r: 41 ah.""
t lOodak, Rees, est am& Mame a of kis We, IR a seat I mu& ways lotk maga asky" 1
Stake reoler. After
t Sbe josettoi NIA stassits!he tik km I t=ligite.thttigi""grrtirlulgetsiorte : to tate chaos, of the God.
he NI% airtir.-- it Dm -14.10. ; tric4. ttriftOry dor tke
IINIA "lard all Zt Ea- i - Stitatif WM& 01 a , *ell AM
f . Pereit ht flume law* ' ',6
bssm' fa* their , krobwri pite ck ' otram -4 * tote of igeolte ties t. • Alt
• • t 14. •
alaisse4 urn* Wolk 111.11.
AP/ TEE,)•
beet fries&
coo hay anytides
r yam esn give limos
/Dm* rear IiiIihteefostois
No other teepembranee
will giro mob bagasse.
J. T. Alt
much satiefaettott out the!t:s.
They look .just . *
•Ciivich Ersith allailfirke
"Prt:*:1:**111"iitiat. w611**:
Hamilton Street
Shoe Store
Complete Hie of leaks, gentle).
mon* e*rd children's oboes.
Comein and oterniere011ePtIceil
1. That is the Iliad voliieh greet
you leiran you, cell at our more
seocbintidinsimwitliv,Qunolto".dateid .ste°guyk;
said ftnish and durability beyontt
• compare. Alare's teal 1 vela), .
*Very *gee..•,
• ,
ti.It. ,WHEELER.
• r.,....401,“to,
Everything to kefp your feet warm and dry fluting the
serum Motet trtsither.
ortsiotta stock of 70466. MANI* Oa Caws, aid
4tt ernit00.$10.
**op ^10