HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-14, Page 7" 11 4 -1• r • til NOncs CAE worse* timb000magema haelOky • ker kidney's am 140, and nine Itiwi one est Imo, aim *Icklasys are' to jblame to tlia root*, ilitae1agod *Nag boo* tomv7widdli abe iligfors so nmek. Wk ra.rosa,D.our ilinineys oat of • • seder, what year ea* adore sae Pans • and give. you ;mellow inisery„ all yea ' hies to do is take Pio, fOr 'boxes of Do*n• you wet end that all the *hes andel:Rains will - and make you leiethy-•atel Nippy sect able to figeoy With the utmost. All dieggis'he and dealeis handle Item; put up only 11.,.1.3te T. Milieus L' el• Termite. Ont. 4.• 4e the Thee Mimi, Moms nay sla leeeltag aloes/ail len told Mr ate Imre ;retitle:: a weary teerellar ser to lathe pace mad ia an* lest • awes a smaislikar West forNgho time Ulm eibereas! he ,Wee the edit of Goa mid A. hod ohs saly know.. 11•14, 40114W nmiggillaavo begat* onneeseill woaki hay* gime thing aka, Woo N leek Illio emit Althosugh s*d1WNW k.nowtonge of the seri es ehis ' K comseet "helm oltb "Imes saleation." sew ia Ude aleeittan, w in Nicest* the Smarotio art1 lle tabill Pirt Thor; erttkin age beget, all eternity. C. Volley. PlittYlfid is wise ert all pore and Th- rusted in tam whom thee awe to redeem, makek.and keel) thyself, Arcane FOR JAN. Ratier 92* Lama Title---,leses aloe the Sites- eritaa Woman. lageessikePaseage-3elae, 4;142. Golden Text-Isa. 121:11. After the meeting .t Jacob with brother Beau the forinerjourntet- ed to Malcom in the Awe oteGenson and there bought a parcel of a for .en hundred *soma 14 wealeee (Gen. 33:17-19). It Ti not eteleold anywhere in the Bcriptures that ' Jacob dug a well tin %hie land "but Jewish tradition say he did order 'to *void. collision 'with the netives ATAQIU; wilder* he settled. The will is still In existence *it:toted in .4 lovely yaw between Mts. Gorizia; and. Ebel. Jesus had spent some months eti Judges. but on the arrest of John • the BairtIst by Herod Antives he and • Ms •folerwers rebiarred to %Oilers. Ile towelled hy ,"the groat north rmid" through Samaria. This road diveilee, one 'brach gel*. Vmat and • linother,going north. In the fork of therge.revide fa situated Iacelea. •well, Mid hire jeans, Wing, weitried with . • hie joerneve sue down Mut rested' 'est% his diseitiles went into the city ',4to buy' Mod. 4.• ., tam. hoes * OW 1 CM& reorekr. the past a bs ▪ W Weft potion. Lt. mod erfee feeine CAV11111 qr. 4:114-Wbot were arise if ? -- A.=The Rodin allistaldialit. Merit Britain fails* aige - with Preace or Igoe as. keenly felt lay the Aedes ant vethels, and wises Ow right to meth A ;or dosorters. Congress The Arlorieens I. w ru.da: gad sowt at lt;sigin anal *reaped :I tilo/Arug. tMkt Canada 'rook • t./ eV, meth . .„ er• 1 late tessevlietelae-ehleh • s P:Littart' -6,111111.1 Teas eerie alaard' skips loom t t% tins, had me did ast tow do; I heed elesli I we* grate es tog, as 1 nit:~ en f 1611, Urit w•gui All -01140 WWI 140 1 which be alone could supply. reference to the greatness and good- -"" "'"" "'" noes ot aegis, Vila= she wrongly ef""/ "elas owl logy haat VIC called father (for the :Samaritans "ierhP" evere-fereee were descended front thut mixed mule ee-11.11 the resevelies,, lotters, I bed titude which the King or Atari* had tried 1314 "41' asY • risona they we yew sableamat can thip 411101112111411,1W YOUR by Loess 411,"rram•work :3 ntes I. en Ottawa chief. ' armed a plan te gain • ------- .-• le *11 the the British e ••. in' that in this unity tIsere is streturtk. il k arrangtrd. a g of DEATH OF TECUMSEH nvitiel tht er. •eq.-Whert did the dee* of Towne-. eitqe" s ••• jr.,..,••••• O.` soh take place? es A.-Tecurkunis the great Shawnee rushed In e %Vert. Al. chief was killed at the battle of Mote' *1 10�d, atd P Lead in the either of isunarie * Mead UM about 'Milburn% ,though many foil* of Reeeethe aviantown on. October tr. 14113, at I Rings 17:24) called forthfrom Jena nowt 04 reeve rib mtelt a. I plot failed and Pontdo in e ewe ard Proctor's ciefeekt be thHis grave is still unknown. Americans. the reply thud • • After - ' goe'd as it wee its et- ht est* net rdered. , mu feet Was tod tim I ' THE P S N D NOVA SCOTIA S SETTI EMI N r *old eisi Outage • • Thelkhag green end* few leen ceinr Wind. e CAN RN NATIONAL rt TRAIN SERVE to TORONTO y or e, but e tat he aid after ,tighig mix 1 mt nor em, IR T CU AR ''MER. : 1, Ashlar Oil itlf 'Ay beehive: ; Q. -When did the first Cursarder Q. -When end hir whom was Noetii would give woulree ii Well of water Sea la aettled7 springing up into everlaeting life.- . cross the emu , I . "Ile that has at band but a bucket of ' I. feel Alit if it had tee boat for t• A. -The first Curiard steamer, A. -The MO1110414 Settlernewt of I i water nee& not thirist -as long as oar ate/ Vella lartY# boot dead and . named after 'William Cunard, of Hal. Nova Sent* was the only Scottish/ that lasts, but that will • moon be, ex. Wei illy niewet • . hunted; belicvera have in them a. - •- . ' croosed the oeean in 113d0„ This Line IntrelY Scottish Xing, Jams VI. ra. *ad .rs. Pills are pot up only by leax, one of the founders of the Line, colonial enterprise uildertakea by a A/ • Thot...anbura (lo., zwitoli. Toroato, ehrilst therefore hit a continuous exist. AB:latdisillit 'Aselit*ti"eraldetaornteheanir fncorb.it re :nw.. I : well Of water mellowine, ever flow- • dawned upon 'free mind thet here was•• ' .... _• , THE COMPANY OP ONE HUN- not Until -the foundieln of Bellew • DRED ASSOCIATES Malty Itsweesst Iliesseletv re. Uoilorieb 6.00 am. 9.90 p.m. Clinton 0 26. *.r0. 2.52 p.me. 84"414 itretihl r. Sttetford 1.30 A in. 4.10 p.n. KW:honer 8.'20 a.m. ••5.20 Guelph 8.44 m. 5.50 p,m, Toronto 10.10 v. m. 1,30 p.m.. Whether as she lisrered there tury • the land was French It WW1 • terfous ease from .the labor of fetch- irig water.or *tether she io lest.beg. some great *Mit offering same mys. olla cANADIAN . Q. -'What vats the Company of One in 1749 atter the Tel" "°f AU**114"1 Hundred Associate*? the French tithe the British stock Clwapelle• had reatored Lewisburg to ged of him to glee'her this water we ' - Aee-The Company.' of One Hun - sired A'ssoelates was formed in hew took firm root. do not know, lost the request turned the topic of convergation. jesus raw • . the monopoly of the fur trade; .the he set himself to rouse her sense of she did noteperceive his merming, so• control •of the Wend fisheries. pea- worms in the stomach and intestines sesiten .of all the lands end toile in Miller% WoritePowders WW be f by 'tearilinel Richetierevivee the result • of the depeedittiona In all intentile coMplaints thiktouallival Maui nilgu,ags-vr..T.t:11Tdooro.0.140(.1121.4,1 am, Parlor Cafe par, Goderich to Tete onto, on morning train, and Termite to Goderich 6.0e p. train. Through coach tied:111:h to To.rents P. F. LAWItitNen ,tc BONS • Teen Pagoeserer and Tickets .tgente 'Phew* Si sin. In the rodversation thnt follow. CANADIAN CENTE'siii:r1AVS New Prance. It promised to bring an effective remedy. They attack ---- ----- • .............- the cause of these troubles, and by expelling the worms from the organs Insure an orderly working of, the sys,•• tem withoitt whieh the child cant sit main' &in its strength or thr e. • These powders mean health end 1. provement; . . ere ;see how Jesus opened im to 1* 14E4 Wter$ lefgon. wo steered her gaze his intimate knowleiige nf Q.-Ilow many centenarians 4iu* out six thousand ;settlers, tradesmen es dialogue between Christ 'and Nice. '• her past life, though this Wr.S their 6tere in Canada ? and meebanits, before 1648, to assist sletnns, Is man Irff‘position. and power first meeting. The outcome. was her A. -The Census bulletin on Age'. eneh settler for three 7ears, rind to in ..Yerseileiti, 'Irilm possibly thought it -a tondeicenalowort his part to call itietribution fats an interesting table 'Wing out two priests for each set- aelmtrwiedgement that he was some met Nvlaere the tlement. Year by yean the Com - .showing how many • en great one: ""Sir, Nthis dialogue theemo spoke of spirit- arndpetrheeeniv,elotternat Ill: ;centenarians of gonad* arc. ha L.1..4 41 'Prance. but paid little attention to _km AU lanicnovnelatilile.in teacher. art a eraphet," envy sent rich cargoem of furs to life, she seized uplaronn:Iiishia's beintradri •the total in Canada of those 100 tel. birth while the'other :kept think- ettention *way opportunity for settling the vexed Years of age or over was wee 44 re•ilonization.ln 1661. its e'harter was ding •and •speelihig of physical birth. los,,e iin witiattettisti anitsa sameee, question of wbere was the right place • while in 1911 the total of reatarinua whom 90 were male mei 93 female liatnicodellueede,4.and RoyalGovernment was P • . -In today% lesson there issulso a dist- was 120, of whom 62 were leale .and TR DISCOVERY OP THE • ten woman are the kerticipants. ta ''' mmliir---Creeb4Te or 4eue'llete• 'eg female. Ontario kads.eurith TR IdISSISSIPPI The woman teissaidered iit a great 'en115 talrhet the Petfeet elei 'wag Clean aright mod , Jew ad 14040,14"14 e,i,er. speak to .true worshippers would worship tbe NRIV APPLES 'River e • • In spirit and in truth. Jenne 14* ---What new "lietk's c u1)111"' Ae-Pather Marquette, a mission- wn'smedmc""cht"1"4" her, let Alone ask, a eavor. In th'i Father eerie to declare the Vatter to the have origliateden Canetb.? . ary to the 'Adieus near - Teske Super- diaiogue. that follows, Christ spealie of aflame ;wine: and the' woman of world wite'there to a Saniariterk 'Won:- crab. app se new apples and one new tor, and ebilet, „a merchant, hieing "----------e an he told of the nature of God Ana le were originated in the been' sent be Talon to the Inalite T,-.' • materiel wells. It wasn't an excuse how be wins to be worehippen. Division of nettle-alto:re et the ]TheeCouriil at Sault Ste. Meek, heard ' 1 - to enter trato ea. ceonvevaiition thee • • Iler nett remark was on a eublete Pertment of • Agriculture during the of and discovered the Mississippi in ' mien vie li th esoseti aeaus to ask for n drfite He MN Coming, was now dawning 'when the cent`marlans In 1821' tee -Who discovered the Mississippi e • wonder that a strange man, and a is #11/11144 TO1 COU4110•• 001.100 n140 6014/4. • C.111# 1011411114 T141Alltb MOTS. ?HAT vanottnpuo,.. 111#111CTIVE 14414#0414410##' year.'1922. The new varietiee of mp- 1678. They sailed tiewn the river was iscieV emu reeled a refshing . , • w. agreement""dos haver been namedr-Cethanis, as far as the mouth of the Arkansar; the mina ef both Jew ana Semite- - .' drink from the web, and he,had no tan:' Thee firmly 'belleseri and Iodic. Nearterh, Bei/rine then, 'fearing the Snanierde, they e`..nietins of drawing It for hintrelf. A ed or the, corning Messiah, mei tiritt1.-eSiaPlbz! Kettoeh, Maclaw, arid Stontosh and the Mc'Prince nteerv7sedtobgskebecami Joliet carried the writer- Siva that the svorann's- preite_...,..._er seentid,, thenebe. jut", _moon. ___ -nate It the well at •noon may have ''" CHARLES E. SAUNDERS ". EMPIRE DAY ' been due to the fact that she: wee, 8d; To Chia sinful woman as to nni - eh-Who•la Chailele•Vetteeederiel-•-• ia.-Vhen •%nd. *lat. is' 'Eniph.o ofie vizier !far mocknien ,•0t1 -the lee.eriteieetitt;heesen (to.the lean thee A. -Dr. Charles E. Swatiders was Day a . . .- eeee..e. . -.; I • sadjaeent torn leen :ratheet than fee "1'1° "`" . 114 ' cba4 '937) nialce4 buns If e s 41 'known . TOSUS for twenty Years the Donfiriion deer- A."--' Enipire Dalr is' observed on I • laaateatie nage, -While ahe did not re- 4,e xviiiii*: ,e1 thatxilee317e,43',k.unotwont.hre enlist, during whichetitne he Peefeet. May 21 as a rule In --Canada. It N fuse h'is request she did not fail to ''", ed the now famous grade of wheat the day .uron Which. Britons in al remind him of the face that Jews 1"a he' , • ' , • • known los the Marquis, which 'hag On the return of the dis•ciples the mots of the world eelelkrnee•the un- etheiderell Ihernselees superior to yielded minima of dollars in vradt ity of the great Emnire' to. welch the people of her, hied. It was the wmnallt fyrgetting whY 611 bad tem° to Canada as it le regarded us the they belong and realize thereerom pride of the Jews that tbny would to the we/I, went away into the city! and His 1-• ad.io things that she had over clone. and" Z , i • I . , then added, "Is not this the Christ?" IIIIC.. t least de- - N h. 144 u" 4 Taa° in?" Smith asked. No .. IIIS - . ' "SO far it hasn't figured at all in 1 • • eideff there was more in ler story Nog ".' They 'listened and sortie a - than iust an Idle tale :inn they wnnt aboStiluts; h•vaLendilanbeentehesoheatingPs4c)hall°111111-00h *ti)rnar• ctdaolsn'euosfsi°nen.gaNtiveeill'elqteclitrt'avpi'anx:o1;t4; .' 1 • swARTs• Mita and boo Liveig flock Stalitslito. Alsengeneil litomat gist off the Square • • SEVERAL flItSt4lASS 101710S READY FOR NI MO WORN Yell Wan 011416t THERE Inseoes Meet ail Train* anSt Passiongee tkrilari Possessors coiled $pr4n - , pert of the town Mr all • trains at 0. T. orC.tioi R • °Swats . ProMpt Service and tcareitst Attendance. ---• .111.411.1111. ' Asur Livery and- hack:-.4serviee wili be ilmind ner.to•deito - vinemetas Veer Patronage Solicited. • • SWAATS .lottratt 1107• Mentreal Street ' erefiece.lenr %pawls .rdtiteninen ,be and hunted up her kinsfolk and me- \ • wards her sod at his el/welting. to be 'beholden to a. Samaritan so no won- cluawineitmtbanolseteesre.otoantivi jdicieb:nbgerseilurdr g I n ne, 1 f Pi! et Shehnte n : ui ryts o. der she wondered at his attitude to. Redo to see a man who ' had told her ohn mith . .serred iby mot. , srenun ti.000.00 notice they:Ai:4M ago out to see lids StTATI.- ger. It wasn't an invitation to go strange things about religious Ivor., ship,' but a than whohadtold her all use Hydro Electric iht "alpha Pinar Cook by !Electricity • Wash by 'Ekictriast Iron by Electricity 1 CONVENIENT CLEAN QIUICK aliatinae than tout*, wood. A* Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes the dust ; a broorn j 4 just maven the dust, 1 We guarantee all Hydro 1 Lamps for 11500.00 Walk in and set, display at tC.opytight 1925 by • • The tneee. .,..ttne Service) " ••• with her. They became so convene.. about "their occasional demise, • that positively charged - bus is -the i -r •ed of the truth •of h t t lib th u htet Id be well to bu a . - way the phenomenon /stood with re- ; When ,pno ase •soffering with rbeu- and interested en what they them- fifew as spares. He didn't wart to terence to its use in radio until .ormrissa no zt,en cram +unify get -around selves heard that they invited jt113114. have his lack of foreight aura it the Forestdiscovered the .acheale of al- hug try 4.-kia NMI& aubmeil.,/iefn will to stay with them. lie accented the way of an evening's entertainment. hate tee quicken :relief known. troducing the grid between the heat- ei•otheel alas oath concrattratoutnette• , invitation and remained two days. This offered an opportunity to leek ed filament and the reargeli Atte. tiating liedrat tied *toper anatent re.. And ;platy more believed bemuse of "intoone of these modern magic Be lound that by lcadiie the c . 4 . , lief. Jost Armosi-aft ..ittaphy .Red his own wort, and said unto tine lamps. Smith was peering dm,. ___n ing current of • the new..kabcht..0 sta- „ __ ,..,_ .. Pepper Redeem; teelehe igeglinikeat. 'womare "Nov we believe, not be •through one of them when 1 ha r..,.e.:‘ • Ta three stitastog le hearne ;the .sere cause of thy saying; for we /knee eel to call. Fee"" tion to the grid the earl:Items in thie current would affect the- flow of pic•:..,." *et threoet "all theeeeh• Twee. One 'heard him ourselves. and knew thet... ""Great little things, i..tir he ad- Aeons from the Massed to lie, klate. ARE YOU DISSATISFIED ? blood .6.0,2...i.t.61"45'" tik4enites• 'this Is indeed' theThrist, the Saviour stared. "In other words, the rztYlii::-•.otnal . ion -and the old Iheumation 4orture of the world" Do ,. on need a toter Training to eononan4 Digger Saler e e"Y " r re d "th lae; e'th lee' write to School of Commerce for particulars regat tliug glare *tor Stu, 71"P7- i ne uoaericn Yrs 4UBBING LIS' The Star aild London Free Press.... ; .$6.75 1 The Star and London Advertiser.. „ ....... 6,75 ' The Star and The Toronto Globe.. ; 6.75 The Star and TheMail and Empire... .. 6.75 , The Star and The Toronto Star.... .. . . . 6.75 si TheStar and The Farmers' Sun . • 3.40 We Star and 'fife Family Herald aiid 'Weals Star. The Star and Saturday • 5.50 The Star and The Catholic Record .. . 3.75 • , The Star and, McLean's Magazine $3.75 The Star and Rod and Gu3 90 'The Star and Montreal WI ness. .. .. • t • ' tz..tar and. World Wide ...... • • ...renewal 3.85 • new... 3.50 • • 6 6 ... a .• • *renewal A 25 riew.,.; 3.85 SpecialC4rbbing Rates with -other Periviitcoll • may be had on application ilieSt;.1 office or 'Phone 7 PIM. any inforinaFien. . ,. The pew biograeby of 10 :I Tr i "Simple?" he, stammered. 'Loth .erretty‘nomplicated to me." plate cirettit.The unbelivekley w k Bowies Red Pepper Ruh. mate erom I . WORLD egiestoete 1 a 'Cause an identical vareiticei in the red peppers, 41u4.1. tittle at oily ihog . --iun---glimv-munthirbitekacile„seat'1,011k, Jowett in telling hoist lieen-ter•r.e-d•th•-e' store. 4iet a lee at once. Use it -for'Well, get the facts," I urged, current reaching the grie ef the Wee, sore muscles.; colds' .in chest. Almost iiii-eistryeiliestratesethe--valuo-of-se-eeggeeeeneeeedeele drawing up a chair "Thi. -tube Is therefore, actually coverale a ler,y instant relief ,awes you. lit sire, to .,word in season. to de What those AU pack.age. 'lawyer, "At all events,e writes his •clrariges the alternating current re- . . . . . . le: :a variation in ths soned Aalues detect -ors do, only better. 'It .. Storong current. get t genuine. 4004th :the name kowlcs . jowett's intention was to become a rrstal "Yoitcali readily"-sete'tlict-if -there •• eetved tnrougn tne tuner into current • • ;values tarried on the radio ;eaves dente coming eater by tram. • 1. (w ee c, 311111101cral, litenogisphie, Special. Civil eervicee fiecietarial and teachers Course. • mike ,trot Itilip5alay.-1 1nm .1 onnory :All. NO. • ' ' • .1:14 ego' inallou apply t•; M. AeliTONE, - • I. IP, AV liD, II; 41. • .4t4”.•1. speeiiiii4:1,4100:14inc-Ind • • • • 4biographer„ Mr. Arthur Porta, Ills father had virtually completed all that ref s a dible -ii end, endues carried by the radio freeseili•y vole • rent that flows to the grid. the eath-11 . ... ,l'hot e 10m. • • . .......-..- i.. • . articled clerk. On the day 1 f 'tube. also ado as an amplifier r. of trd. incoming irreent or A to the stronger current ..will he pro. tions in the sound values !e•e• quiet; e FOR GIRLS .. a 'Halifax. firm of solicitors as sin oefithe • •the areangements for 'him to enter ne the rectifled current t at is use Pe " portionally, stronger. This IF hew the .4 --4,. , .• • WHO W the articleg were to be -Aignt...d Jowett • ' 0 . je-elv • to operate ,the loud -s aker or, ear- phones*" WOR met 'his Sunday school • teacher by - ' • • •aceelent on the street, arid told him Smith suggested I show um how not just keep on amplifying the radio, ' • . • tube can function as an amplifier!' - , "At alight," he admitted, "eut why • , L ' What he was about to de. lir. Dew- the tube detects before- going Into frequency current, or whetever you' ydia E. Phddiaiis %tulle lerst looked grieved. .r 1,,,,,i 1,1%.„,„ys the matter of amplifying cuttentik call it, untilit is strong enough to be Compouad is a Great Friend It Stopa Fain and Restores Health ..,... 'himetle he ^said, 'that you would eo , profound affection for his Sundae into the ministry.' 'Jewett, .wee me it necessary feature, but the matter • "Because even if you made it al . of detecting was a complete mystery. strong as the original M'rent, yoe He could see why the latter would he heard?' 'sc,I3, a'ilkiiigMail ....' hool leaeher,• was taken aback "There are' three marn working Couldn't hear it. Remember the rti- • Toronto, Ontario. -"I work in a factory and I would bave to getaway from my work every time I was sick. The dragging -down painsand crimps were very bad; but my back vim terrible. It hurt so that I couldn't 'he down with it. I heard some of the talking about Lydia E. Pink., came to 'him, and a few weeks later Between tem filament and the plate fwain's VegettlibleCompound, and they he was accented by the Governor, is a wire meth, known ns the grid. *id me to tiy it. I have taken about dotioadm botUes of it and it has done site a lot of good. I never have any PAIN or *ore Wicklow, and have not Ude off front work a day since I have baleen it. I recommend the Vegeta- ble Comporad when I have the op- postaili' EWA" 21 Howie .1tvease, Toronto, Ontario. 'Man Auk** of a ritioner' Halwerie,thaterio.-"it eits terribly • Penaelid. lased to do homersork un- tiland a few odd times 1 almoet a few iimathe *go and oonsetimcs I Mid to horterny work and inked. I ma tom* mender in deo ABU I sodored *vs or ehr years foam rfillEsdivstenak Coon before I Wok Lydie ef a allpitteitro- mg hi=tvellat a impliklips it is. YON AIN. If Alstodome vimirso, Ile thought seriously over the sue- units of the ,tube, ono biggest of dio current coming over the air oreil,! ;ifile Seeurilv alThicied by the Proviiee of Ontiflo S.t 'it • band of metal. encircling later anywbei•e• from 50,000 to' 1,000,-: ,gestion, and. gainer ° home. /melee:de these is tbig C)fl l' t 1 • ' I 'I' ''' '' ' 14 g5 ici.,•oget yr , v,,tt i t le 1acilities etendd by every Post considered'his whole futere. Tie was strongly drawn to the ministry, 'but the other two. This is called the NO cycles per second. The tube ho: piste. In the •center is a • fine wire to bring' this down to 5,000 eyelets °like in Canada and other countries. make • it possible for was be divinely called?" ever -on c to deposit their savings in this Hank. Interest is - • As. le, similar to the filament of in electric where you can bear the variations thought over the matter '"the zip,. light bulb, l'his is the filament. which are the sound velum," . allowed, compounded half..yeatly, with full checking privileges • Just one thing more," he tail "You apeak about bearing the "%aria- . 'Flie confidence the rural communities have shoWIT ill this for Om Conerreiftiorial ministry. of Airedale C011ege es a eandidate "According to ity, positively charged articles at. in this tube. I don't get *bat at alt" 110w oyer'S2 0;00,000. the laws of electric. tions impressed upon the little -plate- Bank, is indicated by. the large increase in deposits,. 'which are .4 36, 9 tract negatively charged over,. Edi- "Vire?, ilainit,it 'nut. ttleg • - ton found that Iv putting $ wire, or rent o low frequency fiewine from Alb deposits are guaranteed by the government of the plate, into a vaenum tube, and by the plate eircuit. To catch its varia- Proskinee,of Ontario. charging this plate with pole:reeve- tions all you have to do i.: place tiu-% Remittances should be made by Post °trice money order, rent, negative electrons would he at- ear -phones in Furies with the tjrcuit. i s , express order or registered letter, and should be addressed to ., glow The filament had to be heated to a to flow through the *holm on it, , trotted to it from a heated filament. ln other words, yowellow the torrent and the positive current on the circuit through the "11" battmy, t1u 1 ' yotIr nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention. plate had to he sufficiently strong to elate and other units sif the t,et. 0 p "That Is why you have g set of receiver you plactd the phincs in thr I . You rentember hoe') witb the fl__ _f of Ontano Savings Office • • attract the eleetrons. - Head Office 15°Q.ana's Park, Toronto why ths positive current is fed to the Saab rerneinbered. lie c,„tiq !Alen. , ."14" 'batteries of high *oltege and' detector circuit." , Termite Brands Oakes : plate. eAnd you will MA why it is ning to gee how the przzle Pdt radio 1 Cor. Bay arid Adelaide Ste. • • Cer. Vats ',mitt i neceisary to here it etorege battery all works out see yeu match the veer .‘1.pi oredry tells to Reset tl% picture. element. / foes pieces and- to catch the • SIR Dailikerth Arms , - ''.••••t, Week. No. 12: 'aslm; the • '14, by rhe ,,o vet•ern of the rifts. Thos. Molt. of Toronto. ie MI So ool eel in t;ent,. graft *0 COL 41111 3trs. * overawe, *ith ti o the' guest ot Hrs. ltralOr N'aftel. ROYsil Ralik Bldg. Word tomes from rift P. l'. Dean. ig."Ift7 • . • Oilwt anthem at Ifandhoo. Rt. ratkorissee,$t. Mary* Pentirrelte, Brevetted, Watulatsrelt. Owen diened. Ottawa Seaferth, • Walkerton Newmorbet and Ayheer. "4 11, • '1