HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-14, Page 6•
The Matt
of Sweets
Our pane Corn Syrup is
relished by adults and
dsildr n blots m of it's
delaiciou* f1001o1,.•
Tt les false rick m food value,
and so wily digested.
Poefora rsesornmend i♦`,
,1:.,YrWAR 1)SHHI,�izG
4}1,A.7( 11 : e d • :r^ t ' (.+il .hi' a -'F C+ ( ! ,
de**, la aveiMeg t11s teem #e heal
so!-_ shelter here sad the eadves
had token kint ia
UN Is to. rall
Orweereafag his A iia/Mire 1s thrnl.'� i"�1 sew
i quietly vriti draw, Pies, best E *ewe ' wtant's Sore." ,
leis}: "fest aiorry for yoe:. Joe. Yx sserwi ler. er is t+ ltsr. #rt tine
there aslrtbfiaag I cola eM?" ` 1'11 eaeaip at site .rise film erg is roes. than iso advice ai al1. .
1ieeszk.v maned up at htuu wildly; slug' built itata *tile *weed. ,dual "nett," says digs. )'lectin, Odell.
then a light eel' recognition kindled in Pierce will bring tate
luck." an Royal Aptai , Merrick strews.
his block eyes. It ,hanged to that "D'yott think you ride herd Hamilton, Ont., is why I feel it sap 5,.
baleful gleam of hatred. tine lair on it?" *triages Ilverd "I under- duty to give women a little inform- , .
lay low upon kis torebead and stand there's a lawless element at tion teaicerning lar. winless*' ma
Week Oftsa lEia seY Honor, glory, 'fake, celebetiy. eau«
through it he /haired. His fees was hang,.' Pills for Pale People. ins the first n't say "atter briar seethed in..ce,
I covered with a smut of beard which The Caafttess saeided.; "1t sort place I away say that is asp a aigraduatU �° „ "after." ' d��'
made him even more repellant• at a lawless ekreeat axyssif whin I nurse of ens d stir Haa►ilten schools the work I departed. Quit after. ��1., Masks, tarnish, coo-
''1 thausht you were Jim," het mart:' she said. Her sggwi twIxaltisd Don't aay "I ant 'tenpin* in Chi- , pollute, shell, taint.
„You're sick. Can I hgip you? Ido as rile measured lift, pridgeu' burly of nurses. having had a number of cage' for a few ,Lies." Bay "staying" Reepwaiiie, liable, alaswsesYe,. ate
yeatrx experience an In:rsing nervous "All right» should be written en countable.
and other caeca of weal,». and " � »
... .'0in� y.•.�`,,r..• ` (. *M J' :ti. reel '
0110'4; - .. .•M►. Irk.* ,AC't"(�(A rl.. .�+.+.., v ,�...wa+�wr•wr,r�rw �.: �,.n.M 6 '4„ www, as .0)
to tke fellow and said, *nth gelatine "it's as safe as whited," amid see "Tim e1' see wwreea-s as.!!•
By .�. L ado
want money or— propprti0ns. "You're going to alias •
Igsclouat, savory, Mine.
y "Jim dead," the ansa repeated. your alfalfa bed before I let you to » two words, never ski/
"You killed him 1" Linelerssia " I may state that lar the last three
Don't say "the arrangement of the itts� d�
"I? lkontexts,. Don't balk»`•" fears I haus noE been lee }inn as I „
m wets perfect." y as. , award, reepeet, esteem,
should, I have been ander the care ."
The Kid nodded, aerieusky. "I detail*
peri t Tela "w },a i tkiaart late
know:' ,laid he. "Berells_ ane right of our physician. Ile informed me autaare subject• arrangement* is aka- favor, d+fersa,�►�
"You killed him. Youl" McCain
key's unblinking attire became pari. for quitten a profession ora trade, that I wouid•not improve until I took g " Stair
but I •got to look over this Dewitt* ,• t Dente,say I osis going Cb scout tsf "lTe. a vrmvl three tins.. and it is
tively-venomous; loo showed his With
In a frightful grin. "You killed him.
But there's more of ua. Plenty
more. Well get you." He appear-
ed to derive a ferocious enjoyment
from his threat, for he dwelt upon
lit. Ile began to curse his visitor so
b foully that Pierce 'backed out :of the
tent and let the flap hall. It lied
beeat'an unwelcome encounter; it left
an unpleasant taste in his mouth.
"`" ""' """" As he went on in search of the.
• village shaman he heard Joe mut.
e, tering; `Sines dead! Dead: Jim's
I devil"'
Soni Kirby's outfit was one of the.
largest, one of the costliest and one
of the most complete that had ever
been landed ,on the Dye •beach;•tfor
CHAPTER -VI (Continued) the name of �sirby mentioned, and a 1irby was a man who did things in
reference to the big game :in ,srogrees' a large way.,He was a plunger; he
Mil* der eyed the Just tnowtihe had long since. beconte tale -hardened
calsis, diataaor. meat ,fust- now he at the Opliir, Recalling Lucky la risks .and he,krrw how to weigh
bad not known that his employer Broad's Words, he wondered; if it torisks
s .and hence a w,v othat eh
steed tobacco and the discovery eante were possible that Xirby-and hha girl had staked ; all tspen one throw
a shack, IIe hood been roared in were indeed the father, and daughter did not in the least disturb him.
a close home -circle, ttiexeetoro he 'did who dud appfled at the Northern for gloat men are successful in direct
mot' approve of women amoldng; in shelter. It seemed Incredible that. et nroportlon to their ability to select
Particular he disapproved of.the Young women of such apparent re• and retain capable assietentate =Por-
tGaxantesr, his Countess, smolci'nig, flneinent could be a fgaml}ter s dough- tune had favored Sam .Kirha• by pre- across .the Line. I'm their , only would be that 1 had been taking Dr,
.After a moment of considernti"on, ter, but if it" were true She was not senting; him with a daughter whose chance. ` They'll stand nsaay." , Williams' Pink ,'Pills. and their an-:
N newer, he uskedthimself what good only ►,the daughter of a po ti»g caution and good • sense admirably . It was anid-forenoon when the ,ewer usually was, "Well, they cern
irese.n there could be` for his feel- trent," a very notorious One, supplemented itis own Aest qualities, Countess, halted Pierce, who was a tainly have helped, you." l now sleep
swag. It was her own affair; why Jude*allf from general comment. tend he was • doubly blessed in pose 'short distance ahead of her, saying, well and eat well.' The terrible sharp
shouldn't a woman 'smoke if she felt Prompted by curiosity, Pierce drop. seisinar; the intense, nay, the fern• "'��'ait! 'Didn't you hear somebody pain has Patti my head. I' do mY,werk
like it? He Was eurprlsed at the un- ' Ped in at the Ophir on hit ;way back edeas, loyalty of one Danny Royal, calling us 2" and feel toned up• ,.. My eider has xe- a
expected .liberality of his attitude. to work. He found the place crowd- a dependable r tamer who, had gra Whey listened. They were abut turned, and the pills have given mee
Tide country! •was indeed_working a ed, as usual, lint eaptrcfiall,S as at the dusted from various minor positiore to move onward 'when there clime a new.vitality: Iain 'deeply thankful
Cheer in him;. he was ` broadening rear .where the games were running. into a sort of eastellan,. an Admir- - faint hallo, and faredown the trail that ; say husband brought me the
vapidly. AS a :matter of fact, he lis- When he . had edged his way close able Crichton, a; good left hand : to behind them they saw a figure ap• first 'box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pine.'
mired himself, the Countess: Conrteau ens h to command a view of the replace tl�at '•missing ineenber which preaching. After a moment of )K will.. slladly tell anyone` avhttt 'these
was an exceptional woman; she was faro -table he discovered that Sam : Kirby had lost during the. avhite-hot : ;scrutiny. Pierce ,. declared a pillea did for ate; ani) ?you have full
,quite different from the other mein- Kirby was, for a fact, the ene.nrined clfmac of a 'certain celebrated feud "Whys, it's Broad!"�� s+.armisaion to :publivh this ataitement
herr of her sex. and the ruteas'of de- map he• had'met .during the. tfter.' -a feud, by the•way', which had ad- • 'Whew.D.
. he punted. Thought in the hope that my experience may,
Oman which obtained for them did poo . He was seated, and close at did a notch to'the ivory handle of I'd never:Arun yirdi',:down. Well, vet heirs someone 'else.'} ` i
:,sat obtain far her. She was one in his back. was the gray -eyed, brown• ::samba famous: �tx}ahvoter. ate; yourablves, If you will wend your name *rid std -
ten thousand. one in a million.: Yea • haired girl with the pleasant voice. Danny, Royal :woe. all things. 110 ++What's' wrong?" • demanded the hese to The Dr. Williams Medicine
and he was "her man." `. 'Sha was►:taki•ng no active part in the could .take any shift .in a gambling-' woman. Co., Brockville, Ont.. a litho beak;'
i a bit ger" itself exgblit to watch 'the ease lie w�a an reccomplitalied fixer, "Plenty. You've been double- . "Buildin U the Blood," .; will. be
Ville he was snatching £ theh a,g
wagers d .
Pierce sin rd
� r eta
Int su a >a
place. They ay ill's soft Nettle; hese that If was tired out asault' , pale . your ospitalftl " Oenit
fourf. arms- yours." Let us hacr.as. our vocabsn-
along. *11 three of 'em, ao: maybe stairsaIrthada vapid heart action and full" StlY "sr>atluts.' • tday" Word* fee tbisele sott 2
we'll tear off a penny or two en the , Wanda Often Idieeronouneed PLACID; tette, peaceful; mild.
a weak treling. if I entered a warm i . Rinse. Pronounce the i as_in "in," "Across the plaeld waters of the lake
iPierce's pack consisted of a tent Bisek spobecame would fle�t beforend clammy,
as e in "men."
WO drifted."
for the Countess, some bedding, and eyes, and I had sharp 'paha a in my' Gape, Pronounce the a < *see in NP T'Y, of moderate de -
food; with this on his hack he and head. i did not sleep well at. ntrht ."APe." u - kY. -gree; comaaanotate ability. "Te
his employer set out to overtake and would toss around in bed. Aly Surprise. Pronounce the first syl» mediocrity �n# his work prevented ad,
their train. This they accomplished appetite was fickle and poor. e1 trifid table "aur," and not "sup."' �.,....�renceinent.
a shorf difitence below the first erose
:a number of medicines that were 'ad- Again. I'mnounce a•sl en, they G its to R retain. , booting the xetentipe naieap we
sing of the river, Alread,, the white vertised with no good results. I be- in hen, and.1ior as a In Rain.
Lucky is tall his atbelt iA trade lid h f breath. On i ysus dory by mitstwr3>eale one word each,
packers, of whom there were perhaps pan to feel despondent, as when! mete-1ro#li'e. Preferred Pronunciation may be cultivated."
R score, had drawn together; the In- friends they would say, "My, you loots is last syllable es "feel." r , ILIlISION; deceptive appoaranee,
diens were fallowing them in a long terrible." I lost in weight and ini Petite.. Pronounce the i as o in fallacy, "Hie pereecutian wad only
isle. Baying ' seen his companion .spirits, My husband came home oneI"he," accent 'on teat syllable, Ian illusion of a disor,rlered brat."
safely across: the stream, Pierce ask- evening asking, as be usually did,` Words Often Miispeiled PER VNCTORY; done melee*
ed her somewhat doubtfully : how I was feeling, and at my answer ' Surprise (not ze). Orchid, hme or negligently+ with the purpose of
"Do you think Broad and his part- said, "Well, try these," -and be hand- ployee (two e's at end): Acquiesce. getting 'through. • "His work wail
ner are altogether trustwortbeer ed me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Governor (note the er.and or). Al- done in a perfunctory manner."
"Nobody is that," she told him. Pille. lip. said try :them anyhow, legiashee. 1 STIMULUS; that which 'dims
"But they're at Ieast intelligent. IW they may help you. I did try them Synonyms Tates; incentive, 'alis efforts int.
this hind of a country I prefer. enI gave •: t` re. habit .ala custom use e system, and they sure y n qt ick , l , l wage, y , proved' through the stimulus of her
intelligent crook to an honest foo4 sults. By the,time I had taken four fashion, practice: encouragement" 1• e
Most people are honest or dishonest boxes i can hometly say I watt like .a -
wNcsitand as they think' it is to thetir different person. I could hardly rat.
Advantage toe 1* so. Those men• lite it myself. People I 'met would
ant • to get to Dawson, and they say,. "Why, you look splendid. bat
know the police would never let them have you been. taking.'" 11.„v reply
c Tito lied aold.Ti .
- Slat old aut,r stash' witlk. oat little moo
et the Wats, �ehe bitad baso.
Medea tip, but IitWr atteetioa ispsiei
to it, *wig .perhaps it will pee
i* *day or tete. Yoe n .gl..t it,
and tkst It gets down into tke threat
and •fr.afia there to the leaps, and br
esmes a we of seaghieg emotive,
atone sal night,
Rowever alight a toga yon law you
shueld never .usaggh.st it, for it you deo
f isNet potakble, that it will develop
Sato howitititt, p,asus� lila or moo
oder „sedate *bet or ung trouble.
Dr., Woods
Nei way
is sa iiivot'stti:'retiaedy far r +tlasiel
who suttee tow aur form of broaehial•
tisaahle,as it stimulate the weskessad
et yrsr, asntkes teethed* the irtiteted
Sr* )ween, the phlegm end mucous,.
sod aids natty* to clear_awt+y the
saerbid aecutawiatiens:
s carefully. v,
sae r re uU
c n a ' ke and � 'tad hood- eyed whip -sawed. Your noble- red 1 vat ` � postpaid. is little
• he had: base Joe y coo , w p elle MUM i po pat • Tin
Now and then, her • father addressed else the Kir''lay string- of bones. lite men have quit you; theirdumped your book contains: many useful hezlth..
a Iow sunken eroded to her and she a,es a miner of. sorts, .too, ,baring atuft at the elver and nadide a cleat at hints.. -
anawered with'a. nod, anniite or a •( • 'Kirby's +superintended • the "Roulette' )ilial, double rates to' moral • Sant Kirby v Ypi can get sheer, Dille lhrnurlr
'+hake• of be head., She was quite
�'.. ► in i brief :and. rastlei;ona his- freight. They're 'hack in .Dyes now, "' medicine dealer or'mail at 50
d na• of ill a pe3g any,by
at tale.. mite it home, she was ut- tory; as: a trainer he was . without a the -whole Werke." • • cents a box from .The Dr, William*
terlyr 'oblivious to the elose-packing peen.. • Ile had made book on. ;many The Countess Qourteau exploded. Medicine Co, Broykv:ille, Ont.
rang • of sapectators **tante* the i tracks, he it was who had brought with .a meta oath.. Ilor,, face ,tans. - ``
table. :out tlae filly Roulette; 'Sam , i(irby's parple; bar, eyes 'were Maxim. - t• . Some open'.m}nds should be closed
The sight:^ amazed.. Phillip;,. Be beat.known thoroughbred. and "mop.) "Danny Royal, Kirbys'e man, done for ropai '
was.aheaeketd, hid was mildly ara,gered ped uu" with her. Both mine and It. Sam's gone on:to Linderman to i'. ;'---„,...:• .
and sulkily antiitled at the take I'm', mare Danny had named after larby's a build a boat. `'•i saw Danny curled Attacked by Asthmr..1ite first
pression this young woman; had retre and under Danny's management up on the chief's ear while you were
en. It seemed that his judgment of loath had been quick producer,_ All loading., After you'd gone.hunt and earful sensation fie of suffocation,
,_�._._ ...___ -._ .�.. ,,...,.. �... y irate followed. ,n, yiikuch haur by hoar bocoraes more
desperate and hopeless. T'o sueh a
of his •nearesat ntelglibur. 1 case the relief afforded, by Dr. J. 13..
many trades and a Jaen of none He about it until by and by cafne the Reneges Asthaua Remedy . seenie�
I heard he just host a string of mice -a eesaed a code which ha lived np 'to 'em 'M rad to the hea#h and hearain nothiastg'. leas than aeiratulou5, Iter,
horses YIC manes a fortune and he ►, help is •quickly apparent and soon
"Who eau Mr. Kirby..'°• :ie inquired '. o , ,,w , ,.o .w as .r o , ve ..
who knew him beat as a r`.iaster of Bridges never thought anything
"Big sport. Pie "a rich—'ar he was; a wa>a an irreligious man, but he pos. , whole party; empty. Dance trooped
s nes` ` it overt/tent, ha Ha't en h,e1 strictly: epitomized..it ran as follows, Plickcn em. I know him. so` I. asked the dreadful attack is mastered. The
,Sam 3tirby s will 1* done) I.1e be- lino -what the devfik Flands off.
wayp'inside' i now_. with a bit;" saloon a.lieved in but one god, and that. Roue _rays. he. 'Slim `Kirby's got a rusk 'asthmatic who has found out the
outfit, 'hats Letty, his girl.. ` Jetta. Kirby was his profit:. r� order . in . ahead . of yours. and these dependability of this ietIL • is sold
Another roan laughed under his will never be without it. It is. sell
breath, staying; "Old Saan won't bet Equipped' with ti eeallegiance' of refreshmen�te is going through by. everywhere.
such a roan as Royal, together until express. • I've raised your ante.
a nickel. unless she's with him. 11r"R several.Writ of,higinproof apiril,s,•a'`Money no object:, underattaindi . Ill;, .:,.
ttli"erstitls►us." stock of casae -goods and cigars,. some boost the price again if I have to,
"I guess he has reason to be. gambling paraphernalia, and q mod- and keep en boosting it:' `hen he ..
She's'. his ruttier," the . firm speaker erate . bank roll with which. to furnish .warned me not to start anything or
explained. Ki the same, old Sain felt safe in setting he'd tack two letters onto the front
• Mr. Kirby rapped sharpie upon 'the out for any country where gold was. of any. name. He'd do it. too.. I tome
;table with the steel hook that served mined and where the trails were nru a hero I new. at on the n. and awlm.'
teas his Ieft. hand, alien. when a waiter Of he t R hi d Iter "Sant Kirby eh *„ 'Tire Countess'
• 'cleared 'a passageway through the courseto _ t au/ .
crowd, he mutely` invite) the bonen with him. -. Sooner than leave her lie-, flaming rage had given place to a
heed he eye Id have revered lain re cool calculating anger
Zam•$uk provides an ever.
ready and reliable frit-aaid for
injuries. it is also unequalled
as a soothing, speedy remedy
for obstinate and deep-seated
*in disease, poisoned wounds,
ulcers, piles, etc. `
wawa every ben et` zet a,tslt are
sewed Oa anent veleabis holiest,
meshing saad ,antiseptic prieeetttei
kessn to Seneca Its alai se herbal
aaapeatiun auad its sbealate freedom
*es animal tate and newel drags
aisle gate»Balt the iuIe.t sat bee
*moire far ekia to oth* et al kind.
dt,e ,r Wer laws ,4 alter studs *.rust
lime f.ms. �s.swsr ♦rqe,k ar honer,
t.r,ery. s „a5 lir„ aa„ t..'r.,.sss
to ••••tt N ?Rei+, aaartn.R
Hot�1►n�•4ii�( 117
employees to drink. The dealer de- modular/ hand. Roulette and Agnea, fierce .protested violent:; , "I lair
clinic},. the 'lookout am: the case- they constituted the foundation -upon ed those Indians.'" We agreed on a
keeper ordered whiskey, Ind Kirby which the Kirby fortunes rested, they price and everything was settled."
signified by a nod that the same were the rock, to which Sam clung,"'Neil. Danny unsettled it. They=
would da for him. Bet his (hooter,.they were his assets and his 1}abil} 'tie workin' •tor him and he intends
land a hand upon his arm. Re erg- thea, kis adjuncts and his adornmenit. to keep 'em."
ued with her brlefy, then he nhrug.--_,ka.scn was. ins gun.. "What about our white packers?"
ged and changed his order.: 2 saving seen his freight safely the woman inquired of Broad.
•"Make it a rigar,".h' with•ai,i.asshere. Kirby left Royal in charge of "They. must have crossed before
smile. . noas orders. • - iii first impreisin>r uponhini'eertstin Damireatght up, or iced have -toed -
There was a ripple of tang ter. .
'"sasn'a a bad rotor wYten he's i comprehensive and explicit matrue-
drinking," ane of Plerce's inform» i tions, then he and Roulette and Ant
ants told hini. 4'Letty keeps him nese went up the trail and aver the
pretty straight, but once in
Wn,te& threeoat. Somehow, .between the
three of them, they intended to have'
h tett etway. When he d res 'oh t
soaks the memory of that/Alit-faced' at Mr Revel was an energetic little
e ," c ► a scow built and ready When Danny
bong after he had •returned to his landed the past pound .of merehatndise
girl in the foul, .tabtacc7 laden.
ate person. He began an immediate
mosphere of the gantbiing hall re- brut for packers. only to rliaeover
malned to bother. Pierce Phillips; he that another outfit was ahead of hie
could not .get- over his amazement and that no men were immediately
and his annoyance at mistaking her available. He was resourceful, he
for a --well, for x,peed girl.
):only in the morning, when he r was in. the habit of meeting and over,
i coming obstacles, hence this one did
wearily went forth" in quest of break- i not ;greatly trouble him, once he be -
fast and a bed, dela 'learned that the, ram. acquainted with thr, situa+.t,►ti.
game at the Opir was still going on. i Two 'bays and two nights en*bled
"I want you,'`ta• Hire enough pack• 1, the Countess Courteau to strip the
era to take this►,tuft over in one tr«p Northern Hotel, to assemble the elev.
---two at the mors.Engageall ,'o't. able appurtenances thereto, and to
tan. Offer any price." The Cuun» i pack them ,lute boxes, bales, and
tree wss speaking. She had snatch- bundles. none of which weighed more
ed a fever hours' sleep :and WAS row f than one hundred pounds. This int**
hack at the hotel ae'. fres"tone of time likewise enabled the IndiansPi
tik7tou must tae more t. ...Tee whom Pierce had hired to finish their
told her. rea
"You'll wear yourseout', contracts and return to the comet.
at this rate." I in spite of the appalling amount of
She ;limited brightly' Mull eboek her freight Pierce believed he had enough
' head, but he persisted. "Go back to+ men to move it in two trim, and when
sleep and let me attend ''o the wnrk,l the hour ramie .to start the Camaro
• I'm strong; nothing tires n:e." conitalimented him upon hie thorough
• "Nor rue. 111 rest ohne . we get preparations. As swiftly ss might
to Dawson. Niacin thane ' packers be he formed hie packet* in line.
her! - daffy atter tnniorrnrr morning':. writhed their burdens. incl seat them
There were numerous freighters ate their jottreeyr. '1'here rrrpara%
imadalta sit the ' Farsi.»•»Every' in Dyea, outfits with animals. too, bans oceasboewd sataxlt eanfusion ora
Mew and stock -raiser sbould keep sante of there, bat inquire developed it ewnaideralsie crowd axssrarnbltsd
• ellitt1i 01 Dr. Thomas' & eettle Oil the fart that none were free to ace AJWw'""g unl°re�n wn. *jlr'let-
ee b.ad. not only as a ready remedy 'es* a contract of this she et seek •' weeaaueieiui`I ttk i"b ' sa
lir ins file family, but because it short notice, therefore Parr* went taeieed kieawif to the Ater and die
its tame and cattle medicine dI *tem to the 'Indian village and asked fur W ,hi lst isri ee 1. s w
Asa substitute for sweet this Met 'Pallier to &mover • the iaMa'�e41„,,'`" CtswsReys eilireet.el
Ike Wi es snf rattle affected by oW lima, lie iegaat a tet-te»te.t may
It flee .urpastaea anything that march. .pd wind, se engage* he 8raai '
. • be a dmhdatered. seeable* even Jets 1ieCaeiny. 0 seLt
s.rferir.Ig, but* "flats o.teaet were tyre sea ked of
�rmwve' o gra - bn_af me
watt ase) Mss:
were relief.
sena . ,y,. bright with h.... ifi►s. 0 A ti is
them, too'Monett no object. he
sold. I'm Ganged if Vd turn a trick
like that."
"Where'a our stet e"-
• "At ;the Crossing."
• The Countess turned back down
the - trod! and Pierce . followed her.
"I'll settle this Royal," he declared,
"Danny's a bad boy," Lucky Broad
warned, falling into --step. "If old
Sam told him ,t6 hold a bury •lav' in
his lap ,he'd do It. Maybe there
wouldn't 1* much left: of Danny,. but
he'd of hugged it some while he bust-
('Ta be •continued)
A pleasant medicine for children is
Mother Graves' Worm Reterriinatoe,
and it is excellent for, driving worms
'rant the system.
It is better to and out of
a job at twenty-five then never -to,
have attended saiveraity at a11.
Our Coal is of the
highest grade --the' tart. .
est fuel that nature
made, Send in your
Order unafraid. • We'll
fifl it now. You'll find•;
s .p e.e d y • sitis"itcfion
• The etrih. in the' Anthra• cite goal arnnes is likeiy.:to Pae''
throughout the winter. Our prices up •te i ov. Hith'aie: ''
r ��hestnut : I gg 1
s �
9 r on
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•-Our-Coaat 1ala weigh i d on'Yogr•Own �foa,tia.l st sontes
it fro x 'plunnbing or hei r res aattsnt.ori : its
at 22 rigid tsno• Will see that k lisx',prnmptly - lad ;p roper C•. ,
looked after.' • a ,
if You require is flew• feraace, *De,F+a * N.* � `that' '•
hurt* sett coal ane � as has rd aeud sway* ytt u on. ton oaf.,
•cold in lhiree and this�fcrnaco is` sed by the mars
for 25 veers. •
• ThisaFu rnace is soniathing enitire ,. new =tiis• ipfaliei nes
stiruction. '
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'he Hg rdwaare sit the Wharf
SHIP' CHANDL'Ett 1i;1.1%11M ING reed Ht ATlwa'
$oaiee.'Pkone 112:.
An opportunity long awaited while the season
is at its. height - to secure the values we are -
offering in this sale « .
Women's -grid Misses' Coats
At .Sensational Prices
Velours, Duvetynes, Suedines and Marcella,
some fur Trimmed.
Georgette Evening:Dresses
"in all. the newest Shades and Styles. •
to `i leear at Very Low Prices • •
4 eaut�fulSilk Canton Crepe
in lovely Styles and Shades, all to clear at
Very Special ,Prices
S Flannel Dresses
Nifty Flare Styles, to dear at $3.95
Values you never hear4 uf before. Come in and see.
del [adies' Readytoear Co.
Gail rich, Ont.