The Goderich Star, 1926-01-14, Page 5A•4
Sold in 215c, 50c and $1.00 bottles
The COug4-Reneedy to teitlflethe, Wet.
Build up your system Wink 'a good tonic to fortify planed('
lgainSt the rigours of winter,
mask Veer emoda18k Am
bed dubs evempsieng petal&
411 404504144044 114414; bet cirtem-
stamese eves wheals they bed ao eels-
treS iiiierfored to be al eier w-
oad lewd 'reek to sesight.
week et lasportrusee ems
the reerreagiay of your biddigarges
iM 4e4141Ott,OeS imoment. Older
to tailing eyesight yeer coaecter. Mr.
Campbell, was unable to dirty ea mei
neer muesli deed to aeroolet Mr.
Harry T. Edwards as yipar ameaser
and oollector, with Ur. Campbell att-
ires with him, in an &amino), reps,chy.
When this new armansereitat was
completed, the enamor eammitteeni
your council made a valiant effort
to ekan up all arrears ef lore otand- ,
ing, and have managed to overtakeu
vela many of tbe de and diouese ac-
counts and now have thio department
in deviled shape to keep our collee-
tons strictly uu to date.
Your emmeil's next work of
THE TOWN COUNCIL'wee the purchate of new
motor fire truck and ere equipment. '
ooniething which had bee tiadvocated
for many yeas y many of our eiti.
tense and whteli had long been pre -
sed for by the Vire Underweitere=
To *implement this purchme 'a new
fire alarm svetem has been installed,
Wadi may be added to, from time to
Standing Coungiees' Named and Appointments Made time. rie Rinds are available,
eventually, we shall be fire alarm
'boxes eara.litioheds in ill
Mayor MacEwan Reniews Past Year's Work .ad Foretmata
Coning Year' s Program
Reeve manna/is" Chairman •ne rieenee, iDeputy Reeve "rarts of the town. In the meantime,
Moser rn Charge of Public Works; Comm. Turner, ' io case of fire. the alarm is to be
serit bite the town halL the telephone
Special; Craigie, Parks; McLean, Market; Sproul once the waterworks station at
Bre; .Lee, ilarbcpr; .and Bailie, Court ties ilea.
Rour council of 1025 also eueceed.
of OVIi*•i.
ed, riding through an energetic eta-
' zone committee; in the formation of
The inaugural mistingeif the town have caused tussconsiderable concern. a new to bend. ourninunting many
;council ot 1026 ream Iherldeen Monday, In the 'first *slime, we lied the clos. obeetiolors and eifiesulties thali had
egh- =drib's., starting:et 41:eeme.with•all ing met and seljusting •of the vete proved leo winchcfor former councils,
the members elect 'tot their placese large expetiditmes 'Mode in 1924 for Alia so• wen' 'have the bandsmen pro.
,After they . had . all „taken the' neees- G 1'12urPeemsoarid4or .thenew in- erreSreell under able and competent
eel* deelarateoti•Jeod,Mithiet oitlee•hea teteento Like Murree 1eader:1We and the loyal co-operation
fore Magitstrate 'Reid, and after the These eiebetriements were Made of ill. that they were able to rovinete
reading of the report of the returning Wisely and 'well, your' eouticillors last Senterriber at the Canadian Nat-
. officer, the council was deelar,ed duly scrutinizing every Rem thoroughly conal Exhibition at Toronto. It is
constituted, by the 'R. 0„ the 'town and exercising extreme caution at unnecessary to add that the people
every 'Rep. „ of the town were more than delighted
We beljeve, theeefore, that the by the excellent *showing made 'by
'town 'has received excellent value for our own boys.
clerk, Mr. L. Is.'Snox. 'Ar this stage
His 'Worship Mayor Maawan gave
his inaugural address, reviewing the
• vim+ of the Past year• and forecast- every dollar expended and we can Another worli of 'your town council
ing that for the coming year. Mr. assure every eatepayey that he or was the purchase of the house and
MacEwan's remarks esefe as follows; she need have no anxiety in• respect garage property Rejoining, the town
• Godesitile to these two undertakings, The hall. It was deemed wise -to hue
Monday, Jan. llth, 1926. town has twoedeete of whiehet may thisproperty when it was on the
Gen• tlemen• of the Goderich be proud arid While the people have market and could be purchieeed at a
' Town Connell. issued debentures for tha payments fair and reasonable price.
Once again it is me Privilege and of these obligations, they have, sande A further work worthy of mention
Pleasure to preside at the inaugural an investment for edu4ation and for Is the tutting off of the hill on the.
meeting of •a new town council and' -their good health, which will amply toad to Saltfc•rd, and the widening of
in 'doing...seer ',wish to extend my cosi», repay them, and at the seine time, the thoroughfare at a point which hat;
.gratulations to you all -en, your eke- Rims are simply transferring their become exceedingly dangerees owing
tion to this •most honorable pi$sitionmoney from .one pocket to the other.. to the ever Inereasing autoinobile
None of us have come through a Prom a finaucial.• strindpoint,eif traffic using that road. sen
strenuous . 'election campaign this from no other, they have made a entatives at the county council are
year ,iwith the exception of our De.; eafe and sound investment frons ;deserving of great commen:hit:fon in
pitty-Reeve, nevertheless the aide- .1 which no loss can ewer eneue. • getting this work under way, in ea-
-Doers halite shown their cenildence I lEarly sin" the year. 1025, on Jan- operation with Reeve Robeftson of
in tire other membra of the •eouncil uary 80th to be .exact, it was our, Colborne eownship, and the sroad and
by allowing their election by sicela-lorivilegeto partake in the ceremon., bridge commission of the eounty.
matfon. ' lee -of therfortear openingefothe• construction is being alone as a
We are gifing to Mime 'very ser. I le remodelled Godericlo Collegiatein- county undertaking entirely,.with no
musty indeed,. the member a of last •slitete. coot to the town outside's§ itis ordin-
• yearet counen who are not with us A feat weeks, later, on 'Vele 1tji.are, county assessment s, .
%dale eked e•am $izse-taing to say .the ew Alexandre; Mann o amt Gen -i Another menet. tbatfime•eegrossed As we have almost $1.,096 taxes-toril:1Z-3171.°.417,ar mu.-
eto the :new members, who are eral Respite. I was formally •••openedo your council's •attention duririg the against this- .eroPerty, it would be -
t*tiJng their ,places, that if they mea- 'These two dirk enterpriset will re- past year has been the matter of the weltlei bring it to sal' 28 .8°S11 SSWatTP"sirl'nei7.1,1t /Infiniti! arrr
sure up to, •or exceed, the old moved fleet great emelt en sbe.good eitiaene" proposed new menicipal 'building: poisible,sso that the town or some ':°°•
• • hers in werking capacity, they "will of (oderich for many years .to terrre. Early theryear, acting on the Private individual may pet possnessredn smule ,I
". exceptionalles well and 'will 'During thm CoU1 t 11 1" In -M0
e onths February' maridatel gineri them by the vote of of it soon in order *'hatm
much needed
serve the thanks of the electors at and March our council ered inks the people, held at the time of the repairs 'end improvements may be -.Twee... Lee. Sreoul and etcLeap.
the end of the•year...; !negotiations with err. eyes. Hatch ell municipal election, your council, made upon 'it. . ,
sisiVd7.1°1;:...'92.Priii.tmelncirittegann,e';)nr. tteirdn-
Ie-therefore, wish to welcome you ' the Mack Furnace Company of amt.. ter considering carefully the appliea. I would ask that tenders be asked
.......alkte..tee great work which is set limn for the sale of the Brock street! tions of large number of architectsferfor on lulPertaat town work,fo
re .1,°.7einsPda'ite 'riieeeShdof •li
nlrci no;
before you in looking after the town's plant of the National Shipbuildingeefigaged the firm of S. E. Coon and that the council deers not find itself ' to se
' business for another year, and 1 trust Company. Mearigementa were ar-) Son,' Toronto, to prepare plans for liable for larger outlays than have .4.1'7e1,.
*?p". irl?en; er
that the high ideals which your last rive•d at- which were mutvally satiseesuch a building.
year's council :let before them will factory to the town and to Mr. natal! The; Company enbeerred mate, beettn. wrIlolvipdredlobtflIr; he. necessary for tetdo,',te,R. otrir:totrn.P.detehin:hnvnpC:rs017:7:12(.141;tnenPnnidt45on2tt7r;s;
be maintained 'during, the year 1926. and suet when the documents were' Plans tied sketches and 'the comicil this town to arreogte tor a grant to
accomplishments "worthy df note, 1 neassfelethroueit. Ales was the big with the architects personally, as to understanding of last year's council,
emineil for 1925 there have been someehiteli occurred arid .the whole busi- consideiting them, rine in consulting usval in accordance with the verbal
special meetings for .the hospital somewhat larger than _meRn.°Le.j,fttitro'cln"b;91: 1.7#714,"°,2,°7il'Efoeadricl,
late la name as sew stow masa/wale outlay made upee
see. tbst asit the heildieg sued its it, if we are going se have pltridar
feraiikkoms. facilites* for our tour‘ta ia which '
1101111 Olit to tie electors we /Ala feel say *saki* pride.
ke mar aim time &ritual pee- Rather C41414ittal
mom requemd for ineetime the cost We must allow so Ist-up to the'
eat tee Wanes would Ise aheet a'e work at Godes** harbor and no ef.
wens OR their 441144404M, rev- fort mum be spared no pursuadieg
nue derived from rentals of offices the Governavont to continue Ow work
mei loan, equal to at *east lee mills, of new (Tibbs)* sad more dredging
or e min= at *bout 2 nulls en as was so wet, begun last year.
their We Isere high hopes that at no
To effort this, howevee, it was ex. distant day our harbor will he the
plaln.d that other obSisaitions ot the great depot for tint handily*. a Al-
tows whke leosold be pale off see re- berth coal between the West and On -
tired dwing the int Ine years would %riot
relieve every ratepayer of abort 521 The interswitehing arrangements
mills on kis assessment ter taxes, so •over the breakwater track will no
Oat the present $441111ed 4500t op. doubt be amicably arranged in the
portune time to proceed with the very near future.
work, while the offer of Mr. 'McKey Nothing niust be left undone to,
remained open. keep eur limber and our port facile.
It the town's huoincsa could be ties up to date in order that the We*.
econceikally tnanaged tor the next tern Canada Flour Mille. the veva-
yeerss the people might have a tors, the railways and the dredging
new municipal Wilding' and have outfit* may be kept humming with
their taxes reamed to the ;Mont of induslrft
probeibry3 to ate mins in the dollar. Their work is the very life blood
However, as You all know. the vote of this community. •
New Arrivals
This Week
10 Inch plain Georgette in the following sltades:'Nav:t. Jade
Phantom. ail shades selling at
Grey, Bokhars. Black, Tan, Sand, lietalteaisrevitilluvire and
3(s Inch Velvet in Mack, liritwn, and dark Blue, t.t
....$2.25 per yard
AprhL.ot:..Silk Velvet ia l'61t and Brawn ;tudillact. t tur
$4.225 pit yd.
IS Inch Crepe -.Chine in all the leading colors„ also the noN.
Phantom shade. All colUrs selling at ..$1.75 per yd.
to Inch Black Duchess Silk. Special value at *1.85 yard
Phaeton shade. All colors sellhig at. 41.75 per yd.
on the. by-law to provide the neves. Seidel Committee
miry lands for this building veut Veil have ample work set aside
*submitted to the ratepayers on Mee. for it as the months, puss by, The ' - e • •
thy. last awl 41i4 detested hr 4 eotes. town bend is the special care of this , .
deal of extra work and responaibilitys undoee eluit Will Mar the progress 0 ' E. HIBBERT,
This Mimed thoreouncil of a great conunittee, and nothing' must be left ,
The defeat of this by-law will no its that all eur empty stores are again
which would have feller! to their lot of the work so nicely underway.
if the work bad been gone an with. 1 .
Another tnatter for congratulation
doubt be a greet disappointment to filled, and as pointed out in the Sig. .-
many of our 'progressive eitizeno, but , wnale hoatverecehadntfodar date, w:oltia2o0oe ymeaorsre,
the will of the majority must prevail.. stores and shops now operating than
1 would. therefore, eels that a com- C =mission for the years 1024 end to *Set ifloneeessary.
---> - . .
matt* of flea council be named It will be up to this committee to en- 27.
:courage country trade Sievery way 1 Councillor Melkan withdrew his
wboto duty it will be to cell upon Mr. • The Mayor was appointedto repre. request for rebate of business tax.
Robt. IdeRity at once and extend to possible, so that Toronto and London sent the town council on the Board The following were named 45 4
him the thariks and the gratitude of mar not oteal any more of our retail of the Alexandra Marine and Gener. committee to .handle nuitters in eon.
new eternal for his very generous bueiness than can postibly be avoid- al Reopital.
offer et $12,000 towards the proposed ed- - It wen decided te hold the -regular jug phintrTheeMayor, the Beeeee-th*-- -
• neetion with the National Shipbuikl-
rinnewe beerieivIdinage,natndretgeo eetxproe to hien Slur fire, market and court of re-
vision committees 1 feel will be *lire. see third Friday evening* ini eitch
meetings of the council on the first Deputy 'Reeve and Councillors Lee
votes of the ratepeye4hwacit by
trhee- i Ily looked after and I ism' that we month, et 8 o'elock, OS heretofore. and Bailie.
luitantly eompellee to eleeline the c n look forward to the year 1926 Authority was passed foo the pay- ThTehemtrimiajettioner 1 ofwtnheied
srilendid and exceedingly liberal gift, ilb ‘leollo and emlfid"ra4 nient of the Ontario Weat Shore hers of the coulee' was
tendered so cordially to his native We are beginning the second quer- Railway bond interest nue Jan. lot the finance committee. •
tee of the 20th century under the A
would especially ask that the their -
town. •
may prevail at all our meetings, and
' et number of accounts were refer. Borkwa COnfirmitig the vat:ions 411-.
In planning our work ;or tee year moot favorable auspices.
upon which we hates just entered, 1 I trust that the greatest harmony e mince Contra QC and the pointmentis made during t le meeting
sume committee was instructed to by resolution were rimmed and the,
make banking arrangements. council then Adjourned. ••• ••; •
man of each committee con* to the that we all ahall be prompt and pun*. e minutes of the nrevioue meet -
meetings with his work prepared in teal in our attendence, ,
ing of the council were adopted. 1 -
A letter from the. Dominion Road s ODE MABKETS
advance, oo that long tedious discus. May the good things for 19213 far
sions will not be required arid that exceed ourimost ardent hopes; ! Whose per bush...4 Lee to 8 1•40
Machinery Company, Ltd., was with
good hours may be kept. Buckwheat, per bush. 65 lo 70
le.75 to 13.00
year just when the company want to s ,,... ,,,..,-.... • I . • 1.45 to 1,50
has plenty of work ahead of it in fel- committees for the year was the next and interest due Jan. 1st. This pay- Oats, per bah 40 to 40
lowing up the • good work aecomlu business. The aye old members. oo !mod coining at the beginning of the Pas. (.(01. n,,,,n
fished by last year's esnemittee." the council, namely Moors. Men- Barleyeper buoli65 to • 7.
• Isast year's council *ere able to
reduce the tax rate by 2 mills. , ubigo, Moser, Lee, Sproul and Turn- lime all available coital for the per- •
als is at an inoppor- teee to 412S;
Cettle, ordinary, pa
What cantthe,.1.926 council do ? • er. were appointed ft 'Striking' corn. chase of meter!
mittee ana when they brought ein tune time, amounting as it does to e Artie, eeport.. ..7.50 to 7.4kee
It will he IWO tide temmittee to their report, as follows, it Was adopt- *3,075.05, and of late years the coun- . (pet g,e) . •
ell have been paying the fund ands Castle,
clean up all. arrears of taxes if pos_ ed withopt eiseussion :
sible, and in „nee way 'rave only• the i choice per sett 1.50 to 7.56
8,00 to 11.00 •
kenance-eMessrs. Muuringa, Lee, receiving repayment, with interest, restless, per ewe
Your finanee committee this - year The appointment of the standing reference to the payment of the bond Begs
current year's taxes to *deal with as Crsigiss, Tomei.' and Moser. - .. eater on in the year when the coin- bet,..• Pete.
--..., ..„....,....s,... le to 45
Pu bl ic WorkseeMessro Moser, Pany is getting its returns he. . a
schedule of immense .*-• Eggs, per doz... .. 30 to 35
•other progressive towns are doing.
If possible it will be their duty to Mnnrnngs. Crrugie. S0reui and Turner " suggested Piimily flour, per ewt 3.00 to 4.00
make adjustments of times and loans 0 'in e tery 11 nd Parks-01essia„ by Mr. Mitchell, the manager of the Patent flour, Crpcwt. 4.75 to ...5.00
oteurtisentan. ding with severvi. ,I of our fee- f`roleire Bailie, Lee, Moser and. Mea company, was enclosed,
Lean,. . . being for $770. This hadthe first. gran
S p e rials--eleosre. Turner, seline been paliPerrod the interest on the
alreadY Shorisellelirert°thoi.i.f. .2231° ti 'A;2
ton........5.00 .. 41 ...).
eioderich curling and seatieg rink Ray, per ton 10.00 to 12.00
is falling into disrepale and is mar. nines, Mee, Ramo end elcoseare bond paid. The matter wee •referred Hideo ...... ..„ OU to Oil
Ali* the beeutst and .spoltiolg the tsp- a MarkPt•-•-/Viefgtra;' MetoPt"It Potatoes, per ba. • 2.50 to 2,64
Sproul. to the finance committee with power
peatance of Vette street ' Meeningo. Moser and Bailie.
. t
Hens Free from Atio
Will .Lap More' i 1'
---0••••••' Wilier
Write for Pratt. Pouitrysnook and Advice et
Send 104 for 160 page Book enema -ate td
PRATT P000 e0....f CANADA. ihriese . TORONTO .
reelessing the work of • your about to 1* completed and signed, a-heid numerous
foe. the 19V1. 27 and 1R.
• think, and somedisappoititmenta that ontstandinl dialPorlitment en Probable COSta and in &mine' into the rind in this *ley remove le sonic ele. ivr`'• A• v"irn g V.n-qt'"nin fed
Complete With
All AC(C1100(it•
. Many intricate details such a build- tent the unwleiclIss and unfair load a meT'fber. of the Tirele'illel 206 sTonn,r
Mg involves. e-hieh • ;epee of our willing workers
• ' ----------------------------- ' soon as 'eatimictes are struce, I
community centre for town'and coun- 'rying from year to Fear.
„ .
• The *Thole idea. was to provide a throughopt the town have been car- !
Buy at theAed and White Store
- • • .206 STORES
. • •
vent around which the busineos of I would ask the chairman of the fin -
Islet :It beau • this section of the country 'would re- *Mee committee to watch the Cxpen-
tVOULDN'T it snake a 04,41IstfulfutI-
dition to your home?, •
- gine". the quality d its tentr;le even
emecharmin:add ratiefylrat.ttiloretwee
.tlsro, 1 install this renuina024kRKA. it.
isaastalied ri ,ht ...c u,tc.lscoordiM 10
• etre:1460ns that.,prevail is your par.
titotts locality to al (0 rive you the beat
poroikle tetults all -the time. .
Thin is a result d iny thoterrela tees
int aper O.:AAR:A enemeere. It up
why 1 can render you ouch tral:oneroita
at to a•••ore your must ....uninete 0416
lit up till.
In your bonuln,
self. Ste how rosily
you east tuns it. bring.
ing in for distant ntodoodoorith surprise ' :
I5 s volume. sleety me adreoseeteme A community room 155 planned We feel that this coaimittee wit
eveive attention.
of UAW. You wilt sa y *Arnow others- where any of the various societies of in safe hands.
"Thu.**, radio I've boor tookirut tor."
people of the town would have the
you FREE •domoostration without their meetings from tiroe • to time AttitidisP!orikilittee
pee,. or wits sni whom Ismer Me. , opportunity and the right „of holding et willCbeenietuperYto
any coat or abligitron, what4ouvor. tee that the miniature laarks and
yoke. and in this way our 'Merchants ditures of each committee, to riee that
and our MarinfactUrersand our eite no -cheirman exceeds his estimate WEEK OF JAN 18th te JAN. 23ril
zenn generally. would honefit, Mien- from month to monde •
soeirillyeand fecim If this committee ie able to wipe
• Ammeter' -Nights on lairodity nod i Palmolive Soap • Campbell s Veg.
, .
n y.• e to feline is a par.1
every ether point of view. out our. overdrafts at the batik by 'tyedtial list of the en trant.; and there*
'In the first place, mocii -exand up the end of the year, it will be worthy t t •
to doto municipal ;offices -would be of the greatest commendation and _are more en r ee o Lome.
provided for the town cleek, town thanks of the ratepayere. GMT EDGED BERTH.:
treaeurer, town assessor era -celled. Public Works . (A Dapper, Youth) 1
. • on pollee officers era otter.. Then " The -publieseerofise--emernittenewie -URN 1, .
, we were also to have a town .council no doubt have an able and. competent (The Highland Lassiee)
chamber in keeping with the dignity chairman, who will carry on the good 'PHYLLIS LAWRENCE ,
hThe Dainty Sonester) ' •
and offer suggestions're their mufiki- permits, the Remeton street and (Some Wein* Bang') •
and inmortance of the county tow, work of last Veer.
where the citizens might attend in Cambria Road will reritire to be
comfort and. listen the diocuseimee 'completed •and as. tom weathee
pal affairs. Vaults were also to 'be Picton street omen must, •be finish. NIP AND TUCK
(ovitli two new nets) •
supplied in all the offices for theeefe- ed and. after this, we tlinet that' it
- ty of public -books,-reedds and may be well to put spetral attentkin Show 'starts at 7.30 pan. At regular
documents from fire and theft. • en perhaps two or three 'streets that Prices ; reserved .ieats. Come.
A police court with ofticeo for -the are much limed. in order that perman- and help yore favorite .vin a prize. -
magistrate. the juvenile court °Meer, ent roads may be made of 'them with
end the Children's Aid Society seere- 'the minimum ainouht. of upkeep. St fig
tary, with the neeeasitry g a. and Ws'
rooms and cells was also to be pro- led street by tourists and others, ANNA Q. NILLSON.• liEe'el.YON I
'waiting Georgie** Creecent as .1 snitch travel-
vlded. Tlie -Water and Light Corn- should be scarified and improved and and • MAIRJORM DAW
niirision, were to be furniahecl with the streets mentioned last year on in a gripping drama or a woman's
adtriinistration offices and eaks the wed side of our town ehould re- light against ,fate .
without obligation lo en n
A Indies' root room etae aloo ar. with the prblie works. committee are
, Ye 0. plate built last year in conjunction
. FRANK McILWAIN ranged for, where -women of the conn. oemled and sodded as loon as v•eather
try or town might welt while burn- permitsL
AR was being transacted by other Some help or advice night be had
Phone. DUngairinen 7 R 14 . It' RM
R. Nix 9, Dungannon memof bers the family at the stores front the Horticultural Society (to
, • . or 'banks or mills of our town, A whom we are already oulebted 111
- -- , - --- - - 4 ,wsisesiUmanoOmiklaistaumanmeasesaarro '""""4//e public lavatory, and comfort station many ways) as to te nlantin% of
Iran atso tncluded•
A fire hall and proper homing for inetrratforsd,t Litildt,Valtn, 11% ait84veotheeer
"One Way Street"
"Maid in Wrote*"
Wedstsday and Thursday
featured In Joseph Cortree't claosie
of literature which has made one of
the niiiiitliiteeeeting of ocreeirattriuse •
• "Lord An" •• .
Ijiti a i f , • our new fire truck and fire equip- places. • „ .. „,,iik OCR GANG COM.e.:DY
relent was to he provided and euart- .r. A curbing or stone enclosure ot ""' cult h Society" •
ere were planned far our firemen and' isome oubetantial kind must be built
living 'rooms for the man In cbarg.e!, *bout our soldiers' memorial in order. , ......-
In the basement proviolon wee' to 'take away the barren and untirie Friday and Saturday I
made for I geinnasium and winter ,-, iohed asped it now has. C L. A ME WI NI)SOR, EUGENE
games Piloted the young people desire 1 ornamental tou
ring at .the • O'BRIEN, EILEEN rracy and '!
Clearing sale of Skating Boots and tedroom Slippers at 'it at some future time. I front of the eentetery should be roni-
s In addition to all theoe. urgently eldest, and if it would not entail too CGAIRE ADAMS
1355 reduction, Buy now, ' heed * waisted's! dist hi s great dere
' I
Skating,Boots Bedroom Slippers
required and mech needed improve- moth root second reed might be, meek presented,*
month an maditorline WrIts to be in- built into . the cemetery, so that a , esoigit f1-1 ERN'S or &Jame
51110E STORE. 6.4.4 far th• isoliber of !intone meet- right sae left or an in and out road
him at ad kWh. might enaintabitel arid In MIN way , CHRISTIE COMEDY
phone 43 W. rertorprter, a pulite spirited damn% incited at several olarntaneres turtle a
Twat& thie proposed stunk,* MI danger of seekleat would he Olin- PATHS NEWS
ohm, es ctribete tonhe rim of 1.. the. l road Into the
eopre mikes' te The ea pine grog& tio7The C`i mint* at $. p.m.
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Goderich Beauty Parlours
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Gertrude Konnila