HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-14, Page 3Special Canned Goods Sale
“Where Quality Cototts"
Stook Your? pastry with goodis whom groaner is
assured. Worposaassumodoissoftoystsio” brand fault*
and wogotablos. Many azoapttoual iribleast clueing
this sate. sure. you pt your Aare.
Bil CORN TIN3 23
BAYSIDE Aeas spsk,
PEAS Insist 2 TINS 29c
Chaim" Quality
Gold Bar Spinse1 2.3e
Rom Sol BEETS 23c
TIPS 111. TIM 41c
CLARK'S or 2 for
PEARS Ur 17c sAtmott
BARTLETTPriAirszkletilltrWatt 29e
ITIVZSITEs 2154: l'icl 1.014 $13clari to irla 2::
geeplEAppLE 511141:11Nat$ 28*
23c serum HIERRINC Mk
rilEY` OR'SIOlf
TRAt AiMOND3* iui.3c Rom
Rortattorrazich. arliftwoormit dilte
../sorbstambir wank- • Da.
D. S. L. BULK' 59c RA: Mayfield litatit 411011!ihil
a 1-W. WIN WWI.
••••. 111•4
ilm••••••-••••• 11111111111111101111. •••1 ••••••
Now lit Mims!
Case the hoof IMAM ip nuke mil
rasa Yee met atm semwei that the
aware asinalt *eat the atom* Owe
or bore* sad she mass man be re
seareel When plosearast mas• t ma
he WA
eirstrieoley tile palest liead-
Is iv* iosaIer resouly eat the
ohm et all Aeon sae et "ray dm-
otiplaisa tem
oessoores . .s. ...
MINK wad with tis ease, removed you
edit not be troubled way mane
Pat op for the 47 years by The
. Milbere ge., Lt.d Teroatoe (hat,
'mot% W. H. JACKSON -Instruction
-e- seven In Voice Culture. Organ.
Pianoselolin, Oultar. Theoree tee.
Studio and residence. North Street.
H. C. liAMILTON-eirganist North St.
• Unite,' Church. Concert Niger
end Teacher,
Residence at • Mrs. Colborne's, St.
Patric& elf.
.LEGAL %linnet • •
F.it. DARe6w.
harilster, SoHeitor, Notary Ote..
Successor to ,T. L. Killooito
Phone Pe Office, Th a Squatoeceeterich
r, • V, • V •
Barrister. Solleitor. Notary..
pitoN. F Puttileefloweeyeeese•
I Vt. Y. J. it. FORSTER.
Lata House burgeon Sew York optimal -
seg. can. NOSE, THRO.
0110 MS Aural Hospital, agalvtant at Wort,.
,Afars Eye Hospinti and 'Golden twitare
nogg Hospital, Landon. EDE.
aa watertou tgratiora Tele-
thons get
At note! BeJford, Uoderieh, on the
everting of the third Monday of eat+
month. from 7 o'clock till the follow.
ing claysairdny, at 1 p. me
Registered Chiropractor. Ooderleh ,
Office hours -2 ap :*1 1017 to 9 P. 'in.
• and tea, appoinemente excepting Monday
and Thurielay afternoons and eveninee;
..Waimea -eons on these days 10 10 12' len.
Corner East and Vittoria She
Chronic., Organic'. and Nervous .Diseeses
• Consultation Free .
- --• •
A.L. COLO, II. 0, ---------
Wee; Street, coderIch.
'Hosior °radiate of the Canadian OPa-
- 'Utak-ale College of Toronto. •
Eyes examined by the latest methods,
and the proper fitting of glass., at mod-
' erate prices. -Ontario Board .oe Rune;
iners Certificate No. fil5. •
wet. MAHAN.
rumor PUBLIC
tworat entiveyaneitur done
• owe coupon. ReOreaented •
Phone roe ree, uoderfee. Ont.
qp,osviREENSLADE. alaytiela,
veinal:me and Notary einem
TliOaLeb GMAT.
• Liao Melt and Georgia Auctioneer.
Hamilton *nes, tioderice.
ewe Ulnae averyYMVO end ail ferule
eon to etve yeti santraction.
t,orinorn gate Junes maeoutlagl,
Qualified Auctioneer.
' Eldon Coderich,
will oenduet an Nue the Cooly of
Huroa. For haurittation apply to P.J,
Ryan, ileonliton et., o- eelers ,eft With
him will, reccie prompt' atteilt1.311.
• '••••• ; INSURANCE •
nealaet'oe. iltrTnAL. trnst.bet.,.../b.
• MA. CO. .
IOW isolated. Town Ireoperfy hutrea.
. Value or eropereseinsuriet lie to esnuere.
sSiS 13.048.1175.1.0.
orrIceatiieoatnee. 'cottony. eresideut:
-• . • dooms • Jas. Evans, Vtdo-Prosidooti
• oecteeeed ; T. E. nays, Oa -Tress., liatt.
• • torus. . •
r. Manlier. StParOilta
• S. O. woe: eentunrop • wow write *um-
- stance ; McCartney, Tuekersmitu
loon -Ferris. Undo& ; John , lahnoen It*
dhagan; Murray ,Sibeore Druee-
gisTS-J. W. Teo, doderieb &MAT
Clinton *. *WM. Muntaby, fitiatorta
• innefitey. Searortb._
policy. Healers pay their atiesantentoi •
At R. H. cat's store, Matinee, A. J. Nor-
ilsk% mooning store,. •Calaten, or. J.. H.
Rola% Itityflein.
Have it attended to ay the
• • Established 1878 •
• Head Office: Dungannon, Ont.
, Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God
erich, pres.; Wm- J. Thompson, Aub -
tiro vice press -directors-Wm, Me-
StMelens; W. P. heed, R. R.
lele , Luch,noW; H L. Salkeld, 'phone
600r11„ doderieltt.-Alex.-• Nicholson,
Lacknow; Wm, Watson; Jas. Girvin.
R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. 1. Thorny -
so, Auburn; Tim Griffin, lt. IL 'No.
7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kincar-
dine, Ont. .
Confederation Life Asionloteon
ss Accident, Accident, Auterraltilie
* Fes Insurance
e,OFFIC , In Mr. °WOW'S office en the Sitere.
• --es, es • • THANE !tIE
••• • 1 1110•1•111110 • 11.111•••••• —
rhood News ets
Picked From Our Ex
mrsissia. 1811nlim.YI aillf"1 Sirius st iritata's Glory ammwiwipment
usik Pkr""vuomii chive mr`•MANSION HOUSE McEwen's Specialt
Wirogioase Deed The Maaralon Roma the official re- •
esMr. W Powell, a *mon of *kerne* of the Lard Mayor af Lootion
Tereloorry, wood pesteefelly away daring Ws term of saw, hal loom so
at the *owe of his daughte-, Mrs. clooiely asociated with every great
Hasa coo*, ceeetwate Diamond . daY, January 154, at 1 Pea., whim R. H. Kearmody, 82 Roes Stmt. St. notional alovement during the pot '
the annual report will be peoented Thomas, ale Doe. *Otis 1925. 1Ie wile century Mai il. half, and its stacceseive
and officer's elected for 11126 in. falling health for about ono year occupants hove figured go prominent -
Mr. and Mrs. John Raneon, who rte. '
Wes Brother of Labe Voodoo and seriously Hi for several months. ly in repreeistating the citizens of
sklat with' their daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Officer et •Whighem He was barn in Potluck, Somerset, London on secession* of Imperial in-
Jaraleson, Jr., on the 9th eorteeolon
Tim Canon et. R. Davis, who died !calla°. D. On'h 1847, and came tonna, that no building IN better
of Rullett. celebrated their sixtieth in seaues,sear.pee,seeot ea his loth with his parents to Amok*, in known or possesses a greater hold
wedding annlyeread on Sattarday 1663. The family settled zit Turn- over the popular imagination of the
Jan. 2nd. TiOey Wave resided in Hui- Year, was' a brother of the late Cus-
lett all those years with the except- toms Meer IL Davis, of Wingham, bartY 185e, where he took part in British people.
al1 the activities of pioneer life. In For many centuries the 1-hief tunic.
ion' of tan years spent in Clinton. and son of the late Rev, Wm. Dttvla,
4 one of the first rector* of St. Paul's his declining years hie favorite em- istrate of the great city had no offt
I Had Right Arm &okra
Friends ' will regret to leant thut •In 1874 he ittarried Mary J. Wade. minor duties were conducted either
• Mrs. IL IL Hill, of Auburn (sister of Joluaston-Gannat .
Their family of fort children are as from their own homes or from one of
Mrs. E. Lear, of Blyth), had the nus- St. Peter's Anglican chtorch, I•uek- follows: Mrs. a Dunn, of Spring- the halls of the many trade guilds
fortune to have her right arm brokefield. Man.; lire. R. IL Nennedee of The Menution House Mande on guilds.
now, Ont., was the scene of a pretty
church at Wirighano. ployment was the WHO 44 the ex*. cid residence; and their multifarious
en in two places sy sews thrown wedding at 3.30 p.m. on Dec. 30th. st, 'menses; William, of Biribrook: site of the Stooks Market, where the
from a cutter. She, in company 71111111 Rey. Horace Bray, M. Ae, unit- Robert Henry, precleceaaed his faith- citizens had purchased their supply
with Mr. Geo. Sturdy was driving to ed in marriage Mr. Frederielc Char- er Nov. lst, 1926. Me followed of fish and -fowl and good red iterringsa
les Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs.
this home when the horse hen* un-. farming for many years in Tura. fore over a thousand 'ear., and the
•Arch. Johnston, of Ashfield,
manageable and ran away. Both berree Asheeld and Binbrook, Went- *pot- Wag chosen awing to the fact
'were thrown out but Mr. Sturdy Miss Jean Gertrude Gaunt, daughter worth cos
and was successful. Hie that ft was the heart of the diadem Now is the time to buy sk of dishes to off.
Free deliver) to any part of the Town. -
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Je!ly Powders hand.• • • for :Jfs' 4
A good teaspoon. King George design, given awaN with each
4 bars Soap, McFwert's special
o cakes Pilot Tree Toifet Soap .....
3 lbs.- loose coon for - .25
O lbs. of Sulplter or Silts suitable for stock purposes for .25 .
.lust to hand a few hunstoofpouna's of a real good Black Tea.
1.3%, will give I lb. of this Tee 1 loaf Mried 11. Buib
and 1 bar Soap for the sant.? price a pound of any patkage
Special price on large Flannelette. Blankets •
Special price on Panel; Blankets •
s -
We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and
Men's Fleece.lined Underwear.
•Qcgoke Linen Roller Towelling •
2.5c per yd.
Good large Bath Towels Ooc per pair
Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right
o s ose
wanosh. Peet fourteen Years, excepting when -led city of the Romans.
• P awl-, CI " 4" wife died in1140. He had spent the city and the exact centre of the will -
escaped severe Injury. •
K. IC. IL at Dashwood
On New Year's Eve the citizens of New Bell TelePile" Trouble Man visiting his children, with his Mater,' The building Wag commencee in
Dashwood wore, surprised to oee a Mr. W. A. Holmes, the new "troll., Miss P. Powell, of Wingham.
1739, but owing to the moony nature
of its foundations it was not coin -
loge fiery. crest butiiing• ore the blee man In eounection, with the Bell The Late Charism Martin, East
Tetephon e Co., district of Clinton, ,
filetod until fourteen: 'years' later.
Main street, which was a non -ex- Wawanoth
The cost of the structure ;amounted
porience for the villagers, anti' drew Goderieb and Seaforth. has tak- 'rhe late Charles Makin, who 'pas -
their attention from their own fri- en up his residence. in Clinton, hay. sed away at Ms home. Lot 28, Con. to over. e360,000, but practically the
whole amount was provide." by the
' volity and gaity, which they had ing leased Mr, leemp's house, the 12, Emig WaWaltOish „ on Sunday.. accumulated finee imposed on promine
started at the ushering in of the one recently porelialeed from the . January 3rd, was a much respected ent citizens who had refused to ae-
new year, 1926. 21.pparently ethis Cole estate. Mr. and MIN: Holmes, old gentleman. He was a sop of the eept the office of Amid'. Ma some -
'symbol wise the workof the K. Kele, have one date/liter, who is a Colle. late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meanie what dull and heavy exterior hides a
This organization seemrt to be en- giate 'Went. and earni from 'Bovonanville -with
Iarging very rapidly in the' country 014 Clinton Boy Monored • his' parents and settled on the -very
palace of regal splendor, in which
are numerous lastiahly-decorated
as well as in the.cities. Dr. W.' Holloway,' an old Clinton farm on which he has lived now for
Huron Plowmen boy and brother a Mr. A. I; Hollo. over sixty-three yeara, when; he
apartments and a magnificent, ban -
years ,Do, euetting chamber known as the
The annual meeting of the Huron' way. of Clinton, wan elected arayor waa a boy of thirteen
Egyptian Halt The' buildinte oleo
Plowmen's . Association wig be held -•of Peterboro on New Year's Day. eased was never married but re- contains a police court, in whit+ the
-' --th --t -h 11 Brussel. pre, Those eitypeople wouldebe in a sad sided with•hia sister, Min lilargatst Lord Mayor sits each_ morning to tr
1 petty criminal eases, a Tay Trani- Of office.
way it weren't for the clever ar n.
J. J. McEwen
PHONE 46 Santis Side Square
holder of the office as to he a plan of precedence over every subject of the
wealth, as the official salary of $50,. ero.wn, including members of the
000 is utterly inadequate to meet the royal family, and the king cannot
heavy expenditure erotalled by the enter the city without first securing
lavish entertainments he is called up* the permission of the chief mas-
on to provide throughout the year, 'striate, who always meets. his sorer;
and many occupants of the civic chair eign at Temple Bar and (escorts the
have expended over $200,000 from royal carriage in its progrese through
if their private purees during their year the city streets.
Country boys who are continual'
flowing an to . take up the reeponsi. . w c gave p c Wens •
efeeteleefeel...414;* +see Y Pocock-Leever Wedding whi h he i ht 11 be se
eieselee • • c m g we relleeed, as The charter hi le th ' e
HEAD STUFFED FROM Mitten of running their affairs for A. VerY IfrettY wedding waa eel- the chief magistrate of. tile city is the tight to elect their own mayar Cheery e I (to friersde; seism I
emnized at the home of Mr. Und not expected to, and very seldinn proyided that the person chosen my dear, Wet a tUrn 3,011 MVO Me .
CATARRH OR A COLD thenu ' • . • Mrs. Jas. Leaver, -Winithant on does. possess any real legal know- should be present el t the king on I fatight you win diede-atrite, dia.
• Dec. 30th, when iltyla ledge, and he hut rarely ventures to ia 4 A
We JUStleeS lat Westminster 'for lip -
Death of Former Clinton Resident wedeeeday, /Ivo 'earol several- people! 'opetaltira'
Opens Mr Passages Right Up, Sunday, Dec. 27th, of Mr. William Thonme Leaver of Wawanoeh, was a whispered consultation vith the which led to the holding of the fern- ADVERTISH lloi. TIIE STAR%
.1,4,ossesee„Heeefesseesseessessess, 3. 'Cooper,st former resident of CUT'. married to Mr. George Earl Pocock, PerManent clerk, who ,eis the real die.. aus ammo pageant known ns the
clogged nostrils open right op; toe oar late hfr, Cooper was horn in Stott- of East Wewanosh. Rev, Jas. Seo.' street on -which the building Mayor was escorted by a Zew prom.
ea breathe freely. leo more hiatea7, came to. Canada -.about fifty. yore, john •Coultes, ;ester, bade,. shortest ,thoroillehfare in the world. 14enateeri, teune4 in° ,s., short time bends SKIN
I .The death occurred in Toronto on Verbena; youngest daughter of Mr. open his mouth in court tort after proYal, and it was this stipulation well of yer letelY.'' see -'
Say Cream Appted in Nostrils
' Instant relief -n� waiting. Your ton, in his seventy-third year.. The 'sort of Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock, penser of justice. • Lord• Mayors Shove. At firet . the 1
lineages of your head elear and you ford, Cambridgeehire, England, but bie, of )3elgrave officiated, and Mrs. faces. Mansion •Mouse Street, is tho in t ' 't; n the trip to West -I
snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. o ;Igoe and for forty years •NII:3 a rode played the wedding march, •
in on. He .Was a mason havine more traffie -pass throtigh it
or eaten* dieeppeare. ' • ' •by trade but for, about twenty-five ... • • ErigegeMent AnnOuntiell• • every ...twentyefour- hours than ..anY intde the gorgeous arid pieturisqu '
the processiort gradually developed RUN DOWN MEN .
struggling for breatleat night; yopr cold dent of t•
but it possesties the• distinction of and banners wore introduced, and '
-Get ae await bottle of, Dly's Cream.
ont yin o •
Ifalm fr i t A 1 years before leaving here was caree The engagement is anhoureeed of other spote on the globe The- min -
a little of thie fragralt, antiseitie, la P ----- ker f the public settee' and of 'On- MarY Aileen Rosamond; youngest nor in -which the (Indices proreeeion Pagedirit of the present dee which -
, London when the Lord Mayor rides
soothes the inflamed ar swollen mucous ahottlY after he went. to Toronto, nedk Dalmagarry, Wingham, Ont.; Policeman's hand, priorities Visit
n s way through the streets of
• *••••••,......
Mg cream in ripe oostrils. pitketrates tario street church. About nine daughter of the late James Price of vehicles 18 kept moving without we DON'T MISS THIS
through every air passage of e head, years ago Mrs. Cooper died and KennedYe M.D., and of Mrs. huh- delay or confusion, by the ViniVe of it in state to the Law Courts to take hie
ore You're behind the time.; if you don't
membrane and relief comes iniftently. - final oath of office before Hig Maj-
. It's jot one. Toon% stay stuffed -UP Death of Mrs.orePerndel of Clinton of the late Mr. J. B, Ilambiclge and and admiration. ' ; . , the greatest
where members ...of_his family reside. to Ir. Harold' Miles Hainhidge, got) to London With a source of Wonder est yte Judge& , r know that CodfiLesiveh rpErotixtursteectrsisionnethoef
. ,
with a•cold or nasty catarele. . The d cel h 1'Hambidge, of Aylmer, Coterie, The main 'features of the govern..
eath °core. at t e C. triton .Mrs, The eany moron; went to eN est -
min world.
• maNr-eleet built a magnificent barge
_ -
B1300110ll .B1308.
The Leading
Funchal Mows
and Embalmers
niers carefully attended bo
Il hours -40 or &Y.
' • •
hospital, On TuesdaY night of last the marriage to take place orly in ment of the city of London date back ster by road, but hi 1450 the Because It contains more vitalizing •
• week of Christena McGregor, widow. F_ewbru.nithary,
a the late Mr, John De MacDermid
at his own eepenoteland journeyed to
to Roman tiros, when the office of vitemines thatoarty food you ean get.
,t G thief magistrate was first treated. You'll be glad to know that Mee
• •' Her •Parents, Mr. 'and Mrs.'Daniel
The graduation exorcises in eon- afted office was known ae the port- decorated barges and host4 owned be. reallY want to put 10 or 20 pounds ot
I AM OS a r ua On •
Pi a In Saxon days the hatter of the este Westminster on the river Thames. Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets come
He was escorted bY a fleet of gaily in sugar coaled form now, so if you .
'McGregor lived for mitoy yearsin
nection with the Winghane General reeve; a title which wen changed by the trade guilds' and wealthy citizens. solid, healthy Ilesh. en. your bone i) and
the township of Mullett, where she
Holipital were' hel4 rEE the town hall the Normans to that of bailiff, welch and this practice eves followed for e
zeel wet' and strong and have a cora.
was born. Later the family moved on Tuesday evening, Jan. 12thsat.8 rernoined rail the first reayor was
to Seaforth, where they resided for
married hi Mr. John D. MaeDermid,
eeveral years. In 1917 she wee o'clock, wherr two- Weittleate
received . the* diplomas. .4%, good
ourses '
citizens by Richard / in. 1189. I fatalities by drowning that the water dru iat for a
;many years, but t ere are so innelY, ;
p ex on that people will admire -ask
appointed by a charter granted to the
charter the 'deg reserved then any, reg box of McCoy's
and a few years of their married psogram of music and addresaes was thie
Cod. Liver Extract Tablets:
Pirloctosion was discontinued. In 171111
M • fi ' •
horse while riding in the Show, and
- Stratford highway. Upon the death Imes. A. .1, Courtice ot Holonesville, was to hold office for ehe rest 1 h'
life they lived on a farm on the given. •
r.get to nominate the mayor, who • t e ord. ny.oi wois ungsiront is Only GO cents for GO tablets and if
t) IS you don't gain five pounds in 30 da
Right littween,
Salt & Pepper
lace your tin of "Oxo"
Cubes. Have it -handy
on the pantry shelf. Let it
be a constant reminder of
the delicious flavour and
reatbeef-fOodevalue of the
--cubes themselves.
Our Free Cook Book
will teeth you the usefulness,-
hanclinesis and acuuld 'canopy/of
"OxosCubes. You will find your.
self using Giornale:ire and more to
. atom/done Soups; to restore the
Ion flavour to leftovers; to put
new and tempting deliciousness ,
into Salads, Omelettes, Sauces.
Dressings; to make invidag Hot
Drinks thertake away the chill
and refresh the tegly. Write: -
of her hitsband, about three oears1 Poles Ora •
Mra'. Farnham, . moved to Clinton, she sought to serve her rooter in
go, she and her mother and sister,; After a long and busy life in which
the citizens the privilege of electing
life, but ten yeas. later King John
granted a new charter which gave this led to future holders of the' office
nreaent gorgeeue estate e•oach, nonich
beong provided with a coach. The
„ you back the money I,•ou paid for
a them..
your druggist is authorized to hand
and during her short residence there doing good, Mrs. A. J. Courtiee pas- their own mayor each year, and the is one Of the great a p g
ights of the It isn't anything unusual for a per.
' makes' your food do you
snore good. ,
Note how it relieves
that stuffy feeling
,Sweeteris she
breath, removes
food particles
troin the teeth)
elves neer vigor
to tired nerves.
Comes to Tote
fresh, cleats mad
sse„..V• 0,) t , IN
ri.S \:•Sc\.;:l''.. ........ ''''- t4i.:1 P. E 0
ii E.' 13 7
6.,,,,,,. v
ractice has been followed ever since. eant' w" built in 1757 at a cost of son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days. lout
S50 0
she became known to a wide circle sed over into the Spirit \Vold ort P
of friends. 'rtat-first mayor was Henry Fitz Al- • for old people With feebleness over -
Wednesday ' afternoon, Dee. 30tit‘h. win, who held.the office from the king In the city the. Lord Mayor takes taking them they work wonder*.
Preaented With Goose Her fatal Hitless was of enly
elected by the citizens annu illy Until
'Mole, of Seafortli, and a eormer re- gradually failing ever sinee the
for ten years and wee, afterwards re.. -.- •
On e/Vednesday elrening, Mr. -Ed. 'days' duration, but she had, been•
he died 14 years later..This unbrok.
sident .a. Drawls', was mode the death of the youngest son,Wm. N.,
en reign of twenty-four oe•eers is the
, recipient of a very useful Christmas nn the 2nd of September last. She
longest on record. The first refererabpoupds of candy for the eltil-
lepreeentod him with
dred of the family. The preaenta- of
gift, when a number. of Hydro users. is survived by her husband and the
a goose and see_ following children:
end. of Ottawa; 'Mrs. Sarah Walto,
Holniesville; Rey. T. Re of Pitts. 1535 that the title became reguiniey
Mr's.' r` C. Lif- or occurs in 1486. but it wise not 'until
ence to the present title of Lord May -
tion was merle by ex -Mayor J. A. burg, Pa., and A. J.. of Winnipeg:
Stewart and Nv. Edmunds,' aer, Miss Emma Ie, of Holniesville, and Heavy year a new council, eonipns
Mote made a suitable reply aeknow-
ledging -their kindness.
• funeral service was held 4n the Unit.'
a • J., of Evansville, Indiana. The ed of one alderman and several mien
the city, is elected by the citizens;
enters from each of the 26.wards of
Funeral. of -Mrs. Came hed 'church, Holmesville, at 1.30 p.m.
'. I Th • j
Beach, 'Florida, on Tueoday, Decent-
ber , tookplace from ee ea-
. forth. Presbyterian hut on Mon. i ago. Her maiden name 'was Aileen
day afternoon 'at 2 o'clock:and wee' and she was of. Scotch ariceetry. • ..
Fifty -free yenrs targon • Dee. 27th
*largely attended. The services' watt she
conducted by Rev. Dr. Larkin, as.' she became the wife of Andef•w J.
. Couttice and, their Carly married
sisted by Rev. T. H. Brown. life, was stient on a fnrnt in Pic:ker.'
.----- e.....:----Johle;Ae-Mee;rae - essingstownship. • In 4882 they waged ..
After an illness of nearly to 'to Huron. couhtee• settlino on the
years Mr. John Alexander McCrae fartn on the 11th concession of Ged-,
died at his inete. in. Se,aforth on Sun.'
rich township. Mere their seven .
day, January 3rd, 1926, aged 62 ehgeree sees, to - matnritv nail; in f
. years and 2 Months. The late mr•seise01 Mr. and lelre. Cou5tice sold the...
McCrae was born in 11Ichalloe toWro farm and moved to Holmeeville!';
New Year's Day, interment, being
e funeral of the late Mrs. John
and the Lord Mayor Is chosen from
She was born near Dumber
entente the alderiri n
Cameron, who died at- 'West Pabst made i'n Maitland eeinetery, Oode. . e "Who have serv-
ed in the capacity of fheriff. " The
ton, Ont., nearly seventy-three yeare T
tAt tie;t1itt
. ship, son of- hlr. and • Mr3. Roderick
McCrae and was resident -of that
township until ' after his Marriage,
when he went to the West for a few
years. Returning he lived in Mc.
• •Killop until retieingto tewn ,five
Years ago. In -1898 he wag united
in marriage to Miss Annie Barker,
daughterof Mr. and, Mrs. Bryan
Barker, who surviyes, toeetherwitn
a soe and n daughtee. Anew(
Ruby, at home. Four brothers. and
two sisters also survive, oderiek,
" •
• • ,r••••••••,;•••••
• - • _
. R. Wheeler
runeral Director and
Embalmer •
Goderich, Ontario
All calls 'Prattipre- ettensled to
day or merit.
Pbouee: Store 38; Ho*ise $1%W
de:3/ M ‘41'
Quick odes and alnoligely
ode. Promo 'infection, -
reams irritation -end pro-
iliteneepeedyruseVery. Will
sIM Stain 4sithillsg.
He Tit Anriotriset or 44
oottl 'twat Demi ;saki*,
, 1.88. ..Ifenitl 1. thetarkr,
where they had resided Oyer since. ; •
Death . of Mrs. Wm. Rutledge '
Mrs. William Rutledge, fornierly
of Goderich ' townsbip-, hut foe the a
'past year a -resident of Clinton, pas-
- seti away on Wednesday, Dee. e0th.'1
She had gone to •London' the previoue
day to undergo •surgical treatmsetit,!
but her condition was found much
worse than it was feared. She hadl
been in failing health for mime
and it was known fin everel weeks e
that her condition was •yeey osaient
Mrs. 'Rutledge was burn tioderieit
township, being a &molts... of the
late Mr. Henry Ford, of Ot./ tot. H.
ship, and she had spent fleetly her "
whole fife there. ' Her home. wee e
That runiac„,-or
her. marriage had been on ,the Hine') ;
see fed, whether theree 41U.a strike '
road west of Molmesvill
been almost n liftelong tnewher of' nire
the Holniesoille Ilelethodi ft . (berth. The ileal Folks arz not ,,••
Her husband died about three pate ,
ago. Two dauehtere aurvise.inMur.
-ion. ?Mrs. Wilfrid„Seeley, of' Cle.m.)We ca( softer %ea! heen,Litoe
ass miss smas who tesessist, isets .. ati.ittlas e'id lie le, 4 oradee
Wrillacebure, Three brothels ease! .............. whidl vi,l p • Pvc
survive: J. A. Ford of Clinton; MI.' ilemt"PrielUeifie diet.
Rem Ford„of Vietoria. l.., and LIMOS fit fl will !our
•14/44••Fiord,,of-Cederlett• •twagitiv.4,•!tolw alt411.31, • and ..4! ,
• I.
. • •
home of Mr. and Mr& W. Seeley on
The furkral -look pleee. from the
Saturdny, ,Tan. 2nd, the reef. A. A.
Mimes. condueting • the sereeeee.'
The pallbearer; • !hoe" nieeh-
bort from Godeeiele owneMe. Me (•
sra. Wm.' Glen, ,draw Ifolieee,
Howard Sturdy am Albe,t
of Clirton. Among the bleed., no*u.
nut nf teem who wive 91.6,-:t 1. :or
the funeral were. Mr. Ja(ece. Om-
Otoini4eb: Mole Jame; C .wain.
Bleth. and Mr. IL %milts., Exeter
Interment went **vie ka
itapp.c until W et.1 .ou
with ..kothracite attain:
put • ace
• Vite tetiv7.
1:ot Good Clean (
Be MIM-nt 110
Phone 05 ' Goderkh
`'1,17/irre Quality Counts
. •