HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-01-07, Page 1TII lttixlyl x, .lust+. ?tit, 11181. fleck At Comes Ne Asst • Once1 You Pool You pay Btl Sorry Too ram reed cannot ber Vowed On the fact t t on the lirylt; s}ga of a cough ox.. • best -gotten rid• -- of tmuteds ely, as failure to do to may cause fi ars of a:Cortez from setae ferieua lung trouble. You may 3 berry if you don't take a14t advice stud get rid of your cough Or wild by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup This preparation has been on the market for the part 87 years, and is acknowledged, by all those who have used it, to be tho best medicine they aaa procure for the relief o! their armlike and colds. 7 You don't experiment whoa you buy it, but be sure you get the genuine that is put up by The T. Milburn Go., Limited. Toronto. Oat - MUSIC T tOI+'. \V, H. JACKSON —tnetrtll'tiCn • L resell in 'Voice Cultnr••, r)rizan, Piano, Violin, Guitar. Theo e, etc. Studies mid rrs{dc,tr., North Strict. • ni ho Brt ter ma of Mrs' Bark ofirc it ghborhood News Nuggets Picked From Our Exchanges Clarke - Fulton Wedding -daughter " olt Mr. and MO- George Cameron, was united in marriage to very happy event was bolem- Mr. Alexander Boyce, eldest son of •d on Saturday, Dec. 26th, at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyce, all of e of Jas. IL and Mrs. Fulton, Tuckerantith. The ceremony was per- sels, when their younger daugTt- formed by Rev. W. D. McDonald in Luella Elizabeth, was stilted int the presence of the immediate rela- lage with Herbert Mann Clarke, I tives. ronto, youngest son of F. O. and I Glousher-Creighton Clarke, Listowel. Rev. Mr. A quiet wedding was solemnized at of Brussels United church,' the manse, Blyth, on Dec. 16th, when d' Miss Sarah Agnes, daughter of Mr. Loekrtdge-McLeod and Mrs. S. J. Creighton, of Hullett, retty wedding took place on i became the bride of Mr. Herbert ay, Dec. 24th, at 11 o'clock. in Glousher, youngest son of Mr. and lulls church, Wingham, when Mrs. John Glousher, of Hullett. The McLeod, of Windsor, became ceremony was performed by Rev. G. hide of Mr. Thos. C. Lockridge. Telford. Tho newly wedded couple est son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.- will make their home in Hullett. idgo, of Wingham. The groom I The Late J. J. McCaughey A Thur St. Vera the 1 youn Lock. is an employee of the Bell Telephone Company. De 'th of Old. Resident of Wingham chel Mai agh, widow of the late Richard Rerdsman, passed away Wingham, Dec. 24th, in her 91st Q. Deceased was a much beloved MI in ye la HC HA\I1L.T(tN e,reani•I Furth who leaves many staunch United Chutril. I:unecrt player fr nds. S e was born in the County and Te•ariier of Armagh Ireland, in the year 1835, ,1tess1eoee at Mr-. Colborne's. St. enc came ito Canada in the year 1871. (ratrtts-t�— �t-- _ _ .. , _ --- After spe'lttding three years in Wood- stock, s and Her ham, w ery b present owned by Mr. F. Carter. She s id her business about thirty- five ars ago, and lived for a few years in Niagara Falls, and later re- turne(i to Wingham and bought the resid ice on Shute!' St., now owned by :\ s A. .1. Walker. Her husband pre+e-eased her about twen ty-tv'a year •. Boyce -Cameron quiet wedding took place tut the nondville manse on Saturday, De- tber 12th, when Ethel May, eldest GET ZA(..r-aUK FOR LEGAL- CARDS MM� ltd was married to Mr. Rich- FF. UARROW_ . Barrl:tr:• Solicitor, Notaryu Pulas.. Sucre.-ur to .1. L. }illi"r ul Phone 97 neuro, The Square, I. "e'rlch " UDLE' E. HOLMES Barrister. Solicitor, Not y Public• CnnvevanCe" Et.... PHONE ?; HAMILTON STREET $YEelarliT ' 1 tn. F. J. R. MOBSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York ophthal- mic. and Aural Hospital, assistant at Jlepr••)- .aeld's Eye Hospital and rlolden b4u:lre Throat Hospital, London, Eng. >$ Waterloo S. 5., of attaA Tele- phone rax, At Hote! Bedford, ',oclerich, on the 'evening of the third Monday of carh month, from 7 a'rloc.c till the ing day, Tuesday, st 1 p_ m. . CHIROPRACTIC 1 '1111iUl'tt.\GTOR foll o - I)H. A. N. ATN1Ni(4N, Registered Chirupracter, Goderich ,Chronic•, Or4anle and Nervous Diseases Consultation Free Office !tours --2 to :, and - to 9 p. rn and by appointment ext'ep1i11_ \lunda> and Thur,elity atterno,lns and et••ntn,s: Office tutee's on these da), 10 to 12 a!m. only. Corner Lost and \ ietoria S. O1'TOiIETRYM M__ A. L. uLE, lt. 14, 01' 1 e I\IETHIST, OPTICIAN, \\".1 filrrel, I;udertctt. donor e,ra,luale of the Canadian Optt• itl alaac (Alegi- ur 'I'oruuto. v Eyes e.mined by the latest incthnds, nd,the proper titling of g( .•'s at mad - Beate priers. Delano Hoard of Exutn• liters Cerci ole No. $75. NO'1Ant PUBLIC. ETC.. ------ BAILIE. _BAILIE. \.'+Alts• PUBLIC General Conveyancing dons Ooutt I...ulpautee Represented Phone No. 2Btl. Oodet•Irh. ^Ont. . WNVEYANCINO AND NOTARY .+110ROE E tlftEEN?LAUE, eayneld, GOD vevaue.Ins Witt Notary Public • AVCTIONEERiNG THOt\1.1r-i t,U,,UR1. Live Stock and General Auctlwteer, Uawn1Oa street, Uodertcl.. sales matte eterytt nem aur, all effort. 'nada W give you settstartava. ',armor.' 'tale notes discounted ROHEItT H.BERTSON. Qualitied Auctioneer, 1:lion Street. Goderich. will condi/..1 any -ate :n the Guiltily of Huron. 1 •r adurnaoon apply to V. J. Ryan, H'tuatltun SL. 0' '-Hers ,eft with (ilia vitt: rect1%e prompt attentt)rl. iNSURA(NCE 11 crii.LOP MUTUAL FIM t\„ t., .• , farm $d Isolated 'roue Properly tuaurra. Yalu of property Insured up to Janu*ly, ,910 tJt9,b75.4kh OFFICE-RS—Janina Conolly, Prestdent, doderlca ; Jas. Evans, tice•Prestde"t, aeectwood : r. E. slays, Sec.-Treas., sea - forth gestnt'th ; 011.ECTORS—D. F. Mcoregor, 1. 0. lirleve Winthrop ; Wm. wilt., inn• stance • Ueure., oteCaetuey, Tuckers:nab ; tons Ferris, Harlock , Jnlln Keur'ew'ese, Broadhagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce - field. AUENTS—J, W. Yeo, Goderich ; Sandy Leitch, Canton i Win. Cnesoey, Seaforth ; a. Hleachley, seerortn. Policy Holders can pay their assessments at R. H. Cutt's Store, Goderich, A. J. Mor- rtah's Clothing Store. Clanton, or J. U. Mud's. Bayfield. aman and moved to Wing - re she started in the ntiIlin- ness and built the block at FERE INSURANCE Have it attended to oy the erST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established 1878 Head Office : Dungannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God- erich, pros.; Wm. .1. Thompson, Aub- urn, vice pres.; direct)rs---Wm. Mc- Quillan, St.Helens; W. P. Peed, R, R. No. 2, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone 6O0r11, Goderich; Alex. N'.holson, Lucknow; Wm. Watson; Jas. Girvin R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. J. Thomp- son, Auburn; Tim Griffin, R. R. No. '7, Lucknow; Chas Hewitt, Kincar- dine, Ont. THOS. STOTHERS, T_ Cr. ALLEN. Tread. ecretar•y. • • 0. J. CAVANAGH GENERAL AGENT Confederation Lite AesooiatIon Ale Sickness Resident, Accident, Automobile, an Fire Insurance OFFICE. In Mr. Darrow's office en the Sgnarr. 'PHONE 498 BrouhcuRBrof3C1D The Leading funeral Directors and fitbalmecs Oraorb carefully attended to all all he ws—might or day. AS soon as your skin gets rough and chap- ped or gives you twinges of pain as a result of the cold, apply that ever -ready soothing healer, Z.In-Buk. it Soothes Pain in a gratifying manner. This rare herbal balm, by its pene- trating healing action, will quickly rescue you from chaps, chtlblains, and all inflammatory pain produced by the weather. There is nothing like Za m-Buk for healing raw bleeding cracks in the skin, and ending the torture of Winter akin ailments. Hands, arms, and feet, or any part exposed to the weather should all be rubbed over daily whh Zam-Buk both as a prevent- ive or as a corrective. Grows New Skin Mess Hor.ina 1tr„ t.. ut fns: liansford, N.5. wnies "1 suit erect ietrb:v with Chapped hand.. The) he.atne cru, Iced sed bleediti , .nd the pain ..as •:o ,utr,ue hat I could n. t pal mt hands in wafer to 40.11 as 1 c„m mr,„'est nsnta /stn tut Lr ;uu ane ,nun,nt sena, .11 I.un n ,.•, sparer, 11.1 1 „•nn' ueJ m n, nn bauus mete• ou,p1r'•Iv healed wnh Pee •en t,et a tett of /a n, ink free r„m dealer today ' 'a, ,ae bot ' for SI 7.n, •'•,i tl-,. n.. ..al'. air I Death came with startling sudden - 1 ness some time during the early morning hours ' of Thursday, Dec. 24th, to John J. McCaughey, a life- long resident of Morris township, who was in his 63rd year. Besides his widow Mr. McCaughey is survived by two sons at home and one daughter, Mrs. George Blake, of the township of Grey. He was born on the 7th concession of Morris, about a mile from the home where he died: Ther hl � hi S FP (it )1)E'aRJC, I 4. Went west. He lam visited the in 192,2. Beside his moth : r is survived by four irothcra slid ao sisters: J. A., of Gilbert ius; 3. S., of' Toronto;, C. P.. of Thomas; T. R., of Regina; Mrs. 3. Henderson, of Lansing, Mich., aid Mrs. D. 8. Kemp and Miss Grace pherd-, •17f--Ottar+a. 1 A Seaforth Golden Wedding 1 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Govenlock, lior many yearn respected and well mown residents of Seaforth, cele- brated their golden wedding on Tues- day of this, week at their home on North Main street. The day was quietly spent with their family. the only celebration being a dinner to about a /dozen relatives and friends, but it was a unique one In that three of the married couples present had cerebrated their golden weddings. These were Mr, and Mrs. Govenlock, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys, of Sea - forth, and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gov- enlock, of Egmondville, who on the 4' u Beath of Min Winter, Setfori0 t 411Xanroemps, The death occurred Saturday t:torno in at the• Meinorlal Hospital, Seat forth, of Frances Valeria Winter, youngest daughter of tho sato Mahn-., ert Winter, following an illness of ten days. Miss Winter, who was an accomplished young woman. had just completed a course in elocution nt tho Toronto Conservatory of Music. and was entering on a promising career as a dramatic reader. Tho funeral was held from the residence of her mother, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock ;to the Maitlandbank cemetery. Dies in Florida Accident Word hall been received of the death in Florida of Mrs. John Camer- on, a highly esteemed resident of Seaforth, who was spending the win- ter in the South. She was run down by an automobile, suffering a fract- ured skull and other injuries, which caused her death. Commercial House at Blyth Changes Hands same day Celebrated the 68th anni- Mr. Alva Johnston, who has con- versary of their, marriage. Mr, and ducted the Commercial House at Mrs. John R. Govenlock were united Blyth for the past few years, has in marriage at Hayfield on December disposed of the building and furnish - 29th, 1875, Mrs, Govenlock before her ings to Mr. William JohnStone, of marriage being MiaElizabeth Hall. Blyth, Who is well known to the tray - After their marriage they resided at oiling public as the proprietor for Winthrop until 27 years ago, when many years of a livery husinesr It they purchasede home in Seaforth is understood Mr. Johnstone intends in which they havve since lived. Their bringing his son, Harry, of Hamilton, family consists of one non and four to Blyth to assist in the business, of daughters, Mr. W. H. Govenlock, of which he obtains possession on Feb. Chicago; Mrs. Munn, of New West- let. minater; Mrs. A. E. Bates, of Irricana, • Alberta; Miss Jean Govenlock, of the Death of Mr. A. K. Chittenden, of funeral was heldon Saturday Seaforth en Bates being the only two absent on manager of the ready-to-wear depart - Tuesday. I meat in the John MacTavisle' dry ' morn- Collegiate ing, Dec. 26th, to St. Ambrose Rom- Annie, staff, Weston, and Mies pnnie at home, Mrs. Munn and Mrs. ( Mr. A.K.Chitten d , for 35 yenrs an Catholic church, Brussels, where requiem high mass was celebrated nt 10 a.nt., followed by intermene in Rivers-Fizzell goods store, Seaforth, died suddtnly Brussels Roman Catholic cemetery. I St. Matthew's Anglican church, Saturday morning at the home of his Death of Mr. Murdock MacRhe Bognor, Ont., was the scene of a son, Mr. E. Chittenden. Although not After a painful' illness lasting for pretty wedding at eleven o'clock a.m. as robust as in former years Mr. over a year, Mr. Murdock MacRae, of on Dec. 12th, when the Rev, Brant Ohittentien was appaeently in his Lucknow, passed away at his hone Thomas united in marriage Mr. Floyd normej health and enjoyed a game on Havelock street, on Dec. 12th, at Stanley Rivers, B. A., son of Mr. and with members of his family on New the age of 65 years. Mr. MacRae Mrs. Albert Rivers, of Seaforth, and Year's night. Saturday morning he was seized with a pain about his heart i and a physician was summoned; but in a short time he expired. Mr. Chit - I tenden was an old and highly respect- ed resident of Seaforth and a member ' of First Presbyterian church. He is survived by one son. Mr. E. Chitten- den, at whose home he died. was born in the vicinity of Lochalsh, Miss Kathleen Morris, daughter of where he lived continuously till his Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fizzell, of Bog - I removal to Lucknow four years ago. nor MiSS Alice Fizzell, a cousin of He is survived by his widow and ore the bride, played the wedding music. daughter, two sisters and three bro- Miss Katherine Fizzell, a sister of the thers, Mrs. MacKay, of Ashfield, end bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Eric Mrs . John blaeLeod of Luc'halsh; Patterson, of the Faculty of Medi - .John, of Sault Ste. Marie, and Dun- cine. University of Toronto. support - can, of Virginia. ed the groom. Mr. Rivers is a mem- Resigns As County Constable ber of the teaching staff of Owen Mr. \V, A. Balkwill, Exeter, who Sound Collegiate Vocational Institute. for the past ten and a half years has Death of Mr. Isaac Cole, of %Ingham been a successful prohibition officer Mr. Isaac Cole, of Wingham, pas - in this district, has resigned his poli_ sed away on Wednesday, Dec. 21rd, tion as county constable. lin her 83rd year. Mr. Cole came to Brock -Fraser 1 this district from England when a A quiet wedding was solemn ::ed at youth of eighteen years and had re - James st. parsonage, Exeter, on Wed- sided here ever since. He had been ncaday, Dec. 30, when Miss Emma poor health for some months and Fraser, of Mount Pleasant, became Mrs. Cole and he had tone to the the bride of Mr. James W. Brea, home of their daughter, Mrs. Geor're only sou of Mrs. Mary Deraring, of Day• to spend the winter. Besides Exeter. his widow, ho is survived by two sons and three daugh, viz: Frank. in A Hensall Golden Wedding - Corrie: George. tersin the. West; airs A very enjoyable event took place Robert Dev, Mrs. George Dey and at their home in Hensall on Wed- I Mrs. Jas. Gibson, of Wingham. nesday, Dec. 23rd, when Mr. and Mrs. • Death of Mrs. W. A. Rutledge, Clinton Abraham Bolton areceived the hearty Clinton and Goderich township peo- congratulations of their relatives. and ple were shocked last week when it friends en having reached the fiftieth 'became known that Mrs. W. A. Rut - anniversary of their wedding, lir.' ledge had passed away on Wednes- and Mrs. Bolton have resided in Hen- I day in London. where she had gone call for over twenty years and are the previous day to undergo a 't'r- among the most highly esteemed cid- boas . , .ration. The remninn were zens here. Previous to cueing to brought to Clinton on Wednesday and Hensall they lived on the Bolton the funeral took place from the hone homestead, north east boundary, Us- of her son-in-law, Mr. Wilfrid Seeley, borne. Mrs. Bolton was, pricy; to her Huron street, nn Saturday afternoon marriage, Mary Stewart, daughter of at 1.30 to Maitland cemetery, Gode- the late Andrew Stewart, Usborne. rich. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton were surround- ed of this happy occasion by their Death of Rev. .1. F. Snowden children, 10 grandchildren, brother, After being ill for three months, sisters, from Belleville, Seaforth, St, and on Thursday evening, Dec. 24th, suffering a relapse, Rev, ,lames Fred- erick Snowdon, since 14)16 the editor and proprietor of The Seaforth News, passed peacefully to the Greet Be - Marys and Exeter. A Holiday Entertainment st the County Home The Wesley and Willis Sunday vend before the first streaky of sawn school of Clinton went out to the Showed in the eastern sky on Chr4tt- Huron (' Home on Tuesday I mo, Day. F'riday, December 'Lith. <'vening• off last ast week and gave 0 nice• Igni late `[r. Snowdon was born •,n I little program for the benefit of the ctober lst, lSSS, at Kinrat'ddoe, the inmates. Rev. J. E. Hogg acted as third son of the late John and Msry chairman and Rev. A. A. Holme.; as- Snowdon. Eie attended Kincardine silted in the program; a few hymns iHigh Sehool and Trinity l'nivrrsity, , were sung, Mr. Hogg sang a solo, a Terontnand in 1RRF, was •,r,tain,•,i 1)\'.class of young girls gave the' :nntn- I the late Ar, hbishop I,Pwiy of flntarin mine, "The Holy City,” Mrs. i4,. Nedi' I Dio l ;r at Ottawa, as a priest „;' rio ger singing the song, Mr. A. h'. Jahns I ,Arigl!ean church. He wax ,.t:at in ird he envie a reading and after the nrogrnm at Fitzroy Hailx,r, and ❑t 1lrantferd Mr. and Mrs. Santa (Taus distribut- 1 assisted the late Ven. at lran ae',n ed n twat to the inmates of Hoer, I Mackenzie, who hod been :t friend Makes High Record rd from hovhood days. For the sake of Mr. Glenn Ferguson, of Godrric•h his health he returned to hii home :at township, came highest in the ses- Kincardine for a number of yea's Un- , .bonal examinations of the second til in 1506 he bought the Manitoulin ''ear at the 0. A. ('., Guelph, s her.' F.xposito• at Little Current. Always hr is a student. Mr. rrr,;esen had a ('nnservat1 VP in politics, he took All 1,00, narks nut of 1,100, which is active interest, hut at no time di,: quite a fine showing. This is anoth- i party interfere with his own high I,nn I er edde.. C. I. graduate who I . mtakinr cirles. He was a rnrmhe • of the geI South Huron executive and (hail -man Former Clinton Man Dies in the West for Seaforth. Althot•gh i11, he took Mr. .4. H. Shepherd, ,'1J, -' -on of a keen interest in thr revert Don,in Nit's. Shepherd and the Int ' Mr. Jess "in 'bit tion and its unpre'• •dented re I Shepherd, of (lintel), es, found in sults, in later yenrs, with'• not in the ('. N. R tvaiting roon, at Saska- active parochial work. Mr. Snowdon 1 toon, Sask., on Thursday, llr,•. :.t4 n,' occrasienally officiated in th ' etp.0 itv 'in a dying condition, heart I ailui o .of ,lrrgymnn. In Isle) he w•ts mar - 1 being the trouble. it is th ,u1'hl Ihat ' I int] to Misr, Henrietta II -.,0k hs, of he was on his way tin rough the city 1 Ottnwn, who 'oln'v.'s with t-.,el.s to spend Christmas with um” fl it nil. anti one .lauehtci, "11 ,,• I„• - , ,.,, and collapsed during the ,1 1.1(04 by home at the tinct, „f h's ,te,'11 1 , .'I twt•Pn train•.. The re 0.1;i v. end Oswald, whe have 1--,-e,•'1 "n . Drought to Clinton for int.',n,ent, 1, -, father in business for a •'n• .'••• ompanied by two brothel \t,. .1. A. vnars and %ill continue ,t; (';••, •„dell•, cancel, of Gilbert I r I '•h„ is 4P.".li ng nt Bluth. •tn,l i:,;r':,I q�Irl" Man,, JR^girls Thr.' ; ' high c, hoot. Twc brother.-eisi;\',• UZFFIJL ;t• -LE sex suet,.. - .,••, (43 .,f,"•' u •)‘.#0..t',. 7, t -` �\MELS GLE makes your food do you more good. Note how it relieves that stuffy feeling after hearty eating. Sweetens the breath, removes 6 food particles from the teeth, gives new *Igor to tired nerves. Comes to you fresh, clean and Gt-' full-flavored.� •\ ��u�`�L� F�U� 4:a�1. `�v`�� T GHT ,,,,,, t KEPT �iI R127RIGHT J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario Ml calla prnmr.t't attended to da\ or night. Motion: Store 3;15; Honer Win in Get all you pay for in Radio? t1 �1 and T. R. Shepherd, funeral took place f�his mother's I' Mr Wilhite, 5nnwden. •f Wntwt residence, Tuwnsenda'! r••r.\VedresSnsk and V'n \-rbcs„ •,1 }.,,,'vd. ,r• day afternoon of last •,,. .1h,"f Ottawa. IMI •I!!..tlin `nl,'. ,• : r 1 Ret \ '1 Melees ,nnd111 in 4 the -et. re's't to keep ',trot 11•'i11t'' •a.1 r, No \,thea Remedy I.il„' it. i'' about thirty years since Mr. ',her trite at house and gravc•sieie. It is rn,! t„nlinrl.lr, Ic ti:!' inti' ,1. . D. Kelloggs :18th++,, Rnrred: distinctly different from ether n cal- \1 i .•:t' l.' t,1 . t„ rill' iled remedleu. Werr, thi i • nt s„ 0 '•t ith (1, ,1111111 1'c't 11"wit. 1. (., .:1 .l!.. would not have continu'd its Creat iht' hest ;'I.t,1 • 1.4 I.,tk: 1 1 i ii,' 1 iii '�u• 1,,, Iawonderful of relief inti) 4.nown front ,, ocrn to ocean for it' onderful vati !, .1(i.11.1‘4 ! 11)y, ,' n' Pr,, r, •.i ur Kellogg's, the free:,•rt and Lr-! of n'1 asthma remedies. �tand< upon tlnl skive' 11,' r2:' tt.ill.^. nu', t.lt,', a reputation founded in the heat Ii Its grads' (,t c,r;ll of thnu'ands ttho have knn%n its L,..,- \l i. , `1,'ln ,•tl lit'"il . 1 til' efit. NO MATTER what maks you buy or what pries you pay, you want good reception when you invest in . radio. Any radio set Will go wrong .t time.. due to many local .n• rlasoa•. ;Aerie condition.. To eompsnsats„fsr• them require, thorough knowitJ e -of the io,trun,ent and how to overcoats, .u, h t,uublea. Can the man, fro. -t whom you buy render youru,h.radia. Service, Aa.', O.!AR:'.t factory represents.. rive. I •)rave taken a,tbote h course or nt.tructlons under O'LAttKA, en- gineer,. I am fully prep.reditoaeoder you, that de 'res of eotelligent. radio service 43 which you. are.enlitkelland' for *hien you pay iv:cebw, y,aWatpt.iL or mot . Make no prove 11.1.rt m, .rt urns, nenuine 07AKKA,.t your home for pr.cti,al to t. Operate it yourself. Sea. how easily you tan brin,t in distant •talion• with unsurps.aed cleaner.. beauty •f tone and volume. The O/5KK4 to', o-tr k for itaett. You .n be surown ju.J••e. 1'11 nut Lavoto aril it. Ysu'tl want to buy it. When .hall it Lei Phene.or wri's m• Of appoioltacnl&. tdv., coati 41 oulig.Uon. eitANK MelLWAIN Phone Dungannon 7 R 14' R. R. ,y o. 5, Goderich -.1 II., li McEwen's Specials Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hard,.. , ....3 for 23 • A -gteaspoon,--K,sing-.•f-eofge--ttc:;;iglt; giii�I :tvF3;y i4 til t"tl(;.tt: • 2Sc worth. 24 bars Soaps McLwen's special $t.00 6 cakes .Pacntr Tree Toilet Soap for l lbs. loose Cocoa for .. , fr* , .,• .25 D lbs. of Sul er or Salts suitable fdr stock purposes for ,»S Just to han n few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tex. We will give 1 1t, of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, t lit; DisCuis', and 1 har Soap tor the sante price as a pound of any package, Tea. e Special price• our large Flannelette Blankets Special price our Fancy Blankets We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Uiid4rtvear Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. Good Linen' Roller Towelling ��' per yV. Good' lhr�• Bath Towels 90c '(.ler p* ?{ Some nice fable and Floor Oilcloths, different width at.riot prices. Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 10% off. Fret• delivery to any port of the Town.. PHONE 46 J. r McEwen 3n;. south SW Squve ,L 1 Our Weekly Lesson in English By W. L. Gordon Wordk erten !Disused D,vni4, say "it is, no use to tell her.” Say "it. is of no, use," or "there is no use." Don't soy "no one has come beside you.” Say "besides." Don't say "the acoustics of the Sud- itorium are excellent." "Say "is." "Mone" takes singular or plural verb according to context. "None of the shipment has arrived." "None of the packages have arrived." Don't say "a supply of articles were delivered." Say "was deliver - .,d," "supply" being the subject. Don't say "mathematics are an in- teresting study." Say "is." • Wordk Often 1Dtspronounced Diffuse, In the adjective pro- nounce the s as in "see," in the verb 03 Z. Phssee. Pronounce na-say, the tlh t a as in "arm," the last syllable as "say" and accented. Arraign. Pronounce Inst syllable as "rain." Bestial. Pronounce bey-c•hal, a as ih "best." Opportunity. Pronounces the u 145 ih "unity," instead of as nu in "noon." Vagary. Accent the second a, not the first. Words Often Misspelled Disappear (one s, two p'v.) Siege (not ei). Noticeable (retain the e after c.) Angel (messenger of God); not Te. Angle (a sharp corner, or to fish); not el. Hundredth (not er). Synonyms Carry, convey, transmit, transport, move, remove, transfer. Innocent, blameless, guiltle.is, harm - fess. -faultless, guileless, exemplary. Ancient, primitive, primeval, prim- ary, native, original, aboriginal. Hypocrisy, pretense, sham, affecta- tion, sanctimony. Advancement, progress, progres- sion, development, incl. else, growth, Mit-movement. Ignorant. illiterate, uneducated, un - en lightened, unlearned, ul,l,'l tot ed, untutored. • Word Study "Use a word three time- and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabu- lary by mastering one word each day. Words for this lesson : insipid; without flavor; inanimate; THE GODERICH M tJ What is home the Ctatlks 't l , 1 1„i1 It c `. PI11Ptf't'tl� They hn.•.• dos?, a ",l,l,• CALI. THE lfoaen' time. 50 tl• 'a mist•„ h, w.3' when the light went mit A1)VF.RTiQ” tri THF 6T117 Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S AST©RIA. 1 f nt (:Hod ('lean ( 30; J. Q. MUSTARD cojitapA Ph -08 / Coder d 4' uninteresting. "It WAS an. insipid composition," Arduous; difl%ett1C; attended with great labor or exertion. "It toolt many years to complete the arduous task." Scrutiny: close inspection or Inuit,. ination. "Revealthonte of the' 'a:'tile requires scrutiny." Psychical; pertaining to the spirit, soul, or mind. "I shall devote my life to psychical research?' Recluse; ono whb lives in retiree ment; hermit. "He iived'the life of a recluse." .•• Ostensible; apparent; professed or pretended.' "With' ostensible modesty' he entered the room/ • GUARD THE BABY '.' iat.A tk1t' ST COLDS, By Keeping Baby's Qw.n. TabtetA,'!t1 the !louse at .) 11 Thttev 4#e• ti To guard the baby 'tzt,gtinst -eat sr nothing can equal Baby's +tarn'= Tab= lets. The Tablets are a mild lulde. tive that will keep the little Gni* atumach and bowels working r ' arty. It is a recognized fact , where the stomach and bowels ere' good order that colds 'Will not eiis that the health of the little onewjlt be good and that he tell', thrive and be happy. ' . • Tl ouaands of mothers have become convinced through the act'Jal usttapf the Tablets that there b nothingto equal them in banishing eonstipatlt and indigestion; breaking up .,cold$ and simple fevers; expelling woi4' and making teething easy. Among: the thovsande who. praise Bab&&' Own Tablets is Mrs, •Alex. ,J. Petvy, Atlantic, N.5„ who says:—"I alwayg keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house 08 I know of no other 'medicine for little ones to equal them.' Baby'h Own Tablets are sold :•by medicine dealers or by mail at .25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. o Some people don't have to turn out the light to be in the dark. chiidref cry FOR' FLETCHER'S CASTORIA,, DOMINION STORES LIMITED CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Where Qua1•ity Counts" One Sure Way of Saving Money Your nearest DOMINION STORE is the one place you make sure of carrying out your New Year resolution to save money. You can always save there without a sacrifice of quality. cJANDP CKEDWHITE BEANS 316.19c DOMINO BAKING POWDER 1 9c ?e Ib. TIN REG. 23e BRAND 1 R OLL ED OATS 7110. 29c 9cMED l '; BREAKFAST NEWEXTRA LARGE b.tim24c 14 lb-15c- COCOA b-15c- cOCoA PRUNES NECS MINCEMEAT MIXED REG. lb. 2 lbs.29c ANY b.19, SALMON 1 lb. tin TIGER 2nik. EAGLE Prepared �'"'1gC Bulk CococFC a PINEAPPLE 20c BUTTER SINGAPORE SLICED Braeside Brand 48C MAPLE LEAF "Tie Eisen Ratter is Caat" ( lir..r MATCHES 3 BXS-2C Mayfield Brand 46C1b. I1} DOMINION TEAS TAPIOCA C sToY R SAGO /IIb. ;21(A1121.10IHi.10 '79ct CASTILE OGssA SELECT651 SOAP att1D. S. L. BVL59 a..,,a„4 )- 1