HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-24, Page 6•i.
Ray, talKen advantage of the
Latest Fiction to rent at 10c per book
fir one week.
Our stock of 1926 Diaries
is now complete
hew of her pi l t}s.
S. Pesetheas .
, Vs* tlsarsrtaasE �s+ia- e!
aid OsIle se, A*idpb. le s 10•81107_.
`J+ $Ib bar Ms. sail, l
. MOW. •+ +1J '
AU of the
, termer -sen
elrsareia there.
ler aasd her sister,
less mid hose fro* Loa-
--NU Elsie is re.-
dm the stew year.
Istragwee of the Egg Pool were
Mist Ellas Neth Wilma lass bees mit ;wilt emi soas's harsh.
meal as towhee et Wersteaviiee, est *OS w saa ,sidkioa•
)irks tri., Isar duties to reironeasse at nose's stop : ar their past silt-
' the bosioaaias el the new hoar. ,1, lt[ottaa�isE, .r rather the late
Ti.1d Dei ,laaey Soothers, 11: ' >ldethodSet. tiva4a r sehool had a So -
teaching staff,
Ualsy aRspeeding
the Tomato *IA eve1 'Tont lIA411 avenint in
tkrn star', are sp ive h the vats• the teatip,rasse hail, A short pro -
at their it Begley, son
h.rar. Ma was and an enjoyable
Xuter Codi Begley, son of its.
and Mrs. Wu*. BotC toor *1` "win wat_aPallilk
Mr. ad a. Alexander Manning,
ton, is,. enjoying that Christmas b*1i . .
day season with relatives +*a this +fila- " °Plaid * ',telt too ilia West
i I during the Nerviest ,accuzalon,
Remember the hot fowl suPPer to hero at parsaswt, intsading spending;
be served in the TJnitsd choreic .n 't ristntias at the b**. of the lettere'
Wednesday *vatting, Dsc. 30th, to be Parente, lair. and '#ale. William Pater -
followed by an attractive program. '°* at ?iYrrlktrbafxra'
See bills. This creek doses the educational
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Roach and Y. The rehitdren discard their
books and
daughter, Mise Enna, motored anlestthe cares and anxieties of
Sunday to Lucknow, where they were ons are dispensed with. The
guests at°the )acme of Mr. and. Mrs. joys of Christmas and dot n * Yeas
- - d, R. McNabb.. ,_ ._ take their plied, then a► repent+
ion of the peat. Even the anted seem
"4n'The Square For Forty Yawrs"
Mr. R. J. Wiggins, of Tobermory, to renew thole youth for a season.
arrived on Saturday at the home of A joint Meetings of .the Union chur-
Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pr. Wit-- cheat was held last 'Wednesday even -
sins, and will enjoy the holiday with Tisa (63rd), fir tlie, purpoaei of mak.
it . friends and relatives. in this district.
The Sunday .school children of St. ing arrangement suede/ Tar she union of
the two ilattdsy► tschaais. blr. Char..
Paul'* church were entertained by les StraugrUn. wall elected superin-
epent the week -end with friends in the ladies of the congregation ata tendent for the *naming year,, The
WESTM ,D spent th and Walton.
delightful er, held in the parish
The Mission Circle peeled a bale tree had
at to be went to one of the Friday evening 4 Mrs, -C. C. Brawn a s ns. ofd "Amaitat the eyirliest a;ettier>s of in )
intent homes in Toronto. every one g mi Wilbur Brown, motored to Sts tf Hallett another vacancy occurred Form W. Sr.e-Ted Plante, Clar-
nieely. 4 , ( 1 on Sunday, where they were guests once Lannan, Irene Jeffrey, Mary Me -
The sympathy of the community with relatives for a few day Ther lit Friday, In the person of Mr. Gee. Xay, Ernest Crowe, Ted Baeehler,
Yoe* out to Mrs. Gordon; Snell. in the Lorne Ashton, Victor Hoy and Dob' were accompanied on their return Yungblut, of the Maitland ,Block. -`Lawrence Geramette. „
death of her father, Islr. Youngblut. bis illy, who have been sailing, haveA , Decsaased carne here over sixty Years `. Class IV. Jr, • ,AuB`usitine Pate,
The funeral •took place today (Tues• all returned to spend Christmas un- on • Wednesday, by Miss Ila Brawn, ago- s`,seyn the County of Perth, near Hillis Barrow, Harry Babb, Harry der the parental• roof, who is taking a course at the Strat- the "village of 'Tavistock,' hwere he
lireturned During the snow storm on Sunday ford Normal School. was born. Ale had passed the allot-
llot Phalen,: Earl: Mira. Edward Jeffrey,,
' Mr. Stanley 'Sibt orpo ,The entertainment, held in the Un- Minor Whitty, Billie Webt•.
ms ere
the fur a
had -e s b a.
h. c ar y
a ore.
Mr. Whitfielded #star 3 , y
t o
b3-�. sx Chish im
Tere ,
home by auto yesterday, sifter spend evening ited church n Monday evening, wasClass III. Sr.
car In the ditch,the !a where he had
s e, settled on farm runhitt
toI.2 e
Veronica a
. fortuneWebb,Ve n
with fie.r
week viin
�'n a eeinjury. len- . • n � +�,n .e
Ins;without aq7 y large audience, a splen- °H scar t hln r
field. In spite o! several snow drifts, However, he escaped enjoyed by a g sense rieaided. a O'Brien, Joseph Hackett: «'
. i rendered by theclearing
e Christmas Eery__
As we near the bega.nning of a Nc Year, we
wish to thank our patrons for the cordial re- -
taitions extended to us during the t season,
and wewish Everyone a
Very Merry Christmas
with the hope that the Coming ''war ''ill bring you
Health and Prosperity.
The_ S. A. Gray Co.
elish aupp , teaehars and :ether ofl�era were re- DECII,K>l$lt SCHOOL REl'Q1iT OF
on Tuesday evenint, . ar : social elected, After New Years the two MB R SC H'S LGR I1O
of clothing ora W+edritsday last, vial- The concert_ sand Ghrestmaa . r ontime being afterwards enjoyed. schools ere to dao united.
veal ;3t, was otos si sucee ry o Mr (Names order of merit
takid � thele ports re y
the little a!d Pord rambled risht « LANES did program be ng a dare to chopping and 4tl 1giK Class IIL Jr. Lucille Graf, Alm*
d 1 f theSunday school
Wishing One and All
a. Very Happy
N lei i
Untie i o�� e
Paley Wade S tai
., rr
British E.icchange Block.
. n i boys an gins a, About seven years :euro i� ' i O'Brian,- Jean Chisholm, David Tpl-s +--•+ ,
• Miss Mary Phillips is visiting with .At the close, Santa Claus appeared partnet in lifts,. Ile was. s.4 a quiet- in, Thomas Page, Sohn Lannon, Raj"-
The school Concert of S. S. NO. tY Thos. Ferguson.• the s
a kind and
retiring disposition,
enc e r n
m was Mr. Walter Alton has been g r m 11C n&' 4' garet Mero, Madeline Geromear- i
given), A. splendid priers
n b the pupils. 11:uch credit is ..wood for Mr,'itoward. At a recent meeting ofthe
h i aadual; lend es {a lug n active to
in the Charles Dorrington, Harold Over i
given yAid of
Miss K. Savvenhet r the splendid Mrs: 'Walter lest
Sa t rday. at, hors, election Erekine
wu held, with. the' interest at of the chorea, with which he` holt. Clare Baechler, Lillian leen-
she:eessi her pazpila. W. G. Iieid'a last Saturday. •
Mrs. R. was associated, namely the Evangel - ,nedy, Mayme Page. (Dorothy Car-
erweed, of Lueknow following result: .Pres., re)* absent).
she final session of fast Wawa- Master Ear1'Sh the week -end here, Davidson, vice Pres„ Mrs: E. n. Duff; cal church; on•:the Blvth xravet road. Class-H.—Cameron Killoran; Mary i
Car -
nosh council was held on Tuesday high school, spent sec. -tress„ Mrs. G. M.
McKenzie A. decreasing membership its the Baechler, Grace Barris, Anna Over.
last at• Belgraue. Reeve eloultee ten- Mies Tent}'}; of Whitechurch. vis- Pianist, )lora. J. 'P.. Campbf'U; assist church soused it to be cioaed a few il. Grace
Har .Connie $r
since >< banquet to the councillors, iked at Wilson )Twin's, over the week-. ant pianist, Mrs. F. Ross; lookout veare ago• and he has attended the holt, 10
treasurer and a;lerk at the Temper end. committee, Mrs.. W. R. Stothera and Baptist chant in the village. Ho •is .ton, Doris Plante, Catherine Lerman..
e ur en ; n survived five Mary Stapleton, Claire Webb, Verde
An error; In asMonday,+rue evening,
and dispensed. gifts
T`hursdav .evening 1n the her sister, Mrs, ho on cand g willing mond ,Dean, Walter Lsnnen, Mar
was held on cutting f o the Christmas tree. � obliging net hoar, evnx wi ng
sacs House. The Christmas entertainment fn t o „ Mrs. Win. Carr. 'ved by daughters and four
last week'* pale? �" rli g' at Haekett's church a December meeting of the.. sons to mourn his loss. The sons. are W' STS' I. Glass —Teresa " Baeehler, I!!
an item read, "Mr. end Wr:a, Will vvaa a decided esueCels. Women's. Institute will be held on George, of Dedericht John, -warm Ph Tits B.aechler,-Norine Graf, L`d- i
'Cobb and }salify,' of the West, art Mr, and Mrs. `Harold Ferguson. and Tuesday, Dec. ' 29th (instead,. of and Alvin. of iluilett; and the daua> h win Dean, Joseph' O'Biyen. Josephs �l
„otheinr ')sibs. Albert- tai abeh and •?by vatted; at .Thos. Feranson's on Thursday) at the.home of Mrs. W. ter* ,are Mrs: Mci,rien and Mrs, Wal+: Burke, Mildred 'hes?, l ie,ephIre
�lther frienrls:' It should have rend, Sunda . R. Soothers, a r -on "Cheistmae per; of Hulka; Mrs. Goa; of the vii-' Kennedx, list Murdock. "Maxine Glair
'"ltdr, and • rs• rix Meet. Wilfred
Hamilton Street
. Shoe Store
Comi tete line: of ladies', gentle,`
men's and children's shoes,
Come in :and compare our prices.
M Will Knox and fam P' 1 ]Ire Snell of past Wawanosla
�� Mr. and and one daughter near Widsor.
31y, • c 1
ed Drennan in Oilier Londa" to be given
Could have
by.Mrs. age; - ' 'inapt, VoYna Phalen, Harry. Carnoy,
' Ti eketes One evening Rosa.Roll call--,< f sou Leo Smit " ranCs. era, o e
Francis Mero, Bobbie -
. visited, at Jas. a � P,
BER last ~reek, just one more lobar -saving device, it Tuesday afternoon a largo number of
PORT ALBERT - _ 'friends and neighbors fellows) h;as I'lidkn,
o committee ar � Class—Mona Whitley,
ra, £ n y
mould be—. The lunch t Tends to their. hast resting place rre *Prim }
Christmas srtetings to x one and .all: NILE for this month are: .?Hiss Elliott; to their lest
res g ie c teary 'Lannon, Dianna Cameron,
Hervey and Bert Crastvfard, of the Mrs. Savage and MZrn. S. 1'
Sander itnox _-...t....,r...:..s►. • thane 'Whitley; Willie Burke. Jackie
t Rn-
.labtne. id th Ie•rs d Ii Pcnt The folio ng h lr Wednesda evening z ,
e es a es examinations „ � . de-
is spendirit the holidays -with land on y s hi Dungannon public school duringDec. .,s
im folk.
We are pleased to notice the sus. the term September to D"ecember,' in WIC/111:!4` with
asuidrdsa : oi• lcigarettes."
ed., T1Tr. Ain with x vurae of money cldin whether I would grow ca
Tho1a. Dickson, Willie rad Cora, Ra Ir dough a d he s !;
Pas -
•G C. ,T., are aapend . the holidays at lltr. aero• Mra. Thor. Baa son: At Knox +ala h .Cl rastmsa, a dee f mith - Connie Baechler, Patricia
Bordon vl and Mi. and and Mrs• Pent win shows the average tertainme ht held in.,the basement of Vmiitty, Jane Wehitty,
Orrice McKenzie, k ofUKings. Gordon vises teat, ► percentages f test 'nations held the a ius orf., y • ,
De 2drd the eongraatta#eon oresert- Budding Fnancier l vva coat de
A Merry. Christmas
and a Happy
New Year
Geo. Stewart
cess of Miss Ploronce Y elusive: Sr. 'V. --Frank Swage. 82; n
ter of Rev. i ` f circuit,
at the
n Dip 68 Lily Red 84• Herman Dear Air, _ li is We, the members
for ce int Nile circuli. at the corn-.
Carpenter, 'Al:6Jr.e 'V.—Margaret of your 'congregatiory. et this festive
menCement eicercisas,, in connection - „ Allen 77.5• Nancy aeaspn"p#. the 1�ear. when we we sre' are -
R 9 Dorothy'
ith the main feature
a Continuation
the - KI ff' 62 FanRoach 80; *forte i'mAmb riasg each other with little gifts
school The main festoon of the pro-
R e 58� Emily McClure X54 ' Sr of love '104 aopeeciation, wish in a
gram cutest � oratorical contest, and yon. mt . ' tary[ible. w#� �i�o slrOw auris to ydu,
the. first priite for the seniors went IVpen. aDOt rethy Million; '72; Ronald wham vie loafs) foie hishest esteem
to Mies Royle her subject tieing Willie anW' ccs 61 Everitt H�Arris 1!(atitl �relleratioie.
,t 1
The British Empire" is nn, , sundae after Sunday' we .sit and
80 Lloyd Finnigan. `Z.'V " lrsten }o yorir
Splendid . ; oy ani an. o . did sermons, oak-
a I �'p'AytDTON Catherine Peters. 75: Grace +Yount,
62; Alan Beed, 57; Everett Erring- home with us lessons that help,
nlfi]ourdutiesInMe' GeorgePollockiswearin4a ton, 48; George Moore. 45. . ling
smile that vrill not conte oto, because P. ROSS, Principal. t to lead us by ur example the gam* of
in livino
It little bay iia Colne to Stay. i,•• Report of Junior Room for fall
.The Christmas entertainment was term : jr. TIT—Total 1990—R. C.ul- the lesson" that teach us each
a great success; the proceeds of theevening heir* $11.0. best, 638: W Pentland. 592; A. Duff, Sunday. We are glad to note that
588; H. Mole, 544; C. Staley, 769; H, your ministrations are not aarrictly
confined to ths Treece members of veer
- • Crani ton..341: B, Caldwell. 154. Sr. ,
1L—Total 1075•—C. Pentland. "735: A.• oft church• britt that you are living
Reed. 4301 A. Young. 4r15: II. Antler . un to the high standard of the tinic-
son, 878• H."Tnwnend, 249. Jr. IL— ed church in runity sorvim snore
Total 935---W.'Treleaven, 813;. M. Me • than ever befooree.. ,
Ponsld, 749t D. Nivins, 897. A. Niv- We wish also, to .coaritnendh 761.3 on
i„e. 840; r. Haines. 625! t':, Finnigan, the splendid way that vnu ay,« sed
are carrying on under the peculiarly
Our Christmas Stock is Complete
Oranges from», a +m. •40c to 05ac,.any sixesWalnuts, Brazils; Almaonds and PeanutsSpecials for followig week
I�� ort lesaeCrtC1I1
The Bur�iug
Have You Your Winter Supply of
The strike in the Anthracite +coal mines is like
throughout the minter. Our prices up to /sloe. 15th
Anthraei ' 19 Egg e
ire* Coal $114.00 par Ton.
Pocahontis $14.04. iCoke $14.00
Domestic UMW $12.00
Our Coal i. -.Waked **Your +Oar Se41•s414e S O* SWAM
If your pi imWag' Or hest g requires adisotiort phases to
at 22 and fees w* that it is prsomptly and proles ►
liar eft n
yes respire a now fsrratwos, tetter aortae New resin are* drat
sot roan as won es heat carat sows you sass urea of
seed br, Horse and this %neon is goaavoiseel &0' the owlens
for MI veers.
Forts** is senietithig srtlki1 ,weer la tltrrrtrsa+t ►
CHAS. Cr The Hershasea LEE411601116111116111* *Ad sesamonthew er. *am "saes 111L
nlu 4. Anderson.A;5• P: Oras'on. 173. frying.eircuniatancesnLthe.past: ear�3R• A. 1'ornir, , Y.et las assure you that you havr the
5n. -..a3• Parke• 15,. Pr'rnf1 sotto fir. ("ltrr' *, i,1. 7. Pan. greyer* of the• congregation behind
490; W. Reed, 448; M es1avrrlln • wail in your work. 'and that you willtMillion. 240, B• (ie-».Be«h find ue reedy to work with our new
ar.. H. 11nn3aen. A. f•1•..ta.t. members in 196. ss. that •you will be
eridr*nn. M." Vrester M. Mcoruse.) proud ofvour cthairNeehn- an' roll 33. Average attnd-, We wish for yo and your esteemed
tis, partner -in -life -manyI1TtRN1N. 'reacher. service for the Maser and also that
you wet by contented to snend norof them with sea. AS, a token of our
e same time. tion of your eoritresation.Mrs. Banta, of the parsonage,• t part of haat week at i:teter,
fisting in caring for a sick relative.
Kr. Samuel Cox, of the Matland
k, has sold his farm ,and intendtirini frown farming,
Kr. aid Mrs. M. Allan left 1'4eelnes•
r for I let, Mich., where they ex.
t to speed Christmas holidays.
Lest D*oedar the Rev. P. Banes
nt to Exeter, -intending, :ponding
ris sem with relativs therm.
The Presbyterian eongregation in
vill ge intent starting a Sundahod at Near Tear's►.
ass• the
The Ileatbatk sehool in Knot church
tend haring an entertainment in
elnarela eat 'VPedna.day evening of
Is week.
a Ciarista*as *sake will 1* hold in
nox eitterelt
assisted Sunday
Mr�si. A i M.
, will reorder wrests) meek.
' r. C. Woes and Moes Ann
of 1i,4sriek Idstlssiaiar, arrir
fief tltatr atristaaas Miklos
LlitilarlIX chards Taos classed fear
ewhaler *asstlssi. The esogragis-
ROI eery loge SSA ilvi
rtes hard sor'riess esi;►g
1t wets
nese Trio
m eotte r Iort
N oda
'ver Hinny
Miss MacVicar
> on Street
The Season's
With the approach of Christmas and the
dart of the New Year, tsar once more ex.
tend otrr heartiest greetings to our many
May yowr Christmas be a joyous owe, and
three ffiliew Year herald} a dawn of Health,
H sbphwss and Prosperity.
s. C. Carric
Gaileriels *aaiwtve Hari%are
Throw ,ilfS--3'34
The Compliments
ofthe $east' -.tooair
Costamars and Friends
Smith's taGiftStoreEasttreat Phone198
ps'U R best friends
can buy anything
,you can give them, -
Except Your. Photograph
No other remembrance
will give such happiness
pl..r Ho. ' J. T. FELL
Live and Dressed
Poultry Wanted
and Feathers
We pay highest prices. Write
for price list. Cratesloaneds
We are buyers 12 months of
• the year.
Established over 30 years.'
26 St. Patrick's Market, Termite
PageantWhen te Star Shone
A colorful,. religious armnia
throbbing with. h u tri a n
interest,which will carryyouto that wonderfultunanearrs a0ea ,
t as d �t O n�Duw h YlYhinc ter x Wet ¢
he h dwvhen a ptheir flocks,heard thesongs
of the angles, ani% wise rnen
following the'guiding rays
of the star, come to the•manger where the Chrst
Child lay. ,
will be givenb'the
North: 5t. United ChurchWednesday,. Dec: 30tb,1925
at8aclockADMISSIOf4: •'Students, 25c,Adults. 35c
We wish you . alt a Very
Joyous Christmas
Godticb French Dry 1110
, Presapt- sad Mspert Sereire
Phone 122 West Street
Biggest Assortment in
Don't Buy until you sae
On the Berea ray .t ci.tlirielt
Ar,_ ___rre _>♦ -Mart
which are sensible and practical are always more acceptable
and most appreciated. Let us suggest
in our travelling goods department
Make your gttleetions early, while our new stocks are
ter... 1111 00onucH