HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-24, Page 5a Tort whew alaelsehey word Chaos nowt darkness heard, And trek their night, Rear twit. role hcilshtlx Asad. where the Gospel itg Sheds not its gloriosa' ray. "Let there Ibis idltktl" ' Biesaed and holy Three etieaioua Trinity, Wftr.aeau,, love, might; Bootmdkas as ocean's tide Rolling in taxleeA.Ptjder ;ton and the Holy Ghost and these seine a tired clay nibs rot O'er the world far and wide ham "Let there be light!" three are one person, the same in ileh- two yoss. J. Marriott. equal ispower and glo y." PRAYRR 'abuse*, me woad peweet in the Trinity is heart ahem se isk et !Berta, that tdww este of whom John 5w rites as the' telt I tree vat lett!!* iter this 'world, We tbatk thee, 0 God, for the groat Wor_ d1e--God's messenger to :INan-- u 1 meld aet sit !junta ta.pro; could love wherewith thou didat love us in the medium of communication be.. t not titaihd the ]rank techs, or the ehCl• F` iri . &WINTE � ,WHY NOT Ittre_1.. ;torr at-y*9* Yp i t iac, a,R. 11144 Wis ,PayOur Aeons , �tes �i"r, '• rt etc. White for stwier<lrttr•- . PIA'1.HAAPAt TOORSI,�ythytr op. Teens fti• 11 ?o .M. . lt.c toushood,os' ." • ON owes. ",..,race God mated the heavens and the earth. Arid God said. Let its teaks roma tan ear image. And the Lord Ge.d foraged team of the dont et the t?oiraml, and hreatbed into his !instant the breath or life; And roan Utes. ! '71.41;t"ara•, beware a lids seal. .Hut Wore 111111941* *ism this berfitydre from all eternity rrriisi:•-rtX ,lust writs ar-k tta tett John says "the Word was with God, . Yea abash` what lallowelt ascan 1114 and the Word was God. The Shorter Nerve fajta have ekes lOstewe. Catechism says, "there are three per.' I nail IOW ti easy -Owe* yeti" of age, sons in the Godhead, the Faber, the sea gnus had tbrse tenesse. ,tad I'ws sending thine only begotten ,Son to be the way whereby allure. :nay re. . tura to thee for pardon and peace.' Grant that se we study these lessons we may be lad to a fuller knowledge `light from the darkness." In the pro- of hips who was the .tree Light} which cess of time a great spiritual dark - t lightet2rr every man that comet)* into t nes*, through the reunites of sin« laid Ole reerld. Aflien. the face of God from man and John S. S. 7-.p;SSON FOR JAN. 3rd. JON says that the Word fn whom was Life 1 ;Lessen Title -The San of - God Be. and Light tame to usher in the dawn- . ing Mem ing of a new day and t'Ius dispel the Leeson Passegee-Jelin 1 r 1•'18.• darkneae. He had seen in hair life. • ,Pent--•Jg1t1r 1 :14. time the reception that with given. 1 Golden time and . again to Ws Light and Zebedee and Salome bad t% o- cons, !could testify that teen loved darkness. lames and Jelin, whom Jesus milled rather than light because their deeds to become hie. followers. - One of were evil." Man , lase gy'dwn so un. these, the author of the fourth gospel, like Him in whose image he - was was on most intimate terms of friend. made that when the Creatnr• of all abip with Jesus in the days following. Ho is mentioned as _ "that _ disciple whom Jesus lovedane as the' one. who ."leaned upon Jesus' bosom" at the iiittitution of the Lord's" Pepper. To hinrt Jesus,. from the dress, cora-. 1 natted the dare of his mother and "from that hour John took her unto his own home;" 'He lived -a Jeru- salem:: until -- Mary's death, fifteen !ween Gad and mean. #41..11 �. ix tact I '!testi' not do. e. Again , Genesis b we read andhat aaytbieg that !tart steady, atter ,le ' Cod maid, Let there be Tight: mid � therre was light; an( God divided' the miser:Me day I would go to be and grit a little rest, but wild not slap meek. After 1 matted to tate Milburn'# lietart and Naive Pills 1 earned have mora ambition to worrk, and my heart sad acres. are a- /et bettor is every way, sox will gladly reooatuea4 theta to all these who .are ear* ril ,•, lee I did, treat their heart or nacres.}e Put up only by The T 310,ign 0o, Limited, Toronto. Ont.. r. how did you get aloha, 7" 4 "I didn't ChIldren's Coughs, and ` Colds Carlin $ • Reil ved By Dr. Wooi's Norma years after the crucifixion. history tells that he spent the latter part of pine his life mostly at Ephesus excepting g for the time he spent in banishment 03frup on the island of Patmos where. he 0 . the *ether known how herd it wrote the boost of Revelatiotl. He is is to k gipp the children front tetchily . supposed,to have died not long after. • node. Tbey will run oat et ,doors; sot his return to Ephesus; and it hes been himself to the one who should come properly clad, or hove on too, much coninjonly supposed that he: was the after him, though he was before him, clothing; play too herd' and get over. only apostle to die a natural death. being the.' only begotten Son which • hotted and WWI off` toe suddenly; ha Hie writings 'contain more about was in the bosom of the Father. liter might, wet; do kickoff 4ro ahem*ed ' the Christ, his person and sle work, than John knew the "Word" to be all at night, n't prt et •rod th g :pother .can't- prevent. any of the other gospels. He tells. Jesus claimed to be, and in hi>e,gos- Youngsters take '"."Dr. Wood why' he emote as fully' and intimately psi he tells how true.it xi' as that "as without any fuse and its promptness as, he did: --"But these are written, many as received him, to them gave and effectiveness in looseeiug the that ye might believe. that Jesus is he power to become the sons of God, phlegm. and' healing the lungs and : 'the Christ, the Son- of God: and that even, to them that believe on his gonehialtubeb.iesueh.that.thetrouble beli.,eving.•ye might have lifethrough n e:" is checke.l befr)re guy serious sting his name." �r. "'entecost tells .that' he • walk !!nobble cait tees ydevelop. Lauge ala his commentary bays that once talking with a' lady who said bandiYour iteplet up only yr dealer. "the Gospel of . John ,is, the Gospel of ,she did not believe Jesus : wall the Milburn it; put only by 'rhre T. Gose p il[ilburn Co, );tiwitsrl, Toronto. Ont. Gospels, as the Epistle to the item- Son.of. God, although she believed ' ens is the Epistle of Epistles. • It is the was a geed man, and. admired'. very the most remarkable as••well' es:ties' immix the ":teaching ' he . 'bas left.' most important literary production '• Strangely enough, he found her -par- .-ever composer,, by man. It is the most'ticularly fond "of the sayings' of Jesus spiritual tied ,deal; of .GGOspela. It in. as recorded in the Gospel ef_ •John;, us into the ffo,y` et IIoIiee i s i€ ; -f_e i nsttance, an .9n my Fatlt-, the•. history of our Lord; At brlip$i; ids, ,ems house are many mansions; 1. go as it' were, into His immediate pros- to prepare a place for, you." "Now," ence, so that. we, behold face to face said Dr. Pentecost, "will you go home the true Shekinail,'rthe glory of the :and read 3lgain the Gospel of John, . ' e:> T. OnlyBegotten:of: the Father; full of and cross• out every word .that inti The fruhi a sort rp;lerx teams! citec mates he is divine, and. say you dor.'t «ouch" from a,sorA �xtnq beck.:. It Can grace and truth.",,, �"- u h tt ou and it certainly .ends the Tdday's lesson is the introduction believe . that' and that7" She thought not n y , torture at encs , ' to the Gospel• and in it we see that it -would be a good idea, and Dr. Pen - 1N' tun "you are suffering; to you thn John had no doubts as to who Jesus tecost: gave her a little Testament, hardly get around, fest try kepi Pepper ryas, what he had; done and what he „and told her to` mark and cut it as Flub, and hits will have the quickest re- in known: Nothing has such concsn ea to do. • Much as she liked. She !Fame back lief s In Genesis we read "In the be- a week, as she. had promised.; '!dire 1, tinted, jlenetratiirg,h+rat as red peppers. _ Just as roan as you apply Red Pep- per Rub you will feel the tingling heat. Inthree.minutes it warms the sore, spot through and though. Pain and sore- ness are g9ne. • Ask any druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine. with -the nameR.owles'oiteach eackagei things came into the world be was get along at all. The' truth is, I 'not.,recoirnixed. " e (•atne unto ilii found I had £a el^aae out .the. \ I lawn, and Fail own received him nor' 1 df the first chapter, and ,1: hewn: aroch, Whether •"his .own' is meant the'4,- it's like this, what will be- b;son people of God, the 'Jews, 'or come of the beautiful promises and his .own �amity circle er his -know les eaving+i a,r So stopped and cried, John dads not state, but we know he "Lord, I see it is so. -I accept thee as was rejelited by the ,sews, distrusted Boa of Gad, my Lord and • - God:" by same of his brothers and deserted WORT- vii an4 N1q by .all of hit; disciples but John.. Just . In Mexico City" a lad f S rho in- . here the writer introduces. one who to of It' tees sent from God as °o herald to tt'i .r Came' into`' of mission school. bear witness to the word that be was As his seemed different from the oth• er boys, neither smoking nor drink - the true Light • which. lightethi every - man. that cometh 'into the world. Ing nor using bad language the John the Baptist reflected that Light teacher asked him why .this was. He and pointed his hearers away from .raged :. "We have a book at our house, and in this book are many things - that make' one think. I read it, and I wonder if it is wrong ' to do this and that, and then I will net do it if it is ib BEUP€PPEBNEII S101PS00AGBE .• "THE IDEAL CNRLST6IAS GIFT"• 'd { T. -'SWARMS' gut° endorse Liver] peck Stables, Etc. Moattrasti *trr..* Jot off the Square SEVERAL VIRST•Ct.AS3 AUTOS READY' TOR SERVICE-GET WEIWA1TTO H 'Souse Meat all Train. said PosaeoSr'Boat* Poomni&ers called for 1* nay !mart of thrl town for all traits* it 0. T 1. or C. p. R Proirnpt Service and: Careful Attendance, weir••••.. - wl!Awry i foam' *p to oek sat lca la over, r*SRect• Your Patrae+age.Solleitiai T. BW ART'S t$R Maettrisl %trra' Here's the Overshoe " That Solves the Question! The question o tailor-made uppearanvc , The question of adjustabitity to any size leg. Tile question of protecting skirts frena buckle tears. • The question of buckles opened by coat lantern. "lite question of perfect fit, warintli and lightness. Th'e situ:short art concealed fastener*. • • The new"afrijostn" Overshoes made exclusively by this firm, not only enssrt'r all theat questions but in quality, fit and appearance so far nett -distance other overshoes that there is no contpetiaun. Coed dealers all over sell "Adjust*" thetrehees. There is no substitute for titan! -ask for there iiy nanlc, ' Made only by the nial.erq of .;buoy Rubber Footwear THE ICAUFMAN RUBBER CO., LIMITED' ICITCHE"IE1 ONT. 1hlyren lfo arida= I bark. a burst of heavenly n le i`rom a heart or setsphe intent. **mew to earth de.u•e11.111 , In the calm atilt aDettt night, ste %e thti ahephehln "t ,jade*. !Watching to the tarty dewnt they bear the iuflut tidings.. 401Alie, fttitit`o of !'.dice, 1a itfll'nl. *Weft and clear throw angel votress go:keine Orauah the Notary eke. Ar they chant the heevenla' enema. "Glory be to God on highs" Anel this toyr'uI C.'httattnaa morning tirenktna, o'er'tite solid Nohow Tells anion the womiroun story Shepherds heard so loot ago. Who ,halt still our tuneful voices, Who the tide or praise *blab stem. Which the bieaerti !timely tauiht on In the stelae or .Bethlehetn? • Bark, we beer again the chards ' - Ringing through the starry iky, And wet join the heavenly Anthem, "Kalil!') ba to God on high:' Mrs, M. N. Mau the fpr CCU ago oft on Yore idsr-ilsmod Came *dog Baku without shinge or Mum* 0Mi . wtw aatetrS et fauna: Mals we u* FiiaFltelitw'd Water. Na one charges, however, that the' All you need to enjoy the great out 1f a home lute a thin coat or le nit printing of accident news encourages ' doors is leisure and youth acid screen* his feed the chances aro that he hi t l Reckless dream settle:: water enough. e 'L .. - .-:.'" - '1 Soft corns are diflieult to er ' Renov XAiu Oji for A11 1Hen,--'fho s:iiial', but Ha11aR14y, a „Cain the soldier, rho fisherman, ilio lune 7.0470.tichevil, ut painlessaly. berinan, the out•door taborer and'.'l1'Ilr'�O'R T.as. who ate exposed to injury and the t n, „ohoD floe fin finery 30 Yana elements: will find in Dr.. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil a true tend •:faithful, s•srt,., friend.' To- ease pain, relieve colds, 1 - eradicate, will .. ec i !G dress wounds. subdue lumbago' and wrong:. The 'book iet called thee/lay overcome rheumatism, it is excellent, Bible.. ° It makes my people happier, ITherefore, it should have a place in different, healthier and' 'better than all home medicines and be amongst'. others. I' wish there were more that those taken on a journey. read and understood it. I want to learn how to teach them," • .1 , - (Record of Chrisitan Work). cNHrSTMAS WISH tt wtejl that good eta Santa • I5.uld travel like a *how •. And to his'tent -ot playthluitl.:' " For walling let its 10. And: take along my etoeklai.l T I n laughing ties ' 11 n B iC;tii,.at: the 'ttin*u het . r Hamm oh tate Ortolan* tree. 1'd tee the.psatebnetd must tt'ink et the kangaroo: I'd sec the.ehina .combat And quagga ,-hint the ;OM; I'd tae the tubliee o,trieh ' r Serenely wink Ida eye To see the monkey Batons ' The 1,esaot;on'U'e Ar. - And then I'd ate old Sante With out his Books Or rhymer; ' • °I'd grab.hbn by The 'Thinkers And tints him fifty Oma. And nn hlc Iaek't:e riding . Beneath tit, tsar* tlanta ' And with; a lot of plo,rlllttei. Go emoting'gayly boom. then 1 think old Font* ' Should up and WO soar , Lad in tine other village' . - , Patup,In* lent -nest day, And then 1st, on ,tilt farther, . • Aim foram.. 41 and still To 1. Ir lotay i•hitdren Than !:teat big atocktngs i1L atwonld wah tee nhra%) Chrt.ttnart, All tou.ual with toy And bottom; tyre and turkey And huhhr hpr,e and Fur while tlt,ua 1110 travels - 'Old Hinted scatter .cheer; - I1e'd roa':n a (Tial*ttrns antnewhef► 1i50b-onp tlitodnitoui the year. - -Nmnun'a,ilume twnmpaa'•otl. i o»E1t,XCH .MARKETS Wheat, 'Per bush.....6 1.15 to' 3:20:. mvekwheat, per bush. - 65 to id Hogs ... . ..' .12.00 to 12;00 +Usti, .per bush:... 37 to 39 Pest:. per bush......„, 1.45, to 1,50 ' Barley,' per bush 36 to • -70 Cattle, . ordinary. per cwt:: :. 6.25 to 6.25 Cettle..-eXPert....... 1.50 to ... 7,54 (per cast.) Cattle, choice per'cut • 7.60 to,.. 7.50 .: 8.00 to.. 1.1.00' mpercwt.. Lambe, 1a, Dairy Butter...... , . 40 to 45 Eggs. per doz,,,.. .. 40 to 46 k'amily flour; per cwt 3.90 to:. • 4.00- - Patent flour, ,per cwt._ 4.50 to 4:50 Bran, per on..... 28.00 t•t 20.00 Shorts, . peron...... 30.00 to 32:00 hay, per ton.. • .... 10.00 to 12.00 Hides" .. ...... 08 to 08.. Potatoes, per bag. 1-50 to 1.50 WHO IS 'SANTA. CLAUS?•- Tradrtlna-An,...roe* With'.• Pretty • %tare?. • It is frequently -narked, *"..15:1141, is Nanta G1uu'?" More Is It sooty about bit» titsI Iris light upon -hi+ rant chars! ter.. iiia was bishop Of Myrs and oiled nbont the your ztvi. Among his pariahinners too runs arae story there Tired. N certain •oow Hinman ikhn ha.4 three daughters. From being tacit he became so pier. thueNber. Seemed to hint no means at'tiilbtainirrg: fonts for his danghtrfr, but to sncritiviva them to .n dishonorable life. Over and over _again the thought camp into lila WWI to tell them so, brit shone and sor row held bird- dumb.-Siettnwitile the nrnitlens wept. continually. not knowing ' what u, it.1 and having no,brrad to rat. and their farther bcennre more and more desperate. When a*. Nicholas beard of Mk bit thought •i1 a *home that such * thing should happen in a'Chriatisn land. Therefore' one night when the •usaidese were nslepp and.their father alone sat %real : rind weeping he took a handful of gold and tying It up in * bsndkerthiet repaired to the•moblenran'h dwelling. Ile considerett how he might bestow It with. out snaking. hiutsele known, and while fie etond irresolute the moron coining Mat behind s •.lanai -showed him an open wow sow. So he threw In the 'g 1d, and it ,ell it tit's. Leet of the father, who, when 'he toned It, returned thanks and presented it to his eldest daughter as her weddeus portion. A second time fit. Nicholas set• !Nicol s similar sum and 'gold he threw it In by night. iIo a wedding portion in a provided for the second doubter. It<t the curiosity of thee old (nobleman now excited. Ile greatly desired to know who it was that eeme to his arid. There- fore he determined to watch. When All hood saint cams for the third bate s prepared to throw in the third plinks'. wits discovered. for the nobleman sea heat by the skirt of his robe aid d himself et kis tett, auylag, "Oh.'Nk servant of Owl. why seek to Mie self?' And be kissed bis feet sad But St. Nicholas made Id* otos he would tell no wag. CASTOR for Nati' in Us. For Ov w. morays lows the signature of AFTER EVERY MEAL 1�. �. !J,, afford* benefit till well a# pirasritre, . Healthful exercise for the teeth and a epur to digestion. A tong. Luting refreshment, soothing to nerves and stomach. - -The.Worid Pauiotta - -Swestmeatruntovched- by hand., full of savor. SCALED TIGHT KEPI RIGHT a URfNC . *Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful WYI.MutsieC ..Chkeito,fo,FveCatr€Bach \ Of ri to Family Tree t'.ltristmas trees in man'yhntnes this year will besutrounded-by, electrical gifts/ An Electric ?'oaster will save mother aruty steps iaind-maka cris hot toast right at:•tho treakfaabt P, tabic. , e.... �..,...... _ _ An Lrtectrk Flatiron will save much time and labor in the . Anlaundlrferrybic Chofrny Dtt4 is on appropriate gift for' , 5h5ter while father an.1 brother w•,uId enjoy c.tffeo from ;til„...,. etechfc percolator nos; iither the pat ur.urn type, fro. in broiled on the electric grill will t.tli;,art the wht lc fitr.iily .. . We have an clectrirul gift for every member of the family. Come and : ec slur• a.•pl,ey. ' The Goderich Hydro Stove 11.11;('. _ARE, i'.,OU-HISSL TIMED .? Po you need a f3ettt;r:Tralning to command a Digger .4.tt',tl'y' tvrlte to School of Commerce for,particulars regarding C, . tan i for Stu.. tlenty corning daily toy train. ('Ui'1.' l,ti:- (",.met n1a1, 13:temu! rahhie. P;tt,clalt Civil EeiS+. t°. a+c.•Jrrtatirtl ,I• 'ant.t reacher* Gonane. - - . Winter Term begins Tnewtisy. January 5th, 1926.• • r lrr•r inrotm.t;1011 apply tt' M. s e'l'f] 1 D. F. WARD, B.' A, t t) e.Nat ri •il.t. w,'lee I'tino p.tl I'rincipni. 1'hn a talk. • 40 46 CANADIAN NATIONAL Rif, TRAIN-SERYICE to TORONTO • Daily IIrwop't Sunday Gus. Goderieh 0.00 a m. 2.20 p.rl1 Clinton 6 25 a.m. 2.62 p.in &Worth 0.41 a.m. 3.12 p 111 ,e itlehell - 7.04 a rn. 3.42 p tn. Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 lr,tll.. " Kitchener 8.20 a.m.. 5.20 p.111. Guelph 8.45 *, m. .5.."r0 p.m. r' Tomato 10.10 a.m. 7.3 1,.111. tutnintir heave Toronto 6.45 e. til , 12.66 p.m.. auti 6.O5 p til Parlor Cafe ear, Goderich to T )r• ore lttorintt►g train, and Toronto Cloderlck 6.06 p. m. train. Through touch Goderich to Toronto P'. P. LAWSIRNCE & SONS P rtootgrr� lT #ekets Agents