HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-24, Page 2wills the 1114111011Meille of a geld Week. Casrriod. . ` eagles of Mr.
*sett aced eosin strMsbl>r seemed. b7► Min sad Me. eGraksssb the report at
lie Magor ea MUM of the coma M. O. M. was readied surd the clerk
r�' Dir'. Csatpi,el *wide a Wee 1, tet pasbiiait the SSW.s address an4 expressed wttb Oa wade* of Mr. Graham and Xr.
deep !whim kis appreciation of the Mill the report of the arkitiators foe
hied considerations of the council. the #former) 11. C. S. deepens was
4mpbeu,h�a had a lona` and accepted and the clerk was inetruetd
honored career in municipal office ir, to pubshitt. '()et motion 'Teen- FM.
tbo the •elerk was ilk.
for eons, time, and me **sown ofough aow�isiir f ble er and Mr. h
fail- itructcd to send a copy of as°bitraators'
ing eyerigkt, to carry on, bis mind fa report to each secretary of whoa'
alert as ever ani his remark* were cocooned viz, 2, 4 sued 7. On motions
of meth esteereet. of Mr. Mill end Mr. Fasten, the usual
Another pleasing expression was grant of li$0 wsa donated to the
the preiseetateon of a beautiful Mu- Children's Aid work. On motion of
quet of roses to Mrs. IitseEwan. The Mr. Fisher and Mr. Feagan, it was
presentation was made by Reeve decided that the resolutions paced by
Mannings on behalf of ;lie guests the county caunctl "recommending
amid hearty spleen**. , Mr. Moeller- I municipalities to return a snoring
an graciously acknowledged the gift' warden as a member.' of the cotetty
and her hrsband, Myer Maciewan, council the fallowing year" to be read
expressed his approeletion of Ibe
,many kind thingstbat had been said
of the hospitality of Met and hostess
during the evening.
We Thank You All for Your
Generous Patronage This
Holiday Season, and
wish you a
Very Happy'ori istmas
West Sider Stetnere
at the nominations. On motions o
Councillors Graham and Fisher the were ,pleased to greet them.
telephone taxes were to 1* paid in,
To be somewhere in Florida, where
the sun is always shining, where the
golden oranges, luny in clusters an
Gederkh Township
The Goderiah township council met
in Holmesville on Dere. 15, the last
meeting for the year.. The follow•
ing accounts were ordered paid: J.
B. Muotard, ,cement, $1.50; J. R.
Holmes, hall rent, $50; Howard Stur-
dy, collector, salary, $100; W. J. Yeo,
use of church shed, een W. Bredone,
solicitor, bylaws, etc., $9.50; R. Por-
ter, timber for bridge, $8.25; J. Gard-
ner, use of lantern, $4; Peter Young,
error in assessment, $1.75; John Per-
due. iron for cribbing, $1: Jas. Mc-
Millen, use of winter road, $2; W.
TideswelI, drawing gravel, $10; W.
Elliott, error in dog tax, $2; Howard
Sturdy, war tax, $15; D. A, Stirling,
sheen claim. $115; G. W., Sturdy, sheep
valuing, $12; : R. G. • Thompson, pont-
age and stationery, $7,90; D. A. Sterlw
ing, spikes, $1; Ben Rathwell, posts,
$12,50; Arthur Evans, t:1e. 51.95e S.
Emmerson, ;eupte,_ salary, ¶20.75; Geo.
Jenkins, 1 mbeie ; Howard
Sturdy, ref, nd of tax.'
property, 40.30; gray
1.1.36• J. orbes, $1.
16; &n Fi -
len, $69; •Mrsw
nel, $10455;
Mrs. W. Weeto
ton, $27; C. L.
Johnston, $53.10;
75; R. Pearson, 56.64; T. Betties,
$27.75: H. Hibbs, $19.50; J. R. Stirl-
ing, $10.80: C. E. Wlie.. $12.60; Geo.
Thuile. 342,35; G. Lindsay. $48.90;
W. Elliott. $29.40; Geo. Elliott, $56.-
35; F. Lobb, 90c.; E. J. Trewartha,
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk,
Mr. led. FARM" of Winnipeg. is
visiting at kis old home ht Caedarieit.
Mrs. Pare Christmas Mr n Jack
ars spending
Miss Mesal Hartwell, of Peet
Stanley, is home for the Christmas
Lir. Jack Herald, of St, Andrew's
College, Toronto, is a holiday visitor
with his mother, Mrs. Herald.
Miss Straag is home from Kings
vile asset Miss Grace Strang from
Guelph for the Christmas vacation.
Rev. C. F. Clarke„ daughter, Mee
Mary, and sons, Douglas and Stanley,
are spending Christmas at Kilwsrth,.
near London.
Mr. Fred Davis,. M.P,, and Mr. Nor-
val Davis, from the West, who are in
Ontatio on a visit, were in Goderieh
during the week and maby old friends
full to the system. Bylaw No. 12
was paused, fixing the day of nom
ination on Dee. S$th at 1 p.m. and
if spoll be demanded, the election
to take place on Jan. 4th nt the .fol•
lowing places, With the officer, in
charge as follows: No. 1, Bensitiller
Hall, D.R.O. V. Gledhill; P. C. Gus
Vanstone. No. 2, Seltford Hall. D.
R. O., Wm. Symonds; P. C., Geo. Fut.
ford. No. 3, Township Hall. Carlow,
D. R. O., R. M. Young; P. C.,Prank
Wilson, No. 4, No. 5 school hoose;
D. R. O., H. Hortoe; P, C.. H. Chis-
holm; returning officer, R. M. Young.
The following accounts were paid :
G. M. Elliott, Children's Aid. $20;
Geo. Fowler; inspecting schools for
Board of Health, $3; Municipal
World, advice, *1.$0;' Aldin Allen,
posts $1.101 Lee Potter. $19.32; John
Tebb..513.37; Weis. Sallows, $10; G.
'Caldwell, $10; H. . Brindlev. :;0; .Jae.
Snell.' $7.50; J. Fisher, 32: Alf. Er-
rington, $2:
r-rinsl'ton,'$2: J. Fisher. $16; H. Baer.
$16; D. Pitblado. $2.50; D..Centwell,
$8; A. Watson, $7.50; Alex. Watson,
$5; C. Dustow. $6; L. Christilc.W. $6:
R. Cousins. $5; W. Vrooman. 36; L.
Johnston, $5; E. Bogie. $5; W. Bogie,
51.50:. R. McCabe. $2.60; I.• .ienkins,
$22.50; Win. Walters, $25; J. Bush-
anan, $44,95; gravel and work L.
Rodgers, $20; J. Patton, $20; A. Good,
$17; Geo. Baxter, $20; W. Turton,
*10; R. M, Young (gravel and work),
$46;25; W. $Ellin, $61.80; (gravel)
Wm. Straughan. Board of Health
work, ;6; A. M. Straughan, sheep
valuating. $4.11.0; E. Mitchell, part
salary, $69 and work $2.50; Smith's
Art Store, frame for honor hell. $5.-
50; R. S. Williams, honor roll for
tp, halt,•;40; Jas. Adame, weed cut-
ting, $1.
The following is a summary of the
report of B.' C. •Weir•, Medical Health
Officer : Total population :of OoI-
borne, 1176; deaths, 21 (4 under 1
year); births, 19 `(1 still born). Con-
tagions diseases reported: 3 whoop,
ingcough (children). ren
ual tin
Two complaints
i�thurgica 'died),
of unsanitary water were received --
both were investilratede Nine- sehools
were inspected by .the inspectors. -ro-
la falling
rc-'aQrting Wry minor complaints. Tot-
fal expenditurerfot yeiir ::or Board
of Keogh, ' . .66. The ,Medical
Health Officer in concluding his report
wishes to thank all who have assisted
In the work of public health in . Col-
borne," particularly his associates in
the Board of Health and the sanitary
inspectors for their 'promptness in
discharging their work..
The following is the award made
by the, arbitrators; J. Elgin Toni,
Gordon ..Young and J. J. - Robertson
in trying to adjust the claima.of the
several school sections formerly cern-
prising the Benihllier. Consolidated
Section^ -(1) That four and one-half
acres of land at the south side of
Beninilter school site and the gravel
on said school site be sold by'•tender
-which has been done. (2) That
the achaol grants held by Colborne
township treasurerbe divided among
the three school sections as follows:
S. S, No. 2, Colborne, $1113,58: S. S.
No. 4, Colborne, $735.50; S. S. No.
Colborne, $566.54. being a total of
$2415.92. (3) That the .seal .of Ben -
miller Consolidated -School Secaion be
awarded to the trustees of S. S. No.
$ and the Minute Book to S. S. No. 4,
Colborne trustees. (4) That after
adjusting the money brought into the
THE MAYOR'S BANQUETin the :speeches which were nude.
+k• 1All were boosters for the erectimi of
'Mayer MacEwen Proves a VerY Hens -'the new building, and some satisfaet-
pltable Host ' to Town. Connell, o figured of the town's , finances
Commission, Officials Ind 'Frees. I were presented, much as given in The
Star last. week, whereby Fs vs shown.
On Friday evening last the town that the expense of the proposed ngw
council, -rater and.light commission, tpunieipal building Qcarried:
town officials and the presd, *ere without adding to theould taxbe rate: Is
guests of Mayor MacEwan at hie fact after three years' time. the pay-
ayhome on Bruce'strset, following the' meats the taxpayer would be, 'freed
me g tit thet9v'n .,clltnelj t +t from Would be a good deal mo'evening,
e than
eve ng,'and" tt tight' royal .entertain- equal thg carrying charges of the new
ment it was. The festive ooard WAS town hall.
1 h
� o ci
i st viandsnt c
the cho Ce6 as
laden • of t�
heavily aTwo
and all did justice to the occasion had intimated .their. intention of. re-
Al eArelie, .lines. 'tiring from the field.. after this year,
After eve: j'ott had reached the namely Councillors Says and. Lee, did
limit of 'discretion in satisfying his-fiem t mto have their. determination
appetite. the genial host started the . weakened by the remarks of . the
ball toiling and called on one rindn- Mayor, who urged them strongly, to
eta s .for some remarks, Quito be candidates againfor the coming
of valuable material wits, brought 00 y
1 --Chas. Cox,
; . J. Moir.
er, $5.85; Jas. McMil-
et, $5.16; J. Con-
Calclough, 1$8.85;
$1.65; Alex. Wes-
sssett,, $50.25; E.
Ben Rathwell,
the, trees, the palms stir gently to the
warns breezes, and *where the sweet
magnolia blooms'" is the thought in
every winter of the nark where a little curl used
Hearty Christmas'
. .........
The Rexall Drug Store
The Rexall Drug Store
Bedford Black - .Goderich.
the minds of hundreds of Canadians Modernism; Bristles at the nape
along .the linea of clvk hair , : 'Hint. • snide' � bonorbi2
►tw town,iiaYl proje:3t, thing arra;
F -established 1817
Summary. of
Assets and Liabilities
31st October, 1925
Crake, Dominion Notes, an$ Silver oohs .... $ 86.829.408.10
Deposit .with Central Cold ,Reserve . • 17,000,000.00
Depoeit• made with ant Balances slue from' 140,4I7.02
other Sank' in Cermet* '
Bel*ncM due by Maks and Banking Corr**. 17,900,7508..11
ponettnts elsewhere then in Canada
Call east Short loans on Bonds, Debentures 134,111-600.20
and Stocks
Dengiwion aad.Prorincial Government Seeurs'
ties ; _ _ , .. 01,142'7.10: -
RaBway ani •other Bonds,. Debentu-sW and 3,466,4111.12Stocks '
Canadian Municipal Securities and Br,tiah,
Foreign and Colonial. Public Securities 1,937,191:7
other than Canadian 3 39,937,891.72
Note, and cheques of other flanks ...M
United ,Ststee end other torelgn cu-renties., . 890,9731.17'''
Loos* and Discounts and other Assets 278,840.$875.05'
Beak Premises. 12,150,000.00 ''•'
Lief :'ties to customers itr ,ler letters of 13.$97.!342 48'
credit (as per cos are) c • .
4 755,147,876.00
Notes bi circulation
Letter& of credit oatstandin*
Other 1'iehil;ties
$ 46,781,184.50
Ewer** r•f Poste, t.er i :::•er"ties to
... .e...\ „3
Conine •
A special meeting of Colborne
township council was held on Fri-
day,'Dec.11th at 7.8Q p.m., the .mem-
Mrs last
ra etil present. The minutes s of la
meeting were adopted as read. The
only business attended to was the.
paying of the following accounts,:
Wm. Terton, $20; Lawrence Baxter,
$26; J. Allen, $28.75; Jno. eicLarty,•
*21.26;. Walter Pettni*n, 26; t:.
LAITOkelt, $66; �C. Walter,$37.600 Wm.
Straughan, $7.43;: Sana Gardner,
$6.75; A. Vanstone, $22.50; V . Fish-
er, $12.50; R. Hill, $15;.
$15; S. Vanstone, $15, •A• Good, 2104;
C. Allen, $43.25; C.. -Welter, $3.75;
Jno. Graham, $12,60; H. Jenkins,
$13.75; Jae. Green, $26; Gordon Bis-
set, $19; M. Jewell, • $20; R. Jewell,'
$21.60; : E. Holtzhausen, $22.50; R.
McCabe, $23./6; L. Maskel, $22.60;
W. Graham, K. Good, $17.60; F.
Wilson (Ashfield boundary:), $3.40; F,
Quaid, $40, 'L.'. Potter, $39:.1. Wit -
eon, $27.50; W. Bogie, $36.25; Aleck
Watson, $32.50; E. Bogie, $27,50; J.
McCann, $31.25; C. bhstow, $301° 1✓•
Cheistilaw, $27.50; L. Johnstone, $30;
Wm. Vrooman, $30; R. Cousins, 530;
'A. Jones, x$7.60; G. Milton, $2.60; ,lel.
Freeman, $30; A. .Bogie, A. Nockold,
$8:50.(oil and work); T. Clark,, MOD,
Cantwell,28; W. Raymond, 120; W.
Stewart, $20; II. Fisher, $17; T. Chis-
boltit, .$17; W. Green, $12; J. Chia-
holm, $10; J. Tabb, ;26.75; I. Tabb,
$837; H. Brindley', '$56.50; G. Cald^'
well, $30; J. Snell, 515; W. SalIows,
$3.87; W. Walters, $28.25; C. Yeager',
520.50; J. Feagan, $12.50; C. Feagan,
$11; 1. Godh7iied "$4 Te::Moore, $41;
R. McPhee, $12; H. Watson, ;10; M.
Tyndall, $8; G. C. Feagan, $
Feagan, $8; Jno. Feagan, $19; Wm.
Long, $22; J. Feagan, $13 (posts $11,
work $2); H. Mandel, $6; A. Allen,
When Canadian* at home are ekat- to be, :t
ing and skiing, those in the south
will be surf -bathing, sunbathing 'on
the warm sands, deep'sea fishing,
golfing, etc.
When making ,errangerents for
the trip south consult, any agent of
the Canadian National Railway* for
particulars' of service. Winter tour-
ist -fares -are now in effect valid to re-
turn up to June 16th, and good for
stop -over at all important points, as
well as for .diverse routings. Direct
connections are made .at Detroit and
apace obtainable on the following
crack Florida trains. --"The Royal
Palin," the "Ponce 'de Toon," and
"Suwanee River Special," ate.
council of 1925. Before leaving, the
township Honor roll was hung in.
place by members of the council to
remain a historical 'tribute to the
memory of the brave who served Col-
borne in the Great War. Beside the
honor roll was hung a framed photo-
graph of the council's municipal cont -
rade, the late Isaac, ' Hetherington,
which was dedicated be Reeve Rob -
erten and Councillor Rill.,
Chi1tlxen 'Clic t
C.: A ' T Q RI A
$850; J. Feagan, ..$8.50; R.F i5�,
$6.25; P. Fisher, $8;
;12; P. 'Fisher (jr,), $12; J. Duret,
$21; T. Lee, ;14; Win. Stevens, $14;
J.' Jewell,. $3.05 (repairs); C. Kerr
$28.73 (tile); le. S. Hetherington,
$7.60 , (tile) E JMi item 8; 110; E.
Moore, $80;
term, ;20;' F. Mugford, $12.50; B.
Munninigs, $12.60; H. Munnings, $16;.
A. Fisher, $30.50; E. Fisher, $15; H.
11111,.515; R. Mcl".•lure, $8.75; A. Fish-
er, $18.76; A. Straughan, $22.50: W.
Hill, $25; W. Feeley, $20; r . Fisher,
$20; W. Allen, $16; M. Mugford, $42.-
9s; .1. Pitblado, ;33,75; R. Mitchell,
$3175; D. Pitblando, $20; M. Kernig,
ban, $1.25; W. Mugford, 420; 11Pit" Iblado,.520; all for work or material
for roads; W P. Reed, :rear., Ash-
leld, $89.53; balance due for work on
Ashfield boundary; Wm. Thompson,
treas. W. Wawanosh, $812.60, balance
due for work on W. W. boundary;
Goderwh Manuf. Co., for pine. $25.41;
II. Oraer, water grate, ;4; F. Hunt,
nails, $1.50; R. Howard, shovel, etc.,,
for cemetery, $3; Signal, ads. and
collector's supplies, $12:50; A. Van -
stone, sheep killed bet dog., $22; A.
Clark, supplies $3.72; 3► Graham,
*alar$, $50; A 'iaiser, =salary, $s0; 3.
Fagan, salary, $60; II. Hill, mat)art,
$50: C. A. Robtrtaon, salary and L.
D. Tel., $62; 14re. Hetherington, bal-
ettte salary and stamps, .vtc'., $120; It.
ai. Yon . aelaty, sterol* rend gene'
inor, 3. The meeting n ad
to Dec. itith at 1.30 nm.
Townahip Clerk,
The Colborne township eo*nr_il Diet
as per titatete os Dee. 15th. ell mem.
beet nmseet. The minrties were
arleeted. on nnotian of Mr. Graham
amt Mr. F"her Y'wrd 1' Ate. Feel.
re. eee rwhol be Me, Greheet. th*t
the collector's tint. be extended Otte
consolidated 'section. by -the -•aaML.sec--,
'.tions Nos. 2, 4, and 7, and also the which can be used anywhere that
e paidfor repairs to the school Anthracite WAS used. We will helve
tN.'Ct1E A .
Before admitting * plea of insan-
ity why not let the alienists examine.
the jury 7
business to do all kinds of plumbing, cleating and'
tinsmitb.ing to your entire satisfaction.
The Holiday Season affords us an
opportunity to express again the
satisfaction we derive from our busi-
ness relations with you, and on be-
half of . our entire organization we
you ou and yours a full measure
of Christmas joy and a very Happy
and Prosperous
mNew Year.
Christmas Wouldn't Seem
like Christmas Without
Warmth and COmtort
XJT there its no necessity for
your; being uncomfortable. The
Heat Folks are ready to furnish
you with Pocahontas Coal or Coke,,
house •,•in S. S. No. 2, Colborne, and
S. S. No. 4, Colborne, and atter the
Fee -meet of all expenses connected
with the ,matters of the arbitration.
we. the ..said arbitrators %ward' :and
direct that the residue of moneys be
apportioned and paid to the said sec-
tions as follows, that is to say:. To
S. S. No. 2, Colborne, the sum . of
$111.85, and also otic and one half
acre- of land valued at $120; to S. S.
No. 4, Colborne, $5.87; to S 5. No. 7,
Colborne, $434.40.
This concluded the business of the
All Radio Receiving Set*
MUST be Licensed
Peas* en tntm*ry' Conviction is s fine not exceeding $50.00
License Fee $LOO per annum •
Lice eees, colla to 31st Muth. 1926, nsey he obirsi+util .hom:
Matt Poet fpfficesa, Radio Dealer', Radio iv -tepee -tone or horn
Ralik) Stanch. Depottme t of Marino and Fisheries. Octaves
ns peas*s.4 fewer gown* toot oto whoa to *+Arra% irreerdeaetesrg
amMi to iasssroo* htooiea$% boottptiea ei athM
Deputy hiliaistat sf Moine esti Fisheries
your favorite grades of Anthracite as
soon es possible. 'Meanwhile, if you
run short, you will find oursubstr-
tutee very satisfactory.
lime 4 -CALL THE.:-
• F'or`Cyood Clean Coal
Phone 98 -- Goderieh
A Happy Christmas
cilia Road Telephone 174-W
is Wirint for Heat, Light and
First for FirstVassWork
Smart Hats
for well, -dressed men
'electing a snimble, sensible gift for a man
is perplexing
Give Him a Hat
A stylish Hat is one good gift
If you think you'll be ::finned buy it yourself, it will
be one gift you will appreciate
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Tear
Tenor end Hatter
*mow l>OtJlt•t1I14NiR
If etel eti'S BLOCK ON ZIT !ODE Ole' $QV,i10t, GODRRICB