HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-24, Page 1, — �;. � '. VT07" �. , I I �I M ­ �' , Ot I. , I � ( � 41, - — I I �W"Ill I . . � It, . .1 W- " - * , . Ott .1 � . I . ,4ri� 11 lw .* X410A# ,.�, -1 - ----- . , i. - �', i. , " . ,;�#.Pw . � �. ---- I I .1 "I S . I � .1 & , V - .. -- - - 7, . I � 11 .,�'­. . � ­ I .1 I t2k �' AdWw .k , - % ,?! �.- . . I - os� I -. I �!:�,,-A-, I " i�­ ­ ­ . - � � � I - I . ;-*�." , --- I ., � 0�1,-. � *- I . ��;. i , V , p4lowni -# , , . I . � � I "I , , . �� I I . . -, - .. I I I I , � . I . I - .I ,,I. , I , , ,�, � . . . . I . I. LI.: I , I � T.'A, . . . I ­. I - - At .� 'rZ, STAX . .11. *, . I, 11 " I - I � "I .-,Jqe" AAMW on 06ft Us So" To bw ­ . 4r W . - -- I . - . . I I .- . ----==-Z:---.= ---- --- ------ ­ ­ , - I—— --- I 'W . Won a hwim. . -- -- - � I 11 I iim I . =:=:==Zxxz;w�� --- - -..Mlmmtulm==Wkmc===—. -, - - - --.-- - �-- - - �Ay"�Mra NAIPTZ1* POWWWO 4 4' ,, -1 r,"ADA, THUMDAY, DECEMBER 24 1925 - — -- -- —1=====V � -- -!!F-=----------.,---�--,-------,-- -- -.-- GODMCH, ONTA-Mal ----- --====N" m I I I t I ----,-----" - ­ ­ -- ­ - ----- -- - -- -- - � -- -----, � -- - 2-- � 4ta — . . -1 'Dow i TN-14�1-Ur1q.------ --------------- =Ty d=XD TTAR I . It- bg ... - I t N I -=� * I 11 1$J#W ;ft "" - witk tke LATUd. R. *0. OW11451r. Je ..". . I A kowls a 10" - � — . I 1. MAW9 . I "Wt 10 I I -0.1,1.4 I a — hwal tw bultA. Mi" IL'byan. With 4 A DUMOND Vmftm I ADOUT TH& . PROXCV 1. 1:M.­..:.1�­1­.11 � ­ -- amaw�p�4pmw -- x4w V�M& wore Godorick Ntrtsg Of �;Z; jet" burwavis.,with TOWN HAM I ­­ - - 11 ­ I TOWN TOPKS UVAW th4 SAWA.0 tho Ilk And , pwu*A ou"Isor; " kr- A. M. Mr. ww 1111olo. &ON" As*wvs C*4* I , - � W"Ommqrm"" - ­ -- ­10-1�lrroft awbot� xessrs. P*I*l R40*rt"I, wlta a $Wx *car(. Mr. bra,40 *xU,Kk w.44mg Aaaiv*r* To the Rditor of Us Star. . I I n the rousidering the I ' . . , � � ' K*tiW-Pfr10W*r I Alsbode, vto )Ave 0"604 up I RAS. YVAAX� tb4 eAftt0t1K*r. W1100 it It 98n' AArY OR TrWW LOW- I Siri--In prop" 'L &W COS Of 08nda . Mr. " Mrs. Goo. V. Pfrks*w, Of I tat W%4:rto tho Royal Lxdios' lavolito *Mwm the students, Fri"Y last WAS A mbfw Qtw*'Oft 'or the ortetion of *- now Gi(xisrilth ' Sol Al"Fame ,4 on tho Square. mal(s tboir oft, .V"WW."P*- 111111 lKb Str"t. 21"Acon, aa""" t, the p"pk Of God'*. W" promatod with a ch"%W. Tba is the bigtory of Mr. OMA MrJ- M*Pk- Municipal building, do #he public roa . I ,I W *%rri&z* of their W -Ad A&Wk- anwAmovallInt I coad,oc.t botit a affair was Mid uador the aus*464 s* Asim", .&&Any" p4%Qo,10 Xur- Itse, the amount of debentures tkat . . I ter, Violot X&W, to Mr. Doniol Ma'. r" Uoy wu Zook a*rlyor- art being paid 0 by the town dwing W,; 48 wln*4,4 And will of the I.Atitrary &wietY Sall the Prt- olk rQ44- 114409 tlw A 4 In to" $43f.. ) 1. .. � h; ,,, a= pohC d *10"14 A" retail I d4W wb*u tkey the next three ytors, . - . I, 1% W120 41 'y Holder$ I br, I tugir, of Falftitt, Sask., on tM 3W 'w� in stock all kinds of dom"Ut d4out* *J" F J4&z Wiat*r,4 pros*d. very at tliiiit kapw Wle" Mr. An IN.W,yearly in0rost go iavw.�W . 1. . . - 0 — , puktot trah in X . . 1 � ." of this inonth. Tit* brW* Is a grand' k*" r#4p -frufta� and, fm1t% "P- l yoRow V," of .4 Y*vs 29T.84., in 192T, 0111.050-U!, V**0Y Ift- ughter of Mr. JO4*0 Edward- of &TA f 0 AGORZ53" 111011 X CLASS drew, wu , I I I I eny Chriqftnagi'anj a i7u- . tabloill, i" . I at tkat tims, avA ld& lorw WOA 11104 terllot on .sankli, $'.6,8ft'.09-, t6W, � Friendl; a M' . Godwich, Tks Pageant wWbm t�e Star 7 46 ,, Proosectation to Mr. OVA Mrs. New jorio yowg. daagi,,sw qj the, Isu Mr. $80.23 .7 , yearly intoreit, 1113�1104-Q- 1 - The coal Strike The saying in interest Means *bolot . I ear. - Show- fts,Vorstislag Malk ."or lkmqwK jWltert yo"g, ,*I* wiwL b#tw**R I I lapire of . '? I .1 Pr.sperous New Y I I " forget tbs pageant Vo be ' - ty SrA ag"oty yoon a#% to bold 4 =III* on the t)Ax". To '"lid the I � , The Toronto Mau And F - Dooft J1116 lab , I, I. . . I . obn L. LAWIS., Uh stroot United C)kurch . L po"n of iaarks4 dot bar*. nL%,-. .town ,hall, taking into octOuAt ­ � . f I - � - .I.-- Doc.Alot "Id' "J gtron In North, ��4!1.1 - - . . t - , I 0 I PP Iry I I I I —­ ­ I ited mine Workers' PM101111AU M's on Wod000daY 4"allig of next week A very plosslitut and profitsbIt She is Ab"t thio *auto w As her the revenue derived, Srom saw, - . . . wp"Now"o., I 4POt the present coal strike may Wt untill by tbs Sunday scbo4. This Meant Joe Wall oZat by the Aggressive husbarA, who is now to W 84th'.vtor. would mean Ito* then 2 Mills, but Par � V, IL L LONG- DWI" AV4 be spring Of'IM- These 2 mills on you* ""a . � � ;1 ,pbo" I I. 6, - - the fall. of 1026 or t on'thlil Star Sb4tio " Avon - . t I ililll!ll sht, is outitled, "Wh ' Bible Class victorla -it. United When Mr. Andrews' Parents ar. o Mills. . . 11101IN1111101110111111 11111 0 will Itave I I., immmpw—ww-w-:Uoiii=llllllllllllllllllllillilli�illillillillillillilliillillilI Both he and the mine eperAtOrs mt sall is A c0WuI,1%*1*J6ns drama church. Goderich, at their regular rived in Canada from ursonstahlre. in 19,7 2 TAIJIs IM t1144 In I �t � 11 -1 - ! I . It by that amO many throWnx with , kuMAA Interest, And itoem, hiestlut, be ,Rw born. trans* 1925, For the building of tu 11oll I � , . -:�� o"der,ths Monthly Wont" EnglarA wkstw I -*ry I , f = �oy, If4ve cowd per,, will carry you back to that at tI" Itome of tbo few. we have no p4yrdootit on deboatWolk �� WANTOD, I STLAW . houseboldiers m rt^tIoa iscHWIpa uses -, , � , I tbv&cIto.n which 00=1, V,htoh was hold. PO 1k. I'� - ­.--�� -"�, MAIlently to be userai 91 mIn wor*rful time, noaxly two Ili* � prookleat, Mr. Mew. There Wait a Tbs farsily tam* by boat from Xing, for &&Ille until 1927; so In 11010111 Of . i . . , -woung . . . I . i . 5,z,,�=�-A je'l oulbitioui, * sent. aton to Hamilton And then 'i'Alre the your taxes lifing mort in 1921. tUsY 11 o I . . , I., . A A Change, to No. 2 Polftg Owk year$ Ago. Vbea shepherds, watchisit larger attendance, 36 being Pro o"rland by hill. I � 4J" � I I M taltsman, Who Is U04 arro"l *', . 4t . are less, And Y16 will hsv,� 4 MOS I lioney. % �jomlugttoa their flocks, hard the $04t Qt the Milo. Moore load the dovotional exa- long tpao!xx journoy T . . , worX %ad wou" tO MAU* 3 I . Next Monday night It Mr. cent now town hall. In 1W. Vft Poly - . J .1 �,Iuot bave goo. gppagraut* and 'rod I "14r, end wisp,w*a, followlifff the kh consisted of the singing wagon i $0 toeal to G000rkil. . 1, - . ,� ly ,to THE J.A.. 1 4". night in Godericb. Wo do not unow all class, wh half of another block of 401141lotu"s � . � . rexatficea, A' .7! - Otbe laet'nomilt- goldlult roylk of tbs- stqr, came to the 10, rOPOStililt th's A11141TOWS 'Was Only tM "d ft p3,"J.80. Tho'luter- I . * TAndsity. I . � ,whether thWwIII-bo . I � . RN '0- � - -2 7�p-�:�­q , , (Zild lay. of soveral hymi ; HOWN )MIT -0 C I . . ­ - f I I a mancor where the Qvifit 14rd"a Ilvoyer (the arripture reading yol"s Of at the timol, W. Ire has amountInx to 1 to 41601.20. �� . - 4 " I � . Z.� ,-, oV THF, stion. Meeting In the Pr011eni tow ors, of- surely o"Inn big dove4ollimlint 100th In o,t � . . 1.10. OF , IN It y4il depend 0*4 what The program will begin At 8 O'clock- il. J. j6hnstoni and PrILY, . on this %mounts "I W--aan A -.,IAN-- yt,.kNV MI. 25c� by Mr I .� . ' I cuRPOM14710IN OF THE, ToWN. ball or not. I dolts 35p, atudents . S. Allen, Mrs., Phil- road llionstruction And. transportation This will cut. Off nearly ,,Another 4 , 'Ja. . V410 -,,%iouid tillia to elm More Wages ]D . the ra*payers -do, *1th the byl^W AdMINS1011-A . I fered -by Mrs.. I faclUties in tbs int*rvonlaz three o -will b*ve Vold OR . . J1, - Bxcuse. tor OF CAODF-RIC41- — . W%ich will be vivtod-oft election day, A Ailver Will""t ­ lips, aiid Mr. Elliott. I It y a s.vrelN* Mills. by then w ritures. :%nd we I .1.11 next year ? Thore Is no I � � I $164,40o.c4 of debt ,*tay-to,'Vie 014 rut or MM VINDA ron easy night last Mr. And Mrs, .At the request of the Presidtlit, quartWO Of A to tur - 't i , any man to A paqvipp. F, - joly, jet, 4th. Voters !n subdiv- "I- On IF . , -X No. .­ ., . -1 - � -- -- . � -- -- -I never had -a chance - ­ � ZA-10'N OFi N NEW *41: . . I , . I ,, There are A BY -L. N,-, Maud I � son.: West strOOto �Iri�colv' the vivo PrO41144fit, Mr. Iteld. took the a fir try from those Old days of ted. 1will havo Put on 485,000 debentures . I . " - . I , . will need -to noW the a. G. Ander ­ ­ - � , yor the I 11 ..� . 1. � �r i4xv, in onta"10 be .TH? oulbal; Ision, No, 1. W-4 *hen about -, -- U, I drie" -part. - - One of Joua -travel to tbs pr*oAnt,:.,W.heta. on, -tova- hall. -----, - - lit- -h--------- - ----- ---- . ovor M.0119 mou , - in..tbi polling iplace in this oll ,I pleasant murproe tot . OW -ttl . . iii of ,�40 IMP41A . obangO � - So you will readily goe ill 't e , I'll 11 .. .. �-�­-­ . sides .uWAreds Of UtOVALO( I .. k. ,­­ � ,. I . . A , 6 dropped In tt: rtteins of business which occupied can $too into his car at Godorich, tra 50. . . I I ... cog,tues. 'Me eteam-boaft And rallw4ya . `vqdIEREA.k It is 'V osild, to �vr"t a lostea&-of-401hig ... 4t-,�'W*sir -forty five Of th' r 1rlen on the Putt of the tiIiie was ormn9lor for Ivor** g6oith highways And arrive In difference between the two Is. $7$,' - . I . N te. ilre divillow. � . . 4 axe, InstaDIVrIternal 00mb,4410A *09" 11.7 hoacre, i As formerly the booth *it them to con0stullitt' them bless to. I , . IOU bricek steel a ' t- MoLean's stor( hours", time and, -e. there 14 that olue . . I � I ine$, 4adud t4vt wad engineers new , of approx . !lot shop, completion of a quar i therefoi ".. A bunitim, , ter of a century A bonquet to be bold on 411- 12th, Hamilton In 9 tow I . I . Frc,, Fm- .proof Sfu;104PS, -C for in the ninkinc -fundt t , by 15 rept, thl,C, stories. wil I aps,A=ted ever. here. Cr a . i I be At W. Stapletoes ta I of married life. TW.eyent Of tWen' this ,I ad hostesses, it be :wgut,a to, makekthe return trip be provided . �11 I. . Meat .l;VIII al�4,jl 'YOU j6litelY OO " .1n helwhL to 'Provide East iltreet, I as% to be hosts a that much ItAs to be , � 10 - ploment Depar illunlol- e years AgO. W4 y . . ,, . , , -to secure Avotx when you 111116h TOUr'And Basement timodaltion . tot' - ty-fiv it. eelebrwted- b and inviting all the other organised, the same day and think very little of and this means maldwe 34', further . � -_ 11 I . . � a,pla-4 vl;bereby )rOuladequ;Lte WOO' ovlsl . ", Collected in tax0af pal OMce$. council and committee Contrib0tona to 110dPit'll SPO. I Rev. Mr. Murray in. Xtncardine4 For Classes of the SundaY 6013001, With It. I - number of . . courie ' . , I Sod .the Gode- reduction on th I . I . . We bave I mills of , �, . tan earn while 1641011il; In our big ohambeM fire thall and 11femell'i-upart' Building Fund. Alexandra Marine , I go Mt,, and ad 40000VS and qua#*- , Mr. Aodraws *tt40 . e . . .. . . . , .� ,r 1,,allo, j�eata, palw rest rooms with ctinv011" . a. time after. their mavr-al the teachers a � �a ;"PI Hospital ,orly board 0 their guests, tht 61)- rich common I I ,AOp%.. We also teadh the barbe whool's and-reexl1i; all the taxes, I I �11 iv, IWht manitary borber alty rotoms. auditorium. and. Ge I Mrs, Anderson. lived in jUncardite, 13 ke-i�.busine,LA% or a tree;., . � � I . b � instruetlooli, lenoes, commul.-dq and. arolilves .police. 'Cbapter, I.O.D.E.. - 4 500 00 the,,, I oron - c ingroolst alas Of th* ineldelita of his *chOQI- A town IN 11 I . . I '.. givin, ,aults, u let. Act'oIywiW0dati6fi Ahm.eck a T to,,Aad the gnat eight ject of the banquet being t , J TL -b*II battle betweellf it.c,nnot stand c,till, I't either ba t . q You full N ir rmot . - . I 0 1 1 . � Ind PC, . I . I P our '*� . . I 2trld of experlenoe ,I . letice. krters. Police tot dy, - Victoria - St r a ided In Goderich. Interest in And, develop loyalty to the boy dayo a %now I r , )%,Cry 4101- (W xd chlldrtn','� aid de- Thos. - San . 1. , . . . . .: P&,Yjng You a peroeniage on I for Twistrates'al . 26 00 Last Priday evening tbs' Party had Sunday school. At the close -of this the onlMon school and what, U11-11 go ahead'or back. lAt 08 k" I in. This belPs v011 Can" partment.und to 1eQuIR the same' I God0rich .............. 0 grg,major school,' The municipal W . . I .. jar you 01AIM r])eriag, 4.4 it We, clean, AS.Rober,t iloKay. 'Escl-- edged.- 5856 72 a very happy time in cards And danc- then 0141*4 th .Ildihgs up and it fueons " N sidetobly. B&I AND NVIIEU - Proviously aeunow, � part- a &ood program wall'ren4eft4L �Isce in what;s now -the, orosperity. It -we have a prospect , , I 11 7 .1, . I I _ -14 IRTe )f 06dertph. has g . Net took V . I I trade,, The wage -lie Town < .ener . . . . 1. Duets *,ere sung lly Mr. Mew and coof . 11 lileamit, Irmide mi -4 for of U � to pro- . I I -� if*, . . . ,, is a b* doin qj undpriolien , I court houso square, 'but these were ji.oin a, wealthy coocern coming to the 0 ­ And agreed . ZO,381 72 . . ' . . .. I . I, good And ,there - towards Ilit Cost of ilie . . Now It Is King Netted 1. I Mrs. Allon"..M., . reetwn 01 that town AlA, we: tako� him to our Present : .1 � S,arb#rs. .-Ao nOt Illesita'te. '%V" also 0 a �12.000 -but,lolng, and H. J. A. Macl�WANxi . . . to Piano. �Mio. it. T.1 the days befor? the 0 1 . . lanical.denuotry by experts, truotion of the said . I 1 70 Moority , Ing them on t reeffat, etc., 'he . . 11 ua(,h ,meet I ally the community feat- . Treasurer, by I I Old . JPor"kto Pik. � . ,. ,offices to look UP . * . ­.,., , ' Phillips re . " . 11 17 'in our labomt( I - ,cited, 11he . , . % .-; . I : .. . ),rv, w1hi*1 Is rplindard in 06ptl0i I .. .--- Thii,aecislon of the appellate divis was a naki,�q Of gDestoway with the Itn"81611 that ' . I . . R-ensed dentist. Ow- ures, � , 1 777— - �7-i. ,- ­ . Mrs. J. johnmton�rsvol Urs. Andrewo. I I I . .. , .. . by a cometeot. 10 ,A.Nl) WHEREAS the e%fe,thig. bilild- ­�-- � ,A0 - At O Aton School House," ag born wil,hin sight this is a doid"town, Slid Ithst It is I . I I flig to the great demand for bUtIOPs- - I justice o, T i ,the 'Appea f ift. Spo . � i�d a brIelcle,ving and .Gsu'Kable for tile re ialims, during ,a geriod ,or Welt V -to'lrs- ton On- y MI,. 4f f4r, , eading, ,'The- Xt,dolght Express," Ayrooldre,'bol . .- . t we bear of him. . . . . . ��� , I . we have InOA.19 ney of tho Paid dPhen' from the Ascisio) ­ the IAI.. Mrs. W � ass, Craig. . .1 . . Inx is e0tIrd`F I . fa� Moore -a reading, ")fie% of A ' tho Us . I � . I wliere vollt cAfI � learn sent requiremeats and wllI not ren� being 41if eurr(,, Veariv suing bring Of ,W -alreoted,libat I I . I . . . I : . i, �hopt jiiom, jobs ore . Oi . - .",I 14 J�C­aud Urs. AndieWs hf0l� 4 Ionic Then ,gain thejejore, reebrits wbioll . . I �� .. � . . -plafAering 0*00 itself 40 WVautAgeous ,.Or ec nomical tures. The , , imollats 111,vt the � ag- � -right , (who Groy,,N,o-.* 0 Grey And Beat Friend-" I . And a a .1 � . '.. 1, - . . thom trades 171,4 . I . . such respee-tiv - lots from No' . 2 into th6 life well.lited to - look: back upon ate awiy back, also the prefl�nt sy . , I � I I - ,%I to $15.W per day. remodelliag� I A Payable In Qa0b Vftr - � . - .. .. 11 1. 11� . . . WRIlLintr , I. $10SO 1 lay. nawAnc t de4,Ir- RrMatA amoul ia ititerest In resP00t (It No. 17 Ashfield whith had the coltat'. A 1110te Of 064itili,'Olitered' y may a fly more records wlith6ut prot#06111- A fift.- I . . . �� J I ,, AND -AIIIEREkS it '14; deenief prinelpal ar Pos. eukthe'.'"'Arne Of out door- wO, hope 'the t . . . , . �, Ir's"Ilftuall tol ,vu and .for ed, be. 6oitoted;i, given ,meetlfifg W yet, T41c. even , would totally, ,delt`VOY .611 , 0.1. �iheis I * ma ft 0, . ,�nll -would IMA. in � learn. Id' in th4e anle"at ,bf the tol said debt. shall be ,(� 1� erfolls Attach anabi,ersarles L - . . .1 . .!. 4, , ''A . ab erect a " aq le appellate ly loved INrletid. and fellow r1liffibars *happy I . - our new . . - ,�! . � T A - Xflig -*� neae" A' (II � - . ,! . A, ,R..DE,SCH00LS- 163 nsle ,of the oomoluxitty to C.. 141blo erfuqI tin 4he - I I .Priceless rec6vdg* whoreaj . I . Yi I set forth dbov .. ELM('" I mentit, at iftiday � - I � ainet�Vellp 41�,Irq of litst 'Friday wail thfitAl . � I . I f . Mrs. Buchanan' Was med, oh",, of Ja .*%4 a family gathet .. I � ,, , A ' - nio. om building 69 . eath of Mt- PMer I Thill , at) wide, f, -with Tluw� . I . � , . . . . I . r . . � � ... I I st. W.. Toronto. - ­­—­ as, .. I I , . . I iw Juitadiction.' . ­­ id � tMugh. ,Owing, I , 4& ;. - � � I . I Oulke* s'u'red that pon 10 ran -n' WHETtE 14 pmopt :f,Aovid41i4.8Peho.,6f prom4pi0aWto ltaving�-Pxss .. ". . 'i we"Ce voults, where our. Teo � , UND -vNITEREAS7 it 1,.4 deflultelY tile ,laid -PPAOd INASi6n: UA , . lo - bplox . ' ­' Ill - . !io � Alo ..'GrOat - *y*4&:dfft, , building ords 06n . , . . , vw,;TED,-4104�tor Pniral 11 sidenablo' revent ldlll,.. -re,j�, I, . . � . . tyrd fro Vie_ said, .but . AN AS the tol' 611 eppointmept since our last, social gatherinck Ili ly scattor,4:6rily.two famille erous � I . I.. N - VON,.. mitat be fond of t1h3liftfl. lie dCr in .r�d­a-� j.ha .Con4nIl,I.,jto,J�'.\fnnI i-, tho cquitti judge %ndv and Mrs- lVin' be Put :away gyttomitioally - and � �, I � '. . 4 ko, road Able, to be present. Mr. . I . I., . . AVj1v ' jAC!K1�9N,,j Phon-*,­W5;, *.bj6h: r reduce 1.he-,M 4 Wd 11;110-101V - this t6unettion urx.o & :A111 I I 1. � I I , IRS ld'j�. -Okiild oreat), , . . Ito N, m1f ,ivai ins,14--for Wedhosdwy (jestdr 06sk 14 Ind Mrs. Ed- wh 3116Y- can be bola ln,a moment's, . - � I � . .. . . N . � -- , , ­ . , ntkfl Act hf,' 111M %vtfur,the: -00 . �y t,era. of towit. %nit Me. A ,, ere . t, . . ­ i I rate for�- r; verses - com, . . I I .. -T ., balmolits tkerwn. � . ' ' Jhv sp"K ,pro- � I " " ' I �, . .� . ` �... 1. ­ - ,...I 4 t ax ,beroin-117VIr '06eil judge uwls; taming the, follOW14. ' I I I I =====:--1111111 1.11,11,1111-11,1111,1-11111--ll:"'',I ' Z,; 4L wIli, bp'�n('Oem'lry debt and inter .,. day) coatiary, , MA'., IL T. Phillips I FerV;, Of 9tratford. A gumptuous Vo- not ov, - -� . . Olt �&k1,1M,01t44 RIENT' ' . !AND -WHERE .'' I l superior the% 46 � .), oil" 4.0 Very lvnlillft� .0 :% . the' I; 1% 110 , le . . IF 'pW-es berein to raise he vI'j1p(I Is li -of $6.84.0.G2. out7the d1riietion 64 the enjoyed an.1, the Mjo-1 -whil"'t -%. . . , ,�­--� for the pur I I . it* Memory of Mrs. B " past * Val , . . I - . . I . . .. ..., -- !- pum ot and .1soue. debentures of Ple , W -NVITPREA9 tbP 10611nt- "O "I" . - . . ,, .11 I I jv�ed-, new haild-,: , , . I . a le AN . . I ,%f 'Ith 28 spoot happil�, , aillt"noiture, the I . .: I . - ­Rousa VCR, � bf,1110-110wn Of 0 1 a ,� .. . quottia"'be 6olinti*A�1he,yoto in th.4. Anall, *116 4wd lav, -. * A I litilk'KiwK, It Is' . --- ­ whrilp roptable .VC0Oe,,rtv of Mi', rP61%'A Z40 11 jifogtion a, pi 9, ,11:0- Ing 1W 4 COMM -111tJ I . MLP -09 To AWsT. on ;orpors:t1oh "As N tok.-.-n, of . - . . ... . court, directed that, the`bAIIOt$ in In LqV1 .. . . ..� . . . . ' e (101! I ' -- I I ­ I - . I . - . lkt-, �-­- -- -- � WnIto ^4t, Ali -�-60 Alitpne m; - AV- for. EigW41V -, Vhou4and -- - O On-41"Irb-i-Tv, ,dIn1r't,.V-4hr. 10 Ila ' , . IrJle.,ot 0141 *,* - thrit at the-, tre- . I � � mcee4v of tfi;li said tle- ylre,f 4% -1 -1 -W-411;ws - -N% -- --i10V8_W_--- �. . �soasmcn� T.611 thereof K . . . . . % . -�- POIWW.�ies!td . -, . --- geotra ­ ­­-­.. I , 'SANDY VICIOrlh 5t- (W,ow� lie.,pi � . �fin—ar* b - bv� the" -611111Y-- - - .Ily welled . . . I I f. . �. . I . - � . aW"A ties- AgI I f sootod . ---tAt lieroo"lim. �� . . . , pl-y.,�-Wbs- I licatukelt t0bd 9", - 1.01'"A I . ;on '.*4; 'No. 4i Fri0ndl Of &.jamilv of ton,61111drellf th;oe, sent we Ave no-plah, I . I . . , I I I . � ce ­re$isthred ­ ,lied for tile, D 0, 172.00, . � � 2 dioy, V119 88 SPbtI . 'h � � ... I I - " I I 'is & . 1. . Olt $ALP,.--0Ae Choll I tjk%V6in."d,Ao Oaj�r, , am�vmt ,p 0- GTO.v, Xil"g-,00,18pottion 69; they XAY#Ah&t the "S de I lins, otganils- - . .1 ­ ., L'. wittitIo. I.M.11MAWAS VIP- ' No. I Oh, I � . I � . -" . those remainint are members of the nvmtt� -,: - - , D b4anin -'AN6 **Pjaw I$ J"q. 'AND . dmillentUre d0lit, Of tilt g ii., . . I . . � � � I . . F : S -thorn blLgl iged. 10' q S ift is desirable - This on bor bil�w Death set bill token, are gone, and t; Mr. �tj � in thla� bullffio* � 11 . . -7 ! . . . , , ., liot . on.. " none 'Iftores amonnunx.to Pylloting aw 44 sawmAo- texellisivo Aslifield.*-King.82, SP-otton 19 I Mr. Arthiir Andrews,' of Detroi. tions c4a. Mel .11 , . - ... I 11 I 1. ROUT, DAVMSO�,, 11 _ . .4�1'c tile said debt $85 , ,9w) Munteloal ;,3 mjjorlj� 170, and We In soir6w;bow oAr heOAS, . , � . - T%1 ms''lot this P40080. , . I . . - , ., . � . . ,84. . � I , . �, golty-FIve Ttous4nd Dollars, ( ;f local im.provtme.rrt.dabt..3,v�le"rP" ', , makio; �dr. K!"I . I . - Andrews, of. WinnipexV.- r- there are, Too .. .. I � , � n,.X%ef­nIA.It4 is but Yest"V.1t poemea, , , I ie mity voom, � I I . � - � . �-iio-z- prine Rota. rateA or there- sTWI I 6 ��%Isd a olimult I � ­ . vn�61r *Clal Nairn his Port ' Andrevr4i ,of Cleveland"Mr.. Th" . . ­ . at one time, and 4o awl�e the Ier Goor,oce � * .. .,. . I . TO RENt�-Tw '61 the said delit'reolLY le h . a ly -IIRNereof no, principal or IntprPs' Is In � Retutilng Ofile a here bela whiph 1, . . �...­ 1p - ..... -.... ­ �. ­-.1N61IS­ ­ , 'if bW1.6r­1lpht- ho0b- I . I . the, 2�rd 'of. Dei., declaieA $be wAlked-with U ' w *$ one of the�wett. s ,always to- be open to the , � . . . .. It I . Aw rooms. 611 a . . . fore# on adiy face With pleasure bo4m.� Charles Andrews, in I I I .. I . . � I L . . ' -'... "'""i' 'Ift R Nttipielml ur .K. that majoritYo Her ki . 4 A16. . I � I., ... , -pla. for ���� �­ ,%,. . Ing elected by . . . ern States; Mary (Mrs. Winters), of ,public. &Jo(s a. wom*n'&:re14t rOO - . . I - e,� kf,,ving. Apply,. to STAR OF tOgir . .,ON I - . �, . , N IIF,, p.poaF4. tho � ­:- 11 � ... I � . ' ' . I . .. . ­ I I � I ­ ­. - Vouncil of the Corporstion. of the' .. . . I where the illkht ilghtine An. - ' . I � . I . . 11 -- -- - . . . . .. . . address. -sdtty. Me, 15 11, a towri of clod"Ich onatts aR follow . 11 I . . Edmonton, ond Annie (Mrs., F. Parr), ,paratus is koot, III the' �. � . i 9 - , ed'. I t , Are Taxes High in Goderich ? -, Ell;alkitli (Mrs.'Mll er), Of AbOV6 ' . I --,_- I -,- ­ . And her eyes with love vould Goderich Aroulftit's fied' I � I , .. . .. :6& OR �0 Re,r*,'r',,-1t,d brick I OS't'--On lu( 0 culf. ,tv The �ttunl&logl Council of the sting figures were giv- .' ." . - . e estotaker's, .ArA tO - . I � . FOR S ttatent 4ouse- on 'J l6hllmg� un ,Mjt, wful Ina Some intere I. I _ Iween Pr6sl)Ytlerlart church and 130- rich 0ha,11 raise Ill(' sum �n eas r 'Knox At the .. glow, - - � . . of Strg%ford. I . ." k, I modern two-apa, - en by Town T.t ure 40 Vftrco` . -----�—, . room. Also th -* flr#m".% � . . -best residential l(Wality be .Ase leave 44 Town of GO&! thf. Purpose of, erevt - I . ------------77- is I .. . . . I ! Nolsoll, street,. rest- tannia road.- Finder PIC of W.ODD.00 for _ , ei last Friday. night on The, church ,Wax hor esna� , . , the ril.ght of th, a th, �. .1 I . . . . . bull(ling and COM- Mayor's banqu -ahe workod almd'Pixitneil, . -qjpw I I - � . owles tAxation. I . r,A . ere ti�fv CA hold their . I .. �� .ja'floderlob, Can be used as one ISTAR OFFICN. 1 . . Ing a new municip f the .V Foi,il; . 4; I . ii, wh n - 1. I . : ... in tho mI&TOwn. t] I . . I quarter 6winsm" . . � . . . I , tienee NodttL, I.wo bathrOOMS. A large par, - ­ - . zlv� ' � nrunitiv hall At= he question 0 And oft'her Voice., wilis , raised to .. home, for-ibi meetings still �kplmd their " . I I .� . .. indah. . .. 1113.1., of Goderich at proepeils from tbp I ques, , , ­� r- ­,�I,IAW.Uobel y6nng is . - .1 �� �� , , I & . I lid the - A . , PrAitr, I If . .�., , . . . � � . lor, ,and latttft4 verl Reasolisole � X, a pointed Out by Mr. 1knox the 46 will he the police mtw! � �. �. . At. owner lraftg I — " thp dobenturesAleMinatter men . . I . There' at. ., "­.�� . 11 I ��� I PA10 of . f4jp. tho said � pUr-, �tjoo, its ­cofflP0 ho . I . . . I : u . � TQ,nt fOC reliable tMA , NOTI .. krft,� dialt,iont � munlei, . .1 � . I . ,of- �pVTHL� NNOT1 I.. -Or singing bywiti ab grand, . , liday.. .. I offlooi, the children's welfave � I . .� I . ". permanen�V. .Wdresi lit the Star - : . .. ­ tinned sh(411 I%' "ood I � I ­ . ,.� . . S.,barrist' � palitielI is bOW;,.nWc'h taxes does a I . ' litrat:0 .11thors. . . .. , E. HOUNW.n.,barrist . —11 F - .. poses and no -other, . ltdoq�otdortq ho'biblo no ("o-6perative ShIPPed. a'-Ost- . 1. . ..... . 1100 or tipoly to. 1) I - , , . I I i ,iy.,? T t1so*, obili lo4e4 1411 `ktll, I ' - ofilee and the hydro. store 411d , . .. ,� ., ,., CV, qplierieli.:­ . ` - . 1, . TOWN9flip Or :(*140N - � . ... I . I 6rdei -to � ri-IRe the. saill . gum" maribivq to p - . . And Iesaon9J=AOr4&!o,or.; - . load of hpga ooMonday. �. .- on the top floor Is the Auditorium, . .. I . I,- I . I . I . . . I . I ". ­— VI g,' ; " .Is, -of �ffie "id Town Of Godo- i rate its npe town , red things she 16ved to dwell . ,a I left. on, Tuesday to � enture . of SK 11 � . I I . I. �. . . I the Ttiv�rishlp ' "Ther*inunkiPil ftorbITIM14011t fO the amount JM,00 ,is comporo, the ta . a low On'ssie I . . 0. -Miss Awo which will test obout 100. P00010. - POTt 6ALVe-111 A i'm to , a - And t I I - le c lborne.will-be hl�w­G 1. brarIng intereid at-,flve Por E high tax ratoL � To'flnd out move and more. i .. spend the holiday with�, her.. paren 9 This bullAinse ll� A firevTOOI bu'ld'alt' I I I ,ode.rich on orovingal High- TownW'11 Of CA . .., N . . , , ,on. arorosall, . � way Alt 11 .. I I. Pe. ,tit lit' Nailed with- . It Another a lower � fttd I or - : - . . F"t . he IP Hall, Carlo% tin I r antium. 9h. assessment all I I I being built of steel girdo . . . . alles from Oodeeith And 6 ArOM � O,eloek 4 en , , szoligment. The test jpargotten? no A* will POLbOk ne i Parlihill, , ra sirldeent ; 11 - ,1_ in one year - . UbO. ' .. � . 5 _ from til . on a, higher a rohn Younv� of S I , I �ah and ,school N i . iM. troin I OhL . lie Passing of -this . - I I Mr. And Mrs, �' . I- . .. . . I . . . CIJA�g, adjacent to.,churf 30 acres of 1 O,c � By-law. ea&II , ,of �k))Jph 4phentores all is what is the tax tate.per BY friends now 16ft'b6hind ent ;�lth tile. Partitions � I Itibu9ea F&rqn c0usIsIs 0 �R-,4, ilElf'HERINGTON, ,�hall be for the suni of',vot 4.114 than After .total Her presence he're no MOtO we'soeo , a. Gordon and . Aho. epectod on . ;g ls,�d ,well, We drained. -A ,, , N population ? The . The buildirt I , , I I 'Jiml.cw� ,: .1 ,�.. ,rlc. � nd -shall be dated. 'upon ihe head of the I . ' Sas'k, brother -`A`,iM.e.8,11,r on a visit to I,, to � I liar, ttl � . . -bank Township Mt $11000D a w picture's in our mind. . Sandy Young, ,lie of the old building. � . .. . �, itent litook 11rORi bollse, . 1. .. the Iscint, thereof. and shall be - 0920 Amounted H4 . . . t4o 0 , I . - go6d, cel m wid sarligo Dat6d Ded. K.ift5�­ . dat�,nf tax Toll. this year lear friblid,. we'll ))feet no I on the Ztre`. lille It . . �, . ----�-�. Ives and friends f or a few . I . barn 4040 driving .bau -'.�.;- �� , . "ayable. tinualiv lat the Flank of 'MOA- : , % . . their relat I plate of being . I od winter apple � . - a MljJ67.82 And -the Population Farewell$ � , , ol . I . m So to '40 foet, ,�114 . ... I I . . . Orchard of 55 go,. -- . ; troal. a� the, TAvn of'Goder-tob within to *: 1. mor , , - I � I . . � i � 301rA vater supPlY. . I 4 ====9 - 1. !%is figures ovif tot $24.20. per ­ e monthl, .. I I will �be met fro - - 1. � . � I trees. lover failing I . ­ ,� 11 . twooW 'Ycar$ thereafter, 1 421 This side'the,90101631 sttgr0o' .. 16 P Co � . . . Irther particulars apply to 1. . I . lulation. , On the same The anwint Viteetfilg'Of the Su"dAV there will b"bOut 20 f et ' A. . on ' � I . ., For Al GINN,,R, a. No. 4, Goderiell. I I 0 f W Each, f ntilif's head of the POF ' b, in a But trust that on that hoo,vottly short! p hall each side of it- - - . . OSWALD shall be signed by I& SlaN.mr tf ill(%,, basis thia,per .capita 09X rttl hAn,1. , � �jebooj waa held In the t0wilshl' . � . I I ­ �-!,-­:-- tlr�--=t=:::ft� . Mika 11h1fiO Corporation of the Town of Goderich I . 11 , on Monday eveninvp., witi, a large at' . in the getting, out Of tile vl'%ns­� ,, - . --=nt �­­ . N . I 0 . nftl)er of other munICIPS111,40 is As � We, . 11 . meet of happura. R..T, P. election of. 0111- they kauged that . . . . jaC­F,STAT1& AND..JNSlUJtA­.!CE. : I I � . . . or bv -some Otherpemon authorkod by I Guelph, $26.,12,1 Strat- ' . , . tendanco; After the . bay(., been so. art . I . I . -wl--.11� . .. �Ifte samo, and liv thp Tve.'k� given below - I ole Wgrah, lttr� I A osetlum in. .., -�� ��- - 1­*� I . . law to sign lose of %, . and the buRinel. . I r the�f can be stood avill I 11 . �: Hou!3"s I,,' HOUSE$ I . . I illed fOfW&fd- cers - - . aseme I nt. -,v - I . . Brookville, � S21t.Vlf - At the C ts for the Yea IE Ritrer of thel,�&Id corporation,"I"t"ho ford $96-69t, 14pent This MI be a 01pien �. I 4 . , . . I , I ,. fflnes . . �.. Clerk'Ahalliattach ItIlereto. the torpo.r- ' ' ' Aorie,, a social hour wa`4 I I . r — . I Xin;ston. $27.891 St, Thou.sq, $97.$ M New were e the bi � . ality. , � - , " ' And 'r lad wa" e for the boys 1. . �. . . � , — � .1 i% and tile%oliow'lng Address was to did, Aac W take phssi" � 11 ... . MI kinds, for sale. : � . I . .fit(*, seal' of tile 'Munielp - ,,a,T Woodstock, $29.92, Welland, $29A . and lunch served by the ladil!8, CA, training diont or. the . I � a home let roe " �4� During the currefig of th4 I by the secretary : I I The entertainment given at NO. I and keep . I It vou intewl buying � , ­ Iw raNed im- OWea Sound, $31.55; Toronto,, -$45A5,' Ito then . I rith , this. � 1. . I Inoney. � We have had,a large number, de ento I . I 'h' . . the school air, A . all ssm wes there Shall - , Goderid Deco 15th, 1025 children "is. .. connection . I . . :, � 0 . I Monday by . . I 1&64YOU Wh?T0 you c r. Upt , 0 *!ill regard � rluall�y, by S ecial -rateI on -Alt the rate. London. $48,23., 0 � on. a and been left to the Shower' . . . �� I Nevor was 41W OPPOrtuftity b0tte . of enquiries late . ent . . I I � . � llsf yall to Isuild 1�8 of Nor- able- pro PPIV In the sald Gewpo . tlon jo', Mr., and .Mrs. MeTi. .. it attended lk�, the par - , . _ I . in what Wi&,111,096�t,.i I bave 10 � to the inining see�rlt' * of 06derich tile, 4 '- _Who _W.W_JL-_W#;tep Olk-. , 1. � I I . was wel , ld-",,ft­thi+w"­ � 'On a io -and W I - ' _ -q(-41kr­ W 11 - -& . , or tile V� vn �� 6,61F . I � I � -'Of VP yIn I . � . . oear griendo.- ir;�the memberii .the children I � .o -,- � . � ' _ Ave'luOucy. TIns INVIII ihttA Ontario- 04.0.62 PC r Vie 7)UTPD(+F . , County Next Year ? vve 8" CiAgg, titte ,�,,.9,1.qs Amon 'doserves 'Much k-redit, make the gymnasium complote. I . . . 11 r'e 4 " and 11 . . . . . due in each O"�-t -1-1 1) the pIgn-ado, tod In of Ilie, Aggresol . � I* plans .1 r P10 I . . I . . I According t n of I I . . . . � 1�ff'�- ;J'O' We do -not seil'Mining Istockso life amount bis -hamw ocnasio, And the children too, for the way each .In the getting Out Of th . �, . OrO4,pe YOU. - vears . for. �rrinollxl and Jnter�,stin re- , I - RAZI,pleagura on t . - . - 4 , . . I I � I Huron county in oolqctlag the - I , our her several ho In studied from eve;� . - . I I I I I*. J. and In'Wran". 'but we Are ablCto give prompt' . �-ppct,, of ,t It sa d debt. . 'Ar the honor f r 1920 1 our . gathering t0*4W- for one performed his Or they, -have e he Molst . I I � . 0, Ce, 7 Inform . I � I . . . Real"N'tallf.'. " - Phone Z ation 4od advice ' �5) This Ry -Law .411311 take offoe, from year to Ye r�,' _r little folks 'ong tk to .make ,it one Of" tl - �� . � servi on the day of the tinal passing there.of. 3;��jtl�e. There Are . Monthly ClAss. moetiv* 40 your bojue, parts. At the close the - I .. .: I . ­.�­ I.. . . � 'ALLY, pas , Col ­ . . .and complete community buildtu94 In any . I . i I -- I on.auth flocurItles through our sell . by tilt, , will go to � �Ft i*tAbIg of a were treated,io a bgX of Candy ALnd I � I I I . , �At, pj,j ftalt I , � we PROVIsION , antso, According to It also being the * _ Canada for town and com- 1. I I , iT.A�TE I I AV 4 , Aastm%ONG 11 . I �Toronto Correspondents. *,' (11011110.11. Of I tile corlworation, of tile I A M g, , the I 41 kind held sifiet.viai two b . I � L' I : THII NOY. I call oxeclete, yoilivrder At three Town of Ooderiell it"' St.h. Jay, of Dog- ,ri,,,,,,O)nr,�er�,oill,on"spi', in Reeve Man- s6ei , 0 lunell was served to Ail. .Munity rmuirem . 1�i,VRANON. AGE, . go Middleton 'taken u06" you 'the twly vows. of � . ­ . . I �, town in ents for Yeltt�' to - . : I � . I I . I I ., ­ - , -1 min�tes' " - - -eynber x 1).. All -al 7 , " . nin C) Of 00derich, Roove WEEK OV r"YER come. Besides tbo large qmo�utq* .1 I � ! ;'-1 . 0, Attident. and Insur , ice CLNVAN., Of )&oXibbon Of matrimofiY; in expressing to you our. . ' 0 town tllr-. Water and I . . LJA (46n Lite I . _ -1)\ 'hoppineal." You, I I 9 2 6 . nald Off by th, , . I I , I,. L kN ­ it. J. A. 'Ma Inton, Reeve � I I I . we sire Alho active brokers in . 'MaVoe- Wingliam, ,Reeve McQuaid 61 MON11- pleasure in your 1. � . I . . 6.11,11 . . I '. ", I .. � . iOa ',Igealy' ' in t.3oderich wid Town ClerL . .� . ''. .. rommiss ­ I I . . . I . : . a" ind Lots . stocks on both Totonto and New I --- I e. Neeb of Stiphe". Mr. Mew, having sated, to the clivac-., . I'lebt il�la,Ar� paylair, . Ov. in . � I � I Sale. toderielt. for 1. lop, and Reev e (,Ilsl;s for a I .el, . of lQ28. $24,500. , . . I . I Farm,, flat, I I TAKF NOTICE that UIP AbOvP is -1 claim to the hon, ity of 'president. ,of tb .. The follf4ing IQ tht$ ril,091,111111110 ftf ��" , " , I I I . I , , " - 11 1-1 11 - I - ` ow -, , =w IsIZId I , I I I I I I I I I I I " I I � 8 in G York Stock Exchanges. I Goderich has Some . tell tilt luiving tit-, NN's I . . I . A hn'3 .lot 'Of 4101W, that 'all Intella . true, Copy of a od bxlaw NvIliell sire to I ,VrVle'; 'I anilars, MI, 0`21"! � Yours trulYs . . K, 1+-.. Almost any k1lid . prollo-l" Prawt, Lonxia) t%;T0 , .a may be Itelegrapliod - WHO I. . ­ ing blIver wool Ill orders' into ll or of, having a represeqtative from number of years, we de - I lip . ghilling J - A',VVV'4 . � I .. tolre. has 1wou takell inside4atinki, ,Ind 1,411, 11 I a no ellurell 1,1141 0%;I, - HAS 1� I I .. NSR or telephoned at our expense. ,. It Parden, for it is seven- yf)u of our appreciation of Your Val" - .,4tur Ili lv,'K. 4,fld , . � . I � which will be :finally pasAol by thp t e town as * 1; F TOWN' FIN . services in -this connectiolt� fnpoti�rlx Ig beinK held Will PCP Ij` , TIl , I . I I � CA I � . arniq listed for sailk, , � "I RVIFT, , f, :o . ,- ill'! 11 .,tz1n4 line f. . � abnat .111pill. Aome standing tin'lle.r for . .A..-*-*." - council of Alle 'Muntelpailt.t, i'lli thp , teen ytifirs since the lailt Goderich able �! . wit 11,411 lit i'4114pulli'llillf. for tit" - pV% I I . I . - . - 44, —�— 4- .1-1. ­ .i.- . I . � 1. . . if tim elpetops bo warden,sat in the chair. .P.t wab In* Your kindly, .bright, Ill, Asant man . wom'for sale. � .1 (%vent (if the assent c . 4�1 �441114. . . I I J. %V. ARAMSrnr0l. onlh 1008, when the late Mr. Ilobett Ate- ner and wise council, togetber with of ' pizill ,at 9 P-111. .. � . . Ing obtailloAl tlloNto'. 00,1, one fit Int, The WPVIIna,� Nv I ill h - l;lIIIrplI. Loafing Is 'hard wor .'"V-0r,V felt . '­ . I - oderleh. 011larl 'Astin . 't publi,70101T (if I , rbe Various voiir Christian ba -m .%1onday-N0CtII­­1t. "111"ll ' . . it. .. I I I ,.Above Parsons' Fair- 0 Huron InioN ents from Ahc fir,, t Copy Lean held that "Mee- I deportind mill �01 spe;dI. people make a 5uCcQ3S. at . . . . . I 41 � 1. P. 0. Box 89.. . I . . , therpof Ili tile Goderich Ra., Iintl Tho - other .Municipalities from W)"ch $Ill 5on(s y�nolf to make our Plasq W)"ift ' Iw% - It. (;. Nic"'T . 1. -------- &� . ! . . . '-;ill " . � ­--�­-- A PI.A-1ch C A .qUIq A ugo wof, for you ogr r,?soect 'I'll', SlIbivet. , .. . . , 4 11, no%r �;Jffll�jl T1.1w.epaper.4, illp II"lip . . - � " $oil. Olm I . L11111LU rif whioll oublit"Ition wma tho Mill d'ur aspirant is seeking Tile waL P; Ill is Alt Tor.Way—Nietori't L I.; . -, I . I have, we believe. had the honoe Ill"re o"d p4tairation. And you. Mrs. It"N. (,. f" (T4rj4-'V.'ilI vpo,V... Tilt, I . � of becembpri 191N). . valu(!d member , W 11 t..%%V4)\, -%[ ThOrnp,410%. votrul. CA" 'Allbjeet "Fpl1aN&­, I'll, . 11pe. ��, . . ANI) PCRTTIF-H TARK. ­ 3"s `10VI, bav&' been a I . nsiml Nifil"v-,I, SPr- 111#,,�. 'j,,,%�,,11%llilt, .,u Tlmr,til.v,� Royal Bank Bidg.j .. than Goderloll, lJO IMill 'i I . , "' I'Aw. . Ooderich, Ont, . � NoTTM;.' t1lat vocently . better claim tl%an any. fov *4011V veam, Whon in, coderich sIk-ednemday-Thp hpitl in' 1111. differ' -fit 04111111'r VMS. I" Nir arol Nlr,� F. V. . I all lew;ehol(lers qualified uni-ter IbP Goderleb has mi qf .those vrho tire lys .In attendance,.1-0101 '00" %oll tit, . S'lit" "I 41,411411for NI'lrif,irot s"1011 . . � . F.. ff. IIIL1#, provisiong or 'tho Munloipal Act. Soo- The eligibility j� .-0 Alws I 0111rohoil. '41 I",lIt"'I'll- IWV. . 01) .. I - amondAtpat, - I of you V ting of the class , 'I'll, HARRIE 1� tion 265, .4. s. 3, anot I s thew T"Al Manager. aspiring for the wardenMill). ble, lit the Mee It Tbikr%ds)-ThP - 1130ti I gull. ,%t \,)04 St. , As , t Our (,. ,%ill 1;%041ftk Lye; beforo tilt, I f;, Elliott I. .1m.10JI t.o. aro roqfifred ton & IQ J�pt �.�,plj,;cp, %.,Iill Ntkoei,il refor- 4 I 1.1 IV!. -ki, I, I y course. dependent On the!!' Te -c; c"Off in Sabbath s4hool 94 well ., wo im Tu -11 o' DITOIR' - , , ­­ ---..,,...1,1.11.,p1 ...... � ,,#,wig, Otherin*,, You both havO - - , I dato of vt)tlnc (o ille, wlill mol " statu' -ork (if tile lbyll., , . .41,cioty. Vnitod IPLN1111.1 , .1, . . oth- it, their own mlIniciftlitif's- * �plleo to lip. %& . ­` "' I(W.), b% tho lim'. I,- F. "'tirk, . tory derlitation nf quallfleatkil'i-4. done much to help tarry on the wO4 [ NIP. A, Nf. 111,11k0l't-MM, Pr'�&""10111 4'f "It! b I, 41 tP V . -ft�--��-=-­7 --1 uit ,ioti-r on d- '-woe Portv At th I . I ., Inforilt 11"Ll"inIX-11wil'it IA.11Iq)Is,r. 4 till ­ � I -­­., �Zzl­-�==�­�--�—­ . I . ­ I ­ orwl4o A,1101P WkIlIPS . . . church. in every way. . . 't I 0 � , ­'­- ,,-, , -- I . of our ble-A '44)MRV, %ill 93%0 4,111 'C, �, .. � I 11 d for,$uch votifIL"', A very jolly tim6 wai spent at the rkrAV God may lotig spare %*Ott ation. iiw qrticeri of tit-' SWI"t',y J�-n, A;,l,tt1o.4.I1GQ&I#o"4. I . �11 11 . .- . I I I tile votor6" li: B, that ' we --,I, I . I.*4 5tzq(*IA1t , - . 1.9 "tAKK N'0110 Collegiate Institute on Frillay ovell, and to us. And that %y;ll lip aropointi . I . � I ANI) �rtql"4 I to eaeh (fiber, ,% PrVI-byt-114jin ("Iturph tile vAA . 4 '31 I � 4,11d the event being the ticsing' liq klr,4 j Kplfo.,.I�. ?,�,!,S 1'�J � L . 0 s or t u , . . . ingly Friday—KII, � Pr- Dur Clio nts... - , - ,,,,, I It, vour livL*S IneVe �ill ,4noflL, '1111, 61,4*11K. ., e I 11h, rk'Ali nil Ing 81 he' will make , � ;4 jefforson %, pq.� 11116�.; t., N111,- � ll� Irl - .1 a vilk- ,41 I '.Jr,� ask yod, , IloV , forIllil.?"111114 Ill'. , �fla � I Nful vent of the neftson, in the I -j"t: I-timiellilpti"11.11 % 41l'41d I , 14 . I . .1 torill at ilift social 0 , useful In 'him service .It '41111V , ilo taki�n 1110 Friday i.0 ill -.aa .vll lo. . , on Canajian Govetri-Tient And 11ho 41.kv 1**111I W. in of a Christmas tree . e ,- 1, l, thoir 1111.1hotn � � WI-th, the interest Wet � ro fVVx'RtV,-";1 hofo�-w 11110 for pavr- to accept these solalt oiftq its "lleph"li %Vill alld F'4011.L ('.I'll . . " I yielding,& littleager V"Y, we believe auntulf 11*4 ;.t.q. . 'it Various games niAde the tim(f V115"' alloilit token of our love rind esteem, PWIl"K Ilk 'I'll"'!""' i'%p"`n%p,4 - 1110111011� % r aw MI 11111414 .,.. 1. IN,) . A.,imp Donvir 110111ming, 4111e� , �vlw.l ,tj. l.rord ,11to vin-pu t - 4�,11, . '.I .iI.,�%t,l,gnjf% lito ­ � .P-Joef , it �1 -,tit W;. 41AMP Iq & r, , , 1. 1, . .1 .� I, municipol Bonds C�tpr­.,, ­.Sii�,A ',On'bAAt2 of ,W1*;; , 'twit 1,It - IS , j.)ftl%� twitchool t,ld,'N Ir i.t...,tstit , ,,, �;.,f'llp ,egpm�wrs. I I �. , ." - t 1. I .. I ­­ -�,--�t-il�eis.ptak.�ther,efoiewow�ul�4,11. 1. MAI.". -, !uk. *41!w, � :�' ­ I .Wly, stiti.st.�,1'rO91103 .1 "% . � 11- I 1: ­ I , eltat P. V 2W 0 , , . V1, .fj �,..� � �. . , . - - , V enlit"t awa� - , 'kes"Arz r1olt I � , T111(4 v I& I", It'll th" &0ill. *vy Tap. - 'e. ',�ve agiyeitding front" " lhtmope I wai a ver.v amusing contest. MRS. R. T. PHILLIPS- -qQc'y- loffether." --1 .... 111­06,11t�� Ai. ,r . . Seat 10the POteign G wrollaenf Bon, On. 001171131- - l , .1 WIT ­­ 1;illep 1141 WOrt - � I (Iould,*11-vt lif"Ot I 1. . . oug I Foreign Coiltdrim whi4h we would . ttary iW­ L'iht, .Zlyor of I )or4 Consisted of guessing the Wiky Of , Victoria St. United ellurell. ' o%v, And, Y4*111 Wmnl 1110 Noirp V, I 0 . r ". . . &�. up. Borlds, O %vIIi�,ttpnjI it ttlip Connell T the persons, whose photogrohl wit Got your Hockey T100b, -41141 t') r�� I I � , , o'p1j,r � Ill I I . Mrs. WM. Moore and Mrs. F" .1olill. 11 It tk,libl -,*'k)U U - " occitnine0d Ate: t* f. 'O Ver cont. off It 1;)1kv'I diar I . of .I,- sj; . .� It ­jI tl�$Nv, '-It ton a , I tfood juveniles. vtft� display ,I Lunch - V 8, at STIA A. - - N'soll 161ft $I) Man%, J'a -4 .. I $r#SeAtM each of thopi '!its a receive a-digeount rt* � . , Clove-roMent Of All Rwo"Aic of Aveonfide hirenoon. to appoint 100'rs,"Is i p- Wax served. And the ft., ristmas "ton I ella. Mr. Mew, 'regular Price I To 1��atl 411 JAU" br"J"­ -mbr "I " I;-,nra �4,1.1. 41.111 I ki, a "MI. ; t the ,, h It waq beautiful silk i I , Government of thel Republic of Hildti 01 ,arioli% pnililix t1l,volo 11flit tree W615 the flillobil— tow. , - Altheagh takon I)v surpri- , Tholic. %At Ill J rk ,�: , Paid, and at 111W fl0l,"'IlTrITAW 110 of .; �1. oxpres- N TOPR .14 t4i'l 141 Ito Wi4wil wana", ­ ciovornment of Chili el tllp ,ntog by tho aork on.Mi*lf Of gaily decorattill and -011I. f ' Of Pre- , dt A 44,1�wq bit alle, wif,� T?0114MF 9PA% t %p'6if"L`�l lVr I V . . I teo,'­r wi a lli(T ' ,,A,l on beh*lf of I'lln"`If Lionq (lub �ewct to llfllv�' thOr il" th,611L At", � 'j, 4;-'I � ay. IF. .0% 'Vawsf - mented It' tot" thoir aritirtciat,qn (if 11;,l ,�, I �,.,I% lwwly sitonth,4 4 . I . - tea #a And or xPregsioll ne , 144"KI, , For full PATtitulats on any fossigst i"U8, v;ft I 4he pf-tw)n4 inlet � el,tv � 4U � I �,.Init or 6"Po4irw tho VR40;lAx (&.Ulit told Pr"ent,.which watt 4leIiv1.1* by Son- r,4, lovAltv , ant, IC,vo, N vorpe (of Old Time -Mingtiel Show ready ter I' ,%%�Itjl -watild I givP I') -.1 '. . Prr.tlelsftA Us.-tri-tv ?o;rni%0t1*.-I%, V Irptil. . ') "I 'n , I 0, F. CAREY & SOK baked o ,salil ts QkIls" fatty' Miss 11 . 44tIont pt. tba T;(, T'btkt Polds," wa4 intsentAtion the lqtter "sIpt of Jan- ,%na %�mv di�y? UN � 0 ,; 'I F �111? "A' I'�4" te dates will b,� f,np.,1un- T,, ?I,,'? Yidl" vi'eli I i The 0prk cif illf"Colint-if of tb il,;; #tingion. Mr. Hume. , vviw'IPAI- IC641 half hf"lr Wn'4 flIlp"t' UArV' Defini I Wit ,;w"111.4 ,a.-,'Tv;I,;IrQ tv It,; * N . I o1w''Ifton4 M. 'I W114 "t"'Ont04 with a rf $Ind 1111"Lr. A .11", 4 I- 14%. -.o, , ,6 toay.,z -� . m of 41A11'srifill 't , -m�ot in. ce.d later. All'# ltofll%ol� n-�!,,kmcl,h wow * tf,�,)Ckvv MASONIC'rEMPLE BULMG 230 J, "' Frn-.%.q 111knil ,4 tot, oe , 1 -4 Jtv­lk ­'. � ".1'.'e'll 1, � . 1"Arth flall 110RAV o,46,- . offlo1v Iry lb's OtM lse�ktle-. Dr. M00#1109, wl 10"is n I t ­m .4 +10VII,q -t I ftndprl %�, I tl"', ."I'll,, 11f,' I�r,l,a f-, I I a +.,,,�*. I" fbo In"tinon, on 11tipMay. Mi` * r . , "Phone I � 11M tin Iho voorshoz* in * ease! .I.— I'- (I lhwtoo�a of t1h(` OV",). T).NfNed jI0I,6I&,ol, visktI tli*-4 tL(I aPf" %%,�Zt� I'L, I ­ 4t."TA. Goderich'. Ont. #4,%,.- ^41 TA"lleiry 1W,. I'A 141 ?W11 And Ev p �O.c of jmA the ho3t an . of girli of Ilul,0rtaift ag'.." . i � t . � ,m,. I I ,% A " ", * sambW6f votog for W sonlost tbs, I" th a I I Will trwgWln on active rnrilkillt 0111 AH Out i"1110C .. - LARI(I prortogo,l 1hylflw. . f MI$% POW#11. WI , vilth 4% Ing. . ,,, I . .. I I N111111 I t. 1,, 1M0X,T(y%'n Gl"),', writillig P&P*r; Xiss ( � � . . I .. . ­­ . I - � 11 . . 4 4, ­­ �� ­ , . V . . . I � I � X - , I I . i 1i . . I , P I i . . Ai� I I I Amiiil� I I *,AN-. ­ �� , 11 .'I -A N . - - .20ftAWWi10ft,Jr=­- ,-,­.--*­',.-, 1, ­, - -, — . 11