HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 14r..
If you continue to 'do as well during
the coming 'year I-„ sign it nett
Christmas." •
A fere' 'asiaart ',iodate - in
Ribbon, Satin or Velvet, spew
tally priced: S,tbulder' Flory
era, Corsage ',Bouquets . and
o other little auggestion3, . fir
0 Christmas.'
Yon axe, invited to can. <:
A. McKinnon
q suites Street.
&01=0==oligo s
+.,_ .. •
-Hamilton Street
Complete'line of•ladlee','gentla .
men's • and children*a`eboes.
Come in and oompare`our prioae.
J. A. CTit3gO) M,
Claus ds Com
Get ready for his arrival by get-
ting your suits and overd'oats
pressed and cleaned.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
at the
Goderic6 Froth Dry Cleaning Watts
Prompt and Expert Service
.1, H. VROOMAN -
Phase 122 West Street
Live and Dressed
and Feathers
We pay lushest prieeea. 'situ.
for price list. Crates loaned.
We ere buyers 12 Months of
the year.
'' taabligtied over 30 years.
21 St. Patrick's Marks', 'Toronto
`Biggest. Assortment in
t .
Don't Buy until you -se e
on th. Broadway .f Go derieb .
*sat: Toed,
Christmas Gifts
:itt; or • i a nti l'e City and distinction, not to t+e foundelstwit ., arc the, feature of our immense range to "Holiday
%t,,►' "Lost Miouts" Christmas order's we have always givenc:« r4 a,:c•. 'tA e are prepared to dry so again.
Rei ember our friends with a BOR. Many of our line',
are a
r';:f;innin,g to run low. Don't wait until the last
f a
Writing i; p rs .that express individuality. range in ,prieos
.00 per box
A 1vtdo ra.s : of novelties can •19e foundin our "Boxed
- "On The Square For Forty Years"
'Tlta yo eo le enjoyed i kith
Ant dance on Friday eYerdng• at i;us Victor ictor Hoy was Immo. during the
Mr, Cluster Ellie* erns r
e new W14100'Ua seder..
3(r. George Caldwell la. we are
_sorry. _ t1; - lours, tonguedto - May&
,I'reugh illness.
We regret to state that Mr. S.• E.
Sani:erson's roaditioa doer suet show
much improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee, of Cede -
rich. were recent guests *t tyre haste
of Mr. and Mrs. David Glen. R. Y
Mr. and Jim. J. R. McNabb with MISS ,, NO.I.E..
Miss=Margaret sad Master Jack, vis i3rttish H.xcir n a Block.itcd Dungannon' friends on $raaulay. a. %.7
51r. Wm. Rya* was so unfortunate ""-""*"""`•
as to have a fall on the icy ,street en in knomum
that non. of your k,ved
Si"rdnesday tiyat required the atter- or Mouths ism bees, forgotten,
1 tion of the doctor. and terns you Iwo added your share
Mrs, W. R. Stothers has sold her to the gladness of the srorld ut thi.
50 -acre farm to Ur. Wm. 'denary, of greatest festtval of aw the iyear,
Caderkh towasbip, p tieeesaion) to .be more than compensates for it Telt
given in the spring. , i Those who are far away from home,
For Sale—Two -choice regia*tered and **asst, to join the' Addle' circle
Shorthorn bulla aged 1U and 11 `for aChrietmas. can picture the_ smile
months r•sp.etlwll!. Intl 'ii:, ,DAV i ors m�otitsr's fags sae arse unties the
IDSON, Dungannon. .• Phone' Sl. 11 14 Parcel and lifts out the various
MIr. Howdrd Black of the 4throm g Packers/ continuing the ifss for dad
Our Lines of
when doing your holiday
Big Values
mother and the kiddies; but
t you
! ees4Pon of /shtield, is under the doe- an
f tor's care. the result of being hurt 'can never uses the thrill of joy it
by a beast while he was attending tog" those back home to know
his duties In the stable. that they have not been forgotten by
The Ghriatmals entertainment of that bier son or daughter' in the die -
the Sunday school of the United taut -city,
'hunch will be held in the church on For the second time in as many
Monday evening* 'next.. An execHent months the band of death has visited
,,program: is being.prepared. the house of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
Cranston, nth conceaaion of Ashfield;.
taking brat a llttle'thild of the home,
and new the aged mother of Mrs,
Cranston, ' Mrs. Patwry Sherwood,
whasae death occurred on .Thursdein,
Dec'. 14th, at 5 a.m,• The deceased,
who was one of the pioneers of Ash-
field, was in her 77th year, She was
a woman of great vitality and al-
ways lived a very active life, until a
few months ago, when- her health
grew feeble. Her sufferings of the
last few weeks . wero borne with
great u+ttience end Christian forti-
tude. She was a staunch adherent.
of the Methodist church and while
her health permitted was very mu-
ter in her attendance upon its ser-
vices. Her Christian character, kind-
ly manner and hospitality endeared
her to all who knew her. She was
orn near St. Marys, coming later to
Lochalsh when a girltueebere she was
married some fifty.six years ago to
her now bereft 1 usbetid,' Mr..Patsy
Sherwood, who, despite his eighty -
One years, is still' quite active. The
greater part of their married , life
was spent' in 'Ashfield, with the ex=
option of about nine years' residence
in the West, where they took up' • a
homestead some twenty .yeears. ago.
This they sold about eighipyears, ago,
afterwards returning ,. to Ashfield,
where they settled near their old
home. Besides her sorrowing?'hus-
banei ape' leagues to, mourn her loss
two sons and twor
daug!stt;ra,. K -it
liam, of Wilkie, Seek.; Sam, of the
0th conceq'sion, Ashfield;. Eliza (Mrs. -
Wesley Cranston).: of Good Lands,
Man.; and Mrs.(Mrs. Joaeph Crans.,
ton), with;:yh, m She resided for the
last few . aonths and by whom she
was tenderly cared'. for. Two child-
ren predecemted ',tor, Joseph ' and
Margaret (Mrs. Joseph Kilpatrick).
All the surviving children were pre
sent, for the timeral• with the except-
ion of Mrs. Wesley .Cranston. The
funeral, which took olaee from the
residence of her daughter, M' -s. Jos-
eph'CraHaant to
Asn a
esda ceme-
tery on Tuas
largely attended �ternoon. was
as tided by Sympathizing
friends and;acquaintances, beingconducted bye4er pastor, itev. J. R.
Peters. B.A.., who spoke very feel-
in i "
• , a Y frog* the text, She- both done
what ape could." 'Mane beautiful
floral tedbptes bore silent testimony
of the love fore the departed sand syn7_
pathyi for the bereft. The nail ;boar.
gest,"were 11ssrs, John. Kilpatrick.
.Tot,) r *Menaryi, Wm. Grapier; Alberts,
.McQuaid, Wm. Drrnin and Thos. An-
derson. The sytntnathy of the com-,
munity is extended to the sorrowing.
great pains to present a heal pro-
p pt pleas- gram, so da not forget the date,_ Dee.
sell Free't. week, having finished his season on
Th. play, and concert in St. An-
drew's United church, promises to h;'
a real sutceas. They hale taken
Christmas Shopping•
Is a Rear Pleasure
Byte's Art Store v
never before had we such a
wonder€til Collecti2rn of beau
tiful gifts. `
Artistically . fruited 'Pic-
tures and you know every-
body just loves i Picture.
English China
!Fancy;; Work and Novelties.
• 'Coin in -and • see all our
pretty tem s,
Store open every even
�'S Mme: Gift Store
East Street Mee 198
the a Grent Lakes.
Johnny Green is suffering from nil
attack of inflammatory rhemeatisnl.
We hope to bear of his improvement
very soon
T1d'W. M. S. of St. Andrew's met
on Wednesday afternoon at Mrs.
.m e. McKeezio's, it beim their an-
neal meeting.
Christmas is just around the:. rev
ner and Santa Claus will be a` wel.
'lorry* guest among the tittle ones.
So don't forget the empty ;tockin;s,
but spread Christmas eheer wbere-
ever lei it possible.
See- "Kate"—.the maid, in "Not .A
Alan In The House" at Union, Decem-
ber 23rd.
Miss Bessie Davidson, - 'canoe up
from London on Friday and stayed
over the week -end.
A number of the young people of
the community attended the Orange
dance in Goderich, Friday- night.
A °Christmas service will be held in
'Union . Church next Sunday morning
at - :11 o'clock S. S. at 0 o'clock..
pverybociy. Welcome. .
The annual m the.
Aux r seting at Lhtio:i
Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary
.Society' was held at the-hotne of Mrs.
Robs. Mejlwain, sr., •° Wednesday
Mr. mid Mrs, Robs. Davidson left
Mr. Win. ,Sherwood, of Saskatche-
wan, returned to these,parts on'Mion.
day, owing to the death of hia moth-
er, the date Mrs, Sherwood, whose
fi;neral was held on Tuesday.
Mr. and. Mrs. F. Ross attended the
funeral of - the . former brother-in-
law, the late Mr. McCrae, of --Luck.
now. - which took place on Tuesday
afternoon to Loehalsh cemetery,
Congratulations are extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton. for-
merly Miss Margaret McNabb, of
Lurknow, whose' marriage was sol-
emnized at Detroit on Tuesday, Dec,
lath, 1925.
Mr. Thos. Wiggins and Raster
Willie were .in Goderich last week to
visit the former's sister, Mrs. J.
Scrimgeour, who has been quite ill.
We are nlease,d to know that her con-
dition is. somewhat tmprored, "
'This community was shocked to
hear of the sudden death of,Mr,
Alexander Shepperd, of Nile, which
occurred on Tuesday evening while
he was engaged in performing his
evening duties at: the barn;' . ,
The Sunday school of Erskine Pres-
byterian church will hold its .Christ-
mas tree and eondert in the auditor.
tum of the church on 'Wednesday
evening, Dec. 23rd, cdaiimeneing at.
735 pm. An Interesting` program
is in course of preparation. '
United' church of Dungannon
g n
will hold •a �
het owls
supper in e
Ike th
church on the evening ,,of December
30th,` after': which a varied pirogratn
consisting of readings, solos, duets,
quartettes, instrumental • music and
selections by an orchestra will be pre -
Saturdays for Hamilton wh?'re'they sentett•
will be guests at the, home of their Mir. James Stonejioute met with a
daughter, Mrs. Elwyn Andercor,, un- had' accident while cutting down a.
tll atter Cfiaistmsa tree in _3(r',. Disher's•`bush. As the
Don't miss the annual' Christens# tree•fef, a projecting'lltinb caused It
----.—..—.., ,, T tree and entertsinuiu:at 9n Union to roll, pinning the uni*Ortrrnate man
r er arch, width '$a being nut on this
s year by the Ireton Young People's
aegis Wednesday evening,: Dec:
' pis, "Not a Man innthe
andHouse"A Helping Hand, are
,.included in the progre.n.
panion was able to release him .and
Society, assisted
underneath. Fortunately his corn•
A -new hat of exquisite
grace; as reflected in the new
models, would make an ideal
'Christmas gift., -
Corsage flowers are alit
the rage; 'Wry not one for
. Tir •
e� lend
their brilliance and charm to
the winter costume . and.
dance. frock.
, Smart dress accessories in
.ribbon, bags and scarves sure
•"•to'".".i' wiVelaor•iie 'Christmas-
You alit orally invitedlto
�t our stock.
Ilret>rsbni Street
ipy the school cAil- he was removed toi^his home, where
medical aid was soon obtained...,..,The
Injured member,- one of his. legs,
causes . him consideeable pain, al-
though no bones are broken, and. he
will be -confined to the hr'use for sone
time. While the accident was quite
serious enough.. he is congratulating
himself that it did- not result in a
fatality. .
• With the approach . of Christmas,
the' stores heave taken on a. +;ala Ap-
pearance. The Windows- are appro-
priately decorated for the occasion,
and, in the interiors, articles, suitable
for gift -giving, are temptingly his«
The play entitled, "Daddy," which
was announced •for ' Dec.., find and.
potitponed, will be given on 1Vednes..
day, Dee. 23rd, as as part of the Sun-
day school Christmas entertninn,ent.
Don't miss it, The program also in.
eludes varioua songs, readings. - dia•
ogues and drills, by the children,
and a pageant .pantomine entitled
.The u
Worlds •
Redeemer," gamer, by the played. No need to send. orders to relatives
school with_ .
c aracter . a x
Christmas tree bring the climax to a ,have such a splendid oestte meour ns to Rev. G. Graham, of Toronto con -
ret line entertaainmerit. choose from. There is 'no custom ducted services in AsnliehtPresbyter-
..e •
connected with the Chid 'meg season. fan' Church °U Sunday.
snore ancient or deevernotsd, than Mr. and . M`rs. Earl MacDonald and
little daaughser, Alicevis%ted 'elands
th a caste Of over forty the large departmental store ' the
li d Santa Claus and - a 'pities when right
() t:" 1't heat. trinnds
• .e'nn hut• anything
Fort (fads give them -
Except Your Phottorrapla
No other . l'einemliraanee
trill give frnsts intimines'
haw 127
k` A, JOHNSTON, Deputy Miaist.r`.t tY'titrarse. w.+.w 4 -
Get sour hogs or girl a pair of the c:lebra
«AUTO" Skates
for Christmas
We are sole agents in'Goderich for t
now:aed Skates.
I We have the best line of HOCKEY
Goderich, from 2$c up.
We have many useful articles suitable
)SilvenVare, Pyrex, Cutlery, Electric Irons,
at prices to sunt all purses. -
i See the revs "Ca Myer" sleigh
that of the giving rl gifts, for .it
dates. buck .to the very first Christ.,
moa, when the wire men journeyed
many lone. Wears hour• actin's the
desert. to deliver their gifts in person
to a baby Knit in Bethlenem town.
And it is doubtfrl if there. Ia:-.env
steer custom filet involves so m h
reap int+ rodgiadne•s—it brings joy.
'" bath rhe giver and the receiver.
No meter how much work the se•
lectin>• and enrchaainat. or the mak-
ing. tf .the gifts nuty entail. or how
•you irtey be on Christmas
Ere, the deep satisfaction ,yon feel
in Mated. ansi vicinity on Sunday:
Owing to Same mild cares of whoop.
They Red and Gold Christmas Gift -Lane
Leather Goods. Novlties, Toilet Goods, Stationery,Candy--all in handsome
Kiel and Gold Timms. -
French Ivory •
Bruahoe, Mirrors, Combe, Manicure Balls end odd piereskToilet Sete. gtct.,
at greatly reduced prices. • '
Toilet Goods ,
Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Compacts, Combination Sets, etc, by 'the leading
French and Canadian makers,
Folding Pocket itodaka., Brownie Cameras, Carrying Cases, Snap Shot Al.
hums and Calendars, Brownie- Gift Box - 65.10
LYggett's and Patteraon'g, u Fanny Christmas, packages. Martha J'sane•
Chocolates in one to. -five pound noise
Fountain Pens ,z tb..
Pen and Pencil Sets..., ••.'•. i+�3+ to S7.i11
Hercule(' Pen. exceptionally smooth writing $6.00 to $11.00, .
Smoker's Supplies 31
Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco Pouohes, a Cigarette G ._.:
$ ass, etc.
HOMEE.MADE ASSORTED CHO.COLAiTES, Regular 60e per;lb. Christ.
m ial 39c per lb. , .6 lb box:$ll .ss.
Hot Water Bottles, Thermos Bottle;* and Kits, Safet Razor
Shaving Brushes. Slukving Lotions, Greeting Cards,`
Flashlights, etc.
- 'pias Cepha Mas 1 -ane
with' her friend, Mies. Gladys Treble.
Mr. John Treble,of McGaw eleva-
tor, :shipped out a car of peas this
week. - -
. Kenneth h Allana
h s taken a
position in the Standard Bank in
Don't r!iforget the `'Union church
Christmas entertainment In Benmfl-
ler church Tuesday evening, Dec.
S. 8. No. 8 public school is holding
a Christmas ,.entertainment for the
scholars and.' their: friends. Mondsiy
afternoon, Dec. 21st.
Mr. Roy Irwin sold ..iris- farm on
the 10th con. to Mr. Harry, Hackett.
Don't ferget the Christmas tree in
Hackett's chl<irch Dee.2lst (MIonday
Miss Lila Irwin,spent a .few days
lMuaaat week with; her brother, . Mr.
,Mr.: Tsaac Cranston washere. over
the end -,of' Brat week and threshed
hay for Mr.: Frank Irwin.
Mrs.. Samuel Sherwood and - Miss
Tillie, spent -a few days with Mrs,
Les. Ritchie, - of Zion West: , •
A 'much respected citizen passed'
away in the person 'of Mrs. Patrick
Sherwood, • of • Crewe, formerly of
Belfast, last Thursday, Dee. l4th,-
after several months- of suffiring.
The fiuneral was held op Tuesday
afternoon from the homeof 'her son-
in-law on the 0th con. •
Quite a Another from a around' here
attended the dance at Mr. It. F'ree's
one evening last week. They di res -
Ing cough aattld masala in the vicinity porta good ,time.
there will Ise ;no Children's Christmas! Remembir 'the date, Dec 2294, for
Concert in the Ashfield Church this the Christmas concert at Sheppard -
year. ;' ton 1United, church. The program
TEe" beca�inber meeting fe the i consists of readings, songs and dia.
U. F. W. Oe union club will he held logues. They are also having - a
at the home (of Miss Mamie Johnston, Christmas tree' for the children.
12th con., o' the afternoon of Wed- The Sunday school of the United
nesday of Bila -week. 'A report of church here extends a hearty invite -
the U. F. O convention by the dale• tion to all their friends of this cons -
Mrs. 1 MacLennan, will be the munity to attend their annual Christ-
leasthe tree and entertainment on 'Tues-
day evening, Dee. 22nd. A splendid
program is being prepared, songs,
drills, dialogues, recitations, etc. A
silver collection in aid of the school
will be taken. Admission free.
Mr. Lyman Potter, of Detroit, is
home on it visit.
Mils* Amelia Hetherin +
the week -end at the borne of M . It
M. Young.
Mrs. R. M. Young is Milting her
daughter, Mrs, E. Lawson, Leeburn,
for a few weeks. -
the council met "on Priday night,d fi
alio on Tuesday afternoon, ann-
Imorning to hear of the very sadden
jelled up the business of the year.
We were all sorry on Wednesdays
death of Mr. Alex. Shepperd, of Nile,
another of Colborne's most estimable
farmers, from heart troulrte. The
whole • community sympathize with
the 'fondly .in this their second icer-
eaveMent in a few months.
The Co.Operatives shipped two
loads of hogs oft Monday and on
Thursday and Fridays will Chip a csr-
losd of barley and one of buckwheat..
, ,Mag. The pupils of S. S. No. 1 are very
busy preparing for their ached eon.
cert to be held on Monday Rfternoeaa,
Dee. 214. 'which will be as coed on&
Employer (to employs.) ."Jest to
Only loss no a *lease Mewl l of yoeras
ani :Matt i'+aa ar* 1071d. bore's a
rhea ter $.* for your gait murk.
Beautiful Arles Sul
tau for
Christmas Giving
e seen in Wheeler's Furnituiie Store. Hariiilton Stree
r Lamps, Reidy* Lamm Chesterfield Tables,
Chesterfield Suites, Windsor Cl h4,
Smoker's' Sets
sling Room, Living Room,
Rcaim and
Bedroom Furniture
by 'Carriage* and GosCartr, Doll Ca
tr.sn. Street
which are sensible and practical are always more, acceptable_,
and most appreciated, -- -Let us suggest '
In our travelling goads department .
Make your selections early, while our new stocks are
. complete.