HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 11BLOW
T*Vl1:BDAT, DEC. lith, I91;li
AUBURN • sad els lis nears ea the WI to the
Teem sae- beige droving gravel on istidge, he lest ceateel et his car ea
to the rood ,tree* of the village ett 4 rad rags against the bridge,
Pry' breaking 044 et the wheals.
4 certain of salt is expected for . Hs aii*y Meads Id this "ism".
tee warmers' Cta}s the latter part of rty and in the West will learn with
t?aa_week. deep sorrow of_ the death au Thurs.-
— — dal, Ink. ItRh, of Maude Viols Tit-
Tweday Ittr. wee J. ornedale, wife of Harry Woods, at her
.vn race d a Iaeettag et the West ham, lot 27, coo. 8 (Division Line):
Wawanesh eteutell. - W. Wawanosh. Deceased was bora,
The snneileipal *Indians are near on the same farm Oct. 26tb, 18516,
and the aspirants for honors ere be., helm the youngest daughter of Mr.
ginning their rounds. end Mrs... George Tisdale. After
Do Dot forget the social Afternoon teaching school a few years she was
at the schoolhouse next Tuesday. .A married about five years ago td Wm.
good time is expected.
Henry Woods, son of Mr. aid Mrs.
:dr. and Mrs. Morrison, of Pick- Henry Woods, of St. Helene. The
ford, Mich., are guests at the home late Mrs. Woods was a young woman
of 'fir. Alfred Asgaith. of noble Christian character and ad -
minable qualdties, Of a modest, re-
ofTho Formers' Club shipped a telilring disposition, her kindness. of
riot's and cattle to Toronto the heart, unusual ability and unselfish
former part of this week. devotion to her God, her family and
Mr. and ora. Percy Walters., of her feistier won the sincere regard
Michigan', are guests at the home et and affection of all who knew her.
Mr. Alf. Asquith at present. i She was practically a life -Mag mem-
township oVittie, collector for the ber of Donnybrook church on Auburn
Mr. McVittie,
Mullett, made ran "afloat eiretcit. She wiaa particularly devot-
• visit to the village boat week. ('ed to her two little children, Harold,
Last 14ondsy Mian Lottie Lawloraged four years, and Elgin, aged 7
went to London. She is ,Icing to re.' months. Never of a rugged consti-
turn with her sister;, MissElsie, just •tution she had an indomitable spirit,
before Christmas. . • • 'but was suddenly stricken with a fa-
The Christmas tree: entertainment tan disease about the first of Decent -
to bet', to whack' •herr frail Braine sue'
of the Baptist Sunday school will- be."• combed after a gall t struggle,
held in the church tin Mocdey • even.
ing, Dectur ber 21st.'. ,. ..-' • l She leaves to mourn her untimely
The . departure,. besides her sorrowing
Baptist Sunday:echool intends
leaving: a ,public entertai ent in the'
and two little -hi,'H her
� motheerr and four heathers, Herr bert,
Albert, David and Walter, of Love
erna, Sask.; • two brothers, Thomas
and Henry, of N. Dakota, and anoth-
church an the evening of. the 21st
All are cordially'. invited' to attend..
1tlr. and Afro ROM -were in the
village- lest week They are going e'r brother, Fred, farther West; also
to California, where •.they intend tiyo sisters, Mrs. Albert Stein, of
Aylesbury, Sask., and Mrs. Josephine
Robertson, of Portlaed, Oregon, two
of whom, Mrs. Stein and Walter; ar.
rived home Monday, Dee. 7th. The
funeral service was held on Satur-
day, Dec. 12th, being conducted by
her pastor, Rev, P. S. Banes, of Aub-
urn, assisted by Rev. Cumming, of
St, Helens. interment was made in
Greenhill cemetery, Lueknow, and
was• attended by a large number of
sympathizing neighbors and friends.
' :Mr. Eaurt Webster is visiting at
W. G. Reid's, . •
Mr. Frauk;.Irwi»•;had his threshing
done one day •laser week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton spent
Friday last in Clinton. .
Mr. Jas. Lane spent . Saturday in
Ripley with his friends. •
Mr: and' Mes::. Walter Alton visited"
at Harold Ferguson's on Sunday. •
spending the winte.,
This week Mr. 'Wide- Wallace ar.
rived front Wilkie,Sask,, and intends.
having a short visit .with` hie grand.
parents, Mr. and Mre, John Syming•
ton, of the • village.. •
Mrs. P. S. Banes is in Exeter as,
sisting in the care •of'' Mrs: Mollard,
who was injured in .'a motor •iceldent
some time ago and returned from the
hospital last Wednesday evening.
Last week .Mr. John J. tiev ier re-
moved the last of his effects'from the
farm which he sold to Mr. Archie
Robertson, and has taken up Ms, re.
sidence netir St. Marys.
Auburn Wesley Sunday school will
hold their Christmas "At Home" in
Foresters' 'hall, Friday, Dec. 18th,
when a joyful social evening for both
Children and adults is anticipated.
Mr. George Bean, who has been
with different members of his family
during the summer, after a short 1 Mr. Kenneth Murdie, of Lucknow
visit to huh son, George, in .Mullett, visited in the burg all day Sunday,
went to visit friends in Colborne last Mrs. Wilson Irwin' se •still at her
week. • a•son's, Mr. Gordon Rein's, of Wawa-
The Preghyterians will have ser non.-
osh.vice in the e1aptist church next Sun- Messrs. Leslie Alton and Thos•
day in, tine,.orenoon. 'Rev. Mr. Gra. Ferguson are working on . the gravel
eey has : emitted for services here road.
in the mbrfiing and•Blyth in the .aft-' 'Mr. and Mrs. lamer Alton and
ernoon-.for<.thhe, future. family spent Sunday evening at '.Ray
• The be>f}fining of this week Mr. Alton's.
George Dapeson met with rather a • Don't forget the Christmas con
serious adcident. He had taken his'r'rt to be bee in Backett's ebur l
son, Palmeri, to Godeerieh to school Monday, Dee. st. A good program
1, f ,S"uni"ine"
143 !STORES •' 143 STORES '
We have a full stock of Christmas Fruits for•your cake
or pudding,
• Currants, Raisins {(seedless and seeded),
Peels,`:Figs, Dates; and Mincemeat.
A. Full Line of 9 Christmas Cardy
(Creams, Mocks and Box Chocolates)
A few of our Specials
1%9lbr cans of Cocoa 21c
'1 Fenttiat ....).••
2 in 1 Shoe Polish
Sery-us Corn
Cocoa for biking
2 for 25e
2Ibs. for 19c ' •
We Deliver in ,Town Free.
. Phone 110'
Cor. East Street and Square
is Always M or loss a Di
It Problem
We have endeavored to assist you solve the Gift selecting Problem, by arranging in Christmas Boxes
and displaying prominently the lines:_ most suitable for
Gifts for Mother, Sister, the Kiddies and Friends and a fewv lines for Brother and Dad.
ortA 1 'tl emit0 i.•011.Oo - tlrm.•11111011A O1K0
Silk Scarfs all colors, ranging
.'°" CIA AL
in .price, ftoul_$1 to $5 each Bath Towels•aad`Fa a Cloths to »
All •Wool Cashmere Hose, rib. snatch :t. it ca yards of NAttrrnl P»lagt�a Silk, until rale, we offer
•�l� this at r ard..,..........-......,.o...r,.o-.,.ra-.,-..-
Fancy bed t Silk and Wool Hose, All Linen Guest Towels pe Y � Y
large and sm*ll checks. Heavy 72 inch- Dressing,R•obe_.....s,•
Silk and Wool Sweaters. material. ;r
Ail Linen Table Damask and Ribbed At1•Wuol Hose lo.k key,
Napkins. •• Sand t:tt,d Black shades.
y .. Lit.
Heavy lined Chalno•Suede Gloves, regulst
pair, clearing at per pair...__ .....
a135 per• 79c
Super Silk or Harvey Silk Hose. Brushed Wool Sweaters.
Silk 'Gloy.s • # Fancy Outing Sweaters.
BrushedWool Gauntlets "• LImbrellastrt$L49 to$10 each,
Yh S. �. �z
Crepe de Chiue Nightgowns and
Silk Is --nit Vests and Step-ins,
Silk Milt Bloomers.
Shurwear Silk Bloomers.
Fine Dimity Nightgown with
Camisole trop. °
Windsor Ties, all colors.
Silk S. arts, goo 1 assortment t,
choose frons.
Handkerchiefs, Linen, Voile and
Flannel, in plain and fancy
check* and stripes.
Silk Broadcloth, 95c yard.
,Y aye ' .
In Grey and,Sand only,. regular price,,4 ,2, at, d^
s.2. o per. clearingnow at, . ei p*} ,';...-..•.• :-:A 4c. -T.,
S p pair, P .�'
Jk C
• ee r+
Special Value
20 Pairs Of Ladiies' Cape Gloves, in Sand, Grey
., shades, the reg. price was $4.50 per pair. We are
clearing,these at per pair...
and Brown
25 Pairs Ladies' MVloc
}} V' '• Scarfs; Toques, Mittens, Knitted Suits, Silk and
ol• Kiddieshe Wool. Jackets, Fancy Slacks, Crib Cowers,
Shawls, Overalls in .Grey and Camel, Silk and Wool Hose, Wool
Gloves, Fancy Handkerchief*.
Sfl.K HOSE, all shades, special value, at _.l __._.r.: .... •,.. 95c per pnir
The Cash Store,
We aim to,,piease all 'Who enter our store, by Service, Quality of Merchandise and Moderate Prices.
'1)1I.,ryE 86
y+4 1111f.I,v^ Irv. ,r „q N„•,.
is being psepaied: treasurers Sala
Mr. Alen: "'Hackett and Ceoreron's and'' assessor, selecting juror's, "$10;
children are confined to bed•evith the R. G. Thompson, clek's salary,. $115;
measles.. R.,G'. Thompson, census to P. S. I.,
Miss Olive Lyons v;siteih'with. her $2.50; 3: J:M.ndrews, tile and cement,
friend, Miss Tillie Shirirood, on $'?,9„05; New Record advt., $1; Muni -
Sunday evening, cipal ireind. supplies, ;32,72;: J. F.
Our teacher, Mies MacDonald, is Wasmsese; reprliring scraper, 7.40
having—an: entertainment in ' her.. Jas.., Weir, sheep claim, $12. Alex.
school in the afternoon of lefec. 23rd. Yong, sheep claim, .$15, Robt. nodi
Mr. Gordon Irwin and son, Sar- clough, nails, 50c., A. Hill, repairing
old, visited at .Wilson Irwin's one Colborne bridge, $43.20; W. Mtilhol-
day last week. larid, repairs, e2.86; ., Fred , Leonard,.
Mr. find Mrs. Leslie Ritchie spent 'log tax error, $4, .Boardj;nf l ielth,
Sunday. with the patter's. earents, Mr. $08s80`;' ' Sam ” ".E'mtnereon, supt.,
and Mrs. Samuel- Sherwood. *61..1j0.,, Coou, cid adjourned to meet
Mr. and Mrs: Samuel' Sherwood' Dec:' lath at 10 ann. to closei up the
visited at Mr, Patsy Sherwood's, of business for the,yeare ,,.
• n
' ry, •$100; reeve, clerk sibilities it affords fur all kinds of,
outdoor sports and recreations, He,
splendid motor roads; • eea' bathing';,
Smart Hats I
for well-dressed men ' 1r
Selecting a suitable, sensible gift for a man
is perplexing
Give Him a Hat
A stylish Hat is one good gift
If you think you'll be missed buy it yourself, it will
be one gift you will appreciate
Tailor and Hatter
�r��� a��
Ar k �.�moi. cit *
The Canadian Nat
offer a wide choice of 'mutes. .• Trued
vel one way through Canadian Rock-
ies via Jasper Nution$l Park sand
Mount, Rob#on, to Vi . ouver • and
Victoria, our own Pact ;.Coast re -
sortie' Portland, Seattle;, San 'Fran-
cisce,•and Los Arigeles.
Any agent of the Canadian ,Na-
tional Railways will t' pleased to
furnish full informati' 'regarding
,these tours. . 1 ;
ionpl Railways
Goderich BeautyParlour
• If you are troubled' about your hair corne' and see us„ It
is: remarkable what a curl and =reel will do in one's appear-
We believe wet can. serve cue_patrons better in the future
and solicit a continuance+. of their kind patronage:
Appointments can.be made by calling 'Phone*:•26
W. j. WARD
Salvation Army Notes •
Crewe; once day prat week. } , •Our sympathy is wit Capt. King -
Miss Eileen. Campbell .has return• LIONISM TP RU r.'YTFNDPn . , don, who has been be�ied of his •
ed home after spending a couple of( TO FOREIGN LANDS f�Plans are nearing c Oletion for
weeks with her 'cousin, Ferne Attend.,..• --n-,---,.'.'•,-' • the Christmas entertai nt to be
af. Dungannon. a Die Wylie,^'Dieu skenor. Visits •heldon Friday, •. lath, n the Cita
We are sorry to report of` Mr: U.S.' • C,odetich :Chub; Last Friday ,� dela Capt. Evendeit sande 'Lieut.
sickness., He is confined a e ,•=c+••.-. Wright,. of Wingham;'rl and Lieut.
to his bed with pneumonia. We At the tion ;., ,CJp1n ' luncheou 'on Tideman and Lieut.. Eve, len, of Sea
hone for a speedy recovery, '• ' ' Friday Last, ' upon, the district gov- forth,' willbe with us f this event.
Mrs. Albertson and family (form- ernor, Dr. Wylie, of M indsor, 'tees Come and hear these musicians.
erly Hattie Nixon), of the West, are present There was a good attend- The Home League sale of work
visitin4 with her par' its, Mr, and aitce of the members of the Goderich will ' be held mettle 23rd; whether on
Mrs. Ralph Nixon. ,Club .and some .ten. or a dozen Lions• the square or in the citadel has net
Quite a number •from hero attend- from Seaforth come up. for the Deer- been decided.. Watch ort` bill boards.
ed the nlav at Blake's hall 1q,5�t Fri- sion and •a very'' interesting,. meeting Meetings this week es ustml•
day night entitled, "Bashful 32r. Was held. . "^ °
re' a = � ' Is .
Boob's; and all repa • dgood •
. iDir; Wylie gree an interesting to'
time. on the activities of Lionism. In the
The nupiIs-of S. S: No.9, Askfield, yes}}� X914 there were only _37 Clubs
are ,holding: a Christtlittp ;entertain- 'not• connecteei i leas a „niitional, much
merit; on Friday evening, Psc..18th. less • an infernatidnisl . arganiiation,
Admission, adults 25 cents, children but the International organization
15 and. under, 15 cents. became necessary just . as we have
• - RF1ipAC'P ' the Dominion Parliament to function,
over and above 'the governing bodies . .
Miss Gladys McDowell, of Holmes- of the Provinces, counties, and minor i
vine, spent over the week -end under municipalities.` And, the district-yov;
the parental roof. ernor prophesied •that within a few
Mr. John Harrison, of Coderich, years we would have Lionism extend-
spent over the week -end with his els- ed'to many foreign countries.
ter, Mrs. W. H.. Crimpled!. Service was the keynote of the
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cobb and fain- Tions club and this, did not mean
ily arrived from. the West Tuesday merely the 'doing of some: haritable
and will spend the winter with Mrs. acts but embodied the idea. of service
Cobb's sister, Mrs. Albert Campbell, in business... Fifty or even twenty-
Mrs. James Anderson and dough-,
and other friends. five years ago it sura' often irnpo$-
sible to run business on the plan of
the Golden Rule but now it was one
ter, Miss Edith, left on Saturday for could not run business without the
Srucefield, where they wilt
visit the Golden Rule.
formei's son, Mr. Wes. Staekhou,e, Dr. Wylie is very optimistic as to
over the Christmas season.. Canada's. future. Thereee no r•oni
v he said, for pessimism. "Activisnn"
'MUNICIPAL COUNCILS should be our rule. ' If we were going'
Goder}ch Township todo things "do it now," And we
:The council met in Holmes' hall would be better because we'dferc
on Monday at 1 p.m. Bylaw No. 8 Lions. '
authorizing the issuing of four $1000 Dr. Wylie touched on the various
debentures, maturing in ten years, td major activities of the Lioni Toter
payAfor the erecti.,on of the new school national, in work for the .blind, work
in S. S. No. 1, was passed; also bylaw for handicapped children, ete., and
No. 9 providing for nomination for the placing .of the moral Bode' for
township fathers for 1926 end the children in the schools. ' e i
subsequent election, including the • Dr.'" Wylie announced that there ,
booths and deputies and poll clerks was to be a big gathering of Lions
was passed; the nomination to be at London on January 8th, when `s
held on Monday,, Dee. 28th, 1925, at number of 'the.,big men in Lionism
12 o'clock noon in Holmes' hell, Hol• would be present. The London club
mesville, and the election, if any, on were sending out invitations to MI.
Monday, Jan. 4th, 1926: No. 1, Or- the ebbs in Western Ontario. Dr.
sage Hall, deputy, Chris. W. John- Wylie urged the advantage of at -
anon; poll clerk, Geo. Falconer No. tending the district and International
le, house of H. ,Sturdy; deputy, TI. conventions on account of the inspir-
Sturdy; poll clerk, W. 3. McCabe. action that would be got in those, gath-
No. 3, house of Jno. Johnston; de- crines; he thought the Goderieh (lob.
pity, -36": Emmerson; poll clerk; ate nhsuld'n end 't t-}ettst"one eeprebchis;t
Johnston. No. 4, house of W. H. tive to the international Convention,
Lobb; deputy, W. H. Lobb; poll clerk, Dr. Wylie went from Goderich to
L. Anderson. No. 5, house of II. 0. Wingham to addres the Winghatn
Murphy; deputy. Bert Murphy; poll Lions in the evenin« 'and tete or tsve
clerk, Bert Lobel; No. 6, house of of the Goderieh Li is n, ciini»silieal
Robt. Bowden; deputy. Robt. Eich• him.
ardson; poll clerk, Itobt. Itowden. CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC
Mr. D. Gliddon was re -appointed
chief school attendance officer for t"nl;fnrn• COAST
has become ASST T T}t�t
OCas S
1926. Trustees of the several school!+
pleat= note.. The fo110w10ir accounts winter tourist region beesuse of it;1
were ordered Haid: Councillors" ser- exceilent climate condition, its van-
viees at Board, 040; J. E. Whitely, led and msgnU Bent scenery, the p,4.
THE STlk$'$.S ;IAL
Already our new feature, the
"Weekly Lesson in Ungli,h." is
receiving very favorabk coentnelt
and subscribers have expressed
themselves enthusiastically in ap-
preciation ofe it. A couple of
weeks ago our 'regular weekly
article:on "Bridge" . happened to
be left Old by force of clrcum-
atances, and some of our sub-
scribers commented on this with
regret as they found the articles
very interesting••,,,end instructive.
The artlelee were resumed the
following week and they are
proving of much Interest. "John
Smith and His Radio" is a weekly
series which many are finding
very interesting. Our new serial
"Winds of Chance" is a real one
,and you will surely miss some.
thing good if you do not read
t leis. "S.hr;tnes of DritaIa s
Glory" is another ser:es of copy
righted articles whilth ' will con e-
tinue to appear from time to time
as awe permits. Nor have we
forgotten our "Canadian Quiz
Column." nor "In Days of Yore,".
both of which will *Pew es cin•
cin matances permit. And "Great
World Events" ...is one of the
weekly features of The Star
which is recognized is . really
worth while. All this in addition
to the news of town and district
makes The Goderlch Star extra.
big value among weekly papers.
I.taiii an Bai.m.
For filly Seers the unequalled
remedy . and preb`rnlatite of
erhapped husk, reunh skin sad
ell fartel blemlShee. t'neneellyd
for the es01p1e41441. Try it for
red, roeqh Beards lifter honer
work. 14 It meriellouq in it i
quirk requite. Note the large
elle of the hotly+ and the small
ettr et the cost. There ii Duty
.me Calamine's holism Dalai.
t1 r a s time sand dep.irtmental
ulna. Kat it. A aprelal sir,
bathe wrapped ori rreelpt of e:,
1t. 1.. a4'r+t k t'o., ','0 (aconin ' L,
An Invitation jis -Extended to Yon All
Display of Christmas Gift Suggestions
"The Store of a Million Gifts"
.Never before have. we been as wel prepared and thelist
11elow will give you soare idea of the rpanybeautiful things we 1
have' for Christmas Gifts:
The Largest Display of Junior,.
Bridge and Table Lamps
West of Toronto.
75 of thy' latest creations, a special pureltac tntaic the`
writer on a rocont, r•i%it t., Toronto, ktirca Cron t?te M,tnuf.t.!-
—Come- nd--see...ti in- 11 -
West Side of Square fioderich