HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 9,1* 41lPir"r7PrllPgr7P;llr:• , •
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Gift Toiletries
horn the Famoua Perfumers' of Paris and New York, in Gift Patleages. They say -
Merry Christmas in the prettiest fashion.
bottle 55.00
PiOnK1**E.sat de Quinine 75c,
linaud's Vegetal $1.00
Pirtand's Bath Salts $1.00
••••••••••••••111.11111.2111111.11111.1111411.14.41. 11111.111.111111111.1110111111
*inurs __
JarE011'111_"Bon H&' Perfume
51-25. $1.75 -
Jergen's Man's Sets $1.00.
Two.tone pieces for the
Boudoir. Sets as low in
• price as
Leather Bill Wallets, Bill
Fold*, Purses, etc, '
Ladies' Under -the -arm Bags• ,
$1.50 to $6.00
• Nenson's, Moir's, Fanny Par.
ker Chocolates inGift Pack-,
ages. 35e -to 44.50 i
Ever,reatiy. Flashlights and
Spotlights. 90c to $5.60. !
qrf SliggeSti0116 for the.
• Kodak owner
Koclak Sett Timer $1250 ,
Kodak Cerrying Cases-$ ,90
Kodak Portrait Attaihment $ .75
Kodak Auto -Mask Printing Frame $1.50
Kodak Autil•Pocus Enlarger $40.00
• Kodak Amateur Printer $10.00
• Kodak Metal Tripods $3.7$ up
• Kodak Albums $ .20 up
Kodakery $ .60 a year
Kodapod $2.25
•' Other pertinog- sufggestioni
k)st K dak eautaer •
. • •
Yoliet Water
Gay Pare. Sets
$3.25 to MTh
$4.5O to $6.00
ht dainty styles from fatwoulf,
Perfumers in Paris and New
P a p etries, all . sizes and,
shades. In dainty gift betca
__25e to $6.75 .. •
$1.00 to $4.50
HoubiganstZ5Boath Salts
$2.06 up •
H big t's Purse Vials
011 1111 •
$1.00 • •
Houbigant's Perfurnel qz.
•$2.25, 1 oz. $4100
Houbigant's Toilet 'Waters
$2.50 to 66.00
Mary Garden Toilet *Wastes
$1. 0
NET Gayden Sets, $3.25.up
25e to $2.50
tiudnut's Toilet Water $1.00
Perfume Sets
Sets $2.75 tit;
Boncilla Sets, .$3.25
I•'Bronze Novelties
beat its seseehera. with a 3411ill441014, or
elleea. la the to•veraitierit
will teatime, to pablisk i% booklets
s*tIiii Mt1Q. spoil *kirk ever
$00.000 was spent this paat year,
Ti* would seem to be a fair tuough
[dart for the Aseeoriation. It how
ever. mite the save 04% OW 114044•4014011
to obtain auficient members to put
the Assoelation un a sowed Ones -whit
basis. And IA my hurnhle
I believe that le eater* the 0000 sbotild
be so that tie Autackitiott wilishe
countered to have so many members
as roping. and therefore make it re.
proaeatative ot the urovinee.
I 011114 help but feel thet Greleriett
otrin benefit greatly front the w krk
sin ...natation p!irtieuberiv in view ;if
the feet AO it to such elaeee en the
border as Sarnia that molt b comer.
trated upon. These points mutt hove
attenuate information bureaus
undoubtedly AS the touriet trade fromi
the United States grows thew plare-i
will have to receive more and
More add from 'thih- central --oi•fi•tmir
*ten. Aa Goderich s thereferel
really the fit 'place of rev cor-o•I
60611Ce after booing Sarnia nn tle• I
Water Highway. there shunfti
be tie -doubt but that As will get her
fah- share of the tourist, trafde.
There wax one more thongbe Whoa,
the Hon. ,Mr. Henry left with the.
members of Ob. Association which is
rather interesting and which wait to
the effect that it would not he v
eerhaps to -invite Ameriese toeritlf,.
to come to Canada in ;andeli . evc-ot
numbers this omint reason, for
minted out thee several of thr e•ete
thhigellmwth‘11 :vujoillmIrr"esickauriresfil:lftoowf'et;
model Theatre
Perfumery, Perfume Bottles, Atomizer Sets,dainty and exquisite.
Parker, -Waterman:Swan FcTu ritain Pens, --we never had a finer selec;
tion. Numerous sets of Pens and Pencils to choosefrom.
Pens -and Pencils, $1.00 to $7.00..
Sets, from $3.75 to $1 1.00
Cctinpbell's Drug Store
The Square - 'Phone 90
• ,mon..0.1,*
LChristmas Gift Su Wins
Chrishans Greetings -
Will stun be in order. What better wax could
the spirit of '44Goonl.will OHIO Peace -on Evth" IT oe•
Pre$Sed than by giving your friends one lit. the ioit.w.
rev Mother er
A frit' of ty•intv Slpners • n.
•••e.. n ,pr
Pumps, or a Hat Box. Suit Carl,. Club
.1*ABiliptilarstblar---r of comfortable House Slippers,
Spats, overshoes or a pair ofBoots or Om.
For the Unger miners of the Family :
- Cosy $lippers Galoshes
, Overshoes for the boys mid
Packs or a splendid pair of Boots.
Irt our stock you will find about every r.tyle fit
Footwear for gift purposes that the most faf,tititus
Would desire.
In our Travelling Goods .department t
find a very complete assortment of Club !lip., f4uiti.
Cases, IFtt BQX0S. Trunks, eic.
butt are invited to inspect our stock. .voti
sidering "Quality" you will told our prices riOt.
The $c,tersW E R N Phone 43W .
Shoe- Witrchaat
WEEK OF DFC. 21 st to -DEC. 26'h
Monfinv and Tuesday
head a wonderful cast in •a tenq
drama of conflict between high and
low society
"1f1 Mary Ar.r;-"
"Mel ourise!
Wednesday and Thursday.
in the. straits,* „story of a 'Bowery
Cinderella and * beggar who risked
all for love • e
“TD. Street of rorn:otteet Men"
"Wild 4cose Chase" •
Feiri.o. 1414 °11114,i •I•oy.
presents her greateststory with a
great cast including Clara Sow. and
Robert Frazer
"The /Go-teeti Tho Bees"
Admission prices for' thin pleture
will be :•
EveniOge-Adultis 30e; children 20c.
51a t free both clays-Adulte 25c;
• children 15e. •.
Matinee both days- •
Adulte 26 cents ••
'Children. 15 tents .
•Matinees Viredo Fri., Sat. at 3.00.p.m.
• At the Wednesday maNiee Sante
Claus will have a big Mot of candy
for every child. •Don't miss obis.
strueting •new rOad.S. This next
summer should, however, see 'moat 'of,.
the work completed end ail he point-
ed out, if the Americans some over
and are dissatisfied with Oankidian 4
roade, having ip lined the long do
tours over whch they had to travel
that is very poor advortisiu. 1
would infer, therefore, from what
the Hon. Mr. Henry had to say, that
next year will • probable ser much
viore substantial pecurainy • essist-
"nee to. the Association fronethe On-
tarso Government.
also enclose herewith along with
the conetitution as poinded, of Whieh
I have already made mentlmoothe-
Toast List. wlrnh be,Aor .tutu et
to yott
T appreciate the honor yov accord -
0.1 'no in risking me to represent you
of the meetings of the Tourist Aose-
elation eif Ontario last Friday. I
realize that' my account of what
• transnired at thew meeting,* is hi.
• cdertuate but trust that it -will ha
sufficient to give yon'somo idea of
1,4/0 001( place_ and of the spirit
which animated the .4.ssociation-and
its members. °
Sincere) yourt '
. A holly wreath, resplendent with
o brilliant red bell mugs in the win-
dow. A green Christmas tree lace
lecked with tiny candles end much
tinsel stands beside the Itsrate. But
these signs of Christmas good. cheer
Ind no reflection on the faces of
the elderly corple sitting moodily
before the fire -their boy, their girt
not be homeNthis year.
And ---then- the surpriee. The bell
rings, the door is enswered and
there you stand 'fresh fit tater
you most cemfortable trip in 41. Ca.
nadian National train. Your mother
fairly Juane; inter -some erlUsi- Your -
father ciretee atoutel trying to get
your hattk,bubbling ovir with hap-
piness: le het joy you have brought
them t What, a g?...O.:oue surprise !
And whet a good time you'll have. •
yourself!. •
Let the Canadian National Rait-
wars take yor home 'this Chriettnass '
Enjoy all the good thingyour tno-
ther aril!, prepare. Any Canadian
National Agent will melte your or
On the Meeting of the Ontario Tourists Associatien
"Goderich Will Benefit Greatly From the Worl: of the
Association," Predicts Mr. Lee
AS mentioned in the report of a re- stitution amended. Sub-sectfon
cent meeting of the town council, (a) of section 7 of the Constitution
Mayor MacEwan, who was appointed you will note stipulates what the
to attend the annual meeting of the membership fee for municipalities is
Tourists' Association of Ontario, was to be. Other platters of more or
unable to go, but arrangements were less importanie relative to the pr.
mike to have Mr. Ernest Lee attend poses of the organization were dealt
to represent the totru. Mr. Lee's re- with but as these came in for gener-
port has not yet ,been read to the al discussion at the afternoon session
• council on account of the sessions I shall not deal with them now.
being taken up with other business, At the annual meeting of The
but no doubt, will be presented at the Tourist Association of- Ontario, In -
meeting on Friday ey,ening. It is as corporated, held in the Pompeian
ROOM of the Xing Edward Hotel at 2
isfoing him that he is a b.ona fide President, Mr MacAdeme or Sarnia,
• • t* n
tourist, obtain an extension of his who is no longer living in Canada.
permit for a further period, not ex- The execu .
ceeding thirty days, with •privilege is therefore: President, Russell T.
of obtaining, under similar condition, Kelley, Hamilton; lest vice president,
a further thirty•day extension, should Joseph 3. Duffes, Peterborough; 2nd
he so desire." , vice -president, J. A. Hussese
The purposes of the Attsociation Ste. Marie; 3rd vice president, Dr. P.
were next dealt with at some length. E. Doolittle, Toronto; eecretary-
As• I see it, it is the intention that treasurer, Leon Frazer,' Toronto,
the Tourist Association of Ontario is The executive committee: W. G.
to be the central organization of the Robertson, Toronto; . Colonel . Simp-
Province, having as its object the en- son, Guelph; Gordon X. Fraser, Bur-
couragement of tourist trade in On neigh Falls, and feur others to be
tario. This is tcr be the master' body chosen by the executive at a later
of all the tourist organizations in the date upon more members being taken
province whereby they are all of in to the. Association and behrg elect -
them to be 'brought under one con- ed to the position of directors, such
trot so to speak. The fact tent the additional members of the executive,
loeal • Highway Aslociations do a however, not necessArely to be chosen
great *OA was stressed and the de- from the newly appointed directors.
sire was general that these orgartga-1 The Directors have left it to the
tions should contipue to carry on as executive to decide upon what remutr
in the past, but of course in eonjunc- erations is to be given to the Secre-
tion with the master body, rhe Torr- tary-Treasure, Mr. Frazer.'
ist Association of Ontario, so that At d:45 pan. a dinner was tendered
no one part of the province should be by the City Of Toronto to the Associ-
unduly benefitted het that Ontario ation in the Crystal Ballroom of the
Toronto, Onto pan., after the ;mei pmliminariee, as a whole should reap the benefit of Xing EdwardHotel.
followss .
• the Citof Toronto was in tbe chair
Nov. 30, 1925. the accept:nice of the constitution ae the tourist traffic. y .
• E. J. A. MaeEwan, Esq., , .. •amended and the acceptance of a Two important matters, those of 'The speaker of the evening as far as
' Mayor of the Town of Goderich, suitable orest, the directors fnr the finance and the form the publicity of most of uk; were coneerned, was, how.
. . the ensuing year were nominated and the Association is to take were next ever, the Honorable George S. Henry,
ways for Onterio, for -upon his
Minister of Public Works and llighl
nouncemeot largely depended the,
future of the Assodation. Was the
Asktocuttion 0 Association not only to receive the
Xing* Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Fri- licensing tourist camp and of hav- who should work in conjunction with sanction of -the provincial government
day last, November the 27th. iing such tamps regularly impeded each other. The. questimf of finance which it already , had, but was it also
In the morning, at the meeting of by provincial arthorities :x) that they is, of course, a serious one, and it to receive itcd pecuniary ascistence ?
the provisional directors of the Asso- may be carried on in sanitary and , was recognized that, although. retail- ! The Honorable Mr. Henry- in the
eiatiori, much business of a prelitnin• decent' manner was 6 dealt with.' ers and local, organizations will read, first place made it clear that the Pro-
., ary - nature- -the Annual meeting„A resolution to that ffect was duly ily grant to the Assodation which le- vincial Governtnent was behind the
which' was to take place in the after- ctirried,to be Prestifted•lo the ' efin, frrstmir.gotho highoveyesvhich „Immo; ,Astieelittion and realized its value.
• noon tranpired. Mr. Xerr, K. Co- of , tario •Government. by their respective doors. yet they He, however, pointed out that thb
Peterborough, produced the charter' • The advisability of having the thin- may hestitate to subieribee to both government felt that the greatest
of the Association Which had recently ti day Permit for American motor- Associations. This problem has, as value to the Association would' not be
been teceived and announced that the fists extende0 was coneidered and on I have pointed out, been left to the the financial help which it might Yet
organization is to go under the !lame motion, ettly seconded, it *so resole- executive to Work ;vet with the aid from the province as a whole. The
of The Tourist Association of Ontario ed "that the Canadian' Automobile of the representatives of ties High- movement Must hatre the peettle
Incorporated, without share Capital Assodation be, requested to urge up- Way Aseociations. • i of the province behind it With•
*Oa without the purpose of gum 'for" on the dominion government the ad•I At the dose of the annuli meeting. this end in view, the government of
its members. The conAtitution which vantage to be derived from the ex- about live•thirtY p. tri,, a meeting of the Province of Ontario, had decided
it was proposed to present for confirl tension of the Present thirty•doy free the newly appointed directors of the, therefore, to giite the -Assoeintion for
' maim at the afternoon meeting was permit, to ninety days; and that the Association was held and I- again) 1920. in addition to free_ office 'owe
then discussed. It was 'deemed ad.' government be requested to, amend appeared as your representative. At: which the Association already enjoyed
violable to amend section 1 in so far the reel -Wiens Ito es to provide that thee meeting. all of the former offio,* sum equivalent to '20ele of the
u ft refers to automobile elubs. 1 s motor tourist may upon application cera of the Association were reedec-' amount eollected by' the AkOsOciation
eneleass Iserawitis la copy of the Con•I to any customs oilleisVand upon sat., fed with the exception of the Srd Vice from other SOUrCeSI in other words,
4 I
considered. Upon motion, duly sec-
onded, it was decided to leave these
matters to the executive of the 'As-
sociation and the representatives of
the several Highway Associatinne
My dear Mr. MacEwan : • olected. And I have the honor to in -
As requested by you, I attended on farm you, Mr. MacEwan, that you
your behalf the several meetings of have been chosen a director of the
the newly incorporated The Tourist Association for the year 1920.
f o held st the The question of the advisability of
Stop (Ln
d Shop
' • Iing. Go )«. !or. tail
Your Christmas Cake
and Pudding
Seedtd, Sf edletifi, Sultanas ana
N w Curtai ts, Figs and Dates.
L. mon; Orange and Citron l'eel.
Candied C lri.rir4 aPP1,e
1(1.14r Fruits.
• 'Almond Icing, Itvtraetc; and. SpiCes.
Sturdy's Cash Grocery
Tdephone 299
• r:. .
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4 sii• iii••• •
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