HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 6ECR STAR
TIfliRegkleY, DZC. 19511
Cat 1lt 1.1LVli CORM. INSPECTOR IOM litlF.!'IaR'il'
!�liC:R 'Wim THE 11 ON GOUERICH !
Oyer the Use tat' the 'Railway Siding Tereus Of Moine. Guidry, Adieu*,
ea Nortk $bele of the Harbor Sruaadtxs and Crt,•gie Expiri le -
last Meeting of 1!25 Beard last
At the meeting of the town council r Moodie Night. 1
oto Twsaday heel ittg, Dee. 8th, Chair -
*an Lee of the Harbor Committee, The last meeting of the Goderich
following up the matter of the letter Public School Boo: for 1926 was'
the, Mayor had received from the held orr 'Monday evening, Dec. 7th,
C. N R, which, as referred to in our present Trustees Thoaimon, Wallace.;
report of the regular meeting of the t. raigie, Gundry told bellows. 1
• nuneil last friday, agreed to restore lir. Tom, inspector of schools, re- t
the conditions prevail:nir up to thii ported on a recent inspection of the , !
spring for the use of the *King on t',oderich rublic schools and his re.,
the north side of the harbor, on the port V. as filed. e
withdrawal by the town of the letter As to Central school he reported
C'hairman Lee hut sent to the Rail- the grading as satisfactory; some
way Board, claimed that the letter seating not good; teaching fair to
from the C,• N. R. was of no binding excellent (work wee discussed with'
ro'tilue as it was not signed by the each teacher); discipline fair to ex-
proper official and be took * strong eellent (pupils should be trained to
stand for standing up for the town's be alert, diligent, metkodical and am-
-r%htarist-eenna*tion-. with the slim of bitioua); work of pupils fair to ex- ,,
"-debt siding. "We were not asking cellent^ (some pupils are -MO old -for`
for favors," he *aid, "we wanted our their classes and should get extra les.
rights." The letter from the P.N.R. sons; progress, slow to rapid (slow.
was signed by Mr. Snell, divisional over.aged pupils are indolent and
freight agent, and Mr. Lee said the eareless, needing special training and
operating eeeerteloet . 1M4 the de- iee�.•os); the puree, in all the cie,s-
partment which hod control of the sen sing well; the soeembling and
matter. Ute read the letter he had dismissing of the classes pre fine;
tient to the Railway Board, as fol. work not r:p to the standard needs
lows ; special drill; the shed end fer.ces
Godericie Ontario, ; should be painted in July, 1926; the
;cuv, Ii., 2925. class, rooms are bright and comfort -
'To the Secretary, I able; the library is ample and books
Board of Railway Commissioners, ; appreciated; the caretaker's work is
Ottawa, Ontario.well done, the basement clean and
Deer Sire—A difference has arisen :tidy ; only suitable exercises are •to
between the (Town of dtiderich and be given for home work.
the Canadie National Railroad in As to Victoria school the Inspector
regard to the use of a trace: along reported grading and seating fair to
the north side of our harbor.• excellent; teaching fair to excellent.
This difference is oe such vital im- (i m pr ovements suggested where
portance to. the future* development needed); discipline fair to -excellent
of this port that we would like to ex- (proper discipline is a valuable asset
plaits ourpoint of view, and ask you
to advise ins the proper method of can depend on getting this accommo-
placing this matter before your Com -
Mission in order that •ruling Night dation. 0 Has any railway company the
be obtained. right to slay that ei. track which has.
\e„ ,esehent fifty years ago the Depart- been used foie commercial purposes
*ant of Public Works improved for almost fifty. years, is no longer s
Goderich by reverting the commercial 'tfack and to deny the
Maitland River and building s brunt» o£ the same to the shipping pub-
lic 'between the river and the new
harbor. To prevent our harbor getting a
Tents .breakwater was treed ns a bad reputation thisfall, among vee -
sorting and piling ground for lam- sed owners, could your Board not in
her . brought here by vessel* from atruct the Canadian National to im-
;Hilts located up the lekea. mediately restore conditlonk ' govern.
rhe Grand Trunk Railway built a
siding along the brew cwater, which in
g the user of this trace to the same
was used exclusively for handling standing that has governed fur years.
this lumber trafllc. and until such time u enter Board
• Some years later, the' 1)eprrtment has • had an opportunity ' of investi-
of Marine and Fisheries divided this gaWe would appreciate vboth sides of the ery much if
ii ddcka'ge) into sections. •and .•leased•
sections "B," "C" and. "D" to the youcould
could have
e an -'and go into the
r meet
Goderieb Lumber Co., wiio later ,question on the ground'.
ttansferred their lease to 21Ir: Bauch- An earn reply would 1* greatly
ler, who continued operations until appreciated
a:onditions changod . and he removed ours truly,
by -
his mill to another location up town. G urs very f . sly,
taring all these years; cars were Chairman Harbor Committee,
loaded on this track and shipped to Goderieb Town Council: •
various points, as -from Goderich, the MeLee said he had also aouncn to
odariah rate being wad -without. rthout any the Department of Morine sand b'ta t
aedsitlonal switching or rental char- erica' retch. xaference it►_.the '9O -Fleur'
" Os best +claimed by t to thepresentilrorCo. ' lease which the 0. lair R. claimed . of
Since 1907 and up' to gspace on the -north brealcrveter and
s 4..
*unmet; t have been getting t in afl the reply he received was as follows:
td d s ofrcon !rave been teriin all Sir,—Referting to your letters of
k3nda of eparitmtnt of Public. the 20th ultimo and 3rd instant, in
'The !department n Public Works connection with the river breakwa-
atid individual their l , eontrrcto io doing ter at Goderieh Harbor; I atury in-
+r►°rlc• einder itosupervision, a, .'decent form you that this Department has
tlli been gslWithr t question a►ce a ng no leases covering space on this
raisedIllus cruel- without beeps breakwateroutstanding. The• Cana-.
' dian National Railway has had a
Veueli tied tip here for the win- track for many years allowed .them`
ter, have stleo rsed this track to Ret on iutfer
fn theteseorl, repairs end supplies fore aIce. air,
outfitting in the spring. your, obedient servant,
Since interswitching came into ef- z1, nt vont,
fact, cars arriving over the canedian Assistant Deputy l�linisterr.
Pacific railroad . Were also placed sis t, of M riFisheries
a end
along this 'truly without question, kepQttewa. 13th Tr"ov., i92G. t
until April of this year, when the
Canadian lyatdonal• took the stand
that thiswits not a commercial
track, but was part of their yard
faeilltiee: i
'They .have notified the town eoun-
ell that no commercial trafine Trill be
led' toor from any industry to-
ted along this track.
{ Our contention is, that to all in.
me aind.-trirposes, net breakwater.:
Iluding the track in question, is a
of the harbor facilities of node -
ch. p
The. south side of our harbor is
fully. oeculiiede and the only. possible 1
• room for expansion is along this
•- breakwater. '
The Government has spent, and is l
still sr/ending large eum sof money
to make tide portion of our„ , t +or
accessible to vessels trading into this
Vessels 'wintering here have for
years tied tp along this dockand de-
pended on this trackage to get in
coal, repairs, machinery ;tnd sup-
plies, for fitting out in the spring.
If allowed to go unquestioned, the
attitude of the Canadian National
Railway in denying aceess to this
track, will 'work to the detriment of
our harbor, by forcing i eestlt to
winter at some other port where they
Mayor MacEwen stated that he
had beentalking to Mr.- Snell over
the telephone on the question and
Mr. Snell asiierted :that he was the
proper official to sign such a letter as
was sent to the mayor and' it the
council 'were not satisfied it would be
signed by other officials. Mr. Snell
had no personal knowtedge ofiFie 9:1 -
year lease but believed there;` .was
such a lease in spite of what the De
nartment of Marine and Fisheries a
had written.
The Mayor pointed out that while'
the track ou the' north breakwaterfer s _,. _._.s__t_.. _______ fine- arid
mew ter.. „rr yrs : '1111+ • *-Torr
°t „ „..
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0110 ... root -lar ..` �-r► •jjk..•••
...1 4
4, 0
fit :17(
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wts Am. 160►, ter. — a..+• .,r, - • orr .r. •,r„ "•-
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err aThr: diEk'�+r. +n► A . oar. +oft.'.,u6:+rP :arc_".r .1rr., '�
' lar•
Christmas ---and only 6 more shopping days
Naught can Con,pare wit: Gifts. to :ear ..
'They fill a practical and personal. need. Thee are worn Christmas morning in the very shadow
of the Christmas tree. They cost little and comfort much. They are presents of common
sense and appreciated by all.
Dainty and useful.
' . Silk Hose
Chiffon Hose
Wool oo Hose
Checked Hose
Every pair neatly boxed.
of voile, ginghanm, chambray or print.
Tea Aprons Bungalow Aprons
Boxed free of charge
f• f•
Vest Boudoir Caps
Silk Combinations Bloomers
Crepe -de -chine Gowns
See the Lingerie display—dainty materials—dainty shades:
Terry Towels of elaborate colors and neatly boxed make
useful gifts at -moderate cost. • ,These are -boxed in sets with
towels and. Mace cloths or towels -separate,
'Linen Tciwels•witli colored or plain borders and neatly boxed.
of brushed wool or plain knit, with or without sleeves, ,priced
$i.75 to $7.50. • No extra charge for boxing.
Dainty and useful,
Silk Gloves
Chamoisette' Gloves '
Kid 'Gloves• -
Suede Gloves
Wool Gloves
Every pair neatly boxed.
Plain 'Crepe -de -chine Scarves
Floral Crepe -de -chine Scarves
Knitted Scarves
Woollen Scarves
Which would she like-?
ai5•F `i
...� sizssr, ,
We have • numerous sets of finest quality lined Table Sets,
boxed specially for gifts, also numerous designs of cut wori.
linen. See them on display.
2; i • yds. of '54 -inch utateriai, • 3 ' ,: to -4Y: yds. of 36 -inch
material-willmakea dr'ess_._-The most useful -gift of ail.-- Ask
us to suggest suitable materials.
When in doubt give Hand
kerchiefs. They possess
all the qualities a gift
should • hava, daintiness
and usefulness.
Boxed Handkerc;ilefs i
25c, 35e, • si0c, 75c and
Hose �Scarr: s
Gloves Ties Handk•rrchiefs We have them r
The S.'- A.: GRAY Co.
� +.. I`•ti !' rf, , , 7' i l,i '.I; 1„I ^ IYI �I 1:, `; •j! e � YJ ' ,I•
,- ! i !, l,yl ,II ! , ! !, .il ,Ill t ii !
�� JS[� 1-I .,��� .i ., a^decd 'l L. (t �! • ,mss IY,�•: s s s „ !` lily �i1►11 �,It I sl I, ;l,II�II11. �i':.IY , ,.Efl . i 1;,r i
~ � i �'; •. .w. .� .,.�.., rrr.,.�..r�,.s...w- w,w+. .,.. ,..rte .+r taielp.,;•11.4.s1 ��reeiwt yY' .1�+'f,0 y,� y� ��lltlfI�IlIII�,���roeewI:I�'1�'Ifls��r".1'"r,r�11a "�illl `�v �"rw,••.� � .�1,�''�rrr►.'�i!'�'I�f"+ArI/I�'!e�f.`�/,rr�� �Ati+ �'�a%r
Bentley's letter Was received nod AV
Wit originalle commeretal track.
assert-11)1in*, 'and dismissing of Pupils ed and Mr.' Ruddock's letter teas laid
those. using ethis oier yeers ago' bad
good; work of inepils fair to excel- over till next meeting.
pitideforthe use of ite The toWn wee
lent (neatnees, method and eceureey I A number of atcounts were refer -
not pitying for its use et the present
heed etreeseing in sorne classes);° pre- red to the finance committee to po
time. The ef*. N. R. lied fixed thist
it. sue if gress has been fair to good mid ex-. if found comet. It was decided the
track up and mainteined
cellent (pupils too old foe tlieir etas- dictionary' or other books should not
what the '"'"" •.,•"` .,e• ., saes need special lessons deportment aped as it was
otFered in 111r.'fine11'ss � ); I be all wed awaty'from-the ;school. end
letter it was much butter to avoid fair to good, better in some classes the board adjoutned, the first meet-
trouble In his own experience he than rn others; the Toa, of the green. ing of next years board to be be
said the divisional freight agent was house needs repairing; Masa rooms the third Wednesday in January et 8
always the of!>c'ial he had hnd to deal are tomfortable and attractive; the p.m.
with as to placing of ears and he begrounds are well kept bind beautiful, The members of the board whore
lieved he was the right n to lqn in summer; caret*ker's work careful-, terms are expiring this month and
the offer that had been made.
ly done; only suitable exercises are who will 1* eligible for re-election
On the motion of Councillor Dec to be given for home work. s" for the ensuing two years are Mr.
seconded be Councillor Sproul. the
The principal at Victoria school re - Thos. Gundry, representing St. Dav
letter from the C. Vit. oR.r was referred ported for November 13 boys and id's ward; Mr. R. J. Acbesson, from
to the harbor committee.183 girls on the rolls, with sun aver- • St. Patrick's ward; Mr. Alex. Saun-
age attendance of 164 boyo and 162 dere, front St. George's ward; and ...
^•••-_- girls, (9 -per cent.; Penny Bunk de- Mr. I. W. Craloie from St. Andrew's-
Theworry of selectingand buy-'
ing suitable Christmas gifts for the
home , folks will be more then repaid
if yoit' deliver them yourself. 'The
whole family will be fo salad to see
you—it will seem so good- to eau to
to get back into the family circle,
to watch, them open their packages
and open it few of your own. To
eat it well -stuffed turkey, roasted ash
only mother knows how, to be sur.
rounded by the joyous, happy faces
of your loved ones will give you a
thrill you can get no other way.
The trip home it no `bother if you
travel by Canadian National Rail -
Ways; you wilt recelve the utmost in,
courtesy and comfort. Any Agent
of the Canadian National will make
your reservation. .
Children Ory.
The Personal Element
in Banking Affairs
Bt'tWEE theeurtnees•attid told*
oras of piloted bast forint and
the batman .issisoat for whose
use they are de.lgnod, are vs* aip-
portunitiesfor the ranker to' gkt
valuable personal sanistaaacg, Th
Standard Bank, throng!: the *It Worts
of it's staff, is anto iseo afar op•
portunities thAt itt. to ieraoaaaitut&e
its value in olfeeker gersoeal ala.teietr
on fluvial matters. The keel putt►°
ager of the Stenlderdl Maack will be
glad to give intimate reuno 1 open
,money matter* pertaining to,l your
101 L J isiaw.w,,Mantaaler
1ewrArso oar tea As* sal Is U+1I +Mrd Il..,aaturrw
posits, $127.20; depositors, ell; Mrs. ward.
Redditt supplied one day for Miss V. '
t Wittenand * half day for Mr. E. .
s Wilson. The principal at Central , Times change, but it fsn't probabk
1601°,31 reported ifl boys and 93 *iris 1 that you'll ever see a woman smoking
an the rolls in November, average * cigaret while darning a sock.
1'stttendance 88 boas and Se gins, 931
" tar tent,; Penny Bonk depa►sitt, $43.1 s
131; depooitnrs, 1114; Mrs. Redditt
tar stet four days for Mies Dell and e
half a day for Miss Litundy.
These reports were adopted rod an
order made for the payment of sup-
ply ply teachers. ci
Miss Lee 'Tassel wrote in *pnreeie-1
tion of the kindness shown her by
the board. the past year, which had .
aided mach in brhae* her on sin for s
sf slit 1*4 got towards perfect
Miss Lottie Beetle, wrote asking ,
for an increase is salary, rentindinalt
11* booed that the rernsnrration oat•
!geed herself and areae ntber aaasttia.
hers of tato; staff' was still blow the
*woos* . for oxpo Senee4 tsaellases.
Me. W. Z. 1tnddack . sr.. eiteetaker ,
, at Costner* school, sebnd for an bra- i
ems. In salary.
Midst Lo Tsawdla leiter woe mat -
eel, acknowledgment to 1w ant, Rini
Wider aid
Memorial Deatiti sus
far any purp000. All styles and
prkes. Decorated baskets and
Si. I. s waalw
or apply,
Mrs. c. Cook
*Mod Coa..tory
fluoro•Mt r 1
Atwater Kent -
Day Fan .
Er la Fada
We Have All These .Outfits in Stock
*s4tafll IiaR l a»it Teel. 14*