HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 5-1,1M0"11W%V&1,,4V�% "I - I 1� 71 �;, ­� - lllp�� , ___1 � , _ — . ��WV 1: I I -----,---T ., � I �11 77`041M 1 I... .1, . 41VAPPRIV1111 pir :_ I -, � ­ use"T - T - . � I 17 - -_ � I , ­1­111[�"._ I 9 .­ pr4M - I 6 I ­ _-, 07�i I . OL � --- - . ,voseral ;:;;i1911111::;:M , . - _ 4 - I i ---I— ­­­ _. __r.W_--T— - ----------r—, I � '.. P.— . __ - I ___ . If . "I ,_­� I I 0 *, I � . � I I . . , _*-­�� -----. _-_ _­­­­�­ — I _- - � I . . — ,_ — I - - . - - � - . I - .- ___ __ - - — __ ___ _� W_ - ­ __ �_ - 11060- � - —.-- - 11 . - � — _ — - _ . - __ . - .. - �� I I - — ; . . 7 � I ONOM., ... �� ".. .1 ­ I 1 3 ! N I 1� 1L , - , 4, 15tet �r q_ - , .0--b- 3, , 21 1 , nod ANOW-JowatrMI311-TAU . I G,W . Games y1dus I . A�i 8= Mat . I . . . Now 1=409 In lu coarki .. �� I i '6'1_C_.. .. ­ - 11 40 ' 164 " 0 � -1 � , __ .L - - . ___­ r __ ­ __ I L� 0 -, Jk V.- , ___ __ AAnWftr7WJW"W4r11WAW" . I RlrAD IT T" " IC T I STAT_�� 11 * r�_ __ I % ==Z�010=-- -06 0 -- ------ -- ­_ 11 ,_ __ - . - I —,--- _ � " . — I . Chvistmws Greatise Cords.. Y041 aro iN4004 to took ovow AW Semple, 400*8 or 011t chakot ifinat 0 Porsonal christnes ...._--Or *it_C,q.,J.. - ---.-. . I _ . The Star 9wee __ - - , . I � . ­_ � 11 . SIXTY XWOWD YrAg 1 4 ­NAI)a. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 19,25 . UNATTER a NAIFTE4 Pubusbwal I � � I . � I - ===:::::=_._ , , . � * *III* - ­ - - 1�_ -, ­:.__._­­­_ _ �� - ­A-!;;wmr;;P�,.�= * 0 '. , a, Wedwsday N*40= rain lime � Navigation Clow at I I 12 G C a n Wintering Here -,,11 Million Bushels Handled at Elevator inh Weeks - _.__,___ ____ ­_ - 1� 111. � A0.__­__JW0_1_ —,--- - - - I _­­­= — I - --.4'' — __ - - . ., ww�_ � - . - ­_ -_ SYLAW _� NOMIfr anil'groom left In the afternoon on fITATI"MRY PAUTING, OF THE'[ nomE WiXN0W____ � , - I — "Ash- ON!& punw. vnw, " the C. P. R. an a skort tinp to Tor- 0 TOWN COrNell. � � . 3% onto and other points vW on thodr I .Air. and 5firs. Frank k;allot,, waro \ . sun U26TOeAmpance Go. of Canada TOWNN-11P OF i0OLWR\8. return they wIW rakk in Goderich. The statutory of tile toulti ut Toronto last neek. � Ito mimicipitt noolis*iams for Ilie.Twolve Boats Wintering In Goilerith council WAS 11#14:=Mday vverling.f '.%ti,;sF,Vel"vt*ooperis.i7itirsthor ' d . ' Township of tXAbornp will be Item It% Rattler when arraMments were made for ,Istcr, Miss Orals at vietort,,i, COX , - rROWROUS AM PROGMMM - � I , r1p, OF IN* tile Township iliul. uarlow. � . Itin. #x of the'amir*1 firAndal leget Toronto, this week. . � � ) - 1)" ,� N With the arrival of the Drummond the printlin .I . , i Anada ]BYLAMI- NO. - 0 fW TIM "% - 1Wth, 1915. froat. ono (I clock. . r. $.eilte Iay Wo n - ..- sta.tment and several odaer matter.%. 51r. J. H, 1,4tacil has'�*,velj- up trant. I - The NAUSS Of the S'Un Life Assitirantt, CO. of C , ORNK - V THR ToWN O'clock. I rd r Ing ,abiriatioin . Ii the Past r Ave years I 0 � . ��4,�N . . 1 4 tavin. Detroit visiting the cod ba"Os. haS d*Ub*4 reVery five or six yeaM DUnIn . OF GODER101. - .91RF,. ITETHERIM-TON- the season cl000d'at Gadu*h. Ir �Tbi were 444ft with- DOCISIOR 3 1r, __ ___ JWS­r&U­Qf,pr _Wrt.pXceeded.. Assurance in force . - *__rta �Pgte4--W(!�­A'��1*3. Township Clerk. ' winter Meet this Isar Consists of. ed as to lwlc* to bo, asked from the Maw, friendpi are pisaied to soo him. , - __ 1. I—— ­___ , _pt -V ­ I ­ ... ­­-­ ­­ ---l"'. beats . - C*-._._aV4_ _14r -Ife-- ­­Ck­--ot­. fl*..__ ,. , 4 - ­ � ­ , �', � tWelyr­ __ 1countIng- the H**beM ­ _90" _-A � ,ft.- JIV, _X_VQ I I ' V __.-,. - � *gress-has _ L-1--- " ­­ ­­ _­_­­­­­ -k,BV-L.,kWt T(V-Pwlv . � '. . A. - IL W11116" : AN& � _ . �rW Ealxml -1 -1 -N ­4��_­ � :, now excW aim hundred millions. - 1. . � OP, ENV slUN- ­ . , - ,rl.,. Q , I which host been In ,pott *11 � ileaton). 00&rivh Ut Comwy#, for Rome flat. Alta , � l(UPAL HIMI, Mi. . ,; � ll 41114^ .. who has AIL lar,4, inter. .. .1.4.11, 1 �­�. I q -1 vlaeblift0y which the former are ne. ellts on the ,eAilk&tche_* � .. .j,A i 'A"olit.--_..#'...#..4­.... *290,000,0M. T -. . 1MR-10PI" ' . the Drummond, the Midland King, '4,� # � 1WHEREAs it Is Proposed to erect _ �. the Dayton, the Laketon, the McKee, gotlative for from " Xotional Ship over the boundaty, Ili 1. �,w -V I .. 5.4% Interest on furift left O11740POW- " I e.4 and eencrete. A I kh The I . . I � . - rK4w brick. *W. , re . the Kamloops, thi Turret Court, the Plant vW for some belting will wife, Mrs. Duck, lit the j% , Mi I , 4 .w."M M I "W"W""MMOA0 Proof MUD 1, buildinst of 4111hrold- Flud SM Under IlalsrA � . I I . - - . . OW. MI - Ittely 10Q IV, -stories Revionate Act . Sarrilms. the Martian, the Maple- Salt Compxa�, kia" got, wad the 'Uht- relatives, I � � 0 . At" Its f by 14 riet. thret T Jr. and Mrs. n,. . .. Ipbow 1% 4� . iL Ri. LOW4 0whict and basement 411 illpight. to provide I court,, the Lambton AM the Belchers. ter was refor"d to tile e0mmitte'D op, Bruze .street. . 0� . . 00- . I, -_ Aidequ4te occOrdmodsition for munlol. Mr. Steiriboff, of London, wait fineil The Cargoes of the Dayton und the Which has 114411 handling "Nai ' . . PROMM$ ..... . W110- moil ima eonanittee $20, and costa* by Marlstrato Reid r' "I The engagement is ,Unlj,�Ul.l � Ift"i N" P=Q_ 0 , I Celt of , pol OfAces- COIN Laketon -are for t1w, Wtstern Can. contlectfila-with the plant. The Mus Helen Dorls, younger daughter of. � � . � eharnbers,'Are 'hall and OrMe'll's RP4rt', on, Saturday under the inland Rive- e, rest kokg Hospital enclosed Account for Mr. and Mrs.1tarry 13lattin, Victor . . �_ I Nff!CH TO CRRMITORS ' ments. Public rest rooms with couven" wft Act for having liquor known to,ali Flour Mills Co. And all Ili , I I WAiam, , . �, ienoes, community rouns. audito'llum. . for 'the Transit Xlevator. The ele. mouth's triiiatiotnt of Mr. Ftuo at _.- � . . . 1� .k.'real'." ambitIp'(1s, young N4)TICE To ('.11FEAT0119. I vaults far records and arctilvos, Tlollce have been manufactured illegally, vottr at the present time is w�q full the sanitarium. Mr. Etue returned avenue, Toronto, Out., to Mr. Nair. , __ nuarterm, Police OOFU I o 14 not afraid of rt am)ITIM011,11ti is the liquor oil near BAY- mail Albeit Philp, eldes;*, .,on of Mr. � 0 . salesman, Wit mato DIOACY. IN TilE NIA11-rER OF THE ESMATF, OF Sor magistrate,s ,.and childiillll� ald CO- 0M recently. ' . I As it will hold, h6oaJnlj,2j418,Q00 bu- from the h6spital, some time ago and and Mrs. F. C. Philp, of NNI'lute nock. work, and waiU6_10 FLIZA JANE BlIGHANAN'. LATE OF partment And,'W equilp the PAtne, .1 At Exeter on Monday '� Ii - thels of grain, and the grain cal -goes was in God*rich for some wet -k-,. B'(1. 'Marriage to take - ;. . . muet have goodiappearamr. and good 'N NDr NNIJEREAS Robert '-%%Kal�. F . affoat for the Elevator .uvreratv an- The Muskoka Hospital has 4 stuit , .to ruE i4sims THK T0',%N-- OF GoDr,aloll, DF, M-A& A. . plact, in D" .. � refireum. I of thie "..Town of 0soderich, has ,vetfer-- inary hearing In three ;1 es 10 -eep ember, I AWN &1iI4W'0o,..Lin4saj. I ED- othei"Million Anti,% qu"ter bushels Pending against the town for k . N01MCE IS HE,REBy olvRN that.ait apply undertaken And agreed to P " perjury t place, And t ecu )(r. and .-Ars. J. N. XervIr I ,WAMD._1'WA for 5 claims, or d vide 000 t10 . rd - it t aad * a while the two cargoes for,the MR. of Mr. ituo At the hospital, which . _,ban and �. . k general houfte- persons havini. ema nt up far trial a uch' qo )\."W& a tho cost,) of th - the town is defending, and hence. the I - constm on ,or e 6ald build tiv. und were se I Ron. Murra$-.' aecampanle4 by At, . ,07wL!t. be fond of children, against tile ,estate of Eliza Jane H more es lall'Y the continua ty t#;xt*, in Febru*ty.. . I . . Amount to abouthalf a million bu,ih . fr. . Apply MRS. jMMso,v. phone WS. ai4 rate of tbt Town of Ooderloh, In . . 11 . . i els . itore. � 'Since the list of October* council decided to Writo tho hospital And N s. W. T. Riddle tAnburill. , L Utes. . , . . . Ft where 'cri , � I I Witt.;ounty Ot liuron� -NN'IdOW. deceased, - Anthracite Coal Still . -in. a litt over tin weeks; the 13eva- outborittex disclaiming any ilability 'Fe terd*y.10r CslifOrnlski .7 .1 I . I Novemhpr.� , A%M -W ERPAS the exleting biAld - ­ � � -_-A J%49 Irq"ALN wh diailOnthe.Uthdayo, -1 ­has--bandled 10�W,000 bushels On tha"pQrt of the Town for this fur. *111 mpen(l;,the winter. They wilt I � . ­ - 1- I - _­ . RT _ . mg,--ls'e'n rely uu$U1WbId foe thiD Pre" -ther BariallogAviestion I Ili . I ­ — . --- . A, lb, M.5, AM -required to fiend or de- ad . tor , A . rR WAX.-Chrlstmas Trees, any, liver to Me undersigned the solleltors sent req r4hents and -,Vill not le Chas. C. Lee'says that 4nthrocito of grain, over a million bushels a ther bi)I which has now been present. Vslt At Kansas City On tit(' Way nif . . sizo. FISHRA'S DAIRY4 S41tford. r t;lp ad1u,1nistr3t%,. full partAeulura 11,,,clf 'to dvantagVjous or otonomItal coal .. is'�stlll.tha burning question, wcek� 1. � I I,.,; will spend Must of the thut in Orl� . remodellf . . . I . I ed. Mrs. Tremblay claims damage. . . . . . . "I - .remodelll . from the town 'for injuries � .. I . Z�e%vered. . 11 _ - ' .1 , i - . , . Of their elifilis, disly %prItIM by deplar E - deompti. fjeqlr- V)Wktrike seems to be ,as far from receivcd tario, ral., visiting *a.,,KernigbaTes . .� % . 1.1-1 ­ .ation o- 401il4ivit, on or berore the 26th jkNo, NN,H,RE.A$ It J% no, Water and. Light Clainvoloalon . a fall .on"the slde� � . � � ... � , it settlement As it was on 'the otart# I The regular,meetine of the Water - � FOR SALRi-Three Ootile Pups. AP, day of W4�.ember, A, I-J.o IA24. .. . � iable,jq�_Jhc Interpst of the toNivn , In valk where it brothel.. I � . people of tile . commUn1t?,), to erect 4 It was fortunate far the,town that was ley. Her lette? wap .101,­Iv(I tol 41y4le Parker, who purehasod the � . iply HARVRY UJI). B.'A. .No -,3, .A.Nly TAX9 N�OTJW.' -that aft�i tile modem building as ,set ill above. and'Light Commissioll vaH held on " . . Auburn,7.�or.-'pbono U r17_14oligannon, 4:d 26th day of I)ecembpr, A. 1)., iM, I . Mr. Lee out 'in a bir timhaxe� just the'llublic works committe,1. A let- T.­Poui TIscativ bc-re i few. rol*rms �, , .. .. . . 'D NWHEFWAG; It Is doffilltely. Is- 1 the te , . . � . - .o_., . . . . I Ul., x-ald administrator Nvill Pfoo-4 to AN TburtidiaY.'eveningi Dee. loth,_Il . I . I ' I . . � . I sured that eonsitlep,,tble revenw­.ran before the- striko, . This "cost . wits . I r from the,'Wok roornorial (ndow ,,,,,,, f-m, L. Ke,,littly, ha,, ,old il,,to, _ � 1. . FOR SALE ORTO RENT ! distribute the wqsqts� of. the sald 4,4�eas_ � members present. . . � .. ment fund 6was relerred, to next CaPtalp Aw­lw. of Orarigevillo,, , ._ . . _ be. derived prbm the sald -building, bought. at premium prices, lint his . A further' commuril(Ation � � . ed among the peropgns entitled j4er,�to , . �. I . ,; HOUSE POR SALE, OR , IM RENTj on )i wh,leh would greatly r"Auce tile on- . of U9.00. iper toz is lesi *tbiali from the yeaWs countil. .� CApit. Adanisis the chief offleer of the I . . anil that i6e; said� administrator �Nrfll n( nual payments thereon, ' I . p.rice Goderich Organ Co. with reference . I . . 1. �. . .. . NV -11'- At, '411 ponypokences.'-Ap- beL liable fo.7 the sald assi.t-,� or an o-s�iar�* otUr towns which Are fortunate - � -- - -_ --- excursion steamer Greyhound, Pat- ,- . 7 AND WHEREAS It wiff be tit, . . , *!Sit I . . __ . �i,) Ply -to TWS. SA -SW. Vlet*�A&" St. . part thereof., 0 any pf%rsoll Of who$e .. a Rh to have some Anthracite. to 'A er service for. tho, 'sprinkler . . . . ., . . . n to rnlsA tho PnOU . . . . ronized by great numbers from .this . . . I I . FOR StALE Olt TO RENT�-R TrMelc claim ill(,), ,hhal -' M Lee says that his . upply An . seid wrap. 'On. their return, Mr. and 1,�cflljtv who take lit the - .-linual trip .1. . . �. I*no!t alave then recelv- f6r; the purpo909 herpi syste.ra they propose to Install W04 . I rd � . sum of and Ispug debenturoo 4if Ill r. -R of . . . . I I modorn two -apartment house on ed. notice. - � ­ . . eorporation',of the Town of Gnde"',' . yead and Mr. Saun&rx Is asIced to Mrs, Kilburn will re,side lit Hamilton I . . . . � ' a ay for Eighty-FIve Thousand Dollars, thraefte is getting quite low. . , to Detroit. .. � I �*­ 1� � �, . ,... . I Nelson street, * bwit Dat,P4 at. OoileWch, Ont., this 3r d . . , "Imeet the commission to discuss tho where Dr. Kilburn is on olle staff of . ,, _ residential looality f Dnezober,'A.P., 192�. Im .I 1. I . . .. Rev. R. 0. N1*Pl1­­'tl. INtWo- 'of I : . � � � , , In Goderle1h. Can ft.used.as-olxe MI- ,000) Win proceeiis of the VAN de. 'Nath Or Mr. )Hrowell,p. . , in 'ttoi. - , . - .. �- I Ithe Department of HpAlth. . . I . 3 . . 1� I . I HAYS & HAWS . beaiurcs to be anplied tot, tile purpose .. . ­ - . A . I . . 11 . -. � I donep with two. bathrooms, a largo par- I - , � . Williams , . '. � . . . — — Knox.0hurell, Goderia, --as-, jn�ad- . . . . . .. .1 . . Sollollors for this herein and no othcr. . . . . 1 . . . I..:The request frdm.the town.couneill . , . I . . . . lor, und. latti,�oa ,%;erafid4h.* ReaeonaO, I t . .� Unilzil tr tor. , AND -NNIHERE.AS -I . t Is. desiritb1c. to is- - The'Stair is sorry to hiv . drAss -at the fowl sopunr end istiter- *� . . � . : re,nt Rir reliable telient.. .0,,ondir leaving I . /. . . s a 0 ,to an. jor the placing of it� street.light on I THE NORTH HUR9?; APPEAL I .. I . . I T I 't . — � . I . - ie .the said dtbentoteg antaitint!ng te. I .. . .— � I . . tAinIntnt,in eOnnPAtif%n "Mill'thA dh- , ; . rmanentIv. Add at the Stor v - ! ,NOTICP ;ff _<i-kF1_TO.RS. '. , I - "' iousandfDollars 485)?WN nounce the death ,of 'Mr. llowel P. Mcpanald street between Raglan and: Mr. I . .. .. " -r- ,_ / : ' I , cc 'T aljvl`� to virei! oLNIES, barrist7'. , �,; . . � , '. . . F,Igbly-Flve Th be- .Blake streetswas refirred to the en., SPOltoll, Will,, RIght �o Appeal iniversarv,of the $-�afr,­.h Presljvt, . . I I I I � eI-,:(#(;4JPrie.,I, . :E it I . . I., I 1. ,. at one Unto and,to make tho prljj�lpal Williams, 'which took plaeg' in ginegr to report Uildn', '. - * - and Case Will'Be ian eburch - -i vinift.- oventhr of . . � � .. � . ­ _ _�_, AN THE'NIATTER OF 111F. F85tATE AF of'.the said' ijebt .rePa-,.,aI)le by yfwly trait on Nov. 27th -last. Death was ' . - I . , Arg4ied art i-'rt� . . I :jAIJES -MIT(2TFT,J,, LATE J dlyloi �' it wa.. Jost w"k. Y.". P-. 7AvkIn. the' Min- . . . . .&IF THF, runin (Itfring a iieriod of twtwty -yfl.,Irs. the result at'an accideiit,' Thte On 'otion Of MX., T day. In, Ap"Jlate , Court. , . -1 0,4'UsAllp, . in . . . . 4 POR "LE -.1n the ' . I I . I VA4 . 'VSED. Wy of thp saitt (It,ben- . rment I , . . I . . ister of tile 4 hurch, prositIO-'at the I I . �. at 44010-1411 on Pr#vII,41alO High- . TOWN UP00DERIGH_DWR� being thf-. ourre '. do in Mount Olivet, cemetery, Passed that if neceitArY thc- . eleetric . . I . . . I .. . 1. -NOTICE IS UEREBY GIVEN, that all tw-N; Tho .taid ye,,irly C'ums Ming of was Ma I . . I . . - . I . . . 'wa -iles front (to rjob ,inct 6 from . persor4.s ng- on. . -1 entOrtainnient. . . . . on, a 4ebool - Nov, 30th.; Mr. Wil,;. lig t Poles Turon electIbi) vwws . . .. . � � . . alnyj 5 m & .,! having , olaling or demands snOb rei;ppetive amounts that the Monday, li on Salitford,bill be waved �The Noirth, . I - . � ,� I - , . . ai h. Y*ar liams was tht purchatoer of.tbe Wld,� so'tbat.they will not -'Vith seems. destined to -be livide a, u.,4t -1 - -� - -.1 . _Aiacent,to, bholvh,and , agalhs�Ahe estate of Jaluk ACM, tell, grsvat*,. amount payable In e, irlterfe�F Mrs." M. Graelue Cameron -and, .. . , hou,-4e, .Parm co W, or 30 aares, �Of . ' . . . . . , , ir;lsv late- of t1te Thown of'Goderloh, -In the for prin,rlpal and Ititerest In'res*Ix-ot v,' l' . . I the High*ay . impnoVernentq i being case: First of all the ,returning . � . . . . ­ I lArArelam * land� Nytill . tile 41'rained.. A Codrity of llurou, '(Tf,,tf!as-ed, 'NN -1-19 d;#,d pol-I dpht. Aball I)P1,as'ncxtrlv 'aQ p04- 44r.house on Wellington �treet, and I , oill, Miss Diana.. Cameron, 'of Coliburg, . - . . I . . A cement black 7 -room lionse, bank , � 'I �,­I. � � . .. � 900 on!tbe 121,&day,of October, A. 1),,-IWZ sIb1,-,eau.nI ,to ltho small -It payalili, I" while remaining in Detroit moot '- made by the county. � . - - . Or declared Mr..Xing, the 10r6gres, 'and' Mrs. A*.. C. Runi,ir.. of 0oAerIch,,', �111 .. . ­ . . , - . barn IW40 4ri in -, Ouse Sad garage . . . . . . of . . I Tile.o. Judge . � i -, -inter apple are roquired to. 80nd Or dOlve-r1to th� 0.wh-41r thfi, otber I nilleteen ,y I ear' . A commumcatioli from .the "Hydro- -sive"caudidate, elected. Are guests with Mrsi .1ohn D. Wllsa�i '. - . I o . I .-M. h III I go w . sald period. I I Is Of his time on account of busihp,m ties, Electr . ic Commistftotk;�.regordinig tho L�ewli, on the rec6unt, gave 4 deds- � . . . . I trees. Never talling,"water Stipply. under.-Agned the solicitors. for, thp, exew lhits wits a frequent. Visitor 'during 7 the. - at Grven Gnhlts'. Huron 3triet, too- � * . � ;_1 "I I . . . . . I thee �O cutrl,oes, fu)l parboularq of thi,ir chulms AN -k 'WHETMAS ,the total , omoim,t , ' I . � rebrilding of:tbe Ifn4i to'191dipwood lion which had the effekit of ele dan. 'MrH.' Cameron ii- 3118" Plan*: . .1 :. .. ­ � . . , Vor fur �artloulars apply to . renu,!rert bv 4he ConsolItMod Nfimle-1- sumanit' . to Goil&ich -where , Mrs. I . . cting I - � . . verifled by decta-ittlon or'umdavit, 'IM tin be miqprl hnnually Williams Occupied the swritfitr' home. Park was referrid to -the ,ainglineer, Mr. Spot. on. , I � , :(��,�L "N', ' du4_ . . . .� GIN fal. . N ,� I � Godezqch will remain for Christmas at GrK-n . , 11 . . . . I �. I --"-. " _ _ ,������ . � - - "' on or before the 26th fty of Docember., noil Art, of ,I . I . I ' 'I And .1aninther I ifirpr i - Then, on '.Afr. - King's Xtaill -Barbara Wilson,,. . . I . � I I I � I hv :-.,pP(4&1- rnto far ravinz 4be ,sol .1 , a thie Hydra Cam- behalf, Application for a� mandamus, Cables, where -5 .. I I I I . I � . REAL 9$TAT9' AND'I _. ILA?! - 1), , I I I . % I _, , I ,., I . i I % 1. -- F4�19 � 'A. I). Ift . dobt and fiitem,Rt n4 h�­Imrto '. prt)- -AloatOur Night st the Model - df.,Mointretil. UzA 'mr. 34nies ctelth.. . 1: %L . 1. 11 ",-: - 10,I) T r . , I I I 1, � . I � I mission .regarding the-, Initollation af,' to compel:. tbe� county Judge ,to count -1 -IR ISES 1� - . -;aid With day .of f)ej . Tuesday night, at � e Wdtt Thes-4 protectivil-,equipment a ' t , a 'ch; the , . .. I . . . I . . , .".. Zlrnmns .1 . -%3K,E *41ZI11-thgt aft�r' :the vl&d. lis the surn of.4fi1820A2.. I . b . 0 Pill - guests v , .11- , WHEREAS the ,vAoitot 0 .. . . . . . . . JLJL- . , ) . T" . .. . , "embor, A. D" W25, 1 AND f 11 - - ft 10 Itydr Certain b0lots front whi . coun. ton, Of Halifax, 'Will Alt I- I . '�__�_ I the sold e.&,cutri�pa I VAM F612c. li& " ' �_Vikff ___ - - I L . � . I _"n . -\vh.-,h�--#AlMble-,Pro�i(-rt---of-�iho Trm W I -,.AynAfeli�-��-an�,e�.-tr4L---teloph6n6-at4he -ft. 4ro-stor#,- *VU * -werer-not ­rem6ved;-W-f�-g-­hIad'e 10rtbe bolid*yr--season. � . . ... I -Und6-for isal ! — — drmirl-buto..tUt a 6 �6 f -t wl"'. ',,-1* d" eocas- of, Goderlebi Rew�iirdlnor tr) the in.4; ;'tloi- good- program was put am The win. stf . reriatend*qnt's' roply Wei , i rea#--Oud '4v - . NU ' " - . , , tl��todallil � I I . . i ' ' 'j�, I 103be,ftr*#W�*�rVani) Mr. Justice 1 This weekle ; Mitchell -A "ato I I I ,. - ed, amoin`g Me Persous,,%�ntltlP4 therpVf, I �. . I . I I ., �.. . f-Irvou Intea,b-qy.nK.:6k mme let Mai . viod assesment roll. thefft0f Is 1112:W.- ners'iof-`th#,%4V1ts1 competition were, - � . I �".. .., . . show, vou witere I a I- sild th&t the said -exooufrJssPA:1 'not j72.M. - .1 . plaeo am file. - .1 .. I . vlWriebt iledides,'that; Jid9o5 Lewis says-. Mt. 'Fred Dav t I CAI. - .-�� , , 11 � . � ' yo UiVam . money wilt ­ . . I . . . .- o I . -Newv- v�as the G Ity better, Oct b& h4ble for t,ti-o iWId iks4ots,6t,any 'Part A . . As. follows. - first, � Geo. Joiner and Cailoi o' � - n . Is h 11 I � . 1. I .m - P= , . _N -D. WH'F,REAS th.- ftmonnt � ab's' Pool - 04r4r , Must cou it .the ballets. Now .Mr. gary, a -pent tb'e week -tins ai, 1 .home 1. 1, . . I Vjr�lces on wIAt UM-fil 6asj� *, ou M -I)Wld Uturecf, ta,aa -Wrson of wh6se Claim ,,�'; 'rlf ")e Godfrey Ji;laies; its English gentlo-1, . -There was A vory Ano.attendlance Spot ­ ton -has- won tile "rithto; to make a bit tootheri-Mrs. W, H. Pov kiavit - - � . ,it , come I I I'have to: . Pd -Ing -debenturp k0bt of the .mle ��hv, -4 I � ffer .%�au .an have. moody. Thi's I will & I tM. � -a; , "I I � . is. 9 40 * ilee %4il :. bavo then f��I,�04.n& . I . 11 0 f . Munlelpalit '= xeluc;lve 'iiiiefi; oeon . Eric -Wilson -.and. Arnold - t the ikanual Pool aupiirin conli'te, Appeal, to th� 4011stte Division vird will be bare'Ag4in-this week. At tho I Prove �. I % JIF; A"Jog (e Sbots;" and . -N I , . of, I rovowmt�40b.L4 ".rurpol McConnell, 4*116ots. ; nd . a . � . youf�, �, I bateh -R& Gooerie,h* * " dAy a I a tion *Ith thr blertail6tutIg-Cahoo Club the case will, be 'argu4d .on. F'riday. recent 'elections Mi-. Dwris won re. . . I .1 � . , Out., tbis 3rd fapi%Mal ".is, h'itoi; at, ossw4pnip-11" . � - A, ft;=AV %,, . � , . , Ron, Mr. ,Tuittice. Mowatt, 'in granitt ittirned Conservative member for � , . ., . I . I . P. , � , of,becembe D., ton, . , : Wheireof no princip.al.or Intereil. is lit of, the thildren's competition: First, lant - Monday. venink; thi�,_Wnt I . � I n K . ? " - IINYA -111! . I 11 . 0 .1 .1 . .1ind Itic;I'leantof I SA- ­ I arreor. . .__�. � . . * - N � Wa '304. "' Winnifred :Murray, " ,"Irish to CoIr i comei as'the AvInd-up Of a pool tourw-­44­leave far the appeal,. stated that East V-sigary by a majoritr of over'. I . . ,:..k '.-1 Phone i , I feltors, fo� t '10 1\fur�"INRI I , ", I I . . .1 1� .1 2_____ ,.-. I I I I, . ,.. he NOW. TTIEREFORF. U .4 leen;" secondi Keith .Colborne, 'Saw. . .. . he regarded the blotter. an of no much 220, He .was Opposed b� a strailtht. ­.­,--- . - Tin: - , - , � , I . zx�gciltNce.q.. 0yunell of the 007po t1011 nf fthP dy' McPherson.` Other, good num- nament among the meinbersi between . . I AIWSTA,61�0'i*kl, LSTATE and ' - aer importance that' it1w"ould be dealt Liberal and thd U. F. A, and Labor I I __ - s . . I . INSUF.A,N0E4*AQENGY. 4 . Town .of GodpriCii An -as follows . isides ,chosen'. by tho'ilrosident and . � , � . � I . . JOB FOa You. , 1� . . .� (1) Tins Munfilipal Council of the ters were' the Darktown Trio, I with bir the superior on - had united,on the Atting member, a *.. I �� � i . I , ,, �; ,. . N I . . ..— . . . . Tlown.of Gil&rich shall rai 'Cutt' B. Bilkor it . N' -irice president rezMtltel�. The pre- c , It. * ' . Life 051m Llfe);� Aodopti�; se the sium # , nd. S., ftlmer: John ' I . I And. 111sur*1,. , , ;, , 1. so TO 410 mkmy. of .W.W0.00 for, the.,Purp -of erect I . sident's. side had the beavy end of 1. P-11ellmuth, X.C., made'the'ap- labor renreseptative. Mr. Davis 1)6�t : � '� , . alken-Agency. I .. , , . msp - McGraw and Frank Tufford, In the I cition for Mr. Spotto "n th�-. led nearly as many voues �s his op.,.. I 1. .. . "ous'ps ii�id Lo -is .111 '3;floe�ch 1�644 � � . . Ing a new muqlolpal buildinx.and corn- Black Recruit; Herifian'll in)agicianj the score this year, a4d'accordirg t6 p i. � � , . ... - — - -n , arran I g I ement the penalty. on the los.- 1. . . . I Fai-in" for SAIP. : I I ( 00 "I P"N WAIN'4EV. No, Previous e'x- ,minit.v hall -situate 'in the sald Tb,% - I rder 0,ving d1ro(. nonent4 eombitted and the' LiNral - 4,* . I . I A thin lot df,boospq Aft Godqvip� foi Pel`161106' necessary. NN'rlte tot. jo.We of Goderich and the prdcpeilq from the Jack "Purve.s, was prepared to appear. . tions to Judge Lewis, was'glvon by lost his dipoill � t. ' Mr. 1).qvis ill re . .. . 1. . I ' I . - , preW Book NN,hich explains In I oNv ybu: can ' hereinaft,pr men, but,unfortunate[7 his appAratus *as, itt sidels to.pilt up a 4upper for the -nail . . I I- I I saie.. Almost AW %Ind. that an Int -no - �. Nale of the dfbeatuv�,s dos i I J tice. Wright without grounds. ) i in -the cast until the op'o'ning, of . . I I I . 'ifestre. � .. ,. -1 tioned Ab.Kjl,be pw4 for tho ,said, pur- it . 'members. Out of 72 members. there Us � . � ; . !UK b"Ye earn wallo lea I . I ,r wou . . rnink to work in �Ity'ind Pose.41and,:I6 other. I . oyed . W. fire. The �. orogianii Ron, Nkwton ,Wesley Rowell, K.C�,- Parliament. In. Xanuary. " I ,111 I.. . %ny� fine farWs,IIPt6d for -alp.. Ask. low" shOP0'QA'AutO NIvehanirs ,FIk­n- . . was repeAte . .was an, Attendance of, aver fifty at.. I � . .. 4 . " 11 I I � about I-bom. Some stAndling timber - fQr .E1­tr11;AJi� Battery or WPI1j,:.-Ig*' '2) In ordpr to'rr41.qe,Jbe salld sum, . ,.d,. on' Wedneads. . y ruight * I the I su . , M nday'rifight, which and J. H. $pence, XC., opposed the � - I h ­-� I ,��. . ­� � % � 44T Ex- dpbenture..4 -of lthe �wld Town of Code- �Cl . . . _pper on oi lication on behalf of Mr. Xing. 1. I CHILDMIS AM � I . . .1 - � wood for sale., � . .­ - .,i - � Pf"It- Chauffeurli SAImman. 4-. Also rich to -0 Amount of $&5,000.00 as ailing, ,Events of G. C.� t: ,: , was hilld-in the vAsembly Ilbout-pf the, urP ,. . I � . I . . .. $.. W, ABU .. I I , � I . , � . I � . , ._, Mr)h j. 4 1 ', , .,rieRlaying, Pla4terInK, 11"banical, it terary- Satle I . Mr. laid I I.. �. I 1'- .. � � I .1. . . . , " U liowell , arg that there could — . - I Above Parsoiio., pw'.0011dile'. -Barberinr.. nail, aforesaid, ea.rknx interost at five I)er .. ty'&.�,Term , � . Masonic building. Aftor the supper I � � . I . . � . ,.,,. Ontario. DeDtNtry and t die a Oent. Per anhuln , sha)l be 14,9nod Nvith- be no allpeill under tht,glecticn- Act, Ann ill Christmas Trip it d intor.� -, I ­ Box go.,. , , �.,t� ''_ .. - - -I - laborer. wr4t.c, Now� WhIt,4 job. Ad-' in one Year,frc Last Friday night 1he closing -1111t. a short progriarik of speei;b.-Aild gong. U Ift . P. 0. 4. d r e s's '. H ohi- the .rSsing at Ithis . : 1. I I I and Mr. Hellniuth contended that ail I A -_ - h ,h Fknllli,,-,. . elif-'at, the -.',was ' Igiveh 'A: " 'Fl ' reluarks I fam(n� at the Shelter Utc. .X3rd . I E AIPHILL. 4GoVE&%�.%IF_N-T BY -law, - � Aarh -of , w, dpb,� .v qrary" af the term,, was I h . PWOP )Rte I . . � . , I I - 11 _- -791 .... IL,q.-..)�_F _. I I . T X� CHARTEOH11), TMON ,SGHO(%S. Free shall be for tho, SUM of'not JOSS t- A debate ori phe a-Abjecti! were made 'by Dr. Hall, th6 pre*14d- I . —, .. I . . � I . I � I - Employment* ter�lce, 163. Kint St. W� 51.00,06 alid -$hall be dated I ha� Collegiati,. appeal � wro possible. _ ffi� lordillill) . i� : - - P1. I I r0ronto, . I .�. .. . xPon the "Resolve& that the pen Is lylightier, ent, And by Mr. . Xnyvott � Nttftel, the �old he would grant leave. to ni�ital ' Tho annual Christmas. tree and. - I L I . � . I ___:�:, �. � . . .� date of,the Issue thereof. -and shallbe ths, the sword�11- betw�ein* . Milises Vice prosldOnt; A couple of quar.. if Nin. WIlinulli 'Could - .,illow'.. that entertain ' . __ — . I ment will be lield At 'tile ­ . I W, CK)UGIE M�ati,le annually at the Bank of Win- n - . . . . . 4 1 .. . . I I . 111, at the Town of GodoMeli -wittan Elisle Winter .and Jean Groves, re'- I tettib selectigna were very finely yen- leave to appeal was�wltbfn his, juAts* Shelter (in, WeAnesday vveninor, rls­ � . � I I- . i , , .. � I . . � . 11 � . . , _ , — 1, I . Chaj,. diction, . , , . I . . I ,- �, 5 ., , ! . I . twonty years thereafter. . � presenti;ig Form 1118, %nd .Misses:,. dered by Messrs. Eric Wilson, . . ember 23rd. The'ebildren Are lilok­ . ­ .. 11 . I I : 'lisirante . 'tn­ �Onjafl � . 1 .Ie "d df,benturps Margaret Groves And Chas. Robert- Whet% it -ApIx1ared likely that the Ing forwaril'to a really happy tim I 0 . . " . I I ­ I . . . lwweaw " . shall be, signed by- tlif, 'Nra,yor ,�;f tho ;,Sawildirs, Jack NcDerrAI& and Fred . '- ROWell There or(- nine bays and ho Irirts..' ' I., ` , I � . � I .­ . � ­'. I Nbribe 10 '. I Gorpor4tl,ii of theLTown of Goderich' . split tepresentin.4'Form IA. and7B.,iSkurdy, with Mr...MacDonald Gibbs appeal, woul& be granted N11 L � .. - -_ - . . I 11 ,. . L .1 L I 's ed that an A val would -give Kind friends are already remember- . ! I . I . � . � . 11 or by some other �person stat.hnftod hX was likon by the negative, Form 1. A- at the Piano.. -Mr. t1ohel Papons T"'(0 ( t I . 4 . . I -_ - - -_ __�_ - L - - �__ . o SIP, tho Same &n(t h,vL the Tr4,a,, play "Putting ,up a rVosperous, ­ was called on for Is Mong Wt gave, Mt, Spotton .1l'St what he ing them. - I I . I 'k - . .. . . - .1 . wait CO". . . I .. I . �. i � . . .. I . . 1. L .1 . . L I 11 silver -0f, it sold i0orpollatihn, and the F , pp %­vety,cinteresting feat. some hulporous observation* I eod, tending fo.l.;. that Parliament wOula The following donations- have' bovin , . I . A #J,"U_r . Sies, . ­.. . '61werif;hAll Atwb 'thereto the oorpor, ace, was. . I list " - . "'ALi"'D'"S L - I . ... � , "' .1 . TVs , ._-.I.- 1. � -, t-,.aan. mt,l�t,...tbt,..(,'.hr.i.e.tnlp.'..� .... !"flimsditm. L. .., At _IL,. � . � ...____­__.___ .... - , . - -_1_._-..-..' � - - _­ ­ tte ANAT of,lhe: Muntelpality. -- - ure, Other ounybeil# were imulItcal , Remsrko.�Vlrr him)6roaq--v.einv-b,k..-Rp.-.%�, I ,rt,(wi;vfJ.-,aud.-ar.*�l.,orr&U,.Iull.y.-Ac-L-w�w.a--.,,-................- . . I . . . . 4 .. . . . I � I . I . . *4) Durial 'be tarreo6y of L i1eleStions -by the G. C. L orchestra, I R, C. MeDermId. Dr. Cole and Mr. masifitminent in. the'Supreme Court 'Iedgod- - M "xetp I.- I 1� I .1 . I . . I A Tery prdty uno of views has We have had ' nu , I _ the W,* . L and-1he effect of,the granting :0 �-,;, 'Fitton, E .r, SL � . . 4 L . . I I � nu, 'take,off of bid time songs in 'made. , Yof , I � si largb mbm � debeutures - here shall be rakpil an-' ii�..O a Mrs.:E. V. Lesslie. $1; Mfitt Filith . L L . ,been secured - (Or The Goderich : Of. enquiries lately with- regard idly by sPM11al irate on -all the rate- years back Mr. Shipman had bptn an leave to appeal would prevent hiq WigVInC;. $1: -Xilm. IV. It Elllwtt. Sir , I : � 1 - . , ,Ole pr=ty il it6mime, under tht'title, "My Vic,i - I � 1. I I ': ifie Wthd tai4ni s4eu'ritie"'s, of- Nor. I T of the . n tht said Corporatioti Par i interested mo-mber of the Clrb who .client taking his sent. in Parliament. F,. V. Limsile, SI;_Howlek townshi . , I . . Stir t4kidtie ..Aioe'-,l62&-,ihA. -m of Goderl&b Nw, sum i- trota." Oii.Fridits, 'at this week, thie - P's, I � 1. 1. ­ I ­ : . . I . " 0 � _1;. .. , , Ae . � - I ­Agogos *to larglit, 400 00% taaft i - therij Ontario. 11 . : S820.62 for the� turpose of r0hpaying go.alety are holding a Christmas par. eontAbuted not s1ittle 1:6'-tho enjoy. His lordqhtp stated that it $25; Allome ' and - Schow , Club : 7 , � �., I . . � � read acro", the tsaw. Seane'af I L "I I � : 'the SM61snt dueL n ench of the FJJ L typ W . peal Was heard at once #his -would '. bloomeri � ;, 10 vests, 4 undor- , . . - i We do. not Igell in inin� stocks, years for grinoi;),41 and IntANiq. Lin � re- hich L' will be the closing ,(,,,Al'Me11t Of much evints ,ae Mppday - pair . . *sW-'--P*4II'A#V0*4* 4111611ribers, : but we,art Able to ' , L spect of It e flald� debt, ' # L �: ' . ovont -of the.ye*r� , L, , � . 1. n , commurity , not be the, cise .and -!a- 14s decision 1,ultq. ry nightfiresi4es.'A rairq fl,,se, , .' ' ' . ­ . I . L . I Aulvil. - Iliesar . . 91vol Prompt; ,'5) This P�.iLaw Ablalf, take I I I . . . . . ni*ht'A , by lex&4 I I 11 . I � � jL. t " . '. .1 � . I . I . �"Wsf'F`Vil Oft Of � service.' inforifiUlan - and iidvlo ' 'the effeef Huron Chapter 016ters, R. A. M., , tingilir, anti'. he was 'misspil I vfr%. fiddpd a provisn. that i,tun4l �prneo 4 ,,i.l 0it-, ,1,6!141�4. 00 t-itn etis . L 1 . L . the" , on , daf ilf,tbe final, pas4ing"thloLreof. - I �. I much from We 3rear's gotheiing, una .-,�itb ,,the appeol at once and that if. being $21 'Busy Been .8unday School, - . . I ) I � I . I . . artistid 'W"ro .and we on such sewrities. through our 16 PROVISOINAT,LY, 14ps&d. by thc, Installed - . . � .. .1i . 4 have'no, doubt he would.not lniv.q, ptwsible it should be heard F . riday id 1 (.1aj;q Wroveter 'United . -huieh. - 2 _ I I , . . N., . . . .. .L , '' OxPod 19,�P&" eat-A,good ,many, Toronto Cmesponde�ls, W46 ounell a the. 6x�poration of tbo There W419 a good ktenditince of being presillit hinlaelf. L L I)Li� ,�J'Qelf nr earli - , ! . . . � k . L . ; 9*04"As in thq � couri't, of, the " can exeduie your order at three.., Town of Goderl�h tne 8th day of Dee- the . L I � ,4,uilt;; U.FiW.O.,* London Road, (Tin-� - . I I " , . . I L. " ibelt few **eW., - I9V*ry sub- I mintiteeL n6tite., I L . ember, A, D., Ift,13, 1 . I I . companions of Huron 'Cba*pter, f kilbulira-Doolit ' tit , ' L , . . - . py"t" 1r(%V..N, ri� , 1L t(ift a box at N4duable Christillas .. - . A Royal Arch Misons, at the Installa- MI (�`18 " , * � . . *cr** 4myliag- up street$ "of I . L. L.. XNOX. 11. J, A. NfacrNVAN, "' kifts for the (hildren- Worneilln'lin. ** . I !!! . any) altil "yIng in adva e' for We Are also active brokers in I Town -Clerk.. . L Mayor, I .tion of officers on Tuesday evenihg.1, The intrritme of Tootoel A"(A in"L I " 'I,o Salff(ord t4viala,v vt,ht,ol witv stitrte. Brussels, a 4upt alil. .19 ot"r. . at I L r. L ,, . . . fte*r­y"t will li�i� ilvell one, at tftocks on I)oth Toronto and New — . Right Ex. Companion W, 1'. ,Gallow - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (". L. I)on tainment will be lidd on Wvdnv:-day,-I' of fruit; ,lWomcn's Institute, Wrnvet- - ! itlietier beautiful cileniars,'so 'York Stock Exchanges. . TAKE. NOI`JCIE� that 'tho above Is a was the Installing Officer and the fol. little, 190 Eramosia road, Ouclph_ tp 1)(_eember 23rd.-- " ' - I pay . .trite COPY of a PI-OPON4 byInW .,%.hie ,mi or, a box of elathing: 0. r. Fie . ) - , I ,h lowing were duty installed In their Dr. Lve A.. Kilburn, of lidmilton, . * . Initir, . . I (' , . 1101"kne t1le'"IftWoll 4f Vi6i Orders' mji�f be. telwOaphe4 bits been taken -into consideration, and respeaive offites: Z, Goo. Mo(-Vkar- of Mr. and. Mrs. A. E.'Kilbur,4 f, r �� - 'flie ­Cbri�.tinus at bomf, lo (' lield V fi'Ve bags of apples; W.M.S., Donny- f, I Is, thbrokon Anil got your ca 4 , t _e. bV tile canoe Club will take ptce (in brook. 23 nuarts of fruit alitt 10 I . I � " . _pj. .or telephone a our ixpenF Which will be flOallY Pamsed M, the H " ; ; 1. H Darker; J, -A. J. Mae" , Fredericton N. B., *as celebti ited at . Y; f 4 *.0...6"_ , . op; gr Wedrierday evening, Dee. 30th. poun&q of honor: W.C.T.U., Brua�. . L 1�__� . WO, tannet Alatribute then catin- a � . � . Goumil of the Munle;patity fli till * , . C.'Dunl , cribs N, J,,.. 1`05 9, els, a box of elothing: Christ church, I . . t;'. a" in4laoilou4tity ail witk IL VeStMentS , evelit of tile ament of tho the t . , p home, of. the bride's pa ' ,leetors bp- scribe E, H. , 't I . . 111,11 0�t1h,le'nP4 thereto), aftei one monih. Vrooman; treasur�r, J. J. MeEwtn; Guelph, on Saturday after"noon tit '3 Mr. J. W. MaeVjear will again. Ili- �' I . the many koiMreik, -cri fe( I .t, a quilt, fruit a d v - I L. of sub. bera Huron n ,m first Publiziawn of .& copy principal sojourner, Gordon UoDon- . o'clock. The drawing -room here Iv.suOr Of automobile 11(,(l.,,,(�,� f,.r i Port Alber 11 pre .. L who will, 60 94ying in a4vance, . � V �'% next year -and already haz�, th table.45. � ) I . . I therfkaf In The' 00derjoh' SMal -And Thf, Aid,, senior sojourner, J. Grabom; the ceremony took.place, ww artiFti. e mark- . I . � . for ne War during the inext few Osoderloh Signal 116w,040"s, thp, date Junior sojourner, Pi Toole; M, of lilt cally decoratid wita palnv4, fvrns ers for 1926. 1 Clothing: . Mrs. 0. X Elliott, Mrs. .� - I . I . W*$IM# "T OKWY WOWW not per. 1, . Limited, � Of whIM PUMI(Ation was the Mill d.,ly V.,'W. T. C. Xing; M. of 2nd V., J and rose chrysanthemums, the .- ame' The joint Installatiop X nffiecr-i. of Thorlow, Miss Slorlinjr, 51ra ThwLi. L. . ! I ­ I., ''.... tolt of U& arA we wilt have to. . . I of Dee,embor, Ift.., . L . L . I . .. ' . . . Walters....Nlls��.SturdY- Mrs. L, �J..W it, .. ... .... ­ .. � I I . rakTe them for strictly p4d.ln Ropal Dailk Bidg., .. E tljat S. MeEwm, 31. of:'Ird"V. -4, Carrioi Mowers lleing ux�d ta-form-li: -��IjL�, .Maitland and M,orning-Mar Lodge�, �liam.q, Mra. Simon McKay ard Mrs , 11 . L Goderick ont. I All lea6ebolders qualivea untler the M of 4th V, J. S. PI ' ' " before which the ceremony was Pun. A., F. L A. 'INI., will liv livid thi8 .,,,,r Calvin Cutt. ,, , , I . ...�.. . . a A V 0 n to subscribers, - Give, Us . . . , &it; Janitor, A. "Vening, ilec., � .. I th# opportunity to prexesit yola I E. a. r1ILE,, provi,,Iona or tile .vuftjojp�jl �%.o,t, ,:W. T. XaItting. After the corenionies formed by Rev. H. M. Longford, of at Carlow on TuesldaN Fruit: Mrz.- Finlayson.'W. It. )3- , . lion 2M, 4. a. a,,*nd Amendments therc� of installation the "fourth decreell' *Kitchener. The bride, who was tin- 29th, I . I . � . as; M Fe '40 . I with an *10 our tomplisiltints I Manager. t4, are. required Win dayg betom the was much enjoyed. .Attended, wag given Ill marriage by The 11500 and danve" hold I -t rs. D. rgu. n. Iliott, MrR. Tremblay, Mrs. Ruston. , L I I - __11 . I ­ 1� . . - .1 date Of VOtI01,K to file WItII_ifW a A - � ­ - � —_ I I statU- Bell-A%deroox - . herLiather, and entered ,the room to Thursday evcning by the St. David's Cakes And .",andwiefles: Mlqq Fel. '. �- . - 1-1 I I . I - I . Z�_t­ L ft -1 . 1.7� , I — � __1 tOrY dit-laration of qualifi(s,,ttionh. oIbw the strains of Lobengrin's Wedding word section of the Hospital Lodies' licr, Mr. Pesv. Knox eharAi, Ahvr�pt, - - - - � L .. I � __ , Orwim their names v4I not *tppt% . L 0 � _.. — . i"I . .. I --- tho� voters' list for such votin.:r,. ,at* on - A very pretty woKiding, wag lialem. March, played by Miss Geitrudis Aid was a popular and pleving event (.1apter, � I . I � � I nixed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Witmer, of IllIllilto". Stle, was love. with a good attendanee. . L--,-,.. � � I 1� ­ . ANI) PUR'MIER TAXF, N*6TI(TL 1b.,lt R . ro Our C`Uents--v . " aid - G- A111(lirsm, West strett, oft Wed- ly In her wedding dress, which ivas a, The next jury sittings ct the Su. Maliv bargains are on viov in, ',tile I ,, �.. I I t1i'm voten of IhA 0i'viars of tile S, D". 16th, At 11 o'clock a,m., French creation of Apricot georKette, prento Court of Ontario, at Goderich, little shock shop around the eornor!' I L With the inteft'st tottes on CA'ba4an C 1 '-%1`11111401003Y U-111 bis 4-.I'kpn thort,on on ";!dlay-'. . I sovernment xn4 i tho dity 11"I for talarw tho poli at ill# b Rev S. S. Hardy, rector 'of St. with godets outlined with shaded vel. are tit for Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, be. SHARMAN'& ' I o , G �, I ,� kipal Bonds Yieldint a U06 over 41"A we believe unual lnunloipal Apistlon beforo t1jis W9608 &Urch, when their eldest vet flowers edged with. silver, velvet lore Mr. Ju#ice U*i#, ard 1101le Win. - __ � 11 � . bprkes: are ab�ut at thok penk, therefore we would I 9*1110 thmilty Rellirning 6111c�,m ot . ., th I 4 daughter, Madeline Lenart, waA tm* of a deeper shade forminst scarfs jury sittings Monday, April 12, be. CARD OP THANKS . ,, I I I suggettsiotne Fore* iGovtmu*entB*Ikj$yaildl*og'fto,m thAir rmooetivo Twilklig, pl,tevq. ited in the holy bonds d matWitiony which foil to the bottom of the skirt. fore Mr. Justks, Lennox. . . 111 ,004, %IEC.. F, 114-hr,l) 4'j's 'Ji" fam- I . On %tarday - na day of :in- to Mr. Donald Bruce Bell, of Toro". Silver shoes and stockings compIct, 111V zot'vw I. -O., M1.1,4. Kur+lllonl4h� des-ro . 01 n Countrim which w* would t ),ir#'..kq thf-J!" �4�:I,,�'ro tJj'JnT%!4 t,) in"my , 6% up. Elowds of r h; Ibe llw '1�1, . ­ ftv . U&M im Mayor of ths, itsid Town to. Mrs. .c;pfjyard And 1(r. Work was begun last week on the P4 I'% L� , 1, ra-anxiltend at*.- I Clit ed the very charming coatume, SaItford bill, several men and kaid fripud'; t,,�� ttollp 40tiful Ilite ". %'Vill AttOnd &t 4110 001111"ll CIRIMI)OM Anderson sistir a , 4 ittil"ll "1110) synIrAVIN; I'% tl14I)!v)n1.,a "kith thr I , Ind brother of the she carriod a shower tot Oph in. (it the, iiaA Tow,n at tpn weloet 4XIS beint triguxed in the work of cut. -,Opss aull �ml'�.,JU,181it drk"l -it NIM , L Gav4wnwont of the R '&Uo of Atstati*e in thf,' bride. atolidod -4he happy eoWe. roses, lily Oj thp volley and %vilite , Mo "m I for .. apny .,%,,,,!­-;;li#5n_4 1:1 pollitiss play.,s &forp- -of kLUd At"I-4-at.1d�- "vLA fit-#', 1,-.7 Gowo"Mm* of dw Ro*"e of 11"i at I ariconii "'It- ners""44 t41 qtr"n" The ,llridil looked' very chai'Mift in h#atb#r. Miss Winnifred Searlett fin* off the ,dangerous bend in the XII",4ehf,uq&­ 11111011. to aPpe - cooviornakitat of chw L this 11 f Ight Ue tre . - bank. The earth is- tKing dumped 3,11" tk'41'. . P.,kid. land at the final Kummiw Ito , & Chfrw, earrying a sAft very sweetly during the L-1 � i�, 'r Oct of ;.r. 11111L 961"Un. , . I � For fall. partkulars -on NW &Waen ;ON*, so! tho ,wolplit hv fho 4.1orl, on li�mlf%or heart roses. Many ,of tht register, "Calm as the ! ,ght . vo ovor the bank the otbtr oido of the - . Dino � 4ho prrwin; inforo,4f,til on mid ormpot- UtIful nts toe Ustimorty tA A* tteiption followed the ceremotiv roadway, I . OV'Sift ..31, .%11'!10I-4"%fly­_I�I ljJt,J_.,.,',-h fp%%iltzhlp .. '"r Ar rmpniMbir this Tl"Onz .if tllsp. said esteem in whiah tU young Poo- with"the bride's mother recei-Aing h;' His Worship Mayor .�fa�Ej I -,4-t �.I).ad,c�,,. 10-'. 131h. Artlw .Nl,,i�;Il- - . . I , �. Ito Oo F. CAREY & 80k Wed , fo­."r,stp.) tsvi"41% wimpolwalv, . : , I ple are held And to the good wish" a costume of4brownt fist erttle. %ith entertaining the tfiwn council, �vater gall. ,dauvritot, o� bap I,jt,� V,11.4z,j �Ji­ *MIA tlart, cof-tha fif"Ime.4 rif 111i, lz, 11, I '1141 �l ��,.A. . I - o8kia13 and _Iagd�j, ,tgf,i ' 1. "�j; '4�pl Il lijbfIl . .e M&"'C *MMPM WMING , I I'V"'mr," 4 A0-411�1-441 IvAt offo"'I ,�* W. #Ittr.4#d thfift for OW fetwo. Mrs. eorsagil bou4uet of violets and vel. And light commission, . �J,4, 1 � ' MWA in fhA TMV,n 1611 .0 foill iA,I--#,1y_, Will Wrischt, of Skttford, an sionit low roll". Dr. mind Mrs. Kilburn left press rotpresenlativt I '11APNIAN'_ N Parlzr­.*,�-,a. .4;� Q,4. i 4 , . GO& . * ' ' . x pt Ills home on , t. .. . ticho oat. � "Phone 230, r" flift f-l"Aileffl. mv q�o#Alw. ibA flfth of the bride, w" aneong the swots. lat" for Montreal,and Boston, the Friday Inlay, Illo.". fa.fia� E'1,'ZAIhPt;i 111, ,a ,%;,,A4 I , I I 0 ".1' A* y"?11V1kVtV 149A. Mi f4i)M "in fh ttithilig after the eauncil 1101s'.41 %%at, 4 MI% G. NN'. Lli.etaj in. 0 4 I Wo **;Mai* #0 active M: rket an an out iomm nitl1fill-or of votog for Ahd ag 0 The h" WAS Pt*WIY 4iltotattd for kW trAvellint 'in a xmatt frock 6f meeting, whk-b will Ilt tile 16A resil , � I . aInst Ill, 1QI1rPPf,llII.- In 4"U'111"711 !',,,,.!��l I . w . . I b ' 1 b � ' I I I , I � —I 5� & I u9m. ll�e" I I , I' n"r ' I ' ' 07 pre . ee ;,. reee I he a . I I ht Al H tA ul a � ng A Aq ._ I I , , I I � I Il w"' u �il AmI ' ' ' Con ner -1 11 I 14 i , I I � I I I , I � I I 'I I I ill 'I I .11 I � I 1, .1 I 110" T)ft the � � X, � � - L' L L I IL madd prapwd bylaw. ssion n with ,zilt frity, , - r, . .,�., 1!115, 4 __ —M � L . �Mii - "" � - W A i M I (,%,,�J'. I the W " I and aft" the "remony havy ebArinco ' �ming. Jar Meeting of tht eiluticil for fU ,,. N,r)% l'd T.;, .. 10 I to. U XMIX,Tei,an 0 Ant. repast was se"od. Tl* brW smart "hat� of gold and Loral and a Year. C. P. ��:, pi��., "V. .k, .41, " I . i . I I . I . . � . I N " i I . I I 0 1 � . L I *I, I I . � L � , � ­ � I Y' . %� I -L I � *_ I . � _ � i * " * -- ah — - - A�"&_,,A.sA --,,&. - � i -,L!-, - , -1-1 aft&iL I . - - — � _ L- - - - __ __ .--..