HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 4heffoeeee-weeet 1 . PASS len .,t Do Your Christmas Shopping AT RLD rH>• l;ui)I Rll,i1 STAB, =Ulna' sm. risk tie THE I• O C: T IN IBC AN 'iii to lIsecoaeusaed upon the fire:rises. "$rd. That it is in couteripJAWil, Some Nantes et Gmlee.ch Temple Ns. both by parts* holding t*vern liea+n- 2n. From Art Old ',nag. llsak sae and shop licenses, to mil or give away intoxicating liquors trio* the A fee -e^ s-,- en al , ii ^ °- sok of days *ppof ted for the holding of n o t tj tr.. . ray %► ` .e'«,, ' t :eel, Ne. 2e.. I. qe, he the approaching election." G. T.. i'.«. come u .dy ^ c .:�«Vice the --Tete :f3iedr wee asked -fee have the- rest hrrest r;v'k, which a ensidersble, tavern inspector and constables exer- interest farts the reins of ;sew cif low eine the utmost diligence to have the founder of en ir:liver:y cal Meta at teat tame. Sir. Geo. laws gidly enfgorced. a December of the monist the foremost Cox was the Worthy Chief Templar At s the world. hie was that year and Mr. Godwin Cam- Same year it is recorded that Bro. ng witha dominion pafgne the W. Secretary. Later in Fletcher gave a brief description of miles, and twenty the same year Mr. Wm. Diekson'a what was considered to constitute as Alsose railv;ay name appears as W. C. T. and 1. F. temperance in the last century, and when h' eeld the Moore as W. S. omcers installed in very clearly showed that, contrast - re* other: newsy August, 1867, were W. C. T., Bro. ing the same with the present time, nun went to see George Jessup; W. V. T., Sister Col- a decided improvement had been located in the kit- line; W. S., Bro. E. F. Moore; W. T., made in this important enterprise :.s his boots off, emak, Bio. •W. A. Harrison; W. F. W. Bro. well as in the state of society. Hugh Dunlop; W N lira o '1'h nyder was evidently ou got 25 millions g W I G Sister Jane Tavlor for in Jasraliry, 1868, es there had Booeb All Y Bro. e t Stephen , " Bxa. Jc�n fatties; y4". A. 5., Bro. public meeting, it was decided to e two dozen more seaters McMillen; W. S. re. S:, Sister Atte and two dozen more brothers:" rept- Edmonton, sun* a .•�« , later t- QueL»c plot_Ke}* on, Navy rp Jane gnaw. ' _ __ _ - -----At�-the-statae meeting nF4cera were f'.dntonton, following his inquiry tato. The French fires elected. as,follows : W. C. T., Bro. the charges recently heard before vfnce does not t#1Ge icindll► to T.oxcl of business at ,the tsmestin¢s of the- B. F. ,Moore; W. V. T., Sister A. Col - I him. Jeklieee's suggestion that Canada temperance organization was atom- lino; W. S., Bro. J. Malcolm; W. T., M 1 f theevidence submit- contribute $S6,00t1,000 a year to the print by certain bem of bvialars against Ero. Harrison; W. F "it., Bra. iVhlte- g tit that "� any wrong expo n e 1114 /�Q Q c • l�% Former Minister Cearged With tune and 1 'Theft which rank. Hon, George P. Smith, former of its kind eeMinister of Education for Alberta, is WAY a tiinbe out on bail of $20,000, charged with of 4000 aqua the theft of $5,820, a warrai:t for hie 'Years ago he *meet having been ae:ved hatted;- magnate. In 1 ately epee his arrival at FAmonton Caned* Atlant from the Fast. lintel a newsp `Iliad ;i fraudulent consriraey had him. Booth w c, eted -between, Matthew Esdale,` J. ehen of his hot W. Jef:e.•y sed George P. Smith, by ins' a pipe` which there was- wrongfully with- "I understand drawn (role the Alberta Provincial for the railway Treasury in July, 1921, axe then paid "Iter a Iter' r ith got was 14 milli to, tcceivui or retained by'Mt• Set on smoking. has. f $5 i20 was the gist of N Support A tee re iert`ier -Mrs-Joshes -We 't s of Ouebe� pro- A -very re ['�iod Inee'e A. Col - said 1- a growing sail the lU ns; . , Yates; W; C., been a leek of regaliaa at the last ns kith.' He went Chas Young; W D le' Slater Janet puxeltas ANNUAL As a result o i i • W. M',, Bro. Collins; 1. G., Sister ted t tete hearing Mr. wrong 'Welsh maintenance of '`the Brutish navy. "'Article II" of the canstitution. A e; Butterworth. 1. f Sts done Le 1]evotr would be i t d to in ' the nava goes to titeeiin also thata petition nota thing of t to past, but may attheyid to the a of Mantra* says: Cantelon• O. G., Bro. in concluded a 1 in the report, the blame must rest on new appeal of Lord Jellicoe indicates committee w A motion was passed %t the same once more that1 t" n is veatigate the charge Quite often e I be sent ',timid lie sustained avid bin Smith; whose absence from the enquiry he.regret- t the shoulders -of charge wa several minas •ars in fawn, W. any moment enter Canadian politics, the offending members would be that they, io their eotown- i The report stated that "neither We may find ourselves' tomorrow palled from the Order. In some Praying hence, deliver a sermon . on the sub - Smith nor Eadale have offered any- face to face with the most momen cases it is recesses(' that the. brother Aliat of subscribers to The sun - excuse for their participation in.the tour decisions. That is why we ask against wham -charge was prefer - t of temperance. used inpayment with this problem display a frank vestigatine committee "with con-perance M enger included : JUL. Tem - II -fraud, and Jeftery's explanation that that our public men when dealing red treated the ermmons of the in-1Thom�ion, soba $barman', Mark HRI TAs for money eras to be Whitely, A. M. Johnston,harm n, C. But- -, p or accepted." public Advertising is and clear attitude conformable to the ' l*other I expressed eau's contrit on the ; Whitel , W. H. Black, Stephen not accepted:, • evident interests of Canada. • i would be received back again en re - The statements of lion . Charles "La Petrie comments as follows i in Collins, Geo. Cox, R. L. Smith and Stewart and C. R. Mitchell, that ! During the late war Canada made sagni gethe constitution and was spite; Yates, John Barnes, Geo. Jessup, Alf. fitpar ci ahem had- any knowledge in defence of a the -Empire - l Wealth sufficient to .convict the accused. It' Hugh Dunlop- end among those of participation in the fraud, was it pledge uo f to its actual wealth is not. stated anywhere in the rein -1 whose names are recorded a.. meet- l' unhesitatingly accepted by the judge, to pledged its future to such an ex• utas what "At-tfvie II" consisted of, i hers we noticed the names of I. T. umber of years .all 1 k Toms (Jutdge Toms) and J. T. Gar- . to our Comment was made upon the 'eon- tent that for a n but our readers may be able to make, act n that Mr. Smith had with a its resources will be 'absorbed in'tbe a good guess. Evidently a strict i row �(1 ter the �Hono, Mr. .Ti Atka Gar - concern while still Minister liquidation of its debt." supervision of the conduct of the row). Le p Of Education and this was eharacter• sited as a "flagrant breach of the Le - 1 gislative Assembly Act." Following the submission Hundreds of a. mas Gifts in Christmas jj''�� Printer, -who 0 he's old ofilce. r Men and Boys O ill 9 Oy i ext ; - Le Soleil, Quebec, says n p members was kept. A Real Asthma Relief. --Dr. J. D.• "This annual tribute of fiofi,00ceive We read in the minutes of May Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has never demanded of us"should noti receive 6th, 1861, that an account of Bra. been advertised by extravagant b 'on of the .any very hearty welcome In Quebec, .Livingstone for harmonium, amount~ t statements. J�6e claims are censer - resignation J. W. Jeffery handed in his ; for it forms .part of the imperialistic ing to $102, was seed and that a, vativ indeed, when judged by the resignattan its King's Printer, a p9- policy again which Quebec .pro' vote of thanks was tendered td Bro. benefits which it performs. Expect sition that he has filled for many � nounced itself en "bloe at the tune of Lfvangstone for the malar in which ;real relief and permanent benefits years, and from which he was sus- the last election.'* A. purely Cana- he• acted in procuring the inelodion.: when you buy this remedy and you, pended during the investigation. The judge's - report exonerated Charles Flaying, Deputy King's was also under Fuspen- inion, and he - was free to go beck to 4Braces in Fancy Boxes, 25c up 1. Ties, .-Sox, Shirts, Gloves, Mufflers,, (Silk or Wool) p Cuff links, Silk or Linenllandkerchiefs q O dish navy for our territorial protea .. Open meetings of the lodge were l will not have cause for disappoint= tion, this paper goes on, is accept frequently held. Fbr an open -meet' will It gives •permanent relief in able, and would be• ing -a logical step as in May, 1867, held in the base- many cases where other so called the country advances "cowards the Ment of Knox clr>trch, Bro. I. F. Toms moat complete autonomy." • was chairman, and, after the chair - "What a burden," Gaya Le Droit of man's address, Rev. R. Ure and Bro. Ottawa: "And •at the moment when Livingstone addressed the meeting. Canada bears the we!ght of a heavy - The report of the finance commit - and men- n no to e iv debt,er, e war s ua g and enormous tee for the previou q rt , tion our national . aiIWays.' / ata meeting in May, 1867, showed Former M. P. Arrested receipts of $164,13, expenses $46.32; The arrest °of 3. A: Ma 'Armstrg nt Mr: bb of former member of Parliament onfor hall $11.due00.- The Crabb secrptaryfor'arent report North York, on two 'charges of theft, for the quarter showed 62 ;Hales ani- caused something of .a furore in Tor- tiated and 23 females', number left onto and the vicinity where the for- by withdrawal card, 3'; number ex - Leta my Member has bRm'°esti known follow- pelted, o iltbee in' good'sta d e; number iri'g In,thte 'setas. for many Years.. His ,"aT'r � __-. ed investigations made,; After the«,Ar� ;pie, 136.. �' sn°ems ol�ti tis .the test of6 H K Coffey, ' until recently. The lodge ` 8`lrt' manager of the Imperial Bank at, state of enforcement of such tem- Schomberg. and at one time business perance legislation as existed • in associatte of Armstrong's, those days and in September of 1867 The latter is charged with theft of a memorial was preseti'ed .to His. $2000 front Sarah Mills, the allege- Worship Mayo Detlor' from the tion being that the money was given lodge, respectfully drawing His Weir - to , him for investment and appra- ship's attention to vertain• evils and priated. There is a second charge vaolatioes of law ,being committed oetheft of $1,511 from the estate of and in contetnvlation within His Richard Carter onwhich the two men Worship's jurisdictiost. ,1"1st: That tavern er n keepers and iere charged jointly: The Begot Bye - Election shop -keepers Seneratfyameintheha- The returns from the bye -election bit of selling or giving swayintoxi--t in Begot, Que., showed no. reversal eating liquora::between the hours. of 1 in party sentiment, G. D. Morin, Lib- 7 o'clock: on Saturday evening and f; • eral, having been elected by a reduc- i o'eloek Monday • emeteng. oho ed majority over Zion. A. Fauteutr,{ "2nd. :T1►4t, li ietj-hafding a li five Mr Morin'e maior- license only are its tlie.constant prat:-'. remedies have utterly failed.. "Your husband'l1 be all right ndw;" said an English doctor to -a woman whose husband was dangerously i11. � the "Woted demanded an dyer mean?" m wife, "You told me 'e couldn" live a 'fortnight." "Well, I'm going to cure him after all," 'said the doctor, "surely you're) glad 'Pe - The woman wrinkled her brows, "Puts me in a bit of an .'ole," she said, "I bin and sold all' 'is clothes to pay for 'is `funeral: i el i"'°pare all 'tilde sc ettti°stsTwor-' rying' about 'weighing light, Lots of tscales deit. Belts, Garters tl Collar Cases 1 llas plashed PROP,. J. C. McLENNAN" Of the university of Toronto, who discovered a means of liquefyiyg Helium gas, and who has now discov- ered vast , quantities Peel, the Ontario, gas In the County of t is a find of vest importance in the development of the use of helium atario Gotten- nent eitasl�acquired y. The pont of of this gas. Ontario's Rem u..s% The year's betimes sheet of the Province of Ontario, shows that On- tario's deficit for the fiscal yeas end ing October 31, 1925, 15 $4,905,293, as compares; _ with $8.545,$46 ` in 1924, and $14,722,925 in 1923. Revenues for 1925 have been In' creased to• $46,556,135, which is en improvement of $12,577,099 over 1923, and an increliise over 1924 of 6,213,412. While the increase of 1.9$4. revenue over 1.923 was accom- Umb without adding any -addition taxation last you'll increase was FARMERS and • TRAPPERS Bring your furs, hides.and to horse hair, DAVID BROWN and receive highest prices. 'PHONE 270 Conserv* sty, However, was reduced when con-: tice of allowing intoxicating liquors V•• II, partially caused by new taxation. 0{l O But there was a subetentisl 'ndditiou Plain : where taxation was not raided. SweatersF, shades T'4' from conaide,itaoit in• I rest on public debt, pared with the Liberal majority ger - en at the time -of� the general elec.. 1 -- tions --- tions in October, the figures being " �` • ` . 473 and 774 respectively: There was some expectation that Ste. Rose alis, the recognized Conservative par- ish of the county, would show a much stronger Tory. vote than proved' to be the .csse. In- the, - general elections . Ste. Rosalie gave Mr. E`auteux a ina-' ,jority of 178, but this dropped to 169 in the bye -election. - i Murder Brings Complications The murder of Robert Tydhurst, manager of the St. Michel des Saints office of the St. Maurice Paper Com- pany promises to result in a pro- vince -wide investigation into the pulp industry of Quebec. Two men named McGuire, brothers, are under arrest charged with the murder of Tyhurat who was shot through the window of his office, and they nar- rowly escaped ar-rowly.escaped lynching at the hands of a, mob when they appeared for their' preliminary hearing at Joliette.' The case is believed to involve one of the' greatest lumber; stealing plots ever ortxanized, upon which investi' gators have been working for up- wards of a year. An . enormous the Provincial , Treasurer notes that Qntatia spent Il , $34,246,233- in 1925,' as against $35, t► , 322,429 in 1923, and $32,09'4.077 in Sart Cases and { 1924. In the year 1925 the Govern= y, meet spent $1,552,256 more their in p 1324 set 21.077,196 less than in 1923. Irish Boundary Settlement Irelndtrouble% appear to be Club Ba sll-'- +1 near solution if not already at an e British house or Commons of 'St Maurice Company, and ;slime hat Are You -Going To Give Thern? Come to' Black's, the leading men s store,and let us help solve'- your problems. We Carr the Largest Stock of Men's Furnishings For Men GLOVES, SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES BELTS, PYJAMAS,. SCARFS 'SWEATERS. in all Styles ',UMBRELLAS DRESSING GOWNS and HOVSE COATS. COLLAR BAGS, etc. For Ladies SCARFS HOSE . GLOVES SWEATERS, HANDKERCHIEFS UMBRELLAS etc. etc. We are sole agents in Goderich for The Lang Tubular Cuff Shirt. No more Soiled or Frayed Cuffs. •CI AS..BL ACK "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth. While" Phone 218. North Side Square 1 a Ready -ludo Medic)ne.: You need burns, bruises, sprains, it is 'ansur- no physician for ordinary ills when,passed; while for cuts, sores and you have at hand . a crottle of Dr; the like it is an ungtiestionabie hest• Thomas' Eclecttic Oil. For coughs, er. it needs no testimonial other` colds,, store throat, bronchial trou• than the. j use, and that will satisfy hies, ib its invaluabie, for scalds, anyone as its effectiveness: r.. - �.-.; -..-- . amount of puliawood in log form is end, 'with the unanimous passage by said to have been stolen from the and many other thnIrditsrhv balemngt aHtho the enreaw and Labor members endorsed the ai 1�t+�r3 not� nentimenta of -Premier Baldwin who, Do Your Sopping at ,This tale Ni. ROBINS Evenings 11, of $30,000,000 for sixth years as : the to • n,.., State's contribution toward0 on behalf of the Government, made concession* with regard to "Article 5" of the altreement. Under this me expense' e. - ;treat ahortageK were about to be discovered by Tyhurst when hewas slain: One thing women's clothes leave to the imagination is what makes their title England had claimed an annuity« This ready money la *hetes ready eseyietrit for the natismal debt, but 0Mr. Dakivrin pointed out that it was o England's interest to 'beet II pros- perous Ireland to buy her manliest - turn* and to prevent impoverisliefl Irish emigrants from swelling this In contiuding his 'brief epetsch the Premier *aid it wag tee firet time in hietoey tliet Irishmen agreed on the boundary. and it was a great monde* for the tater.. A itool Whist et Canoe* John R. Bootle dean of Cariadien lumbermen and pioeur of the Indus- try ia Canada, who. teed in Ottawa a few <ley* *re. would have retched the age of 00 rare on April lith next. His life of almost a century watt a btoy ono, for len waked 12 to 14 hours every dim esseideora meet et the time. He wee tee owner et the lerirest timber i* the &Wail Erapirt, the creator et a past for - tte CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS WRIST WATCHES' DIAMONDS SILVERWARE VANITY CASES TOILET SETS TOILET' ARTICLES EARRINGS PENDANTS NECKLACES BRACELETS BROOCIiES LINGERIE CLASPS - PERFUME ATOMIZERS\ , swot' PINS FIELD GLASSES WWI Same Claus Lae 16144 of rowentoriag tie ef the worW, hiker toletly amnia tette lova* siert. Christmas joy far Mrs. Mrs like little Mow. SOME folks think of the jewelry store as the place to go, chiefly., for those gifts where ex- pense is the second consideretion. But not Santa Claus; That canny old' gift ex- pert knows better thin that 1 He judges the worth of a gift not alone by what it costs, but by, what it yields—in service mid satis- faction. And long age, 11O discovered that a dollar goeg farther at tee Jewelry store than anywhere For the jeweler deals in imperishables—in gifts that last, like the fidelity ef a fine friendship, for 'as long a$ life itself t Specializing. in. jewels, the jeweler gees to it that every article in his stock ig truly a jewel. And whether it be foe adornment or for utility, it must meisure up to jewelestandairds, in craftsmanship ' and integrity. He who ,must coddle a lean purse or she who rimy indulge a fat one, both will Alta thera the gifts they would mut like to give --comfortably priced within their respective_Clatistmas budgete. Ask Santa Claus. -He knows Ds ono millets your dotigt4 nostrils will clear Am you 0111 breithe freely. beaded*. drystess. No struggibist for breath at night; year etalel or titer* wilt be gone. tlet bottle et lely's enema Babe frem Font eruegist noir. Apple a little of this, intermit, aatiseptie, emit. ing train in •sour nnokilo. It peso trate* termite *were Pewede ef s asembrue amid TAW mem he wile a, colit eatarek--Rolise arms re Oat/. " Gifts that last" E. C. ROBERTSON Emit milare Godes**. Phone lag DIAMOND SMOOT 1111111114 111, WATCHES CHAINS'and CHARMS CUFF LINKS CIGARETTE CASES FOUNTAIN PENS 'VVATERMAN and PARKER SETS SHIRT STUDS RINGS BELT BUCKLES TIE. PINS BILL FOLDS'. GOLD PENCILS SHAVING SETS KEY RINGS UMBRELLAS eeseee slitteeieryitWelitst