HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 3�Jr -.Tw;,7- "I., ... -.1- - --. .�, ,"'41F I . ��� '.� .1 ... -1 � I V- ; � V., - --w ... Por - - h*. I ", , "I V � - 1, I FP I , ,�­ , r 4 1"740W 1 1 . W � J ir,11141011prAllp T . . iQ--f � ,. -- V, , ­ �F l 46 . t - ---- - � * . - I ' "&� --- 1 & ,- ;;.6� 7 . L - - - � I 14 ----w T - 1101111 - - � - I f"W 1 1i i 1 1 1 . - -191- qft V I ----T� , -0 I,--- ;i�.4jz 1.9---- - -1 �, t t I I . I I.- lfa , � - I I I WI .T11 I �� ., r, -"r-. - r . - - t � Il I I I - ­- . � - .0 Aftam I .. -. 11 .. I I . . 1. ;�A W 1� .. I ,dfimbh­� I � � . , 16 , I I I 11. T#A% 11 0 0 , . 92 , V - "I i I t � � , . UT - , 4 I- . . ? ft WE a I .., 1 I k 11 V.L-, V! I I I &W twin in - 46" I . .. � : 'k � - i o - trtr ;V r ctr A Vvew" ra V400000 Ot 60 4004i . - I VVrAD FT "* I- It Y I OrA , � # I ­ ---- 11 i - . - -.------1 .... ­% '� 10, --- It==-- - --- I ­ I I , , I- , , I , I Christmas Groatine Cards.. . 1 f - I � � y0* aro int9tod to look 0~ the , sal"Pts, 40oks of oar chokw sa trimio of Personal Christmas Grooting Cards,, at , t 7W The Star 027fNew -----.. ­ - - - ----- , - I - ­­ --- I - - ­;�;;�-- . � I � r r -- -1- - - - - - I , I xAua. THURSDAYt. DECEMBER'll, 19,25 .. =TV 113000" YrAlt ., 4 -i %NAreRR * NAFTE14 ft"Wis . � - . -- CZ ft ... ---. . - ­ I - -- . ­- I -i1­1'.�1.­.­­1­­ . ­-.---,',.. .11 I I . . - ­- - * 0 * .1 . . * fo J!ll1;­3-.%.1a Wedn%day--12 Gm*n Cariers WinUring -are"-111 Millie'n" Bushils HU'&d at Elevator " I' We&$, Navilatt4ft Closed at i - I --- q III A;-_- .� -- .1":.., "., � ..'"...F. === 1941 11. � ­ OR, ,. - . - - -­ 1. - I- - -1 -­­ - . ., ~----- ­ - 7P . - I BYLAW . NOMIt A*d groom I#ft in the afteriwon on NTATI-MY 742XTING OF TIIV0 PEOPLE.W. , I , � � PUBLIG NOme. , thlo C. P. R. on ll.short trip to Tor- 0 TOWN (VrNCIL . , JKNOW S M an im-, W lb . Onto and Other p4trift mW on thtir - .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Claililiv woro k 1[Z131lZ%"C* TOWNN' UP OF 00LBORN'R. return they will rq44 in Goderich. at orcinto lastueek. . - Goo of C848da I o- - 1 84ftll Uh ASSUIANU - . The statutory ~Iiig of wile toun I The muok,tol nominatims for till, Twelve Boots Wlmoda,g !a Go&rick couftil was held oil Tuesday vvionin MisIt Evelyn Cooper is ;vFJtJiW wff r . . 0 9- . Township at ;oliliorV Hsow whon lirrangomontk wore r , � ,+,tvr, Nits , I 1VVF--X4­1-4­T-1V­T� will. be ht,ld Ju . nade fo at Vii-toria C4 . r*08MMMAM "M)GRE35M 1 the TOW 11911 Now. nil Man- . tho, printing of thi annual fivaneial loge, Torons Q & . r 194, 10' THE dav 100. aeh�! m one o'clock. With the, Arrivel at tbo Dminviand .� I Uth 1995, -fro, to, trhi..,; week. . . The �buslmss Of the Sun Life Assurance CO. of Canada IBY14j!IN)Nj��)(P),�MO.4) OF THM ToNV� o'oloek. . yesterday incirobw olivigation , .. statement and several o0ier inutters Xr. J. H. Ltlitli hai�sveii up front has doubW ievery five or six yt2M � E)Odng the past five years OF GoDERICil. , . I hIRS. ITETHRUNCITON. -the season Closed xt C**-lch. The were dealt with, Decision was reach. Detroit visiting the 0.14 heveft. I . I � this rate of progress has been exCeed4d. Assurance in force A BY-LAW TO PIAOV N- roR "!d"Wo.0,16, I � Mi_ Town4hip Uerk.. 'winter fleet tW% ,)Oar torialpts at od as to lwk* to be asked froin'the Many friends are plesif(I to MW �� ' ­­­ . - 11 .. -.-."-. - . . � -- " ­­ I—— I ­ � owl: FENU , . , ­ " ­,'­ .. 1: twelve bollta (COVAting tlK. B*kherp A. It WIlliams Co., end from tile noW excsa3lT=-bUWred­-1m1111Oft&,­ -- �­-----,­ ­­­­ - - o , .,k .Nf,;NV sluN- -��. , � ­ , Mr. Henry ,A. Buoir. of Modithw . . . . . . . ` O.-- --,--- � - ­ � - - - ---- -- - -w hsR­ilaeW"IVt-'"ft *lf--aea"M�j- .1 for QQmcLL ' ftti--.j�"'4&--WlW.�ha%�WlW _ r - I I ... 1. Im I " "R ­ . M*r - I , _._IXrVV_*&or'., I—— . 1, ly- ----C,% ' ' the Drummoitd, jh* Midland Xing, wwblwY wh e8ts on the See, - *v 4- ' " . 1. - . 1% - cadvich .; i , . . RV�411 1AU1.1 , A*004.,.. �. *'* e *,- * . . I - * ....... 4 11 4 . *"%"%"0- thi former are ne. 1 $.4% A NNIHEREAS R Is 1p . , 1-1 - "stional . katchty( r . . . irAerest on funds left oa-depoft. lrop'08i'd to erect a Nqtorl, the LAkortorls the McKee, Vatutlow for from the .x 9hip ver the boundary. h4 . 1 ­ % � I .. I ftgnCrflte, are, ' 1. a , . I'll r I � �p . . . ­ - -- - new brkok. steel and Flood $3" U"4jr INUM I the Kamloops, ths TUrret Vour-t, tile Plant &ad for some bolting which The wife, Mrs. Sock, sit the 'Alt . .. . . . I .1 , rod ,mu*,V,l buildialt of 01'rOxi- 4ple. Salt Csml*s�- have . I - Low.$ Vlob-�* AX04 I'l-wiely. 100 by 15 feet. thme stories Revenue ,Act. Sarailin, the Martian. the ). . . I%ow I -is 'k ,. k -jL � And basemelit In beiglit, to provide . I . Cot, and the I'M- relatives, Mr. and .)Ift. W, , I. . I . - - I . I - � I � - adequate occomiM4MAU01) fOr 10116d. Mr. Sttlahoft, of London, was fired court, the Lambitea and the Belthers. ter, W" roferrod to the committee op, Br=e U,treet. . . . . ­ 01 --------- OR - I I ucK41 aud - Conlin The eartoes of the Dayton and the 'Which b" been lisAmidlint ilffairs Ili b..... - PAI offices 00, =tt I . I � � - ,z 4W, and costs, by, Magistrate Wd - The engagement is allucaricea of , . - - � � ellamborp. Are 'hall and Women's . on Saturday under the Inland Ri�e-' Uketon..xre for Out Western Can. Connection with the plant, The .1fus Helon Dori,it younger daughter of I -, . WAN"M r . None]& To CRWI , nisuts, publw "atrooin* with Convert- nee Act for lisming liquor known to ads, Flour IfilIx Co. and all the rtst koka Hospital enclosed secovit f6r Mr. - . I . 1 -. fA-�.% .k- , reid,.,iambltly�s, I .-- -­­­ lonpes, community roams. auditorhim. � for the' Transit V*vator. The tie. month's treatment Of Mr. Ftue at and Mrs..Varry Wartiti, Victor 31011119 NOTICE TO CHFIAT0105. . vaults for row,ds aild archives, police have been m4nufactured illegally, Av auk, Toronto, Out., to Mr. Not- , ­ nuarters P01104 Coo Ek")ITImodation inan Albert Philp, eldes; ,on of Mr. f, M Rlesmn�. who it not afraid of This in the. liquor seized near Pay- vattr at the present time Is am full the sanitarium. Mr. Etue- returned e I # 1 reh an it wilt hold, hiusliiii,11,188,06 hu- � from the hospital some time a o and and 'Mrs. F. C. Philp. of White J�ockv, work, ancl waut4l to. m41,46 illoney. IN' TFIR %vkTTER OV THE ESTATE OF Xor ,mag strates and c ildren's a' 4 do- field rft,ently. it . must bave 0,00d�a� nee. and 'O I FLIZA JANE'BlICHANAN'. LATE OF partmeat, And. to' equip th.4 mine. 4% At Exeter on Monday the prelim. I shels of grain, and the grain c0goes was in Goderich for sonie wevkr�. D.(% I . .1 " VoIr's r, IN114 TOWN OF 00DVRIQI, DE(X,kSr MNI) NNIIEREAS Robert M69a:V., Efil ., Marriage to take place in Dec- refere".1,M) . IE JAW - i . afloat for.the Elevator -uvrerato an- The Musk*U, Hospital has it suit , I . *00.. UndsAy. I F11), . at the -To-Am at ooderloh. has fkeor- Inar3t beating in three eharges of elliber. � � 1. . I ously undertaken and agreeq to pro- a�cused other 'Willon. and -a quartir bushels. Pending against the town for keep . NOTICE IS liPMEBY OWUN that All Id 000 krards the rost, of the perjury took place slid the ' ' UTANTED,'31fidd for general house- plimons haylim� elaims or, deMands " nt up for trial at thl asgizen while the two corl"s for the Mill Of Mi. Etuo at the hospital, which . Mr. and. Mrs. J. .K. Xerpiphan. anti Oil Of %&`51114 hUtIdInJV, MI Were Xe ount to about half a million builh. the town is defending, and hence the son. Murray, aeeonipanfe4 by %jr. ­1� ! � I TV work "le 11 Rially Nnimunity featim In February. I and Mrs. W. T, Riddle 4Aubarnl. lefk ' -, lest bi�%'fcihd of childrty. Alratnot tho 'Pstikte or' Eliza .Tana Buch- �CZSOU AM ­ _ AVPIY ma% 4�! . JUNSON, Phoft-7 W. w4 lute of the Town,of do&rk,ft. in wore es I . I ? els more. Since the Ut of October, council decided to write tho'hospitel ..� �hk, wunty 'A HUron,.Widov�.*. deceased, lifes. , , , - - '40 CARI still � I in a litt over tell. weeks, the E'Ieva- authorities disclaiming any liability yeiterday. for Callfotilla, %vberp thi,wy I I . who ditid ,on the Uth -day of Noyealbor, &-M,WHERE.A--A the. ex.lAtIng 6isild- Arithir" . , AI�Tf%" FOR SALE unsuJUble for thf% re- the B*rRilkt (k1sedtiOn will spend _the winter, They wilt , � . . ­ . I -- .--.. 'A. 0, 025. are,-kPquired Jo send or dew Ing is entirely ter has handled 10JW,000 bushels on the pkrt of the Town for this fur� ­-­­­­1WR_. U.1,E,­VAChrI$taUs----Tr1, -or W-t�hf�.tin4ersigned.-I-fie-,,ckkriettors sent requirments and will not lend , i ­ or I;le a(ImInistratcs,. fuU parUeulara tao,Qus - or ­iconoril, � .,c loqll,' re , I �cs, -Any AIN . si -ogy-$_-�ho�t.-.4�th-r,sqjto--�t-a;in.. Oyer­x.=I1l1Qn­b.usl:6% -a--tiltir bill whi"a"ow-been-it sent- Y18th"AAMN C-Ity-on the way.-wO -- � . size,. VISHOWS DAIRY, SaItford., I . Itself--to-ach,sul . . Wal 11,'tho buvniuk cirestion. ,week. . .. I ed. Mrs. Tremblay clainis I 0 "vered. . � - * � � - . �, of their elginks, dirly verttled by de0br- xf,4000ellin,g- . . - . . ''. . damage!,- will spend most of the time, In ()A- . .. . - N I ' - -- - --- -ation or aftlavit; on or before th,6,26th ANfi N'%*HERW$ It. is deeinedAlOsIr-, -ThW itrike seems to be .as for from watOr anti Ught Cbmaisalon . .from the town for injuries re' iVCd tario, Cal., visiting Mrs. Kernighan!s ubl4,-Jq,,#w. Interest of the toWil knd' j'ettlismenj'as It was on '.the.­0tartj - . -Ie PuPs. AP' , cc' Urothei. , ' -Three 001 day of 0".ember, A. D., 11V5, ting of the Water in &.fall on the sidewalk whire it " I I . 11 , I iply 'HARVEY �REW. R,, R. No. 3. ANIV T.A.K16 INOTlir,E -thitt afip'ri t1lo . P4`tql)IC Of tile Community to (,mt a. It was .fortunate for tbe.town that -egulAr mee Was ley. Her letterf w, A 41vilci Patt-er, who 0.ur'ehased the TOB SALE, . I The r . Auburn, ,or.,',pbone UrV, Dungannon, . sa,:d 264h day of I)ecrmbf,k, A. 1),, m,modern building os set forth ubove. I ano Light * COMP111101011 WAS held an . a.- - ferled to ,­ - rs . .. st�,NND JNYEREAS It Is ooffilltely ,,qs- Mr.' Lee put An a bir the public works committ(y. 'A let. 1. .61m Tf,filtro here 'a few yon -, I ­ - . .. I ton"age' Just Thursda�, qvionin , . 16th, alf the , . 4-- - ' z- .uj.i .said adadatstratgr Nvill #fbe.-d to re the strike. a 4cou , . ter frovi'the Neek roemorial (h(low ; I I V � t ,conside revi4nuo ran befO, Thl " I ivas t, ,Dec I - � f -,in L, Xv"nedv, haii sold It, to,' I . FOR SAI,R'OR T.0'1110NT 1 d1kribuU, the assqts of,the sald de"as. , PATO Members present. . . , , � . I . I ­ lie derived fr4m. the said building bought at' Zerred ill ;4(:-1w. .- � . I ed among the perons entltl#d thereto y reduce the an. . premium prices, but bil . . A further coin went fund wits rel I to next Capta of . Orangeville.,' �� , FOR $ALE OR JM RENT, on and that tlie saiiJ administrator will noi, -lob would greatl , munication frotti the I . � .� HOUSP Nv,h _ . 1. , I NA -1- 14. 'All ponven4ences,'o- be lable for tile said assets or any oual Payments thereoll. I . Price of'$19.00 Per togi is lesi 'tbah Godetich Organ Co. with refer cc yearts council: I C*pt. Adams U the chief Oliver of thO * . . . . ply -to 7MS, SANDY, Victoria., St. part thereof, to an � y persoll Of whotie - A�M WHEREAS It will ho neoftilrNl other towns whieb are fortunate � on ----- oxcursion Steamer Greyhound, pat- I * '' . �. . . I ... . I . -� for, the purposes -h rein ,to, ralsii th� enouirh to have some-, anthracite, tp, water 'service for the`sprinkler ----7. ronized by great numbe . . . � WOR SALE OR* TO ft'NT�.Red Wlic'k claim 'they hil0lim Lave then recely- stim Of arid issue 3ebPriturp.i. of tb- Mr. Lee says that hie sunply of'an.. ItYllfeim the.� propose to Install w*4 scial wrap Oil their return, .11r, And i. . 1 I . * , I I I - - - I % Goderich., Can , Dccember,' I A,171., 10.05. � , I . . � I . . . - 'I' . . ..^� ,modern two -apartment house On Qd u0t!"- I oorporation-of the Town Of GO& . n - S . Kilburn will reside In 116iiii)tqn, . ".91iti -who take Ili the olinual ,trip, . Nalson street, Dat;P4 at Godenich. Ont, this "" ' thrlicito4a getting quite*low. . I read a d Mr. rs to -Detroit. . I � I I � reryidential locality ay for Eighty -Five , Thousand DO11hrs I I I Inleot the coinpliesion to discuss the where Dr. Xilburn is on.0he stliff of MI utied as -one r . � . . . an "I- I 4K).00 th(k PrOce6& Of the said tit'- Illeath of Mr. Ilowith P, he. Department t. C., NrAi"'.�,-L'. 111Wn- I I : . . . r. I . HAYS & HAYS ' bentures to be a."lied for tile purnose William$, . , .� inatter. . I lit E.� . of Health. . �7 I � Rev. - I . . -of , I I � . . . . , doncp wIt-it-Awo,bathrooms, a lavge par- N I I .11 I . . I - The request frc�m'the.tctwn coullel - -1 . - . A Knox.,chureh, Goderieb. ,V411111 an Ad. � . l6r� und lattited- Veraft0ah. fteasonat)l�p.� 8011bltON for VlO herein and no oth0r. . � - - . I t . . . rent for.rellable tenlint, bwnor leavin); - ' - I I / AdmInWrator. .- A.Nt) -WHEREAS 11tis dest � ra,ble. to IA- Vile Star' is sorry to have . to an. for the placing of. a: . street.light on TH ORTH'"JjRON -AppEAL f draAl!, At the fowl' "lliivitil-ind. enter-� . �; I - - 14 A ' 11 � , I I oi . �: " . ., permatienfly. Address' ,%t We Star� 61�. ,, OTICt �6' cl.- -f)l tlyho said debentures amounting t nounce the . death of Jr. - 1rowel p. McDonald street between Raglan and: . , . . � tainineht In ennno-tinn .Iliflh thoe 'I". . E Tolls. � - . -.,. - .1 - I ­ � ­­ - - -- ---. 1-1. - ­ .1 � � . t, . . - ry -t, - . 1 .N .I- .1 . . I ll'g"b � -Five ThousandODollars (M.OW1 niverslt,v,of the Sonfo-li Prepbv %r . , 'dee -.1, illwly to 0,& kll,)UNIES, barrist.:,, .. FF ,. - . : i: t�r, A' - -- . - ­ . ­ . r t, 0 , -to maW I Williams, which took, *69- in rie- Blake streets was referred to the on-' Mr. t Spotten Wins Right �o Appeal . , � � * : . , roil"ieh. ;, .. I . time and -he princival � .. . ism ehurch . on Vflnd�... , .4p of . ., 1. . . I ; IN THE NIMPIT,11 OF -711E ESTATE 0)? of � the &aid' debt. repay4ble by yearly troit on Nov. 27th last, Death was gineer to report upon, . . I . and. Case Will Be Argued on Prk. - 'n�f­nl , * . Miq�� U " . . I I � . I . . . I . , - '�. he Townsh-lp 'JA -11139 - Nl1TQ?PLT,. LATE .�VF THId sums ,fluriog a.'Oeriod'of twenty years the result of an aceideiiilt. Tnterment t just week. 11*pv., 11,�."A,avkfn.' the milt- - . :, I I ... . F-th-" FOR A,��.in'�i' I TONNN. UP.00DIERICH, DECEASED. 'being she euvreocy of the. 4a1(U'd0)( LMOUnt, Olivet . Ori motion of yfor 'it wav 1, day. In -Appellate, ('our . I . . . . I � .. . I . .. �6f'4,,otWt11.,qh on Proviiwlal H44- -', - � ',,. ­ ' 4 vs I . . � .1. "'. was .'Made in cemetery Passed that If nebsMAry the eleciric, - *. ister of the (Iturch, pi; Idea at 'tho ,� �. . . ...� .. . way, 'Ui Go . %f)Tl4QE -IS HEREBY GIVR,N, that all . Wros. Tho said yearly sums being of - , . , . . . ;, '. � ,5 miles fiq _* rie - ', ,: I . . 1� & ,li ,uld G from ,,,,,,,,,,,; " having - - claims 'op ,deloands snoh rearift-tive. iinomits-that the ng- on Mondriy.- Noi. 30th. �,Ir. Wil. light poles on Sititford bill bo riloNvd The NO th Huron election Vit, , entertainment.' * ' . . , I 01ntonj'aA1aeent,t.o bhur,,ft and school I,r . . r so I . I . ., . . 1. . � . .11buse. ParM icoiANV4.' of 30 clerps :of alIaing� the ostate of JameR­,Aii.tt-hell, repatA hninunt, ptkvab In eaph imar lianis vms! thb purchamerof the Wjd� '80 that they will not interfere Nvith 'seems destined to be �n�4de 41 test Mr$. U. G ,rxonl� - Cianlerdh and , � . late of Vie,Tvwn of Qodc, flar prinelpal and Wtorest In rosrit,ot ,--' . I . 11 ., - . . : ,rfirf,4-elass land4 *11 Aili� orralned. A. I 'rl�h, In 0 the Hi'gh*ay Imprioriament,3. being case. First.Of. all the i Miss Diana. Cameron cif,.Cobourg, .. � . , . ., I . County of flu sv-1-1 debt, ,qhRll be, as .,no:trIv,. aq pog. der house On Wellington Ptredt, and r returning offil. .. r . . . I I ­ room house.,- -bank DOn., d"t!asPd,'%,vho. died Alble 'to '�*.Jlp -made �by! the county.' , , I -, . K. `4 . .. . c oil the Jith,day'of October, A, Ill, 1925, , eCIU.'41 Q�M(tll"Jtr P'C"'41)14� I" while reritainingAn Detrolt.uiollt of - cer declared Mr, ing, the, Progres, I and Mrs.' A,k 0. ),lunt";,*Of 11ciderlih."', 'I., -1 , . . �X)X50 driviog'.* Ouse skid garage. onell*'of INV 4**�hcri ninct-een ,.pearl;: of lit& t; A communication from the 'Tlydio� sive candidate, elected. I'll . . . I , . . . � 3OxW. Orchard U 55 g9od.winter apple are roquired to send or dtillverlto,the the said period . � me,on account of liusifiesa Mes, .Then Judge are guests with Mrs. John D. Wflsa;�' ' � . . � ­,.. - undersigned the solicitors for, thr, exe. ' wits -A freqUent,vIsitor'du*.IrtC the Electric Com , -iregardlk the I&Mtt t, gave, a Vect,�. alt Orl, n. Gables, Uqron, atroeti L,ori- . . I - 1. . trees. Never tailing ,%v;jte,r,'. supply, mission, , on the recoun e I AN* 1A-HEPi,AR the total amobtlit. ,ftt of (.I - � �� . 1. ­.. Yor., further , I*r rs I outrikesi full pArtioulars,of bhttjr,clalws . , isluninte . to � Gadertch wh4j6 Mrs rebuilding 4the lititi to Ridgewood lon-whiehr half. the. L ectjn� 1. . .1 . llfj'OT,,,� to du.l1,:-1%'PrJ tied by dpalaration rmu'red- hy 4he Congollilatest MmAol- I ,, dan. .Mrs, Ctkmerotl ar,i Ulos0isna . r . �. .. r�, , -.r I � �.:No!� f - chi ._ ­ u....__ Or affidavit, nid Art. of IM ito bri mi"d tinnunil-s' -­�--- ----' -Park walk refeirid ic� the ,ongineer Mr. Spotton. .'Then,, on wiII rem , ain for - Christmas at Gret-tv . . I r F. r . �.. 1- � � . ! --� - � - -,., - '. - --k- the 2&th by of Illpewnberl hv, stwelal rnte for rinving ,thp va Williams OCO.Plecl the'slummer lifte. T . W. King's . I I . r . RVAL ESTATE' ANJ)'J"Uj�o� .AL. 1) 19i, -) �-. . 1. .. I . I;$ . .1 . . sund another -from the. .Hydro Com- behalf, application for ,a niandamus ,Gables. whiire Miss .9arbii N?N,� I f - 'p- th.,It r ,ft,�: tht . I . . ' J) * 'CiTY . ._ ,, 1, : . . It � I ... . . I ----------- ­ ---,----.- A9 dobt and Inter"t JR'4.rhe1'Aln.'4ftJ'r ?), 4,46, - . .. . ; nr Atuateur Night *t, theModel .on regarding thi6, 1pfiWl4tion cif' to eonipel. tlik �cailnty ji,40 ,to� Count of 1(ontreal. slid Mr. Ja ,- . .r. � . . TAKE N vl&fl Is.the .sum of $6,920,62. . . f. 1 � �� 1. . � r . I . . I . . - �­.` .14OUSES 1, lloqms V - - I said 1261ti d4y of December, A. ti., 19m, .. Tuesday'rught' at- the Model Thos.. prowtiv�­�Cquil)Mont on'the ITY06 certain ballot's from which, tbe coun. t0n, Of Halifax, -will SkO . � . . ,, . I - , . � , - . . . I r . � ....-ii, , " �, �-. . �r I . . . . . lrhf) FaId executrilco-a will proleo, to AN1)-VVHV,RH.MS the ,,i�m,.,iunt ..... .... -tre. r ... . . I . I . . . . .�. . � '... ,Wks : � . 'i %16� �' - . -of ino said , - Tom I store, and the terfbils Were not removed, was nialle for the holiday season, * . � All li�Oda for I whole faftble ,pronort-, amateu , rd" . . . I ight bad an extra telijh6iii at the Hydro . . I ., . , distribute tie gs,404, . . - . of th, , I . I . .. ,� ne'"', of Crcidprleh. Rm.Winp to tile Ins�t,'I,^-' �obd. - suriiiiatendenVx 2*p , V . I ­ It iou iawaa,'b�qyinj �,`,'110166, jet' �e ed among the persons entitloctr tKereor, program was Put on. Thi will 111weri re*d,*nA--*,tb , pmrnakfturrand Mr. 1untice This '*okls Ntch'lll '. . 1, . � � . . . .6 . e-* - 1. � - I . - vlowd ass,egment Toll. thereof is $2��'.. r Ge . Jehfi . 'r . .� .1, 'that Judge Lowl,- says: Mi. Fred Da . ' 3 f, *.# C .! , .. . � � All ONN' -you eve You 'co sm-(! -inoney - I ners �of� tho-Witults' Competition were placed oq-,file�. , , . . . . ., wh I Rati U19 the -441d -exeWrifwS.. will.'"t 1,2.00, . .. . � , . . I. Wilw�i 444'., . . . . I , . . Never Was thl % y litart. . .p, r,M r . r . I � 0 r . r I . - " .. st , n" tb W VASO . . � - 34�hlty InIter,, P 1. m t count Abe baltots.. Now Mr, gar,y, spenp-the wk-ek�'-tnd at t home . r ,J . I olet be 1h1ble for the jW,d lissets,6j' rl'-, WK-MIREAS thp funovint rif -titr !as follows, First, . er and canoe Claws Pod, ftpp*r I us - -u u "M 1k, rof, ,9 -Wrsoh Ot Nyh�se -claim �$�!,ll debenturp 06t of the sA W Godf,rey Jg=es, as English gentle- I � . I I . ,� " W10fton'WIA; AUM11 d00, � -lialld t m 16 40 , . I ,, , . . fit lit - have to.,they -shall not fia�e it en IV d n . 'N'L"n h4.Zrie Wilson ,� . has. -won the.right .to make of bin inothers,..'Mrs. W.. U. A)av ov,tallir , , �,. � I . j*u come in, ,UA4. **.A r ,� 40 . . a r_ . I I b tece Q Q tThere 4wAs -a. vM Ap.attenda�ce SPOtton I . I . � . _*,()U ;1 I 1". � . . alitt t% '$X�CM.09, texelusive men;.,secoi and Atpold., I � prove' . at the annual pool sopiji,fil COTf1f46* . . offer 'and hoo-4 mal%dy.� ThW I NvIll, 11". ' , ... '. of I _ . . � to yau,, . .� I . � r � roveWwatdobts sertirod � McCainne appeal. to the Appeltuie, 1111,481onvild will be here again this week. At thq­ , f I I I . I 0 t It at Goderich, Ont-, IbIli 3rd fllj�, , no-ts." P"It . I .It.,% tion *itfi the Meqeeetubg fano Club -Mr.. Davis was ro_ r . � 1. . !� e 14,4'11oots and Shoes," and . . � . r . , .. I of I I si�pefal f'$ Or AflNesp"J" the case A011' 1* argued on Friday. ricentele�tions' . , I '' I>. .t. k\ ..� .1 . 1; M,Oniber.'A� D.i IM, . of no principal or Interps'. Is In Will r . . Ir , 0 �, I I. . . I -,AN � . r Will Are .of the childien's competition- Ff at, � ' This event, Hon. Mr. Justice MoW*tto, in grant- tnrned . Conservative nlei�ber Af .. . . . I.. � I - . . � Real Eptato:Antl In,zi.t6anee, . . AIAYSA RAYS, - . art"r. . . . I - ' la�t Monday ivenink. , '. r Phone.Zti)., . . , . ' - � - Pitted Murray, an . 'Irrish Col- ' 11 , , .. . . . .. ,� -� . leave for the appeal,.stated that East -Calgary by a ma$oriiy. of a - . . . � V �,' Solicitors for the . NOW, THZRPP0RF­ tho .)Iuri!i,l&li loan;" secondi Keith .Colborne,, 11SAn.. - -up ,of a pool tour. . . . ­ ." . - -- � - I., . .. I . , I . . ''. i eornea as the wind . ing I #, . I . egarded the. matter no of t4o much 2900. .114 was opposed by a str,ilgh , .. . - �Z�j,�**V. -- i- 11 . . . Exr,cutrices. r�ounqjl of the. OcipporAtion of th4i� , nament among the me*ben, between he r o4N I -h-Vftr1S1-Af.- 1,;�� - �. - �. �. I . M, 714, - -i ­� - � � . I AIWS*,(�No EIV-",�j; .,;Z.-�T I .,� I .. . 11 . I!, � . ,f. as follovvs , dy -McPher-son." Other goo(I ilum- ' I .. . .; Town Of Crodmidi onac q . A.' ir�d . 4 ' . I . .: ISSU ERr,y , , i 4&7i�(J-13 I ; I . 1. . he ber*s were' the Daikto*n.. Vic, L M. i sides chosen by th6 � pr,41dent and Importance, that it wi,ould be dvalt Liberal and the U. V; Labor - . . . . . I .1 -.1 . L ..I . I . , � ro�-fo-v *- #- (1). The MuMiripal Council of t . �Tce president reAp*tI*tlJ. The pre-, with by the Superior Court,' - had united on the 8etting member, a . I I . I 'L) ., fe ,051i I It . Llfi),e Apt rt , t, tA�,. . . . 1. . . Town of GG&,ri,ch shall raise the -S Cutti". B. Bakpr "and 9, Phimer- John � I I . .1 , ­. !�f, , wid !lisu '. . . . um . sidenVs*,Aide :had the- heavy . end of 1. V. Ilellmutb, X.C., mado the &I)- labor reoresentative. .M.r. Davis . pot- . . . . . �')� . I . I al -e Agsiney. I i i . I., 'V :. �, $6 TO 410 DAILIA. . . of 05,000.0D for the -purposo of ert,ct- McGraw and Frank Tufford in the -plicstl6n for Mr. Spotton on the led ienrly ,as, many vows -� bi i . . , � I � �;. .. ... I Hot". . sind Lo,fs in G;FW-JCh,`,afid . . ­ . Ing R'newmunielpal bulloing and com- Black p the Score this. jear, arid, aecordir'g .to . I 9 is OP -1 , I �� I � el . ., I .. I '�IaOm, for Sale, , , . .... . IrrNnitv hall situato.-Ill thp, n L . � . - "'TE& N4o' previous exI. . sAld Tow . u Liberal ' . . . - , . . 40 MEN W-81% .ecruit; Heriiian I m.m.gician, I lrrangement the penalty, on the los- ground thatthe order giving di one ined and -Ui . !, " . �, � A fine lot offliouso-01ti �rsd4qri(-�fi f , perlyjne�* necess of Goder1ch and the ProceediJrom the Jack Purvea, was prepared to appear . ­ . . I I . .. - . or . . arY. Wr1W for 40 -Page � sale, of the dobentuves horiiinandw men- but unfortunately his apparatus .was i ihc side is t4i:put up a 6uppef for,tbe tion.9 to Judge Lewis was gfvehl�by lost NS deposit. M.r. Jpavis will re- -.1.1 � . . .1 Nab,. Almostmy 'kind that an InVpn,,., ree'DooiU which explains bovv vo I I Justice , Wright ' without ,gro cls. nuin In the ea%;t until the o0ning of. I . I I . . I - u can tioned AhAlt- ho 114M for tho said pur- members. Out of 72 members there un . . .: � , . . '. . I ,.. I : Ingbil-Ver wou Acqlre. I . "farn ,kv',ill,i learning to VVorI( 1A 6tyand Posee and no`othor. . � I ". I ,. destroyed by fire. The . pio�r'am - , I . . I �.. I .1 .� I . . , , Nftnj fino faiiiG.3146d,for sale. `.,�Qk tO'%vu "hOP94-4 Auto Nfvchanios-�Fii&- � . : peited. on Wednesday night , was an,attendanee of! .over fifty at Hon. '.Newton Wesley Rowelli 'K.C., Parliament lit � 14nuary. � - .. . . 1 . . 91, 1. I . .. . I . , ,,, t was re . I I I . I ,,, :� , . , . I about tjhem.' Come stAndinq timber for I' YI­tl`I0AM Saftory or Wpi'ji,lug Ex- 1 12) .Ili ordor to raise the said sum, I I. . I I 'Jille all per on Mondsy*n�!Cht. which and J. H- Spence, X.C., opposed'the , . I .1 . � wood for Sale. - , - i 0 Pf,xt; chauffeu - d",bentures.of 4he said Town of Code- w4 h ' ,. , ... � I I I . 1. . If - .0 X', SRIefinian, .e1A. Also Closing Events of G. C. t ; N Wd In the sehl* room, of the arplication. on behalf of Air. Xing. CHILDR . , . , I I . . I . I . I . J. W. ASUSTRONcl.. ,01 I ,,L',VAIay14)K, P149b"Ing." IN-lee-hapleal- rich to Mill- amount of U5,000.00 as Utc,r%ry,Scle1ety.s.Tr . � . I . . �, . � -1 I ,� � , . , . . . � . . Dentistry ind Bstrhering. Doiilt, die it atoreWd, .1bearing Jntero4 lit fivp - per 0 * - . Masonic .bull " *Mr. Rowell'argued that.thera could . . - . 1. I . . � . I . above PgrSO03" Ridr�Qoddiloh, Ontario, rent., per, Annum,- Shall be Islued with- ' . I ding. Aftrr the; supper . fie no appost under ft Btectione Act; :Annual Chriath . tas Tret, . and. Enter - I .1 .! � , .. ­­ " , ,laborer.. Nyrit,c : - Lest Friday night1he closi 11 'A a tegh ,A,nd porig . . .- - I I . 1. P. 0. Box.80.. - ­''� "­ � drcs,* ., , -Now. Whlch� Job. Ad ,In nne,, yearjecm-bhe ssing -of ithis 1. ng 4 it- .bort progrom of sp . - -hat' an . � . .� . .11.1. ­ - � � � . . - . PHILL GOVER,%-NIE.NT IDy-4aw',, ,Ach - of­whoh dpbontnres� 4Rrary .at the,.,was � , 'giveh.. -A w ff � , . I . I I . I - . .- I . Ii ;pip , � ;;;==Z=== H 4 MI P.11 " �f tile term- was, held- PV op Ate ­t0luArks and Mi, Hellinuth contended i - talamcr$ at the Shielter Viec� 23rd .. . . - t . . I . I �. I . � I GRARTEREI)­T&ADE ScHo �. p�e6 %hal-I be (of. the sum or not less .t.han, Collegiate, A. delitte on tho wsbject,!.wire made 'by Dr. Hall, the presid- ap'beal was Possible, IfIs lordsbip� . I .. I . . . I . . . .1 ..... � . I ­ � . "I . . � . . , OL,S . . � . � . . .. I I I . . EMP101ment � e . I . . . I . Service, 163 . King 8:tj w., $100.00 -vitid.sh,sil be dated upon 1h "Resolved' that the Pen is mightier ent, an ­ � I I L : .1 W" . . , Toronto, I . .. . . J by Mr,,Xhyvett.Xaft�i, the , said be would gi,ant leave to' ni)ptal Tho annual Christmas tree and I - �� .1 . . . . .� I . 0 . -- , I - 11 I � date of the Issue theroof. 4nd shall be If Mr; Helimuth Could 811OW that ehtor � .. .. . J I � Wo CRAIGIE: payatkie' anhuAlly lat -the. Bank of Nfon than . the sword,11 between Hisses'vide president. A couple of Auar- . , taininebt will be, tJQJd at .the L ' . , . .. .. . . . IT - " appeal was wlt�ln his juris I I . I � .. I . �� . . I . . . 1. -- .-- . -- tMal. at th-6 Tawn of Goaprioll with.fil Elisle Winter and Jean Groves, ris*w I tette $elections were very finely Yen- leave to . - Shelter on Wednesdity evefillir, ty-o. ' .. � I I I . . .1 I I W 6$161i�� , I . � t -r---!'� I twenty 3"rsr there4ft�er. ' ­. I;ig Form IHB, sno Misses dered by Messrs.' Erk , Vilso , . . .. I I . ' , . . . . , Chas dietion. � I I 0 ember 28rd. The ebildren 'Are look- . !. - I . . . . presentl .. � . . . . � the said When it appeared,lilielv that the I I I .. � . . t' Each or debeintures Margaret Groves and Chall. Robert. - Saunders, Jack MeVarffild, and Fred. Ing forward to a really happy,time. - � . I I .. . , . 1W W* .1 I -1 1. 0 Nball bi� signi'd fi�- tile. . Uo"Or -f *tbp� , ' al would be granted Ur. R ' ... . . ., I I - I I .1 . (. - I Owell The�e are nine boys and --five .girls., .. . , ,., , . , '. . . :.. I . GOPOOMtlon of the Town of Godericlit Is . tint, *=ForW-1&-."vrAtvB -Sturd�e, with Mr4 ,M4eDorla1d Gibbs- -appe , , --- .. I ,­­ .1. �. I .1 . Northern Ontario'' On. rePrellell I I , . . I -- , . . - I - ''. - - � - -- . . � . or by ",me other,oerson Rixtbor*Pti, by was *on by'the, negative, V T : 3' at thi, 'piano. ,Mr. Lionel P I Protested that ant appeal would ' Kind friends arii already r eniller- � I . � I I . . - - - ,-- - .1 Sao. . law to sign the same and Ily tho, Troa- pl Win arsons Mr. Spo . . . give . . em . . . I �. -. . � "W"Wilow , V, "Putting up a Prosperous , Was caIW on for a song but gave ttOfi $`Vt� what be %'as c(ill- ing,themi f ­ .1 I .. I . ­ . norer of -the 4aid Oorvoration, and thts for; that Parliament, would � . . . I , , * I I � MeS.­ Clerk shall atW ., Ulo.e,oroor. PAC ,, I tendink The following doni . ktions have been i - . T9R SUR'S 1924 ,CALEN . .,h ,thereto e,1 was a very',interesting feat- I some buiporous observations Instead. - . I , � . . � 11 . . - . . � PARS I - '. 1. . I Rte ,sea[ of the'.-Munic�1pality, . 'ure.- 'Other nunfWr4 were musical eet, the Christinas vacstion r00oIVpj,ina are- 6cratcfully ackilow- . I , . . . . Retriarks.1in humorous vein by ll�t,P, 1'�001`1 1111 . . ; . . ---I- �. .i ...... hi� . # U , I . . . . I . .. . . I . I 14) 'DuritT, the curreacy of the, ow- ,41"tions by the. 0. -C. L ,orchestra, I It.. a McDormld,` Dr. Cole and Mr.. v;as imminent in the Suprem(' CO K ledge4 : Mr,;. Fituml Exetor, s-2.- .- . - . . . . I I ., . A*try pv*tty Ins of *Jj*a.bq2 We have bad # laftb n'mbet,, +bt4ftur6s here shAll, be� ralsed ,qn- and a take -off of old, Cockburn ,Hey# were' made. For and the effect of the ,grantin' I . .. . I &e*n "cured .fat The- (Werith tries lately wi P d nll&ilY by 1DOCIld Jrate'on all thlu. rate, . Itime,siongn in 1. . 9 �f AUM E. V. TAS 116- $1' NUP14 FditEr - . �Wnifiili­ .1,111., . . I I . of enqui . th regar ,able pr=tY ill the said Corporation Pan Inline . leave to "ippeal would it"vent hiq $I - �` , hkatt, $I,- . , - 4 ' I Sur "U'Vidlif for 111141� A 14110 . , t� * i under, the title, "My VIC. years back Mr. Shipman had been an Wigpin.q. -Mrs. W. Ir. Ell , . : tA� th# e, IW41011- , of the I ipttre'sted member of the V client taking Ils seat in E. V. UtinsIte, $1,,, Hi)wlek township. � I .. . I . Ind , t of, , . In Of Goderich Me sum e trola.11 On Fridak of this .week the . ,Ivb who Parliament, . � . Axoro alro WN4 ww'Obiw 044ur thern Ontario, 0.820.62 -for the , His lordship � ­ - . .. 'I- I � . I 4 Apaying society)kre holding a Chriqtmns par.; contributed not a llide 'to tlie' enjoy- stated that if �;he All,. $25. Homqy and Schow, Club: 7 10 I , I . 1� . � rdad scraW, the ftow *Jotr of . � .. -the arfi6tint dud n eftch of the psi ; melit of such events ag Monday p�al was . heard at once this would pair, bloomos, 110 L vests, 4 undor- . , We, do. not ,sell mining stockpi, Y�,axs foe -P,VnZal and Intpros,- In r6. ty, which will be the clesflig iocial , , � . 1111144it"AdV0009 xklwoMbem . - ,� - . I I I "I" , . but we greloiblo to give prompt 80061i of I e Bad debt, - event of the year. '­ I nielies, by leading' In coinni,imity not, be, the case and.in bis deciciou suit.q it nixiltdre ses.'A T air,;­bN0r' � k . I I ': P- I . I ;,. . Is . . kave ik eady, 't one '4 of I _ , � . Fspd v,(I.-,- added a proviso that (;Iunc;0 prop t-1 ,,i.l ir flit, I- " rtjplpo. , the . t"tni, ef)st. . , � , . . � theie. I* emitod servicec Inform4tion and Zdvita,' 'It)) ."Is DY-LaN# 40141 take efferf singinr. ana he Was; till " I . . P I � . lurfutit . I I .on the day of the final paming thereof. 110roa Chapter OiNcers, R. A. Xf. much from this ye with the . appe'al at once 'and thatif being $2r). Busy Deem Sunday-schoot . . I I I . . Villbeoilars. and we On Such RecUlities through' bur PR0VI$10-N.4ol,LY1 lwssed� by ille, Installed . . .. I . � 1 � . . air's gathet Ing, -onrj . I . 01044 10�.Viasii 64'a good many, � I � g possible it she :1 . I . ... Torclptq.Cotrospondefi-ts. ,A,e ; 'Counell ok, tile Corporation of - th j% 'I we have no doubt he would ,ot InIF uld Itle heard Friday of, i cla ,,it . Wroxeter United ' -�hurpih­ T � . I There Was a weplr or earlier. .. . I ' . '. � I I . I - &WAr'wla - lrk tb& to" Of' the' - can, 0*060U Your order At three' .T""n Of GoderiCh tAll 8th djly of , .good attendance of being present himself. ­ thk . . ,I " * � I . I Aext few 8�01' . . . : On'ller, A, 11. 19%- Dec- the companions of Huron Cbapter,l . - , .4 fluiltsf U-F,W-0., London'lload, (Ifn- . I I ' i -r--�Tvftv", rp(%V---V mny"'WS, I V ; a. box" of valuablt'. I I I W*W*,- tY Nub- , infilutee n6titc. �'. I � : 16. L. . Royal Arch Millsons, at the installs- Kilburst-Illoolittle , 1. �.. " I :n chrintillas . I I , scrAft psylks, op airrolars "Ot ", OX, It- J. A. NfadEWAN'l I � I kift&.for the children; Womenl,n In. . 1, any) and 4aying iA advana for Wti are also Active'-brokert In Town Clerk, I Mayor. tion of officers on Tue�sdsy ovening.1 The martifte of Isabel "10 fni� 'Ili- SaItford Sumlay,st.bliol eiltpr. I � IIW:. � I - X , 86irte, Brussels, a quilt and 19 (ILI. . I . . yftr - Wilt 1W gives oft of stop.11to on -both Toionto and New Right Ex. Companion W. V. 40allow daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. V L, Don tainnient will be held on Wednesdayt of, frult;'Women!t, Institute, Wrn,cet- . . � otese beautiful talendars, "' Yclik $tOck., Exchanges. � TAKE NOTICE Viat the abovp is .a, WAS the installing officer and the fol. little. , 190 Eramoks. rood, 6ruelph, t 0 beeember 23rd. � � or a box of tilothing,.'O. 1.1-'Fleminr . pay , . I trUc COPY- Of a, Proposed bylaw which lowing were duly installed- in thell, Dr. tove A1 Kilburn, of Hamilton, vidl . , I ' .,, . , � � . MN,witile aw satodi" -4if Vt#" Orders Alay be telegraphed has been taken into.00nsideration, and r9spMiVe ofllees.. Z, Geo, MiteVicar; of Mr. and 'Airs. A. rhe Christnihs at borap 16 lie heldifi' bg of applos; IV.M..S., Donny- : . I is,ifitibrokert and ,get your copi. � Or t4ePhoned tit our expenee. which Will he Anally Passed by the ff. It. Darker; J, iA. J. MacXgy; Fredericton, X, a, ins colebrited at by tile Clintie Club will take place (in brook. 23 nuarts of fruit and 10 . .. - ', . E. Kilbur 4 c,' . I . " � I �. I .. .. I Wo,icannot A%tribuft th't". calon- Council of the Nfunfe'paittv ilti thf) If. C..Dunlop­,xi�rlbe-N i the home of the bride's pUrelits, Wednesday evening,.Dec. 30th. . pounds of hone.v.; W.'C.T.17. Brua- I I I � I 1A. . � I aW illitISMIR1114fittly as, with event Of tile 1194ont Of tile @Nttorg be- I 9 p 0 * . i � .1 .. I I 1. ,� . the"Many-kWale,46 of sabotribeft , Ing Obtained, thereto), aft,or one nionth = an! 1; treasurer, J. J. McEwen; Guelph, ofi Saturday aftc)rnooll lit 3 Mr. J. W. MacVivar will, again, hu Pelfl, a box (if clothing; ,Christ' church, , . , 1. " . -who WID. -1W . Vtying ts lit&shce "Oro" Investments froiln ,the.thitt publIC4ttli)n of,a copy principal sojourner, Gordon - McDon, o'clock. The drawing-ibom, w1wro fiisuiir (if automobile Ifeeaso, for Port Albert, a q . uIlt, fruit and vepe,- I . .. . . I � I . . thet'A01' In The Godorlich Sfa-. .And The aid,, senior sojournerp .T. Graham; the ceremony took pl' o,' ap ortiFti- nfit year and already has the wark- tables . . � . I : for The liker during the next few . . (lodefloh 81goal ntwspapr-rs, .tho so W � . . . . . I � wokF4 ovr;Wpoy we,Wd not per. "' t1mitit Of which rAMmiton was the lot , h dAte, junior sojourner, V. Toole; M. of ist callY decoiiat�d with p4lni,,. ferliq ers for 1926. . &tl[lifig- 1 Mrs. G.*X Elliott, Mrs. I Thurlow, Miss Sterling, Mrs. Thwa;. � . I sait of " siald wo wilt "ve to I ­", , , I of Deeember, Ift- - - - - day V., W. T. C, King,- Mi. of 2nd V., J and rose chrysanthemums, the !ame The joint installation if ofilevrs*of MR. L, J. W it -It . . - A . r0airve thelot for aftittly, paid -in Royal Bank Bldg., lr,E t1lat L MCEwen; M. of ard V., .J. I� 0 flowers being used *t616rin "i *bank, '31altls�nd *nit Morning IiOr Ludgc,A, f Walters. Miss Sturdy, . I I liams, Mrs. Simon McKay and Airs. " M. of 4th V, 1. S. Platt; j beforo which the,teremony,was PUr- A., F. & A. M., will be held this vear � , a 4 v a tk ke subscribers. Give im "erich, *At. all lea,46110 C14 quallped under Ifie Oro I " formed by Rev. a. M. Langford, Of at Carlow on Tuesday ovening, 6ec-' Calvin outt. . I - provisiong the. municlIp.11 .,j,at, % - T. Kaittingr. After. �the cot e . -" � the Opportunity to prestsit you I . E. a. IIIL4 - It . M r .. � . tidn 20, A, A. 3,and amendment4l th re. � Of installation 'the "fail I e eeto Kitchener. The bride, who was un. 29th. .., I I Fruit: Mrq. Finlays�6, All. if. rl- 11 , with O" wfth our tomplisaftts � liott, Mrs. Tremblay, Mrs. Ituston, I � I I . Manager, t'* is required tell days li�4;n othe was much enjoyed. Attended, was given in ,rnarriage by The 4'500 and Janee" held last I I )i 1. ­ . I - ­­ , . Zeao'i otirw to file WItll ino a' StAtu. . � . her father, and entered the room to ThurWay.evtninr by the 9t. Daivicigg Mrs, D. Ferguson, Q . I I -..Lz,��x -- - I . --- I v . SL and Sandwiches: Mts3 Pet- �'� � . tory deelaration of quAlifieationg, oih- MI-Awlerson Cake , I I . I ... .1-11 ... -­ -- - ­ I . . - ­ , orwige thoir names vilill not .appoar on A vory Pretty wo"in ' the strains -of Lobongrin's Wedding ward section of the Hospital 1;sdies', kor, Mr. Ross, Knox ehur,,h, Ahm�iek . � I ro 4 . . the�votolw list.for such votln.�r. , 9 WAS Salem' March, Played by Miss Gertrude Aid was a popular and plewking event (1tapter. . I! - . I L A.N11'P1URnIF 'OTI(I nh*& at the home of Mr. and Mrs. _ Wismor, of Hamilton, She was love- with & good attendstw. ­- 6 !1 Our Ckientisoo . R TAKE, N M th,it R, G. Anderson, West street, on Wed- I.v In her wedding dress, which was a � . . tile votes of thA olfttisrg Of tile &akl , The nixt jury sittingi; ct the Su. is )fpnv b4rgains ate on vic-w In "the . IT1111101'PalitY Will bP . negdaYl DoCi IothljjA�011 O'430,01c a.m, French creation clf.&prjeot�gearxettri. . � 4alcon, thortion ,in by ReV. S. S. L H� or Sj, Preme Courb of Ontario, at Goderivir, Ittle 11110(% Shop around the enriler." I I I With thie iftteltelit tAttildn CAftadi4ft GoVemment gftj tho d&y fix#,] for tatafw Y, roetbr . with godtts,outlined with shaded'�el- are *at for Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, be� SHARMAN.I.Q. , ,� , Mupicipal Bonds yieldin sinnual tminicipal Plpetlth"� rlo" at tile Gtorge'o Ohurch, when their oldest, v*t flowers edged with silver, velvet fore Mr. justice Loipe, &rd ,,lf3 Uon. - _g a little over 4J%� we Ulave on hotror., the I that Price* are abo,ut at thtit P*A, therefore we would ' .0*014; th"Piltv Refilmimr � nifler-rA at daughter, Ms&llne Lenore, was un- of a deeper sbade f6tining scarfs Jury Attings Monday, April . 12, CARD OF TH.INK.4; I suggest'some Fork* Go 'mritDon,cloyeildibg from thohir romnoeti'vo fiollj"L TJI.,,0J,#J. '' . ited in the holy bonds .Of MAU401011Y Which fell to the bottom of the skirt, fore Mr. Just" Lonl%ov . be. . Nie, ,md Nf.,*4. fl.'Iiii,hot) last %.. fani. I � 6% up. Wlsdi .1 lot.w' On %turday, the swild day of Jan- to Mr. Donald Bruce Bell, of Toron. Silver shoes and stoelcingm complict. , '. - ily lit thil* Lit-, NIv-4'. HurVIII-Inpiko 414185ft .i . . 10, * Countrim which wel would uAry, JIM. the Mayor of th., said Town Work was begun last week on the tit $)%I�tY-c.�R'lli,o.A*t,,�,;,14�.sit,ti.thao - I I � . i,,'I to Ul'Afty . L recasn� are.. - I ,. will attend tit ill#& Couileit ir,hainbors to. Mrs. Splafford and Mi-. Cliff M the -very ,obarming toatumef and 83attford but, several men, and to kiud friond4 f;p,- titow tiq1trul interi.04 � . I exavotaftent 6f &* 9splawk *1 Atralatift* , ot thA said To%va at Ion oleloek- Ill the Andersoyt, sister and brother of the sh# carried ,,& shower of Opholis. Sm3 and "mallutily fil eonneeti,ll With the, nil Ilride, attended-Ahe happy couple. row, Illy of tb,- V,011CYL and ullite being engaged in the work of M-' tlinps.q anit su�.k#4luorit tivit'l 4 Ntr*. . forenoon. in appolat opran"s, to alfo tit - I Govornmm* of th* R&*Alk of Haiti at f.hfV Vilrifing polling plae-ts nforp- The bride looked vory charming in 'hfttber., Miss Winnifted Selirlett v off the dangerous bend in the KINVII4114ki, 'r,w nt,iny . ,,%pt,­44.1ope �, go,�t�, L I I Govommant of CklU P.11d. end at tho final palm!IDI114 110 of Ight IAI* 04pe de thine, ttritying a sang very sweetly 6ting the vilt"itir; bank. The tarth is being dumped 'if ),.:tit Py.'!+,1Vdy i.%Z4I rlu� �jf,ij I),, tor - 0. I , I For fill P06"latt an aw k44;gn iefte. W. � , $how Vrotpot I)v the Clork (in liMialf1rif liet Of Sweetheart roses. Many of the Teo .ister, o0glin as tile Night.,, 11vL*r the bmik the 'other �ide of the I . ' ; Ili# ,prroring inlpril�tt,t on nlid norininf- utiful ppetents bore testimony to A0 reeegtlon followed the rer*monv roa.d*ay. L . I I DIND I I , ("r ar wir:o%;"Ar tho, r*%e,In.r,r,f tlp� 0 .� I . 'O'l JI9%VJ14 . , .Aid "I I . , *aid eAte#1li 4ft. whkb the Young "a- with'tli brid-els mother receiving In His Worship Mayor llsel�,'Wsn Psi Ar,1)tft*#'J%t,T,.­I"J ## " ' �':,.'!l , hip t.."'."cloy'.1 I)VI'lito'. l'ppnft'r,fIVC)ly. ,41 �-"Ild,v,', 11-1. 131h. 'Anow Mclfloll. I , 0. F6 UM & aft LWed � ' , -wo t!��,p 1;&' I$., , . Thp Morle of flin mvvw,,-,1 nt ilip said plo are hold and to the good wishes a costume of brown fist crope. %ith th0irtAinihe the town council, v,ator k'". 'I'llfi , .. : .;f. .%fr. L 4 .. I I I � . I "' ft I - " ' I I 'I. - n2do- 1 �f U 'ears e force ,fi Ivin ___ ___ _ _ _ ­ , , , I Z I I I I I I - - � I I I" - I , It I I - � I pf � J)" I 'ir ' "o 11- NjA * . ., 'r I �t* ai t hem 4.0, . % � v 14'at I lir t I k . . I I - 11 11 I I 1�-, I . , . 1 5 6 1 t .) %, �'. I I I � I 1� Carr � I nit Man I '[I E, , * H 4 , d gr "ager. I It[---:-- ��''L =--�:�����-," �-�----- L , oil � 0 1 , I bov4 lies the - q*'%4.t,n fif nJ',J1JV"�J%JJL 't,4"'tl 'Iffg.j),l q# 11t, . - . "� I oYt#rAQ thom for the future. Xro. ecorsage bououet of violets and, yel. and light commission, offieiaI3 and 1,Vjl�'llulIxt'llill'.1lia,;*.I(f , iars an't H Illenth-c , MME BVILDING .4 t -Wo Ili fho Ti -,%A 101 ,.%t loft Will Wrijtht, of ftmItford, an siont low romes. Dr. and Mrs. Xilbura I#ft PreAs repreoenUtiveg ut rlis bome #jn I ,JI-%I�%I.k%,, 3i,I pat1i,,0.,4i.,,,l. ..,�w ,44. It 1. I I I . C.Ielwst. - * . . Gioderiob, ont. ,, Thoft 230 �" 1110 fAft-nn(M. oft PJAT�wl flfih Of thoL bride, was among the tunts. later for Montreal and 86ston. the FrWAY evonine aftor tho eouncil, �lrft,'V- 1)"�'- 11Nh, E!�Zjbpt,g ET, ­a Sojtt, t � I'll * I ." ,IV. thok I . b,. I -i%s d %kfe ,Lie .%[,, u. %%. wmtas in. . i .,^I, f.f U"114my 1404� 11A itim tm tho, Tho bouse woo Prettily ciftorstod for bride travelling In X smsrt friock of rAfttift, 1wlikh will be the last re*u �, )i W# r""MIS so 6etive M: tkof on an out loaft titmb#r of vot" for abd sopiln4t 41ir I I . 'L .- I -1 I � I ---.,. ­. - 11 Pkfd Pravwd bylaw. tl* O"Asion and %ft#r the roremofty ,navy charill"n With stilt trimming, lAr Mleting of the oouneil for tho J11"PCOD.- In CoN.r""I'l �,-��-tAljv . I I'l - . - - -- - a-- W I Cl,�- , A Afte repost wits *Med. The brillit smart bat of Cold and coral and X yfsr. �, Ngr",,� ,,� I ,,,, � 114 - 1%! , Pie" I , t". fo� WV0V,TG%11,A �k. I N. V, !!�, j,ky,.q.' � , � I . . I i 14 :. 9 . . rl I I I . A . 0 I I � N, ., 4 1 wal; i 18.�itaikt I I . . - 1- :11-0 -1 -0, A , -," ­� .&:-�'�- � ­­ I - A - . - ­M9111111UL - - - ,.---.---,.-.