HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-17, Page 2IV t AT M. ROBINS Do Your Christmas Shopping q ANNUAL tl�_CHRISTMAS Hundreds of Christmas Gifts II Men and Boys q Ferrer MinisterTheft raced l� ith . whichir k Hon. .George P. Smith, former of its kind Minister of Education for Alberta, is only a tiinbel out on bait of $20,000, charged with Of 4000 scion the theft of $8,820, a warrat:t for his Years ago he arrest having been served imrnedi- magnate. In 1 stele upon hie arrival at l:.dmonton Canada Atlant front the Fast, lines, a newepi That a fraudulent conspiracy had him. Booth w . reisited- bMwcten Matthew eesdale, J. then of his hon W. Jeffery and George P. Smith, by inj< se pipe• which there was wrongf' llY with- "I understand ilrawit from the Alberta Provincial for t e a lie "yr Aro THE LO:G."l' tat 1iI&'! to Sir caroused upon the toe/misee. weed. That it i* i* eertempLortioli. Sere Bette al Geoolocelt Ter* Me hotly by Portia holding tavern here egg. Wrong as Olt knatto dacha eta ani shop licenses, to sell or give oodroom000Now away late:Seating liquor* .epos the A tray , c en ole sit •' „ "Solt of d*YZ appointed for the holding of Sete- ed. 'se neat Nee 22: I. O. of the ataprroaebing electloa." t=. T,. leer conte undo- e•4-. -recce the The Mayor was asked to have the a a t v;eek, which has • :'nsiderable, tavern inspector and constables exer- `; eereee fee= the paint c; >:irm of se. eine the utmost diligence to have the founder of an inuustxy cal history at that time. Mr. Geo. laws rigidly a arced. amongst the foremostCox Moa the Worthy Chief Templar At a meeting in December of the the world. He was fist year and Mr. Godwin Cam- same year it is recorded that Bro. peit;ne the W. Secretary. Later in Fletcher gave a brief description, of king with a dominion Miles, and twenty the same year Mr. Wm. Die•kiion'* what wet considered to constitute ea also a railway name appears as W. C. T. and E. F. temperance yrin the l thelast ontraand 3. when b ewe the Moore ea R. S. Officers I./stalled in st- • ar,c other railway August, 1867, were W. C. T. Bro. ini: the same with the present time, r man went to see George Jessup; W. V. T., Sister Col- a decided improvement bad been located lir the kit- lino; W. S. Bro. E. F. Moore; W. T., mads in this important enterprise as , his,boot3 ,:•ff, smolt- Bro. R'. A, Uarreese; lit, ne B., lira. -well as in the state of society. Hugh Dunlop; Vii. liL, Bre. A. Col» Tire order vies, evidently growing you got' 115 millions 1 s• Vii I G atat-r Lore. . ,i . for in fury, ` iesa8, *i -ere hail ' said the taller. plead Booth. , Tretisury in July, 1921, arra then. paid got was 14 milli nt cash%' He went Chas. Xoutrg; W. A. A+., Slater Janet purchaure two dozen more slaters to, received or -retained by Isir. a on amokitii;: McMillen; _-S...IL. S.,_ Sister_ Ann and two dozen more 'brothers' rage- liau: the sum of $5,e20, was the gist of At the same meeting officers were the report by Mr. Justice Walsh at Quebec Not Keen on Navy Support Jane Agnew, follows : W. C. T.,Bro. t,dntonton, following his inquiry fintoore o The French ress of ouebew era- Avery frequently recordeof d piece elected E. F. Moore; o s : T„ W. - C. A. Col - As , the chargees recently beard before vitae es a *eke that tCanadrd of aaa temperance org'anizationat. the twaa a cohms ling; W. Bro, V. ., Sister . T., him. Jolt - 36, As n result of the evidence submit- contribt;te $36,�i� a year to the plaint by certain. members against Bro. Harrison; W. F. V., Bra. White - concluded et the hearing, Mr. de:stice Walsh maintenance of the British navy, some other member, of violation of Br W. M., Bro. Collins; L G„ Slater concluded that "if any wrong is done Le Devoifof -1 Lord Montreal Jellicoe indicates committee : "The "Article lof weadithe lie .aypointedoto in- Cantelon; 0. G., Bro, Butterworth.thsame t in the report, the blame must Deaf se new appeal oreA motion was passed et the the ahaulders of Mr. Smith;' whose once more flat the naval question is vestiirate the charges Quits" often meeting also that a petition be sent absence from the enquiry be regret- anotny romerit of enter Canadian poliut tics. the offenthe ding members'would 'he auetained wouid be ext to the several minie•ers in town, fed, - The report stated that "neither We may And curse -wee tomorrow palled from the Order. in some icneorndeliver that taesrmon ontheir thesub- en- Sroith nor Esdale have offered any face to face with the meet momen cases it recorded that the : brother excuse for their participation In the toes decisions That ' is why we ask against whom . a cjrsrge was prefer- Jett of temperance, dealirig zed treated the semmons of the in- i A Hat of . subscribers to The Tem- fhe m and Jeffery's oxed nation that that our public men when a frank vestigatieg committee "with con- Perone M anger included : Jas. the money vets, to be used a paymentns and this problem orefor ay , ThoMeon V.M. Sharman', Mark for legitimate. public advertising is and clear attitude ton anada.le to the other Iexpressed4 cont itfon the i Whitely, A.„ M. J'ohnaton, H, C. But - not arcce statements evident interests of comments Canada. would be received hack again on re- North, . W. H. Black, Stephen Tho of Hon . Charles •-"La - Petrie wa to as- follows Stewart and C. R. Mitchell, that "During the late war Canada made casessigning the redence add and w some !Yates, John Barnes, Geo. Jessup, and Alf, -f a casae the ev3denee adduced was in- Cullhs'Dunlop" and auonglththoee W. O. G„ Bro. Stephen Yates; W. C., been a lack of regalias at the last "All Bro Japan Bonier- W A. S., Bro, public meeting, it was decided to p b FOR r races in Fancy Boxes, 25c up n Ties, Sax, Shirts, rs Gloms, M+�.�e , (Silk or Wool) I r Co([ Links, Silk t,ineuNandkerchiefs 0I Belts, Gutters b Collar Cases 1 Umbrellas ii SweatersF,l1 w K 0 neither of them of participation in the fraud, was disproeortionate to its actual wealth unhealtatingly accepted by the judge, 'it pledged its future to such an ex. Comment was made upon the •con- tent that for a number 6f years .all , nectieopn that Mr, Smith had with a its resources wW be 'absorbed in the tinting concern while still Minister liquidation of its debt." had any knowledge in defence of the Enpire aacri ice sufficient to conic isnot stated anywhere in the - min -1 whose names are recorded as mem- utes what "Artivle IL" co:misted of, l bers we noticed the names of I. T. but our readers may be Able to make, Tons•\�(Judge Toms) and -S. T. Gan- a good guess. Evidently a strict i row (leiter the Hon., Mr. Justice Gar - supervision of. the conduct of the row). - members was, kept, A Heal Astliatia Relief.—Dr. J. D.• We read in the minutes of May Kellogg's Asthma Remecty has never .6th, ,1867, that an account of Bro, moo„ advertised by extravagant of Education and this was character• bed as a "flagrant breach of the Le- i gislstive Assembly Act," • Following; the submission of the Le Soleil Quebec, says in vert : "This annual tribute of $36,000,000 demanded of us should not receive any very hearty welcome in Quebec,, report, J. W. Jeffery handed in his., for it forms part of the imperialistic resignation as King's Printer, a pee yearns, and from which he was I pounced itself en Igoe at the time of sus - 'policy agetinst which ; Quebec pro.. sition that he has filled for many the last election." A purely`" -Can; pended during the investigation. The judge's report , exonerated Charles 'Flaving„ Deputy Icing's Printer, who was also under uspen- sion, and he was free .to go back to r; his old office, se q1 O dian navy for _our territor,al ptotic . Open meetings of the lodge Were will not have cause for disappoint. tion, this paper goes on, is'accept- frequently field, For an open nteet- able, and would be a logical atop as q i mint, It gives. permanent relief in the country advances "cowards he ing in May, 1867` held ` in. the. base -i »many cases where other so called ment of Knox ebureb, Bro. I. F. Toms - Livingstone for harmonium, amount- i _-- ing to $102, was passed and that a i statements, .lbs claims . are conger vote 'of thanks was tendered to Bro. I bench indeed, when judged by the l ivingstoee _ for the ma\,ner in which { benefits which it performs, Expect he acted iii procuring the meladicrn.'- real relief and. perze nent• benefits, when you buy this remedy and you most ' complete autonomy." was chairman,. and, after the chair "What a burden,"ndtthe ears Le Droit of man's address, Rev. R. Ike and Bro. Ottawa. "And at moment when Livingstone addressed the meeting. Canada bears the weltfht of a heavy The report of the finance .conmait- o m oi~ tr • , and enormous war debar n t e tee for the previous quarter; ;given tion our national iaiIways.' i at a meeting in May, 1867, showed Former M. P. Arrested receipts of $154.13, expenses $45.32; Thearrest of J. A. M. Armstrong, amount due Mr. Crabb for rent of former member of Parliament for 'fall $11.00. The ,secretary's report North York, on two charges of theft, for the quarter •showed 62 males ini- caused somethingof a furore in Tor- onto ini- tiated and . the vicinity where the for ley withdrawal card, 3; number ex - met nieniber has been ,so well known gelled, 2; number resigned, 3; total for many years. His "arrest follow- number in•good standing;in the Tim- ed investigations made, after diciest- „ple, 136. ,. • teat ofe H K Coffey, Until recently The :T,ndge 'a`n•eayre'opeti to .the manager of the Imperial Bank at, state of enfokeertient of such. -tem - remedies have utterly .haled. Schomberg, and at one time business octane legislation as, existed' in. The latter is -charged with theft of a memorial was presented to His 52000 from Sarah 'Mills, the allege- Worship Mayor bettor from the 1 tion being that the money wait given lodge, respectfully drawing Hie Wor- to him for investment and appro- ship's attention to Certain evils and printed.. There is a second charge violations of law. ,being committed of theft of $1,511 from the estate of and in conternul*tion' within. -Ilia. Richard Carter on which the two men wersllmp"ei juries lietioai. associate of Armstrong's, • those days and in September of 1867 "'Your husband'll be all right new; said an .English doctor to, a woman whose husband •was dangerously ftp. "Wet dryer - mean?" demandedthe. wife, "You told me 'e couldn't liye a fortnight." - "Well I'm going to cure him atter 1 all," 'said the doctor, "surely you're glad ?" The, woman wrinkled her brows, "Puts me in a bit of` an 'ole," she said, "I bin 'and sold all' 'is clothes. to pay' fee lig funerall'. """{1Plryx" Ste all thecae ecfetmtists, wor- rying about weighing light. Lots, of scales' All . it. PROR; .1. C. McLENN AN Of the University of. Toronto, who discovered a means of liqueiyieg helium gas, and who has now diseov ered vast quantities of the rare gas in the. County of 'Peel, Ontario. it is * And of vast importance in the development of the use of helium commercially. The Ontario Govern-,. ••rnent has acquired control of . this gas; - Ontario's itinaneea The year'sbalance sheet of the :Province of Ontario, shove* that On- tario's deficit for the 'fiscal year end. lug October 31, 1925, is $4,205,203, at Compared with $8,325,446 in 1924, and 514,722,925 in 1923. Revenue* for 1925 have been, In- creased to $46,556,135,' which is an improvement ."of 512,577,099 over 1923, and an increAse over 1924 of $6.213,412. ,While the increase of rct;enue over. 1923 was aceom- are charged jointly. I "1st. That tavern keepets .and' The Begot Bye -Flection shop -keepers .generally Are in the ha_ I The returns from 'the bye -election bit of selling or giving twee" intoxof the our 'sen hove tool . w ev ors::bet e r e 11 u n tin o •ed ca in fagot, Qum, t, w Morin, Lib- o'clock ko Saturday evening and 8. I. in party sentiment, G. D. M , 7 h eral, having been elected by a rednc- i o'clock Monday'Aiorning: Fauteux ,, That/ hes holding. I ether, ed majority over I;Ion. A. , E 2nd. t< prtrt ,, FARMERS and TRAPPERS Bring your furs, hides and horse hair, t� DAVID BROWN and receive highest prices. .,'PHONE 270 Conservative. Mr. Morin"s major- license only are in the.constant when tom- Ilowin intoxicating,liquors iter, however, Was reduced wh tics of a M 'pared with the Liberal majority give en at the . time of the general elec- j• tions In Oetober, thefigured being - - , 473 and 774 respectively. There was some expectation that Ste. Roo` - alio, the recognized Conservative par ish of the county, would show a much stronger Tory vote than proved' to be the ease. In the general elections Ste. Roselle gave Mr. Fauteux a me- t in he bye-electionbut s dropped to 169 r 0 ;dished without adding any addition o' taxation, last year'ai . inctease was partially caused by new taxation. P.05 But there was se substantial addition n' where taxation was not raised. I Eliminating from rontiderattion. in - I forest `ou public debt, the Provincial Treasurer notes that OntfltoSieg t $34 245 233 in 1925, as against ar N , 322,429 in . 1923, an • 7 �' 1524. In -the year 1945 the Govern» than in Sint Cases d 5112,692 9 r7 mn ment spent 51.552,256 more ,1924, yet $1.071496 leas than in 1923. � Club Bags � Irish Boundary Settlement Ireland's troubles appear to be near * solution, if not already at anend, with the unanimous passage by the British House of Commons of otherand many he Irish bill giving effect to the new boundary agreement„ _- Both Liberal and Labor members. endorsed the articles not siettiosed iiimolmensmilloopmma is Your Y tng at ,This Sal M. ROBINS - Evenings eeentiments of Premier Baldwin who, on behalf of the Government, made concession* with regard to "Article . 5" of the agreement. Under this sr- ( expensive. Murder Brings Complications The murder of Robert Tydhurst, manager of the St. Michel des Saints office of the St. Maurice Paper Com- pany promises to recruit in a pro- vince -wide, inveetigntion into the pulp industry of .Quebec. Two men named McOnire, brothers, are under arrest charged with the murder of Tyhurst who was shot through thee' window of his office, and . they nar- rowly escaped •lynching at the hands • rof a mob when they appeared for their preliminary hearing at Joliette.' The case is believed to involve one . of the greatest lumber stealing plots ever organized, upon which investi- gators have been working for up- wards of a year. An enormous amount of pulnwood in log form is said to have been stolen and borne St. Maurice Company, a great shortages were about to be discovered- by Tyhuret when he ewes Skin. One thing women's clothes leave t' the imagination is what makes then hat Are You Going To dive Them.? Come to' Black's, the leading naen s Com store, and let us help solve your problems. We Carry the Largest .Stock of Men's Furnishings For Men • GLOVES, SHIRTS. HANDKERCHIEFS* TIES BELTS, PYJAMAS, SCARFS SWEATERS. in all Styles • UMBRRELLAS DRESSING GOWNS 'and . HOUSE COATS. COLLA BAGS, etc. For Ladies SCARFS . HOSE GLOVES SWEATERS - HANDKERCHIEFS • UMBRELLAS etc. etc. We are awfe agents : in. Goderich for The Lung Tubular Cuff Slur No more Soiled or Frayed Cuffs. it RHAS. BLACK "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While" Phone 219 North. Side Seu4te 1 Ready-made etedlelne.-You ,need no physician for ordinary ills :When you have at hand a - bottle of Thomas' Eclectric Oil. l; or coughs, coldse sore throat,. bronchial trou- bles, , ib • is invaluable, for scalds, • burns, bruises, sprains, it is nnsur passed ; while for cuts, sores and the Iike it is an unquestionable -head. er. It needs no testimonial other'' than the flee, andthat will satisfy anyone as %) its effectiveness. title Eradand had claimed an snnuity This ready money is of $80,000,000 for sixty years as the p're+e Btete's contribution toward t ` Y pa1►moret f or the national debt, but Mr. Baldwin pointed out that it vrss to England's interest to have s proa- perous Ireland to buy her manufac- heats Mond to prevent impoverished Trials emigrants from sweiling the n*tuber of England's -unemployed. In concluding hie brief speech the Premier Bali it was the drat time In history that. Irishmen had agreed nn the boundary. and ft woof a great premiss for the trivet. A * N111lsili ee of Cerra* d'ohn R. Booth, dean of Canadian len *berneen and pioneer of the Indus - tory. 1* Caned*, who died in Ottawa a few days age, would have resehed the age of 90 years on April 6th »ext. His life of *ltoaost a renterir, we* a bray ane, fee be worked 12 to 14 loam orrery ian, aanloara's-Yreeat of the time. He was abe owner of the largest timber itanlba tat the ltritieh Kopko, ale creator et as gr*st to Is nae *louts year eloggri nostril's will open, the air pairs of your Mead will Dinar sad you eta breathe freely. :\a Nen hawking, aaielisg, blowing, headache, dryers. No strrµliag for heath at night; year isle er eeterrk will be goer. (let a Norah 'bottle of Ely's Cheers Balm frees veer aruestst now. Apply a little of this free/awe aatiaeptle, heat, leg Dream ire your w'Mriis. It traits Gomm& mci air panes ei the bred, aconin tib tabooed or srwellea arar„ras aurtiesae aa4 relief errs is. Meetly?VI ewe ilea- Desi stay stuff d• with as a. orae saterek--item ea WRIST WATCHES' MEI BAGS DIAMONDS SIL4ERWARE VANITY CASES TOILET SETS TOILET ARTICLES EARRINGS PENDANTS NEC LA, CES BIkACEIXFS BROOCHES LINGERIE CLASPS PERFUME `ATOMIZERS` BEAUTY P M GARTER SUCKLESt roam easIsEs Who Sada Goa io* fiotsiei Ile tela of rolaontKiig t4a rest of tki wor% Ira Imo teittly aroaai to the jow.iry. *tori, Asa there aat.erM oil osjostlii, fit rogoitithor 'lit Ci,ritawaa joy for Mn. Clara awl tkt little Clarww SOME folks think of the jewelry store as the place to go, chiefly, for those gifts where ex- perste is the second consideration. But not Santa Claus! That canny old gift ex- pert knows better then that 1 He fudges the worth of a gift not alone by what it costs, but by what it yields in service and satis- faction. And long ago, he discovered that a dollar goes farther at time jewelry store than anywhere else. For the jeweler deals in imperishables—in gifts tlat last, like the fidelity ,of a fine friendship, for as long as life itself! - - Specializing in jewels, the jeweler .sees to it that every article in his stock is truly a jewel. And whether it be for adornment or for utility, it meet measure up to jewel -standards, in craftetrienshIp and integrity. He who ,,must coddle a lean purse' or elle who ' may indulge a fat one, both will And there the itifte they would most like to give. -comfortably priced withinsk Sant�Maus C` H knows 1 dget e. "Cites that hot" E. C. ROBERTSON DIAMOND )4RRCgAN'C a 4 jitWelle >e aet oleter4 Goderleit Phone 136 WATCHES CHAINS "and CHARMS CUFF LINKS CIGARETTE CASES FOUNTAIN PENS WATERMAN and PARKER SETS ` SHIRT STUDS RINGS DELT HUMES TIE PINS BILL FOLDS GOLD PENCILS . SHAVING SETS KEY RINGS UMBRELLAS tiiittergtXvV4atlttletM