HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-10, Page 12w,. t Make PORTER'S Your N FOR YOUR 1 r dquarters OHRISTMAS SHOPPING Our Gtock--is-iol pf!ete--of lest Quality-Goods Give a Hoick for Christmas. . A rightly -chosen Book pleases almost everyone. latest Copyrights, $2.00, Re- prints 50c, 85c and $1 Orr ween Children's Juven;ao Hooks, including Chums, I3ly's Own, Scout, Chatterbox, Etc. A gift of -Boxed Note Paper is always useful, and in per- feet taste. Sec* our cii,play, ringing in prices. from 15c to 83.00 per box. 'Give a •\Vahl Eversharp Pencil. Everyone wants this jan•,utirul. prat.:tical gift, inawhei by a Wahl Pen in a. suitably Gift poX. . We have a fall line of Parker Fe intain Yens, points to suit everyone, -re you worrying over gift choosing? Thinkof our ran' earful department of High Grail. English China. Nothing tinea to g:Ye, nothing finer to receive, than a , piece of china in Coalport, Royay l.)oulton, Wedgwood, Royal Worcester, Ayns- ley, and maty others. Have you selected your Christmas Greeting Cards ?,: Our line is very dainty, and matched by very pretty colored lined envelopes. , The tags, seals and ribbons decorate your parcels. Visit our up -stair bargain departnnnt... PORTER'S.BO OK STORE "Os tA* heir. for Forty Years" 0. • N ` Rav, E. Politer preached at Nile • last Randier ks4ternoo01 !instead of Sae. t.. G. White, who was conduct- the taws* tarvicea of the little ;Miter of idr, and .Mrs, D. Nevins. At the annual meeting of L. O. L. lie, 1062, held list Monday, the fol• were elected: keine officers ,i.hu y afternoon at the homeofficersW.M,►the house. We hopeto see her Bro. A. ltfdll[an; O. X. Bra.' E. Sae• Mie.. Go. Colliateen in Kiintail• around and well again soon. guts; ihaplaiii, Bro. Rev;. L. C. The Ashfield Auxiliary of the Robert Menary is busy .tit the but - White; R, S„ Bro.. A. 12, Sbspperd; W, U. S. !net at the home of Mrs, cheribg again this winter. Re al. P. S., Bro. I. 1. Mcllwain; tread„ Neil G. Macl enzie on Frida� after- ways has the best of meat for his Bro.-J, A. Elliott; marshal, Bro. R. noon, customer,. Wilson. lett., Bro. H. Saab; P. M.. Mrs. Duncan MacLennan left for There are a lot of wandering coxa Mho, . Z. Mctlwein; committee* Toronto on Saturday to attend the running around the country. It is U. F. O. Convention, which will meet this week. • +~ a pity some one would not get a shot at them for luck. • Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Toronto, oe. The men of Crewe United Church, toted the pulpit at both . morning held a. wood bee last Thursday to eut arejoeevening services in Ashfield wood for the winter in 14r. Joe. Cran- .Presbyterian church on .abs th last.:ston's bush. They got eulte a nice pile cut. There maybe some more to SHRI'PARiDTO:- cut so anyone who did hot get to the Quite a number from around rebee will have a chance to helplater. attended the dance at Richard, Mein- The W.M,S, held a very suecessful tyre's last Friday night. All repot meeting, at the home of Mrs. Ray- * good time. m o n d Finnigan .last Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rawkine came There was a large turn out and There , up from 'Toronto to attend the fun- were some good talks giver, on differ - feral of Mrs. Ilawkina' father,' Mr, ent subieets eoncernine the welfare ' Hetherington, also the fume's) of Mr. of the church. George Clark, a brotherrin-law. Ike Gauley had the miafortune to Mira. Hars•ey E. Potter and two have his house burned down last children, Their* and horns. from Tuesday. *corning. They got most of Lsn;tbank, Seek., arrir.d last 6 atur- day to .spend the winter with her parents. Mr 'and Mrs. Robt.. 'logic. and other friends. . {Aii+C1i�+" ! Mr. 111aedel visited friends tit Ben- r' BELFAST Mr. Glenwood Campbell is engaged for the winter months with Mr. I;obt. A•tnlrew, near Zion. Mr. D. X. Webster, of Lucknow, is tiding a few weeks s,,eth her aghter, Mrs. W. G. Reed. Miss bila Irwin has returned from ampton after several weeks' lista. n with her aunt there. L. Brea. J. rooter, Bro. 3, McCann, Bro.R CREWE A. ohm, igro. _."r4,. McCann,' Bro. C. Elliott, . We are sorry 'to report that .itis. P. Sherwood is no better at the time ASII FIELD of writing. vie - Our teacher, Miss Andrew, of Luck- Mr. Jess Gray; of Goderich, is via - 'tang his daughter. Airs.. Watt .Shack.. now; was home over the- W eek.end. ,letons, this past week. The Women's Institute met last Mrs., Shackleton is still confined: to 0. L. NO. 162 EUCHRE *rd DANCE 11001k IC 'HALL Phials) Etreeistg, Det 11t1925 sola aaypk. of L.O.L. nee sal fhrwSusi , kiss ties lisle Hqes...firseyi�y woks**. Cas card.. Na *Hoist.' Cu* atsa444 G000 MUSIC MG LIINCB AJ4 Ir.iew, 75c c.rpt.. Estes tally, 25c Hamilton Street Shoe Store Complete line of ladies', gentle- men's nasi children's shoes. Come in and compare our prices. Med and B Mbid four '1,pt s'oT Yjh2t A pseud, .Y doubled, B, redoubled. and all passed. Y opened the ace of hearts and then led the trey. how shoukl.A play the combl'ned hands "r After winning the second trick with the king of hearts. A should lead the king of spades. He should then lead a low' diamond and win the trick In Bas hand with the king. Ile should then lead a low spade and win the trick with the ace in his own hand. the effeyd+s out, but there were some things urned, ,clothes,' shoes, etc. There s a small Insnranee on the buildi g. Ike is living in the store at C we at present. • miller on Tuesday. 1 . Mr, Tidies Fisher visited with Mr. 1, ,1!:4.•Mrs. Maed.l on Monday. Z's bid and rebid of tombs indicated, o1r that he must have held at least 'live clubs so , that his orisifiM hoidtng trust have been six hearts, fthe clubs, one spade and one diamond. There - fort, A at the sixth trick should lard a diamond and !'!sassi the jack. Played in this way, AB should maks their contract for YZ can only maks the ace of hearts and two sped, tricks. Play out the hand far prat. In this particular hand, Z faded to tire. No.., 4. _ Hearts -8 Clubs--notte Diamonds. -none ;!paces—X. 9, 6, 3 UUcartaw-Q, 7 e"tsatos—none Diamoode*•••none+ llpadee—A, Q, 8 Y :A B: Hearts X, 0 C'h bs—none bionsende-.atutwe Spades—.Ti*** t TMcrs arcs t:o tramps and Z is in the fwd, Nartat es* YS win three of the *s,s Woks molest any !'fence ? Mime' is Pii$.rat Ne. 3 * shoed herd the jsek of spades and A's b.ot play is the geom. If A shelled ploy the are 'Y* will wilt the hN.scs at the tricks. If A allows lies Jacek es laid the trkk. AB ran tlearts-.-10, 7, 4, It Clops -•-none Dlamends—non. Spades -10 Miss Mary Phillipa, of Toronto, *nt a few days recently with her ter, Mrs. Thos.. Ferguson. telfest was well represented in :eknow tonics hall last Friday night hear "The Bashful Mr. Bobs," Mr. and Mrs. 'toy Alton and chit- epent Thursday with relatives Port Albert and Slleppaardton. :Mfrs. Thea. Taylor and son, Har. on, :0th ion. West Warrenaelh, spent esday at the home of Gilbert Vint, LEEBURN Mrs. Kersey ?otter, of Langbank, sk., is visiting her merits, Mr, d Mra. R. die. Mr. Joh* Herter, of Goderfeh, .t several days with his son, 'Ter. e► Hunter. Miss Grace Hearten, of Goderich spital, sport 8.nilay afternoon at me. Several from around 'bort attend - the funeral et the late Jiro George ark, at Carlene, en Friday. Ur. Ester isms+, .1 allIgliew, has n dawn arstesd hero •AO mirthk with his Wane, Oudot for fsrmers. r. 'dices einsainelesstXwaret week, aoaw set the hymen* drawitag set their grain Ielan the ten, * !ahold play the king cod than load the 'tine. If B Aso low. Ili steroid play the !aloe, 1 A ht bice land. A can um lead 'wort .ar sa spode. If the fervour, vitae toe trkk and hods s spade. A lone the ore and mull surds, will via the rewdslesg tricks. either cants therefore. AD erase may ens *rick. Wawa A, there.! win sates spode and .ser heart fere, , Bess querns set epode*, Y so that Y* win three of the Barad 11. With s + 1'l og tricks *Cellist any elaIeoas. T.1 1 _.—...r - . ..e.. • I r., Nit Sag Our Lines of rAidstaus %waits when doing your holiday Shopping Dig Values_ MISS B. NOBLE $ritish E xchange Block. r r • GOD ICS •TOWnzur. Roue. Fres was►'at McGaw an Monday. a Quite a number attended the salt at Chas. Petrle'e on Tuesday. Mis;, M. Diekson spent one day , last weak ander the parental roof, The Misses Edna and Vesta Mur- rav are spending. some time in Gode- rich. See "David Laird,' the .millitinaire, in -"A Reining Hand" at Union, Dec- ember 23rd. Miss Margaret Davidson has re- turned from a three weeks' visit in the Ambitious City. Mr. Geo,,,McItwain has been indis- posed' lately. We wish frim •e speedy return of good health. Mrs. 'phos. McWhinney, of Nile. is - visiting atter daughter,'s, Mrs. Rue. eel Free's, for a few days. Miss Ross, teacher of Cedar Val.. ley school, spent the week -end with her friend,. Ruby Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Cousins attend- ed the party last Friday evening given by Dick McIntyre at Nile.. Iter. and Mrs. Joseph Tigert are visit nr, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Russell Free, for a few. days. A number of the ylunr; . people around here attended the dance in the Oddfellowo' Hall in. Goderich. Mrs. Geo, Ashton spent a week in Goder'ich recently visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Jas. Steven- son. Next Sunday the service at Union church will be 'held in the morning at 11 o'clock instead of in the afternoon as formerly.. Sunday school will: be. held at 10 a.m. The play entitled, "Tare Economy Boomerang." will be presented in St, Andrew's United church on Friday evening, Dee. 18th. Besides this there will be songs, ;recitations, dia.,' logues, etc, Miss Flort;nee Johnston, who Spent the paat,two months at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- It. Sowerby, is spend- ins twoweeks in Goderich beforere- fined/1g to her home at " Sheppard- A rumor IS. afloat and there is prop. bability in it that Mr, ,Wilmot Macke will be.a candidate for coun- cillor in No 2 section of the forth - corning election: Wilmot •is a good man andit ie ~!loped he will sthiul. AUBURN -'1, r.. Williama' sale last week was quite a :ffgceeSe; all s ° cirttle were sold.. . The S. S. in Wesley church intend having an entertainment at Christ - tries. • The dance at the Foresftere' hall last Friday evening was 'pretty well patronized. Mr.' O. E. Erratt went to -Toronto' the former part of this week with a carload of cattle. Aa we are "at► roaching the festive season of the te5ar, the storee are.�rut- ting art'' a gaay sppeatence. - Mrs.. Straugiletn has taken up her residence with her. daughter, Mrs. Williams, of Gederich Township. Miss T;elma.Lawlor is on the sick list et present,.; but we are pleased to state that she is on a fair way to re- covery. , Last week 1lev. Mr. Banes. Went to Exeter to see his sister, who was injured in an auto accident. We did not hear the particulars. Mrs. Mayhew, of Thameaville, who has been here mace the death of her father, Mr. T' Straughan, re- turned to her home last Thursday. Tuesday • afternoon the Women's'' Institute met in the basement of Enox church. Quite a large num- ber were present, considering the weather. , the pupils of S.S. No. ;, Colborne, are busy at present making ready for their Christmas entertainment. It 'wilt be held in the school house on the evening of :the 28th. Bast Monday afternoon or early on Tuesday naornitrg about 2r. o'clock, a party endeavorbnr to go the hill got into the "ditch at the elevator end had to hall for. assistance before 'he got out. Rev. Mr. Grace, of Toronto, had charxe of the •Presbyterian congre- gation last Sunday. There was, a good attendance. Mr. Gracey will be here next Sunday. . This week he lit organjxing the ° Presbyterian church in Blyth; Every one will be welcome to attend the services here. .1011,RINITif0 AT TIM ter:1 OLD TIME and MIXED DANCE lea Maswaic Temple Task 14 Dec. 1 Violin Classic, by Mise. Me Kinnon. of Xinrardine. bin Hutt a *ice accompaaniesdrby Mrs. Irwin, of ort It. Cates and joy than awning. Music for a Ty body and $ wd Lttsiesia. - .:"e.r . . alt, float Meager Adx.kaIw. E 1 , Slie CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIpNS from the REXALL DRUG STORE The Wild and Coll C hristinas Gift Line Leather (roods. Novelties, Toilet (loath, Stationery,Oandy---a1! min hind -wane lied and Gold B9 ni. •. French Ivory • I3rusheu, liiirrors, Combs, Manicure R:>lls and. odd opisee9, Toilet:Sets. etc.. at greatly reduced prices. Toilet Goods _ Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Compacta. Corabinaticu. Sets, ole. by the leading French and Canadian makers, Kook lis Folding Pocket Ketiake, Brownie.Carneras, Carrying Cases. Snap Shot . Af- lame and Calendars. Brownie Gift •Box $g.f}O. Candy Ligge':t's and PattErton',. In Fancy Christ..;..,. .....cages .M1M_..., lr___ Chocolates in +ountairt Pens Parker's $2,io $i3OO Pen and' Pencil Sete 6.!10 'Sq to Z1 Hercules Pen, exceptionally atmoatli writing $1 Smoker's Supplies r Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco Pouches, Cigarette Case% eta. Hot WaterBottles, Thermos Bottles and Kits, Safely Razors, • Shaving Brushes, Shaving Lotions, Greeting Cardsri-ier, Flashlights, ec. H. C. DUNLOP GODERICH, ONTARIO, • • Miller's Worm Powders will drive Customer: ` "Say, ' conductor, at Maybe it was the "ipplesauce" worms fromthe system without. in. which end of the car can Yget`oft?" that made Adam fall.' jury•to the child, The powders are Conductor: "Either end, you slip, -\ • *... so easy to take that the iuoet deli'- both ends .atop." r,`' - tate stomach can assimilate them ` a no o>a4 ..og and welcome theta as speedy eaters of pain, becca Tse they promptly' re- move the worms that encasesthe :'pals' and thud..the4suffering of the child is. relieved.. With so sterling a remedy at hand no child should .suffer an hour from worms. s>! at4 REBEKAH LODGE EUCHRE and DANCE Thursday, Dec. 17111, 1925 In the Oddfellowe Hall Cards at 8 o'clock. Good Music Admission` 50c. Christmas Shopping Is a Real Pleasure Smith's Art Store never before had we such a wonderful collection of beau- tiful gifts. Artistically framed Pic- tures ; and you.know every- body just loves a Picture. English China Fancy: Work and Novelties. Conte in and see all our pretty things. Store open every evening. Sreith's Art sad Gift Store East Street Mae 198 ERY � ,ti few *wort . models in Ribber., Sethi or .Velvet, ape. ¢tally, priced. Shot/lder Flow.;, ire. Corsage Eongnets and other' . Tittle i.nggestlona for' Christmas.` . ' Yoe are invited to call. A. A. McKinnon Hamilton Street. :=onao osesog Santa Claus Is Coming Get ready .for his arrival by get- ting your,, suits and overcoats pressed and cleaned; Satisfaction Guaranteed at tho. Goderidt.French Dry !ming Woes. Prompt and Expert Service' Q, H. VROOMAN ' Phone 122 West Street DAINTY FURNITURE for reception room, parlor, 11 - homy or hall, daintily *signet Tat str.rgl7 balk for p.raaan' est use and loath* sevasout: Reade yea an s.Hct your i e- noireeratarla In thou Uses, u it all oder Ask st Skin it tit. bstt.rh, ! isodiorsiosii picot A. WHEELER inose* e.. icier i t e • • 1 e k :tmas� Cllr' r. 4At, Geo. Stewart's FLORIST. OUR STOVES ARE IN Biggest Assortment in town. Don't Buy until • yeti' See HAROLD OI.ACKSTONE'.S FURNITURE EXCHANGE On the BrO adway et Geode:I k GIFTS. which are sensible and practical are always more acceptable and most appreciated. Let us suggest SUPPERS SKATING BOOTS MOCCASINS SUPPER SOLES GOLOSHES PUMP TREES ETC. In our travelling goods department CLUB BAGS - SUIT CASES HAT BOXES BOSTON BAGS Make your selections early, while our new stocks are contplete• S SIRE THE SHOE SIM leg G011ittiC`i