HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-10, Page 10TUUU %!Y. D. 1I& 11111
The above picture shows the new combination fire truck, engine and chemical extinguisher which the. Town of Goderich purchased last sum-
mer. It was manufactured by the nicklo• people of Woodstock. Chairman Sproul of the fire committee of the town council is ,seen standing in
front, On the engine hood is "Jima," the mascot of the brigade and behind at the right bond end` of :the driver's seat is "Jiggs'" nes-
ter, Chief Wm. Tait of the Are company. The gentleman vehind the wheel is Mr. Wm. Proctor, engaged u engineer in charge of the truck. The
membersof the company shown in the picture are as follows: Stack row, left to right, 'Messrs. Wm. Doak, Wm: Govier, Geo. Mumby,• C: Bisset,
J. Burrows, Robt, Anderson, Jno. Vickers, D. McLeod, a Stapleton and Geo. Beacom. Front row, left to tight, Messrs. 4. Mutch,. N. Young, W.
Blackford, S. McKay and Percy Johnston. The child on the front seat is Fireman Johnston's son, Bill, and the child in the front row on the
truck is his nephew:
HETIHERINGTON.—Joseph fleth-
erington was born on April 16, 1835,
at Ashgill, Pariah of Alstone; Cum-
berland County: England. Ho . emi-
two- years ago:• Mr"s. Hetherington
predeceased her husband four years
ago. Six daughters survive, . Mra.
James Carter, of Auburn; Mrs. Jou-
eph Cassedy, of London; Mrs. George
grated to Canada "in 1850, arriving!Cauady' of Edmonton; Mrs. Robert
ithe new World • on his fifteenth M'cllwain, of Nile; Mrs. George Mac -
birthday. For twelve and * half . psalm's'
Ilawldins, omouth, ft, Tor nto. Mrs.and
Yearn he lived with Mrs. Moffat at' Novomber 30, 1925, Mr. Bothering -
Ragland, near Whitby, Ont. On ton "quietly passed away from his
October 28, 1862, he was married; at home at 'the Nile. Since the death of
Duffin'a Creek, to Elizabeth Scott, his life -partner his strength notice -
who had also come from ,Cumberland ablydeclined and without severe
County, England. That . same aut- sickness or pain he came to the end
umn Mr. and Mra. Hetherington of the way. Respected and laved by,
came to Huron County and began all who knew him, a man of kindly
pioneer life in the woods on . a farm heart and willing hand, he Was a true
one and a half miles went of the Nile neighbor to all. A prominent mem-
on the twelfth of Colborne,where bef the Methodist church .and a
they lived until 1905, when they re '
tired to the Nile, There were eleven
children borne to Mr. and Mra. Meth-,
erington four of • whom died in in.
ani �he youngest, blase. died
7 i ]rt s TAWS 1PXCIAL
Already ear new feature, the
"Weekly Lesson in Eaelish." is
welting very favere;bie comment
and salocriberel' have expressed
themselves enthusiaatieelly- la ap.
pre:lettees of it. A couple of
weeks _ago spur regular weekly -_
artkle on "Bridge" happe M to
be left at by force of circum-
stances, and some of our sub-
scribers commented on this with
regret as they found the article:
,very interesting and in$tructive.
'I'ht artidlea were resumed the.
following week am they are
proving of much fostered. . "John
Smith and His Radio" is a weekly
series whirl any are finding
werY interesting. Our new serial
"`Winds of Chance" is a real one
and you 'will surely ,miss 'some-
thing good if you do net read
t 1st s. '"IBfurplea of Britain's
Glory" is another ser.es of copy-
righted articles which will con-
tinue to appear from tinge to time
_xs apace permits-. Norhave-we
forgotten oar "Canadian Quiz
Column." nor "In Days of Yore,"
both of which will appear as cir-
euasstancea permit.. And "Great
World Events" is, 'one of the
weekly features of The Star
which is recognized •ds really
worth while. All this in addition
to the news of town and district
makes The Goderich- Star extra
big slue asaontf weekly papers.
Pt;10W iii frtst:f,... g; ,
Another Imprint,
A little girl who had learned to
read, had this conversation with her
mother :
joined the Bible Christian _church she had always lived' at home.` She "Mother, was.your name Pullman
soon after coming to Huron County is survived by seven sisters and one "before you. were 'married
and for many years was a much ap- brother, as follows: Mias Elizabeth, "No, dear, Ay do you ask?"
predated and effective fay -preacher,;, at home; Miss Annie, Toronto; Mrs.b• "Well, 1 justsour de owelI tee that
On 'Dec. 3rd, the funeral was con- W. T. Murney and. Mra. J. A. R name on of
ducted in the Nile United church by ertstlan, of town; Mian Minnie, of •
Rev. L. C. White, . assisted by Rev. North Bay; Miss Emma, Toronto; Report of Hog Shipments for Week
W. R. Alp, of Auburn. and Rev. H. Mrs. F. Eagle,, Hamilton, and Mr. Ending Novi 26,..1925
Willans, of Ripley, °a xornner pastor. Wm.' Campbell, jr., of town. The,ba Donde is thi of l oghi,,�E 7;11 Gacit
Interment was made in the family funeral took 'place • from the family baTotal ;hogs, 222; -select bacon, 7G;
plot in ; Colborne cemetery. "Bleu- home, Quebec ' street, ,„on Monday thick smooth, 128; heavies, b g;• n>'75; ^
sed are the dead who die in the Lord afternoon. Rev.. C, F. Clarke, pea ho a - .6. Auburn T tel g
from henceilorth. They rest from tot of North street United church, select bacon, 69; thick :moot h, 89;
their labors and their works do fol- conducted the services, a"saisted by heavies, 10; shop hogs, 5; lights and
low them.” Stew. J, E. Ford, and the pall«bearers feeders, 1, 13uron County -•-Total
NIVENS.—A veteran in the Shoe were Messrs. W. C. Pridham, Ernest hogs, 2102; select bacon, 639 thick
making trade in + Goderich passed Pridham, E. C. Robertson, Reg. smooth, 1199; heavies, 119; extra
on Monday, Nov.0th when Sharman and W. T. Peilow. 'Miss heavies, 3; shop hogs, 68; lights and
had passed his 71st birthday anni-°'•tree" at the vi the house very
away m iv sy, ov. Esther Hume sang "My Ain Conn-• feeders, 15.
Mr. Wm. Nivea passed nway►. Ile •
ser . ce u� o i t There's . this about soft collars,
sweetly. The family were alt ,;here
r, a
member of the official board for versary lest month and about; forty The laundry can't sharpen them.,,
Mr.Hetherington t k f his life had been passed in for the funeral; including Mr. Eaglal
mann years, oo a years o
very actives part in all the activities Gederich..w ere he worked first for and his son,, Frederick, ' also Miss
He r E. Dow n . then for. Mr, Shan- Earle, of Hamilton; and Mrs. Harry'
and. interests • of the church H Yin to
f cy y g -man' and later for Mr. Geo. Naevi-
car, up to about two years' ago,
when hetook sick. He was born in
West Wawanosh, being a son of,.the
late Mr. John Nivena. •Ile learned
his trade in Dungannon and 'it was
'there he was married, his wife being
a Miss McNevin. She predeceased
I him- some , seventeen Vara - ftgo
Three - ,brothers survive, namely
IJohn Nivea; of Teeswater; Char -
lea, of Saskatoon, Soak., and Davi
of Manitoba. • - Two or three °the
brothers' died years .ago, and a.
two and a half , months, ago his onl
sister, Mrs. Charlet Elliott, of. -Dun
i Gannon, passed : away. One, .son
John, and sig daughters, Mrs. Joh
la who ati dealer d4 hot under- • Spades.-- fl J 10 9, 8 McKay Mr's Aithur ishan Mrs
Robertson, of 19tratford. In' addition
to • ninny flowers• -ftlom friends in
Detroit, Hamilton, Stratford, as well
as 'Goderich, floral" . tributes were
sent by'the employees of • the West-
ern •'Canada Flour Mills 'here,, from
the Goderich town. council, from ' the
. Rebekah' ' Lodge, from , the Past
, Grant's of the Rebekah Lodge, frim.
. the staff' of the Ontarib Railway and
Municipal . Board, from the staff of
David Meaare. ''Pro dfoot,.• Denean k Co.,
r 7`oronto,''att from John Northway*
Copyright 1:326 :'hyr Hoyle, a 'r. -
There are still, a number of auction diamonds It, 3, 8
t , and Sop; Ltd.,' Hamtsilltonn *n
n1%/ • GOD RIt MA ETS
, Wheat, 'per bush.....4 f.16 to 1.2x0
n Buckwheat, per hush. .65 to • 70
•i Hogs 1'2,00 to 12;00.
d Oats, per bush37 to 39
, Peas, per bush .1.46 to. 1.60-.
.' Barley, per bulls05 to 70t
Cattle, ordinary. per'4
o cwt. ... + 6,25 to 6.25,
h• Cattle, export. 7.50 .to • 7.50
i, . (per cwt.) 4.
by Cattle, choice per crit 7.50 to 7.501
a. (Lambs, per cwt8.00 to 11.001
• Dairy Butte* • ° 40 to 45
d Eggs, per dos 40 to 45
-1 Family flour, Per ,cwt, 3.90 to 4.0g1
a Patent flour, per cwt. 4.50 to 4.50 s, per ton 30.00 to '
,IBran, per ton28.00 tn. 30.00
n` Hay, per tntn 10.00 to 12.008
Hides. . , ..... R8 to 08 l
friends potatoes, pear bag.., 1;6(i to' 1.50 '
players , , . c ►
stand what to' do with . certain types Should you .bid .one °no-trump or one E 3. Carter, and Misses Willa an
of .hands. M zlax�ers know when spade 1 This is a very close hand.Lizzie, all of town, and Mrs. Jas
to bid no•trunm�, . or• one. of n salt but ° personally tbs writer prefers a Heddle, of 'Milford, Mich., survive
every now a then `they hold huuds 'spade bid but would not criticize a Mr, Nivens in ;earlier years was an
that puzzle 'them, 'For example, no-trump. These two .hands are in Orangeman-, He was a member f
suppose you dealt and held the fol- .dicative of the. , difficulty that stili the congregation of Knox . churl
lowing hand : confronts auction plaiyets who have and the funeral services , oh Wed
Hearts« --A„ K, d not yet mastered the ,proper bids of nesday, Dec. 2nd, were Conducted
Clubs -9, ?. 4; 3 the dealer. The dealer Is in `a pecu- the pastor, Rev. R. d.: McDertni
Diamonds—A, K, Q liar position, for he can alwayis give The pale^bearers` were` Mesard..Geo
Spades -8, 5, 4 exact information, for that reason MacViear, Jack Hall and Alex, an
What 'would you bbl' ..t he only he should strive ` to bid correctly. ' Jos. McNevin. The deceased's hro
' proper bid with this handle one no- To pass under `certain circumstances they, John, of Teeswater, and
trump and yet thu holder of this Is, just ea bad es., to bid incorrectly, niece, Iters. Cunningham, of Blyth
hand passed. It .le •tots strong to Don't pass pound bide for to do so lo were here for 'the funeral, also
justify a pase for if you. do, there're Just as misleading all an *Unsound bid. -number of relatives from Dung*
a very good chance of the hand beim' Your partner depends ow you 11 .non. -
It will' also mislead er to Ivo exact infrirnaation Both
partner ae to, strength held, Hera'a by your bids and your passes, so of the family }tears with sincere ser« $ THE 8
passed out. deal f� t CAMPBELL. --The many frit
another hand : 'strive to do ao at all time.- cos► of the death at the city hospital,ADVllRTIf3 IN ','Alt.
Herres ---A, I* , 4 f •Tantilton, .early' Saturdays morning o ol1'E�09
Clubs—A, 9 of Miss Edith Mary Caiiipbell, q
3ieaati— K, 3
Clubs—,3, 6, 3,s A -- B t
Diamonds -9, 3: -2 z
Spades—A. K. 10, 4
No score. rubber game, Z dealt 'and follow suit
passed, A bid one spade; Y one so- spades, A
trump, 13 passed. and laid two where he c
hearts. A .and : passed and B bid, accurately,
s Z bid three tubs A and trey of hes
bid four clubs., A doubled, Y redou- timidly held only two hearts, There -
bled and 11 'bid four spades. Z and
Hearts -.«10. 8, 2
Club' --none
Spades --9, 7, 3, 2
on` the second round of
was - now In * position
outs count tis hand very
Y's lead. Qf..the _.sM.sand
rte and the fact that 13
Y passed and 13 bid three evades, Z held the deuce indicated that Y eei-
fore Z must has held six hearts.
Z'r bid nd rebid of chaise indicated
A pentad, Y doubled, B redoubled
and all named.Y opened the nee of
hearts and then led the trey. Ron
should, A play the combined hands ?
After winning the w eand trick with
the king of hearts. A should lead the
king of spades.. He should then lend
a low diamond and win the trick in
B's hand with the king. Ire should
then lead a low spade and win the
trick with the,ace in his own hand.
In this particular hard, Z
failedtowtN5. 3
Hearts -8
Clubs: --hart
Spades ---K, 9, 5, 3
that he must have hc!d at least live
clubs so that his original hotting
must hire been six hearts, Rte clubs,
one spade and one diamond. There-
fore, A at the sixth trick should lead
a diamond and firms* the Stack.
1?lryretd in Ns way, AB should make
their contract for YZ can only make
the ace of hearts and two spade
tricks. Play out the hand for prat -
Hearts --Q, 7
'pedes ---A, Q, 8
x ..
Hearts—K, 9
(limb'•* -none
Spades -4, d, 2
There are ne trumps and Z is In the
load. New can YX win three of the
Ivo triotus against any *tense ?
haste' is Problem No.
B sh a& lived the jack of sparks and
A's ort piny is the gaaeen. If A.
should piste the ace, YZ will win the
Wow* el the tricks. If A *hews
tris jib& to held the trick, AB eon
outsone teak. What A, there`:
he%list spasm e[ spades, Y
lir irk* Willa Use Wag
and • tine thrift of hoods. If B
hearts -x-10, 7, 4, 2
Club*—none -
Spades -10
daughter of Mr. Williem Campbell, , SALE
IQuebec street. Miss Campbell had 111—
gone to the hospital es couple of p
weeks before for - treatment and ' a' es
' week - later had been ' operated oh.
The operation was auecesafullir per- i
formed, but complications developed
which resulted In her death. During ,
the week her _four sisterra._.iton)_Tor.,
plays king
sad thaw hood t . Ii re. ton. alsonld plaB 1444a
Lw, Z alseatbi play the ales, forces!
A la ties hot A eaa craw lead a
heart era oleicif tiro tensor, x
wine lilac WA sad loads a spade. 1f
A iasis the *ft sad swell spode, Y
will wen the ceroidal*, triebs. Ina
either eses thareters, Ail race may
win scan VP* used user heart trick
ra Cheat YS will three of 4flu lits
tricks sieliaat any defe sae.
Car min! run'
Pocahontas Coal -
will sell •at yaeonab'e O
onto, North Bay and-Hvmilton, were esCl
with her, but their anxious rare was l q F ,,F
powerless to stay the inevitable, 0
ed mber
'Phone 17ri 3
7`he tisceased was s valume
of North street United church and 01=2=Z0111X012===fflOsetts
The Goderich Star's
The Star and London-Free.Press...
The Star and London Advertiser...
The Star and The Toronto Globe ,
'The Sta: and The Mail and 'Empire:
The Star and The Toronto Star
.. Y...,..,. ...$6 75
The Star and The Partners' Sun....
1 he Star and The Family Herald and
The Star and Saturday Night...
The • Star and The Catholic ttbcord .
The Star and McLe2n's 'Magazine..
The Star and Rod and Gun, ......
The Star and Montreal Witness....
The Star and Worid Wide.......
........... 6.75
.. 3.40
Weekly Star. 3.00
4 W . ..... a ... ,30
..,. ,,Y ... ..•
.... ,renewal 343
new... 3.30
... .. renewal 4.25
new... 3.85
Specie; Chrbhing Rates with ether Periodicals
may be had arta ,cation
at the St: r (tftice or 'Phone 71 for any infnnmed:tl.
. r -
Here's the. Overshoe.
Solves theQuesiiQr!What °
• The question of tailor-made appearance.
The question of Odin:stability to any size, lcg,
The question of protecting skirts from buckle tears.
The.qucstion of buckles opened by cost bottom.
.The question of perfect (it,,wrarmth and lightness.
'Thequ estions,of concealed fasteners. =.
• The new " 4dJust. " Overshoes sande exclusively by this firm, not
only answer all thcse questions but in •quality,, fit and appearance so
far out -distance other overshoes that there „is no comparison.
• Good dodoes alt over sell "Ad justo"" Oatots iCs. •
There is no substitute f. or them—ask for them by name.
Made only by�'the makers of
Lifebuoy k�.
How do the know just when bal.
No man knows his strength—tail
y he realizes his weakness.
loon pants need pressing
l�+e ' Spirit of Christmas
ll,[us c Are kindred
Christmas. 'without music. wouldn't be Christ=
mas. Music's dominating influence in the
enjoyment of Christmas is . what makes the
gift . of a musical instrument always` so
tt ri j
°"The Piano with a Soul"
It hats justified that expression through
long years of unexcelled qualities of
tone. Pure and beautiful, the tone of the
Mason & Risch has endured to the
lasting : satisfaction action of its owners.
Visit our showrooms ---play any Mason
& Risch Piano and hear the rich har-
mony that will respond to your 'touch.
Encased in the choicest walnut ° or
msihogany, , every Mason & Risch
bears evidence of master chaftmanship.
As a Christmas Gift it ;Will brin& the-
reward of endless gratitude,/ .
SON4miled R1
Stratford Branch' t 9'X .Ontario St
Grand Pianos
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