HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-10, Page 9, PADS I>aUNGANNQN ai�iprioN titins wire tl lir. lll*it fitarn• is tai* 16084 to "" jr 1 P s 1 est fabs feeeasean ses- Else iiaartal fiasitlrmilh is v3slu w hear sial. :A r oUm was grads br Mss. slaw, Xra. Blxvis! Novias. I ass�tAssrae tiasss itias Xr. Ciwaiea ii"Maeie's Baia of mttie WA psis *%ir spacial levies is firs ealaasa eilf vttey saeosasta3lY on 'etas- ;,. WMA of half tics giu "at paid- lin Y' +"" � bow r'�� for � ° � &W40ttwet it wxa nrsved try Mas. ' ass. Megmw glad ]Uopp that no spa• Mrs. J. P. ctupiiell returned etc as alai. 1s+rlsa ice collected and no relay» WedrwstLy of last Weeia from x plea- btwoeo is 11@ sander acid sant visit Whk routives at 1'brk- -_ _ this, - I•jygeeapu r- _-----•—------- _. _, _ - -,-- -- _ _ - _ _-_ - _ — - ,. +ai�ari Itsd. 9'6a good :aids aystarr 3s _ trate pant on the boals of a cocuty Mrs. herb Caesar has been v6it- systirrespective of the urilenge Inst her sister, Mrs. Richard Craacd- aar, � ✓' �, � in gay particular townahip, which is, roe• 'gar Lacknow, for the pop& few of esararse, the aya om which was eon• weeks, temmpiated by the Ptrovir ee in the The atany friends elf Xr. Chiaxla " Good Rem% Pian and. as war point. Elliott will be sorry to learn that he ed stA, Huron is the only county has been confined to the house ow- which hes been trying to carry out ing to illness. "� rt thew to a r roes our stodl of R t any ether system. Mr. Ras experts to resume his " ��.. _ CitNow Latsii+ory'sistem Needed at Iduties at the*school'today (Tito s- 'tte>�ti lt1E'C�ite�ie lG� g� e Cwt -50"o , day), after an enforced holiday of a - ilk � it Ca Y :Y 94 Tlw eeunt,lr property committee re- month owing to illness. • �. parted having visited the C1tildren'a Commencingnext+ Sunday, Das. ` Slasher land finding everything Notts. 13, Rev, C. H. MoDonald Will begingiving 3000M. factm, there being fourteen chil- a series of sermons for young pea- + t bran there i present. hThese are & w many s e we ',�,�' t� De Tisa committeeitcommitteeso especially far young men. These looked over the re- should prove very helpful to rill. � f f er " °gistry dJWo and fourA the building The ,Dungannon Public Library � its 0ootl-tonditiotn, the large centra Board <'lesire to thank all who con- e. Hatnd-Ki-i}g11s robin and lavatory having had .the tributed toward the, ant wfainment Bath Sets• and W�6t Sweater flats �- olt kolaomine',washed oft and three Ladles' and Children's Handkerchiefs Afternoon Telt Sets; colored border Fancy Windsor Tles Bootees and Mittens an Friday evening last, thereby Pro- Mgr.'s Linen Handkerchiefs ;. Ltn�erie Materials in ttilt'n�i Ctc��tiu. . eosta of paint aWlied which cost A viding such a Pleasant and profitable � , RurG' L►iterr Table Aamaslk and Nap- Fancy Cotton Cry pe. � Ladies Silk and Wool Sweaters pe, Silk Crepe, Silk and Wesal Stsrckitl, s lit%* more than kalsomine but would evening, . kine I&A lxtich. longer. "'The floors need- Mr. Linfield Anderson left for De- Ladies' Brushed Wool Sweaters , Pure Linen, Guest., lTa>rw Silk knit (tubular), 'I'<t�ues and Se.arts ed' sa little attention in the way of trait after a pleasant holiday at the Fancy Pullover Sweaters Silk-knit='Ships., Ilk .and Wool Bonnets M Polishing to prevent the wearing of }some of his -parents, Mr. and leers. Silk and Kid Gloves . Silk.knitiaM'. Crepa: Blewea t5• FOR 6e CiIRLDR Wool Overalls , aam* and the eominittee recommend- George Anderson, H was accom• Men's All Wool .Mose Silk Crepe de Chine Night,gcawn$ E".rih (;overs and Blankets ad that a can of paint be procured Ponied by Mrs. Aubreyl Higgins, who Bed Spreads, Lace and Crochet Silk and Wool. Hose, Wool Suits ,. , to point the wainscot in the front had been visiting relotivee here and Silk -knit Scarfs-,+ Fancy Embroidered I)resses mil's and Feeders roam. I'1ttG Silk Nese at Crewe. Evorythipg was in Rist -class shape at the jail and there were five' The Lucknow Dramatic Club will v } Present their play, "The B*shfuI Mr. - +Sha Fare ' „ and 0411. a larger balite tO Ch0044' frOm- � prisoners, 'On the request .of Turn- Bobs n t Bloke's church hall, Ash - keys. y : Carter far living room at the field, on the evening of, Friday, Dec , jail alta •�ComNiittee recanitnended no 11th under the auspices of tits Lo- iialw as the coat would be very con- , ,, eiderable and as the surraundinf;s dies Aid of that church, comment- t !Phone 86 � would not be to the beat interests of mg at 8 p« :art. Adiniaaton, adults Phone 9 -'SBERT a o family. 86 cents, children 2ac, (Advt.) Fe E■y ung y.. The committee expressed its opin-� At a meeting of the Public Library ion that it would be necessary in the Board, which was held on Saturday i If sati�tfied !tett othertr, if tlbL* tetlttt its. We 1Ptolni` iott satisfied.,i. ilear future to, levator o tfi�install sin entirely evening, a liberal selection ;of books WO " y. o thought be some small improvements. could bQ I was made, which a is a end' will he on year,heAll spa d- _in members left over. ,�,,. ,, .�..,,�,.�, . ...�•.r.__,.�.,�•..»-,,... '0. will be entitled to the use of these ~- -� �-^~- ---`� + The executive committee reported s p��wN 'j'QY' [�`," 1t"a just as natural for a!tebi..r�G' uax '». as follows a books, among which will, be found at ,8 p.m., followed• by the play at the weary hottes being:' refreshi*d orx: :attlamauz,. laths .were also � to watttthinga as it fs aur ua::+et los- i All 'the latest product of the best $:30. froth its limpid depths %10 the re- made• far uniting ,r.th the Beth t -- — Rat;• amotlon of Messrs. Geiger , and 1 authors. p • � � The 'VMr, C. T. U. will most . Mali- get them Munums in favor of a grant to the The debate and concert, Ip aid of mainder of their twice-ddiV:jpwwney,; and. Benmilkr Sunday schools at ' the abbe library., which wai held the advent oli be •motor car •of this,• Wnmiller.. UpIanimity characterfz� day, Doc, 19th, at 3 p•m: in,the»rletir .. - R,_M. -•••�� Beek Memorial Fund, that this be I Under the auspices of the Ladles' p ranee Halt. Evexyttody we�corne. referred' back to the ,Tanuary meet -,Guild of ': St. Pauls Church, . the last Friday evening, was a very sue- present time making a pldatsir'ig„eolw ed the me sting, sand tits apirtt ,woa Pb t 1ng,'when they hoped that a liberal young people of Blakey church,',Ash• cgssful event, Rev.,E: IIayes,`Mrs. tract to tlieae earIi'er days .oft:horae� fine.. j In the pool to uttiantent,amang the WOO F�p SALE :lvolild be ritsde, . Ifield,swill present the.r play, 'Mrs. Riebard McWhinney and Mr. R. A. drawn vehfclee. It ;bias marked'the Tho $am Mar congregation enter- members a! the Mertesetung, Canoe - j� • r a 1V ai w 'n !s' -Mans .utnent ' in the McKenzie, acted judges for the e- elraia of progreess, first thlroagh` the• tained the -Bethel yid :?.iota eongrega- Club .the _president's cleat sees thr. �,. Rat iAAotaon of Dlesars,-Staundc_4 and i n urn. g g .,as d Winnertt sand the vide, residrent"s� side tend fil"t � Hanna an favor o�1 a grant of itb0 to pariah Ball, Dnngthrion, on VFednge- bate, the decision !.being given . in• ;telegraph, next thirough the tele- tions on' EricLyr evening of last week. P One 1lutldreal y ' evening, 18th. A sale of f the affirmative,vi "that Phoma and, tiara recentl3','.the+•radi'&,Attho' the nit* was ,both dark' and are putting on a supper next Ilidsday Cord of 'good beech and-:. � the -Exeter Junior Plowman as Asso .day eve g, Dec favor o z, t recall' the time w n nothinarf but di le_ -a. too number' were night, the penalty of losing. it t he„ j ciatirtu; th'af the grant' ba 'made. Citx3sttpas work _ +(4i,00 and under) QanNada derives creator benefits froth. I @ he ., sa>Exaad) � Signal - es, ' u s maple about thirtee i to � aA P.4'request, of.; Mr. W. Lane- for and home-made' candy, will be held agriculture than frdm manufacture a well tracked pathway IA Un the present, Words of welcome We • Capt, A. W. Hunt, District . ig a 1 1 m 1a assistance, that SbO. ar the learned professions. It was. streets to our p*e of business;: next given, by Dons. .('ars. vomatonta (pa�eat• ilii* Commander of Military District felt;. 4 00 ,to OMP p - �. �_ p be ' Ven. pronounced by some to ice the meiitt ft saw the graveU'ed walks after- ident of tb* ItAilies` Aid), and by No, 1, London, was in town on Tueat- A)R ' , ges` of,, development,: from.. rouges ., •� ,,' 1Mxrs.. E:. Ptitailtei, and were .re- Wt11• Pe>,e"litation to Warden-Rob"Iston :, , atatgresting`debate° soar: ;hoard here, 'ward$, the board°' walks and now ° day for the annual'Ciassiltcation anFi ,.: waste hand to thb •bi"tinf yealW the s stantoAb aiement sidewalks. Ft •s onded: to. bg Mr. Cecil Baxter, of AtM, evening session was hold oh The other •numbers 'on,yhe program '� p teats of the regimental signscTG+ra azf. forests to, be seen',wlare- the.,*ork , P'° 'has. vitched' the' progress iii' the Zion, and Xr,. ]Wred Moore, of Be -p 1,ot ."w, .Salt Cott, CibdtriCll Th day nittht. After ,the roadtpg were '.well' rondtired, 'and were heard 1? the Huron Battalion. The int est Y has been carried on. IIs aleso quoted' , , t ion was made in the upstairs room ToWtiSltip� � • hting• systema fl=an : •then candle• hal,. After :ate very ,enjoyable time , of the minutes, 'the Warden was, on , with. much .pleasure. i >; manias; asked to vacate ,the chair figures and facts to show the terrible, to the coal' oil' lAmp, theft the gas! lunch was served by the 13entnillerat the town bail:. losses .sustained annually by the 1br- Much sympathy is : felt for Mr. resent ladies,.. !, and Ur. Beattie was appointed chair- street lights ddwtt' to our p --- eats through fire and . showed on the rad . Mrs, David Nevem int the loss, • � � system a! electric lights. It was an mag' screen the wonderfully' auccesaful' 'they have sustained :through the g The. "songrrgattottt of the Wig • ., �_-- Mr. A. H,�Neeb then read an ad- eye witness of at Ieaoat two dicast« Bentuiller circuit united, for the first p�''i�pfi ,>`'� )be Measures, that are being taken to death, after a very bvief illness of nous fires, and no doubt did its share time on Sunda morn last. The Miss FAiia Sanderson, of .Clinton, tirew,to the Wardens. and Mr. Geiger ch this. waste and. the great dan- about twenty-four hours' -duration, eater can{• t y ed .', >• gaunt ltilis. A, I;isliidav, �.1Y4 .allf i ted kin with_ a. beautiful .gold- uck in helping to, present ,a o greater Sunday school preceded the morn visited 4ws , pre"Aor to lifewa ro rt their .little daughter, bfuriel. Eaoh ,, lee she _ - ,1' .v `° sag ataon. Who d cart May. . what bug, service -and byr, the - ;c attendance over aha waeek-sand. c 'iiksBtresettt creased thug -alb er, at .the tender age of `14 months• F'0111� foUowin a' was the address. to sights it witneased''vrhen our village showed' thiit the union was an act -i • ilii: Townsend and' �f►fa, 'William, r - precnatioa of. the lecture byr givang *nd ? days. The funeral was held boasted two public i►ateIs, one on c bfiifeti't• Tina morning visited the farmer's sister, ]Vire. Hct -r the Warden :.' Mr. Riobaklistin a hearty' -Vote of on -Sti gday.; the serv'ce being Cott- either carne to, the subject of this uo as eats iC 40 'A,4t To , A,. Robertson, Ess,, ducted b ev, L �W ite of Nile. - congregation fillefi the chureh until liday.: on SaturdAr ` thanks, which was moved by' TMir. W, c ed Y R L. C., .h sketch? Sad tq relate, its 1';ratuit= • v eat` xceb ° two three In ` � t of. Luck- We t • hi heat pi item.- Wri4 Warden County of Fiu>•or„ 19 G, The remains. Were -tenderl • Maid to •. •., every. $ , 1 Mica Isabelle Johns on, p l t I time 'has. nrriv d 8• Saunders.. - Y outi offerings were too often deapia the front terrier bosh oCCnP al. The p „ Dear Sir, Tho me e t the Friday me�.•tting session the regi in Dungannon cemetery, being now, has returned 1%rne ai'ter spend- {or_nkit.e feat. `Crates iths a when our association as warden and ' A y , ed, 3n the lust for that whfich sting- membersh rotlit of the thrte'-chur� • t clerk made ev;plana`r:n regarding . bornq to the grave by , four little eth like an sadder -and' bit4tha like a P ing her vacation witiE ' he - fl bend. 'R'e eco buyers 1S months of council must close, and we cannot the workin of the. Mothers'' AI» bsiys of the neighborhood, Masters „ Chea -Wert ,united. The membership Mrs. A, Hallid4y. Be - let the occasion e, .our last: official ,g scorpion. • It has seen able school" roliis.w^ere! hanaded to the *-ttsstar i`rom Ehe.gertr. lowance Commission 'and reetuesteo' Elmer Sproule, Charlie. McNee, Gore Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Blacl; axis Mr- 1."MrLblislied ova's 30 v8arrs. built , and remodetille';d. , It has also meeting 'of, the •year to by without to usual payment. The 'sum of don lilcGratten and Melbourne Cul- tion, "l y Mr. John R`r+sbldi °from. Be- and Mrs. Harry Bliick were in Dun- `��"""""" An some way expressing 'our feel- e P Ym witnessed the erection of the three thel 'by. Mr. Win. Stevens, and from ;140,was granted (3G0 to the chair vert. Besides- they parent's, three villa churches, .their ire -q point- dos Last Tfiursday'gittxndihn the fun, St STORK ar 50145 Tori ' lige .isf regret at bidding you good- tan . ..H lmaii,. to,the sacro-• hauler .-cliildi•en .survive. i P ant .atin Beiiiml?et by Mt: Arthur T•~iaher, trot of a Couaih, Mr. John ;Toreros, c Zo $e. Raerlak'a► Market, Ter+:aft !A ,.. �.114a ., 9. our warilenr. ;••• � 'tar. . 11Ir. A. i', -Coo Cooper, and beach �� , •ins' heavenward. as f -entreating 'The .patltor then placed them togeth• ,who was Billed in'an.auto accident at.. ' ►i y ' , . P id• In our dear Lord"d gardetn, I .p*ople to, prepare for that happy er, *ltd declared them the, member - Was wish, its the same time to%�eY- � �¢ three- other, rneinbe", of •the Planted' here below, a ace; Ndw, however, after, p life nf. Waterdilwn, whilA driv2ng name from', - prearl, our appreciation' of your .ser board). :id ship -roll of, the United church, It Hamilton.. ]Mir, Sorerus wai alone in' Many tiny flowerets useful»eess, it 116th in the dust. Even. vices,as our municipal head, and also t Mr.. Raba. Johnston. reeve of In sweet besot ow. I ted' an having been ° # servicee well spoken OW and the car at ;the. time and turned out y gr so we, our allot sp a to add. our testimony to the -ability• Lucknaw and an ex-v+arden of B>•uce one thnt willnot soots be forgotten. to let ani+her car „pass and his ear - die la ed in a e Christ the loviria Gardener. ;reached, will sown be get aaairl+, and FOR ��ETCId i : you leave . p Y'conducting County was present to supe rt .th "another will take our, lace:'. May I slipped' off' the- road into it al -foot a the aft`airs of the, county,- and to the tion of the continuation Tends . these blossoms small; { q P re nv iifnLil(1R' i P 0 RJ A aPFlt� our llvea be as ,chs to and pu - ditch: getti><l cb>arteous manner sit which t6ves; the little , lilies, . Mr, Nelson Fehrson shipped A! ° �+ A T school of Lucknow, for the. inttiiitein- . that which' lassoed from the touiIi _ you .have alrvaya perforated the du P Ag .the. ceditrs tnU' i oar of ho once grant, and also spoke enngiatu• „ „ . gs from McGaw on Tues- - : - of alis aid village. pump. �� lost. I ties :of your office, ` bertson on his colo- Jeans loves the children, 1 You. have been faithful and punct d' et of the' county business, and the• Children such as -these,,, f Mr. Joian FI. Treble, of XeGaw ele- a ]ating Warden,,Robertson u rl in the discharge- of . your many inty of Huron on the apUndid' Blessed thtol.. when' their mothers, (; ° B MILL Ft r vator shipped two Gars of grain lost unties, : which have sometimes been i work Being done in conjunction with Brought diem ,to Iiia; knees. t (ihtettawfar last• weakY week, - tI performed under unfavorable condi- the County of Bruce, in improving . I ,Mrs. Farcy* Waiters ix rehab++^ a Mr, and hire. Saittuel 1`autig arida tions'of weather, but, you have al JeBid calls they chitciren, few- days At her daughter's,. Mri►. , ECZE�i�A the north boundary road.:• . _ Bids them Come and: stand,, daughter;' Edna,. tsf, Ebene:�ser, visited . wayait exercised good judgment' and Considerable discussion teak place Jervis, Holmesville: at the "home of Mr. and Mrn:. Alda% watchful care in the work and diffi- 1n Ibis pleasant garden, . regarding , the large expenditure of cratered, by - him hand." rigs, 'Hat -old Allity was. taken to Allen on 6undayr `, j" �� w Caines Aubmitted to you, and have.. Lucknow .continuation school in i Goderich on. Saturday last, She is There was quite a large eon rega - a 'left very favorable impressitins and school improvements the past year, Another landmq..rk . of the village, 'with her mother, Mrs. Fisher, ••We - _ , tion met ak ,Benmiller' United church •/�[ memories with those you have been and the cont`quen* large grant I which, with its predecessors, have trust -she may speedily regain tier q , on Sunday lost, both laKrth bion' and' blrooght into t`ootact"with: a asked from the county, served the public faithfully for -many strength. .r Bethel now being „close¢. It is -worthy of note that, during NCe Cotanty Road Schedule Adopted' years, morning, nao:i,,and night; year The "Olaf Time concert which. was ' ygyr term of office, the road systema The new schedule of county roads In and year out, brag .-,been set aside Preparations for the 'Union Christ- ddO 0 county, office been laced on a 'given by the Circuli Club fast 'ri- mac . entertainment .to} lee given at _ ` o! ur c Y, . P l was then read by the clerk, andwas 'Its• place being . taken by one more day evenitig was a real success, it Benmiller 'are making great pro- ZOW basis, ,"ith we •trust Will Work adopted, and the engineer was in- modern and u)t•tso'dalte No, we are Do S . . out more gqultably to, all concerned ssructed`to prepare a bylaw previa-• not wrttftag an obituary', taut fnerely furnished''a trery°enjoyaAte eveningaslgrems, every one. working together p than .heretofore,'Your name will be ing for the same, paying. tribute to the'passing of the entertainment. The ly.ot sets were a with a friendly rapiritti-�1 little over $21. f Quit*, a few. neighbors associated with this undertaking and I Bylaw No. 13 of 1925, adopting old village pump, which alae been re. Q g hors and* friends, eve trust that your interest will al, this rood ,Roads system wag. then„ placed by a new nae.. Almost ten• The clnstnf; gervtcea of the Zion attended the funeral of the late* - -ways continue to be displayed in this sassed.. traily located, on the highest point and Bethel churches 'was' het. lasts George 'Clark, our sympath,• , goes * the educational. aftalra of the, passed.. b 11essrs. ahbrtreed and of .ground, where it could view the Sunday. A sptr>t of regret wa out .to..tho sorrowing relktives, eSpe- - Y + strongly felt in both congregations cduinty and province in which you•' Sullivan that our county .-e.,erl, ba life of the village in every direction, . g y dally to his fwd young eons: have manifested more than ft 'casual asked to inform the clerk of the north, south, east and west, it hal but it was generally feat that the .. -- LEAR up abscesSC�-•�- id115--u�CeCtl--� olbotne of motion Gt stood on oars, far mane decades, a union of these -•points was wise. WESir Yi'iLD � � �j, riCd tVeDunds =d x111 skin inf"tllf w T A Interest, Township of C :3 rn vactiting the chair of Office, i of the January swilon requesting' silent though 'indispensable, adiunet The Christmas entertainment of I S, S. No. 8 are havingtheir Christ., *ovhi'ch you have so faithfully and that the. Warden of each year be of village life. It has seen our hon- the Sunday Schaal will be held "oil ,mos Concert on the afternoon of the ofd irritatiolla With this artiaa and assOo ction t capably Alled, and as you retire— elected by acclamation the year fol"'ored, pioneers hoi* to, their last Tuesdky, evening, I)c�ember 'l2nd.a lith. treatment. The powt ul, anti�.ptiG aCRAoii temporarily, we hope --from munki- )owing.—Carried. resting place. It has seen the sons Arrangements are b.j:n% made to . , , pal atfalre, you carry with you our • Moved by Messrs. Beattie and In- and daughters' of these same pion- make this an exeeptiona% line ens Messrs. J. L. Stonehouse and tiM'm; of ideas s Antiseptic Healing Ointtnenf; pct - •sincere regret and best wishes for glig that we tender Mr. F. :l• Me- Carter are at Godtrich this t°eek at- vents infection and its `exceptional hereling ' 'sera grow � hoary -headed. It hag tertainment. Part of the program , your ;future prosperity and success. Quald a very hearty rot# 0° will be a cantata. tending the jury. tiultt i viewed (shall we may with a tear. Mrs, Win. Waidon returned home dualities promptly reliever pain and irritatiotl We all join in extertdinX to you for big diligence and very efficient drop in its eye?), the many 'prones- The congregation of Bcnmiller I,; and your partner in life and to your. services as chairman of the county slobs that have wound their weary entertaining the conktegatiork of on Sunday, after spending a few, ^yid promote 1tl early leCogery. Though Anti- family our beat wishes for, a long daps at GodericA: road cotnttusaion.-•rCarried unani- way westward, down the avenue Zion and Bethel on Friday everting highly disinfectant in action Dodd's Anti- lifee and happiness, and beg you to mously by hearty applause, which leads to Lour beloved. burying- of this week. This will be± the firsts sirs, Elwin Tltyror spent over the c accept this cane as a parting ,gaup Mr, McQuaid replied, appropriate- ground. 3t has watched, with re- get-to=gether occasion of this "kind we ek•end with her mother-in-law, septic dealing OiriHnnent may be used with i e,s as our warden.. et, the departure •from our midst, and indications are that there will, B. H, Ta rlbr, of GnderiCb. safety on tilt most tender fkndin. h reed after sitar of your services ly, �' ver feeling Moved by Messrs. Middleton and of a vast arrxv of young melt' and he a large attendance, It will be Mr. and Mrs. Marvin 1Mlcl)ow•ell. shaving it heals aratall cots and cuing and (, The Warden made a Y reply, thanking the council for their Coultes, that this council of the maidens, who "have' • gone to other held in the tontpersnee hall. �-visited Mrs. Mellawcll'a parents; Mr. P Y, labia expression of good will, and the County of Haran plots on record its chimes, scattered . throughout the and Mrs. (Toric of St. Haslam, on leaves the akin smooth gild eft.' A meeting of representatives from' r +council aging, ,par He's a Jolly Good appreciation of the work,of the Lea, length and breadth of the universe, the three Sunday schools met at the Friday. �r T+'ellow." Messrs. d1ic11fibbon, Geiger, gue of Nations in the framing UP each adding hiss or her, quota to- 1 The Yowng People's I,rn,v • of - Keep Q till }IeAttG3y far home of Mrs. Ed. Walters on Tucg• regular atl�'mer stat use. Ildcieatir; Lang, Munning�, iigiYes, and completion of the Locarnn Peace ward the betterment of humanity, day of this week and began the re. Westfield united Church ares pract- g g y r McLrWan and others spoke in appre• Treaty, which we consider the great- many in profession, others to our organization of the Sunday school, b icing x Plary, " Cantucky hell. ` elation of the Warden. est of .almost world 'vide advance- vast western plainpe to swell the It was learned that the enrollment Watch for further anuounceme�nt la,t-� SC At AM Lrugsists Atter the Warden resumed the meats in Christian civilization. The ranks of those, without whose rflorts of the new Sunday School will be er. chair the new schedule of roads was Locarno Peace Treaty Walls signed on in agricultural pursuits, the world about 160. dhwo sad by several members and by Dec. 1st, 1926, and especially con- might today go hungry. It has wit=s 9 A Croswell housewife wa.= ceaked the county engirieeer, It wag under- terns (:•nada as a part of the great tressed the conversion of our once On TacadgiY evening of 1>tst week, recently wily she didn't sub e.ibo for 69ND 'TW5 mighty forests, Into fertile fieh:ar ° a meeting ,pf the $ethei„ Sunday a..,dr+si1y.• paps .,?'ate* tlues'i a°i. "� .i•e tetood that the county will be rempon- Britimb Empiree.-»Carried, Benat wars heM in the rhurclt git Bc411 - siblty'>Cert' the up klcep of the connect- The wnrk of the session lating end- which today have become the ° smil- cei'ved a shock when athc answers d ^ 1'OR UTALtO IN cd the iK`,arrden thanked fife council ing homesteads of a happy and con- thel; and all the ch in connee- atrily, " e „ tlt1AL TIN bang links, ah we hear shin:r.t. tion tarith the'Sunda•• Schaal was rte!•a-.»::•,.,-.--..�.,�:.. .:�:,. ---•-- ll trxted Lectaarr oto Reforestation for thae3r spler4d support during tented race of the people. It has, tied and arrantem •••-s made to 'e)itt. tMIA11. TWS folk SAMPLE After adjournment the 'Warden In. him term as warden and cons atulgit doubtless, vivid reecoitect.ons of the in ane United Suntlr i school at .i3pn. d � 'larodnced Mr. Richardson from the ed all upon the, uniform kindh"s time. when the ox -cart rumbled its miner, The spirit of th,* mertlns I �`' ' se"itwe. dere •ewar+r ' ' >lrorestry Department, who gave an and courtesy to each other xnd hien- weary way over corduroy roads to was both pleasant rid her+nminu�i.l "ml .++:'wee► eeawi r� nt w 77wi >a.er+" xeeeM[iM Co. Lo+a."�`� ..+are a t , self in carrying on the work of the this *mniponimernt of the music of , i ant„ levee 1". d" w nw+'a. , Illustrated. lscturo to thr caun y On Mondav evening of this • °ark jtwC t EYES s 1latehyYt lfee.ti"x of"twNait. G 1 trmf%a and to a fair audtefac+y on the council daring tier year. AU stood then brags Which iregarn:ed thr panda I w fttaisject of Iie3ate+itation. He traced and milt Clod Sav- the Xing aid by these rustic roadways. It ham at nnrptar; Of the Zion Sn►nrt+•t acltiadt . Clow, 13tr•ight and &-autifui t the history of the development of formed the circle of irieitdship a memnrilm of the tifne where the diad- was held in the church at Zion, fid ,craw),fwkerC4.C:fitcneea.ro,rTtC& eta efor restation and showed by beau- ,XtIK Auld Lang Syretl, and #hen tad- smith-Lucknow stages vxech slam the all the work ,of the mrhnot woa a'o• 'tBul colored mlidcs the dilterer_t s:tY• gourutd, travtller's only amass of loeomo:lofi, viewed and brought: to 1.satisfact-� ..