HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-10, Page 7% - dre-, eelieilMilli011111.00 • it.' 7 Si 41 s eJ �� ri4:1) �y r/ Gist • GIFTS GIFTS Christmas Gift Display GIFTS in Toiletry, French Ivory, Fountain Pene,'Autq- matic Pencils, Kodaks, Brownie Cameras. Flash- lights, Boxed Candy, Travel Kits, Christmas Cards, Gift Stationery, Perfumes, Novelties, Toilet Sets, Albums. Bulk Candy, Mouth Organs, Phonographs, Ladies' Hand Bags, Bin Wallets, Purses Small Gifts Large Gifts Gifts Galore at CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Toilet Articles THAT PLEASE in French' Ivory, single pieces .or sets 25c to $20.00 Leather Goods Ladies' H'id Bags, Bill Folds. Rill Wallets, Purses, etc. Bronze Novelties Pens or Pencils in sets or singly. Priced from $1.00 -to $7.00 Parker, Parker Duofold, Waterman, Swan makes. Kodaks Brownie Cameras, $2.05 and up Kodak Albums Nov�ltie� • Chocolates 'FANCY BOXED Neilson's, Mdii s, Fanny Parker's. Christmas Booklets New designs 5c to 30c The "Write" Gift Fancy Boxed Stationery 25c to $6.75 Flashlights and Spotlights 95c to $5.65 in Perfumery, Perfume Bottles, Atomizer Sets,—dainty and exquisite. . Look them over. We .,w,ant you to shop here. Sce for yourself. Our, prices bear -comparison.. Brunswick Phonographs We can offer you Big Values Compacts fromworld,r manufacturers Mouth Organs. • to make the children -- happy, 25e to $230 Campbell's Drug Store GIFTS The 'Square Phone .90 GIFTS, ,-'"C' `fir , le�- •,.. i _ , ... -sem J ., 1. 1 Saltford Hill Work to be Gone Ahead With So Says Reeve Munnings I>tn Telling Town Council That Hill and Bridge Have teen Made Part of County Road System GODERICH SALT CO. BUY SOME NATIONAL SHIP MACHINERY V, s. Vote of $100 Back Salary to Collector Edwards 'Meets With Opposition But. Carries, as. Council Made Verbal Promise at Time of His Engagement The regular. meeting ' of the town council was •held on 'Friday evening last with all the members present with the exception of Councillor Sproule.' The tax collector reported the fol- lowing taxes collected from Nov. 20th to Dec, 4th: 1923 taxes, $23.- 58; 1924 taxes,, $114.82; 1924 oil, $4.20; 19$5 taxes, $2843,94;. 1025 oil, $497.39; making a total of $3489.93. This was referred to the finance committee. The lire company submitted their pay sheet amounting to, $575 for the year and this was referred to the Are committee, The Mayor reported that he had not attended the meeting of the !Totsrlets' Association but arrange - coming in over the C. P. R. on the ground that the 'siding was for stor- age purposes only. This they would do provided the town withdrew a letter to the railway commission'. Councillor • Lee explained 'chat he had written • the commission to look ,over the ground. Councillor Hays claimed that the power given to the chairman of the harbor committee didnot extend this far, that he was only to consult a railw* solicitor as to the procedure. Councillor Lee explained that he had not' asked the commission for a xnll'ng, simply to look over the ground. Councillor Hays was not satisfied with this but moved that the town withdraw the letter to the commission as requested. The following applications for Wilding permits were referred to the fire committee: From Oswald Ginn, garage on Nelson street; from W. G. Lumby, garage on St. David street, and from It. H. Cutt,to re - shingle dwelling on Gibbons street. An application from Lee (Thong for permission to erect wooden sign' on South street was referred' to the public works committee with power to act. . A. request from the Goderieh Curl- ing Club for t2,ie• use of the National Shipbuilding Co. building which they menta had been made with Mr. Ern- est Lee to attend and he had submit- ted a very full report of the whole proceedings. It looked as if the association was going to mean much for tourist towns. • It was ;under the patronage of the Government, A vote ofthanks was Gassed to Mr. Lee for his services, which were given absolutely without cost to the town, this being moved by Council- lor Turner and seconded by the Reeve. The Mayor read a letter from the C. N. R. with respect to the railway siding on; the north side of the har- bor in which they agreed to practi- cally the same use of this track a.; existed until this spring when they refused to place carloads of materihl �"QUALITY" DONALDSON. "SERVICE"� In business to do all kinds of plumbing, beating and tinslmitbin to your entire satisfaction. ,••,.wwti rear,. Moshe WILFRID DONALD N'rli.ull 491 $AYflEL1D 1toAI) GOD LRICHJ ONT, - ---- r ,�...--- which Coetncilior T,ww *wit exec, -1 ties. Minoan Mays of the Seance eallt aitt*e expiaiaed tkr g in a atxn i OH Ili Mr. Edwards' elttat{watent ILO asswaor and coileetor sad the Miry- t or aloe wont into it pretty tkerough- i 4. The matter of kis sagsgesneuti kesng let for some time, pendntr the; closing of rmngwnwn:r twit the former assessor, so that it was Apsill lot from which hie pay :1* the rate! of $1,100 was timidly put :.n the by-, Marr: Mr. 1*dw ands, es sasli rtaut assessor and rolleetor•, had in the l meantime been working on tie. clearing up of arrears and gettittt. -*Wigs in shape and hat ixpe:ierd -Ma- ; engagement at the inereasted figure „ :to date from Jen. 1st, and refused to accept the appointment on the other basis. The bylaw had in tate !meantime, however, been pessed but c; the council agreed that d ke wt•nt ahead and made a good showing in the collection of arrears •of taxes the council would pay him the extra $100 which the difference in salary would mean for the three nankin, January to April. Mr. Edwards .. asked to have that arrangement in writing, but the council assured him their word would he goad. This was the payment which the finance cam- mittee's report was now authori-- ing. The adoption of the contentious " clause was moved by Councillor Hays and seconded by Councillor I.ee and, with the exception of Councillor Turner and the Deputy Reeve, all voted for this and the report of the, committee as a whole was then adopted. The tire committee reported bay- ing passed all applications for build. ing permits referred to it at the last meeting. The public works committee re. commended that the local improve- ment sewer on Park street from Cambria road to a point 209 feet east of Cambria road be built by day lab- or under the direction and st'pe1'vis- a ion of the Public Works committee. The 'Water, Light and Harbor Committee reported that they hod the council and the Water and Light Cori -unladen make a tour of the town and had agreed on the installation of the following street lights: Tra. falgar street, east of Cambria road, one; Anglesea street, east of Cam.' brie road, 'two. at the steps at north end of Wellesley street; Wilson. street, centre of block south of Cay. ley; William street, half' way be- tween Cayley. and Thomas; Mary street half way between Walnut and Maple: one at the corner of Marti and Walnut streets; two in Wells Survey; two on Kingston street; one on Hamilton street, at Videan'e store. w • Councillor Turner. mentioned ene - more street iight that should be put, on, one on McDonald street near the south, end. It was roved by Coun- cillor Lee,.seconded by Councillor Turnor, that the commission be ask- ed to put this light on. The cemetery and pais cotrtnd- tee recommended, that the anon of $60 be .accepted from the Robert Given Estate for perpetual unkeen of lots 101, 1112, 103, 104 And 4.046.of Range 0, sec. 9, in Maitland ceme- tery.. , •' - • The committee of the :whole •re- ported having eget the repre>ienta• tives of the Hospital Board and ;they had withdrawn their request to Have PAWN •W Christiflas CA Suggestions Chrielwitts Garu erf.- • Will so•rf ht ill order. What bola r wt; >(, ;M the gl'i`de i'da►et art lrkrgi" i • c Dressed than by evict your trcend3 (Inc ins. For ]Outlier Or FMK 3itnter— A pair of .i:itntc %Tp ;h. >J tai C"a.tloahl:s or Sp t' Pumps, or a Hat lion, tet t cl _ t Huls „G Bag. For Father or B4 erretther-- A pair of comfortable House Slippers, Spats, overshoes ora pair of hoots or Ox -' -Farr t . Yager monsters of the Faraily—. Cosy Slippers, Galoshes for the cods, Overshoes, for the. boys and also t -,11.0e Packs or a'splendid pair o Boats In our stock you will find ;spout every style. of Footwear for gift purposes that the most f.tstitious would desire. , in our Travelling Goods department •-ret t� ill find a very complete assortment or Club t3ags, Suit Cases, Hat Boxes, Trunks, etc. • �, You are invited to inspect our stock, and tion-- , sidering "Quality" )•ou will rind our price ;s ri':hl. Th. Square' W. H E R N Phcne 43W Shoe Merchant ,.. 0441 t -i 1111 i.i, Mph • matter of the protection of the `plant Terrace rrom "the heat of 'Cambria, of the National Shipbuilding {o:) road' and the. Saltford Hill had bees The roof of the old church building put on the county system and that was in bad condition 'and he . supthe work of 'cutting orf the danger- gested putting a new roof on it. ous, turn in the hill would start at Councillor Lee suggested the ming once. This had been arranged With of the machinery in the main build- the department over the telepltoas,• ing• to prevent rusting- utd the tak and the bylaw was adopted by ths' ing down of belting -and railing it up council • and these matters were referred' to The eoitro1 *wit adjot'rned,. the committee to attend to: 1 motion of Councillors. °Pa&tridfe sash ' " Councillor Hays- brought up the Cele, to meet. again on lilondey,, De . matter - of . skafiing rinks. He 7th, at 8 o'clock p.m., when td:idears arrange- e. re new' teen hall, .bylaw to ritibtnik thought it was high tim mento were being made for open air to the ratepayers and .any, other skating rinks. He also said it was matters may be considered.. high time the town was taking stege to collect the arrears of taxea, aq*ast the. West street :rinse• If the company was not ready to pay, get possession of the property, get. ting ;a .quit claim deed, and run the rink as a town , pronosition. The matter,of open air rinks was refer, red • to, the public works committee the town assume their bond iss=ue. alith power to act, on»'motion of with the expectation that the town Councillor Hays, seconded, by the council of next year will deal more Reeve. .. generously with the hosnital grant, The Reeve then reported the re - These reports of standing commit- suit of the change;= in 'the road plan• tees were all adopted, made at the county council. He was The Deputy Reeve brought upthe pleased to announce that Gloucester %. New B. Batteries, Tubes arid all kinds of•. Radia Accessories and Sets. W. McDONALD Electrician - - Britannia road Telephone 174 W option to the A,. R. Williams Co. The Depaytment of Highways wrote," acknowledging reeeipt of by- law providing for right of way for Goderieh fire equipment and approv- ed of it. This was filed. The finance committee reported We have examined the list of ar- rears of taxes as shown on the tax collector's books and have instruct- ed the collector to press for payment of all arrears, with power to engage the town solicitor in eertain cases. We recommend that arrears of taxes amounting to $16:40 against Mr. 1C. E. Brooks be struck off the taX roll, We recommend that Mr. H. T. Ed- wards, assessor and ,tax collector, be paid the sum of $100 as payment in full of hack salary and on 'collection of arrears of taxes. We have examined` the tax collect- ors' report of Nov, 20th, and recom- mend that it be filed. We recommend that the indemnity bond of Mr. Campbell be not renew- ed. • $1500 of 1934 Victory bonds, fully registered in the name of Town of Goderieh West Shore Railway Ac- count," have been purchased and n cheque issued from this fund. We recommend . that the Public Library Board be paid the Pura of have used the past few*years. for a $300 as balance in full of their 1925 rink again this year was granted. grant. ' wrswer This was on motion o fthe Reeve, seconded day Ctoundillor Hays. An amendment, by Councillor Paltridge We recommend "that the Separate School Board .be paid the sum of $300 on their 1925 levy. and Turner, to refer this to the pub- The sum of $1,393.14 has been re- lic works committee, was supported eeived from the Dominion Road Ms - by Councillor Cole but was lost. ehinery Co. as repayment of the 1925 An offer was received from the debenture, in full to date. Goderieh Salt Co. Ltd. of 8350 for The sum of $2,076.53, es expended eertain machinery at the National in 1926 on Cambria Road Highway, Shipbuilding Co. plant (including and the sum of $873.05, as expended $$00 for an air compressor, $12 for in 1925 on Victoria street highwry, a drill. $10 for two trucks, and 828 have been refunded by the county, ler hefting), delivery' at, the Dation- and a cheque for the amounts has al plant, terms cash. This price is been received. $87.90 less than the inventory price. We recommend th;.t the 1925 road A reuuest from the A. P. Wil- oil assessment against lot 508 on Hams Machinery Co.,"' Toronto. for Gloucester Terrace be amended and an option on certain machinery. wartw charged on a frontage of ;48 feet. also received. These were referred The committee also recommended to a committee of the whole council, a number of accounts for payment. which met after the council meeting This was passed after none objee. and accepted the offer of the'Gode- tions to douse three with reference rich Salt Co., Ltd,, and granted the' to the payment to Mr. Edwards, to' a op. d lanop ,,Frgrvthirlg Go d for the Tirf.lP also for Your Christmas Cake and Pudding NIM RAISINS .Seeded, St edless, Sultanas and Valencia. w Currant::,, Figs and Dates. Lemon, Orange and Citron Pee]. Candied Cherries, Pineapple and IVY/lace Fruits. Almond Icing, Extracts*and Spices. Sturdy's Cash Grocery Telephone 299 • '5 bur.. - • , .,y00*.r w ,..r Ij1(U Mwf .LSy•AM M .M/Af • w.i..Mww.1 J•risen l,xe.0.w.•r es..• Ow, .paw ••••• rswat +,.,ri .r Jur wUD***N,,*e** 1, .'• a ,.,..,•« ........•.a . dM A„ NM.,M J.,t,.r air M 6.141 j1 1 e�. a.11 am s..r rat..10.o 11 I .•me. u,.rr:,ra%�•. -. or* w•+ - e,,4:441,e,YM.fN.•Ola la w 1 r .,tiww,,r•••,Y **I.Y " o.....w•,r.e 80 '4 1" •_ L10100t00 'crit ,r r �+ •,.,tie„- a ,..... w. Ae ► "' : .roavarrra 71* 4 40 Ai los 400{0;Neiwr it •.••,aM ., AidirriN4:K M w Yit 1 J, I» a' .,.Yt•r N• Ma k•._r . 44.•,.w asrlkw.a•r .,.•...t....... ,e YrNu1.10croes tshas ...,..ay..•a.nw•ar ,0,0.11105' apes, tires. -,- sr11 r.l.> �,.. ail *IS y . .,,.. «„ M • M ill www SIP 11 rq A,r+•. • 11 �1! , Nw r he . a►.J„,s1,0 .r e r ti,.$ 0. 4* I,