HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-10, Page 5i .r:vr•
'A� • tier �'.
"I IN1118 AT. Dig. 3006 IMi
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• � , . !� 1►ae• yalar at a >rI11Nnt�ltiaa. anAt f;.
- ;Fre ,kir was wilt � a�_ is
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UemesrilMa� to !+
`itllll i il(iR f dry
PkkedFru � !tt NN s1iE ilMi of tier "
' fees arssk tessera taaiaaet 1Mr esi • '
flroe asst dfant 4& == reset s wt • '"'"" +rt # t �Cdclsrlril aartl Mr..#."* CAW01" tills C�tttdsttitas �A+Me's telae � iisa�°r� 4 �
er suAld k Ari•reAli )w teMtiadai+i T'bt1 eeawr.erJ was 1s, a e
as reefers, >! are as T>As rssidMtta of iiensail toad vk ferxw f+WW at ttlsawwvrlis. YAW
Diamonds, arls , Sailvtr•
OW Y*ve� 6 i"Fii tt Wase" laity rt!ere aiaelesd an ilattrrd.y ti its4rrs fissile -
?itrr. lNtit, to koar of tLe T.� J. &►uwdsa. Arise • tyi wt+iliiatir Cut WaQCI1eS. �
- .+e •t >a+r left t Ovir free• ware.: - - PA , ..-__ - fell
sM Ctr#Il.• �.tlra SIRdt' "off rw -
eters, aiwir reeler Ore sift �. Aim traltala'e� attierArbe tare iAoss•► is iiirieir tayrtss3iip. ,Cluck Cliff 1,ittk3, Tib a arts
• 4v MM 1W "beg ed a eeneert rn rias stresitag parerioris 1Mleete-lllelCereai+ Pine, Waldemar Chains, stayrirag A s elMtar a
to her death anal ow r#mminig >~oass At 30 at that hoses, of ROY. A. Belt Buckles in Sterlu.g t Iwo rd t ,An Were
she was takers soriotutiy ill with Xsefsrh,4, (!futon„ on $49ar 47., ! Silver, ivory, Ivory Sets 15rr at feast live beutss of seiwl i s °
ptuntt>4o»is, whish eaasud fere• ,dat►tb, Nov. Seth, itr'aanls, yoMrrlgtawt a WWII- in heaNtifuI Cases, Ehonv tftalr hwlwliva, of reser fltesrte Andap"
AMMO Rxetm Mesorili IW 11 9 N,gkt ter of Mr, mad Mrs, Alex&VAW;- Xc• 1 Goods, i_lnibblas, Cranes, i erio+b of Toeses, re first
Lellanon Forest mads*, Ay. i A. ICeasre, of Brw*Ssid. was trusted In Waterman anis Parker iiwm be cousilkawu6 irt�a�r�arlxat. ' For g that ,food old Christmas Cake wry offer %OU �}
MI, Rxoter•.imil a roti letter night on rnarriage to Andrew Moore. sora of Pens Arid Pencils, Military rl��100, i in wsrtl► a Mit kk"r � F��3 t'Z'el
Friday evening when vrsitorp were Mr.. and Mrs. Isaac Ment, of Tuek- Brushes in ivory and otir Presse New Stock of. Raisins, Currants, Elates , ,
aeaslAat tree > 31 yv"Ai � Ia present from Clinton, ]Getter triad ersmith. - The bride was vory chem. vidMffoir bobetorrn�ae be Spices area 'ExtrWs, at real good prices. To improve the cake
fW su ii►ess erre. lnwreHonsall. Th• oalicers of Ciia►tan ins in a navy rn►lou�r stere wFth far' 1~bom, 8iil Folders, Lea.'11 hat the MFNFsterw eee
Aaiation try Bwtr�M Almond Icing. Ft's ready to use. We have it. For �
r '1 otR
ow lodge•confortod the third deerwasd tt+hufatrngs, black pletgt o 10 JAM then goods of all kinds,in Winsiests were ddnit was reeking those who have not the time for baking we have C,.hristsnas
the osoors of Irvine Lodge, Imatl, bWase, gloves, shoes, and boas,, with Ladies Under -arm Flags, for tlw privilege of this half hoar on Cikes and Plum Puddirt s at, very reasonable prices.weew �
oq$rkuatsecrtaapmaled 11y II.D:G.Di, Bro. lhtna r:errtlge oT '� renes etc. Wsd»enaisdays. Theft was tM �►jee-
11100`1it, fart rte sesta 7s,* get tete gnp4AA► exemplified the second d+gxaa tion that the nainixter of oat# donsm- Our new stack of Assorted Christmas Candies and Nut? 5
and Ferri. She was attetteied by Mian _. , i
64 is Pat If cl.,, 1•e:tet'leli-Heteetsb Marron' Andrews, of Cltaton, gowtasai Above are only at few sus- of nnootho dorso +ina tion ttoo lk ke ' In. And new Fruit --Grapes, Tablo Rais.ns, Grap Fruit, an-
Llarbei. Tereaae, Fn blue and sated eat vtadvet, black gestions which our large children of his t5oaagregatiort, but atlas -and new Seedless, Or'.%u0s, w•e have: thein all, and of .
A pretty watidrttg ryas solemnized profess, hat with donne bouquet sof t stock offers you, come in an they were camittsr to ace that the
at 9 a,m., Thursday, Nov, Beth. at } y thin" that t'h . dittereaat: denowift. course the prig is right. + F
the hams of the bridif's parentis, Iladk' pink cat"»atiatss and fern, The , -
KK ire Z tae p' 11h, groom, was supported by his brother, send awhile looking artitln
RXR. RAR. riDeSE Tt1t10A7, crofts birch., when Berths, seeond Mr, Robert Moore, Stratiard, u'lthout any Ablixation to tions held in co»an,on were the im- We have a few bogies of C.:1ndt4tt Assorted fruits some
i daughter of Illi, and Mrs. 'ay .R, of urchase. portant things and the diffetem# in thing out of the ordivarv.
A4100 sur[r I NOW YtaX olihthal- Drowses lin Posted p teaching .,between the denorriru►tiona
Mike A He+teal, aA01MAut sa darer.,• Holcombe, was married to Mr. Ar• wore differences in things --that did And a good Assortment of C hristnias Gifts in our Dry.
M�Rn fad 9otdea *.wares thur PorterAeld, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. James )si'.. Hodtilul, a, prosperous a not rosily mattert and in any event ,.
'tit. . owatrom Tae- R. Porteifleld, Seufortiu farmer living About two,. mailes east V � the various ministers had confldencs greeter; arta China More;
At S tr! Bedford, 4radexi<i;, Ott floe M ; of 'Corbett on ties, town line between e C. enou!h in each other that ,in such
X11" of tbo tk}rrl Monday of each A very pretty waddrtig' was holed» committed and Stephen tawrtahips,'. Diamond Merchant and teaching as they would Bit spar the
cu.Jo. J.- ! �
ssoletlt. front 7 aloWk tilt- the follow. wised Friday, morning, Nov, 19th, at committed suicide early li[on�tay schools they would avow The a rticu-
8' am., at'St: Mary's chureb, KitCh- Ew'en
'morning, Nov. 180t* by drowninit jeweller lar denominational titres,.
;fag day. Tkoviloy. At 1 p. rat, hi+irtreif in a pond tint for from his Phone 136 matt Catholic priest. had suggosted
- steer, Rev. Hubert Aeymanns oA'icciat- home. Mx. Hodgins is about 55 to Mr, Snell, for instance, that Mr. Goods delivered to all pa s of the Town
Ci'IIROPRACTiG. rug, wheat Anna llsary, da»ghtei of + Haat Bide at Stptaxs Godericle Snell might not like, for, instance, It
!'etilFlOPltAGTOit Mr, and Mrs. Michael J. Seitz, +Nil+ years of age and he had been ill for he took a lesson on the immaculate PHONE 46
helm street, Kitchener, became the the past two weeks. He suffered t conception of the Virgin Mary, to
DR. A. N, ATCZI„'SO V, bride of Hal� n Moro, epn*of Mr. and from melancholia, He apparently = _.__ wh(ch Mr, Snell'a reply was that he - -- a
tqq ,....-.. ___D.
Registered Chiropractor. Godarich Mrs. J'o4epll Meso, tri Seaforth. ]lad' Brawn better the ratter ,pax, of iREI.1C10U$ i Uc�►�lluN would have confidence enough fn him <ll Beal Aathtaa EtelmefY hasDr. n er
Ghroala,,.�R�s;ale•anal'Nervous Disjese' the prevtotis week. Late Sunday i that he would not do that. However HEAI.TNEIiQKE DOWN l rliugg'r Asthma Remedy has pavex
t4asulatlea Free Hickey-Mero evening he insisted on getting out -IN THE "OOLS the arren erfient that wt s being ....,-.- t
office hours --2 to 5 send 7 to 9 p, M. A pretty wedding was solemnized of Ind, and in spite of the efforts of � made in Wingham was for.the Rom» been' advertised by oue cptian>`."
sand nY appoiuWment, cxceptirar Monday at 5t. James,' church, Seaforth, on ht's• -rife to, restrain him, left tate Lion Rev, Snell, of W.inghsm, Ad- an Catholic priest to use the half C0 Not Sleep for Tlanis After atatei Ind Its claims are by th-
��cl Tttuisday arteraaoaa and evenings; Saturday moxnrng, l+iov. 28th, when house walked about. 70 rode to a dresses Goderich lE.ta�dis and Hour to instruct the children of his Going to Bed belies, indeed, it p formed by the
Ufeoe Kours an these days So to i2 a.nu Ladies Last Friday church in one room, while the other � benefits whreh it performs, 1•:xpeci:
only. Maxie, daughter of Mr:,and Mrs. Jos. bush nearby broke a hole in the ice , clergymen of the town divid4d the -it is not natural for lite to sit , real relief and, permanent benefits
Corner Rasa and Victoria $ts. eph Mere, of. Seaforth, was united in and drowned himself in about eight � The sub'ect 6f religious education rest of the children Into groups ac- i down end '"rite a letter in praise et when you buy this rented. and yds
.. marriage t Mr. Joseph Hickey, of inches of water, o cause tan be 7 g p will not have cause for disal►poil •
--- --� - _" 9 in the, schools is a religious eau t one rest
to are, each of the mrnFatera a proprietary medicine as I had al.
O# OM)uTR7� Dublin, given for his• itetkm other than his and Rev. Mr. Snell, of Wingham, in to teach one of the groups. In,Cad- ways been skeptical ai to titers r:Itnent. It glues permanent xehei in
il, p„ Married in 'Winnipeg recent melancholy condition. a worth while address to the Gariel tiricht where the Roman Catholics tues:' Thus writes Mr, Arthur Se marry cases' where other 'so called `
'A OPTOMETRIST OPTI=-,,, , On -Thursday, NoA 12th Miss Ag. 'Grand Send lady Dies } rich Lions and ladies Friday, Nov 27, had a, separate school, this arrange.' gulp, Storthaaks, Sask., who further remedies have utterly xailctt. ,
e West-- street, Goderlclt. y' g noon, told of the provisions in the ment .for separate tuition of Roman says:,-,,, gut three yearn sego I open
8 ... nes' Pearl Baeker, youngest daught The dearth •.occurred in Sarnia of
Honor Graduate of tate Canadian Oph- er of hies. George Banker, of Brus files. Jane E. LaviE, aged (36 years, law .for such education and of what Catholic ssholara i» the public school ed a general store here to .Cites#beak:;--•--- �n ooll#�
is being donee in his own town, 'Wing• would not be necessary. t N 1
thaltxel4 College of the l t eels, was united in the .holy bonds of widow of the late James Lovie, of and placed on my shelves a few lines
Eyes examined by the latest methods, ham, to :take advantage. of that pea- hire Shell said rte looked upon thea of the beat known proprietary medi. M
find the proper fitting ofglasaps at tnai- matrimony in Westminster church, Grand Band. The remains were' vision. work as same of the most important M�k� MS�k�
erste' does. Ontario Board of Exam- Winnipeg, by Rev., Dr. Christie, to brought to Grand Bend for inter- Mi. Snell pointed out that origin- work rte could ;do. Ta the tiraunditife cines, Among these, naturally, were
incrs ertincat_ c ria."8i5. life. Norman Fprbes of Winnipeg, g service being held in the Pres all the work of educ4tian was in to matters of religion which the child , Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. As there In thinking that Vie weir o�fa b! 11 e
_ - , P g, went, servi b ng _ Y , It is to tntm the barestle, but a. ptop-
and a.: •for: r., Brussels boy. The, terian church. Mrs. Lovie and the hands of the church'. 7n the in the old ` country rbcetved, Mr..'were three, of my customers who Pi
NOTARY Ilywll , FT(L C bx cnarch school, naturally religious Snell attributed the fact that their were obtaining 'good r resulti from sell p»pAlsad pill should act btaarll4* 1
�- ---- .- friends of the happy couple extend &Aily movgd to ' Sarnia four yearn y 8 g g ally apoa� of lice arid, the eati�wt
WW. "ltdl{• ` - hearty conglatulatiotis to them, 6 d s had bee» in Boor health; education was made a feature of •the statesmen could answer in R moment taking.the pi�llsa, tend as I was in need latedolat sad arorste so.
° WARY PUOLIC ago an he training; In this eottntry the state for their :country, as to what attitude of a medicine I dec)dcd to try them s ry set
aenrtai Cultvtyancrat dote 1Vinteratein-Button ! ior::a year•.. She is survived by two a en u 'the. work `ai education. it would take in. any question where' .
Waioo4 fro nese tiei,reseutea l - lead • taken p , _. _ - . -myself- _ _
wpa t n o t.. A sett cedar was sol daughters and four sons, Xlld. Wes- and man educattonaI 11netituttons honor -and �usflco'were :otteevned. ' Tills As. J� Miff!
* r1o. tsb. Qo4er a, n pretty g s emnized Y
at high noon, Wednesday, November ley Dayman, Mrs. Stanley Gall. Jus, which were at . first founded as And the best ec)pipmant any child I had been suffering front. catarrh . r
. WtrvgYANCING ANAs NOTA,14T 25th, a and George of Sarnia, and Will and ,chureh institutions had become state could have for life, watt a thorough for years, and my inside work Kaci M I �r B V R N S
a►l"ON it eltaiA3%4:Altlt, laid, coal r t the. home of Mr. and .Airs. also one slater, institutions, and, on account (it die- grounding in the principles of hon» completely broken down, illy healt:h. ^
veyattotnr tents .Nviary puDue John Tutton, of tucknow,.'when their John, of Parkhill; a p
•--�-- dau hter Miss Annie hied became Mtah Reatna, of Port Huron, and , nom inatiorial dtiferenees, religious or, justice and right tis taught .In the I was .Coughing all day, suffered front
AU.CTION$URI11iG g, ' "'" 'Oscar Wilson of New education had been'• neglected, a» rite Bible. indigestion, and could not, sleep until
the bride of Xr. N Leon Wesley Wih, thii+ litfthers, O c > s. to schools berthi left to the Sun At the close of fire address the all
three ail four ours after retiring.
I�iiUytAh GUIyUk,k. teratein• %,The . ceremony was per..York Alex.,Wilspn, of •T6roitto;;;atid .d tiohool and the li4me. And the predation of the gathering' for tree �
THP ..a "ps or ed.'b William Wilson,.- of Gratia
1 utarted the pills;• not with any r
f m y ROv,, T. W. Gosen.. hbm� very often le#% it to the Sunday Presentation of the question su bly
Ltre Stott ane tseMrrt AuepasMe. .: great confidence, but by the time I
lisuuatow seeder. tiederech. Cantelon-Colnlongh Car Droppted. Twenty Feet .school: -The Sunday school only met . was •voiced"by Chpoi« Gatl4vr rad
reales two overywhote slid Aw'scorts ,I for one hour each' week ani only heartily endorsed by "hose piyrsont, had .finished the second bap I felt
tltte4e W hive you uaatetacttoM. At G:30 Saturday leve nmg, Nov,, fife.. Edward. G. Kraft, of Dash .about .half that time was .devoted to In addition, to iMyt tetll, three quiteecavered, but canttnt ] ih
arrxaner41 ra!* ngte• dWcu4nte4. 28th, theitb teas golem»iaed .'at the wood accompanied anied by his father, Mr. lesson.. #Act. a half hour other members of the W iinglinm den for some further time. rely. . cough D4! By Tifoif .A4i ti�af� `
P the Bible do .
OI3ER7 Holl g8"`$0" home of the Rev. • T. J. Snowdon, HenryL. Kraft, had a narrow;eaenpe lesson, -on a sally ail;.al.a time was were present and ...J.ions-,16tXibbon,. has left me, the inA}gest;otr hat dis. The ierq`aptt}11 find e4++o to too, sats ` 6
art .a1 ` ieseer , GlintQu .! , %. one..the •: mdrriat� of a well- ' from death lode Saturday, Nov.lv ov. 18th, i .nbout all one ishould: "attempt to im Walker and SpotWn , wet"tR each cell- .,appeared and now • I fall esleen al- work ;gextiy and oftiantly without +k
Elden ;nrtlR Goderleh, khown.yt And highly .esteemed, Goderich when their car, dropped 20 feet over part. So the sutra total- of -the time led on for a few wgrds, to wretch they most as soon as I am In bed. In my' cr1 or a palu.
ref I o duct a",lure iia tars ,County'of, tewnsbi "couple tamely, Miss Ti lie � gnt into a •creel . The devoted to religious education In � store now I do not hesitate to reeotn� �7 aeon M rued x pill as a Huta- �
1 C n , � P Y. 1 an emban$m. 4 Aman is a hard thing that thlnkE
. Huron: , free inrotinakaat.. apply to f: , :. _. ^ .. act. a perfectly darling 1 ate.•. hwiks like mond Dr. Williams' Pink Piits to *any ' Rrei '� pilin ru••a ealh4rtln; 3 piila as, w
Furan, fiamiltaa ht., 4r• It•aiet•s left, Wit two inen were motoring down., the Year was only about• hour o£
n . music steep hill .on the Fullerton road vel tuition. (iia}f in hour a week $1,98 even thou h it Is lanarked 22,V.' who are feeling~ rundown or without iw 'x°• and to
trim wilt receive prompt attentlg . _ for 6., Sundays meant 26. hoots ofg Al dug ' ao.le sell these;
}tUi', W. H JAC S0.N--Instrtietiou south of, the town 'of Mitchell.. The ;, energy, its 1 think they .fro <:a' tiles -
study in ,thti' year, •and the school �t up The T. Milburn Glee
INSURANCE and Mr. AIi1VSRTISIC IN .'.1'811 STAR. sing' to mankind. put
ill 4oLdo culture,. rt'ir;ran; road was very slippery. week of five hours for five days made „ Unlit" roe
tttafxww > yes ilttstre.atac kiano. Violin. Guitar, Theory. etec - Kraft attempted to check the speed 25 hours a week). What would we pills from your druggist, or .by rnsil}
$61410 .;teed tesidence.. North Street; at GO cents a box from Th- Dr. Wil-
'� Do...._..�.-..._._..:......--_..,-.,_ . _ i of the car .by applying' the brakes. think if we sent' out a °boy or girl to °
+tars W-1aet tN Tow* lretaesar reuses. C Il.t`llliTf)V�-0rgatti3t ;�orUh St. Thi machine .,turned completely . face Iife witji only one week`s school- � � liars Medicine' Co., Brackvil}r, Oitt: The' Christmas �"aift Mrit�l
saiva of ul, SY �Inaurea uv w 7ahuary, < United Church. Concert player = � Y
pito gSva. around and backed over the bank in, l s If others who may feel Kke»tical the Personal •�tduC�r
oF�Pt aaarll 00011 , President, and h'nacitnr, it John Yeo who passed away' in. /�
ttoderttu► ; rye $falls, k4-Preetdeut, JResideti t•e at Ire; Colborncs'9; St, to the ravine. The driver and his l ' , J � P ���: NOT ■ will give Dr. Williams' iiittic Pills ti
<reecawoo4: y,.R., flsyr, Bec..Treae., Seal Petrie St;,�, ,.. father, crawled from under the car. Turnberry 6n Tuesd4y, Dec. 1st; ef- TW,onl.aa terllit+a.rrSb fair trial they will be eanvinccti he YOUR PHOTOGRAPH
_ -
- form illt8-ii;' l�. Keo stbr llsatorth : — —"-`-" the former unhurt, except for n bad, w.eb ,t soc.r `� was hie. Srguut.. You can get the
I,t,fSA1: CitrnR ter an illness .which lasted about You mobs awd ewrel Make theappointmcnt today
r. u. uraeve. Vfl4tai`oD: NVta. Via, A,ot't shaking .up. whale••. the. latter; had j three leeks. He Was in hes 77th' ctr>rour tr,,,,,.oAO" ,,,•. , "� i
1lirace aeras•` seaCarta Tu W t iy, ARROW. , • ' thr°4e rlbia broken. `A"Mr: 14Tyers, .of year and never married. When but wo, y Our If he its driving rad he is afraid R.'R. SALLOWS
Stop [seats. iiiM'ta#K 4,,, f
. $resale at►;' liiuersy aibso8 Bruce= �: `� y: Mitchell, who, had been following tbg i a lad he moved from Wellesley with:r w..rfti er , M m ins, she* is his ( - _
�r�a.�.� she .will hit some
Barrister, , I!t Roi, afar} Pubilr, -Else, .ad ceardo seer .seats .t wife,- --
fieleL Sure ear, tx, J. 'I Killoran Kraft `car, turned his car, into e o his parents and has Itved over half: C•nsda41n Vows ink aasesrtt.
wuiirtTtl-d. W. Yeo, owtealoti : Siw49 - r railing 'o# the bridge when he sae •••••�••••••�`�•�•`•"
tnetaa. pluton Nm CapaneJ, BeatortD ; Phone MI 0tlloo, ThP Sgn.tta lr ticlex.elt i R century .an the farm 4n which he etc. crib ate p•r<aiwlere.
N, iiaicNley, Ke'>irotta. - -' -- -~ the preceding car atai�t to skid. The died. The late Mr. Yeo was of a s► NYk11RY OO.
tortesr t[oMere cw prx`thelr a•seretmenb LTDLEY E. I OLJlr8- railing kept his car Froin going over
rt R. fir CutPt Sure, r)odertoh. A. L iter- DBgrrl wr. Solieilor, Notary,' quiet honorable disposition and never Yerafarrtro s,, hlerr, •
SUN' e:Gtabinr titore, ctWwn, or 1. into the water; but • the oar w$; aspilred for any hoboes or joined •
aetd'r, w, Mute Public Canoeyancer• plc.,. somewhat dama�►ed in the crash. sa•as.r«t ss Y«ity.
NHn,.VE '27 HA1iIL;Y( STREET with any societies, He is survived - ------
FIIR6 INSVRANCIC w Exeter Peo.►le In Auto Accident by four sisters and four. brothers, _ """?✓-
Have it attended to oy. the Mr. Wm. Bri'ckwood, l•:xeter, met viz: Mrs, J. J. Denham, of Vancou- -,tip, :M-%e4t 0*j=Al6. p -" POU
with an auto accident on Friday ver; Airs. R. Icing, Toronto; Mrs. T. U •„rthe IN'.J>Nfsrprsl' a0 Yfarta
n morning, Nov. 27th, while on his way E. 'Walker, of Brampton; Mrs. A,
Established 1;878• . to Lo don, He and Mrs. Brickwood Holmes, of Bluevale• Jose h, of Lgn`
Head, OAice : Dsie Annan, Ont, p ' P - One G•t a NaUt is an tt esti. rti Alit. lgzR'. wn fir It
qhs and Miss Cameron were in the car, don; George, William R, send Robert, _ _ '_
Harry L. Salkeld, It. R. No. 2t God- the latter two sitting In the rear of Turnberry. 6 � -
bricb, Pres.; Wm: J. Thompatrvti, Audi- T
'.. � PRATT 1'00!1 W».f Ceaaada. tiaiked .3x1) Carlww Are. Towaata
HEurn, vice pres.; directors --'Wm. Me- s` seat. Thee ,also had with them.. a Successful Anniversary at White- ,
', Quillen, St,Helens; W. P. Peed, R. R.
couples of bags of pot„soes send a bag church
i No. 2, Luckno • H L. Salkeld, 'phone of turnips:P The roads were very Very successful Te -opening ser-
sl} er , a drizzly rain falling and vices were •held in 'the Whitechurch d
t300r11, Godeich; Alex. r Nicholson, One dote of Buckle s PP Y Y
Lucknow; Win. Watson; Jas. Girvin. Mixture brings imm6- freezing. When about ,a mile south United church on Sunday and Alen -
R. R, Na. 6, t oderTclt; Wert, 1. Thorp- n . of Ciandeboye the rear wheels of the day, Nov, 29th and -20th. The Sun -
R. and sleep. • y
ion,'Atibui'iti m Grifitri R• Tt: Nr,• car started to arced and seeing around, da morning service was., conducted!
ha ' retvme. Keep it handy `., They struck something In the road y
7, Lucknow; C x. Hewitt, Kincar. by Rev. W. D. blelntosh and the 1�� a fit
dine, Ont. —acts like a flash,• stn \\ and the -coil ttimed turtle. Mrs, evening by Rev. M. M. Bennett, The a�0 F %
THOS. MOTHERS; T. G. ALLEN, coughs, bronchitis and Brickwood being on the under side congregation of, ghalmer's church
,was ,, Secretary. all throat andchest'irri- the bags of .potatoes Ianded on top had very kindly withdrawn their ser HAPPY iS •T•� HOUMHOI,O
' • S e was somewhat removed
b£ her. and had to be removed Tl"FAT Lows r ,BUST ABOUT 2 WEEKS TO,
`` �w■ tat'.itxts. Stops coughing vice for the day. There were cops,
Q, J. tiCAVd61�AGaH spells a7 soon a taken. and City CangregatIons on both occasions
t1EME1tA4 A4EtlI sh ken up and will be confined to'her and the sorvices were inspiring. A ME� sa �H�
scent`dwrre#itan1.11iiAsaooistian Wards offtitemoredaitn- bed\for a time. 'The others fortun- T�`1r .01VL YOU HF'AT `
genial and joyous spirit moved the � With this thought in
tlerous diseases pre i:- ately ,escaped unhurt. hire Brick' crowd that .mot on Monday evening APLENTY. ' j ;' mend, vire halve stocked CHOICE, 1tE�C1�liA�N+R�vD,tF�IGIATR�A`
A4ee titekla•rs AaaWrat. Aattilret, ArtOmbils, ra wood, ,,when he felt tht car garng, and more .than filled the auditorium. chill A MINIMUM C,� Y�Rg+Al� RAMS 2 2&
fnbnia, flu, etc. pulled Stopped Following the feast of fowl and oth. all our =totes with all v
flier iswrs,+aa p „, d the switch rand stn ed the OF MALS As,'
° IIiiiCE, 4s Mr. Darrew'r rA1os on the agsarr. All druggists stili Buck- engine, The to of the car, the the good things that
+ t P er good things provided by the Ia• o :o lldakc Chrlstmaa, NEW CANDIED LEMON ani ORANGE
Windshield and one of the, front dies, a splendid program was -rend- g
E lcy'sNlixture-'Strong' p g Here you will find pEd � �C�� �b.
or"Modified"on a money' wheels were broken. They phoned Bred. A further contributing factor y
'p tel Exeter and had a car go .down at,d to the success of these re -opening large, fresh stocks of
J. ■ r 1e8181" refunded guarantee. bring them honie. services was the . financial aspect. ij;s Raisins, Peel, Cur- DOMINO BRAND
75c---d0'db"s Autos Collide'iind `Take to Ditch The cost a£ sepses$ to the Sunday rants, Dates, Figs, Q� llb- 19c
Two autos collided on the London sehool room was estimated at $350, Nuts, Candy, and all "k>tDg Powder m •1•im
Funeral Director and � Road about a mile south of Exeter The amount the congregation wa-, the necessities for CtwaalreNnAt>.e•
Embalmer Monday bvening of .hest week and asked to try to raise for the rlwn- your Christmas Cake Ne. r
IXTYlltlt>C -
both cars went into A . ditch ten to folinnee and extension fund of the F�uddingN and Mince-
tArisatrsaar oM -nwwwntn twelve feet deep, one car otily beim United Match was ;Bili: ''`ran t+in
. �irOderlG�lt f�11taTIp ' ,neat, if you make your RASIF[RN1' or DOAtES7lC d
W. K. eee.W.s. Limit". somewhat damaged, Dr .,A, 1.. Gib- a re�gation'made a free will offering own. The prices are 1441. 3 0111 T+IV��G �a/r+
142 MutualSt.,i41f.ato2 los son was returning to Foca Iter in s to bath purposes and in troth vent PAIL
All calls promptly' Otended to ._.,__.. Ford eou±re about nine o"clock in the over thele abfeotives, the .nffprinp IF your heating �quivnlellt has exceptionally trona]] lcnv.
day dr night. evening and. as he approached the amounting to ;702. , The'nroceeds of sho% 1 si ns ret a tt� re'<tuy hri?,tl
phones: t3toro 3J.S; lienee 3huty culvert in front of Mr. J. Janes' farm Monday evening were 3I6+1, ntakinry down, pltont fate lief Fir' -it Foilk�• Seedless R:►isiils lbs. 27c M1XED. NUTS 25c lb.
Tolerance means forgiving the, an pldesmohile sedan was coming, a total of ;952. It is fully expected A few doses of this coral anJ it will Hallowi Dates 2 lbs;. 2SC NEW 1"ARC,tE$iL I S 290 lb,
... other fellow for what you do.• from the north. Ire had just that when all offerings are. in, the p p 'l'ABY,R �'11GS 25c lb. Shelled Walnuts fe-e's 49c lit.
- - - _-_-. got over the culvert gore-siert°a slaver amount will be over S1,000. erre u invinediateit•'. Fl re t_, 1
t d•:et that is easiv ti, tiic�°,;. `bite Flaydrin l 1ttracts 3 for 2" , Skelled Ala ars 59C 16. ,
rate'of ;speed and was meeting the A Bad Sash Un at Wincham :
rive." a%va� tush'
-other car when it cut. in and caught A horse find cutter belonging to Aunt 1)itlalt 1V1o1>`r'stsl 17C GRQII'N1) ,Af.6l4IiD5 2l5c
g turnedhis tnandf backed traightt.into the itMr.
aer ours mishap oil We tips dart• with
pt t fir-' ill its rowns and ea nett left `. l �,
Heat o y e
�►r0�n��• B re
• 11e':trt ttt�i .t h � tl! h � ; iSitstry' Spice 2s%. -3 tin: 25c 'ICING SUGAR .a 3' lbs. 2�ic
GODERICH ditch, which is about ten foot deep, I "f last weer. The animal wax being glow ill its the ok•,. With tl e C � �` 1
The other car continued over the cul.. driven by A couple of° bo;;s when' a tt: tile' j°, • , i.p tett-� Aspirins torw OIILGA Sib. CANDY
Heat lunik.� c D • �
lk vert and skidded sand the driver Lead•, pert' of •harness evidently have sx'iv naee will got 5troni ,, all't 1-0.,u ,3— , �',tES
ed it for the ditch. a similar drop of while coming down the hill err Jolin TEA"
rl�,°toF's and Soon nood little ettt,'nt r ca, FOR A MIEAIKYASTTI<ICAT FAT A 3 lb', Box of
about ten feet. The universal faint St. and -the putter sten up on the W are freest iia. tis�itisrls =w�oA
arO �Bubd rt+ft'S of the Ford cou'pc way„ broken but horse's heels , trig! Dhinx' it %-id �. CALL THF-. M kyr IILI) IIIIAND C .�+�
the sedan came off with a slight dent causing it to bolt. `1°ha be • otter. frn•A► the CHOCULAar",�
Cirdtirlt ararofully altenw to to a front fend+'r and tr l>cnt atcexing roiled out and horsy and cutter sol i ardens et India S►IED lit.
OAT 060y ori Ceylon. Try f+ILIt�I�a
ell kioawe--nughis or day hurt. N tray a - tire dei to escape Wed with the Dominion hank bulla= � our litems today.
neat. .lrer%hrr o#. the drivers war
inx and a hydrant at th- oornrlt• rnf w C C
-----�=--- for bath of them. The delver ai the .Tasaphine apwl ,Tc;}in cF,, with au.li a Tett C;rrocl C.'.Ican C'osal f R1�H1±1r� tip
. , r The Idoatl Cooking I:'att
Oldsmobile alas an hiy way to Lon- force that, the cruller• was ,t . � sal p � g �1 j � j'j,� f'pAk ��L�C1' �:�►c l6.
ei ilardn MY ®k ��rown deer. *reek and the horse r�•ec�ivrtfrii bad- 'I B. MUSTARD" CONFANY � tt�.1.1#:tiiti$94.1114. 29,e .31ba.83C 2;ic li��
The t -ate John Yeo, of Tumbrrry ly broken jaw and several tush .were Phone $ Cc,deeiCh
I. S T, O R I A A very highly res;sected mart was knocked out.
` J ,