HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-10, Page 2" is a:. 4,;‘,..4 . three Mialothers, soul feather session -I tot tee &tog 41 tadk AMA Dot**. not this time hot hwelwermateme• Shemit the Com- Miller remigaidea at bar darts ia wertativos triumph iot the test vote, sasistimit hew holothaid la WWII( lerwever, Hau. Mr. iteighen alaseet the dipteasata of Baisage lato seemed. certainly would oak for an adjourn - meat of two er three week% to form Asbeetes Fermi la British Celesellia his IiinistrY. i British Columbia may rival Qin- -............... bee as s protector of **bootee is view 14cataa Pact allIciall7 Siga" of a discovery jug mate at the head- - - -if brillotoot eeremoemY- etit 40414 waters et Qatrieek Creek.* near le- 4TIMA18. good ,ea speeches nay be taken as a Vinter- ton, where a, vein of considerable ion, Europe entered upon * gelstem width lies been traced for overal era of peace when repreeentativee' of eeven nation signed the Treaty af boor of Mine' shoals a long, *trent nailer. A sample sent to the Chem. . , . A3 , Locums and its subsidiary agree- fibre, nearly equal in quality to that The ORANGE PEKOE is extra goo. Try it i orients at London the other dey. The from tam famous &polo from ceremony took place in the great hell which Quebec supplies the world. ........,...r. ...............• a of the Foreign Oaks in the presence 1 4 • •. . RID Ji st• all t f 4 of a dietinguished throng, hir. Aust., en „Chantberlaho (now ler Austen),I WWI* Gee I* PO4 Ca.latY at the head of the tilde, tanked by Up to 1015 the combined chemical Premier Briand of Frames and Chen- laborateriea of the world had ea. cellor Lather of Germany.. With lee*. total of ;heat *le feet sooperete goirlaarpeue the sweep peen- of helium gas Adele being 'much ipoteableriee sieved the doeument lighter than air, and norrinflem. over which ow many months of labor nable, Provides an Weal Oiling for have been spent, and tho 'NOB of dirtailies. Within the next few Locum" beano* ert hieierle fad. years Professor. C. McLennan had • ihie Trip ter tits Wag Lag Qeystra's physisisues lave ode insis4 M•josty that he .11,1111i await the' Lembo wham* *ad Ise setti probably woad two ateethe treks/mg in the UnditarrA2044 Ills bast* was exeatly baprovet by his see trip in the early part of this year. OUR STORE IS FULL Welf Maat_Near Gioelpto • Not often do the' farnsers in Use older *died districts of Ontario have Chance to indulge in a wolf bunt, but such a chane offered in Emma* township, neat Guelph, a few days ago. An old wolf, almost toothiese, but *eek and fet, was shot after a long chase. Be had been creating Woe in the poultry yards. Venation* Wen Many Awards at owned by J. J. Duggan of Condit', 1 The nations eignottory to the pact located eensidemble supplies of tbl& -Cedtaires Big VMW I Saek„-csrried_ oft A reserve chant- are Greet Britain, Frew*, Italy, Bel- "mluable emannedity in Southern Al. Canadian exhibitors at the Inter. pionship in the yearling stallion ginin, Poland, *echo Slovak*, and beats; now the same Investigator national Viveatock Exposition and chose. "Queen of Freshwater," en- Gernony. has discovered gas in l'nd County, Hay and Groin Show, held at Cities-, tared by Harrower Bros., of Wat- Add to the men to wBoote diploma- (Work, with the highest helium Ito host wear leave returned ti their roux, Sask., took senior champion- tie ability the consummation of the content of any natural gams as yet home carrying with them the greatship among breeding mares. In ad- treaty is cleletlY due, what? The discovered in the British Empire: cOot InIMIWOr of eherePionshiPs and titian Saskatchewan exhibitors took highest honor within the power of Not only is there a considerable de - prime won in their history at this tel first prize' in their closets. the King to bestow is his. Mr. Aus- mond for helium by research work - greatest ot all shows of It. kind. While Canada dropped the wheat ten Chamberlain was summoned to era In all the universities of Canada, Dlua•bloods of 'live stock from the championship to the United States Buckingham Niece and received but already there ere possibilities of Dominion competed with the beet for only the ssetond time in fifteen Knighthood in the Order of the Gar- its use in many commercial under. United States breeds and carried off years of international competition, ter, a decoration that has been be- takings. and Prof. McLennan *tides i m p r e mice victoria*. Products of the winning exhibit WAS grown from stowed upon only two commoners that by combining it with other the field and farm won prizes which seed Originally purchasee from Sea- since the days of Queen Elizabeth. chemical properties an explosive sash., Mrs. Chamberlain was decorated at thirty times more powerful than any demonstrated • that Coned,. Is an out* ger Wheeler, of Rosthern, etaneling agricultural conntrY. who has won the wheat champion. the same time with the. Grand Crose yet ,known can be produced. The Dominion'a showing in. Short- ship five times, L. P. Yates, 'of horn cattle was polite* the most Fishtail, Montana, was crowned the remarkable feature of the show. new wheat king'. Cenadianst how- • "'King of the Fairies," the Prince of ever, made as dcleatrie showinte in • Wales' prize bull, was adjudged wheat, scoring twenty out of a p05. grand champion of shorthorns sable thirty prizes ht a field of 155 *Oust entries from the foremost exhibitors in the hard Ted Spring breedingfarms of the United States. Wheat class. In eats, Canada won Tills famous animal bad already won eleven out of tweitty.five prizes. a grand championship at the Royal. George Avery, of .Heso, Sask„ was '• Winter, Fair, Toronto, the week be,. the highest exhibitor, with the third fore. "Browndale Guard," a yore. prize. Other Canadian victories in ing bull entered by James Douglas the Grain and llay Show included of Caledonia, Ont., completed Can- nine out of ten prizes in yellow field e •° ada's clean sweep in Shorthorns bypeas, fifteen honors in timothy seed winning the junior grand champion. and ive out of eine in alsike clover. ship. An additional honor Mine to Canada *y,ept the boards again in: the Prince's bull in the form of the the sheep competition. Coionel Rob - Shorthorn ijAelaX„ of Great Britain ert McEwen'of London, Ont., won and Ireland's special prize. grand therepimuoitip on a carload lot) "King of the Fairies" was told of sheep for the fourth time rule; for $1,050 to Frei* C. Bake, weal- fling, as well as a number of reserve thy Shorthorn breeder of iti/AXAti championships and first on indivi- City, in the auction sales at the close dual elieep.' Cot. Mateen lieswon of the show. , • more grand championships on sheep The ,record of the Dominion on than any other 'breeder in North Clydesdale horses was equally nn- America, James: Snell, or Clinton, GrFootstep," Ont., Wen grand championship on • I OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH ' Bow Te Gee litelfet When Ilead sad Nose ere Stetted Up, Mi 40.444440414•••••••••••••••••1 sr! Tear- tx4ii Med er eistur disappear* Your *logged nos. trill' will epee, the sir peerages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely, No mere smutting, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; "no struggling for breath et night. Get a lima 'bottle of hily's Cream Baba from you druggist said apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or initialled inu.1 lama membrane, giving you instant re- lief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't key seuffedoop and miser. aide. Belief is sere. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Ladies and Gentlemen Come and look them over, Watch for ()lir Christmas Announce- ment next week. -77- CHAS. 131ACK"-- "The Men's and Boys* Stets Wortk Wale Phone 21li Mir& 5&d. ispears •• What 'chit:fee has a husband?. Among the , noted eznetelea of Outlawe hold him up and in4aws faint praise is the statement that hold him down. • ; inert are more considerate than wom- ' • JOB PRINTING AT TUE STAR , a three -year -Old stallion entered , by hi$ Leicester eheep, In the - Cots. . the University of Seskatchewan, won world division r:' It Glaspeli of university eiso scored a junior chow eel're eherePionshie on wethers and plotishi an this class on "Bourne• IT M. Lee of Ilighgate, Ont., a grand ,, Craigie," tie well as a reserve grand championship on fat Cotswlds, ,, thempionship and Junior champion.. The Cattaim, i,Government exhibit thip in the breeding Mere division in the Record Building was a ,:nrignet 13 on Bonny Betty," "Paritdele Pyvie:' for thousands of visitors at the =Oetm=e2:2 shove Exhileits of gram ins, gras, .,.. field crops, 'fruits, vegetebles and ...., the 'grand championship. The same Hampton, Ont., took a grand and re • other products,. tric Aii the pro. *Ws will(k vinces of the Dora ion were con - soon vincing, evidence of the Wide range " '',14017.` • linit That 1 of farming in Canada and the oppor- eel tunities offered to prospective set. ri a tiers. Archie McGuigan, of Rodney, 141,, ,•••%C. thins Ontario, a student at the Ontario. Agtieultural College, made a record , judging, in the Inter -College Live- stock Judging Competitions with a score of 921 points, one point high- er than the previous record. This. was •considered an especially line showing, partieularly as there were competitors from 21 United States colleges and only one Canadian. 1/ WHIM Caid-On.tne-cheati and stub- born coughs are speedily by tee **thew and heolirc igrein a by Peps millets., tended sad striagthaawaak ciaaaa They heal race irntated maatibraries, clear the bronchi. Is of ohdrective pltegon, sod poen ever - Coe*** wheesineteeteseming dire. eel* and painful cough, • llbsatiolog Peps medicine into the is safer sad 'natty more *Kee. *re than swellowieg *orgy meglentiattures into the stomach, lie Wit .sMsiaU$i st*Ir.lamloossil pp*. •A. [ONCENTRAT Strength and nourishment of prime fresh beef. ()so adds flavour and foodozalue to soups, sauce*, straviss,strors,hitsh *mil *moat Pio* CUBES Ai. Veteran itoekey Player Quits Georges Vezina, veteran goalkeep- er for the Montreal Canadiens, has been ordered out of .the game for. good by his physician after. eighteen vim of service. Be has lost 35 Pounds since starting training for the season and hit lunge are said to be affected, Vezina is probably the best known figure in profiesiotal hotkey, and the coolest player that ever donned skates. No matter how hot the attack on his net, he never Allowed the slightest sign of excite - Ment. and in is 18 years of profes- Conal work never was penalized. Ile is a prominent businesa man of Oldeoutimi, Que., and is "said to be • quite wealthy. nown......•••••••••oo Onening of Ammo. postponed ' The test vote that will determine who is to govern the country will not be Wren before the second week lia , Jannant, it having been remitted at a • meetik of Ilon. W. L. Mackenzie Xing and his Cabinet that Perlin- ment would not assemble till Jan. nary '7, Instead of December 10, the date first set. At least four seats would have ittekord representation en December .0 -Yukon,, Pegee WYO., North Iturqn' arid 'Begot, possibly others, as oilicial returns,are allow in coming in end it takes some time to have the 'writs gazetted. It is,likely that lion. Rodolphe Lemieux will bel' proposed by the Government for the Speakership, but it remains for the' House to approve or reject that pro -1 • With the postponement of the opening date the situation with reI posit. gard to seats for Hon. Mr. Xing and one or two of his defeated Ministers has undergone a changer Should the test vote sustain the Liberals the bye.elections in ell probability would be held with the House in asatimi, as there would likely be ilk good deal• et opposition on the part of member* from a distance to en adjournment for the now of rioeturing.sesibe for • ,v; e ic OF COMPAERCE, Clinton. Ont. Stuilents sow eater at any tims. ow PRACTICAL WIRINESS TRAINIXO will lit you for the Iglisawr pod rogitiomg to the BIJellillete Wont). where leech Is *wave REWARDED in propnetion to el* fiERVIci: modeled. CMitentn rommercisl,Seeretariel.Teachere, teen service and ererial Courses. eleeete for Goderieh fttodeute Por Informality& apply to .X. A. IITOPIIR, obsa. Sgesedellet. Nice Principal Pik 11. F. WAIllt, Principal. • TMA prelusive. "eenmeadow Our Annual Christmas Sale EIN IC12thAfcilb7-CHRGNS.O)E. , 7ilrlk7,ST $12,500 of Seasonable Merchandise, consisting of lien's,a0.13oys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and Gent's Furnishings will be •• sold at Reduced Prices. Buy_at This Sale. Save Dollars Now. It is like Earning It. GLOVES en's and Young Men's Overcoats Consists of 22 patterns and 8 differe'iat style-, every coat Satin, Leather or Wool lined. Ragan Slip-ons and tilsters,.sizes 36 to 48. $18.50 Overcoats for. $12.50 • 9 in this Lot $22.50 Overcoats for $15.75 16 in this Lot a, $25.00 Overcoats for $18.25 •'io in this I.!ot • • • $30.00 Overcoats for $23.50 •8 Coats in this Lot $35.00 Overcoats for $27.75 •• 16 in this Lot $45.00 Overcoats for $32.50 • 12 in this Lot Men's English Broadcloth Shirts Individually boxed in White, Blue, Gtey, Cream, and Tan shades, Alb Ai :with collars to match, Sale.Price lien's Sweater Coats"w Pullovers. All colors rnd sizes, in V.necks de • Sale Price-- 41.7.) Men's Combination Underwear All Wool Scotch Knit, sizes 34 to 44. Sale $1.95 It is Only Two W Watch Our Windo Men's• and Young Men's Suits Made of All -Wool 'English, Scotch and Domestic Tweeds and Serges, and in thc latest stifles. Sizes 3 to 4$., •*• $18.50 Suits for $12.50 • 12 Sults in this Lot $22.5O Suits for $15.75 8 Suitsein this* Lot $30.00 Suits for $23.50 20 Suits in this Lot • $35.00 Suits for $2775 15 in this Lot' -$45.00 Suits for $29;$0 24 in this Lot • • MEN'S BATHROBES • Checked Patterns and plain shades• ' of wool and cotton, finished with Shawl . collar; sizes 36 to 44, Sale Price. ... 40.93 Men's Fleece -Lined Underwear Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, Per Qt. annOnnannner..•••••••isin.... •4 OLP Men's All -Wool Shirts to Drawers • All sizes. Sale Price ----._41.39 3 Dozen Men's Silk Mufflers Regular$4. o Sale Price$1.45 and $1.95 eeks to Chrisbnas. Do Your Shopping .at This Sale ws. Come Early and tell your Friends about this Sale MEN'S FINE Wont or Fleece lined, Mocha or di,' Ar Suede, all "sizes LA,/ • Waked WO0i Mufflers In Camel, Lova and ,Iteatbers.. - Sale Price 49c, 79c.&95c SillTies in Fancy Christmas Boxes sale Price 49c and 69c Men's Fancfor White Shirts Sizes 14 to T74, Sale Price, _ 51.45 J • lien's Cuff Links Men's Cuff Links,individu.• ally boxed.. Sale Price 25c to 51 Men's Plain ,,Rdbers • All sizes and shapes. Sale Price $1.25 Men's Spats In-rawn, Grey and Brown. Sale' 95C Men's All Wool Cashmere Hose Fancy clocked in Brown or Black, „' all sizes----- 45c • Men's Caps In the very latest shades and styles, reg. up to $2.50. Sale Price.......11.75 i Boys' Reefers • Blue, Brown or Grey, sizes 3 to 6 years. Sale Prite__$2.95 and $3.45 OPEN EVENINGS M. ROBIN • OPEN EVENINGS 1 1 a z _ .1 . • ca,