HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-03, Page 41001ENE*11131001111 AMONG THE CHURC1L1M tocia.pcJoitu tamatelwirar : Meirchejt, semlfeeed Daniel, Chap. NITL"Elf:Ains Supper iiiDaDaniel,Daniel, geeli the saorniag. api IA Knox ellefeb the minister will ifcocarect the services. 11 lone The 0114111140ekin 7 p. as., The minister wieleepreeek. ' -Me pee -me -Sabbath al school end hale claimers. Last Sunday morning the Wom- an's Auxiliary of St. Georges church observed their corporate communion at the weer celidaratien there heiiig a liege attaches** of the members. Time rector, Rev. S. S. Hardy', oil - elated as celebrant. isozOit Taredeteburehyakoireightimdtheitusciebtvdshersandof 1 wives were entertained to a dinner and social *voting. The Ladies'Md played hostesses and the headliner on the menu was roast gone. PEVictorise St. United church, pastor, Rev. Selby Jefferson. 11 a. m., sub- ject, "The Urge of a. Gratefel * Heart;" 3 p.m., Bible School; 7 p.m., IN "Pot agleam of Clunetraaatide ; (1) Earth's Earliest Christmas Card. . , i A special service- for the Sunday *wheal in connection with the North 1 n' se. Some Christmas Gift Suggestion from Cornfield's144nItun't' th'rtt40.401111°4 Ifx WE HAVE A BIGGER AND A BETTER MSPLAY THAN EVEI Just three weeks from tomorrow is Christmas Day Let b� lP You solve your Christmas Gift Problems with practical wilts that are sure to please. Finest quality iffi and reasonable prices. Here .are ACM 01414411013* 1$1 For the For the Ladles Girls • Coats; Dresses; Hats; Blouses; Silk Scarfs; Hosiery, In glove silk, .ire thread silk, wool and silk and wool Gloves, lined, with fur tops, chamoisette with gauntlets or without, French kid with gauntlets; Boudoir Caps, hand crocheted; Voile Underwear; Fancy Garters; Silk Underwear; Beaded and 'Leather Bags Bead Necklaces and Handkerchiefs, the largest assortment we ever had, sold separate. or in holly boxes front 15c to $1.85 abox; Betty Bunting Doll Handkerchiefs, Rose Handkerchiefs; Crepe de Chine Ties; also we are featuring the new Rose Mark Ties. For the en Overcoats; Suits; Hats; Caps; Sweaters; Searfs,4slik- or wool; Gloves, kid, lined with wool or silk, or unlined; Ties, toxeti,-silk or kuittted; Socks, silk or silk and wool, asE and cashmere; Shirts, Silk broadcloth and other negligee shirts with separate collars and without; Collars; Py fa- x mos- of flannelette; Sweaters; Underwear, two-piece or . combination- Belts; Braces; Arm !Ands and Garters ; Handkerchiefs in lawn, linen or initialled, crepe -de chine . Handkerchiefs ,or hand -drawn raw silk,- Cuff Links, boxed, etc. - Coats ; Dresses, plain and striped flannel ; Hats ; Toques, Scarfs; Mitts or Gloves, wool or chamoisette or lined kid, Hosiery, wool and silk and wool; Sweaters Underwear in two-piece or combinations; Children's Col- ored Border Handkerchiefs, For the Boys Suits; Overcoats; Caps; Sweaters, coat or pull -over ;- Gloves or Mitts ;, Cashmere or wool Stockings; Under- wear, combination or two-piece; Ties, Belts; Handker- chiefs ; Braces. For the Kiddies Bonnets, in blue, pink and white silk poplin, lined and trimmed with fur; Caps; Scarfs; Mitts, Bootees; Baby ' Sets of Bonnet; Sweater and Bootees- together, ;.or Teddy Bear Sets of Sweater, Pullover, Cap and Mitts, at a very low price and in assorted colors. For the. ome Fine Table Linen, Balh Towels, Guest Towels, etc. SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings.: The Square,Phone 418 • ;NM +id+ n .• . • - itt •:Z•• ' • .4.- • . er ra r ng, the Weed occupying front pews. Rev. Mr. Clarke, the minister, preached a very appropriate sermon on Jacob's ladder. All, he said. were somewhere on the ladder of life. Life was a climb, not a royal road, and he exhorted all to be very careful of their eliraleing; A special offering towards the fund., of the Sunday school was made. North street United church, Rev. C. F. Clarke, pastor. Services for Sunday, , Dec. 6th, 1025: 10 4.111,, Men's, Club; subject, "The Evil of Envy," taken by Mr. W. C. Pridham, also Fellowship Classes and. Mission Band; 11 in m., Public Worship, sub - led, "The Model Congregation." 8 p.m., Sunday School and Bible Chile - ogee. 7 p. in., Evening Worship, sub- Ject, "By- Love Serve One Another." Mre H. C. Hamilton, the new organ- * and choirleader, will ,conduct the service of praise. • The annual meeting of the choir of North street United church was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrt., A. M. Robertson. Mr, J. R. Wheeler was elected president of the choir in succession to Mr. Gerald; Newton. Who has Ted the office for two years, and Mr. A. M. Robertson was re-elected seeretary-treasurer. Many matters of interest to .the choir were talked over and :several com- mittees °were appointed. The fore- part of the evening was taken up with the regular weekly eltoir prac- tice, in charge of the new organist. Mr. IL C. Hamilton, and -after the business was disposed- of n social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served. On Sunday evening a memorial service was held in St. George's church in memory of the late Queen Alexandra. The hymn, "Peace; per- fect peace," was sung as the proces- sional, with the, opening sentences of the burial service read between, sect- ions of the verses. The special psalms from the burial service and also the scripture lesson were used, Rev. Canon Hill reading the lesson, Suitable hymns,. including "Hush, bleated are the dead" and "Now the laborer's task is o'er," were sung; and the memorial address was deliv- ered by Rev. Mr. Hays, Dungannon, from the text, "Father, I will that i they also whom Thou hast given me I be with me where I am; that they r may behold my glory." Mr. Hays Odd emphasis on . the fact. that. hea- ven was a plate of 'glory and that those who had passed on had gone to a place of glory. After the offering FOR THAT COUGH OR Ricker's Syrup of Ter with Cod Liver Extract, $Oe. susd Dominion Bromide _Quinine Tablets, 25c Guaranteed Relief. All other well.known remedies always in stock. Ito Co DUNLOP The Roman Drug Store Bedford Block Goderkh. fRANK -DALTON,. Furrier_ _ of Galt, will be at Miss Makin's Millinery Store, oh with a full line of Fur Coats, specially priced for Christ- mas Sale. Don't fail to see these beautiful garments if you are cour templating.the purchase of a Fur Coat. There are 4G to choose from. Frank Dalton, Furrier, Galt presented the National Anthem LAWREI10E SMILEY SEEKS It was not until Mrs, Thdiley had was CUSTODY OF CHILDREN left, they state, that it became 88 SUng* Salvation Army Notes erally known that she was a Roman gen- a in vireg Eery one busy preparing for the Catholic While•the e she pomneg Yuletide mason, • Country to Get Family Back a ttended the' Alien an church with husband, - c . Thu year's Christmas entertain - Country Hardware Man Crosses A Vancouver dispatch, dated Not theher chrchorgaanntawtirnsa. worker in meso isexpected tie, surpass that of 29th, is as follows : , A later Vancouver dispatch, dated any,previous year. The date for this big event will appertrin a later issue. Lawrence Smiley, of Dungannon, Dee. 1st, is as follows : Habeas cor- A prison Meeting, will be heid in Out, has made application through pus proceedings launched by Lawr- e the county jail this coming Sunday habeas corrs proceedings in. suP. ence. 'Smiley, of Dungannon. Ontario, meeirig. , two young children, placed, it is al- daughters, Prances, 7, and Jean, 14 -$ 1 neon at. Owen Sound last week -end, leged, in Providence convent in New where Capt. Kingdon and Lieut. Pay -1 Weritminster by the children's moth- Supreme Court today failed before Justice Morrison in er. The application was adjourned granted an order givikwg,hethbethneloT)huerrti: ton took part in the meetings. 1 Meetings this week as !idiom : until Tuesday. • Marie Smiley, of Vancouver, pos.ses- .. Mr. Smiley's effort to get posses- sion of the -two- children. ; Thursday, cottage meeting, $ p. ne, cion of his two littlengirls, Ellen and 'The mother, it was said, Ieft. Dee -let the hcmc of Mrs. Daniels, New- , i Frances, five and three years old, Bannon with the infants last .luly , eate et.; Sunday school at .1.20 p.m.; ecemes at the tad of a fruitless jour- and when the father arrived here he Sunday evening service at 7 p.m. ° You are welcome.. Inetituted proceedings again* the t --- - -a-- -- nee meets the continent. 1 It tie several weeks since aim Providence Orphanage, in New 'West- est and most respected citieene. 'Marie Smiley, his wife, and mother inieseer, where the children bed iwttll n, ;tr. rrfwv<ry ItTor•mil 4r. h., -,ie ereei. ' of the two childrzei came weet from pieced, , ttSre(srpelaulteltile,ievaNeileen. d is Sisiting friends iii i' to visit h'er brother here, In giving les &Legion see ;lee itl—°.., 5 ::.r.°41 bratatht thr° le ence with her. rison onid he refused t(y. enytmlqr the m,,,..4.1nd zay.,. 1, IT Nee:eine ee,e,„ reme court ere for the custoy of his seeking custody of. his two , Eighteen people professed coevere • .14Pc,I. Stalky made up her mind to, was inclined to P.XeraiSe eortelnen heigerinemi trip to Clevelned. 1 . ed lana:. last Friday from etheii. ,1 mere hail leen a dieaereereced. eerie on its legal 'aspects alone, but 2,k,ave lit,r. hueletne. She avrote to sense, looking to the children's .nhee isx r neither here end to her 111151.nin* sieol coniteet, Mental anti spirituel iFieirt elS41.I.teeetneledr 't-lhee.Tri;etra atl , le.eeeee. (ren, tellinge them of tievelepment could, come later, be, ed- nicotine. et the Nile efitteaviere cleenirkni ie.. ie ded. eguid nueiher -wore neeseee the matey, and her ° "tO,-, 7 to . • Tiresday -afternoon of this week. A •• • gtactio W(.1M-pi-wked. 1.•:;.ZtAlvtl.t° • 1,••• Inn . • - - eete e-• e e. w e tee ek velem roll szn• ° ° • 7, 9 .-. foe vii,ite . ts4:70 • • " rei-7 nPO1lt voc'I'c'1.'AI Ektterta.en, rif wee'eti * .7.11"\!.Z072ter• 11; r• Ui The oak.,• 6.-•'1,A(' '!";0A. 500500Siail077 4.ehth tee OX • Vcnc:r0;11,Z1Vg.VWQ V, 1,114.fi',T e,eeice o „ t •ilVtott tVailrOd her.i10 11412COaRt to an?.-? an , se,reee eee. eye gete.,, L ee, illeurkei: evening:. he paf..14111-t- •GI:geeing:, old is jute the slow r,110- eedor . zi9n. 'to f- Cnigkr tl oNIL" hi sheddimr rAix 1.,,,tifk.t,1 4turtla •••4••• Jt.,...tanar,anon. Itta V'ttn tO t eae!: • TN F., 1.,to If ba? °I:',10i111.S° :at 11Q tv.\ ° 0, „ 5,i .1'..ea t a !Pc ottzeilia'loa n ith Mrs. uhuri 4.10•13(00 4,4, ANGE aa„,„ itint •to im;4 i' -esa ; It s' 04 -falai the I:ern...bee hale 0..n tr:nrtnZ14 \ rt`ani eleihe et • e • LuturilD •, ,, to gnigk.t y..s,t.,-cs.40a off the twi Pale *. • Mre. enrage,- is e inatten Vetlielie. Successors to iier husband ie a Protceteet. Thee C. A. STIMSON 6z CO, te liengernon. .tehieh ie. En Enrol , u ere mart . eil in the u te 2,, tee LIMITED Established 1 088 The Oldest Bond House hi Carierdil 303 Say Street • Toronto 6%- with Safety To the Toronto Bond Exchange, Ltd.. 300 Bay Street Toronto. Geatleren:- • Please send me complete ieformatios in regard to an ie. seems* to yield 6% with safety. I with to iestet about fcr 0 5 years; 0 10 years; 0 20 years.. •••••••• VI • ••••••••••• aa **** • • • ............. • • • v. • • V., • ••••••••• OM* toOnty. ' Mitre -4e anout t e -o et: are ego litingemein ie the 1°P.3111e , e • Thomas Smiley, father of Inure:tie Smiley. l The younger Smiley family fralt .!became a part of the life of the, lit - Ole community, and tq all iiivar4 appearances lived happily. Then a i domestic disagreement devtloptA with the results outlined. ... ' I Mrs. Marie Smiley had hoped to be able • to take the two tihilaren to " visit her mother in Portland, but re. Isiderite restrictions on Canadians en. tering the, United States made it necessary for her to remain here. Recently, it is alleged, she plated -the little sink temporarily in the tare of ' the ,,New Weetialeither 'convent. Goderich is much interested in the teas for Mr. Soils/ for some time yes employed is a Goderich hard- -tear. store Pond is welt known. iteekteets of that village say that the time he. caused great excite. meet. They have no 4etail4 of the latest ellevelepoteot. of eserse. hat, •- they are :wore that Mr .firrileY left , for the esresie of getting wife and l children toe Moro. 4 gret SF1r f4 W ii -i az hristmas Fruits. AL:I 0 T,he Family Christmas Present . Instructive, and Entertaining • • . •. We have sets IN STOOK made byfarms of world-wide reputation, and at prices any- one can afford. • Shop Early 1 It Will Pay You Jeuner's Music Store. Its" Vitlittat-gn,11101Wr IrW11,11: -414161Wrtriirir.- st of all asthma specifics is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma dy assuredly deserves this ex title, It has to credit its thou - of caries 'which other prepera- had failed to benefit, It brings • to even the must severe cases rings the patient to a condition leased relief. Shrely suffering • *Alma needles* when a rani - this is so, easily secured. 89c M. ROBINS 41116=73 .41.,ZsZs 3:11br CHOICE BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS We t You...tgijitem.tatcLi • C. M. Robertson Therm 164 • YOUR GROCER Values Tell The Story The reliability cf our woollens hacks up your thoteadt-mts when you cerno HERE Now pavticularly, about Overcoats We are reeking then to order from • $25 - oo $37 •50 • 'Mere snappy, and we 'don't mean "may be" Do you look at your Hat ? Others do—all the latest to choose from. Use Our Relining, Remodeling and Reuair Service. • FRANK H. MARTIN Teller Mid Hatter loleOtft POVit.MIMIC lectiA.WS %Welt O' win SIDE OP 9QUARE, GOOZRICH • ii elo r • Bring Maturing War Loan Bonds to Us ft . fl # it „Q , On behalf of the 1)oillinion goy- . eminent we will re,(1..sem, free of cltarp, War Loan .3ond maturing # ,i.t. 11 t, it 9„ ,t, it on Di.v.entlier Pirst. BANKING mem . lettilpe your botut.,:,, now .4t11 titi.:1,. al" ' branch. \.!.'',e: will pay you, ef reit k) . et, doposit.tile value Ili your 1,onkis to YEARS r -., etltr ,,,r,..‘viit,, as :t ou p‘...0.4). Isnn. ' STANDARD BANK ' Ole reette.lelereeti". GODEtaaen CtIneNell- C. L. jeweleori, .7.71^i'Ger: 13v!ttr 7,4t-• 43...e.),..141;4°:,..-.,_'2 4,.-..:..". t.°-ifif,•1°,:vor, " ...;;;....enteetteeeseeeeereetreeee',— , .. I 1,,,..._. ..11•re 10416.;/18,41/0~••••'"*".":„....0 ,f.t 11 11 it a j # I itt •:Z•• ' • .4.- • . er ra r ng, the Weed occupying front pews. Rev. Mr. Clarke, the minister, preached a very appropriate sermon on Jacob's ladder. All, he said. were somewhere on the ladder of life. Life was a climb, not a royal road, and he exhorted all to be very careful of their eliraleing; A special offering towards the fund., of the Sunday school was made. North street United church, Rev. C. F. Clarke, pastor. Services for Sunday, , Dec. 6th, 1025: 10 4.111,, Men's, Club; subject, "The Evil of Envy," taken by Mr. W. C. Pridham, also Fellowship Classes and. Mission Band; 11 in m., Public Worship, sub - led, "The Model Congregation." 8 p.m., Sunday School and Bible Chile - ogee. 7 p. in., Evening Worship, sub- Ject, "By- Love Serve One Another." Mre H. C. Hamilton, the new organ- * and choirleader, will ,conduct the service of praise. • The annual meeting of the choir of North street United church was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrt., A. M. Robertson. Mr, J. R. Wheeler was elected president of the choir in succession to Mr. Gerald; Newton. Who has Ted the office for two years, and Mr. A. M. Robertson was re-elected seeretary-treasurer. Many matters of interest to .the choir were talked over and :several com- mittees °were appointed. The fore- part of the evening was taken up with the regular weekly eltoir prac- tice, in charge of the new organist. Mr. IL C. Hamilton, and -after the business was disposed- of n social time was enjoyed and refreshments were served. On Sunday evening a memorial service was held in St. George's church in memory of the late Queen Alexandra. The hymn, "Peace; per- fect peace," was sung as the proces- sional, with the, opening sentences of the burial service read between, sect- ions of the verses. The special psalms from the burial service and also the scripture lesson were used, Rev. Canon Hill reading the lesson, Suitable hymns,. including "Hush, bleated are the dead" and "Now the laborer's task is o'er," were sung; and the memorial address was deliv- ered by Rev. Mr. Hays, Dungannon, from the text, "Father, I will that i they also whom Thou hast given me I be with me where I am; that they r may behold my glory." Mr. Hays Odd emphasis on . the fact. that. hea- ven was a plate of 'glory and that those who had passed on had gone to a place of glory. After the offering FOR THAT COUGH OR Ricker's Syrup of Ter with Cod Liver Extract, $Oe. susd Dominion Bromide _Quinine Tablets, 25c Guaranteed Relief. All other well.known remedies always in stock. Ito Co DUNLOP The Roman Drug Store Bedford Block Goderkh. fRANK -DALTON,. Furrier_ _ of Galt, will be at Miss Makin's Millinery Store, oh with a full line of Fur Coats, specially priced for Christ- mas Sale. Don't fail to see these beautiful garments if you are cour templating.the purchase of a Fur Coat. There are 4G to choose from. Frank Dalton, Furrier, Galt presented the National Anthem LAWREI10E SMILEY SEEKS It was not until Mrs, Thdiley had was CUSTODY OF CHILDREN left, they state, that it became 88 SUng* Salvation Army Notes erally known that she was a Roman gen- a in vireg Eery one busy preparing for the Catholic While•the e she pomneg Yuletide mason, • Country to Get Family Back a ttended the' Alien an church with husband, - c . Thu year's Christmas entertain - Country Hardware Man Crosses A Vancouver dispatch, dated Not theher chrchorgaanntawtirnsa. worker in meso isexpected tie, surpass that of 29th, is as follows : , A later Vancouver dispatch, dated any,previous year. The date for this big event will appertrin a later issue. Lawrence Smiley, of Dungannon, Dee. 1st, is as follows : Habeas cor- A prison Meeting, will be heid in Out, has made application through pus proceedings launched by Lawr- e the county jail this coming Sunday habeas corrs proceedings in. suP. ence. 'Smiley, of Dungannon. Ontario, meeirig. , two young children, placed, it is al- daughters, Prances, 7, and Jean, 14 -$ 1 neon at. Owen Sound last week -end, leged, in Providence convent in New where Capt. Kingdon and Lieut. Pay -1 Weritminster by the children's moth- Supreme Court today failed before Justice Morrison in er. The application was adjourned granted an order givikwg,hethbethneloT)huerrti: ton took part in the meetings. 1 Meetings this week as !idiom : until Tuesday. • Marie Smiley, of Vancouver, pos.ses- .. Mr. Smiley's effort to get posses- sion of the -two- children. ; Thursday, cottage meeting, $ p. ne, cion of his two littlengirls, Ellen and 'The mother, it was said, Ieft. Dee -let the hcmc of Mrs. Daniels, New- , i Frances, five and three years old, Bannon with the infants last .luly , eate et.; Sunday school at .1.20 p.m.; ecemes at the tad of a fruitless jour- and when the father arrived here he Sunday evening service at 7 p.m. ° You are welcome.. Inetituted proceedings again* the t --- - -a-- -- nee meets the continent. 1 It tie several weeks since aim Providence Orphanage, in New 'West- est and most respected citieene. 'Marie Smiley, his wife, and mother inieseer, where the children bed iwttll n, ;tr. rrfwv<ry ItTor•mil 4r. h., -,ie ereei. ' of the two childrzei came weet from pieced, , ttSre(srpelaulteltile,ievaNeileen. d is Sisiting friends iii i' to visit h'er brother here, In giving les &Legion see ;lee itl—°.., 5 ::.r.°41 bratatht thr° le ence with her. rison onid he refused t(y. enytmlqr the m,,,..4.1nd zay.,. 1, IT Nee:eine ee,e,„ reme court ere for the custoy of his seeking custody of. his two , Eighteen people professed coevere • .14Pc,I. Stalky made up her mind to, was inclined to P.XeraiSe eortelnen heigerinemi trip to Clevelned. 1 . ed lana:. last Friday from etheii. ,1 mere hail leen a dieaereereced. eerie on its legal 'aspects alone, but 2,k,ave lit,r. hueletne. She avrote to sense, looking to the children's .nhee isx r neither here end to her 111151.nin* sieol coniteet, Mental anti spirituel iFieirt elS41.I.teeetneledr 't-lhee.Tri;etra atl , le.eeeee. (ren, tellinge them of tievelepment could, come later, be, ed- nicotine. et the Nile efitteaviere cleenirkni ie.. ie ded. eguid nueiher -wore neeseee the matey, and her ° "tO,-, 7 to . • Tiresday -afternoon of this week. A •• • gtactio W(.1M-pi-wked. 1.•:;.ZtAlvtl.t° • 1,••• Inn . • - - eete e-• e e. w e tee ek velem roll szn• ° ° • 7, 9 .-. foe vii,ite . ts4:70 • • " rei-7 nPO1lt voc'I'c'1.'AI Ektterta.en, rif wee'eti * .7.11"\!.Z072ter• 11; r• Ui The oak.,• 6.-•'1,A(' '!";0A. 500500Siail077 4.ehth tee OX • Vcnc:r0;11,Z1Vg.VWQ V, 1,114.fi',T e,eeice o „ t •ilVtott tVailrOd her.i10 11412COaRt to an?.-? an , se,reee eee. eye gete.,, L ee, illeurkei: evening:. he paf..14111-t- •GI:geeing:, old is jute the slow r,110- eedor . zi9n. 'to f- Cnigkr tl oNIL" hi sheddimr rAix 1.,,,tifk.t,1 4turtla •••4••• Jt.,...tanar,anon. Itta V'ttn tO t eae!: • TN F., 1.,to If ba? °I:',10i111.S° :at 11Q tv.\ ° 0, „ 5,i .1'..ea t a !Pc ottzeilia'loa n ith Mrs. uhuri 4.10•13(00 4,4, ANGE aa„,„ itint •to im;4 i' -esa ; It s' 04 -falai the I:ern...bee hale 0..n tr:nrtnZ14 \ rt`ani eleihe et • e • LuturilD •, ,, to gnigk.t y..s,t.,-cs.40a off the twi Pale *. • Mre. enrage,- is e inatten Vetlielie. Successors to iier husband ie a Protceteet. Thee C. A. STIMSON 6z CO, te liengernon. .tehieh ie. En Enrol , u ere mart . eil in the u te 2,, tee LIMITED Established 1 088 The Oldest Bond House hi Carierdil 303 Say Street • Toronto 6%- with Safety To the Toronto Bond Exchange, Ltd.. 300 Bay Street Toronto. Geatleren:- • Please send me complete ieformatios in regard to an ie. seems* to yield 6% with safety. I with to iestet about fcr 0 5 years; 0 10 years; 0 20 years.. •••••••• VI • ••••••••••• aa **** • • • ............. • • • v. • • V., • ••••••••• OM* toOnty. ' Mitre -4e anout t e -o et: are ego litingemein ie the 1°P.3111e , e • Thomas Smiley, father of Inure:tie Smiley. l The younger Smiley family fralt .!became a part of the life of the, lit - Ole community, and tq all iiivar4 appearances lived happily. Then a i domestic disagreement devtloptA with the results outlined. ... ' I Mrs. Marie Smiley had hoped to be able • to take the two tihilaren to " visit her mother in Portland, but re. Isiderite restrictions on Canadians en. tering the, United States made it necessary for her to remain here. Recently, it is alleged, she plated -the little sink temporarily in the tare of ' the ,,New Weetialeither 'convent. Goderich is much interested in the teas for Mr. Soils/ for some time yes employed is a Goderich hard- -tear. store Pond is welt known. iteekteets of that village say that the time he. caused great excite. meet. They have no 4etail4 of the latest ellevelepoteot. of eserse. hat, •- they are :wore that Mr .firrileY left , for the esresie of getting wife and l children toe Moro. 4 gret SF1r f4 W ii -i az hristmas Fruits. AL:I 0 T,he Family Christmas Present . Instructive, and Entertaining • • . •. We have sets IN STOOK made byfarms of world-wide reputation, and at prices any- one can afford. • Shop Early 1 It Will Pay You Jeuner's Music Store. Its" Vitlittat-gn,11101Wr IrW11,11: -414161Wrtriirir.- st of all asthma specifics is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma dy assuredly deserves this ex title, It has to credit its thou - of caries 'which other prepera- had failed to benefit, It brings • to even the must severe cases rings the patient to a condition leased relief. Shrely suffering • *Alma needles* when a rani - this is so, easily secured. 89c M. ROBINS 41116=73 .41.,ZsZs 3:11br CHOICE BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS We t You...tgijitem.tatcLi • C. M. Robertson Therm 164 • YOUR GROCER Values Tell The Story The reliability cf our woollens hacks up your thoteadt-mts when you cerno HERE Now pavticularly, about Overcoats We are reeking then to order from • $25 - oo $37 •50 • 'Mere snappy, and we 'don't mean "may be" Do you look at your Hat ? Others do—all the latest to choose from. Use Our Relining, Remodeling and Reuair Service. • FRANK H. MARTIN Teller Mid Hatter loleOtft POVit.MIMIC lectiA.WS %Welt O' win SIDE OP 9QUARE, GOOZRICH