HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1925-12-03, Page 2L i, U A Wa your grocer lt"CCf1l�ends is Ars Opost I~ �Nwtb NWOR usujay g test Deet -ire upwis ROSIE?aDti Ahtor of The Goierich Star. i>* ..3ir,�-1[ay I trespass farther on your generosity fdr-spore In 7�' valuable paper, to show the kir of dye used to camouflago xbe C;oderich Sixnal' Wool comes from, sbeep who can only may "bsA-AA's" wua.0 only they "themselves understand. AMD*1`i Ed tow what kind of r ,wmP P ., , YourBanker pto � a „a 1 • i ♦SII► who e ,TB MKaT. OW. bit, i y --We ourselves the btuer serve, by serving ousels best" OUT--vr - .I.ROWD and show yourself at your best with one of imack's Hand-Tahred Soo �e�, ins Sack must one be to understand ,�� . ' gooCt the platform of this prof* JAber- relies upon hilar It, leader in North HUT10n, Let ua OUR 'FALL STOCK OF ' atCCOinmend alt• proceed to ,see how fast this dyes is mer for advice and assistance AAd amtgrocers they are boasting about. At the last . s held here Oct. 28th in they tQ'��� - interest of J. W. Rini, 'P res:9ve in matters 0� f i]at1C� � u candidato, this last dyed Grit was a COMPLETE chgmpion for the Progressiva cause devote all his attention to the in North Huron. You witi ret:ioin- ber we were told .by thin sarne mesas Also n nice line of Ready»to-We>ar ' that if we wished to have a progres- ' ; actual problems of farming- e� s�" y JUM give Canada .n must vote .ca, r a "lC+l1M O 1 MA S Progiesslre' candidates In South t „ L$h ti __, C� s , Huron � bors the dye does sceln fast, . � the a8816tance Ofered by - _ j lt. they; diii � .trust tht..Pr0Z"ssIva _ _ .. - �-M� in different styjes atnd shadt" candidtste and stood on their awn thea11 (?� - Tlie l'ariiaeMeatiary sitwatieir eludes•the suggestion that aint feet and ran their; awn candidate, Lit ' ayongh about twsntx tan:tato- cent Massey may . be SPF winning their neat with all their h eiicies remain to be $ieard frons deli- Canada's first Minister to Washing- tarda on the table. is".et when Robt. y jy fO fifty-two jfPa>"gs C-� , BLACKS nicely, a Sa not taliprted that any ton, a post which is understood to McMillan was defeated. this dyed-in- vnieree sen obs vrili +Aziae to pre» have been refused by both -Senator the -wool Grit published an editorial "11 A o t 1 Parliament N. A. Belcourt and Senator Raoul faithfully ser'veddd the Agrleultural aa"�'he Meres ntad Bays' $#Olen Worth while, Dandurand. Mr. Massey, it will be in btep�s1'es a l\ov, Ith, saying that rent the aasem� o� Robt, McMillan had last. his s3gosit ` ane December 1Q.. Somas � dkials of remembered,, was taken into Mt, and that the lightning hits In 'the interests ill this inion. p� 219 North SW �`►� IU House elatoilbat a qpm is King's Cabinet without portfolio, right place Sometimes. This, after assi dont to Constitute a mooting of just before the election, but was un- having worked for the Progruaaive Consult our local ' 1'arliarment, but that no yatt iotdd, "sucreasful in his efforts to secure a candidate in North Huron, makes ane J. be taken till all the writs are return. seat sf Durham. wander i# this Grit dye wilt stand gA and every member elected an Oct,•• Premier u Alberta, washing. (By the way, I wonder if manager. BAMG `#'OWriSW COUNC" Worms, hobrever generated, Ave ober 29th g netted. Colonel aD• M. he still thinks the lightning hits in found In -the digestive tracts, whom, t# Biggar, Chia Electoaral Qtticerr. ` x. the right -place since the recount. It Colborne they set .up disturbances detrimeittal; peels to have the situation finally looks likes you" can't fool lightning). „,»• N �,H»""°" '" ""'"""»'»"'""'""°"" 114,, The Colborne township council met to, the heglth of the .child. There cleared up in time for the openlng. Now we are told. there is to he an an- YM Nov, loth, ass advertised. The Hain• can be no comfort for the little ones. moat of these ridln a from 'Reich Of. peal from the verdict of Judge IRwis utes .of last meeting were read and until"the hurtful-'9ntruders,have been: ficial returns are atilt awaited are in and these he yen -the -wool Grata who ._+ adopted, with the correction made, gxpelled, An excelled paratioir ,the West, and include eYukon and did not like the South Horan condi• ,, pre he easing of he meeting to for this purpose taxi be had in lkCii� Peace alarm, in tbt latter of which date are going to fight the rause a# viz., tine ei Passing of the hydro by- lei's Worm Powders, They will im _ STAN DARD 15AN the question of a recount hasiriseu,, the North: Huron candidate, discuss t P addition. petitions far recarints , : Mr. Editor, let us keep the fast- CiTe ;;.+AT�+►L) F4 =. law before tiro, council should take mecatelY dosixoy� the ' worms and rJA etarded i the utiozial returns #Corn any action was moved'bY Mr, i+eagan ora$ el e' conditions t existence,at were lav» North Huron and Argentseull, a news of this dye in mind and •proceed t and seconded by Mr,' A. Fisher. M,av i with our anal ais of same, What. TWO t�NDRE6 AND THIltTY•ONS �- The first, and possibly the Only z have these Gritti to kick about otr this 'i'liROOGHOGT ►NADA ° ° ' Sur ed by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. . giatter of business that would res- i;; recount, on a political basis? It : her ,that Dr. Whitely'a bili for . eery[ attention before Christmas, should be the Progressives kick, but attendance to indigent °orient be; would be that of testing the fetlintf ___.�� _._ roc res judge- there does not appear to be anything id ;after coupcil P, u �. of fidid Hoose as to who is td ;govern.. ; A¢. but a Grit kick. Now; jf they .want- • � pfi against property � Pf �aid...p� ' . Thu probably would take a weak or r ed this seat, why didriN they come riient ^ .» sent. Carried. on mot on of tear, dsya, when adjournment would ���� xn.~ !" 'be taken tail the latter Dart, of Feb- out square ' anii conies mo tdxe'Th of _ I Graham and Mr. Fisher, the hydre FOR-- must have had a wholesa t V a. 4 � bylaw was not passed. as the terms • ' r►r1►• ' the power. of the Conservative party 0 In• the event of the King Govern- . ., ., � * I were not considered favorable. ,The (Continued on parte 3) o(j #o:i This Week my xstnt being' sustginod, kine, Mr. '. �..----•- � �_ � +t treasurer reported receaving �� •Ring, during the rec+esa, wa11 try to BRIDGE find a '%eat for himself and for one killed while muffling the bells for col- A '� rent from Mrs. A. re paid. Trd 1 t • � � following acoaunts ~vera paid: Board G'IC1�a or two other ministers; but erhauld ling. I C$V Word on. Mr, hSeitthen be called upon to Vlore German Propagaa�is t�tL* L•L��i Gu ' �N of lleaith, half yeaxIy account, jur- u "+ r iV iw i i'i 6o, R 'hbera f mew Series barti+V'�t'N . ire. Hetherington, selecting ins • lorni n government 'he .will require Great indignation-is_..sura_.ta _b:e. 3; C. A. Robertson, selectAn� thim period in which to form bis aroused in Canada by the story ptibie ` ROWItiLEE lisped in a Germs newspaper'to C%Ittfh4y f igtl.F071 OJT C/�JiC11D�3 oxo, $ (aurora. $3: E. H. Epps, cement, $�9,- black. with white toll • , ,cabinet.. _ IiON, J. E. 13 he reateat culvert __._'Former -effect that Richtlia#en: t_ �S. ale the. o�ernxntrtL uf-tha:.Attorney-General, who • tiff Meanwhile R 1 an during .._. .. :. . �_ . 75, Caanada. Ingot Iron Co.. , • _edge, reg; $4:5U, fax. c untr must ,o on, and the Various < Cel• Non. Ilerbei`f- rl"' nfteld ud ; flyer produced by Germany ARTICLE NO, 4 - +xer work 20; a . a y .est,- � E91.30•• C. Alliit, culvert work, �13.25i 3.�5� departments at upolt Premiep of Alberta. the wai', was shot down by (anad►an Rrm. Long, partm• - - soldiers after landing. vninJux�d(Copyright 1926'by Boyle..Jr.) thing from everq play of. your pari b e Walter,lculvextdwork, $];1,20; mates foci esdentiai ezpenditurea. Alberta Changes 'Premiers I Com Ottawa in within their lines,• and not killed, in Is. it.more ditCicOt to play the dum• Her and a# the declarer: Aubrey Interesting gossip l tin tMo Cabinet.Aver t air battle. Richthafen'a body=+ ...,.,,�...... Dissension lith an it, 'against lora Qpi,sanents or The following hand looks easy bu' fliarold Good, S8ti50; John Young, Aubrey Wafter, grading,u Tian ,;. ,-•-,.•a ,A - -�..,^.n-`- . �� lac xa50 babl'y was the big- was recently removed ta�Berhn from m� ha thy' 1.10• � • rltilwaY Po• y P the • . • far the'two. OFpopents to nl:<v againsil unless the. proper lead is made, Jno. Treble. $7:50, tvm, Sirs ar Mt .r biitin factor toward. France far -public bur.al. t est contributing g _ eclarer 3 .'That,:. question .hoe game is lost o .:. pan, .$E.50; G g ma is change v,hereby t The story; related in great detail the d : $8.25; A. Straug G. Meen'6 Tweed Pan +•. ' somewh>lit dra t I e y s to en the cause ' of ':much discussion: Resrts=Q, J, & f '- stone $3.25; ' V. Gledhill, .$3.2 , 50KINR Ell Hon. Herbert Greenfield stepped 0 a by an unnamed luau who claim be there seems only Clubs- 1, 4, 2 ' Sven triode tie 2135 T mitrobip_ Ot. Alberta ari. have 'been. a.G,erman spy 3n Western but to the writer t diffTi- Diamonds -K, 10.1. 4. 2 I:1Cerr, tile, $21.71,• Wm. McWliinne� � � H the pre rawnl2a stepped in.. rhe nada dtYxing the war period, is to lion. J., E. l3 i nue answ,'r». It is much more $2.50; R. McCabe, $5 . Albert G¢r _ flux. Greenfield effect that he got his informat= °Hearts a# the declax• Spade$_J. 4 for 1� wN MEN res' nation of lion ,the efie t clslt `fox the opP t •1;I le bjd one s4de and all pas- I �►;' Harold' Walter4, $20.50; Mrs. Aa� 'g unlooked for, .as at of entirely ion +confidentially, From :members of. er• ,The latter can %ev pia toren y ,t The de$ r opening Johnston, caretaking 4 and , {itiftpliss , N NE[t1i0C15 MEN was n at enamor -e7 k own that be'was n the 149th. Battalion' ,when • that bat rds. and should know the bust way sed. What as the correct t.o . t19,97: A, Vaiistone, sheep killed • ` was n. life and would gladly ed of public talion returned an triumph. to Ed- of combining them to the best udvais- 'lead with' the above •hand. The $1Q; E, Fisher, plank, $12,'and sheej ' i5 i -full time and attention to monton after ` the war, He ever in tne. dark as .art rest lead :is tea queen of s! 12. ,The meeting adjourntx DON x �I11SS (give his -.. a wr . Premlar, who tete two. Caziadaanis who,. he tags. $e is dot, uesb sE .An . ot3ier' lead with this haPsd,would kaa'3%d, $ :.., � .• � M his earns. Tai ne Horses were his o ponents, for Choy must g y w a a to Friday evening, DOC.. 11th, at 1.99 } • the iWex if you dont has n AttorneyGenersI In the claims, killed liichtlrofen, and . P ff You've belal? h b@e e Vieten, Cross for to the other's Bolding and they are have lost gatne. The player h tip S C�CEi1,.inE Liver Extract is one of Gi eenfitld Cabinet, Will continue,decorated .vnth .the ,. , ass wrong as right, held it opened the four of diaumnds ?� �� know that'Cod rtfalio tjll such time as. their. act. just as apt to 8u MRS. HETHERINGTON, greatest flesh, producers in the hold that po o size a .in stu idity the o ning lead, the oppon• a very. bad lead. Never open a soak »,, , Township Clerk.Ultde)rweo r the 1! he has bad, full op� artisnSty , t 1 The yarn is on a p r P Also, in pe . I� I pen he intimat of the German ropagan o the declarer' are at a disade ! containing the king against a suit n ` - "lurid. up the situaeton. Rent with some p eats # artner haat not bid, bid, if there is any. outer possible . Because it contains more vitalizing statement given out .at Ed- da circulated during the war. The vantage. Ii P s Asthma Cannot .,est when rias clearing etc ` sap an food you.can get.. ed In's a be a ener'1 xe '` what should be the openintl lead '3 ,`lead: , It as nearly always a trice greatest of sail asthma specifies is vitam;nes tl y that. Me- mouton, there. may g 149th was not a Western Battalion Yau ll be glad to know anixation. but was recruited from tambton i is a question that puzzles. ter loser. t � used. Dr. .I, D, Kellogg's Asthma' 8�4r , ....• .._ . + Liver Extract Tablets conic .org on. controversy hinges County, Ontario: the men named are .Th # q io hitt, the average, Tho writer, has occasionally men. + Remedy assuredly deserves this ex ('•oy s Cod L v a sited title. It has to credit ata thou- _ The res y. sugar C.oated form. naw, so if you a on the question of a railway outlet not in the list Of Victoria Cross Bald- :experts at tam in outs P he northern court of enquiry .field at player can greatly overcome this dif, I tib Articles. the Law of Symmetry in chest sands• of cases which other prepara- want to put 10 or K0 pounds of for the wheat Rtrawn In ars, and a Ca really e Edmonton, found that the bullet which faculty .lay the careful study of a good etrticies. .This Laic' is, in effect, i �' tions had failed to benefit.: it brings healthy flesh on your bones and part of Alberta. Th the time d Frain leads. In laying .against theory that there; is a symnietrica %Olid, h n 'and British Columbia had killed Richthofen was' firetable of a p help to even the inust . severe cases }. N well and strong and have s coin» Dunvega ° r, t to convey ss -much' relation existing between the distrii and brings the patient to a condition ; ROOINS feel w 1e will iidmire=ask Railway is owned by the Provide , above, downward. A captain 1l a the declarer,, try plexion. that pet+p , been unddr ieaae to thean Eastern' Ontario town, information as gossible to your Part• budon of the, four suits in any, one or I of blessed relief. Surely suffering E diru ist for a bolt, of. McCoys and Baas be .. northwesterly from name is shown in the British re- use of conventional leads and the hands And the distribution of from asthma ig: needless when a rent- spy C. P. R. It runs Cod Liver Extract Tablets. uta the Peace River Coun» .Cords. received the D. F: C. for the Her y Watch Your partner'.a play .. any. one of the four suits. among the edy like. thiel as sa easily secured. C Edmonton i discards. only GO cents for Gp tablets and it try and grain Sodded Into its cars .exploit. and that.of the declarer very'ciosely four hands. This symnietricai rela -- ou dorh gain five pounds in 30 days hs to go south through Edn',onton ..:_- i la of tion is we exeamplified by the, distri y i is authorised to hand Coat. Strike Nearing VIA Try not only to make every Play yonT:drugs druggist and Calgary. thence iNest, to Vancou-.' our own convey information to you bution of the following ,sand wluct ver. lion. Mr..Greenfield Is said to The end, of the anthracite coal' y. v , you back -the money you pard for , them. have `been sympathetic toward a re- ,strike 'is foreseen in' tiia agreement, partner, but try alas to learn some; came up recently in actual Play I s which has been f d h L. Lewis President of the H. A t It isn't anything unusual far' :a per- news, pf the ea a. o a n , ea ion to n 10 pounds in •30 days, and viewed with disfavor b ass welloas by united :aline Workers, and other. un -i . Globs-�K, J, 7, 4 .vou r ajd oto ~Cath feebtRness over- settlers in the distrlct'af his Cabinet, son allicials;,to meet h committee of biamonds-A, 8, 1, G,'2 some of the members the owners and discuss the than sub- } for P -A[ •tel tthem they work »wonders. who were hopeful that a branch line nutted by Governor Pinchot'of Tenn- Spades -6, 4, 3 a of the Canadian National might be wivania for reopening the, mines. _-: Hearts- -X, 10, '7, 5; 3 . M l� Govexnor Panchot rpposesr the urea- G Bonn Y Qmtot4 oap,Lall ata aatAlr`a >fAEg! !w H !! built from a point near Jasper Park ;Hearts -4, `J, B : Clubie-2. p 10, 8, 6, 5 e A 32 s northerly to connect with the ;;r D. tion of a "board of i>Livtstigatian and Globs --Re Diamonds -K. 10:8 1Alf� �»tee•u'a•5 A.'TOO and 1i. C., at its loose. end, and thus .award;' chosen by operators• and: Hisrrionds- Q, J, 0, h Z ' Spades --•J, 0, 8, 2 r. afford a much shorter haul to xea miners, with authority to determine S ades- 7 ^""" board. whether costa justify mere ed wit- p Kearts--A, 8, 4, 2 Mr, Brownlee, the new �remler, is ges and to mike ssi�ti award within Clubs --A, 9, 3 a lawyer, Who was mentioned for the' six months if An incfealse is'warrant- piamonrls--4. ' °dice in 1921. when the United FaVvn-' 'ed. fending, the decision of the i . t .,. n P 10' G' . S _. ,i -A. K,, p� ....., -rtet +cxnte..f...pcvaer, .twT k tea•. men...oro,ilei._.go_..4s aworlE,.. ,...,, , ..,....,...,...... _ ars,"p 'Y .._j��.- ,..:.... .._ �. ........ aside in favor of A tiller Of White the OpergtOra have not yet ac stepped While this pra#acal it ata expected 11 a score, rubber game. Z dealt enc, diamond bolding and that Qf° t,ic the soil. NOW- with tNe best of feel- ' iaift betty*een the two men, he sus- w days. bad one spadt. All passed. and Aloe/ dummy also indicated a passibiBty i seeds to, the Premiership. {they will do as within a few tined the fix of clubs. Z won .the that these Waits were divided 5-4.3.1" Premiership. I Dohrrty itesigtis Seat - trick with the nine of clubs and prat Z, therefore, decided to play accord- ` Thr Queen Mother's . Funeral ' Ingly. At the second trick he led the C Oxa+Cuibe.'it ' Bomb speculation exists as to the ,seeded• to ioak-the• ha1iG over. Whie• ° In bitterly cold weather rind lin tbti reasons underlying the ,action of .wool�l. _you figure as to probable diss ace of hearts and then a low heart alre COMentr midst a►i a sw,rling snowstorm, I,nL- Flan. Manning Aobertyy former Min wribution and etsrrect play of the trumping in dummy. He then-ledr 'k!!lte;d beef the tion paid final tribute to Quten :Ilex- inter of Agriculture, 'In. the Drury handl Z should note that his awn low club which B trumped. ands last Friday *lion with impres- Cabinet, in rtsigning� his, beat as! hand and Y's were divided 5-4-3.1. trick Z played his ace of clubs %t` ffaivottl food sive funeral pomp the public service member of the Ontario Legislature ' at Westminster Abbey was conduct :.for East Kent. The reasonberseb a ecl�i�so sed' that A opened the six that lir. could finesse the king jatok 1 a ' 1!#jUC Of plxrne� ed afar 100,000 persons had earth by Mr, Daheriy in a lett that B played the deuce later.` No matter what B naw plays slowly past the bier of the much his constituents, are that his sym- If B lied held two clubs, he would Z- must make a smau sura, Figurc • ,,� ,., beef. That in strikin Conservatism have' started an echo to Show hie it out. The hand is remarkable it ag with n fralh Mother. hies are now i h contrast seen at to ?i ,tri- u• Q h ds b Wf yozomolds h contra�et was the simple servirt con» in Federal politics,. rvhuh, he feels, partner that he, caa,d trump flit that after the -first load the . v�e a fbr ducted in the Albert Metnarial Cha. makes 3t inconsistent. for him to re- third round of eluba so his plAi of tion of SII four suits can be so ac. Pei on Saturday in the Presence Of tain his treat as a . Proxresslve mem- the deuce indicated. a Singleton... "L curattly 'determined. , It is slsqq a re. a little group of about twenty+ of ate. ber of the Ontario House. therefore, figured that the clubs were markable illustration of the Lkw of itrvst�idrga@iletes immediate relativts. headed by King i and � afss. George, and including the Kings of Dame for Caaasla dirlded 5"4'3»1 He holds live deader Symmetry. All of the four suits ar,d .�ASOI� � `� �SCG�i �'�L:A�E�t NANO Denmark and :rarway. The casket. Denmark. which is said to spend and his dummy three so that if A all of the four hands have the same j,11 „ It 14 0ho wiry Oxo Cubes hidden by a mora of fiawerS, was more mangy per Cap+lta Chan °any also held a sinttleton. it must be in distribution, 5=4.3-1, rt is the first ore so popular and say left in the. chapel, to be removed a :•X*sr European country, upon the spades. Therefore the spades mutt time that the writer ever has Hated Permits of p 'I feCt pliying be:ausc of its tone ilsed ctrutti>rtg. ',will xew days hence to the crypt where it ' mainttnance of its unemplavtd, is be digided. 5-4»3»3. His hcari and such is unique hand. be placed beside that of King looking to Canada as a field into ` Am er to Problems No. x purity. Many ,years ago the Mason IV Risch 660k `8I "k i Duke. f.,,Clartme � eldest San, the emigrate profitably, Two of the ' which its surplus population might earned the title of ,The Piano with s Saul'"--- ...__ CAW ri wooa Si*k°%& aha risCya Thret. trag3r deaths W!Wrod is ke dbe neMPe►PM of Coperihagtn with improvements in design and development in . Iar ww+nr Connection with the Passing of the have seat a repretentative to this to *moo** c"crafttnanahi its torn qualities have kc re, swats. WeAt for a sbtal. Queen Itother: I,rsdy Prvke. Witt of oarxntry* to lnwtstis ate ;rtroshects Iliataionds�-A. 8 p, 4 �w. 1 t1* ntwly-installed Load Mayor of here. aCopenhagen alone has 32,000 Spades-- 8. 5 And just as todity no piano equals the MUM W 6XoLoixlpn. d'itd siarddenly of heart fail. unemployed. Hearts -fi ]frisch Piano, so too, the Mason & Risch Player k:r si.. • iieRrtSr 10'' W* after attending a mnior,al nor• , ,a .w...... Y Clubs --7, 6, 3, W vest` °fit. Paul's c t ►II Canon �' Gs3aaany' 'Sigim The fact Clmbs" 'Y!� �_ Q : A B : diamonds -•-10 Piano reprcacnts pe riection ire this typt of musical Toot t, an da?I9cw of . ea i+iYnsiee Gerimany became odkially obli» spadoeds---k, Z«• Spades --••10 instrument. t Ably, upon whom had fallon much. M�sated to rise Locarno Treaty when Spadrs »-t2, 9 t ' of the Iabar of arranglnwt for the e+ew- nt Von Hindenburg attached Preaiirt Hearts-•�-% 5 tJ you ars nhir►kit,g of et fNanr cit a CJw Ott. biers in that aneknt, •gilt, diM at blit his aigriatvXr to the pact, thwaa male• Clubs •,-•J ' homw after raterntlur fvx" thr puh- in its. tOwwas part of the laver ol? the IHantoiwds»- 7, 5 creast Gilt, sari; aur SFaieraortrt awt J,sa► lic ueirvk*,- and at s rAwl+uid. the land, Ineortly► afterwwards riiancel- Mownftttela Pia�rtr iiirrw, " Sluff'" -K' J wareka of a tbw fth wu meads»tall; lar Luthw and foreign 11falster l stroomars loft for Lor4w for the Z i in tbi carie a *--A- loath of Va spades will w hal f o siK,iiat m tine treaty on bee- 'Iliere w reo trumps asnel s MAS A S )N J hr►lf of fisc Qerraate fta'rectiment. lead. Iiaw can Sill win all the tricky be tool. Anil of the three disarirt j agalr,st tiny ieftaaeT Z r. ould ,sac tiesrrrtaert, will hU► A's poria °pati tc l±IA10sao 1109 Deed Y a hak with tlw efssle the trick la^ a few of a trick. Sepf+os+ he dls• ,' tet jack Of stabs aied win Ties i Sai k Istra, , r,. Y ishaark' corals a Mart. Y plays ibis ti+assai ant Stratford Branch 'Ftaitaa 'i, I. who diOi at lllstrstkt 1 hat Pitnd. revs oiir- i catty at 0xfsa,i aria iCeridhurst. erns reef, tori the Hirt of t.saoS on whirl raise, the tk flit et epanle+r. ir was art ertilnaariaatic airAkw of the Z shosrsd disaaral flet five ail 0xr4Lud , wins the %A grid Isaias lase rrd ' a' O Hoy stunt raeeowaeeec. A iw Cesar elf ap,iasat a aliarard. I! hte,ata. 'lgiwi► earn A lienar i*,esord Dna'i•�wVtaltsl� „ "'•'• lea diatn,reis a heart. Y via plait the a r pwa or a ei8sawtrrsi" If ties fuxra S i,AA s r ORD gwtw"rr of kions a" lead a SPI& A er, Ts 111041140 is good tf tim latter that " Wilt 4f, IrsarR wIn jet atonal, yv 41aarrMas da e SOW 1* that Yy , t� It A iwror'do a di m"A. both of 'rr mwwurt twin 'the iaAenee of %* trkks. Cor 3144. S TZ.. A mill be 9"d. It A as - yes„ ..?- •f, 4f ! M im 4f ! M im